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Department of                                                                                     MAY 2021
Agriculture Development and Farmer’s Welfare                                                    VOLUME - 8

Government of Kerala                           Farm Information Bureau                           ISSUE - 11

The First English farm journal from the house of Kerala Karshakan
                                                                         English journal

  An underutilized
  Fruit crop
                                                                         KERALA KARSHAKAN   e-journal
                                                                                            MAY 2021    1
    MAY 2021 Volume - 8 Issue - 11
                                                             KERALA KARSHAKAN
                                                                         English journal

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                                                                                                                         Phone: 0471-2314358

    The First English farm journal from the house of Kerala Karshakan
    ADVISORY COMMITTEE                                        Jasmitha B.G
    Ishita Roy IAS
    Agricultural Production Commissioner,               07    WATER : THE NECESSITY YET EXPLOITED UNSUSTAINABLY
    Principal Secretary (Agriculture)                         Jyothy Narayanan
    Dr. K. Vasuki IAS
    Director of Agriculture                             10    MULCHING - TO SAVE, RESTORE, AND FLOURISH
    Department of Agriculture & Development                   K. S.ARDRA1, Dr. P. SINDHUMOLE2*
    Dr. Rathan U. Kelkar IAS
    Special Secertary (Agriculture)
    Department of Agriculture & Development             13    WATER MELON : A Natural Coolant
                                                              BRINDA G. B.
    S. Harikishore IAS
    Director (I&PRD)

    Dr. K.M. Dileep
    Director (Animal Husbandry)

    Mini Raveendradas
    Director (Dairy Department)

    Station Director,
    All India Radio

    Doordarshan, Thiruvananthapuram

    P.V. Manoj
    Sayujyam, Manakkad P.O., Thiruvananthapuram

    Sandhya R.
    Adarsham, Anandeswaram, Chempazanthy
    P.O., Thiruvananthapuram

    C.R. Mahesh
    Kailas Nagar, Kizhakkekkara, Kottarakkara

    Saji John
    Mission Director, State Horticulture Mission

    T.K. Bhaskara Panikkar
    Renfru Cottage, USRA-72, Udarasiromani Road
    Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram -10               16    Arecanut cultivation advisory
    Dr. Jalaja S. Menon                                       N. R. Nagaraja, U. K. Priya, Bhavishya, R. Thava Prakasa Pandian,
    Assi. Prof. College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara         Shivaji Hausrao Thube

    Dr. P. Indira Devi
    Prof. & Head, Centre for Enviornmentel
                                                        21 Agronomic practices to improve paddy quality for
    Economics,                                          	hassle-free procurement
    College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur
                                                              N.K.Sasidharan, Jony Jos
    C.D. Suneesh
    Chittilappally House, Thrikkaipatta P.O.,

                                                         ATTENTION AUTHORS

    Dr.Mohan P.V
    Karuna, Near Kannur Spinning Mill
    Kakkad P.O., Kannur - 670005

    Suresh Muthukulam
                                                         Articles for Kerala Karshakan E-journal should be certified
    Sarayoo, Bapuji Nagar
    Pongumoodu, Medical College P.O
                                                         by head of the institution concerned stating that the
    Trivandrum - 695011
                                                         article is original and has not been published anywhere.
    George Sebastian                                     Reference should also be included wherever relevant.
2   Principal
     KERALA   Information Officer
    Farm Information Bureau
     MAY 2021
25    Water Apple : A thirst-quenching fruit
      Sunil Kumar1, Ravindra Singh2, Pratibha Thombare3, Pandurang Kale4
                                                                                                                Department of                                                                                   APRIL 2021
                                                                                                                Agriculture Development and Farmer’s Welfare                                                    VOLUME - 8

                                                                                                                KERALA KARSHAKAN
                                                                                                                Government of Kerala                           Farm Information Bureau                           ISSUE - 11

28  Geo-spatial approaches for Land Degradation 			                                                             The First English farm journal from the house of Kerala Karshakan
                                                                                                                                                                                         English journal

      D.Dinesh*, Gaurav Singh, Dinesh Jinger, Ram A. Jat., A K Singh.

31    Soil – The Natural Capital
      Dr. Preetha M

34 Welsh Onion : An underexploited edible member of Alliums                                                       Elephant
	crops                                                                                                            Apple
      Sushil KumarTanpure1,Manjunathagowda D.C1., Benki A.P1. ,                                                   AN UNDERUTILIZED
      Selvakumar R2.                                                                                              FRUIT CROP
                                                                          PB   KERALA KARSHAKAN
                                                                               MAY 2021
                                                                                                  e-journal                                                                              KERALA KARSHAKAN   e-journal
                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAY 2021    1

      MANAGEMENT IN AGRICULTURE                                                                               Chief Editor
      Vivek, M. S1, Sagar R2, Bhavya, V. P2                                                                   George Sebastian

39 Wealth from Waste: A nutrient rich organic manure from                                                     Editor
	cassava starch factory solid waste (Thippi)                                                                  Sreekala S
      Dr. Susan John K., Dr. Chithra S., Shri. Manikantan Nair M.
                                                                                                              Asst. Editor
43 Biomass Gasifier - An alternative thermal backup system for                                                Dr. Yamuna S
	solar dryers                                                                                                 Editorial Assistant
      S Murali*, Rijoy Thomas, P.V Alfiya, D.S Aniesrani Delfiya, Manoj P Samuel                              Anoop R J
46    Butterfly garden : A garden to raise butterflies                                                        Design & Layout
      Smt. Mannambeth Renisha Jayarajan                                                                       Athira J.P.

     Articles/ Features appearing in this e-journal are either commissioned or assigned neverthless, other articles of
     farm relevance are also welcome. A maximum of 750 wordage is appreciated. Such items should be addressed to
     The Editor, Kerala Karshakan e-journal, Farm Information Bureau, Kowdiar PO, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin: 695003
     These may also be mailed to in word format. Responses can be also sent to
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     VIEWS expressed in the articles published in KeralaKarshakan e-journal are not, necessarily those ofKERALA
     Enquiries : 0471 2314358
                                                                                                                 KARSHAKAN e-journal
                                                                                                          the Government.
                                                                                                                           MAY 2021                                                          3
Jasmitha B.G
    Ph.D. Scholar
    Department of Fruit Science
    College of Horticulture,

                                              Dillenia indica Flower

    An underutilized
    Fruit crop
    MAY 2021
          lephant apple is a staple     which is named after German              brown-black seeds. We can
          fruit in the villages where   Botanist Johann Jacob Dillenius          observe flowering from June to
          the fruit grows, but it       (‘indica’ is the Latin word for          August.
          is not well known in          India).                                  Medicinal uses
          urban cities. This fruit is           I n ‘ Ka n n a d a , ’ i t i s   • The fruit pulp is used as
common in the northern tropical         called as ‘Bettakanigalu.’                  tonic and laxative in the
regions of India, particularly          Other common names are                      treatment of abdominal
in Assam and Kolkata. Other             Indian catmon, Hondapara                    disorders, mixed with sugar
parts of India growing elephant         tree, Ma-tad (Hindi: Chalta,                and used against coughs.
apple includes the dry hill areas       Karambel; Malayalam: Punna,                 The bark and leaves are used
of Bihar, Odisha, Karnataka,            Vazchpunna; Sanskrit: Avartaki,             as laxative and astringent;
Andhra Pradesh and Madhya               Bhavya, Bharija; Tamil: Kattaral,           bark as a mouthwash to treat
Pradesh. The fruit also thrives         Ugakkay; Telugu: Revadi).                   thrush.
in swamps, semi-tropical forests        Plant description                        • Helps           to    treat
and the evergreen forests of            Tree: It is an evergreen or semi-           hypertension - Naturally
the sub-Himalayan tract from            evergreen, medium-sized tree                low in cholesterol apart from
Kumaon to Garhwal. The tree             with a spreading canopy.                    possessing ample potassium,
bears aromatic, magnolia-like           Leaves: Large, attractive with              is an ideal remedy for those
flowers in June/July, and bears         a ribbed surface and impressed              with hypertension.
fruit from October to January.          veins. They are glossy, silky, dark      • Rejuvenates ageing skin
         With decorative foliage        green with teeth-like margins               - Rich in antioxidants like Vit
and fragrant blooms, ‘Elephant          and slightly lemon-scented when             C & E and flavonoids which
Apple’ tree is highly valued for        crushed.                                    facilitate collagen synthesis
its medicinal properties. Since,        Flowers: Large and solitary                 to maintain elasticity of skin.
fruit is hugely popular amongst         at the ends of the twigs. The               Drinking a glass of fresh
the local wild elephants and            flowers face downward and are               chalta fruit juice immensely
being widely consumed by them,          perishable as they fall off easily.         enriches skin texture,
it is called as Elephant apple.         Fruits: Yellow-green with a                 diminishing wrinkles, fine
Scientific name is Dillenia indica      leathery brown covering having              lines and other signs of

                                               Dillenia indica Fruit

                                                                                     KERALA KARSHAKAN     e-journal
                                                                                                         MAY 2021     5
Dillenia indica Tree
      ageing to give a youthful            fruit juice with breakfast is    eastern states. The unripe fruits
      appearance.                          a fantastic detox drink to       can be pickled.
    • Boosts vitality - An                 cleanse the body from within     Other uses
      expansive array of useful            and a great way to flush out             The fruit pulp can be
      plant constituents are present       toxins accumulated in the        used for washing hair. The leaf
      in chalta fruits, which makes        system, due to its umpteen       juice is applied to the scalp to
      them a prominent source              powerful antioxidants.           treat dandruff and falling hairs
      of vital nutrients. They are     • Lowers anxiety and                 to prevent baldness. The dried
      inherently rich in vitamin           depression- The                  leaves are used to polish ivory.
      C, vitamin B complex,                phytonutrients including         The wood ash is added to clay
      vitamin E, potassium,                sterols, saponins and            bricks to increase fire resistance.
      healthy fats, amino acids            tannins contain prominent        Helpful tips to grow
      and proteins, besides                neurotransmitter -modulating     • As it is an excellent shade
      being low in cholesterol.            properties, which adjust             tree, it suits best for parks,
      Moreover, chalta abounds             neuronal signaling in the            big gardens and avenues.
      in beneficial phytochemicals         brain and normalize central      • It is better to plant them in a
      namely tannins, saponins,            nervous system function.             corner of the lawn.
      flavonoids, triterpenoids        Edible / Culinary Uses               • Prefers sunny position, a
      and phenolics, which                     Fruits can be eaten raw          well-drained slightly acidic
      supply powerful anticancer,      or cooked. The bulk of the fruit         soil rich in humus.
      antibacterial and antioxidant    actually consists of thick sepals,   • The tree can be easily
      characteristics.                 which have a sour taste and used         propagated by seeds / semi-
    • Treats kidney disorder           in dal and fish preparations and         ripe cuttings.
      - Just a few slices of a ripe    often mixed with coconut and         • Attracts several birds and
      elephant apple or chalta         spices to make chutneys in North         bees.

    MAY 2021
Jyothy Narayanan
Ph.D. scholar, K.C.A.E.T, Tavanur

“Its water,
water everywhere
but it’s too deep to give
it the glare”.

                                    KERALA KARSHAKAN   e-journal
                                                       MAY 2021    7
              he average annual
              rainfall of India is
              1127mm. The State of
              Kerala is among the
              highest rainfall receiving
    states in the country with an
    average annual rainfall of
    3100 mm. Conversely, as per
    a survey conducted by NITI
    Aayog in 2010, the baseline
    water stress (withdrawal/total
    supply) is constantly increasing
    in the State. Further, the State
    has been classified among the
    poor scorers in water resource
    management, according to the
    composite water management
    index (CWMI), provided by
    NITI Aayog for the financial
    year 2017-18.With, more than
    60 percent of the total State’s
    population depending solely
    on the groundwater in the form
    of open wells, the groundwater
    table is declining at a greater
    pace than ever before. The wells
    are becoming a seasonal source
    of water. The physiographical,
    hydrogeological and emerging
    anthropogenic conditions of the
    State have further aggravated
    the prevailing situation.
    “Scarcity in Abundance”
             Due to inadequate
    awareness and knowledge
    of the soil physical properties
    and its hydraulic conductivity,
    water conservation had not
    been a trend in the State which
    receives an average annual
    rainfall, almost three times
    of that received by the whole
    country. The water scarcity and
    hydrological drought situations
    during post-monsoon season
    are becoming common in many
    districts of the Kerala state. It can
    be further attributed to growing
    population and urbanization

    MAY 2021
which has increased the water         augment the groundwater table              compared on the soil surface.
demand and reduced the                levels. But, the greater part              Types of rooftop rainwater
infiltration opportunity time         of the issue in the State lies in          harvesting techniques
needed for the rainfall to have       creating awareness among the               Nowadays, there are varied
deeper percolation. The high          masses regarding the possible              rooftop rainwater harvesting
porosity and lower fissures of        consequences of unsustainable              designs available on the basis of
the soil and bedrock system           water management practices.                materials used for construction,
respectively, increases the lateral   Additionally, it is essential to           location,number of rainy days
draining of infiltrated water into    understand that the sloping                in the region and the needed
the Arabian Sea. Moreover,            topography and crystalline                 maintenance interval. Rainwater
illegal sand mining in the State      bedrock system in the State                overhead tanks, rooftop
is continuously paving the way        allows quick draining of rainfall          rainwater harvesting with storage
towards depreciating water            water and is impermeable                   tank on the surface, ferro-cement
table levels. Inspite of abundant     (flow occurs through fractures)            tanks for storing large amount
rainfall, the State is encountering   respectively.                              rain water, rainwater syringe
a general depletion of water                    Thus, it is essential to first   designed by Antoji for marginal
resources due to unsustainable        augment the shallow aquifers               farmers specially living in coastal
water usage and its management.       which are acting as the main               areas.
Conservation in abundance             source of water in the State.              Agronomic and engineering
         The concept of water         ‘Three-level rainwater                     measures
conservation to its maximum           harvesting’                                         Agronomic measures
would be worth if it is done,                  Kerala can be subdivided          useful for groundwater recharge
when there is abundant water          into three physiographical                 by increasing the soil moisture
to conserve. This hypothesis          divisions namely; highland,                retention involves mulching,
may greatly resolve the rising        midland and lowland. The                   bench terraces, intercropping,
water scarcity issues in the State.   heterogeneity in the soil                  crop-rotation, conservation
Unlike, many other states like        properties with depth and space,           tillage and contour farming.
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and        amount of rainfall, land slope             Engineering measures
Haryana where the average             and aquifer types need to be                        It involves construction of
annual rainfall ranges from           analyzed prior to the adoption             rainwater harvesting pits, check
250-1000mm, Kerala receives           of any water conservation                  dams, farm ponds, contour
abundant rainfall to perform          structures. Three level rainwater          bunds and percolation ponds.
efficient water conservation          conservation practices that can            Subsurface water
through rainwater harvesting.         be beneficial in augmenting                conservation structures
It will not only be a gesture of      groundwater sustainably are;                        These structures can
reciprocation to the Mother           1. Rooftop rainwater harvesting            be of great importance in the
Nature but also will ensure a         and supplying the water directly           regions of State where interflow is
greater synergy between all the       into the wells via rainwater               greater through the soil matrix as
hydrological processes which is       filters for direct conservation of         compared to the overland flow.
necessary for the human survival      rainwater.                                 The subsurface structures can be
and existence.                        2. Agronomic and engineering               used to restrict the preferential
‘Every solution to a problem          measures for harvesting surface            flow of water and can be used
needs awareness and                   runoff and direct rainfall on the          to augment groundwater table
acceptance’                           soil surface.                              directly. It includes construction of
         Technically, there are       3. Subsurface water conservation           subsurface dams and subsurface
numerous water conservation           structures to harvest interflow in         water storage trenches.
practices, programmes and             hilly areas where soil lateral                      “Let us save few more
structures that can be adopted to     hydraulic conductivity is higher           drops of clean water for our
conserve rainwater, and thereby,      in the deeper soil profiles as             forthcoming generation”

                                                                                     KERALA KARSHAKAN      e-journal
                                                                                                           MAY 2021      9
                    s we are at the         as mulch. It is highly beneficial               K. S.ARDRA1
                    peak of summer,         for agriculture, for the plants and   Dr. P. SINDHUMOLE2*
                    the temperature is      the environment at large.                             1
                                                                                                    M.Sc. scholar
                                                                                             Assistant Professor
                    rising every day. It    ADVANTAGES OF                                           Dept of Plant
                                                                                          Breeding and Genetics
                    becomes necessary       MULCHING IN                                   College of Agriculture,
     to protect the plants from the         AGRICULTURE                                        Vellanikkara, KAU
     scorching sun and the dearth of        • Mulching helps in
     water. The easy solution for this          conservation of soil moisture
     is to go in for mulching.                  by acting as a barrier at
               Mulching is the process of       the soil-atmosphere
     using various materials to cover           interface thereby reducing
     the soil surface in order to reduce        evaporation.
     the moisture loss, minimise the        • The organic mulches
     weed population and finally to             enhance the percolation
     improve the crop yield. One can            and retention rate of water
     use natural materials like leaf            by acting as a sponge and,
     litter, compost, saw dust or even          hence reduce the rate of
     old newspapers and synthetic               supplementary irrigation as
     materials like plastic sheets etc.         well as the runoff of the soil


     MAY 2021
particles.                           However, care should be           be done by opening basins and
• Mulching helps to reduce              taken to select suitable mulch    placing materials like coconut
   soil temperature during              materials according to the        husk, farm waste, green manure,
   summer, and increase soil            soil conditions.                  composted coir pith etc. and
   temperature during winter,       • Mulching helps in restoring         covering the soil. This should
   thereby protecting the plants        the soil biota, which improve     be preferably done by the end
   from extreme temperatures            the soil and plant health.        of rainy season for best results.
   under varying conditions.        ADVANTAGES OF                         INORGANIC MULCHES
• Organic mulches will recoup       MULCHING TO                                     Gravels, pebbles,
   the lost nutrients and organic   ENVIRONMENT                           crushed stones or plastic sheets
   matter in the soil and thus      • Mulching using the leaves           are the types of inorganic mulch
   improve the physical,                of eucalyptus, pine, other        material. Plastic mulches are of
   chemical and biological              popular trees etc. are found      three types- photodegradable
   properties of the soil and           to be capable of removing         plastic mulch, bio-degradable
   also reduce soil compaction.         heavy metals from the soil        plastic mulch and coloured
• Mulch acts as a barrier to            solution, which are harmful       plastic mulch (black, transparent,
   weed growth by cutting off the       to all living things.             white, silver etc.).
   light and by being a physical    • Mulching reduce the need to                   Plastic mulches can be
   obstacle to weed emergence.          use various chemicals for field   one or two-side colour mulches
   Some organic mulches are             management and thus bring         like yellow/black, white/black,
   having allelopathic effects          down pollution of land, water     silver/black, red/black etc. and
   also against weeds.                  and air. They lower the entry     the thickness of plastic mulch
ADVANTAGES OF                           of chemicals into the food        should be based on the type and
MULCHING ON                             chain (biomagnification)          age of crops. Mulch of thickness
PLANT GROWTH AND                        and reduce emergence of           20-25 microns are preferred
DEVEOPLMENT                             resistant biotypes in pests       for annual or short duration
• Mulching provides congenial           and pathogens, which are          crops, 40–50-micron mulch for
   environment for optimum              the results of excessive          biennial or medium duration
   plant growth, which makes            chemical usage.                   crop and 50–100-micron
   the plants healthier and may     • Use of live mulches like            mulch for perennial or long
   even render resistance to            grasses and smooth rocks/         duration crops. These are more
   pest injury.                         stones beautify the landscape     durable than organic mulches
• Maintenance of favourable             along with providing              and the durability depends
   temperature and moisture             protection against extreme        on the composition of mulch
   ensures good rooting, early          climatic, biotic and abiotic      which are made to meet specific
   maturity, weed control,              factors.                          requirements of the crop, crop
   increased nutrient uptake        TYPES OF MULCHES                      duration and farmer.
   and results in enhanced          ORGANIC MULCHES                       ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE
   yield.                                   Organic mulches are           OF MULCHING
• Mulching ensures the              easily available and degradable.                In comparison to the
   protection of fruits from        They add nutrients to the soil        cost for synthetic chemicals for
   contact with ground or           which help in plant growth, soil      pest and disease control, weed
   splashes during rainfall,        health restoration and improve        control and even fertilizers,
   which are the main reason        the soil microflora. Materials        mulches are cost effective and
   for various diseases and         like grass, straw, newspaper,         also reduce our dependance
   physiological disorders.         dry leaves, bark clippings, saw       on these chemicals. Even locally
• Mulching is now an integral       dust, compost, cocoa bean hulls,      available materials (saw dust, leaf
   part of integrated disease and   seaweed, crushed corncobs,            litter or old newspapers etc.) can
   pest management strategies       peanut hulls, coconut husk etc.       be used. Thus, mulches reduce
   as it is easy, cost effective    can be used as organic mulch.         the overall cost of production
   and successful in reducing               In coconut plantations,       and help the farmers to earn
   disease and pest incidences.     soil moisture conservation can        more profit.

                                                                              KERALA KARSHAKAN     e-journal
                                                                                                   MAY 2021     11
DISADVANTAGES OF                          of the rainy season as the soil        pollution and other harmful
     MULCHING AND HOW TO                       will have sufficient moisture.         effects due to excessive use of
     OVERCOME IT                               D u r i n g s u m m e r, l i g h t -   chemicals, mulching seems to
     • Use of some mulches like                coloured materials are                 be an easy and cheaper solution
         saw dust or wood chips                preferred as they reflect the          to these problems and offers
         can cause soil acidification          heat.                                  a simple way to restore the
         especially in nursery.            • It is preferable to apply a              balance in nature.
     • The allelopathic effect                 layer of plain cardboard or            REFERENCES
         caused by the use of certain          a 4-6 pages thick layer of                      1. Bhardwaj, R.L.2013.
         organic mulch materials may           newspaper before applying              Effect of mulching on crop
         hinder the crop growth.               the mulch, which will help to          production under rainfed
     • If live mulches like grasses            control the weeds better. If           condition - A review. Agricultural
         are used, it will lead to             the mulch material is coarser,         Reviews, 34 (3) : 188-197.
         competition for resources             it should be applied more                       2.Iqbal, R., Raza,
         between the crop and                  thicky than fine textured              M.A.S., Valipour, M., Saleem,
         grasses.                              material for easier air and            M.F., Zaheer, M.S., Ahmad,
     • If any diseased material is             water penetration.                     S., Toleikiene, M., Haider, I.,
         used as mulch, it may be          • Plastic mulch: the mulch                 Aslam, M.U., and Nazar, M.A.
         transmitted to the standing           should be applied prior                2020. Potential agricultural
         crop.                                 to planting. It has to be              and environmental benefits
     • Use of woody mulches or                 applied after the beds are             of mulches-a review. Bulletin
         gravel may attract termite            prepared, the drip pipes are           of the National Re s e a rc h
         infestation in the field.             laid and preferably after soil         Centre, 44:75. https://doi.
     • Some weed seeds may be                  fumigation. The plastic mulch          org/10.1186/s42269-020-
         mixed up with the mulch               has to be applied properly             00290-3
         which may lead to weed                and the edges should be                         3. Kumar, S.N. 2004.
         infestation                           secured with generous                  Drought Management in
     • Some mulches combust                    amount of soil. Transplanting          Coconut Gardens. Practical
         rapidly causing damage                may be carried out only after          Manual on Plastic Mulching.
         and loss of crop, property            the completion of mulching.            Technical Bulletin, C P C R I
         and money.                            These are more durable than            Kasaragod.
             These disadvantages               organic mulches.                                4. Rajan, P., Patle, G.T.,
     can be easily overcome by             MANAGEMENT                                 Prem, M., and Solanke, K.R.
     analysing the field condition, soil            Mulches are to be                 2017. Organic mulching-
     properties, purpose of mulching,      managed well for better                    a water saving technique to
     stage of the crop for mulching        results. Regular checking for              increase the production of
     etc. and then choosing the            pest and disease should to                 fruits and vegetables. Current
     suitable mulching material and        be done. Organic mulches                   Agriculture Research Journal,
     ensuring its proper application       must be reapplied as and when              5(3): 371-380.
     and maintenance.                      required. Establish and follow                      5.Sharma, R. and
     HOW AND WHEN TO                       good agricultural practices. In            Bhardwaj, S. 2017. Effect of
     MULCH                                 the case of plastic mulches, they          mulching on soil and water
     • Organic mulch: organic              should be removed after the                c o n s e r v a t i o n - A r e v i e w.
         mulches are to be applied         use and disposed in prescribed             Agricultural Reviews, 38(4):
         after the bed preparation.        landfills.                                 311-315
         The weeds are to be removed.               After the completion of                    6. Telkar, S.G., Singh,
         Sterilize the organic material    the crop period, never plough              A. K., Kant, K., Solanki, S.P.S.
         prior to application to kill      the plastic mulch into soil or             and Kumar, D. 2017. Types
         weed seeds, pathogenic            discard it in the field itself.            of Mulching and their uses for
         spores or the insects present              Thus, in this present             dryland condition. Biomolecule
         in them. The best time to         scenario of climate change,                Reports -An International
         apply mulch is near the end       water scarcity, degrading lands,           e Newsletter. BR/09/17/06.

     MAY 2021
                             BRINDA G. B.
                                 MSc. (Agriculture)

A Natural Coolant

                    KERALA KARSHAKAN   e-journal
                                       MAY 2021       13
              he summer is at its peak      delicious, healthy and refreshing      countries.
              and so is the scorching       healthy fruit with low calorie, high   NUTRITIONAL
              tropical summer thirst.       contents of Vitamins C and A and       COMPOSITION
              Rising temperature            also many plant compounds.                      As the name of the fruit
              on a day to day basis         Water melon had originated in          implies, 92 % of the fruit content
     strongly pull back all the bodily      South Africa and its cultivation       is water itself, which makes the
     activities. In this hot and tiresome   was started in India during the        fruit a prime rehydrator. Thus,
     climate, there is every possibility    7th century. It has five common        the consumption of this fruit can
     for getting dehydrated and             types viz. seeded, seedless, mini,     curb the appetite by providing a
     weaken ourselves. The immense          yellow and orange of which             fullness feel.
     dehydration may adversely affect       seeded types are in plenty. 1          HEALTH BENEFITS
     the skin tone and also may lead        cup of watermelon seeds is             Keeps hydrated
     to various health ailments. In         said to contain 10 grams of                             Consumption of
     order to prevent these, water          protein. Also, these seeds are         watermelon helps the body to
     melon may be considered as a           safe to swallow! Currently, there      stay hydrated and provides a
     natural coolant with amazing           are 1200 different varieties of        cooling effect thereby preventing
     refreshing effects.                    watermelons all over the world         oral dryness. It also cleanses the
              Water melon is a natural,     which is grown in 96 different         body and keeps the skin healthy.
                                                                                   Maintains skin tone
     On fresh weight basis each 100g                                               and health of hair
     watermelon contains:                                                                   Watermelon contains
      Energy		        		   -                   30 kcal                             Vitamins A and C. Vitamin
      Carbohydrates 		     -                   7.6 g                               C helps the body to produce
                                                                                   collagen, which is essential
      Protein				-                             0.6 g
                                                                                   for cell structure and immune
      Total fat			         -                   0.15 g                              function and keeps the skin
      Cholesterol			-                          0                                   supple and maintains strength
      Dietary Fibre			     -                   0.4 g                               of hair. Vitamin C also promotes
      Vitamins                                                                     wound healing. It promotes
      Folates				-                             3 µg                                healthy skin, including reducing
      Niacin				-                              0.178 mg                            the risk of age-related damage.
                                                                                   Vitamin A is very important for
      Pantothenic acid		   -                   0.221 mg
                                                                                   healthy skin since it helps to
      Pyridoxin			-                            0.045 mg                            create and repair skin cells
      Thiamin			-                              0.033 mg                            Improving cardiovascular
      Vitamin A			         -                   569 IU                              health
      Vitamin C			         -                   8.1 mg                                       Regular consumption
      Vitamin E			         -                   0.05 mg                             of a watermelon slice can
      Vitamin B6			        -                   0.1 mg                              stop the accumulation of bad
                                                                                   cholesterol, thereby preventing
      Micronutrients                                                               chances of heart diseases. The
      Calcium			-                              7 mg                                citrulline and lycopene present
      Phosphorous			-                          10.9 mg                             in watermelon have beneficial
      Magnesium			-                            10 mg                               effects on atherosclerosis and
      Potassium			-                            111.6 mg                            is also found to reduce arterial
      Phyto-nutrients                                                              stiffness in postmenopausal
      Carotene-alpha		     -                   303 µg
                                                                                   Fights inflammation
      Cryptoxanthin-beta		 -                   78 µg                                            Watermelon helps
      Lutein-zeaxanthin		  -                   8 µg                                in lowering inflammation and
      Lycopene			-                             4532 µg                             oxidative damage, due to the rich
      Citrulline			-                           250 mg.                             anti-inflammatory antioxidants

     MAY 2021
lycopene and Vitamin C.              watermelon is good for bones            Controls blood pressure
Lycopene is an inhibitor for         and aids in wound healing.                       Watermelon is the richest
various inflammatory processes       Lycopene content also prevents          natural source of citrulline. It
and also works as an antioxidant     osteoporosis to some extent.            is closely related to arginine,
to neutralize free radicals.         Helps in weight loss                    which is an amino acid essential
Additionally, the watermelon                 Regular consumption             for maintaining healthy blood
contains choline, which              of a slice of watermelon aids           pressure. Watermelon is a good
helps to keep down chronic           in weight loss. The high water          source of potassium, the nutrient
inflammations.                       content of the fruit speed up           that is known to lower blood
Aids digestion                       metabolism and flush out toxins         pressure, is often prescribed for
        The huge water content       and fats. It reduces the appetite       people with high blood pressure.
of water melon can easily aid        considerably.                           REFERENCES
digestion. It also contains fibre,   Strengthens immunity                             Naz, A., Butt, M. S.,
thus promoting digestion and                 Watermelon, being rich          Sultan, M. T., Qayyum, M.
preventing constipation.             in vitamin C, strengthen the            M. N., and Niaz, R. S. 2014.
Prevents Asthma		                    body ’s immune system. The              Watermelon lycopene and allied
        Watermelon has about         fruit also contains vitamin B6          health claims. EXCLI J. Clinical
40% of vitamin C that is good        that helps the immune system to         Sciences. 13: 650-660.
for preventing asthmatics. The       produce antibodies. The vitamin                  Hong, M. Y., Hartig,
lycopene content also regulates      also aids in the formation of red       N., Kaufman, K., Hooshmand,
the reaction of body towards flu     blood cells. The fruit has vitamin      S., Figueroa, A. and Kern, M.
and cold.                            A that regulates the immune             2015. Watermelon consumption
Reduces dental problems              system and protects it from             improves inflammation and
        The Vitamin C content of     various infections.                     antioxidant capacity in rats fed
watermelon reduces the chance        Anti-diabetic property                  an atherogenic diet. Nutr. Res.
of periodontal disease to a                  This juicy fruit help kidneys   35 (3): 251-258.
great extent. It also keeps the      to convert L-citrulline (amino                   Oseni, O. A., Odiosanmi,
capillaries and gums healthy.        acid) into L-arginine (amino            O. E. and Oladele, F. C. 2015.
The vitamin C in watermelon          acid). In fact, these two amino         Antioxidative and antidiabetic
can also kill the bacteria in the    acids have a tendency to protect        activities of watermelon (Citrullus
mouth that might otherwise lead      you from diabetes. L-arginine           lanatus) juice on oxidative stress
to gum disease and other gum         supplement in watermelon is             in alloxan-induced diabetic male
infections.                          crucial for regulating glucose          Wistar albino rats. Niger Med. J.
Improves bone health                 metabolism and insulin in the           56(4): 272-277.
Vitamin A and C content in           body.

                                                                                  KERALA KARSHAKAN    e-journal
                                                                                                      MAY 2021     15
Introduction                        of DASD, Calicut, but the                       N. R. Nagaraja
             Area under arecanut is      yield increase is meagre when           U. K. Priya, Bhavishya
     increasing consistently all over    compared to the rate of area                 R. Thava Prakasa
     India. Arecanut cultivation was     expansion.                               Pandian and Shivaji
     confined to the traditional areas           Maximum productivity                    Hausrao Thube
     of Karnataka, Kerala, Assam         can be obtained from arecanut         ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute,
                                                                                     Regional Station, Vittal-574243, Karnataka
     and North Eastern states. Today     by following scientific cultivation
     arecanut cultivation is spreading   practices. To ensure higher
     to non-conventional areas like      yield from arecanut scientific
     Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh          methods of cultivation
     etc. The high net return on         starting from planting to crop
     each rupee invested by farmers      management is inevitable. The
     on arecanut cultivation can be      selection of site for planting
     cited as a reason for this area     requires at most care to ensure
     expansion. The yield of arecanut    the better establishment and
     is increasing continuously from     maximum economic returns from
     2013 to 2018 as per the data        arecanut plantations. Arecanut is


     MAY 2021
predominantly cultivated in deep      during the month of September -            nutrient deficiency/toxicity
gravelly laterite soils to fertile    October. In other places, where            before the development of
clay loam soils with irrigation       the South-West monsoon is not              visual symptoms with the
during prolonged dry spells.          severe, planting may be done in            help of leaf and soil analysis.
The establishment of arecanut         May-June. The seedlings may be        2.   Soil testing is important to
garden should be carried out          planted with a ball of earth in a          avoid nutrient disorders.
after ensuring that the soil is       pit of size of 60 cm x 60 cm x             Nutrients may be applied
at least 2m deep and there is         60 cm or 90 cm x 90 cm x 90                based on soil test reports.
adequate drainage facilities.         cm depending on the depth of          3.   Fertilizers and organic
Water logging can affect the          soil and clay content after filling        manures should be applied
root growth, nutrient uptake          half portion with top soil, farm           when the soil has sufficient
and yield of the palms adversely.     yard manure and sand. Planting             moisture to maximise uptake
It is advised to avoid planting       depth is important to avoid                but not during heavy rainfall
arecanut in reclaimed paddy           growth of aerial roots above               and dry periods.
fields or wetlands. This article      the ground. Seedling should           4.   In laterite soils with acidic
is prepared for the benefit of        be planted at the center of the            pH of below 6.0, application
arecanut growers, extension           pit and put soil up to the collar          of 100 g N (220g Urea),
officials, developmental agencies     region of the seedling. Mulching           40 g P 2 O 5 (200 g Rock
and other stakeholders.               should be done immediately                 Phosphate) and 140 g K2O
1. Varieties: Improved high           after planting to avoid drying             (235 g Muriate of Potash)
yielding arecanut varieties           up of top soil. The optimum                is generally recommended
released by ICAR-CPCRI are,           spacing for planting arecanut is           every year, if chali or dry
Mangala (Yield: 2.90 kg dry           2.7 m x 2.7 m. Wider spacing               kernel yield is around 2kg per
kernel/ palm/ year), Sumangala        of 3.3 m x 3.3 m is advisable              palm per year. In addition,
(Yield: 3.28 kg dry kernel/           for accommodating high value               12 kg each of green leaf
palm/ year), Sreemangala              inter/ mixed crops. In perennial           manure and compost per
(Yield: 3.18 kg dry kernel/           crop like arecanut superior                palm can be applied.
palm/ year), Mohitnagar (Yield:       quality planting materials should     5.   In soils with pH above 7.0,
3.67 kg dry kernel/ palm/ year),      be used for planting.                      Single Super Phosphate
Swarnamangala (Yield: 3.88 kg         3. Shading: Sun scorching can              (250g) or Di Ammonium
dry kernel/ palm/ year), Kahikuchi    cause stem breaking in arecanut.           Phosphate (DAP) can be used
(Yield: 3.70 kg dry kernel/ palm/     To avoid sun scorching, while              as source of phosphorus.
year), Madhuramangala (Yield:         digging pits for planting, the             When DAP is applied as
3.54 kg dry kernel/ palm/ year        rows may be aligned in North-              phosphorus source, 182 g
or 2.95 kg dry tender processed       South direction by deflecting the          Urea, 87g DAP and 230 g
nuts/ palm/ year), Nalbari (Yield:    North-South line at an angle of            MOP may be applied per
4.15 kg dry kernel/ palm/ year),      35º towards West. Banana can               palm per year
Shatamangala (Yield: 3.96 kg          be raised as a shade crop in the      6.   The fertilizers may be applied
dry kernel/ palm/year or 3.26 kg      interspaces during initial years.          in two split doses during
dry tender processed nuts/ palm/      Fast growing shade trees may               May-June and September-
year) and two dwarf hybrids,          be planted along the borders               October, in the basin at
VTLAH-1 (2.54 kg dry kernel/          on South-West side. If planting            40-50 cm distance around
palm/ year), VTLAH-2 (2.64 kg         of shade trees is not possible,            the trunk. The organic
dry kernel/ palm/ year).              sun scorching can be avoided by            manures are applied during
2. Spacing and planting:              covering the stem with arecanut            S e p t e m b e r- O c t o b e r i n
Planting of seedlings is done         or coconut leaves.                         basins around the base of
either in May-June or September-      4. Nutrient management:                    each palm.
October, depending on the             Nutrient management strategies        7.   In the first year of planting
intensity of rain. Where the          need to be planned for arecanut ,          1/3rd of the recommended
South-West monsoon is high/           taking into account the soil               dose of fertilizer may be
severe, it is advisable to plant at   fertility status.                          given. In the second year,
the end of South-West monsoon         1. It is advisable to consider             2/3rd of the recommended

                                                                                  KERALA KARSHAKAN        e-journal
                                                                                                         MAY 2021       17
h. Fertilizer recommendation for arecanut (g per palm per year)
      Nutrient requirement First year of planting Second year of planting From third year onwards
      Nitrogen (N)			              33			                66			                        100
      Phosphorous (P2O5) 		        13			                26			                        40
      Potash (K2O)			46			92			                                                      140
      Rock Phosphate/ Single Super Phosphate as source of Phosphorous
      Urea				72			144			                                                            220
      Rock Phosphate (RP)          65			                130			                       200
      Single Super 			             83			                167			                       250
      Phosphate (SSP)
      Muriate of			                77 			               154			                       230
      Potash (MOP)
      DAP as source of Phosphorous
      Urea				61			121			                                                            182
      Di Ammonium 		               29			                58			                        87
      Phosphate (DAP)
      Muriate of Potash            77			                154			                       230

         dose and from third year                  bending and oblique nodes           is alternated with 2cm layer of
         onwards, full dose of fertilizer          are due to zinc deficiency.         cow dung, sprinkled with water
         may be given.                             Soil application of zinc            and kept for two weeks with
     8. S o i l a e r a t i o n i s m o s t        sulphate @ 10 g per palm            occasional turning. Earthworms
         important for production of               is ideal if disorder symptoms       are released at the rate of 1000
         fine roots, which are required            are in initial stages. In case of   numbers per square meter after
         for uptake of nutrients and               severe reduction in leaf size       the heat of pile is reduced. The
         water. Raking up of basin will            and crown choking, spraying         wastes are converted into fine
         aerate the soil.                          of 0.5 % zinc sulphate mainly       granular, odorless nutrient rich
     9. Wherever possible fertigation              on fresh foliage can be             vermicompost within 60 days.
         may also be followed.                     done. Nut splitting is due to       6. Water management
         Only 50% and 75% of the                   less potassium and boron            • Arecanut cannot withstand
         recommended fertilizer                    deficiency. Therefore, soil test        drought and invariably needs
         dose is sufficient during                 based supply of nutrients is            irrigation during dry spells.
         pre -bearing stage and                    very important.                     • Once areca palms are
         bearing stage, respectively.         5. Annually 5 to 8.5 tonnes                  affected by water stress, it
         For bearing palms,                   of recyclable waste will be                  may require two to three
         recommended nutrient                 generated per hectare of arecanut            years to regain the normal
         dose to be given through             garden. Direct application                   vigour and yield.
         fertigation is 75:30:105 g N,        of these wastes in arecanut              • In humid tropics, irrigation
         P2O5, K2O per palm per year.         gardens will lead to nutrient                at an interval of 10 days is
         Quantity of fertilizer required      imbalances due to high C: N                  superior throughout rainless
         to supply recommended                ratio. Hence, these materials                period. This works out an
         dose per palm per year               can be converted to nutrient                 irrigation frequency of once
         is 136g Urea, 65 g DAP               rich vermicompost. To prepare                in 7- 8 days during November
         and 175g MOP which can               vermicompost, arecanut wastes                - December, once in 6 days
         be given through irrigation          like arecanut leaves, leaf sheath,           during January - February
         water once in 10 or 20               husk etc. are chopped into small             and once in 4 - 5 days during
         days (18 or 9 splits) from           pieces of 10 cm and heaped.                  March - May through basin
         December to May.                     Cement tanks or trenches can                 irrigation. The quantity of
     10. Nutritional disorders like           be used for this purpose. A layer            water to be applied is about
         c r o w n c h o k i n g, c r o w n   of 10 -15 cm waste material                  175-200 lit. per palm per

     MAY 2021
irrigation.                      8. Intercultural operations:          profitably as mixed crop viz.,
• To increase the water use          Weeding should be done as and         pepper, cocoa, banana, lime
    efficiency irrigation methods    when required. The weeds can be       and betel vine. Medicinal and
    like sprinkler and drip are      incorporated in arecanut basins.      aromatic plants also come up
    ideal. Sprinkler and drip        Terracing and contour bunding         very well in arecanut plantation.
    irrigation can save about 20     measures should be adopted in         When more than one mixed crop
    and 44 per cent of irrigation    undulating lands to prevent soil      is grown in an arecanut garden
    water, when compared to          erosion. In Malnad tracts the         simultaneously, it is called
    conventional methods of          main purpose of intercultural         as high density multispecies
    irrigation like flooding and     operation is to loosen the soil       cropping system. In coastal
    splashing. 5                     and to rebuild the soil fertility     Karnataka and Kerala, banana,
• Two to three drippers can be       after the heavy rains during          pepper and cocoa can be
    placed 50-60 cm away from        monsoon and in Maidan tracts          grown economically along with
    the basin per palm in such       it is to conserve the soil moisture   arecanut.
    a way that 20 liters of water    and prevent the hardening of the              Banana, pepper and
    can be delivered within 45       heavy soils.                          acid lime can be profitably
    minutes. During rainy season     9. Arecanut based cropping            grown together in Maidan parts
    lateral lines of drip system     system: The long pre-bearing          of Karnataka. Banana can be
    should be folded and tied        period, low returns during the        planted simultaneously with
    to stem of the palm to avoid     initial bearing stage, fluctuations   arecanut in the center of four
    clogging of drippers or micro    in market prices, unexpected loss     palms.
    tubes.                           due to pests and diseases and                 Besides main crop, two
7. Drainage: It is essential to      natural calamities are the main       ratoon crops of banana can be
ensure adequate drainage by          reasons which make it essential       taken up and after three years,
providing drainage channels in       to take up inter cropping or          entire crop is to be replanted.
high rainfall areas to avoid water   mixed cropping in arecanut            When areca palms attain the age
logging. The channel should be       plantation. Crops like banana,        of 6-8 years, rooted cuttings/
at least 15-30 cm deeper than        pepper, cocoa, elephant foot          grafts of pepper may be planted
the depth at which the seedlings     yam, citrus, betel vine, pineapple    in the northern side of the palm
are planted. At the beginning of     etc. were found suitable for          at 75cm distance.
the monsoon, these drains are        mixed cropping in arecanut. As        References
to be cleaned and deepened to        the age of the garden advances,       • ICAR-CPCRI publications
ensure effective drainage.           only a few crops can be grown         • DASD website

                                                                               KERALA KARSHAKAN    e-journal
                                                                                                  MAY 2021     19

                                                          Jony Jos
                                                        Professor (Retd.), RARS
                                                       Kumarakom, Kottayam.

                                                     Senior Agricultural Officer,

     practices to
                                                         SSF Kongad, Palakkad.

                                             he success of paddy
                                             cultivation depends
                                             on timely marketing

     improve paddy
                                             of the paddy at a
                                             remunerative price. The
                                    paddy undergoes a series of
                                    processing methods before

     quality for
                                    it reaches the consumer. The
                                    quality of the final product has
                                    a direct correlation to the overall
                                    calibre of paddy produced.
                                    The paddy to rice value chain

     hassle-free                    directly involves its procurement
                                    from farmers, processing and
                                    distribution to their consumers.

                                    Paddy production, post-harvest
                                    operations at farmers level, and
                                    its processing and value addition
                                    after procurement require a
                                    great deal of transformation
                                    both in terms of quantity and
                                    quality to survive and sustain rice
                                    cultivation in our state.

     MAY 2021
Value chain                             of Kerala has established this        safe for storage and milling is
         Conversion of paddy to         initiative to support the financial   critical. The climatic conditions,
rice is an extremely prolonged          growth of farmers, so that they       weather prevailing at the time
and labour intensive process            may continue to sustain growth        of harvest and infrastructure
that requires a certain degree of       and profitability. Consequently,      facilities available may pose
expertise to ensure that the final      a bulk of marketable paddy            practical difficulties to achieve
product is of superior quality.         produced in the state is being        proper drying. Harvested paddy
The value chain management              readily procured under the            respires more quickly and
assumes significance as the             scheme. The procurement of            secretes additional heat and
consumers are becoming                  paddy is done based on certain        moisture. Studies have revealed
quality conscious and markets           norms fixed by the Government         that inadequate drying results
turning highly competitive. In          of India. These norms enlist the      in deterioration of the quality of
majority of areas, the harvesting       parameters to judge the quality       paddy and increases possibility
process is mechanized utilizing         of paddy procured.                    for development of mycotoxin
combine harvesters. Due to              Fair Average Quality                  that leads to severe nutritional
the unavailability of adequate                   Schedule of uniform          loss.
workers to manage post-harvest          specifications published by           Admixture of lower classes:
operations like winnowing               the department of Food and            Having a mixture of varieties in
and drying, farmers have now            Public Distribution indicate the      the processing lot lowers milled
resorted to sell the produce            criteria for assessment of quality    rice recovery, reduces head
directly from the field, which          of food grains procured. The          rice yield and causes excessive
affects the quality of produce.         specifications are based on           breakage. The richness of rice
         The Paddy procurement          Bureau of Indian standards IS         genetic diversity and the unique
scheme initiated by the                 4333. The standard ensures that       pattern of land holding lead to
Government is a boon to the             uniform methods are adopted           cultivation of multiple varieties.
farmers. The De Centralized             for the tests and helps in fixation   Mixtures of varieties may contain
Pr o c u r e m e n t ( D C P ) a n d    of price on a scientific basis.       grains of different size and shape
Minimum Support Price (MSP)             Paddy grains of uniform quality       that affect the hulling efficiency.
are the features of the paddy           within the prescribed limits as                The lack of information
procurement scheme initiated by         specified below is a prerequisite     on various quality parameters
the Government. The scheme is           for better processing.                and their management often
a great relief for paddy farmers        Moisture content: An average          cause drift between farmers and
as it guarantees the MSP. It            fully matured paddy usually           the procurement parties. In order
instills confidence in farmers          contains 20 - 22% of moisture         to get a first hand information on
and triggers adoption of modern         at the time of harvest. For           the quality of the paddy grains
technologies to enhance the             prolonged storage of paddy the        kept ready for procurement
production.                             safe acceptable limit of moisture     by the farmers, the Regional
         The State of Kerala            is 15%. Paddy is at its optimal       Agricultural Research Station,
currently offers the highest rate       milling potential at the moisture     Kumarakom had undertaken
of procurement price for paddy          content of 14%. Rapid drying          a two year long study during
in the country. The Government          of grain to the moisture content      the 2013-14. The study was

Table 1 – Fair Average Quality norms as per paddy procurement scheme.
            Foreign Foreign            Damaged    Discolored          Immature        Admixture of Moisture
            matter: matter:            Sprouted			                    Shrivelled      lower classes content
            Organic Inorganic          weevilled
%               1           1		          4		              1		             3		             6		            17

                                                                                   KERALA KARSHAKAN    e-journal
                                                                                                       MAY 2021     21
conducted in association with        (98%) collected from January                 Among the other quality
     the Kerala State Civil Supplies      to May are observed to be            parameters, the moisture content
     Corporation and financially          affected by grain discoloration.     of the paddy grains exceeded the
     supported by the Agricultural        However, the incidence was           17 percent moisture limit, only
     Technology Management                significantly less during the        in 6 percent of the samples. The
     Agency, Kottayam. For this study     additional crop season (August-      average values for the moisture
     grain samples were collected         December) that falls during          percent irrespective of districts
     from Kuttanad, Kole and              the rainy season. Immature           and season were less than 15
     Palakkad rice tracts spread over     and shriveled grains are also        percent.
     Alappuzha, Kottayam, Thrissur        reported to have a significant               The data also indicate
     and Palakkad districts.              role in decreasing the quality       that there is regional difference
     Quality variations of paddy          of paddy grains in Kuttanad.         in parameters which affect the
     grains procured in Kerala            The data revealed that 78.7%         grain quality in the state. The
             The quality variations       of samples collected during the      samples collected from the
     observed in the study are            puncha season had immature           Palakkad District were superior
     summarized in table 2. It is         and shriveled grains above the       with respect to the foreign matter
     evident from the table that          higher limit of 3 percent whereas    content, damaged - discoloured
     both the organic and inorganic       only 29.7 percent exceeded the       grains and immature- shriveled
     foreign matter content are           critical limit during the rainy      grains. However, the admixture
     significantly less than the          season crop. Filling of the grains   of lower class varieties were
     threshold prescribed, irrespective   were less during the puncha          significantly higher for the
     of the season and districts. The     season as revealed by a lesser       Palakkad samples. But for this
     physical contaminants other          thousand grain weight that           parameter, the grain quality
     than discoloured - damaged           ranged between 16.2 and 28.5         originating from Palakkad can
     grains and immature - shriveled      g while the corresponding figure     be considered as superior to the
     grains did not contribute to the     for the rainy season crop ranged     other districts.
     poor quality of grains procured.     between 21.4 to 28.1 g for the       Grain quality parameters
     The discoloured grains were          Uma rice variety. The volume         in relation to agronomic
     identified as the most important     weight which also indicates          practices
     parameter contributing to poor       the filling of grains were less in   Moisture content
     quality of paddy grains in the       Kottayam District while in the               Rapid drying of grain to
     problem soils consisting of          other districts the figures were     the moisture content safe for
     Kuttanad and Kole rice tracts.       on the higher side. The milling      storage and milling is critical. The
     The incidence of damaged             recovery ranged between 48.5         climatic conditions and weather
     and discoloured grains ranged        and 76 per cent during the           prevailing at the time of harvest,
     between 0.56 to 21.54 per cent       puncha season while the range        infrastructure facilities available
     in Kuttanad rice tract of Kottayam   was 64.5 to 76 per cent during       may pose practical difficulties to
     District. Most of the samples        additional crop season.              achieve proper drying. Harvested
     Table 2. Quality variations of paddy grains noticed at different agro ecological situations.
      Quality parameters (%)      Kottayam Thrissur   Thrissur                       Alappuzha       Palakkad
      				 Puncha                          Additional Puncha                         Puncha          Mundakan
      Foreign matter(organic) %     0.37     0.36		     0.61                            0.7		           0.0
      Foreign matter(inorganic) %   0.34     0.34		     0.63                            0.78            0.64
      Damaged & discoloured %       5.81     3.84		     4.01                            3.90            0.83
      Immature &shriveled %         5.80     4.08		     5.51                            5.24            1.99
      Admixture of lower class %   1.05		    0.92		     1.29                            6.26            10.85
      Moisture (%) in storage      14.34     13.67      14.74                           13.70           14.50
      Thousand grain weight (gm) 23.07       25.48      24.32                           22.80            24.84
      Volume weight (gm/cc)        0.57		    0.57		     0.60                            0.65             0.62

     MAY 2021
paddy respires more quickly and      a practice can eradicate the          manganese and aluminum ions
secretes additional heat and         undesirable sprouts including         that are to be flushed out by
moisture. Studies have revealed      other varieties and weeds.            application of soil ameliorants
that inadequate drying results       Effective control of weeds and        and by providing proper
in deterioration of the quality of   roguing of unwanted varieties         drainage. Continuous water
paddy and increases possibility      will be effective in reducing the     stagnation especially after the
for development of mycotoxin         admixture including weed seeds.       panicle initiation stage to the
that leads to a severe nutritional   Discoloured and Chaffy                grain filling stage affects the
loss.                                grains                                root health and absorption of
        Heaping of harvested                 Grain discoloration           nutrients. Deficiency of secondary
paddy grains covered with            depending on the intensity not        and micronutrients like boron
silpaulin sheets and temporary       only affects the visual appeal but    and zinc also cause improper
storage until procurement without    also reduces the filling of grain     filling and chaffy grains. Under
any post-harvest operations like     and finally the grain weight.         such situations foliar nutrition
drying or cleaning is the general    Grain discoloration is caused by      with soluble fertilizers of major
practice of the farmers. Such        a complex of biotic and abiotic       and micro nutrients will be
temporary storage overlaid           factors such as pathogenic            beneficial to reduce the chaffy
by silpaulin sheets may cause        microorganisms, pests, soil           grains and to enhance the filling
mould growth and deterioration       quality, water quality, nutritional   of grains.
of quality standards. Aeration of    deficiency, climatic conditions                  Generally after the
paddy improves the quality.          and agronomic practices. The          panicle initiation stage plant
Admixture of lower classes           severity of discoloration affecting   protection activities are focused
        Having a mixture of          the grain property is inversely       mainly to control rice bugs and
varieties in the processing lot      proportional to milling recovery.     brown plant hoppers. Though
lowers milled rice recovery,         To meet this threshold,mills          incidence of sheath blight
reduces head rice yield and          sustain additional costs to discard   especially at the panicle initiation
causes excessive breakage. The       affected grains thereby reducing      stage and many ear head
richness of rice genetic diversity   the price realized by farmers.        diseases like neck blast, sheath
and the unique pattern of land       Poor quality of paddy can cause       rot, brown spot and blackening
holding lead to cultivation of       financial loss to the farmer by 10    of panicles are rampant causing
multiple varieties. Mixtures of      - 15%. Chaffy grains may be due       heavy damage to the crop no
varieties may contain grains of      to either nutritional deficiency      prophylactic plant protection
different size and shape that        or pests and diseases. Chaffy         measures are taken. Bacterial
affect the hulling efficiency.       grains ultimately add dockage         blight incidence at this stage
Depending on the size of grains      and in excessive quantities           also decreases the paddy grain
and the color of bran the paddy      result in conversion of paddy         quality. So, the post panicle
is categorised.                      to animal feed. As discussed          initiation management of rice is
        Agronomic practices          in the former part, the soil and      very important to enhance the
can be helpful to reduce the         water quality play a major role       grain quality. Considering the
admixture of lower classes of        in deciding the discoloured and       complex nature of correction of
varieties. Use of clean seed can     chaffy grains in the problem          nutritional irregularities at soil and
be beneficial. Use of the same       soils consisting of karappadom,       plant level, and plant protection
variety across a padashekharam       kayal, kari and kolelands. These      measures to manage the ear
can reduce the admixture.            soils are basically acidic and its    head diseases, a multi pronged
Germination of fallen seeds of       connectivity to brackish water        approach is recommended to
the previous crop is a source of     makes them saline especially          enhance the grain quality based
contamination. Land preparation      during the non-rainyseason.           on field experiments conducted
period is to be staggered in order   The evapotranspiration process        at the Regional Agricultural
to provide a resting period of 2     during summer months brings           Research Station, Kumarakom.
to 3 weeks between the primary       up the salts to the rhizosphere.      Foliar application of the micro
and secondary tillage. Such          These soils have excess iron,         nutrients zinc, copper and boron

                                                                                KERALA KARSHAKAN       e-journal
                                                                                                      MAY 2021      23
along with major nutrients at          Bureau of Indian Standards           • Fo r m e d i u m d u r a t i o n
     panicle initiation stage and foliar    through IS 4333 Part IV specifies        varieties second top dressing
     application of the fungicide           a method for determination of            within 35 DAS
     mixture of tebuconazole and            the mass of 1000 grains. Test        • Apply lime one week prior to
     trifloxystrobin (0.1 per cent) at      weight is specific to each variety       third top dressing.
     the panicle initiation and ear         of paddy cultivated. Low test        • Third top dressing 2-3 days
     head emergence stage can               weights tend to result from poor         ahead of panicle initiation
     significantly reduce the grain         grain fill and environmental             stage.
     discoloration and enhance the          conditions in the field before       • Fo l i a r a p p l i c a t i o n o f
     paddy grain yield.                     harvest. The 1000 grain weight           fungicides and micronutrients
     Immature and shriveled                 is a very important measure of           along with third top dressing.
     grains                                 the grain quality that determines    • Apply a fungicide mix of 0.1
               Occurrence of immature       the grain value. A lower test            percent tebuconazole and
     and shriveled grains can be            weight equals lower value, while         trifloxystrobin together with
     reduced by proper nutritional          higher test weight fetches best          1percent potassium nitrate
     management. The number of              price.                                   at the ear head emergence
     vegetative tillers produced and        Management strategies                    stage.
     its conversion to productive           to keep up the quality               • Adopt plant protection
     tillers require timely fertilizer      standards                                measures against rice
     application. The first top dressing             The following agronomic         bug,brown plant hopper
     consisting of one third nitrogen       practices starting with                  and bacterial leaf
     and potassium has to be applied        land preparation up to the           • blight based on regular
     between 15-20 days after               procurement of paddy grains              observation.
     sowing. The second top dressing        summarized below are effective       • Drain the field at weekly
     with next increment of nitrogen        to boost the quality standards.          intervals and let in fresh
     and potassium facilitatesactive        • Select appropriate season              water especially after panicle
     tillering for which the application        especially for problem soils.        initiation stage.
     of nutrients should be done            • Three weeks resting period         • Harvest the crop when the
     at 30-35 days after sowing.                between primary and                  panicles show maturity.
     Application of nutrients beyond            secondary tillage.               • Dry and clean the paddy
     this stage may result in delayed       • Liming along with initial              grains prior to prolonged
     tillering and protracted flowering.        ploughing                            storage.
     Flowering beyond the normal            • Adopt proper land leveling         • When grain heaps are
     flowering stage can upset the          • Provision for good drainage            covered with silpaulin sheet,
     maturity of grains resulting in            prior to sowing.                     aeration is to be assured
     an increased immature and              • Use good quality seed                       Cultivation of paddy that
     shriveled grains. Final top                without admixture.               stretches over five months is
     dressing of fertilizers beyond         • Seed treatment with                considered not only strenuous
     the panicle initiation stage can           biocontrol agents like           but also risky. For a successful
     also upset the maturity of paddy           Pseudomonas/ trichoderma         crop and better returns, proactive
     grains resulting in increased          • Need based fertilizer              measures are inevitable. Income
     immature and shriveled grains.             application based on soil        of the farmers solely depends on
     Under such conditions post-                testing.                         the quality of grain produced.
     harvest cleaning and drying            • Integrated nutrient                Farmers must be aware of the
     can alone enhance the quality              management incorporating         practices to attain best quality
     standards of paddy grains.                 organic, biofertilizers and      of paddy. Zeal to implement the
     Test weight                                the limiting macro and micro     above recommendations will
              Test weight is an indicator       nutrients.                       ensure better crop growth, that
     of the soundness of grain and is       • First top dressing within 20       results in sound and nutritious
     considered as a yield attribute.           days after sowing (DAS).         grain.

     MAY 2021
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