SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO

Page created by Gloria Chan
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
SLA 2015
     Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO

        Make the Right Connections at the premier expo for the information industry

June 14 – 16
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, Massachusetts                        
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
Expand Your Market Reach
Expand Your Market Reach in 2015 at the
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
The decision to exhibit is a big one. Staying ahead of your competition and making the right connections
are vital to your success in 2015. Join SLA in Boston and Be Revolutionary! Utilize the reach, influence and
buying power of SLA 2015 attendees to get the most out of your marketing dollars.

• ACCESS to information professionals who are top decision makers in the industry
• MEET new prospects and generate leads
• PROMOTE your organization’s image and maximize its market exposure
• DISCUSS your customers’ needs face-to-face and demonstrate solutions
• RESEARCH your competitors and develop ways to distinguish your products and services from theirs
• TEST or launch new products and services at the customer level
• DEVELOP your database to strengthen your overall sales and marketing programs
• NETWORK and build relationships with decision makers and influencers
• INTRODUCE your company to SLA members
• UPSELL existing clients

SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
GENERAL    Information
The INFO-EXPO hall for SLA 2015 will be open June 14 – 16 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Six hours of
non-conflict time have been scheduled during the INFO-EXPO hours to provide maximum connection opportunities between
SLA 2015 attendees and exhibitors.

Sunday, June 14 …………………… 11:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.                                              Monday, June 15 …………………… 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Opening Reception ……. …………… 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.                                            Networking Refreshments ………….. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

                                              Tuesday, June 16 ………………………9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                                              Networking Lunch ………………….. 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

SET-UP TIMES                                                                                       DISMANTLING TIMES
Friday, June 12 ……………………… 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.                                                    Tuesday, June 16 ……………… 2:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 13 ……………………8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.                                                    Wednesday, June 17 ……………… 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 14 …………………… 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.                                                    No dismantling or removal may be performed during official exhibit hours. Violations
                                                                                                   will result in a 20-point deduction from the exhibitor’s priority points. A fee of $500
All booths must be set up no later than Sunday, June 14, at 10:30 a.m.                             will be billed to any company that dismantles its booth before the official close of the
                                                                                                   INFO-EXPO hall. Dismantling and re-crating must be completed by 5:00 p.m. on
                                                                                                   Wednesday, June 17. Consult the exhibitor manual or show decorator service desk
                                                                                                   for any changes.

Booths                                                                                             Table-Tops
                                                                                                   (For small organizations with annual sales under $100,000)
       Member Rate                               Non-Member Rate
                                                                                                     Member Rate                                         Non-Member Rate
10’ x 10’ (inline) = $2,850                     10’ x 10’ (inline) = $3,350
                                                                                                               $950                                              $1,450
10’ x 10’ (corner) = $3,150                     10’ x 10’ (corner) = $3,650

Booth rentals include:                                                                             Table-Top rentals include:

• One 7” x 44” two-line ID sign, with company name, city                                           • One 7” x 44” two-line ID sign, with company name, city
  and booth number                                                                                   and booth number
• NexxtWall Post and Panel System - 8’ high back wall                                              • Pipe and Drape - 8’ high back wall
  and 3’ high side panels                                                                          • One wastebasket
• One wastebasket                                                                                  • 6’ skirted table with one chair
• Two complimentary exhibitor registrations* per 10’ x 10’                                         • 9’ x 10’ carpet
  space                                                                                            • One complimentary exhibitor registration*
• Unlimited client/customer INFO-EXPO invitation passes                                            • Unlimited client/customer INFO-EXPO invitation passes
• Six exclusive non-conflict hours in the INFO-EXPO                                                • Six exclusive non-conflict hours in the INFO-EXPO
• Company description and logo (if provided) in the Online                                         • Company description and logo (if provided) in the Online
  Conference Planner                                                                                 Conference Planner
• Exhibitor lounge access (with daily refreshments)                                                • Exhibitor lounge access (with daily refreshments)

*Additional exhibitor registrations over the allotted amount can be purchased for $40 per person
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
Connect With Attendees
PRESENTATION OPPORTUNITIES                                                        SPONSORSHIP
Exhibitor Session Presentations are informal                                      Whether your goal is to compete with larger companies,
presentations in the convention center or headquarters                            distinguish your services from the competition, launch
hotel for SLA conference attendees. Prices begin at                               a new product or attract more prospects to your booth,
$950 for a 60 – 90 minute time slot, and include a                                SLA has a sponsorship opportunity designed to meet
private room, podium, microphone, and signage. The                                your marketing needs. Contact Everett Woods at
event is also published in the online conference planner,                for more information.
onsite pocket program, and the INFO-EXPO Guide.

Exhibitor Theater Presentations are 60-minute formal
                                                                                  An ad in the pocket program guide or on the
sessions in the INFO-EXPO hall in which exhibitors can
                                                                                  conference website will drive home your conference
deliver substantive, case-oriented presentations that
                                                                                  sales message—and draw more traffic to your booth.
relate to their top products and services. The exhibitor
                                                                                  Contact SLA’s business development team to reserve
theater space seats a maximum of 75 attendees and
                                                                                  your space today!
includes Internet access, LCD panel and screen, podium,
microphone, and signage. The cost is $1,675. The event
is also published in the online conference planner, onsite
pocket program, and the INFO-EXPO Guide.

Reservation forms can be found on the SLA 2015                                     SLA MEMBERSHIP
website at                                                 Are you an SLA member? Is it time for you to
Early bird pricing is available for submissions of                                 renew or join? Remember—the fee for exhibit
Exhibitor Session Presentation and Exhibitor Theater                               space includes a substantial discount for
Presentation forms before April 13, 2015.                                          SLA members. Plus, SLA provides exceptional
Contact us at +1.703.647.4922 or                                  networking and learning opportunities throughout
for more information.                                                              the year.

Only registered exhibitors are eligible for Exhibitor Session Presentations and    Take advantage now and choose SLA as your
Exhibitor Theater Presentations.                                                   professional home. Contact us at +1.703.647.4922
                                                                                   or for more information.
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
About SLA Attendees
  SLA Conference Participants Make Purchasing Decisions
  Your time is valuable, so it’s important to make the right connections. SLA’s 2014 Conference Attendee Survey found
  that 83 percent of participants have the authority to approve, specify, or recommend products and services for
  purchase. The national average in the trade show industry is 81 percent. SLA participants also spend an average of
  five hours exploring the INFO-EXPO hall.

                                                                 Attendee Profile by Experience

                                                                12%                                     Over 20 Years: 35%
                                                                                  39%                   16 – 20 Years: 13%
                                                                                                        11 – 15 Years: 16%
                                                                                                        6 – 10 Years: 15%
                                                               12%          15%                         1 – 5 Years: 17%
                                                                                                        Less than 1 Year: 4%

                                        Attendee Profile by Position

                       Library Director
                 Information Specialist
   President/Gen. Mgr/Owner/Principal
           Collection Manager/Director
     Web Content Manager/Developer
      Information/Knowledge Manager
                   Procurement Officer                                                                    HOW TO EXHIBIT
    Other Manager/Director/Supervisor
                                Vendor                                                                    Reserve your space today
                                                                                                          by completing the Online
                                                   0%   5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
                                                                                                         Exhibitor Agreement at
                                Attendee Profile by Organization Type
                                                                                                          All exhibitor agreements must
                                          Other                                                           be accompanied by a 50%
                                       Student                                                            deposit of the total booth fee.
                        Information Technology                                                            Agreements received after
                                      Insurance                                                           March 16, 2015 must include
                                 Research/R&D                                                             full payment.
                              Financial Services                                                                         SLA
                                          Media                                                               331 South Patrick Street
                       State/Local Government
                                       Law Firm
                                                                                                               Alexandria, VA 22314
                      Industrial/Manufacturing                                                                  Tel: +1.703.647.4922
                          Association/Non-profit                                                               Fax: +1.703.647.4901
                               Fed. Government
                                                   0%    5%    10%    15%   20%   25%   30%   35%
SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
Special Libraries Association
331 South Patrick Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USA

      Make the Right Connections
     EXHIBITS LOGISTICS                                                         EXHIBIT SALES
            Jeffrey Leach                                                         Anthony O’Shea
 Director, Marketing & Exhibits, SLA                                  National Account Manager, Exhibit Sales &
     331 South Patrick Street                                              Sponsorship, Tradeshow Logic
 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USA                                             Tel: +1.770.432.8410 x109
       Tel: +1.703.647.4922                                                    Fax: +1.678.501.4038
       Fax: +1.703.647.4901                                            E-mail:

                                                Everett Woods
                                 Director, Business Development & Advertising
                                          331 South Patrick Street
                                       Alexandria, Virginia 22314 USA
                                            Tel: +1.703.647.4917
                                           Fax: +1.703.647.4901

 The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovative information
 professionals and their strategic partners.

 SLA serves more than 8,000 members in 75 countries in the information profession, including
 corporate, academic and government information specialists.

 SLA promotes and strengthens its members through learning, advocacy, and networking initiatives.

SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO SLA 2015 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO
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