Page created by Leslie Patterson
26TH April 2021
Information prepared by the CPO (catholic Parliamentary Office) for the Bishops Conference of Scotland about the stance
of the various political parties in Scotland preparing for the May 6th Scottish Elections on some of the crucial questions of
importance to the Catholic Church in this election.
This table contains a sample of issues of significance for the forthcoming Scottish election and the positions of political
parties in relation to those issues. Where party manifestos and policies are available online, we have used those resources
to populate the table to show each party’s position. This information may be of assistance, especially in relation to
regional votes, where voters express preference for a party.
Please note that there are other policy areas you may want to explore. The issues highlighted are not an exhaustive list of
issues of importance for Catholics. To explore further, please click the relevant party name in the ‘manifestos/policies’
section of the CPO election resource to access manifestos and/or other policy information.
Where ‘no information’ is stated, this means that we were unable to find a policy position either in the party’s 2021
manifesto or on the party website.
Please note:
*Parties are listed in order of manifesto release date.
*Some issues, like child poverty, are complex and there are a variety of policies which could impact a party’s approach to
tackling that particular issue. The table details the most direct policies which aim to tackle child poverty.
Abortion                    Assisted Suicide                 Child Poverty               Gender Law Reform
Scottish Family Party   We affirm the value of          We oppose the introduction     Promotion of ‘family            We oppose the proposed
                        human life in the womb.         of assisted suicide and        stability’ as a policy avenue   Gender Recognition Act.
                        Abortion as a means of birth    euthanasia.                    to be explored in the fight     Officially changing
                        control is morally                                             against poverty.                sex/gender should not be
                        unjustifiable. Ultimately, we                                                                  possible merely at the
                        would like to see the law                                                                      request of an individual.
                        reflect this.                                                                                  Teaching children that they
                                                                                                                       can choose their gender is
                                                                                                                       extremely harmful. Steering
                                                                                                                       children and young people
                                                                                                                       towards puberty-blocking
                                                                                                                       drugs and sex reassignment
                                                                                                                       surgery is grossly
                                                                                                                       irresponsible, given that a
                                                                                                                       clear majority of children
                                                                                                                       will naturally outgrow
                                                                                                                       gender confusion.

Scottish Greens         Decriminalise abortion,         Introduce safe and             Provision of school meals all   Deliver long overdue
                        remove the ‘two doctor          compassionate laws that        year round. Committed to        reforms to the Gender
                        rule’, and retain the           allow terminally ill adults    meeting the legal 2030          Recognition Act, including
                        provision for early medical     the right to an assisted       target of reducing Relative     statutory self-declaration,
                        abortions at home               death when the time is right   Child Poverty to 10%.           recognising non-binary
                        introduced during the           for them.                      Double Scottish Child           identities and all genders,
                        pandemic.                                                      Payment to £20 per week.        and providing access to
                                                                                                                       health care for trans minors
                                                                                                                       with parental or guardian

SNP                     Abortion is a legal right in    The SNP government             Double Scottish Child           In the next parliament we
                        Scotland and we will protect    recently established a         Payment to £20 per week.        will work with trans people,
that right. We have no plans     Citizens’ Assembly to ‘help    Provision of school             women, equality groups,
                             to restrict existing abortion    find consensus on issues       breakfasts and lunches for      legal and human rights
                             legislation. We are clear that   where people have sharply      all state primary school        experts to identify the best
                             those accessing abortion         divided opinions’. The         pupils, all year round.         and most effective way to
                             services should not be           party’s election manifesto                                     improve and simplify the
                             targeted for choosing to         for 2021 commits to further                                    process by which a trans
                             access this right. We will       discussion on assisted dying                                   person can obtain legal
                             support any local authority      under the auspices of the                                      recognition, so that the
                             who wishes to use their          Citizens’ Assembly.                                            trauma associated with that
                             powers to establish bye-                                                                        process is reduced. We
                             laws to create protest-free                                                                     remain committed to
                             buffer zones outside clinics                                                                    making necessary changes
                             that provide abortion                                                                           to the Gender Recognition
                             services.                                                                                       Act that arise from this work
                                                                                                                             at the earliest opportunity.

Scottish Liberal Democrats   We will remove criminal          No information.                We will double the Scottish     Improve laws on gender
                             sanctions for receiving an                                      Child Payment and support       recognition in line with
                             abortion, and for                                               other measures, such as         international best practice
                             appropriately regulated                                         free school meals, as part of   to allow trans people to
                             medical professionals                                           a programme to end child        change the legal gender on
                             providing them. We will                                         poverty, with the intention     their birth certificate with a
                             provide funding so that                                         to meet the targets             simple process based on the
                             users of reproductive                                           unanimously agreed by           principle of self-
                             healthcare services are                                         Parliament. We will             determination, and without
                             provided with enough                                            continue to call on the UK      intrusive medical diagnosis
                             specialist advice to make                                       Government to make              requirements, and include
                             fully informed decisions. We                                    permanent the £20 uplift in     the recognition of non-
                             will legally enforce safe                                       Universal Credit introduced     binary people. This de-
                             zones around abortion                                           during the pandemic to          medicalised system to
                             service providers so that                                       address child poverty.          change legal gender will
                             those visiting can travel to                                                                    better support trans people
                             them free of any
harassment or pressure on                                                                          to live their lives free from
                         their decision.                                                                                    discrimination.

Scottish Conservatives   No information.                  No information.                  Focus on creating jobs. Over     No information.
                                                                                           a third of children in poverty
                                                                                           live in workless households.
                                                                                           Deliver free school lunches
                                                                                           and breakfasts for all
                                                                                           children in primary school.
                                                                                           Complete the rollout of the
                                                                                           Scottish Child Payment and
                                                                                           increase payments to £20
                                                                                           per week by the end of the

Restore Scotland         ‘The sanctity of human life’     ‘The sanctity of human life’     No information.                  No information.
                         is listed as a tenet/objective   is listed as a tenet/objective
                         of the party in its              of the party in its
                         constitution.                    constitution.

ALBA                     No information.                  No information.                  Introduce a £500 Annual          ALBA is calling for a Citizens’
                                                                                           payment to every low             Assembly to be established
                                                                                           income household in              with urgency to develop
                                                                                           Scotland to tackle               binding proposals on reform
                                                                                           deprivation and, in              of the Gender Recognition
                                                                                           particular, to help them with    Act.
                                                                                           big costs that are otherwise
                                                                                           unaffordable on low pay or
                                                                                           Provide free school
                                                                                           breakfasts and lunches for
all early years, primary and
                                                                    secondary school pupils.

Scottish Labour   Scottish Labour will protect    No information.   We support measures to         We will reform the Gender
                  the right of women to have                        increase the Scottish Child    Recognition Act to
                  access to a safe, legal                           Payment to £20 a week by       demedicalise the process
                  abortion and we will                              the end of 2022 to lift more   and allow for the
                  designate buffer zones                            children out of poverty.       recognition of people who
                  around clinics to protect the                     To further address child       identify as neither men nor
                  privacy of women.                                 poverty, we will extend the    women. Scottish Labour
                                                                    current provision of free      shares concerns that some
                                                                    school meals as well as        parents of children with
                                                                    rolling this out all year,     intersex traits, also known
                                                                    ending the scandal of          as variations in sex
                                                                    children going hungry during   characteristics, are still
                                                                    the school holidays.           pressured into unnecessary
                                                                                                   surgeries. While some may
                                                                                                   choose to take medical
                                                                                                   steps later in life, this is a
                                                                                                   choice that must be made
                                                                                                   by individuals themselves.
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