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I N D EPEN D EN T P U B L I C AT I O N BY                                                                                                                                     RACONTEUR.NET   #0589   21/05/2019

                                                   FUTURE OF
                                            03 FIRMS MUST BE
                                               PREPARED FOR CHANGE            06 WHY GOING GREEN
                                                                                 STARTS UPSTREAM                                                  14 EXPLORING THE RISE OF
                                                                                                                                                     REUSABLE PACKAGING

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I N D EPEN D EN T P U B L I C AT I O N BY                                                   RACONTEUR.NET   #0589   21/05/2019

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                     P A P E R | P A C K A G I N G | S O LU T I O N S

RACONTEUR.NET             03

FUTURE OF                                                                   LEGISL ATION

                                                                          Bending with the
Distributed in

Published in association with
                                                                          winds of policy change
                                                  Sustainability          The UK is in need of improved recycling systems, laws and infrastructure,
                                                  in Packaging
                                                  E   U   R   O   P   E
                                                                          and while change may be slow, companies must be prepared

                                                                          Nick Easen                                                                                                                                                                          “The principle that local author-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ities will collect core packaging,
                                                                                    he winds of change are                                                                                                                                                  such as plastic bottles and contain-
Oliver Balch                            Sarah Dawood                        T       blowing more than just a                                                                                                                                                ers, paper and card, glass and cans,
Journalist specialising in              Experienced writer and                      bit of plastic in the breeze;                                                                                                                                           is a good one. Packaging manufac-
sustainability, business                journalist, she is deputy         they’re now whistling through the                                                                                                                                                 turers and retailers will need to
and travel. He is the                   editor at Design Week
                                                                          halls of Westminster. The govern-                                                                                                                                                 match this list with the products
author of travelogues                   and also contributes to
on South America, India                 The Guardian and The
                                                                          ment has just wrapped up an ambi-                                                                                                                                                 they put on the market or face
and Wales.                              Line of Best Fit.                 tious consultation, the first in ten                                                                                                                                              additional charges.”
                                                                          years, on reforming how we deal                                                                                                                                                     The shake-up is likely to be
Nick Easen                              Rich McEachran                    with waste packaging. Industry                                                                                                                                                    rolled out within four years, with
Award-winning journalist                Journalist covering tech,         and consumers can expect a radi-                                                                                                                                                  a revamped and simplified label-
and broadcaster, he writes              startups and innovation,          cal shake-up.                                                                                                                                                                     ling system; none of the “check
on science, technology,                 he writes for The
                                                                            In a bid to breathe new life into                                                                                                                                               locally” labelling, which has been
economics and business,                 Guardian, The Telegraph
producing content for BBC               and Professional                  a creaking system, significant                                                                                                                                                    deemed a barrier to better recy-
World News, CNN and                     Engineering.                      intervention is expected in the                                                                                                                                                   cling. A deposit return scheme for
Time magazine.                                                            form of policy and fiscal drivers,                                                                                                                                                single-use drinks containers and a
                                                                          amid great expectations within                                                                                                                                                    tax on plastic packaging with less
Jim McClelland                          Giselle La                        the industry. Some are calling it a                                                                                                                                               than 30 per cent recycled content
Sustainable futurist,                   Pompe-Moore                       once-in-a-generation opportunity                                                                                                                                                  is also in the strategy.
speaker and writer, his                 Freelance beauty and
specialisms include built               wellness writer, her work         to revitalise recycling and use of                                                                                                                                                  UK reprocessors have long been lob-
environment, corporate                  has been published in             resources, counter littering and                                                                                                                                                  bying for changes to the current PRN
social responsibility and               Stylist, i-D, Byrdie, Who         give a significant push towards a                                                                                                                                                 system, which they believe incentiv-
ecosystem services.                     What Wear and more.               circular economy.                                                                                                                                                                 ises materials being sent abroad.
                                                                            “This comes after the UK parlia-                                                                                                                                                  “One of the biggest risks in the
Sharon 		                                                                 ment declared a climate emergency         churn out. UK companies currently           on the market is easily recyclable,”                                                        redesign is that we see an increase
Thiruchelvam                                                              and the Committee on Climate              experience lower costs for compli-          says Simon Ellin, chief executive of                                                        in costs for producers and ulti-
Writer specialising in
                                                                          Change recommended that the               ance compared with producers in             the Recycling Association.                                                                  mately consumers, but a failure to
culture and innovation,
she contributes to The                                                    country aims for net zero carbon          many other European countries.                “If we get the system right, con-                                                         improve our existing recycling sys-
Independent, i-D, Vice                                                    emissions by 2050,” explains Ben            It means that only 10 per cent            sumers will have easy labelling                                                             tem,” says Robbie Staniforth, head
and Forbes.                                                               Stansfield, partner at law firm           of the costs for recycling schemes          that tells them the packaging is                                                            of policy at Ecosurety.
                                                                          Gowling WLG. “There is phenome-           come from producers themselves              recyclable, what bin to put it in                                                             “A well-designed scheme will rec-
                                                                          nal momentum here. I think a lot of       through      compliance    systems,         and then we will get much higher-                                                           ognise the true costs of packaging,
                                                                          what’s being proposed by the gov-         such as packaging recovery notes,           quality recycled material to be                                                             as well as the costs of a transpar-
                                                                          ernment will be adopted.”                 or PRNs, which provide evidence             used in new products.”                                                                      ent, effective recycling system. We
                                                                            And there’s a need for change.          waste packaging material has been             At present there are many vari-                                                           must create a level playing field
                                                                          Recycling rates have plateaued in         recycled into a new product; the            ables involving a mind-boggling                                                             for all involved, as well as provide
Publishing manager                      Head of production                the UK. We still have a system that       rest is funded by local authorities         array of local authority collections                                                        extra funding to local authorities,
Ellen Shannon                           Justyna O'Connell                 favours exporting 50 per cent of          and central government.                     and packaging with highly varia-                                                            which are a critical cog in the recy-
                                                                          our waste with limited incentives           “We have been calling for waste           ble recycling qualities. Complexity                                                         cling machine.”
Associate editor                        Digital content executive
                                                                          for domestic reprocessing. The sys-       producers to pay for their recycling        hinders the system, but this could                                                            All this is likely to require com-
Peter Archer                            Fran Cassidy
                                                                          tem of collection is complicated,         for many years now. What this should        change. “A well-designed scheme                                                             plicated manoeuvres in industry,
Managing editor                         Design                            localised and fails to provide local      do is force manufacturers and retail-       needs to be simple for everyone to                                                          including mechanisms that trans-
Benjamin Chiou                          Joanna Bird                       authorities with enough financial         ers to ensure the packaging they put        understand,” says Mr Ellin.                                                                 fer the cost of recycling to those
                                        Grant Chapman
Commissioning editor                                                      support. At the same time, a lot of                                                                                                                                               who produce packaging in the first
                                        Sara Gelfgren
Elaine Zhao                                                               useable packaging and materials                                                                                                                                                   place. Agreement from each link
                                        Kellie Jerrard
                                                                          still end up in landfill. A lack of       RECYCLING RATES HAVE PL ATEAUED                                                                                                         in the supply chain and co-ordina-
                                        Harry Lewis-Irlam
                                        Celina Lucey                      accountability and transparency is                                                                                                                                                tion will be crucial to make a new,
                                                                                                                    Household waste recycling rates in England
                                        Samuele Motta                     also apparent.                                                                                                                                                                    consistent system work.
                                                                            “The government feels the exist-        50%                                                                                                                                       “It is vital businesses start pre-
                                        Head of design
                                                                          ing regulations do not deliver what                                                                                                                                               paring now,” says Mr Honcoop.
                                        Tim Whitlock
                                                                          we want them to do in the future                                                                                                                                                  “We’ve already seen an increase in
                                                                          and to help the UK meet more                                                                                                                                                      the cost of complying with pack-
Although this publication is funded through advertising and               challenging targets for recycling,                                                                                                                                                aging regulations over the last 12
sponsorship, all editorial is without bias and sponsored features         as well as increase the revenue                                                                                                                                                   months and, without changes in
are clearly labelled. For an upcoming schedule, partnership               that comes from the system,” says                                                                                                                                                 behaviour of how businesses view
inquiries or feedback, please call +44 (0)20 3877 3800 or                 David Honcoop, managing direc-                                                                                                                                                    their packaging obligations, the
email info@raconteur.net                                                  tor of Clarity Environmental.                                                                                                                                                     new proposals could have huge
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Department for Environment,

Raconteur is a leading publisher of special-interest content and
                                                                            The Resources and Waste Strategy                                                                                                                                                implications.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Food & Rural Affairs 2018

research. Its publications and articles cover a wide range of topics,
                                                                          is the 124-page blueprint from the                                                                                                                                                  A year after BBC TV’s Blue Planet
including business, finance, sustainability, healthcare, lifestyle and
technology. Raconteur special reports are published exclusively in        Department for Environment,                                                                                                                                                       II and the subsequent back-
The Times and The Sunday Times as well as online at raconteur.net         Food and Rural Affairs, which                                                                                                                                                     lash against plastic, consumers
The information contained in this publication has been obtained           will evolve into new laws soon.                                                                                                                                                   are already aligning themselves
from sources the Proprietors believe to be correct. However,              In the process, everybody will be                                                                                                                                                 with brands that take this issue
no legal liability can be accepted for any errors. No part of this        impacted in some way.                                                                                                                                                             seriously. “By embracing change,
publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the                                                       0%
                                                                            At its core is the “polluter pays”                                                                                                                                              producers will be protecting









Publisher. © Raconteur Media
                                                                          principle. Businesses can expect                                                                                                                                                  the future of their business as
                                                                          so-called extended producer respon-                                                                                                                                               well as the environment,” Mr
    @raconteur         /raconteur.net            @raconteur_london        sibilities for the packaging they                                                                                                                                                 Staniforth concludes.

 raconteur.net                 /future-packaging-2019

                                                    Nick Easen

                                                             here are many strange          and Amazon set the scene years            they control the relationship with
                                                      T      internet phenomena, but        ago. Now it could be Revolution           the customer, beta-testing new
                                                             unboxing videos tops           Beauty, BrewDog, HelloFresh or            packaging rapidly.
                                                    them all. They’ve skyrocketed in        Graze. What can seem like ordi-             “It used to take 15 days to engage
                                                    popularity on YouTube; 129 mil-         nary consumer products, from              with a buyer who was express-
                                                    lion web-page references isn’t to be    simple ingredients to razors, are         ing negativity after experiencing
                                                    sniffed at nor is a growing move-       being presented as extraordinary          issues; that’s down to 48 hours
                                                    ment on social media. Unwrapping        through one important medium:             with the advanced statistical anal-
                                                    a subscription box, smartphone,         their packaging.                          ysis, which helps identify any nee-
                                                    make-up, even vegetables: that            “It is the store front, experience,     dle in a haystack of responses,”
 DIRECT TO CONSUMER                                 so-called moment of truth brings        service and product for direct-           says Mr Smith.
                                                    supposed rapturous joy to some.         to-consumer or D2C brands. It               Packaging by direct-to-consumer

                                                      Online shopping brands are            replaces the store as the place           brands has been innovative on the
                                                    injecting fresh vitality into packag-   where an emotional relationship           sustainability front too. Riverford
                                                    ing. Take Lifebox, which supplies       is made and reinforced every time         Organic Farmers supplies weekly
                                                    healthy snacks and wellness prod-       with the customer,” says Michelle         vegetable and meat boxes to peo-

new life into
                                                    ucts each month to a fanbase in the     Du Prât, executive strategy direc-        ple’s doorsteps. It’s one of the first
                                                    UK. Their smart cardboard box,          tor at Household.                         companies in the UK to use com-
                                                    with specially folded tissue paper,       It comes at a time when online          postable nets made from forestry
                                                    is carefully curated. You don’t want    retail is red hot. Almost nine            waste and collects all the boxes

                                                    too much space, it might feel a bit     out of ten UK consumers are on            it delivers.
                                                    empty; too small a box and sub-         Amazon, while more than £12 bil-            “We’re able to invest in pack-
                                                    scribers feel hard done by, and it      lion was spent on online groceries        aging that can be reused, up to
                                                    has to be “Instagramable”.              in 2018; it’s one of the fastest-grow-    ten times for some of our boxes.
                                                      “The box and wrapping are             ing channels, according to Mintel.        Reuse is far more sustainable than
                                                    integral to the experience,”            In Germany, online shopping is            recycling after a single use,” says
With packaging now a vital part of the product      says Lifebox managing director          almost universal. It means pack-          Greg Penn, Riverford’s recipe box
                                                    Howard Rawlings. “The doorstep          aging is no longer shackled by            commercial manager.
proposition, innovative brands in the online        opening must feel valuable, as well     in-store shelf space or constraints         “As we’re in control of the prod-

direct-to-consumer (D2C) market are giving          as surprise and delight every time;
                                                    subscribers must believe they are
                                                                                            along the supply chain.
                                                                                              “D2C packaging doesn’t need
                                                                                                                                      uct from field to doorstep, we can
                                                                                                                                      ensure the packaging is fit for pur-
customers more than just a product, they’re using   getting value for money. We add a
                                                    ribbon round the box if it’s gifted
                                                                                            to say ‘buy me’ like it does in a
                                                                                            supermarket aisle either, so the
                                                                                                                                      pose. We also don’t add superflu-
                                                                                                                                      ous packaging to help sell products
packaging to deliver an experience                  to make it feel even more special.”     opportunities to innovate and             as it’s not sat on a shelf and a cus-
                                                                       They aren’t the      take a competitive advantage are          tomer has already made the deci-
                                                                              only ones.    there to be exploited,” says Paul         sion to purchase it.”
                                                                                   Apple    Jenkins, managing director of               D2C brands that use so-called
                                                                                            ThePackHub. “Packaging is now             conversational commerce can also
                                                                                            an integrated part of the product         help educate people about sustain-
                                                                                            proposition. The aim is to engage         ability issues. At Riverford they’ve
                                                                                              people in meaningful ways.”             introduced leaflets highlighting
                                                                                                  The biggest challenge for           this in their boxes. “These explain
                                                                                                  online brands is to resist          not only what the packaging is
                                                                                                   homogenisation, as well as         made from and what to do with it
                                                                                                     push for intelligent design,     when it’s finished, but also why we
                                                                                                     one that speaks of brand         have to use it,” says Mr Penn.
                                                                                                     personality and tells a story.     Splosh, which sells laundry prod-
                                                                                                    After all, the bar has been       ucts via a subscription box online,
                                                                                                    set high by some compa-           claims to cut plastic packaging
                                                                                                   nies and we now live in an         waste by 90 per cent when you
                                                                                                 era of great consumer expec-         return their containers. This is
                                                                                                tation. There are many reports        another D2C, digital brand looking
                                                                                              of packaging being so good that         to meet consumers’ growing needs
                                                                                            it doesn’t even get thrown away.          for environmentally responsible
                                                                                              “The issue is that D2C brands can       packaging. Smol, maker of laundry
                                                                                            often lose significant parts of their     detergents, has similar aims.
                                                                                            profitability in packaging. It is a         In the future, innovation observed
                                                                                            higher proportional cost of goods         in direct-to-consumer and online
                                                                                            sold compared to shipping a pal-          brands could spur on change else-
                                                                                            let of items out to retail stores,”       where. “As we become the early
                                                                                            explains Paul Smith, SAP’s cus-           adopters, a better way of packing
                                                                                            tomer experience global industry          should trickle through to the tradi-
                                                                                            principal for consumer products.          tional retail environment,” says Mr
                                                                                              What it does mean is that direct-       Penn. “But this is largely driven by
                                                                                            to-consumer, digital brands invest        consumer demand. If the traditional
                                                                                            more time, money and effort in            retailers believe there’s a commer-
                                                                                            how a product is housed. They’re          cial benefit to reducing their envi-
                                                                                            also able to innovate quicker than        ronmental impact based on cus-
                                                                                            many traditional players since            tomer opinion, then they’ll do it.”

                                                                                            [Packaging] is the store front, experience,
                                                                                            service and product for direct-to-consumer or
                                                                                            D2C brands. It replaces the store as the place
                                                                                            where an emotional relationship is made and
                                                                                            reinforced every time with the customer
RACONTEUR.NET                 05
                                                                                                             Commercial feature

Illuminating a problem:
most packaging isn’t light protected
Protecting packaged food and drink
products from damaging light is now a
measurable science
          rying over spilt milk is one           are aware of this problem. This infor-
  C       thing, but you’re more likely          mation gap needs to be addressed.
          to shed a tear over the                   “The issue isn’t well understood
packaging when you hear that most                by consumers, but the industry has
of what we use doesn’t stop milk                 known for years that light dam-
degrading rapidly; the same is true              ages milk and other organic liquids,”
of olive oil or plant-based drinks.              explains Divya Chopra, chief execu-
Light penetrates most packaging; in              tive of Noluma International, a state-
milk it can affect the taste and smell           of-the-art light protection technical
within 15 minutes, while some vita-              services and certification startup.
mins degrade in half an hour.                    “When the public is aware of the issue,
  Although people know of sunlight               they want to do something about it.
damage, a minimum number of con-                 It’s of grave concern and we need to
sumers understand the damaging                   do something.”
effect of indoor light on taste, quality            Indoor lighting in supermarkets and
and nutrients. At the same time, 90              even fridge lights degrade nutrients in
per cent of UK dairy farmers polled              milk, penetrating many types of pack-
                                                 aging. Some nutrients, in particular
                                                 vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and proteins,
                                                 can decrease by 28 per cent after just
                                                 20 minutes of being exposed, accord-
                                                 ing to scientific research from Cornell
                                                 University in the United States.

Light damages                                       After two hours, fresh milk exposed
                                                 to LED lighting, the type now common
packaged goods                                   in supermarkets, begins to lose
                                                 vitamin A and after 16 hours, milk
a lot faster than                                found in a conventional bottle will
we realise                                       have half the vitamin A it started with.
                                                 In fact, damage to nutrition comes
                                                 from all types of light, natural as well
Protein levels in milk can                       as fluorescent tubes, and occurs             of expert taste testers and time-con-    light can easily penetrate other mate-       with companies in Europe and the UK

drop by up to...                                 before the expiry date of the prod-          suming lab analysis.                     rials,” says Dr Chopra.                      to test and develop new packaging. A
                                                 uct. It often means consumers aren’t           Noluma uses a photosensitive              The US-based company gives its cer-       US campaign with Jersey Girls Dairy in
                                                 getting the nutrients the product sup-       marker ingredient inside a test solu-    tification to packaging that achieves        Vermont saw sales triple in a month,
                                                 posedly contains.                            tion and exposes the package to          an LPF high enough to block damaging         after the launch of its light-protected
                                                    “Light damages packaged goods a           intense light. The test replicates two   light, whether it’s yoghurt, milk, cheese,   packaging, when consumers saw meas-
                                                 lot faster than we realise. The vast         weeks of light exposure in less than     olive oil, coffee, cosmetics or plant-       urable improvements in milk quality.
                                                 majority of materials we use to con-         two hours. Scientists then measure       based drinks that degrade with light.          As the company doesn’t sell pack-
after just 20 minutes of                         tain our food does little to protect it      the degree to which the marker is           A Noluma marque is then displayed         aging, it can objectively collaborate
light exposure                                   fully. These days most packaging has         broken down. In the case of dairy, the   on the container; it means that a prod-      with consumer goods companies or
                                                 been created as a low-cost solution.         marker is riboflavin, vitamin B2; for    uct’s freshness, nutrition, efficacy and     their convertors to find the best way to
                     Cornell University report
                                                 If consumers value fresh food and the        olive oil, chlorophyll is used.          sensory qualities will be fully protected    enhance the light protection of pack-
                                                 preservation of nutrients in dairy and         “We calculate an LPF for companies     from light damage.                           aging while meeting other goals, such

                                                 other drinks, as well as olive oil, things   that is dependent on the light prop-        “Our certification is an assurance to     as environmental sustainability.
                                                 need to change,” says Dr Chopra,             erties of the product being sold. We     both end-consumers and industry that           “Food waste is a massive issue glob-
                                                 whose company has a new certifica-           can then advise them on whether their    the product is fully protected against       ally. In the UK, it’s a £20-billion a year
                                                 tion for light-protection in packaging.      containers are suitable and guide them   light damage. We hope that custom-           problem, with 490 million pints of milk
                                                    “What’s happening now is that the         efficiently to a better design. People   ers will begin to value the marque over      or eighteen and a half pints per house-
                                                 technology to measure light protec-          are surprised. Not all opaque material   time and demand its use on packaging         hold lost per annum,” says Dr Chopra.
of farmers know that light                       tion is accessible. We can now bench-        is light protected. Rays pass through    as a mark of trust. A lot of current pack-     “Exposure to light degrades milk’s
damages milk                                     mark packaging designs and materials         a polystyrene cup for instance, while    aging isn’t protecting food and drink        quality and freshness before its
                                                 with an affordable test that gives a         damaging ultra-violet and infra-red      items adequately, and the materials          expiration date, in some cases up
Once educated about the                          reading within hours.”                                                                used are inconsistent,” says Dr Chopra.      to 20 times faster than if it were in
damaging effects of indoor                          Launched last year, Noluma is the                                                     “There is also not an abundance of        light-protected and certified bottles.
light on dairy milk…                             only company to develop a patented,                                                   light-protected packaging out there.         Noluma’s testing can definitely make a

                                                 state-of-the-art technology that cal-                                                 This will change. We’re on a mission to      difference to our growing mountain of
                                                 ibrates the light protection capacity                                                 engage consumers across the globe            waste. It’s time for a change.”
                                                 of packaging in relation to content                                                   about this issue. We’re hoping con-
                                                 change. The company is unique in                                                      sumer packaged goods companies
                                                 that it assigns a light protection factor                                             worldwide will also step up, get tested
                                                 (LPF), a bit like the SPF rating you see     Just because a bottle looks              and then deploy effective light-pro-         For more information please go to
of consumers say supermarkets                    used in sun creams. This factor is not       white and says light-protected           tected packaging, as well as use the         www.lightdamageisreal.co.uk
should proactively look to                       only dependent on the packaging, but                                                  certification to differentiate them-
package milk produce in ‘light                   the product it contains.                     does not mean it is; like an SPF         selves in the marketplace.”
protected’ packaging                                The test is objective, quantitative,
                                                 reliable and more accurate than con-
                                                                                              of 10, contents can still get               Noluma has been working with a
                                                                                                                                       number of key dairy players in North
                          CensusWide survey      ducting a costly evaluation with a panel     damaged. Trust certification             America and China, and is also in talks
06                          FUTURE OF PACK AGING

             MATE RIAL S                                                                   The fast-growth tree species that        One of the beneficiaries of the back-
                                                                                         go into pulp production, the base for    lash against plastic packaging is                  CONCERNS WITH

Public attitudes
                                                                                         cardboard, are very thirsty, result-     glass. This time-honoured alternative              NON-PL ASTIC
                                                                                         ing in water shortages, she adds.        is seeing a steady demand growth in                ALTERNATIVES
                                                                                         Smallholder farmers can also find        a range of sectors, from food and bev-
                                                                                         themselves displaced by large-scale      erage to cosmetics, perfumery and

to non-plastics                                                                                                                                                                                  40%
                                                                                         commercial forestation.                  pharmacy, according to the European
                                                                                           In response, the pulp and forestry     Container Glass Federation (Feve).
                                                                                         industries have developed a vari-          As with cardboard, glass has the
                                                                                         ety of sustainability certification      benefit of being highly recyclable.

still need work
                                                                                         schemes to demonstrate their efforts     Furthermore, using existing glass in
                                                                                         to mitigate such negative impacts.       the manufacturing process allows for
                                                                                           The     best-known     certification   a lower melting temperature, which                              of all industrial
                                                                                         is run by the Forest Stewardship         in turn lead leads to lower energy-re-                          wood traded
                                                                                                                                                                                                  globally is used
                                                                                         Council. Certified producers are         lated emissions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the pulp and
                                                                                         required to show they meet ten core        Yet the carbon intensity of glass pro-                        paper industries
                                                                                         rules, which cover everything from       duction still remains high. The con-
Backlash against unrecyclables is pressing                                               avoiding environmental damage to         tainer and flat glass industries, which                                          WWF 2019

companies and consumers to search for                                                    respect for indigenous lands.            account for 80 per cent of all glass,

                                                                                           Conservation charity WWF has           emit more than 60 million tonnes of
alternatives. While card, glass and cotton                                               gone one step further, developing        carbon emissions a year, according to

packaging may be greener options, experts say
                                                                                         a set of good management princi-         Global Efficiency Intelligence.
                                                                                         ples specifically for the pulp and         Energy efficiency measures are
                                                                                         paper industry. The New Generation       slowly helping bring this down
a change in consumer understanding is still                                              Plantations (NGP) initiative pushes      over recent years. In Europe, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   annual level of
needed in order to be truly sustainable                                                  participating companies to learn
                                                                                         from one another about how best to
                                                                                                                                  instance, almost all glass factories
                                                                                                                                  are now equipped with natural gas
                                                                                                                                                                                                   carbon emissions
                                                                                                                                                                                                   created by the
                                                                                         address challenging issues.              as opposed to more polluting fossil                              container and flat
                                                                                           As a basic starting point, planta-     fuels such as diesel.                                            glass industries
                                                                                         tions should never replace natural         The European glass industry annu-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Global Efficiency Intelligence 2018

                                                                                         forests, according to NGP. Ideally,      ally invests €610 million in waste heat
Oliver Balch
                                                                                         they would also be established           recovery systems and other decar-
                                                                                         on degraded areas with low con-          bonising measures, says Feve spokes-
         ardboard should be the                      Plantations might be good for       servation value and would make           person Michael Delle Selve. The result
         dream packaging product.                  the climate, “carbon sinks” the       a positive contribution to local         has been a 5 per cent reduction in car-
         And in many ways it is. It’s              scientists like to call them, but     people’s lives.                          bon emissions over the last decade.
light while strong, easy to recycle                they aren’t nearly as great for the     An illustrative example is the           For ethical water brand Belu,
and dependent on those great cli-                  local habitat or, very often, for     Brazilian pulp and paper firm            which gives 100 per cent of its prof-                            number of times
                                                                                                                                                                                                   a cotton tote bag
mate regulators: trees.                            local communities.                    Fibria, which works with local char-     its to WaterAid, the focus should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   needs to be used
  It’s what happens before your                      “Plantations    are    constantly   ities in the south of Brazil to help     on avoiding single-use packaging
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for it to become
boxed-up Amazon purchase lands                     expanding into new territories,       establish community-owned tree           wherever possible, be it glass or plas-                          a greener option
on your doorstep that’s the prob-                  where biodiversity is replaced with   nurseries. Another is Finland’s          tic; Belu uses both.                                             than plastic
lem. At the crux of the issue are                  monocultures of trees,” says Maria    Stora Enso, which has set aside            In a frank admission, Belu’s chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ministry for
commercial timber plantations,                     Ehrnström-Fuentes, a forestry spe-    more than 100,000 hectares of its        executive Karen Lynch says the best                                Environment and Food
many of which are now located in                   cialist at the Hanken School of       concession in Brazil’s Atlantic rain-    option for eco-conscious consumers                                       of Denmark 2018
the global south.                                  Economics in Finland.                 forest for conservation.                 is to drink tap or filtered water from
                                                                                                                                  a refillable, non-plastic bottle.
                                                                                                                                    “You may give yourself a big high        Cotton Initiative (BCI). This indus-
                                                                                                                   A cotton
                                                                                                                                  five for being plastic free, but you       try-backed group works with almost
 Bloomberg / Getty Images

                                                                                                                   plantation     could triple or even quadruple             two million farmers around the world,
                                                                                                                                  the carbon emissions created if            encouraging them to adopt more sus-
                                                                                                                                  you opt for a switch to single-use         tainable practices, such as using less
                                                                                                                                  glass,” she says.                          water and fewer chemicals.
                                                                                                                                    Meanwhile, if there’s one single           Even so, less than 20 per cent of
                                                                                                                                  item that earns the universal ire of       cotton is currently grown in a way
                                                                                                                                  environmentalists, it is the single-use    that actively protects people and
                                                                                                                                  plastic bag. For many, cotton tote bags    the planet, says BCI chief operating
                                                                                                                                  are seen as a more sustainable alter-      officer Lena Staafgard. “BCI seeks to
                                                                                                                                  native. But are they?                      change this and is striving to trans-
                                                                                                                                    Not if a recent study commissioned       form cotton production from the
                                                                                                                                  by the Danish government is to be          ground up,” she says.
                                                                                                                                  believed. Cotton bags need to be used        For now, however, even purvey-
                                                                                                                                  around seven thousands times to            ors of tote bags are wary of overly
                                                                                                                                  become a greener option than plastic,      endorsing them. Few companies are
                                                                                                                                  according to the study.                    more eco-aware than Rotterdam-
                                                                                                                                    Why? Because cotton is a thirsty,        based Bio Futerra, a wholesale
                                                                                                                                  land-hungry crop that typically            provider of plant-based packag-
                                                                                                                                  requires large volumes of pol-             ing products. On its product list
                                                                                                                                  luting fertilisers and pesticides.         are Fairtrade-certified cotton bags
                                                                                                                                  Infrastructure for recycling cotton is     made from at least 70 per cent
                                                                                                                                  also scarce.                               organic cotton.
                                                                                                                                    Leading the charge in making cot-          “Under no circumstances do we
                                                                                                                                  ton more sustainable is the Better         want to mitigate consumer con-
                                                                                                                                                                             cerns about the environmental foot-
                                                                                                                                                                             print of cotton in general; we rather
                                                                                                                                                                             encourage our customers to ask crit-
                                                                                                                                                                             ical questions about our products
                                                                                                                                                                             and their impact,” says Ekaterina
                                                                                                                                                                             Smid-Gankin, sustainability con-
                                                                                                                                  Less than 20 per                           sultant for Bio Futerra.
                                                                                                                                                                               Ms Smid-Gankin says finding
                                                                                                                                  cent of cotton is                          zero-impact packaging solutions is,
                                                                                                                                  currently grown in                         as yet, not possible. That’s as true for
                                                                                                                                                                             cardboard and glass as it is for cot-
                                                                                                                                  a way that actively                        ton. Even so, anything is better than
                                                                                                                                  protects people and                        plastic, she maintains. Her core
                                                                                                                                                                             message: “Reuse, reuse, reuse and,
                                                                                                                                  the planet                                 where possible, reuse again.”
RACONTEUR.NET               07
                                                                                                       Commercial feature

      COCA-COL A PL ASTIC BOT TLES ARE LIGHTER THAN EVER                                                                         ALL COCA-COLA BOTTLES AND CANS IN GREAT BRITAIN ARE 100% RECYCLABLE

      Light-weighting the 500ml PET bottle...
                                                                                                                                 recyclable plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Recycled content use in all
                                                                                                                                                                                                 packaging (plastic, aluminium
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and glass)


               36.0g                            26.0g                       24.0g                      19.9g                                                                                                  2018

                     1994                             2006                         2009                    2016                  recycled content in
                                                                                                                                 PET bottles by 2020

                            Coca-Cola uses plastic
                            packaging because it is
                                                                                          World Without Waste -
                                                                                          Coca-Cola has a goal
                                                                                                                                 recycled content in
                            lighter, can be resealed, has                                 to collect and recycle                 PET bottles in 2018
                            a lower carbon footprint,                                     the equivalent of every
                            and a lower impact on the                                     bottle or can it sells
                            environment if recycled.                                      globally by 2030.

Is this our chance to stop
                                                                                                                                                      collections, including those in our          for consumers to recycle. There are
                                                                                                                                                      towns, cities, offices, transport hubs       plenty of return points in supermar-
                                                                                                                                                      and in the community.”                       kets, offices and transport hubs,” says

plastic becoming waste?
                                                                                                                                                         One of the issues that Coca-Cola          Mr Brown.
                                                                                                                                                      faces in the UK is sourcing more               “Any new scheme should be con-
                                                                                                                                                      food-grade recycled plastic so it            sistent across Britain and well com-
                                                                                                                                                      can increase the amount of recycled          municated to the public. Retailers
                                                                                                                                                      plastic in its bottles. “Moving towards      and supermarkets must be paid to run
                                                                                                                                                      a circular economy is the goal and           efficient collection points. The whole
Combating packaging waste through a circular                                                                                                          we applaud the fact that the UK gov-         scheme should be well financed and

economy of reusing and recycling plastic must be a                                                                                                    ernment is now reviewing its current
                                                                                                                                                      strategy,” says Mr Brown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   managed by a not-for-profit organ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   isation and owned and operated by
top priority for government and industry                                                                                                                 Mid-May saw the end of the
                                                                                                                                                      first consultation round for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   industry. It should also be set clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                   collection targets by government to
                                                                                                                                                      Department for Environment, Food             deliver the best possible environ-
                                                                                                                                                      and Rural Affairs, and its resources         mental outcomes.”
                                                                                                                                                      and waste strategy. New interven-              There is certainly industry con-
                                                                                                                                                      tions could come in three key areas:         sensus for a more standardised and
              ankind has a big challenge    sells by 2030. In Great Britain the        collection. Over the last 20 years, UK                         consistency of household recycling;          effective collection system across
  M        with plastic packaging. On       packaging it uses is 100 per cent          local authorities have done a fantas-                          extended producer responsibil-               Britain. This will require a new model
           the one hand, too much           recyclable and its bottles contain         tic job collecting recyclable materials                        ity; and a deposit return scheme for         for local authorities to run kerbside
ends up as litter, in landfills and in      up to 25 per cent recycled plastic         from our households, but there’s a                             drinks containers. At the same time, a       recycling schemes. It will also mean
our oceans. Yet, on the other, plastic      or plant-based material, making it         patchwork of systems, it’s not cohe-                           tax on single-use plastics packaging,        significant change for businesses,
can be a highly sustainable and dura-       the largest user of recycled plastic       sive and we need to move it to the                             with less than 30 per cent recycled          retailers and the public.
ble packaging material that’s easy to       in the food and drink industry. It         next level.”                                                   content, is being considered.                  “We’re very optimistic about the
recycle and reuse. It also has a signif-    has committed to get that to 50 per          In Britain, the company offers con-                             “Any new schemes will need to be          potential changes and welcome this
icantly lower carbon footprint than         cent recycled plastic in all its plastic   sumers more than 80 drinks across                              carefully thought through. We under-         once-in-a-generation opportunity to
glass or aluminium.                         bottles by 2020.                           20 different brands. “We use our                               stand that packaging producers               reform the current packaging recov-
  The impact plastic waste is having on       “Ultimately, we don’t want any of        brands to encourage more people                                and industry will need to contribute         ery and recycling system,” Mr Brown
the environment and wildlife is now         our packaging to end up in hedge-          to recycle with messages on bot-                               more. We also want to see a step-            concludes. “We want to work with
the hottest of topics, headlining the       rows as litter, in our seas as plastic     tles and through our adverts that                              change in the quality and quantity           others to achieve a thriving circular
consumer and business agenda world-         pollution or in landfill as a wasted       encourage and incentivise people                               of recycled packaging material avail-        economy so we can make the most
wide. Its effects can be damaging, at       resource. It’s unacceptable. It’s time     to do the right thing after they’ve                            able to manufacturers like us,” says         of our valuable resources. Policy
the same time it’s a lost resource. The     we rethink plastics and packaging          enjoyed their drink. The next big                              Mr Brown. Ideally Coca-Cola wants to         changes will also drive investment in
challenge is how we move to a circular      within society,” says Mr Brown.            challenge is to increase recovery                              see this material reprocessed here in        recycling infrastructure. The future
economy where every piece of packag-          According to the United Nations          rates, which is currently less than 60                         Britain too.                                 looks bright.”
ing is designed to be reused and actu-      Environment Programme, global mate-        per cent for plastic bottles,” says Mr                            “There is a lot of interest in a
ally gets recycled.                         rials use is three times more than it      Brown. “There’s a real opportunity                             well-designed deposit return scheme
  It’s a challenge Coca-Cola isn’t shying   was in 1970 and is expected to double      here, especially beyond household                              for bottles where consumers pay a            For more details please go to
away from. “We’ve made good pro-            by 2050. Therefore, there’s a growing                                                                     surcharge at the point of sale, which is     www.coca-cola.co.uk/sustainability
gress, but a lot more needs to be done.     need to keep plastic that’s currently                                                                     then returned when the can or bottle
Making packaging as sustainable as          in circulation in a closed-loop system,                                                                   is recovered,” he adds.
possible is now a crucial goal for many     where recyclable products are used,                                                                          Around the world, Coca-Cola par-
businesses. Innovation is essential,”       collected, and used again and again.                                                                      ticipates in more than 40 differ-
says Nick Brown, head of sustainability     This is necessary to reduce the amount                                                                    ent deposit return schemes and has
at Coca-Cola European Partners, the         of new materials being used.                                                                              extensive experience in their set-up
manufacturer of Coca-Cola drinks in           “A world without waste is possi-         We welcome this once-in-a-                                     and operation, working with govern-
Britain and western Europe.                 ble. Having some of the most widely                                                                       ment and others in industry to recover
  Globally, The Coca-Cola Company’s         distributed and visible brands in the      generation opportunity to                                      more containers for recycling.
World Without Waste initiative
includes an ambitious goal to recover
                                            world means we have a responsibility
                                            to aim for this goal,” says Mr Brown.
                                                                                       reform the current packaging                                      “The best schemes are in north-
                                                                                                                                                      ern Europe, including Norway and
and recycle a bottle for every one it       “A major opportunity is in better          recovery and recycling system                                  Sweden, where they make it easy

                                                                                                                                                                                   01                         ten full-sized, flat wine bottles in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              compact case, rather than just about
                                                                                                                                                                                                              four regular, round glass ones,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              means a loaded pallet could carry
                                                                                                                                                                                                              1,040 bottles of wine, not just 456.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sustainable packaging is simply
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the future, says Santiago Navarro,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              chief executive and co-founder of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Garçon Wines. “The round wine bot-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              tles, we know and like, have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                              around since the 19th century, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                              are no longer fit for purpose. We offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                              a 21st-century wine bottle which
                                                                                                                                                                                                              is spatially efficient, lightweight,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              durable and sustainable,” he says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                “The strength and low weight of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the bottle also mean the bottles
                                                                                                                                                                                                              need considerably less secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                                              packaging to move safely through
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the supply chain.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Awarded the Waitrose Way
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Treading Lightly Award for green
                                                                                                                                                                                                              supply chain, anti-mosquito busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ness incognito is another consum-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              er-facing champion of upstream
                                                                                                                                                                                                                As well as researching renewa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ble sugarcane alternatives to tradi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              tional plastic, the company ensures
                                                                                                                                                                                                              all back-end packaging is from sus-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              tainable cardboard, uses green bub-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ble wrap and shreds its own paper
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for reuse as recyclable fill.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                “We put in requests to fulfilment
                                                                                                                                                                                                              houses for green packaging and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              delivery,” explains managing direc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              tor Howard Carter. “We also put pres-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              sure on third-party manufacturers.”

     The race to sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Greening can be about where, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                              well as what, though, Mr Carter
                                                                                                                                                                                                              adds. “Some companies may have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              delivery that goes to the warehouse

     starts in the supply chain
                                                                                                                                                                                                              first and then to the fulfilment

                                                                                                                                                                                    Lucozade Ribena Suntory
                                                                                                                                                                                                              house. What we’ve done is to locate
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the warehouse in the fulfilment
                                                                                                                                                                                                              house. This closed loop means fewer
                                                                                                                                                                                                              journeys,” he says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                In 2010, Lucozade Ribena Suntory
                                                                                                                                                                                                              invested some £70 million to bring
                                                                                                                                                                                                              bottle production onsite with

From wine through the post to sports                                            or volume. However, the biggest
                                                                                obstacle is the lack of a sector stand-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Logoplaste, at its Gloucestershire
                                                                                                                                                                                                              factory. This also completely
drinks in seaweed, packaging is visibly                                         ard, says Stuart Milligan, doctoral
                                                                                researcher at the University of Bath
                                                                                                                                                                                                              removed the need for transportation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              so reducing supply chain emissions.
going green. However, there is a secondary                                      School of Management.                     The average consumer                                                                  So, as well as high-profile initia-

sustainability story behind your sugarcane
                                                                                  “Smaller pallet loads tend to be        still has little awareness                                                          tives such as distributing 30,000
                                                                                produced as manufacturers and                                                                                                 Lucozade Sport Ooho seaweed cap-
                                                                                                                          of the early stages of the
insect spray or bamboo toothbrush that                                          retailers are not joined up with                                                                                              sules at the London Marathon,
                                                                                regards to handling and storage,”
                                                                                                                          supply chain                                                                        much of the greening still goes on
too often goes untold                                                           he says. “A standardised approach
                                                                                would result in greater synergies.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                              behind the scenes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lightweighting, for example, is a
                                                                                  Green strategies may also reap                                                                                              key part of the global brand’s jour-
                                                                                economic benefits. “There will be                                                                                             ney towards ensuring 100 per cent
                                                                                low-hanging fruit which will yield                                                                                            of its plastic packaging is reusable,
                                                                                both a reduction in packaging and         01                     founder and director of bamboo                               recyclable or compostable by 2025,
Jim McClelland                                                                                                            Lucozade
                                                                                financial savings. The challenge                                 toothbrush subscription company                              says Michelle Norman, director of
                                                                                                                          Ribena Suntory
                                                                                will come when the quick wins have        distributed 36,000     BlueRock. “The average consumer                              external affairs and sustainability.
         ustainable       packaging    as a single stream, plus an inter-       been realised and retailers then          Lucozade Sport         still has little awareness of the early                        “In January, we lightweighted the
  S      talk tends to focus on the    ested party incentivised by rebate or    have to invest to redesign their pro-     gels encased in
                                                                                                                          Ooho’s edible
                                                                                                                                                 stages of the supply chain, so posi-                         best-selling 500ml Ribena bottle,
         in-store retail experience    reduced cost.”                           cesses,” he adds.                                                tive consumer behaviour cannot be                            which removed 325 tonnes of plastic
                                                                                                                          seaweed packaging
and its impact on the more or less       Furthermore, warehousing, stor-          While cost bumps might be a com-        to runners at the      relied on to absorb the cost. The ini-                       from production every year. Now the
eco-conscious consumer. However,       age, shipping and logistics can influ-   mercial reality, sadly good com-          London Marathon        tiation of greening early-door sec-                          bottle is also undergoing a redesign
trade and wholesale supply chains      ence and even dictate the formats        munication is not, notes Robert                                  ondary supply chains will therefore                          to ensure it is fully compatible with
also generate volumes of secondary     finding their way into consumer          Lockyer, chief executive and founder      Ten full-sized, flat   likely come in the form of tax breaks                        bottle-to-bottle recycling,” she says.
packaging waste and recycling.         bags and hands or business offices       of Delta Global, innovators in luxury     wine bottles from      and other incentives,” he says.                                Innovation comes in many shapes
  What happens upstream is vital       and shops.                               packaging. “Retailers must be more        Garçon Wines take        The good news, though, is that                             and sizes, literally, and even the small-
                                                                                                                          up the same space
and the significant percentage of        This supply chain hinterland           open to options that may cost a little                           innovation also flows upstream.                              est change can have a big impact,
                                                                                                                          as four regular,
UK packaging waste involved offers     also feeds the booming omnichan-         more, while prepared for consumer         round bottles          Not content with pioneering an                               explains Patrick Browne, director of
real business prospects, says David    nel retail and home-delivery mar-        reaction to rising prices. If we accept                          award-winning 100 per cent recy-                             global sustainability at UPS.
Wilson, UK managing director of        kets, where consumers are receiv-        a general rule that it will cost more                            cled PET (polyethylene terephtha-                              “We encourage customers to focus
Vanden Recycling.                      ing, sometimes returning, but not        to go green initially, but less in the                           late), letterbox-friendly flat wine                          on right-sizing, using the minimum
  “Back-of-store recyclates form a     always reusing or recycling, indus-      long term, those who drive change                                bottle, Garçon Wines is turning its                          amount of packaging to achieve max-
large part of packaging material       trial-grade packaging.                   will benefit from customer loyalty,”                             attention to secondary packaging                             imum protection,” he says. “There’s
collected and reprocessed, with          A seemingly simple solution to         he says. “Ultimately, for change to                              and logistics too.                                           less cardboard, obviously, also less
advantages over post-consumer          reduce both the amount of second-        happen, the retail industry must get                               Designed in collaboration with                             packing material, which helps reduce
waste,” he says. “These include con-   ary packaging and number of asso-        better at informing customers.”                                  DS Smith, the Garçon Wines 10 Flat                           waste. Right-sizing enables us to bet-
centrated tonnage in known loca-       ciated vehicle movements is to max-        In the meantime, costs head                                    Bottles Case will significantly cut                          ter optimise space in our trucks and
tions, the opportunity to capture      imise the load potential, by weight      upstream, says Seb Gauthier,                                     carbon emissions and costs. Fitting                          deliver more each trip.”
RACONTEUR.NET                  09
                                                                                                                                                                   Commercial feature


                                                                                                         Natural choice for
Which materials consumers prefer based on the following factors (%)

               Paper/cardboard    Glass               Metal          Plastic         No preference

Lighter weight

                                                         9%                    22%            17%
                                                                                                         sustainable packaging
Easier to recycle                                                                    4%                  As consumers demand greater sustainability in packaging, a
                                   41%                          28%            14%           14%
                                                                                                         major beverage carton manufacturer is going “Way Beyond
Better for the environment                                                                               Good” with a bold ambition to put more into the environment
                                 38%                            31%       10%                 21%        and society than it takes out
Easier to store
                                                                                                                    ustainability of packaging is an
                         25%              22%                  20%        9%                 24%
                                                                                                            S       increasingly hot topic with Sir
                                                                                                                    David Attenborough’s The Blue
Prefer the look and feel                                            5%                                   Planet TV series sharpening the focus on
                                                                                                         pressing environmental challenges such
                         25%                    27%           11%                            32%
                                                                                                         as plastic waste in our oceans.
                                                                                                           Three quarters of consumers now say
                                                                                                         the environmental impact of a prod-
                      21%                                      45% 8%          8%            18%         uct’s packaging affects their purchasing
                                                                                                         decisions and 90 per cent want packag-
                                                                                                         ing to be easily recyclable, according to
Stronger/more robust
                                                                                                         latest figures from the 2018 European
                12%              27%                                31%   8%                 22%         Consumer Packaging Perceptions Survey
                                                                                                         of 7,000 shoppers.
                                                                                                           Food and drink are the products
Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding                                    Two Sides/Toluna 2018
                                                                                                         people purchase most frequently and
                                                                                                         packaging options here range from metal
                                                                                                         cans and glass bottles to pouches, plas-
  Switching to reusable transport                      totes or bins,” she says. “These items            tic bottles and more. Thanks to their
packaging is an eco-friendly alterna-                  can be used for shipping or for stor-             main ingredient – renewable paper
tive to shipping with single-use card-                 age and transportation.”                          board made from wood – cartons are the
board boxes.                                             Reusability sometimes trumps                    natural choice when it comes to reduc-
  Last      year,    for    instance,                  even reduction because, if we reduce              ing environmental impact.
TerraCycle worked with UPS to test                     packaging to the point where prod-                  Independent assessments of the life          that will nourish a growing global popu-
a customised, durable and reusa-                       ucts are being damaged, we score                  cycle of beverage cartons show they            lation while contributing more to society
ble tote for their groundbreaking                      an own goal, says Debbie Hitchen,                 have lower environmental impact than           and the environment than we take out.
Loop initiative, designed to reduce                    director and circular economy lead                many other types of packaging for a               “We set out to become a net-posi-
single-use packaging of everyday                       at consultancy Anthesis.                          range of products, including long-life         tive company three years ago and we’ve          Consumers
                                                                                                         food, UHT milk and non-carbonated soft         already achieved some significant mile-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        increasingly want
items, such as shampoo, deter-                           “Some stores have started trans-
gent, even ice cream.                                  porting fruit and veg in stacka-                  drinks. In fact, the life-cycle carbon foot-   stones on this journey in the way we
  Shipping with reusables is already
practised by several European hos-
                                                       ble plastic crates that go straight
                                                       onto the shelf. You might think
                                                                                                         print of a carton is between 28 per cent
                                                                                                         and 70 per cent lower than the alterna-
                                                                                                                                                        source our raw materials, make our
                                                                                                                                                        products and run our business.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to feel good about
pitals and healthcare companies.                       old cardboard boxes were better                   tives, and cartons use 41 per cent to 68          SIG now offers its customers a menu of       the food and drink
It lowers costs over time, reduces                     because they are easier to recy-                  per cent fewer fossil-fuel resources.          features that they can use to improve the
waste and saves on recycling, so                       cle, but it turns out that the plas-                But one leading systems and solutions        credentials of its packaging in the eyes of     they buy, and that
                                                                                                         provider for aseptic carton packaging is       consumers. These range from the option
                                                                                                                                                                                                        includes the way
multiple benefits are possible, says                   tic crates protect well and are
Ester Van den Bossche, UPS tem-                        returned to be reused over and                    going further. SIG has set a bold ambition     to put the FSC® 1 (Forest Stewardship
perature true packaging solutions
manager, Europe.
                                                       over,” she points out.
                                                         The secondary success story is not
                                                                                                         to go “Way Beyond Good”.
                                                                                                           “Sustainability has been increasing in
                                                                                                                                                        Council® ) label on any SIG pack to using
                                                                                                                                                        polymers linked to 100 per cent for-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        it’s packaged
  “Large-volume shippers within a                      always obvious, but it is essential for           leaps and bounds in recent years, but          est-based materials.
closed-loop or managed open-loop                       delivery on sustainability goals, in              we want to take it further,” says Martin          “More and more of our customers
system might consider using reusa-                     every sense.                                      Herrenbrück, the company’s president           are taking up solutions like combibloc            SIG is also helping to tackle concerns
ble transport packaging such as pal-                                                                     and general manager for Europe. “Our           EcoPlus and SIGNATURE PACK,” says Mr            about plastic straws with the world’s first
lets and crates,                                                                                         ambition is to work with our partners to       Herrenbrück. SIG’s combibloc EcoPlus is         market-ready alternative for use with
                                                                                                         create a net-positive food supply system       82 per cent renewable and requires 28           aseptic carton packs. “Our paper straw
                                                                                                                                                        per cent less CO2 to produce than con-          solution is helping customers meet the
                                                                                                                                                        ventional cartons in the same format.           urgent demand from stakeholders to
Garcon Wines

                                                                                                                                                        Its innovative design eliminates the            cut out plastic straws amid growing con-
                                                                                                                                                        aluminium layer by using an ultra-thin          cerns about their impact on the envi-
                                                                                                                                                        polyamide layer to protect the flavour          ronment and particularly on the world’s
                                                                                                                                                        of the food or drinks that the packaging        oceans,” says Mr Herrenbrück.
                                                                                                         of consumers say packaging
                                                                                                                                                        contains.                                         “Consumers increasingly want to feel
                                                                                                         environmental impacts affects
                                                                                                                                                           SIGNATURE PACK 100 is the world’s            good about the food and drink they buy,
                                                                                                         purchasing decisions
                                                                                                                                                        first aseptic carton linked to 100 per cent     and that includes the way it’s packaged.
                                                                                                                                                        renewable plant-based materials, via an         We’re helping our customers meet this
                                                                                                         Cartons have up to                             innovative mass-balance approach that           demand with more sustainable product

                                                                                                                                                        supports the use of renewable feedstock         innovations as part of our ambition to go
                                                                                                                                                        in mainstream polymer production. It            ‘Way Beyond Good’ for the environment
                                                                                                                                                        has up to 66 per cent2 lower life-cycle         and society.”
                                                                                                         lower carbon footprint                         carbon footprint than the company’s
                                                                                                         than alternatives                              standard packs. Meanwhile, combi-               To find out more please visit
                                                                                                                                                        blocRS, the new standard structure for          www.sig.biz
                                                                                                         SIGNATURE PACK from                            SIG’s cartons, has saved more than 4,850
                                                                                                         SIG is linked to                               tonnes of polymer since it was intro-

                                                                                                                                                        duced in 2016.

                                                                                                                                                            FSC® C020428
                                                                                                                                                            SIGNATURE PACK ISO LCA CB-100732
      02                                                                                                 renewable plant-based materials                    from March 2018. Available at www.sig.biz

     Brands are rushing to adapt their supply chains, packaging
     processes and materials to shifting consumer sentiment.
     But what progress is being made, and whose responsibility
     is it to drive change?

     SUPPORT NEEDED AT EACH STAGE OF THE RECYCLING JOURNEY                                                                                                 WHO HAS THE MOST RESPONS
                                                                                                                                                           MAKING SUSTAINABILIT Y IMPR
     A large portion of packaging can be lost at each stage of the recycling journey. The                                                                  TO PRODUCTS/PACK AGING?
     following diagram shows that in order to achieve a recycling rate of just 60 per cent,
                                                                                                                                                           Percentage of the public who chose the followin
     it requires high recycling standards by consumers, packaging collectors and sorters,
     and reprocessors combined. If standards slip at any point, a large proportion of
     potential recyclable material may be lost                                                  59%              73%                     100%
                                                                                                 actual        delivered for           all the packaging
     Amount of packaging                                                                      recycling rate    recycling              that consumers
     that gets recycled                                                                                                                        buy

     ...If 90 per cent
     of people recycle
     their packaging

     ...and recycle
     90 per cent

     ...for 90 per
     cent of the time

     ...and collection and
     sorting losses are
     only 10 per cent

     ...and reprocess-
     ing losses are only
     10 per cent

                                0                   20%                      40%                   60%                         80%          100%
     Britain Thinks/Suez 2018

                                                                                                                                                           17 %
     91                         %
     of consumers say they try to
     recycle and dispose of items
                                                            83                      %
                                                            say they feel confident that
                                                            they recycle and dispose of
                                                                                                                    56               %
                                                                                                                    say the environmental
                                                                                                                    credentials of a product
     in the correct way as much                             their household waste in the                            are important in their
     as they can                                            correct way                                             purchasing decision

     Britain Thinks/Suez 2018

                                                       SUPERMARKET PLASTIC                                  WHO SHOULD BEAR THE COST?
                                                       PACK AGING RECYCLING
                                                                                                            Percentage who strongly agree or tend to agree
                                                       RATES IN THE UK
                                                       Share of widely reyclable plastic packaging

                                                               81%                        Morrisons

                                                               79%                              Asda                               83
                                                                                                                                   Manufacturers and
                                                                                                                                   retailers should cover at
                                                                                                                                   least some of the cost

SIBILIT Y FOR                                                                                                                      associated with collecting
ROVEMENTS                                                      78%                           Marks                                 and treating waste from
                                                                                          &Spencer                                 the products they sell
ng as their top choice

                                                               77%                             Tesco

                                                               76%                                   Aldi

                                                               75%                         Waitrose
                                                                                                                                   62                         %
                                                                                                                                   Only manufacturers
                                                                                                                                   should contribute
     Producers of the                                                                                                              towards the costs
     product/packaging                                         75%                       Sainsbury's

                              Consumers (by
                           choosing to only buy
                                                               74%                            Ocado
     Retailers who         sustainable products
     sell the products         or packaging)

                                                                                                                                   55                         %
                                                               73%                           Iceland

     National government

                                                                                                                                   Manufacturers and
     Local councils                                            71%                                   Lidl                          retailers should cover
                                                                                                                                   collectively cover all of
                                                                                                                                   the costs

                            Britain Thinks/Suez 2018                                         Which? 2018                           Britain Thinks/Suez 2018

                                                                                                    Commercial feature

                                                                                                            INFLECTION POINT FOR GLASS GROWTH WORLDWIDE
                                                                                                            3%                                       2.4%

Emotive and
                                                                                                            2%                                                                                                                   1.5%


                                                                                                         0.5%`                                       0.1%

why brands

                                                                                                        -0.5%                                                                                                   Total

are rapidly


choosing glass                                                                                              INFLECTION POINT FOR GLASS GROWTH IN WESTERN EUROPE

Glass has been used for centuries as a high-                                                              2.5%
quality, robust packaging material, but it is                                                               2%
becoming increasingly relevant in shaping how                                                             1.5%

brands make memorable moments and establish                                                                  1%
an environmentally friendly image                                                                                                                                                                                                1.1%

                                                                                                            0%                                       -0.4%

           onsumers constantly demand        “Then there are beer companies that
  C        more from packaging. They         develop a few global brands, which
           want products to be environ-      they launch in new markets with a
mentally friendly, and most are more         more premium positioning, leveraging                        -1.5%
likely to buy goods in packaging that        glass to support the more sophisti-                                                                     -2%
represents them and their lifestyle.         cated image,” says Mr Aujouannet.
Glass gives brands endlessly recycla-          Meanwhile,         food    manufactur-                             2008 2009       2010     2011      2012    2013    2014    2015     2016       2017   2018    2019    2020 2021
ble and customisable packaging that          ers seeking to switch a product into
empowers them to stand out even in the       glass containers might go for a simple
most fiercely competitive markets. It        design, with the view that simply the
also allows them to preserve the subtle      switch from plastic to glass is already                   Coke campaign saw names added to                                                            benefits of using glass bottles with the
taste and texture of their products.         creating the premium feel. This was                       millions of bottle labels, resulting in a 5                                                 promotional potential of easily and
   While glass, as with all packaging, had   recently exemplified by General Mills’                    per cent annual sales increase.                                                             almost instantly customisable design.
for some been viewed as a cost, the
material is now increasingly viewed as
                                             decision to house its Oui yoghurt
                                             product in the United States in glass,
                                                                                                         “We see more companies wanting
                                                                                                       premium products, which are also cus-
                                                                                                                                                      Consumers are                                  In addition, O-I’s in-house design
                                                                                                                                                                                                   services team helps food and bever-
a powerful brand asset. Euromonitor          which is unusual in the market and                        tomised in line with promotions or key         influencing brands                           age companies create innovative and
data shows a steady increase in glass        gives it a premium edge.                                  events,” says Mr Aujouannet. “Thanks                                                        impactful new containers or bottles
usage since 2016. High glass-share             Food and drinks brands find that con-                   to recent innovations, such as our cus-        and governments,                             that make emotional connections
segments, such as premium alcoholic          sumers like the many shapes, colours,                     tomisation service O-I : EXPRESSIONS,          and with glass being                         between products and consumers.
beverages, are continually growing,          embossings and designs on offer, and                      glass enables brands to be more respon-                                                       “There has been a major shift in
and there is now increasing use of           this is visible in their purchasing. These                sive to what their customers want and to       so recyclable and                            the last few years around the usage
glass for packaging food and non-al-
coholic drinks.
                                             options make a memorable consump-
                                             tion experience, with many people
                                                                                                       deliver new products quickly.”
                                                                                                         Consumers are also driving a shift
                                                                                                                                                      reusable, it’s the                           of glass,” says Mr Aujouannet. “Glass
                                                                                                                                                                                                   is once again viewed as an asset
   This shift has occurred because glass     even collecting and displaying bottles.                   towards sustainable packaging and              obvious choice for                           rather than a cost, with all the evi-
offers brands a powerful response to
consumer demand for greater per-
                                               Customisation is now well understood
                                             to be a driver of consumer behaviour
                                                                                                       glass clearly has a great deal to offer
                                                                                                       given it is typically made from an aver-
                                                                                                                                                      better packaging                             dence pointing to strong and growing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   demand among consumers for pre-
sonalisation and “premiumisation”.           and purchasing decisions, which is                        age of 50 per cent recycled glass, and                                                      mium, personalised and more envi-
“Changing preferences and desires            why brands are urgently seeking ways                      up to 90 per cent for green bottles.                                                        ronmentally friendly packaging.
from consumers are forcing food and          of tapping into the trend. A report by                    Glass bottles can be reused up to 30                                                          “Considering the original quality of
drinks brands to think creatively how        Packaging Innovations and ThePackHub                      times. Some 78 per cent of European                                                         glass is as a premium product that
they can generate deep engagement,           recently found that 66 per cent of pack-                  consumers told a 2018 Friends of Glass         bottles, led by drinks firm Diageo, had      generates real emotion, we’re glad
driving diversification and a redefined      aging professionals are implementing                      survey that their buying behaviour has         collected 43 million one-litre bottles.      to see brands extensively using it to
role for packaging,” explains Arnaud         personalisation into their offerings.                     changed as a direct result of environ-         O-I partners with many such schemes          catch consumers’ interest on a big
Aujouannet, chief sales and market-          Indeed, Coca-Cola’s recent Share a                        mental packaging desires.                      and has invested more than $6 million        scale. They use glass to bring unique,
ing officer at Owens Illinois (O-I), the                                                                 “Even though the glass industry has          in glass recycling facilities around the     brand-based or tailor-made prod-
world’s largest manufacturer of glass                                                                  focused on sustainability for many             world. The company has also commit-          ucts to market quickly, with unprece-
packaging products.                                                                                    years, the big change is that the work is      ted to half its glass being post-con-        dented flexibility.”

   “Glass has a unique ability to bring                                                                really driven by consumer desire now,”         sumer recycled content by 2025.
real emotions to consumers by cap-                                                                     says Mr Aujouannet. “Consumers are               For O-I, part of the way forward is to
turing a brand’s essence. With more                                                                    influencing brands and governments,            help brands understand more about            To find out more about using glass
than 70 per cent of purchasing deci-                                                                   and with glass being so recyclable and         their consumers and shoppers, and            packaging as a premium, sustainable
sions made in-store, packaging needs                                                                   reusable, it’s the obvious choice for          to give them more of what they want,         brand asset please visit o-i.com
to tell a differentiated brand story at                                                                better packaging.”                             quickly and in ways that can be sus-
one glance, and glass delivers on that.”                                                                 Drinks and food companies are acting         tainably successful. This has been
   High-end spirits makers often look        of purchasing decisions are made in-store, so             quickly to make the best use of sustain-       the motivation behind the compa-
to premiumise the experience with            packaging needs to tell a differentiated brand story      able glass. As of last year, the Glass is      ny’s launch of O-I: EXPRESSIONS,
ultra-pure glass and intricate design.       at one glance, and glass delivers on that                 Good programme for collecting used             which enables brands to combine the
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