ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...

Page created by Eddie Carroll
ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
     January — February 2019

Snap Shots
ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
Deacon Diane’s Dispatch:

Reflections on a New Year
I can freely admit that I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. They add stress to my life. I
hate picking one day of the year to change several things in my world, for example, join the
gym to exercise 4 days a week, change my food intake dramatically by dieting, etc.… New
Year’s Resolutions, according to Siri, the ever capable assistant on my phone, are only kept by 8% of
Americans. Depressing, huh? I would like to suggest that we reflect on our past year, collectively as well as
personally, with some pointed questions.
       What was the single best thing that happened last year?
       The single most challenging thing?
       What was an unexpected joy in the past year?
       Who were your most valuable relationships with this past year? Who were your new relationships
       In what ways did you grow emotionally? Spiritually? Physically? In relationship with others?
         In relationship with God?
       What was the single biggest time waster for you this year?
       What was the best way you used your time this past year?
       What did you learn about yourself this past year?

Consider discussing these things with someone close to you, or take a pen and paper (old school style!) and
write your answers. You might be surprised at what you find!

In 2019 – as the Nurse and Mother in me starts talking, please consider your personal health a priority. It’s
never too late to make positive changes in our bodies and our minds!! Ideas: Go for a walk, even a short one
– outside, where you can get the benefits of some sunshine and the breeze in your hair. Even better, grab
your dog or a friend (or both!). Turn off your electronic device 30 minutes before bedtime and read a book,
or spend quality time with a loved one. Start a Gratitude Journal – look it up if you don’t know what it is.
Choose wisely what you eat. Do something that pushes your boundaries or your comfort zone. Volunteer
somewhere. Spend more concentrated time with our Lord.

DON’T try to make big changes at the beginning of the year. Work into things gradually!
I am so very excited about the possibilities for our congregation in 2019, both corporately, and individually!
You will never know what a joy it has been to come back ‘home’ and be your Deacon… God is good!!

                                                            Be well, be blessed, be you! Deacon Diane Kruger

ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
Music Notes for January and February
                           Epiphany Celebration
                               Opera Kansas presents its 30th Anniversary production of Amahl and the
                           Night Visitors Sunday, January 6, 2019, 3:00 pm at the Catholic Church of the
                           Magdalene, 12626 E 21st Street, Wichita. This beloved one-act opera in English
                           by American composer Gian Carlo Menotti, has been a staple, family friendly
                           performance in the holiday traditions of many in Wichita for thirty years. This
                           year we will celebrate the Epiphany story by joining the three kings as they seek
rest and witness a miracle at the humble home of the crippled boy, Amahl, and his mother on the actual
Feast Day of the Epiphany.
   This opera features St. Stephen’s own Benjamin Winters as King Melchior who will be joined by other
very fine singers from our community as well as orchestra. Following the opera will be a King’s Ball to feast
on traditional King’s Cakes, to meet the performers, and to support the outreach mission of Opera Kansas.
  St. Stephen’s has joined with Opera Kansas and other local churches to be a supporting
congregation of this special anniversary performance. Opera Kansas has been using St.
Stephen’s as a rehearsal location and with gratitude for this gift is offering our
congregation a discounted price for tickets to the performance.
   If you would like to purchase tickets to the performance, you can either add your name to the sign-up
sheet located in the parish hall and a group order will be placed, or you can contact Ashley Winters
directly for a discount code to purchase tickets online. For any questions about the performance or how
to get tickets, please contact Ashley or Benjamin Winters, or Opera Kansas at or
785.393.1546                                                        Ashley Winter, Choir and Music Director
      "SAVE THE DATE” SHROVE TUESDAY, March 5th for the Annual Pancake Supper
             and the 5th Annual Winters, Winters, and Watson Shrove Show!

                                                                              IONA SERVICE
                                                                                 February 6th
 St. Stephen’s Planned Giving                                            at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall
   Materials are available in the                                       followed by a potluck supper.
narthex, or contact                                                  All our welcome to join this serene
 Paul Attwater, III,                                                       service for a midweek
Chair, 316 734-9827                                                            “pick-me-up”.

The “Loose Offerings” (undesignated cash) from “alms and contributions” at the first
Sunday of each month is designated for the “Rector’s Discretionary Fund”. These funds are
used for charitable needs among the congregation and the community. You might
consider contributing extra cash on the First Sunday of the month to meet the special
needs of our community. This time of the year, the need is great!

ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
CORE VALUE RESULTS                            EVANGELISM
What is it that St. Stephen’s stands for?                      Don’t show up at my house
       Family                                                  Don’t ignore
       Supportive community                                    Don’t give a pledge card on first visit
       Christ-centered community                               Don’t ask prying questions
       Opportunity to live the gospel we are                   Too many phone calls vs no phone calls
            taught                                             No snake handling
       Welcoming, worshiping, inclusive commu-                         MISSION STATEMENT
            nity                                          Q.   What is the mission of the Church?
Why do we do what we do around here?                      A.   The mission of the Church is to restore
       Christ-centered community                               all people to unity with God and each
       In order to follow Christ                               other in Christ.
       Living out our beliefs for his sake, Baptis-
            mal Covenant                                  Q.   How does the Church pursue its
       Love of God                                             mission?
       Support and fellowship                             A.   The Church pursues its mission as it
What can we do for you?                                        prays and worships, proclaims the
       Christ-centered community                               Gospel, and promotes justice, peace,
       Nurture the relationships among Christian               and love.
            family members
       Be welcoming and accepting                         Q.   Through whom does the Church carry
       We encourage people to live out their                   out its mission?
            faith in a place to belong                    A.   The Church carries out its mission
       Want you                                                through the ministry of all its
            Being wanted                                       members.
                “Nice to know you are wanted”

ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
Message from the Treasurer:

               The Holidays mean the end of the year and planning for next year. The Finance
               Committee has met in December and will hold a special meeting on January 8, 2019
for the purposes of developing a budget for 2019. The regular Finance Committee will meet the
following week, January 15th, to finalize the budget and review the financial statement for the
entire year of 2018. All will be presented to the Vestry on January 16th. Assuming the Vestry
approves, the budget and financial statements will be presented to the full congregation at the
Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2019.

On behalf of the Finance Committee, I wanted to thank our generous parish members for their
continuing financial support of our church. We continue to be challenged with an older building that
needs a great deal of tender, loving care and our staff costs are ongoing to keep ministries active.
Your support over the past year and into next year makes great things possible.

Happy New Year to all and I look forward to presenting my report to you at the Annual Meeting!

                                                                     Lyndon Wells. Parish Treasurer

                          FOR THE
                     ENGAGEMENT OF THE
                     FOLLOWING COUPLES:
 11/10 Diana Norton & Dennis Stucky
 12/20 Sydney Runyan & Matt Anderson
 12/21 Amy Sinclair & Nate Roth

ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
Godly Play is returning to Sunday School,
                we will have retraining for 2019.
  THIS SUNDAY (January 6th): For Epiphany Sunday, we will be having a
birthday party for Jesus in the Sunday School classrooms! We are asking that
your child please bring an unwrapped baby item for the Baby Jesus (wipes,
diapers, pacifiers, blankets, etc.), that we will place on the Altar and will be
delivered to the Wichita Children's Home by our Youth Group.
   We have had a very fun and informative session on the Old Testament Jesse Tree stories through Advent
and leading up to Christmas. Beginning January 6th, we will go back to studying the same readings that you
hear out in the church for the gospel. We will be using the "Lesson Plans that Work" free Episcopal
curriculum. Please discuss the gospel readings with your children!
                                                                                   Julia Hart and Hazel LeVardi

                          St. Stephen’s
                          Sensational Youth
                     Hi Sensational Youth!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Some upcoming EDOK events listed below. If you
need more information, let me know.

MIQRA (meek-rah) is a weekend retreat that focuses on the Bible and allows teens to discover what’s
in it, why we should care, and how to read it.
When: Saturday, January 19, 2019, 1 pm to Monday, January 21, 2019, 10:30 am
Where: Grace Cathedral, 701 SW 8th Ave., Topeka, KS
Who: Grades 6-12
Fee: $55 (if this is your first ever diocesan youth event, pay just $25)
Priority Deadline: Friday, January 4, 2019 (price increases by $15 after this date)
Register now!

MUSIC WEEKEND, Friday, February 22-Sunday, February 24, 2019, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,
Manhattan. Just wanted to share this event as I know we had a few youth interested in it. It’s a
great weekend to get to know the Mustard Seed Band, learn the youth worship songs, and grow
your own musical talent! Enjoy the rest of your break and I can’t wait to see you all after the New

When: July 23-30, 2019
Who: Adults, college students, and youth who have finished grades 9-12.
(Note: trip is limited to 18 total participants.)
Cost: $500, includes local transportation, meals, and local housing in an AirBNB

                         Sydney Runyan, Youth Director, and Matt Anderson, Assistant Youth Director

ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
January Birthdays            1/29   Kim Vining             2/11   Diane Kruger
1/1    Honor Bates           1/31   Janice Benningfield           Wyatt Shield
1/5    Mallory Floyd                Denny Kruger           2/14   Susan Gaskill
1/6    Melanie Shurden                                            Amy Staples
1/7    Paul Seymour          January Anniversaries         2/16   Bill Thompson
       Brad Vining           1/11 Steve & Anne Stephens    2/19   Jim Lawing
1/9    Amanda Shield         1/15 Bruce & Lisa Schriefer   2/22   Juliette Samaniego
1/10 Suzanne Graham          1/28 Dick & Earlene Foote     2/23   Justin Cooke
       Justin Hinsley                                      2/25   Luke Staples
1/15 Lincoln Brasser         February Birthdays            2/27   Lisa Schriefer
1/16 Rosalee Myers           2/4   Liz Steele              2/27   Ted Shurden
1/19 Tim Korte               2/5   Dick Foote
1/24 John Myers              2/6   Maggie Benefiel
1/28 Becky Samaniego         2/8   Libby Marshall
       Joan Seaton           2/9   Theo Vining
       Dodie Seymour

               St. Stephen’s Book Club Winter 2019

All our invited! The Book Club meets at noon on Thursdays.
            Reading, conversation and fellowship.

                                       Daughters of the King
                                         DOK meets on the
                                    third Sunday of each month
                                   at 12:15 in the Fireside Room.
                          Sunday, January 20th and Sunday, February 17th

                                                LARKSFIELD PLACE
                                         2 pm In the Meditation Chapel
                                              January 13th & 27th
                                             February 10th & 24th

                                                        Join in
                                                    the church!
                                                Sunday, January 6th
                                                  following the
                                                  10:30 am service
ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
January and February 2019
Tues-Jan 1st—               PARISH OFFICE CLOSED                Sun–Jan 20th   8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
Wed-Jan 2nd                                                                    9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal
                                                                                          “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,
                                                                               9:30 am
Thurs-Jan 3rd    Noon       St. Stephen’s Book Club                                       Mike Morrow, Presenter
                            Buildings & Grounds                                10:15 am   Children’s Sunday School
                 6:30 pm    Committee Meeting, Fireside                        10:15 am   Youth Group, Youth Room
                            Room                                               10:30 am   Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
                                                                               12:15 pm   DOK Meeting, Fireside Room
                            Committal Service for John T.
Fri-Jan 4th      6:00 pm
                            Pratt, Holy Spirit Chapel           Mon-Jan 21st   6:30 pm    EfM– Fireside Room

Sun–Jan 6th      8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One Thurs-Jan 24th            Noon       St. Stephen’s Book Club
                 9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal
                 10:15 am   Children’s Sunday School Sun–Jan 27th              8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
                 10:15 am   Youth Group, Youth Room                            9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal
                 10:30 am   Holy Eucharist: Rite Two                                      “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,
                 11:30 am   DEGREENING OF THE CHURCH                           9:30 am
                                                                                          Mike Morrow, Presenter
                            Epiphany “Amahl and the                            10:15 am   Children’s Sunday School
                 2:00 pm
                            Night Visitor” Event                               10:15 am   Youth Group, Youth Room
                                                                               10:30 am   Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
Mon-Jan 7th      6:30 pm    EfM– Fireside Room                                            PARISH ANNUAL MEETING and
                                                                               11:30 am
                                                                                          POTLUCK LUNCH, Parish Hall
                            Finance Committee Meeting,                         2:00 pm    Larksfield Place Visit
Tues-Jan 8th     6:00 pm
                            Fireside Room
                                                                Mon-Jan 28th 6:30 pm      EFM, Fireside Room
Thurs-Jan 10th Noon         St. Stephen’s Book Club
                                                                Thurs-Jan 31st Noon       St. Stephen’s Book Club
Sun–Jan 13th     8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
                 9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal                     Sun–Feb 3rd    8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
                 10:15 am   Children’s Sunday School                                      Choir Rehearsal
                                                                               9:00 am
                 10:15 am   Youth Group, Youth Room
                                                                                        “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,
                 10:30 am   Holy Eucharist: Rite Two                           9:30 am
                                                                                        Mike Morrow, Presenter
                 2:00 pm    Larksfield Place Visit                             10:15 am Children’s Sunday School
                                                                               10:15 am Youth Group, Youth Room
Mon-Jan 14th     6:30 pm    EfM– Fireside Room
                                                                               10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two

                            Finance Committee Meeting,                                    EFM, Fireside Room
Tues-Jan 14th    6:00 pm                                        Mon-Jan 28th 6:30 pm
                            Fireside Room

Wed-Jan 15th     6:30 pm    Vestry Meeting, Fireside Room Sat-Feb 2nd          9:30 am Altar Guild Leaders Meeting
                                                                               10:30 am Worship Committee Meeting
Thurs-Jan 16th Noon         St. Stephen’s Book Club                            11:30 am Acolyte/Chalice Training

Sat-Jan 19th -   1:00 pm    MIQUA—EDOK Youth Event,                                       IONA Service followed by
                                                                Wed-Feb 6th    6:00 pm
Mon-Jan 22nd     10:30 am   Grace Cathedral, Topeka                                       Potluck Supper
                                                                               6:45 pm    Education Meeting

                                                                Thurs-Feb 7th Noon        St. Stephen’s Book Club
ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
January and February 2019
Sun–Feb 10th 8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
             9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal
                        “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,
               9:30 am
                        Mike Morrow, Presenter
                                                             The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Korte, Rector
               10:15 am Children’s Sunday School
                                                             The Rev. Deacon Diane Kruger, Deacon
               10:15 am Youth Group, Youth Room
               10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
                                                             Anne Stephens, Senior Warden
               2:00 pm Larksfield Place Service
                                                             Vacant, Junior Warden
                                                             Lyndy Wells, Treasurer
Mon-Feb 11th 6:30 pm     EfM– Fireside Room
                                                             Paul Attwater, III, Asst Treasurer
                                                             Vacant, Clerk
Thurs-Feb 14th Noon      St. Stephen’s Book Club
Sun-Feb 17th   8:30 am  Holy Eucharist: Rite One
                                                                              Jorinda Brant (2020)
               9:00 am  Choir Rehearsal
                                                                               Joe Johnson (2018)
                        “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,                     Richard Samaniego (2019)
               9:30 am
                        Mike Morrow, Presenter
                                                                               John Staples (2018)
               10:15 am Children’s Sunday School
                                                                              Linda Stewart (2018)
               10:15 am Youth Group, Youth Room                                Ben Winters (2019)
               10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two
               12:15 pm DOK Meeting, Fireside Room                          VESTRY MEETINGS:
                                                                 January 16th, 6:30 pm in the Fireside Room
                                                                February 20th, 6:30 pm in the Fireside Room
Mon-Feb 18th 6:30 pm     EfM– Fireside Room
                                                                       Reminder for Vestry Members
                         Finance Committee Meeting,
Tues-Feb 19th 6:00 pm                                        If you are scheduled as Vestry in Charge for Sunday,
                         Fireside Room
                                                                it is important to be on time to open the doors.
                                                              Front door to be locked for safety 10 minutes after
Wed-Feb 20th 6:00 pm     Vestry Meeting, Fireside Room
                                                              a service begins. The duties are printed and a copy
                                                               is on the refrigerator in the parish kitchen and in
Thurs-Feb 21st Noon      St. Stephen’s Book Club
                                                                                   the sacristy.
Sun–Feb 24th 8:30 am    Holy Eucharist: Rite One
                                                             FOR SAFETY, BE SURE ALL LIGHTS ARE OFF, COFFEE
             9:00 am    Choir Rehearsal                            MAKER AND DISHWASHER OFF, and
                        “The 12 Prophets” Bible Study,         DOORS ARE ALL LOCKED PRIOR TO LEAVING.
               9:30 am
                        Mike Morrow, Presenter
               10:15 am Children’s Sunday School
                                                                 If you split the early service and late service
               10:15 am Youth Group, Youth Room                          with another vestry member,
               10:30 am Holy Eucharist: Rite Two                        please notify the Parish Office.
               12:15 pm Pastoral Care Committee
               2:00 pm Larksfield Place Service               If you are away on the Sunday you are scheduled,
                                                                  notify the Parish Office of your replacement.
Mon-Feb 25th 6:30 pm     EfM, Fireside Room
                                                             Buildings and Grounds Committee will move
                         Education Meeting, Parish           to quarterly meetings. Spring clean up and
Wed-Feb 27th 6:30 pm
                                                             Fall Cleanup, greening and de-greening of
Thurs-Feb 28th Noon      St. Stephen’s Book Club             the church.
ST. STEPHEN'S STORY January - February 2019 - Snap Shots 2018 - St. Stephen's Episcopal ...
Communion Wine January and February 2019
        We all may sign up on the bulletin board to donate towards communion
       wine suggested donation is $15.00. Dedication may be giving in Celebra-
          tion, Memory or Thanksgiving. Please note “WINE” on your check.

1/6            Celebration of the New Year                 Gary & Janice Knox
1/13                   Healthy 2019                       Innes & Karen Phillips
1/20        Celebration of Tim Korte’s Birthday             The Korte Family
1/27      Celebration of Greg Benefiel, Tami Eitle       Tom & Maggie Benefiel
2/3           Thanksgiving for St. Stephen’s                  Anonymous
2/10            Celebration of my Birthday                    Diane Kruger

                                         The Children’s Pageant
Altar Flowers January and February 2019

1/6                 Celebration of a Surprise                  Vera Aikman
1/13         Celebration of our Wedding Anniversary        Denny & Diane Kruger
2/10         Memory of Catherine Gentner McNulty          Tom & Maggie Benefiel
2/17            Thanksgiving for Kenneth Norton             Don & Karen Norton

                              SIGN UP SHEETS FOR 2019
                       are on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.
             DEDICATE Altar Flowers, Memory Lamp, Sanctuary Lamp
      this is a great way to celebrate an event, a memorial for a loved one, or
                   thanksgiving, as well as help support the parish.
                 Suggested donation for altar flowers is $60, lamps $5.


                                   Coffee, Tea and Thee
                                       PLAN FOR TREATS!
                          Beginning the first Sunday in January.

                           Alphabetically by Last Name

                A—F will be the first Sunday of each month
                G—L will be the second Sunday of each month
                M—R will be the third Sunday of each month
                S—Z will be the fourth Sunday of each month
          Intergenerational (fifth) Sundays all bring a favorite treat

 When it is the week with your last name, bring a favorite treat (i.e., cheese/
               crackers, baked items, fruit, meat/cheese, etc.).
   This group will also be responsible for setting up the table with treats
                               and for clean up.
    Even if you don’t bring treats, please assist with set up and clean up.

The Annual Parish Meeting
                                                           will be held on
                                                       Sunday, January 27th
                                                      following the 10:30 am
                                                     service in the Parish Hall.

          There will be a potluck lunch, based upon your last name,
               please bring a dish to serve 6 per the list below:
                       A—I Vegetable or Side Dish
                       G—Q Bread or Dessert
                       R—Z Main Dish (meat dish, casserole, etc.)

                *Don’t forget to mark your dishes and serving pieces!

                      St. Stephen’s
                    Episcopal Church
                         7404 E. Killarney
                        Wichita, KS 67206
                       Phone: 316 634-2513
                       Fax: 316 634-2580
                        Parish Office Hours
                         Monday - Friday
                             9 am- 1 pm
       The Rev. Dr. Mary J. Korte, Rector
        The Rev. Deacon Diane Kruger
Vera Aikman, Parish Administrator/Bookkeeper
  Ashley Winters, Choir and Music Director
     Aubree Brasser, Music Section Leader
           Aubrey Watson, Organist
    Julia Hart, Church School Coordinator
  Hazel LeVardi, Church School Coordinator
     Abby Bishop, Primary Church School
     Mary Sinclair, Primary Church School
        Sydney Runyan, Youth Director
   Matt Anderson, Assistant Youth Director
Lise Van Arsdale Hansen, Nursery Coordinator
           Natalie Lemanski, Nursery
       Melanie Shurden, DOK President
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