Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020

Page created by Tony Byrd
Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020
Our latest              Matakana School

 Issue 6                                       School newsletter                                                    22 June 2020

     A few words from our principal
K i a o r a Pa r e n t s , C a r e g i v e r s &   I know all the students are super                  If you have some photos, please do
Whanau,                                            excited about being able to go, after              send them through to the school
                                                   the disappointment of having to cancel             office.
I trust everyone is staying warm during            it due to the lockdown. Mrs Steel and
this cold snap, there are definitely a             I really look forward to visiting our              I w o u l d a l s o l i ke t o t a ke t h i s
few of the usual winter ailments                   senior students at Camp Bentzon.                   opportunity to thank the Hurt family
creeping in. We have a busy couple of                                                                 for their very kind donation of books
weeks coming up to round off the                    Last week Room 4 and 5 walked down                 for the Information Centre. This
Term, along with some fun events for               to the Matakana River to study the                 helped to add some fabulous books to
the students.                                      riverine environment with Sarah from               our shelves for students to enjoy.
                                                   Whitebait Connection, they had a
We held a Burger and Sausage Sizzle                great time, and learnt lots of exciting            A final reminder that the second stage
lunch last Friday as a tasty mid-term              new information about how our                      of our 'Reporting to Parents Cycle'
treat prepared by some of our mums.                ecosystems work. Thank you to Miss                 takes place on Tuesday 23rd and
This also coincided with a MUFTI day               Ku r m a n n f o r a r r a n g i n g t h i s       Thursday 25th June, with parent
and can drive. The PTA have kindly                 outstanding outing.                                interviews. This is an opportunity for
delivered the items collected to the                                                                  teachers to inform parents about their
local food banks for distribution.                 Our senior school CatchIT                          child’s achievement data that supports
Thank you to all those that sent in                programme is in full swing this term,              the teacher judgements reflected in the
donations. Check out the photos of                 students are learning about pest                   mid-year progress report. Teachers will
everyone tucking into their lunches.               control and its importance to our                  also discuss the online lear ning
The PTA also has a great evening                   community conservation management                  programme during lockdown.
planned at the end of this week for our            programmes. I trust that some of you               Although bookings have now closed, if
students. There are two movies, one                got a chance to attend our parents                 you missed out you can still contact
for Years 1 - 3, and one for Years 4 - 6.          t r a p p i n g w o r k s h o p o n Tu e s d a y   your child’s teacher to arrange a time.
A notice has come home outlining the               afternoon. This great educational
details. I feel sure that everyone will            programme is facilitated by the Forest             Have a wonderful week,
thoroughly enjoy themselves, and I                 Bridge Trust.                                      Ngā mihi,
would like to thank Liz Molloy and her                                                                Darrel Goosen
team for their organisation of this free           Well done to those students who
event.                                             participated in the 20/40 hour World
                                                   Vision Famine recently. It is inspiring
I am really pleased to announce that a             to see children of primary school age
new date (Sept. 8 - 11) has been                   participate and help in every little way,
confirmed for the Year 6 Camp on                   that means so much to someone far
Kawau Island.                                      away.

                                    09 422 7309 - office@matakana.school.nz, www.matakana.school.nz
                                             Mobile App: SchoolAppsNZ - Matakana School
Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020
Lost Property                           A message from the BOT                                           2020 Term Dates
                                                Let’s talk about uniforms!                                      Term 1: 3 Feb - 9 Apr
Lost property at school is collected into the
                                                Our new polo shirt replaces the polo shirt                      Term 2: 28 Apr - 3 July
large box in the ‘tunnel’ between rooms 2 and
                                                and sports shirt.    It’s heavier weight than
4. Families are encouraged to check for any                                                                    Term 3: 20 July - 25 Sept
missing items by the end of each week.          the sports shirt, looks smart, and will not
                                                fade like the polo shirt does.        We also                  Term 4: 12 Oct - 15 Dec
The box is cleared at least twice a term, and
will need to be cleared next week before        replaced the fleece with a zipped
the school holidays. Currently this box has     fleece. The MOUNTAIN of fleeces in lost                 We are grateful for the support
an exceptionally large number of sweatshirts    property isn’t good for the environment or              from our Award Sponsors again this
which may be being missed by their owners!      your pocket.     We hope the zip means that             Term - Summer Sessions, Plume
If you are coming into school for a Teacher     when kids get hot they can unzip and/or tie
Interview, this would be a great opportunity
                                                                                                        Cafe, Brick Bay and The Stables
                                                them around their waist, helping them not
to check for any missing belongings.                                                                    Restaurant. Students are really
                                                get lost.       Girls seem to love the
                                                opportunity for a fashion statement with
                                                                                                        thrilled to receive these awards at
To assist, the lost property will be moved
to the deck of the hall from Tuesday to         fancy tights in winter, but we really need you          assembly.
Friday this week and sorted into boxes          to stick to plain navy so we have a ‘uniform’                  Congratulations to the
according to size.                              uniform – thanks!
                                                                                                                following students :-
It would be great to see all the sweatshirts      Here’s where we have got to on past
re-united with their owners. Please note that     suggestions for uniform changes:
                                                                                                        Magic Student of the Week:
any unnamed items that remain unclaimed at        ·    Me r i n o j u m p e r – j u s t a b i t t o o   Lila B Rm16 & Issac S Rm8
the end of term are given to the School’s         expensive, especially as it would still get lost!     Sponsored by The Stables & Smiths
uniform shop.                                     ·   Heavier long pants – we had these in the
                                                                                                        Sports Star of the Week:
                                                  past and not many people bought them
                                                                                                        Chloe A R12 & Jackson W R5
                                                ·     Sourcing from a sustainable, ethical
                                                organic cotton provider – in the past we’ve
                                                                                                        Sponsored by Summer Sessions
                                                had smaller companies not able to supply                Plume Playground Award:
                                                consistently, but we’ll keep watching this one
   22      BOT meeting                                                                                  Tomas B Rm8 & Lily L Rm16
                                                ·    More fashionable dresses - all available
                                                                                                        Sponsored by Plume Cafe
                                                uniform dresses are cut to be worn by a wide
   23      Parent interviews and mid year
           reporting                            range of body shapes.
                                                                                                        Creative Kid Award:
   25      Parent interviews and mid year
                                                Thanks so much to Paula in the office for all             Sophie M Rm6 & Isla A Rm8
                                                of the hard work she has done over the years            Sponsored by Brick Bay
                                                getting a uniform solution that best meets as
   22      PTA movie night                      many needs as feasible.     If you have any
                                                feedback        please     send      it   in
  JUL                                           to bot@matakana.school.nz                                         World Vision
                                                                                                        Well done to everyone that participated in the
    3      Orange House assembly
                                                      News from the PTA                                 World Vision Famine this year. To date we
                                                                                                        have raised $1400 and are on target to raise
           LAST DAY OF TERM 2                   Thank you to all the students and                       $2000.
                                                families for your amazing generosity                    If you have not either put your sponsorship in
                                                towards the school’s food collection                    online or bought it back to school please do
                                                                                                        so by the end of next week.
                                                last week, it was a fantastic turn out!                 I know that the children in Malawi will really
  JUL                                           We hope the students enjoyed their                      appreciate your generosity. THANK YOU
                                                mufti day and lunches, the sun was
   20      FIRST DAY OF TERM 3                  shining and there was a great vibe                      "Sending our Aroha to Australia
                                                                                                        Primary Schools" - Bushfire Appeal
                                                across the playground.                                  Thanks to the more than fifty schools who took
   23      School Cross Country
                                                                                                        part in this fundraising initiative on the 14th of
                                                This Friday is our school movie night,                  February. We've managed to raise in excess
   24      House Assembly 1.30pm                a low-key event to mark the end of a                    of $25 915 to send to Australia.
                                                very unusual term. The PTA would love
                                                                                                        We have partnered with SchoolAid’s bushfire
   27      Mahurangi College Visit 2pm          some helpers on the night to assist with                recovery appeal which has the support of the
                                                sel ling snacks and to help usher                       Australian Primary Principals’ Association
           Parent Puberty Evening               children in and out of the hall, please                 (APPA), the Independent Primary School
                                                                                                        Heads of Australia (IPSHA), and the Australian
                                                email pta@matakana.school.nz if you                     Catholic Primary Principals Association
   28      Room 7 & 8 Maritime trip             are available to help with either session.              (ACPPA). As Australian Primary Principals’
                                                Parents are also welcome to attend with                 Association President Malcolm Elliott said:
   29      Interschool Hockey                   their children (especially for the junior               “Primary school students are incredibly
                                                                                                        engaged in helping others and keen to make a
                                                years) now that we are at Level 1.                      difference – and campaigns such as this can
   31      Class Assembly 1.30pm
                                                While the movies have been split                        be used as a positive outlet for students who
                                                                                                        want to help but don’t know how”.
                                                across the year groups, please do email
                                                the PTA if siblings would like to attend                Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they were
                                                                                                        delayed in making the transfer of funds but
   4       Interschool Cross Country
                                                together instead.                                       SchoolAid has received now them to help the
                                                                                                        schools that were impacted by the natural
                                                We hope this will be a fun night for the
   7       House Assembly 1.30pm                children.
Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020
River trip
Room 4 & 5 had a lovely day down at the river exploring with Sarah from Whitebait Connection on the
'Growing our Future' inquiry unit. They were looking at how we could grow and plant native plants like
Manuka and Harakeke to stop run off and protect the Matakana River.
On the trip they also tested the quality of the water and looked at bugs and fish that were found in the river.
They found that, at the moment, it is an alright habitat for whitebait, although this could be further

                                  Burger Friday
 Everyone enjoyed their tasty burgers and Sausage Sizzle. Our can drive was very successful,
 with all items being dropped to a local charity. A big thanks to the PTA and all the helpers.

The Travelwise Ambassadors enjoyed an afternoon training last week with Julie from Auckland
Transport. One of the favourite activities was trying out the speed guns to see how fast the local traffic was
travelling past our school. Fortunately all were within the 50 km limit.
Just a reminder for those using the Kiss, Drop and Drive in the morning to please let their child out on the
side nearest to the fence. This should be done as quickly as possible so that the cars can flow through with
the minimal hold up.
Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020
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                                                                              North Shore Miniatures Exhibition
                                                                                   28th June - 27th August

                                                                  Back by popular demand at the Warkworth Museum, the
                                                                  North Shore Miniatures will share their love of all thats
                                                                  small with a wonderful display of their work, including their
                                                                  interpretation of the famous Hogwarts Cast from the Harry
                                                                  Potter series of books.

                                                                  Check website for opening hours:

                                                                  Entry Fees: $15 per family or $7 per adult and $3 per child.
Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020 Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020 Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020 Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020 Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020 Herald Matakana School - 22 June 2020
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