KEEPYOUREDGE - Exhibitor Invitation - Hockey Sports Medicine 2018 - AOSSM

Page created by Andy Sanders
KEEPYOUREDGE - Exhibitor Invitation - Hockey Sports Medicine 2018 - AOSSM
 Hockey Sports Medicine 2018
 Hilton Toronto
 Toronto, ON Canada
 August 17-19, 2018

Exhibitor Invitation

           Provided by:        Sponsored by:
GENERAL                                                     KEEPYOUREDGE
                                                            Hockey Sports Medicine 2018

INFORMATION                                                 Score one for your team – Exhibit at this

                                                                        CUSTOMS BROKER
LOCATION                         EXHIBITOR SET-UP HOURS
The meeting will be held at      Every meeting participant must         North American Logistics
the Hilton Toronto, Ontario,     present photo identification to        Services, Inc.
Canada. Located in the heart     pick up materials. On-site set-        Contact: Michele Odhoch
of downtown Toronto, the         up will take place during the          P: 905/951-1612 ext 5495
hotel is within walking          follow hours:                          Fax: 905/951-9613
distance to many dining          Thursday, August 16, 2018              Email:
options as well the theatre,     9:00am - 4:00pm
entertainment and financial                                             AUDIO/VISUAL
districts.                       COMPLIMENTARY MEALS                    If you require audio/visual
                                                                        services, please contact Pat
ATTIRE                           A continental breakfast will be        Kovach at at
Attire is business casual.       provided Friday - Sunday. A            least four weeks prior to the
Consider dressing in layers to   reception will be held on Friday       meeting to make
accommodate all                  evening at the Hockey Hall of          arrangements.
temperatures.                    Fame.
                                                                        AMERICANS WITH
EXHIBITS                         RECEPTION                              DISABILITIES ACT
Exhibits will be on display on   On Friday, August 17, 2018             The AOSSM wishes to take
Friday and Saturday to           there will be a cocktail               those steps to ensure that no
complement the educational       reception for all attendees from       individual with a disability is
sessions.                        6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at The               excluded, denied services,
                                 Hockey Hall of Fame. The               segregated, or otherwise
Includes a 6' draped table,      Hockey Hall of Fame will be
                                                                        treated differently than other
two chairs, tent card sign,      closed to the public during this
                                                                        individuals because of the
and 2 name badges available      time and attendees and their
                                                                        absence of auxiliary aids and
on-site.                         guests can enjoy a private
                                                                        services. If you require any
                                 reception and have access to
                                                                        of the auxiliary aids or
EXHIBIT HOURS                    the Stanley Cup, interactive
                                                                        services identified in the
Friday, Aug. 17th                games and other hockey
                                                                        Americans with Disabilities
7:00am-3:15pm                    memorabilia. Light fare will be
                                                                        Act in order to attend this
Saturday, Aug. 18th              offered as well. This is
                                                                        program, please contact
7:00am-3:30pm                    included in the registration fee.
                                                                        AOSSM prior to arrival at
                                 You will need your badge to
Saturday, Aug. 18th 3:30pm

                                               Questions and information
                                               American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
                                               9400 W. Higgins Road | Suite 300
                                               Rosemont, Illinois 60018
                                               Patricia Kovach
                                               Phone: 847/292-4900 | Fax: 847/292-4905 | Toll-Free Phone:
GENERAL                                                       KEEPYOUREDGE
                                                              Hockey Sports Medicine 2018

Security and Liability
                                                              Score one for your team – Exhibit at this

                                                                        to indemnify, defend and
Independent watchmen will be                                            save and hold the Society,
                                    It is the responsibility of each    the NHL Physicians Society
engaged to provide protection       exhibitor to maintain such
for the overall area, but not for                                       or the Hilton Toronto and
                                    insurance against injury to         their employees,
any particular exhibit. The         person or damage or loss of
American Orthopaedic                                                    representatives, agents,
                                    property in such amounts as         successors and assigns
Society for Sports Medicine         the exhibitors shall deem
(Society), NHL Physicians                                               forever harmless from any
                                    adequate. Insurance protection      and all damages, claims,
Society or the Hilton Toronto       will not be afforded to the
any of their officers, agents or                                        judgments, losses, costs and
                                    exhibitor either by the AOSSM,      expenses, including but not
employees, SHALL NOT BE             the NHL Physicians Society, or
LIABLE FOR ANY ACT OR                                                   limited to attorney’s fees that
                                    the Hilton Toronto.                 may hereinafter at any time
WATCHMEN; or for any                                                    be incurred, suffered,
damage or injury caused to an       Additional Rules                    sustained or imposed upon
exhibitor of his property           Exhibit personnel shall not         the Society, NHL Physicians
occasioned by the condition of      congregate at the entrance to       Society or the Hilton Toronto
the premises or its mechanical      the exhibit foyer area. Exhibit     or their employees, legal
systems; loss by theft,             personnel shall conduct their       representatives, agents or
mysterious disappearance or         business so as to minimize          assigns or be made a party to
damage by fire, accident, or        any obstruction or interference     or be required to pay, do or
any other act or omission of        with the flow of traffic in         perform by reason of, arising
the Society, NHL Physicians         the exhibit foyer aisles. No        out of, or by virtue of, or
Society or the Hilton Toronto,      sales meetings shall be             incident to, the performance
or its officers, agents and         conducted in the exhibit foyer      of any contract or agreement
employees; or any damage or         space. Exhibitors may not let       which may result in
injury arising from any act,        or sublet or transfer the exhibit   acceptance of this application
omission or negligence of said      space without consent of the        or the providing of exhibit
AOSSM, NHL Physicians               AOSSM (Society).In the event        space as herein
Society or the Hilton Toronto       of AOSSM’s failure or inability     contemplated, including, but
or their officers, agents or        to fulfill this contract, for       not limited to, any such
employees. Should                   reasons beyond                      claims, damages, losses or
contingency prevent the             its control, AOSSM agrees to        expenses attributable
holding of this meeting, the        return to the exhibitor all         to bodily injury, sickness,
Society will not be held liable     deposits made and this              disease or death, or injury to
for any expenses incurred by        agreement shall be deemed           or destruction of tangible
the exhibiting corporation.         canceled by mutual consent.         property including the loss of
                                    The exhibitor hereby agrees         use resulting there from.
Conducting Exhibits
All exhibits must conform to
the fire laws, health
regulations, electrical codes
and other ordinances of the
Hilton Toronto. Exhibitor
agrees to comply with all
regulations and policies of
AOSSM in effect from time to
time.                                            BOOK YOUR SPACE EARLY FOR BEST RATE.
                                                 Patricia Kovach
                                                 Phone: 847/292-4900 | Fax: 847/292-4905 | Toll-Free Phone: 877/321-3500
FLOOR PLAN                         Hockey Sports Medicine 2018

Hilton Toronto, Convention Level
                                              KEEP    Y OUREDGE
                                              Hockey Sports Medicine 2018

                                     TABLE TOP EXHIBIT DISPLAY
Exhibiting at this meeting will expose your products to an international audience
of faculty and attendees. With the intimate atmosphere you'll be able to meet
one-on-one with individuals to truly portray the beneficial aspects of your company
and its services. Information displayed should be pertinent to the subject matter of the
course. Nothing can be labeled with a dollar amount. If you have non-FDA approved
items on display, appropriate signage is required.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Toronto at a group rate of $229CDN.
Reservations may be made by calling 1/800-267-2281 and asking for the AOSSM
Hockey Meeting Room Block. You can also book directly online at The reservation deadline is July 23, 2018. Rooms are
guaranteed until this date pending availability. Exhibitors are encouraged to book

EXHIBIT FEE: $1,300.00 on or prior to April 13th, after April 13th $1500.00 per table.
TABLE CHOICE 1st__________ 2nd__________ and 3rd choice _________
Company Name __________________________________
Contact Name ____________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Contact Email ____________________________________
PAYMENT INFORMATION Attached is my check made out to AOSSM (include this form).
   Please bill my credit card     Visa        Master Card    American Express
                                                                                          To secure your table, please fax
Card Number ______________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________      this page to AOSSM at
Name as it appears on the card ________________________________________________________   847/292/4905
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date ___________________
This application must accompany full payment (mailing address on page 2). Written
confirmation will be sent within 15 business days of receipt of application

Table assignment is on a first come, first serve basis.. We
are limited with the amount of space we have for table top
displays. We recommend you secure your space early.
CANCELLATIONS: No refunds after table assignment.
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