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Pla et#03
      October 2013





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2 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

                                                           FOCUSING ON THE FUTURE OF
Pla et  #03                                                CITIES AND REGIONS
                                                           z This third issue of Planet unveils an array of
                                                           new solutions provided by Veolia, ranging from
                                                           managing water resources efficiently in South
                                                           Korea and eliminating fossil fuels in Sweden
                                                           to achieving record recycling in the UK and
                                                           reusing engine oil in France.
                                                                    In Seoul, SK hynix is recycling an
                                                           increasing amount of ultrapure water to clean
                                                           its DRAM memory modules, which are widely
   04    Facts                                             used around the globe. The pioneering city of
         Trout, the guardians of our rivers z              Boras is well on the way to achieving its goal
         Sustainia: sustainable solutions from around      of freedom from fossil fuels, an area in which
         the world z God save the Thames London            the Swedish city has come to set the standard,
         Water z Central Africa combats cholera z          drawing on over a century of endeavor. In
                                                           the London borough of Southwark, the local
   13    Solutions                                         council has embraced a radical new approach
         Pioneering Borås aims for zero fossil fuels z     to household waste management by adopting
         Osilub, the new waste oil recycling plant, is a   an in-depth, socially responsible solution. In Le
         response to the 2008 EU directive z SK Hynix      Havre, the Osilub plant set up in partnership
         lowers consumption of ultrapure water used in     with Total has achieved a record recycling yield
         memory module manufacture z                       of 75% for waste engine oil in Europe.
                                                                    Providing solutions also means
   26    Horizons                                          discussing and sharing ideas to unearth new
         An integrated waste management facility for       approaches. The website growingblue.com
         the London borough of Southwark z                 invites us to assess our impact on water
                                                           resources and think carefully about our
         Views                                             future. The knowledge-sharing campaign
   34    Portfolio Stéphane Lavoué captures the men        underway in China with Tsinghua University’s
         amid the dunes z Portrait Catherine Barbaroux,    School of Environment encourages a better
         the citizen z                                     balance between growth and respect for the
         Visions                                                    The new Veolia continues to take shape
   45    Growing Blue or how the Internet is playing a     across the world with each passing day. z
         role in water resource management z
         The environment in China through the eyes                                         The Planet Team
         of Professor Yu Gang z Open innovation to
         Warsaw’s Heat-Tech Center z

                                                                                 z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   3
zzzz   FACTS

                                                                                           z Climate vulnerability data         FOUNDATION SOLIDARITY: A CLASS ACT
                                                                                           now online. The first online         z No fewer than 113 associations compris-
                                                                                           database of 184 countries            ing master's students from French Grandes
                                                                                           vulnerable to the effects of         Ecoles and international universities took
                                                                                           climate change is available          part in the competition to win the fifth
                                                                                           via an online interactive            Student Solidarity Prize. The prize aims to
                                                                                           portal, providing a wealth of        encourage initiative and involvement by
                                                                                           information for researchers,         rewarding innovative community-oriented

Sustainia:                                                                                 academics and decision-              approaches to sustainable develop-
                                                                                           makers around the world. z           ment. The prize was created by the Veolia
                                                                                           www.scidev.net/global/policy/        Environnement Foundation and Campus
sustainable solutions from                                                                 news/country-specific-climate-
                                                                                                                                Veolia. Winners receive a total grant of
                                                                                                                                €15,000 (shared between all winners) and
around the world                                                                                                                technical support in the form of expertise pro-
                                                                                                                                vided by Veolia employees. This year's first
                                                                                                                                prize goes to French nonprofit La Cravate
Sustainia 100 is collection of innovative ideas compiled                                                                        Solidaire (Ecole des dirigeants et créateurs
each year by the Danish organization Sustainia. It was                                                                          d'entreprises—EDC). The organization sup-

launched following the 2009 United Nations Climate                                                                              plies apparel for the professional world to
                                                                                                                                job seekers, back-to-work candidates and
Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen. Sustainia
aims to provide an optimistic and engaging guide to                                                        BILLION              penniless students in preparation for their
                                                                                                                                first job interviews. The second prize goes
                                                                                           people—one third of the
sustainable solutions implemented around the world.                                        world's population—will still        to "INSA Toulouse humanitarian center"
                                                                                           be without access to modern          (Institut national des sciences appliquées
Of the 100 shortlisted ideas—which include the model                                                                            de Toulouse), which is installing washbasins
introduced by the city of Borås in Sweden (see page 14)—                                   sanitation in 2015.
                                                                                           Source: OMS/Unicef
                                                                                                                                in the health centers of remote villages in
10 focus on cities. The city of Copenhagen is working                                                                           Senegal and assisting with renovations. The
to build a “climate-resilient” eco-neighborhood, while                                                                          third prize goes to Inde Espoir, a group of
                                                                                                                                French and British schools working to build
Henning Larsen Architects and Partners have developed                                                                           a boarding school in India to provide an
a new design method to optimize the use of natural light                                                                        education for young girls from tribal areas.
                                                                                           z TIA, a regional
in buildings and neighborhoods. The city of Gothenburg                                                                          The "jury's favorite" award this year goes to
                                                                                           approach to innovation.              L'Ombre et la Plume (EDHEC) for its cam-
uses the naturally cold water from the Göta älv river for                                  In France, the Innovation            paign to combat post-prison exclusion. z

                                                                                                                                                                                   ©Veolia photo library-Christophe Majani
                                                                                           Agency has called on the
its district cooling system. The Dutch project Tvilight
                                                                                           services of companies
uses smart controls to adjust street lighting and electricity                              able to provide original
consumption and analyze traffic data. In the heart of                                      regional solutions. In
London, the new King's Cross development is achieving                                      partnership with Veolia
                                                                                           Research and Innovation, it
sustainability while protecting cultural heritage. In Los                                  brings together companies
Angeles, the social platform Neighborgoods.net facilitates                                 specializing in advanced
borrowing and lending between neighbors. Montería                                          digital technologies, such
                                                                                           as Orange. Two calls for
Green City 2019 is a pioneering urban initiative in Latin                                  proposals to build smart
America that seeks to adapt the city to climate change                                     grids are underway. z                       The La Cravate Solidaire team took home
                                                                                                                                              the 2013 Student Solidarity Prize.
and improve urban growth. z

                                                                                                                                FRANCE LIMAGRAIN PROMOTES BIOMASS
                                                                                                                                z The world’s fourth largest seed company
                                                                                           z Breweries     for the Clean        is pursuing its corporate social responsibil-
                                                                                           Water Act. You can’t make            ity (CSR) initiative with the introduction
                                                                                           quality beer without quality         of a biomass boiler that burns corncobs,
                                                                                           water. In April, a group of          a fuel with a much higher calorific value
                                                                                           US brewers joined forces             than wood chips. The pilot project, a first in
                                                                                           with environmental pressure          Europe, was set up at one of the company's
                                                                                           group Natural Resources              French production sites. The operator,
                                                                                           Defense Council to defend the        Dalkia, brought Veolia R&D teams on board
                                                                ©Søren Malmose/Sustainia

                                                                                           Clean Water Act. This federal        to overcome the challenge of fine-tuning
                                                                                           law, which has governed              the combustion of this new energy source,
                                                                                           water pollution since 1972, is       in part to measure its environmental
                                                                                           essential to the preservation        impact. Mission accomplished. The site’s
                                                                                           of water resources. z                carbon footprint has been reduced by over
                                                                                           http://water.epa.gov/                2,600 metric tons and possible applications
                                                                                                                                for the residual ash are being considered. z

4 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
©Rudy Sulgan/Corbis
BRATISLAVA DEVELOPMENTS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE RIVER z Petržalka, on the right bank of the Danube, is the largest residential district in
Central Europe; on the other side of the river and the freeway that runs alongside it is the historic Bratislava city center. In the 1970s, the number of
residents of Petržalka rose from 14,000 to 60,000, and it was supposed to be the most modern city in Slovakia. But the outcome of the project was a high-
rise development with 40,000 apartments housing 150,000 people. Following redevelopment in the 2000s, it is now a lively neighborhood of Bratislava
with an active sustainable development policy. The authorities have just signed an energy-performance contract (EPC) pertaining to the district’s
schools. Dalkia, which has been supplying Petržalka’s heat and hot water since 2000, was originally awarded the contract in 2003 and it has now been
renewed for 20 years. The project has led to energy savings of over 25%, with zero impact on the public budget. z

                                                                                                                      z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   5
zzzz   FACTS

                                                           z Gold Medal for                                    STORMY WEATHER CENTRAL EUROPE
                                                           Muhammad Yunus.                                     UNDER WATER z The torrential rains that
                                                           The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize                          fell in May and June over large parts of
                                                           laureate and founder of the                         Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech
                                                           Grameen Bank received                               Republic and Switzerland caused the
                                                           the US Congressional                                worst flooding in 500 years. The cost in
                                                           Gold Medal in April in                              devastated crops, closed factories and

Trout,                                                     recognition of his efforts to
                                                           combat world poverty. With
                                                           this he joins a select group
                                                                                                               damaged infrastructure is estimated at
                                                                                                               several billion euros. In the Prague area,
                                                                                                               where Veolia is present, the operator’s
the guardians of our rivers                                of just seven people who
                                                           have been awarded both
                                                                                                               response was swift and effective, mainly
                                                                                                               due to the level of anti-flood protection
                                                           the Nobel Peace Prize and                           put in place after the violent storms
Because of their hypersensitivity to the presence of       the Presidential Medal of                           of 2002. Activated even before the
                                                           Freedom. Veolia has been at                         announcement of a state of emergency
pollutants, trout are regarded as indicators of water                                                          by local relief committees, it enabled
                                                           his side since 2008, seeking
quality and are used in drinking water plants, in          sustainable solutions to                            Prague's main wastewater treatment
aquariums called “trout-o-meters.” The slightest change    provide disadvantaged                               plant to be shut down in time to prevent
in their behavior warns of a potential problem and, if     people with access to safe                          permanent damage to facilities. This
                                                           drinking water, and is one of                       made it possible to ensure an uninter-
necessary, output from the plant can be temporarily shut   the first companies to have                         rupted, trouble-free supply of drinking
down. In rivers, changes in water quality are measured     supported his work. z                               water to all towns in the region. z
by the number of species and specimens identified.
For this reason, Veolia has partnered with fishing
clubs and organizations to launch river restocking
programs in several Central European countries.
                                                                                                               €55.8 bn
                                                                                           ©Nawsher Ali Khan
In the Czech Republic, some 4,000 fish are released
every year — preferably large specimens of varying
                                                                                                               The revenue that the smart grid* market is
ages which are more likely to survive and reproduce.                                                           expected to generate by 2020, double that
In return, the fishermen agree to observe the “catch                                                           of 2012. The two biggest markets will be
and release” rule. They also monitor fish growth and                                                           North America and the Asia-Pacific region.
                                                                                                               * Electricity networks that can efficiently
watch out for evidence of poaching. After three years of                                                       integrate the behavior and actions of all users
experimentation, the results exceed the targets and new                                                        connected to them, in order to ensure an econo-
                                                           z Harvey Rosen Award for                            mically efficient, sustainable power system.
release sites are under consideration elsewhere in the                                                         Source: Navigant, a US consultancy.
                                                           bromates. This is only
country, as well as in Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. z    the second time since its
                                                           inception in 1989 that the
                                                           Harvey M. Rosen Memorial
                                                           Award has been presented
                                                           to a French team. This                              UNITED STATES STURBRIDGE LOOKS
                                                           prestigious award, given                            AFTER ITS WATER SYSTEM z Sturbridge,
                                                           every two years by the                              a town in Massachusetts of some 9,300
                                                           editorial board of the                              inhabitants, embarked on a major
                                                           journal Ozone: Science and                          upgrade of its water and wastewater
                                                           Engineering, recognizes                             system nearly 20 years ago. In 1989,
                                                           research on ozone. In this                          the municipal authority formed a
                                                           case, it highlights the                             public-private partnership with Veolia
                                                           important contribution                              to manage the water and wastewater
                                                           of the paper published                              system. More than 20 years later, water
                                                           by Peter Mandel and his                             leakage has been reduced by 30%
                                                           team to understanding the                           and wastewater treatment capacity
                                                           mechanisms of bromate                               increased by 50%. Several US Centers
                                                           formation. Bromates are                             for Prevention and Disease Control
                                                           inorganic substances                                have recognized the quality of water
                                                           formed by the oxidation of                          fluoridation in the town. More recently,
                                                           bromide in fresh water. Now                         the Massachusetts Department of
                                                           a researcher at the Veolia                          Environmental Protection honored
                                                           Research Center in Maisons-                         the partnership between Sturbridge
                                                           Laffitte, France, Peter                             and Veolia with an award for their
                                                           Mandel received the Willy                           commitment to the environment. z
                                                           Masschelein Prize in 2011. z

6 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
©Veolia photo library-Alexis Duclos
CANADA TAKE BACK THE LIGHT z Some 30 million fluorescent lamps are discarded by industry, business and institutions in Ontario every year.
A significant proportion of these lamps end up in the country's landfills. In addition to their metal and glass components, they contain mercury and
phosphorus, both of which are extremely harmful to the environment. In a bid to deal with this waste more effectively, the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment launched the "Take Back the Light" program in 2008, led by the Recycling Council of Ontario. This has led to a simple, cost-effective means
of providing comprehensive treatment for these end-of-life products, backed by stringent traceability. Since its inception, the program has successfully
recycled five million lamps, preventing around 182 kg of mercury, 27 kg of phosphorus, 1.75 metric tons of glass and 22 kg of metal from entering the
environment. The Recycling Council of Ontario recently contracted Veolia North America to handle all recycling operations. z

                                                                                                                    z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   7
zzzz   FACTS

                                                                  z Acquiring water accounts       BRAZIL THE PAPER INDUSTRY
                                                                  for 22% of the daily work        MUST ADAPT TO ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                  of the average woman in          STANDARDS z Paper manufacturers
                                                                  rural India – a grueling task    use vast amounts of water, mainly to
                                                                  which involves physically        extract cellulose from wood fiber, and
                                                                  drawing water from a river,      are gradually introducing schemes to
                                                                  public well or other source      manage process water and wastewater
                                                                  and then carrying it home        at their sites. This is the case of Celulose

God save the Thames                                               in containers. A hundred
                                                                  women demonstrated
                                                                  with their “collection
                                                                                                   Riograndense, a subsidiary of the Chilean
                                                                                                   international market leader, CMPC, which
                                                                                                   is located in the state of Rio Grande do
London water                                                      equipment” in front of the
                                                                  local government offices
                                                                                                   Sul. The Brazilian company has called
                                                                                                   on Veolia to build three raw water and
                                                                  in Tiruchirappalli (Tamil        wastewater treatment units, using the
Much of London’s pipe system dates from the Victorian             Nadu) in southern India, to      most advanced technologies: the MBBR
                                                                  encourage the authorities        aerobic biological treatment process and
era and requires constant repair. The sewer system in             to install piped drinking        the Actiflo water clarification system. z
particular, hit by the floods affecting the capital, has a        water systems in their area.
hard time coping. Water companies continue to invest,             In the neighboring state of
                                                                  Karnataka, Veolia is getting
spending more than £100 billion (€117 billion) on the             ready to provide water 24/7
country's water facilities over the past 25 years. Thames         to the citizens of Ilkal and
Water, the country’s main operator with 32,000 km of              Bijapur as well as to students
                                                                  on the Bangalore campus          FRANCE HIGH-PERFORMANCE
pipes serving 14 million people in London and the south           of the Indian Institute of       DIAGNOSTICS z Veolia has signed a
of England, is set to spend £10 billion on infrastructure         Science. z                       partnership with bioMérieux, the global
renewal between 2010 and 2020. The British water                                                   leader in microbiological diagnostics,
                                                                                                   aimed at monitoring drinking water
systems, the majority of which were privatized in 1989,                                            quality in order to protect consumer

are owned by some 20 private companies, a situation                                                health. This collaborative project aims
unique in Europe. Subjected to a demanding regulator,                                              to develop a new device for detecting
                                                                                                   microorganisms in the natural
Ofwat, they call on outside expertise from companies                             less energy is    environment and pipe systems, and
such as Veolia, thus putting the emphasis more on                 used to make a bottle from       ultimately assess the microbiological
the added value of each partner than on profitability.            recycled plastic as opposed      quality of drinking water throughout the
                                                                  to non-recycled material.        production chain from source to tap. z
Formed in May, the alliance partners bid for a place on
this unique contract based not on price or cost – but on
their combined ability to bring the right people with
the right thinking, together, resulting in a top table of
                                                                  z In the United Arab Emirates,
Veolia, IBM, Costain, Balfour Beatty, MWH, Skanska                Abu Dhabi Airports
and Atkins, sitting alongside Thames Water. Veolia will                                            AUSTRALIA ECO-BRICKS z Threats
                                                                  Company (ADAC) has plans
                                                                  for its four sites: Abu Dhabi
                                                                                                   to the steady supply of natural gas—a
be responsible for the design and construction of water                                            factor contributing to rising prices—are
                                                                  International Airport, Al
mains, sewers and water treatment facilities in London            Bateen Executive Airport,
                                                                                                   prompting the building sector to develop
and the Thames Valley. It will also provide its expertise         Abu Dhabi International
                                                                                                   local alternative energy sources. This
                                                                  Airport City Check-in
                                                                                                   has the advantage of reducing energy
in transforming sludge from the wastewater treatment                                               costs as well as being a more responsible
                                                                  and Al Ain International
plants into phosphates and energy, as well as in leakage          Airport. Its objective is to
                                                                                                   approach to fossil carbon emissions.
management. This is a crucial issue in England, where             bring them up the highest
                                                                                                   Brick manufacturer Austral Bricks—in a
                                                                  international standards in
                                                                                                   domestic market estimated at some AUD
water shortages in 2012 led to usage restrictions in the                                           $2.8 billion—recently made an innovative
                                                                  order to provide passengers
Southeast. z                                                                                       move in this area. In late 2012, Veolia
                                                                  with a “unique experience.”
                                                                  ADAC has chosen Dalkia to
                                                                                                   and Austral Bricks designed a system
                                                                  manage the energy systems,
                                                                                                   to recover methane from household and
                                                                  technical installations and
                                                                                                   industrial waste in the Sydney area. The
                                                                                                   gas is used to power kilns situated nearby,

                                                                  security systems at all four
                                                                  sites. The largest, Abu Dhabi
                                                                                                   ensuring steady production of bricks
                                                                  International Airport, is
                                                                                                   to meet demand. Veolia will supply 3.3
                                                                  already well on the way,
                                                                                                   million m3 of methane each year under
              pilot projects for smart neighborhoods are                                           the five-year partnership agreement.
now up and running to improve the lives of citizens around        having been voted best
                                                                  airport in the Middle East in
                                                                                                   The project received a 2013 Australian
the world. The French city of Nice, for instance, has installed                                    Business Award. z
200 sensors on street lights, in garbage cans and in the          2012. z
pavement to collect useful data in real time.

8 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
©Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies photo library

SAUDI ARABIA SADARA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT z This is the newest—and largest—desalination plant to rise from the sands of Saudi Arabia. With a
capacity of 178,000 m3/day, beginning in 2015 it will serve a petrochemical complex of global scope—Sadara, built by US chemical giant Dow Chemical
and oil company Saudi Aramco in Jubail. The two partners will produce solvents and adhesives for the automotive and packaging industries. To meet
stringent environmental and water quality standards, the plant is developing seawater treatment technology combining ultrafiltration and reverse
osmosis. The combination of the two methods provides a reliable water supply, minimizes the risk of failure and extends the life of the facilities, while
reducing the site’s energy requirements and costs. Veolia, which designed the plant, has been selected to build and operate it. z

                                                                                                                    z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz    9
zzzz   FACTS

                                                                                                 z Cleaner cheese from Bel.       PERU SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE FOR THE
                                                                                                 With 27 production sites         RAINFORESTS z Peru’s efforts to protect
                                                                                                 around the world (inclu-         its primary forest against illegal logging
                                                                                                 ding nine in France) and         have paid off. Thanks to a satellite-based
                                                                                                 products sold in over 120        deforestation monitoring system—after
                                                                                                 countries, French cheese         Brazil, Peru is the second country to acquire
                                                                                                 manufacturer Bel, the name       one—the results published last spring show
                                                                                                 behind the popular Laughing      a 37% drop in deforestation in the Peruvian

Central Africa                                                                                   Cow® brand, is working to        Amazon over the 2010-2011 period, which
                                                                                                 minimize the environmen-         peaked at 163,000 hectares/year between
                                                                                                 tal impact of its activities.    2005 and 2009. z
combats cholera                                                                                  One of its goals was to be
                                                                                                 recycling 100% of the waste
                                                                                                 generated at five of its
Four Central African countries have, since 2008,                                                 production sites in France by
                                                                                                 the end of 2013. The solution,
been trialing an integrated approach to combating                                                provided by Veolia, entailed     HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE
cholera, combining the development of water, sanitation                                          optimizing recycling/reco-       WORKPLACE SPOTLIGHT ON THE SEOUL
and hygiene infrastructure. The Democratic Republic of                                           very and reducing waste at       DECLARATION z Making safety and health
                                                                                                 source. As a result of these     in the workplace a high priority
Congo (DRC) is one of the worst affected countries, with                                         measures, the plants have        in every country is the core commitment
more than 150,000 cases and 4,000 deaths recorded by the                                         cut the amount of waste          of the Seoul Declaration, adopted at
WHO between 2002 and 2008, representing 20% of deaths                                            generated by three quarters      the World Congress on Safety and
                                                                                                 in 10 years, even though         Health at Work in June 2008, in which
from the disease worldwide. Enter the Global Alliance                                            production has increased by      some 50 high-level government and
Against Cholera (GAAC), an international advisory                                                10% on average. Today, the       corporate representatives from around
group supported by the Veolia Foundation. The town of                                            Bel group recycles 80% of its    the world participated. In 2008, the
                                                                                                 waste and is aiming for 85%      Seoul Declaration had only a handful of
Kalemie in Katanga province was the first place to try out                                       by the end of 2013. z            signatories; now, there are more than
the scheme, which involved water pipe rehabilitation,                                                                             300. All commit to play an active role in
building storage tanks and doubling the capacity of a                                                                             maintaining a safe and healthy workplace

water treatment plant, as well as increasing awareness                                                                            by implementing a well-defined system
                                                                                                                                  of rights, responsibilities and duties,
of the basic rules of hygiene. Today, as the initial results                                                                      in which the principle of prevention is
                                                                                                                 in the           accorded the highest priority. Building on
show a decline in the number of cholera cases in Kalemie,                                        European Union, 90% in
the program is being extended to a second town, Uvira.                                                                            its position as one of the first signatories,
                                                                                                 the USA, 91% in Japan, 84%       in June 30, 2008, Veolia has now ratified
And to assist in the rehabilitation of the town’s water                                          in Africa, 86% in India and      the declaration to cover its full range of
                                                                                                 87% in China… Fossil fuel
infrastructure, GAAC can count on €8.5 million in aid                                                                             activities. z
                                                                                                 still accounts for the vast
allocated by the French Development Agency and the                                               majority of the world’s
European Union. z                                                                                energy.

                                                                                                 z Burgundy knows how to
                                                                                                                                  RAMSES SHARING KNOWLEDGE
                                                                                                 save water. 350,000 m3 of
                                                                                                                                   z Developing methods to evaluate the
                                                                                                 drinking water was saved
                                                                                                                                  impact of climate change on urban
                                                                                                 in one year in the French
                                                                                                                                  infrastructure and helping European
                                                                                                 town of Beaune, population
                                                                                                                                  cities to better understand and accept the
                                                                                                 23,000, thanks to a
                                                                                                                                  measures needed to adapt… these are the
                                                                                                 combination of Veolia’s time-
                                                                                                                                  goals of the RAMSES – Science for cities in
                                                                                                 honored water management
                                                                                                                                  transition project, the winning tender for
                                                                                                 expertise and high-tech
                                                                                                                                  the European research project “Strategies,
                                                                                                 solutions proposed by
                                                                                                                                  costs and impacts of adaptation to climate
                                                                                                 M20city and Endetec. This
                                                                                                                                  change.” Co-funded by the European
                                                                                                 has resulted in better control
                                                                                                                                  Community under the 7th Framework
                                                                                                 of the amount of water
                                                                                                                                  Programme for Research, RAMSES is led by
                                                                                                 consumed—through remote
                                                               ©Fondation Veolia Environnement

                                                                                                                                  a consortium of academic and institutional
                                                                                                 meter reading, for example—
                                                                                                                                  partners, including the Potsdam Institute
                                                                                                 and raising awareness of the
                                                                                                                                  for Climate Research (PIK), the London
                                                                                                 problem of wasting water,
                                                                                                                                  School of Economics and Political Science,
                                                                                                 which is often unintentional.
                                                                                                                                  the World Health Organization, the
                                                                                                 It also makes it easier to
                                                                                                                                  European Secretariat of the International
                                                                                                 locate leaks and intervene
                                                                                                                                  Council for Local Environmental
                                                                                                 quickly, with full knowledge
                                                                                                                                  Initiatives (ICLEI) and the Institut Veolia
                                                                                                 of the facts, across the
                                                                                                                                  Environnement. z
                                                                                                 system concerned. z

10 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
©Veolia photo library-Jean-François Pélégry

INTERCOMPANY GAMES IN PRAGUE GAME OVER z The European Company Sport Games are like the Olympics for sport-loving employees.
Their motto: “The office is not the only playing field.” More than 7,000 sports enthusiasts from prestigious companies like IBM, Dassault, Allianz,
Orange and Veolia were present at the 19th edition of this event, which took place June 19–23, 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Games,
established in 1977, give participants the opportunity to meet and compete with employees from other companies outside of work, in a total of 28
sports and games, including football, bowling, badminton, petanque, cycling, golf and chess. This year, 230 Veolia employees from 14 European
countries were selected to represent the company in 19 sports. Veolia, with 146 titles and 205 medalists, finished top, ahead of Commerzbank AG
(Germany) and Polizei Österreich (Austria). z

                                                                                                                z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   11
                                    LIFE FO
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       Pla et#03

                     October 20               SOUTHW
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                                                                                       FOR WA
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                      HOT   BUT NEVE
                                    R   COLD

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©Veolia photo library-Christophe Majani.
Borås Energi och Miljö.

                                           z The Swedish town of Borås has been using sustainable energy
                                           models for 50 years and aims to reach its goal of “zero fossil
                                           fuels” by 2025. z Veolia and the oil company Total have heeded the
                                           European Union’s call to recycle waste motor oil rather than to
                                           incinerate it. The two recently opened the Osilub recycling plant,
                                           near Le Havre, France. z In Seoul, the South Korean group SK hynix,
                                           the world’s leading manufacturer of memory modules, is working
                                           hard to trim its outsize consumption of ultrapure water. z

                                                                                                z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   13

Freedom from fossil fuels

Borås: a pioneering city

z Sweden is responsible for just         nurse. “I love living in Borås,” she      across as the perfect representative of
0.2% of global greenhouse gas            says enthusiastically. “My children       the inhabitants of Borås, completely
emissions and has successfully           were born here and it was natural         committed to the environmental
reduced its CO2 output by 9% over        for them to learn to recycle, which is    policies that have been put into place:
the past 20 years. While that may        ‘non-negotiable’ around here – to the     “I’m proud that the enthusiasm of a few
seem like just a drop in the ocean,      degree that the school that they go to    individuals in the 1960s was enough to
the world leader for recycling and       flies a green flag, a powerful symbol     lay the foundations of our sustainable
clean energy is now exporting its        of the importance of sustainable          city.”
sustainable energy models around         development.” If she is ever tempted
the globe. Spotlight on a city           to joke about the complicated nature      Paradigm shift
that has come to epitomize this          of Borås’ recycling system, she doesn’t   1959. At a time when consumer society
exemplary approach: Borås. z             show it. “Of course it demands a          in Europe was at its peak and oil
                                         bit of concentration, but it’s not a      supplies plentiful, the Swedish city of
                                         problem. There’s nothing simpler          Borås, 60 kilometers from Gothenburg,
                                         than sorting food waste into black        chose to gradually wean itself off fossil
                                         bags and combustibles into white          fuels. In a tangible demonstration of
zCatarina is 43 years old. At the age    bags. For glass and newspapers            growing environmental awareness, the
of seven she and her family left their   other bags are provided.” This ease       city set up its own municipally owned
native Stromstad (a region bordering     of sorting is complemented by the         company, Borås Energi och Miljo
Norway) and settled in Borås, where      optimized opening hours of stations       AB (BEM). BEM was given a twofold
she still lives today and works as a     and recycling centers. Catarina comes     mission: to make this pioneering            zzzz

14 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

              z The conurbation is
              home to 104,000 people,
              including 64,000 within
              the town limits. z

              z The district heating network
              serves more than 70,000
              individuals. z

              z The city has reduced its
              greenhouse gas emissions by
              5,500 metric tons each year. z

                      ©Bruno Clergue for Dalkia
z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz

zzzz   dream a reality and to manage public                                                                 RYAVERKET SITE
       energy, waste and wastewater services.                                            Continuous improvement has been the
                                                                                  watchword of the Ryaverket site ever since it
       In 1980, the city created an association                              entered into service in the mid-1960s. The aim is
       to pool the ideas and resources of local                                 to improve the mix of fuels used – wood chips,
       officials, academics and businesses.                                      refuse-derived fuel and biomass – in order to
       Town officials are pleased with the                                    increase efficiency and produce cleaner energy. z
       success of the initiative: “Like other
       parts of Sweden, we knew that to break
       away from non-renewable energy
       sources we would have to recycle the
       vast amounts of waste being produced
       by modern living, both in households
       and businesses. In contrast to the
       prevailing consumer model of the
       time, we began seeing waste not as
       a nuisance with no further purpose,
       but as a resource that could be part of
       a sustainable, circular economy.” This
       collaborative partnership for a more
       sustainable future was undoubtedly
       instrumental in the successful energy
       solutions subsequently developed in
       Borås, with the end goal of creating
       a carbon-neutral city by 2025—an
       energy turnaround that would allow
       Borås to emit seven times less CO2 in
       the space of 50 years.

       A successful alternative energy plan
       Flashback to the late fifties. To give
       shape to this “sustainable society,” as
       the EU would call it many years later,
       Borås built a district heating network
       linked to the Ryaverket power plant,
       built in 1965, which was initially to
       be used for oil. In 1995, to remove the
       coal, the world’s largest steam dryer for
       biofuel was installed. BEM Managing
       Director Gunnar Peters (see interview
       on p. 19) gives a little background: “At
       first, it burned coal, since only a small
       proportion of waste was recycled. Then,
                                                   ©Borås Energi och Miljö

       thanks to continuous improvements
       that made the facility cleaner and
       more efficient, it was converted to
       biomass and coal in 1984, then to a
       combination of refuse-derived fuel zzzz

       16 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

                          z A THERMAL POWER PLANT
                          z Two 20-MW refuse-derived fuel boilers z

                          z Two 65-MW biomass boilers z

                          z Two 37-MW CHP steam turbines z

                          z A facility used to derive energy from
                          wastewater 9 MW z

                          z A DISTRICT HEATING NETWORK

                          z 350 km of underground pipes z

                          z 4,000 substations throughout the city z

                          z Four hydropower plants
                           Two 2.6-MW turbines
                           Two 2.7-MW turbines
                           Two 2-MW turbines z

                          The “thermos” is a storage tank with a
                          capacity of 37,000 cubic meters located
                          nearby the Ryaverket site. It is the largest hot
                          water storage facility ever built in Europe.
                          When more heat is being produced than is
                          needed by the people using the network, the
                          accumulator stores the energy as hot water.
                          When consumer demand exceeds production,
                          the energy accumulated in the tank is fed back
                          into the network.

                                                                                ©Veolia photo library-Adam Ihse/Interlinks Image
©Borås Energi och Miljö

                                        z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   17

zzzz   (RDF) – obtained from waste sorting –
       and biomass in 2005. That same year
       we built two 20 MW boilers for waste,
       began our partnership with Dalkia and
       started implementing an alternative
       energy plan.” To manage fluctuating
       demand on the district heating network
       in a sustainable manner, Dalkia uses
       RDF in the summer and supplements
       this fuel source with animal biomass in

                                                                                              ©Veolia photo library-Adam Ihse/Interlinks Image
       the fall and winter. Fossil fuels may be
       used to cope with spikes in demand on
       the coldest days of winter. However, as
       part of the campaign to smooth out these
       peaks and troughs and move towards
       the goal of zero fossil fuels, “we have
       built an 80-meter tall accumulator tank
       with a capacity of 37,000 cubic meters at
       the Ryaverket site to store energy as hot
       water,” explains Peters. Residents have
       dubbed the tank the “Thermos” and it
       has become a cherished landmark for
       the city. “Lit up with Christmas lights
       in the winter, it’s a real source of pride,”
       beams one town official.
       Another source of satisfaction for
       local representatives and a keystone
       in the Borås development model is
       the willingness of the city’s people
       to sort their waste. This attitude is
       underpinned by a policy designed
       to raise awareness and promote
       responsible citizenship (see interview).
       Today, of the some 200,000 metric tons
       of waste collected each year, only 4%
                                                                                                  ©Borås Energi och Miljö

       ends up in a landfill. 30,000 metric tons
       of organic waste are turned into biogas
       used to power the city’s buses (since
       2002), garbage trucks (since 2003)
       and taxis (since 2004). “Absolutely
       everything that can be recycled
       is recycled!” adds Peters. With its            Dalkia has operated the facilities
       thriving economy and industry (11,500          since 2006, including the thermal
       SMEs and SMIs, and over 5,000 new              power plant (and its storage unit),
                                                      a facility that derives energy from
       companies each year), Borås is proof           wastewater, hydraulic turbines and
       that it is possible to reconcile growth        the Borås district heating network. z
       with sustainable energy solutions. z

       18 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

Gunnar Peters,

                                                                                                                                          ©Borås Energi och Miljö
Managing Director of Borås Energi och Miljö (BEM)

z BEM was already using renewable              z Then came the crises of 1973 and        z What do Borås residents think about
energy to meet the town’s needs at the         1979…                                     your work?
end of the 19th century, long before the       In order to overcome our dependence       We raise public awareness using
environmental movement. How did this           on oil, we decided to move to biofuels    theme-based campaigns, in order to
come about?                                    and developed new biofuel boilers.        reach our goal of “zero fossil fuels.” We
Our first municipal site, Elektra, was         We still used some coal to meet our       specifically target young people, who
already producing electricity in 1900.         full requirements, but the two new        are particularly effective at passing on
To cope with high demand for this new          20 MW biomass boilers installed at        their good habits on to their parents. As
convenience, we of course chose to use         the Ryaverket site in 2005 constitute     we have many different cultures within
a local energy source and built four           a decisive step forward in the field of   the local population, we make sure our
hydropower plants. These remarkable            green technology. Today, we only burn     information on the environment and
facilities are still in operation today! But   dry biomass in the two bio boilers.       energy is practical and educational.
over the course of time the population                                                   Finally, we sponsor a science center
grew and we had to open another                z What is your recipe for integrating     and every year we give out awards to
production site. In 1948 Sweden                household waste into energy               “environmental heroes.”
discovered district heating and the            production?
concept of simultaneous electricity and        All it takes is a touch of innovation     z You’ve become a global role model!
heat production took shape in the form         and a dose of continuous optimization,    Every year, we receive 2,500 visitors
of a cogeneration plant. In 1965, the          coordinated by our local teams, in        from across the world who are keen to
Ryaverket plant opened using oil. In 1984,     close collaboration with specialists      learn more about our experience and
it was converted to biomass and coal. In       from academic institutions such           expertise. We are even in the process of
1995, coal was removed following the           as the Swedish National Institute         forming a team dedicated to providing
installation of the world’s largest steam      of Technical Research. We have            international consulting services! z
dryer for biofuel. We are also adding a        also developed partnerships with
new plant for the clean elimination of         international companies like Dalkia.
household waste on the same site.

                                                                                                  z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   19

                                                                                                              France still exports 40,000
                                                                                                                 metric tons of waste oil
                                                                                                                    to Germany, Italy and
                                                                                                              Spain each year. It is then
                                                                                                              recycled and brought back
                                                                                                                 to the country as engine
                                                                                                                oil, in direct competition
                                                                                                                    with French lubricant
                                                                                                                  manufacturers. The new
                                                                                                                   Osilub plant ensures a
                                                                                                                 relevant response to EU
                                                                                                               rules requiring a focus on
                                                                                                                   materials recovery and
Osilub                                                                                                          helps to stem the tide of
                                                                                                                    «wasteful» exports. z

A new lease on life for motor oil

z Recycling engine oil is a crucial           every 20,000 km (or even 30,000 km),        been used as a source of fuel in cement
part of the campaign to offset the            compared with intervals of 5,000 km         and lime kilns, or to incinerate other
increasing price of petroleum. The            in the past. Which leaves plenty of         types of hazardous waste.
new Osilub plant aims to improve              time to forget! Oil changes are also
recycling capability to reduce                becoming less frequent as a result of       81% of oil recycled in the EU Recycling means
costs and promote environmental               improvements in oil performance,            recovering waste oil to provide fresh
stewardship. z                                which allow vehicles go longer between      feedstock for the engine oil production
                                              changes. What is more, engines are now      process. With today’s increasingly
                                              more sophisticated and require less oil.    sophisticated recycling technology, four
                                              Together, all of these factors have led     liters of waste motor oil are enough to
                                              to steady decline in the overall amount     produce three liters of new engine oil
z A message to drivers everywhere:            of waste motor oil—which must be            (see inset). This bodes well for the future,
don’t forget to change your motor oil         treated—in Europe since 2004. Following     especially given the long-term rise in the
before a long trip, or at least once a        the introduction of the European Waste      price of hydrocarbons. In 2000, 27% of
year. Although the vehicle’s onboard          Framework Directive (2008/98/EC),           waste oil in the EU was recycled. By
computer should let you know when             Member States must focus on recovering,     2010, that figure had reached 81%,
it’s time to do so, a growing number          recycling and re-using waste oil rather     representing 1,790,000 metric tons out
of people seem to overlook this vital         than resorting to incineration, which is    of a total of 2,210,000 metric tons of
piece of routine servicing. This is largely   now discouraged. In the past, these oils—   waste oil collected.
because oil changes are increasingly          which are toxic to the environment and      In France, recycling overtook incin-
spaced out and are now done after             con-sidered as hazardous waste—have         eration in 2011 (52%), rising to 63% in

20 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
©Veolia photo library-Christophe Majani
2012. This is in part thanks to the new     OSILUB: A RECYCLING LOOP FOR WASTE OILS
Osilub plant, which is now able to treat
an impressive 120,000 metric tons of oil    “ This is the first time     representing half of all     transfer center (CRITT)
                                            in the global market         waste oil to be recycled     and ADEME. These
a year. However, Éric Lecointre, auto-      that a waste-treatment       in France. Its close         solutions have resulted
motive industry waste liaison officer       specialist has teamed        proximity to the port of     in an average efficiency
at the French Environment and Energy        up with an oil company       Le Havre puts the plant      of 75%, compared with
Management Agency (ADEME), points           to create a recycling        in a position to treat       the usual 45%. Just one
                                            facility for waste           waste oil not just from      liter of waste oil can
to another reason: “Cement makers are       oils on such a scale.”       France but also from         provide 0.75 liters of an
also turning away from used oils in favor   Opened in 2012, the          northwest Europe (UK         intermediate product
of other fuels such as tires and biomass.   brand new Osilub             and Benelux), a region       known as vacuum gas
Producers are finding it increasingly       plant near Gonfreville       that is a major producer     oil (VGO), which is
                                            in northern France           of used oil but is clearly   used to make base oil
difficult to keep up with the rocketing     is understandably a          lacking in recycling         with more or less the
market price of waste oil, which surged     source of pride for          capacity.                    same quality as that of
from an average of €75 per metric ton in    managing director            Osilub uses a unique         the best unrefined oils
                                            Jacques Tricard. Osilub      distillation process         on the market. z
2008 to €111 in 2010 and about €200 in      is a joint subsidiary of     based on approaches
2012. You could say the market is having    Veolia (65%) and Total       used in the fine
a positive impact on the environment        (35%). The two have          chemicals industry
since it encourages recycling over incin-   invested some €55            and developed in
                                            million in the plant,        partnership with the
eration.” That’s not something that hap-    which can treat 120,000      regional innovation
pens every day! z                           metric tons of oil a year,   and technology

                                                                                                 z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   21

                                                                                                       Taking a dip in the River
                                                                                                       Han, south of Seoul, is a
                                                                                                         popular activity among
                                                                                                        South Korean families. z

SK hynix

DRAM soaks up ultrapure water

z South Korea’s SK hynix is the lead-    assembling bikes and kites and keeping     Lack of rainfall
ing DRAM manufacturer world-             a watchful eye on the thousands of         Global DRAM market leader SK hynix
wide. Together, the company and          toddlers joyfully paddling in the water    provides memory chips to both Apple
Samsung Electronics hold a 70%           features leading down to the river. But    and Samsung, a position that puts the
market share. The technologies           most parents probably don’t give much      company at the forefront of tackling
SK hynix is developing demand            thought where all that baby lotion and     the growing issue of water scarcity
a constant supply of ultrapure           sunscreen is going to end up – and most    in South Korea. “Water is a precious
water to clean components that           would be surprised to know that, just a    resource here,” says a young water
are extremely sensitive to even the      few miles downstream, the river water      engineer from partner company Veolia
slightest impurity. Unfortunately,       their children splash about in becomes     Korea, looking over the huge river
this process consumes very large         an essential part of nanotechnology        water intake tanks at SK hynix’s Icheon
amounts of water. z                      manufacturing, providing high-tech         facility (see p. 24), one of the largest
                                         ultrapure water for cleaning the           semiconductor plants in the world. The
                                         silicon substrates (semi-conductors)       engineer explains the water challenges
                                         of Dynamic Random Access Memory            in South Korea: “The average rainfall
                                         (DRAM) chips ultimately destined for       per capita in the country is very low,
z It’s a beautiful sunny Saturday        their iPhones, Galaxy smartphones and      just an eighth of the world average.
morning in Yeoju, a popular weekend      laptops. The fact is that semiconductor    Exacerbating the problem are more
spot about 40 miles from central         manufacture is a thirsty business          than 1,000 steep mountains along the
Seoul. On the south bank of the          indeed, something well appreciated by      Han River which channel rain very
River Han, young families jostle for     corporations lining the river in Korea’s   quickly through the watershed and
space, pitching small tents for shade,   own Silicon Valley.                        into the Yellow Sea. This rapid water          zzzz

22 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
                        A HIGH-TECH CONCEPT
                        z Think the bottled water
                        on the supermarket shelf
                        is pure water? Think again
                        – it is full of minerals, ions
                        and particles which, while
                        beneficial or harmless to
                        the human body, could
                        easily destroy the delicate
                        nano-pathways of a silicon
                        Producing ultrapure
                        water is not simply a case
                        of running it through
                        increasingly fine filters.
                        The heart of this sensitive
                        process is a sophisticated
                        reverse osmosis system,
                        which uses membrane
                        technology to remove
                        particles as small as
                        0.03μm – to put that in
                        perspective, that speck you
                        can see floating in your
                        mineral water is probably
                        around 40μm, the smallest
                        the naked eye can see.
                        Other processes are also
                        used at the plant to remove
                        bacteria, dissolved gas
                        and magnesium, calcium
                        and silicon ions which
                        would interfere with
                        the electronics of the
                        silicon chip.
                        To meet daily demand
                        from the semiconductor
                        fabrication plant – which
                        can reach 100,000 m3
                        of water – the Incheon
                        plant runs 24 hours a day.
                        Sophisticated maintenance
                        management systems
                        ensure uninterrupted
                        supply. “Service
                        interruption would bring
                        a huge loss to the client’s
                        business,” explains
                        Gustavo Migues, CEO of
                        Veolia Korea.
                        The final product is as pure
                        water as can be created,
                        outside of burning pure
©Veolia photo library

                        hydrogen in pure oxygen
                        (something not practical
                        on any scale outside of a
                        laboratory). z


            The Incheon site – more like a town than a plant – is
          one of three SK hynix sites in South Korea. It is licensed
              to withdraw up to 110,000m3 per day from the river,
           processing the natural river water into ultrapure water
          for advanced silicon processes, general industrial water
              for the factories and power plant and clean drinking
                  water for around 12,500 site personnel. The plant
           presently uses around 40% of its regulated river water
             allowance, extracting around 15 million m3 in 2011. z

zzzz   cycle causes frequent flooding in the
       region but allows very little buffer
       or reservoir in the natural system.
       “Drought is very common here.”

       DRAM = H2O
       The young engineer looks on as the
       raw water flows toward the treatment
       plant, where it will undergo a 20-step
       process to eliminate minerals and
       ions. It’s not a question of tradeoffs –
       ultrapure water is an essential part of
       the silicon chip manufacturing pro-
       cess, and never something to be taken
       for granted by SK hynix. The company
       has implemented a sustainable devel-
       opment initiative with aggressive
       wastewater quality and water conser-
       vation targets. “We are seeking to raise
       the current 33% water recycling rate
       to over 70% by 2015,” says an environ-
       mental officer at the company. To do so,
       SK hynix will make its use of ultrapure
                                                                       TO YOUR HEALTH!
       water more efficient by optimizing                              z A small amount of
       the cleaning time of its semiconduc-                            ultrapure water is drawn
       tor wafers. It also has plans to improve                        from a faucet at the far end
                                                                       of the production line. A
                                                                                                       ©Veolia photo library-Jean-Philippe Mesguen

       wastewater treatment facilities at its
                                                                       dangerous solvent… not fit
       Cheongju plant to supply graywater                              for drinking… bitter… The
       for cleaning equipment and toilets.                             internet is abuzz with rumors
       “By doing this, we will reduce the total                        about ultrapure water. A
       water volume discharged into the Han                            tasting of this fine vintage
                                                                       was needed to find out for
       River, and reduce the consumption                               once and for all. So what’s
       of water resources,” he says. “And to                           the verdict? Not bad at all!
       achieve these goals, we are counting                            Tasting notes: an aroma
       on the support of Veolia, our operator                          of H2O on the nose, with a
                                                                       palate of… H2O. z
       since 2001.” (See inset on p. 25.) z

       24 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

                                              ©Photothèque Veolia
                                                                    z There’s a vast sprawling soccer game going on in the mid-
                                                                    dle of the square at the SK hynix Icheon plant. It’s impos-
                                                                    sible to tell who’s winning – in fact, it’s impossible to tell
                                                                    who’s playing amid the jumble of factory workers, suppli-
                                                                    ers, engineers, management and office folk all dressed like
                                                                    software engineers on a Californian campus. Team work
                                                                    is not evident on the pitch, as a hundred people joyfully
                                                                    chase the ball, but no one cares: it’s break time, and this is
                                                                    family. When the whistle blows, these people from differ-
                                                                    ent backgrounds, functions and even different companies,
                                                                    will work together as one. At SK hynix, the operation func-
                                                                    tions best by everyone knowing their part and playing it
©Veolia photo library-Jean-Philippe Mesguen

                                                                    flawlessly. Although its products – ultrapure water, drink-
                                                                    ing water – are essential to the operations, Veolia Water is
                                                                    afforded no special status, on or off the pitch.
                                                                    The EMAP: a winning solution
                                                                    Originally contracted for 12 years of water services
                                                                    in 2001, Veolia’s work with SK hynix has grown and
                                                                    strengthened considerably over time. Within a couple
                                                                    of years of operation, SK hynix – then simply Hynix –
                                                                    recognized in Veolia a model outsourcing operation,
                                                                    and in 2006 extended its contract by five years, prolong-
                                                                    ing the service period from 2013 to 2018, for a total of 17
                                                                    years. Contracts at other plants have been renewed, too,
                                                                    most recently at the Cheongju plant for the expansion of
                                                                    the ultrapure water facilities there, the eighth contract
                                                                    signed between Veolia and SK hynix.
                                                                    Together with Veolia Water and other suppliers,
                                                                    SK hynix has adopted a modern stakeholder approach to
                                                                    its sustainability priorities. Internal standards for waste-
                                                                    water treatment, for example, already far exceed legal
                                                                    requirements, a sustainable vision achieved through
                                                                    trust and communication between the parties. “Our
                                                                    Environmental Management Action Plan (EMAP), for ex-
                                                                    ample, is a system created by Veolia to set objectives and
                                                                    priorities for environmental protection. The results are
©Veolia photo library

                                                                    shared with the client regularly providing substantial
                                                                    support to the client’s broader vision of sustainability,”
                                                                    says Veolia Korea CEO Gustavo Migues.

                                                                                                z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   25
                                      ©Veolia photo library-Justin Sutcliffe/Interlinks Image
26 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z

            z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   27

Southwark makes a clean sweep z The borough
of Southwark is a real cultural melting pot within hailing distance of
central London. It is also a place that has revolutionized its approach to
waste management. The local council’s political will has paid dividends.
Southwark is now home to a highly innovative new facility providing
exclusive services to residents. z


                  ld Kent Road is famous for being      new Integrated Waste Management Facility in January 2012
                  one of the squares on the Monopoly    has changed the way local residents think about the waste
                  board: the one right after “GO” in    they produce.
                  the London version of the game.
                  Its reputation is built on a wealth   Political will “We developed a long-term waste strategy in 2003.
                  of history. What began as a simple    We wanted to deal with waste within the borough and deal
track for ancient Britons became part of Watling        with it sustainably,” says London Borough of Southwark
Street, a thoroughfare that was turned into a           strategic director of environment and leisure Deborah
Roman road in AD43, linking the port of Dover           Collins. Like other London councils, Southwark became
to Wroxeter, in Shropshire. This grew into a vital      aware of the pressing need to treat waste in situ, with people
artery for trade between the north and south of         increasingly seeking alternatives to landfill solutions (see
England. Since then, it has continued to be part of     “Legislation and regulation”), which involved waste being
the buzz and activity of Europe’s largest city.         collected and sent by truck to landfills in semi-urban and
Old Kent Road is just over three kilometers long        rural areas on the outskirts of London.
and is a stone’s throw from the River Thames and        The council’s main incentives to adopt a new strategy
the skyscrapers of central London. It continues to      included low recycling rates, high growth in the amount of
write new pages for the history books, such as the      waste produced, limited space and increased costs for landfill.
chapter begun recently by Veolia and the borough        That led to a campaign to make it easier for local residents to
of Southwark, which spans 29 square kilometers          recycle and invest in sorting in a bid to boost recycling rates
and is home to 288,700 people: the opening of a         and reduce the amount of waste produced. Hence the decision zzzz

28 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
Southwark is known for its eclectic mix of local businesses, from the endless                             PHOTOS:
lines of stalls at North Cross Road market, to the vintage shop on Fellbrigg    JUSTIN SUTCLIFFE/INTERLINKS IMAGE
                                                                                         FOR VEOLIA PHOTO LIBRARY
Road and The Palmerston, a pub in East Dulwith. And for those looking to
take a little break, the Tate Modern park is just a short stroll away. z

                                                                                 z 2013 October z Planet #03 zzzz   29

to build a new facility to deal with Southwark’s             at the Old Kent Road site, alongside colleagues from Veolia. She
waste in a way that minimizes the impact on the              ensures the council and its contractor work in partnership on
environment while revitalizing the local economy             operational issues such as collection. Veolia is tasked with a
and supporting local communities.                            sizable challenge: to improve the recycling rate of Southwark
                                                             by making it easier for residents to recycle. “Environment and
Recycling far and wide Annie Baker is waste and              recycling are very important to the residents of Southwark,” says
transport manager for Southwark Council. Prior               Councillor Barrie Hargrove, the London Borough of Southwark
to the opening of the facility, she was based at the         cabinet member for Transport, Environment and Recycling.
council’s Manor Place facility within the borough.           “Fundamentally, residents need to have their waste taken away
“The council was at the site for 100 years or more,”         and their streets kept clean. The mix of people is very similar
she says. “It wasn’t fit for purpose anymore as it was       to many other inner London boroughs. We have residents
very small with a railway line running through               who originate from all different parts of the world as well as
it. It was ideal for horses and carts, which it had          Londoners who were born and bred here. In addition, Southwark
been built for, when they stored the waste under             has the largest number of council-owned housing properties
the railway arches before moving it on. But it               in London and is the third-largest landlord in the whole of the
wasn’t suitable for recycling. When we moved our             country. This makes it difficult to ensure that recycling is easy for
operation to the Integrated Waste Management                 everybody.”
Facility, it was a big change for the better.” Indeed,
part of this change has been for Annie to be based

Legislation and regulation
Since 2001, European Union countries          whether it will continue to rise beyond     increase from almost zero in 2001, to over
have had to implement the Landfill            that date.                                  40% now.”
Directive. For the UK, this means             “The Landfill Tax has certainly bitten      He also points out that there will be a
reducing the amount of biodegradable          over the last few years,” says Veolia UK    review of targets as part of the European
municipal waste landfilled to 35% of          legislation manager Ray Parmenter.          Commission’s work on the Roadmap to
1995 levels by 2020.                          “Landfill volumes are now in decline,       a Resource Efficient Europe. As a result
First introduced in 1996 by then              companies are mothballing or closing        of this, landfill bans could be enacted
Environment Secretary John Gummer,            landfill sites and pushing much more        for certain materials, as well as more
the Landfill Tax has been the main way        into recycling and energy-from-waste.       measures to increase recycling and
that the UK has sought to reduce use of       “The tipping point probably came in         the use of recycled materials in new
landfills and make alternative treatment      2011-2012 when the Landfill Tax reached     products, and improve resource security. z
sources more financially attractive.          £56 per metric ton, as that meant energy-
When first introduced, the Landfill Tax       from-waste gate fees were on a par. As
stood at £8 per metric ton. Over time, it     a result of the Landfill Tax, Landfill
has risen to £72 per metric ton and will      Directive, Waste Framework Directive
reach £80 in 2014-2015. It is not yet clear   and others, we have seen recycling

30 zzzz Planet #03 z October 2013 z
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