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                                                        JANUARY 2021 now  on 021 947 752
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    E-MOBILITY                                                                                                 By Geoff Dobson,

           appy New Year to you all – and start preparing for        New US president Joe Biden and his administration
           massive change!                                           promise an EV era.
           You will be hearing a lot about e-mobility this year.     Perhaps they will retore full federal tax credits for EVs and
    The big question is whether the government will stump            provide other incentives – as widely predicted – for US car
    up with introducing emission standards and a feebate             buyers to swap ICE vehicles for zero emission ones.
    scheme in some form to boost the uptake of zero and low          It’s expected the US government’s vehicle fleet purchases
    emissions vehicles.                                              will target EVs which would encourage US businesses to
    Many believe some incentives are needed, but not all are         adopt them as well, and to switch all 500,000 US school
    convinced.                                                       buses to electric by the end of the 2020s.

    Zero Carbon Futures managing director and Newcastle              Bigger investment in EV technology and research and
    University’s Dr Colin Herron in the United Kingdom has           development is also being considered in the US.
    been following New Zealand’s EV direction with interest          The flow on to the rest of the world could be huge –
    after speaking at the EVworld South Expo in Christchurch         especially if EV and e-mobility production is really kicked
    in 2018.                                                         into gear this year.
    He reckons there’s “very little NZ politicians can do to         We need to get plenty of it at a price most people can
    increase EV uptake as it is 80% supply and 20% price”.           afford.
    So he’s picking we won’t get to 64,000 EVs (the end of 2021      Other transport forms involving electrification such as car
    initial target) until late 2023 or early 2024.                   subscription, car share, public transport, autonomous
    With the COVID-19 pandemic still rampaging through               vehicles (AVs) and more are also expected to grow in
    other countries like the UK and US, even though vaccines         popularity.
    are rolling out, production and supply of EVs and other          New Zealand has already started switching bus fleets,
    e-mobility transport may be an issue.                            trucks and heavy machinery to electric.
    Witness the supply chain problems globally which began           And we are still ahead of Australia for many EV launches,
    to impact late last year and look like continuing for some       although our friends over the ditch may quickly catch up if
    time yet.                                                        the federal government there sees the EV light.
    Herron warns Kiwis to be careful about COVID as autumn           Expect more in the e-mobility field this year – particularly
    approaches, adding that while the UK is turning the corner       with the rapid battery and technology improvements – as
    on the pandemic his country has still been recording about       new models and modes arrive.
    40,000 positive cases daily.                                     Price parity between EVs and ICE vehicles is likely within
    Our own director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield          the next year or two, encouraging more to make the
    made international headlines in saying the COVID virus is        switch.
    unlikely to die out, although it is expected to be less deadly   We’ll keep you abreast of developments.
    with new mutations possible.
    So people should still wear masks where applicable, wash
    hands, use COVID tracer apps or codes, and generally
    follow instructions.
    Those who don’t are called COVIDIOTS, Herron adds.
    COVID did wake people up to the impact of pollutants on
    our world, encouraging the drive to e-mobility globally and
    the realisation people need to step up to mitigate climate       Geoff Dobson

2                                                                           EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ
                                                                                                                         JACINDA ARDERN
        ew average emissions standards for light    “We’re moving quickly to introduce a Clean
        vehicles have been confirmed by prime       Car Import Standard to reduce emissions and
        minister Jacinda Ardern in a move likely    Kiwis’ fuel costs. Legislation will be passed
to change the vehicles Kiwis can purchase to        this year and the standard will begin next year,
a level not seen since the importation of used      with the 105 grams of CO2/km 2025 target
vehicles was opened up in the 1980s.                being phased in through annual targets that
The announcement confirms the ‘clean car            get progressively lower to give importers time
standard’ (now called the ‘clean car import         to adjust.”
                                                                                                                          MARK GILBERT
standard’), will require importers of both new      The standard will prevent up to three million
and used vehicles to move towards a target of       tonnes of emissions by 2040, mean more
average emissions of 102grams for cars and          climate-friendly cars are available, and will
SUVs, and 132g for utes, vans and larger 4X4        give families average lifetime fuel savings of
vehicles by 2025.                                   nearly $7000 per vehicle, Wood says.
The overall target is 105g.                         “The government will also consider options for
Recording will begin in 2022, with charges for      an incentive scheme to help Kiwis make the
missing the target from 2023. Used vehicle          switch to clean cars.”                                               DAVID CRAWFORD
importers will have lower penalties than new        Further announcements on its plan to reduce
car importers.                                      transport emissions will be made in coming
That’s among a raft of measures planned by          months, Wood adds.
the government to help meet New Zealand’s           Shaw says the announcement is a good
2050 carbon neutral target, create new jobs         first step that needs to be taken on the road
and boost innovation - newly announced by           towards long-term emissions reductions from
Ardern, transport minister Michael Wood and         transport.
climate change minister James Shaw.                                                                                        LIZ YEAMAN
                                                    “The window of opportunity we have to address
These include only purchasing zero emissions        the climate crisis is closing fast. Reducing
public transport buses from 2025, ensuring          emissions from transport will need to be a
the entire public transport bus fleet is            priority if we are to meet our targets and make
decarbonised by 2035, and to mandate a lower        sure New Zealand plays its part in keeping the
emitting biofuel blend across the transport         climate stable,” he says.
sector.                                             “For decades governments allowed emissions
“This will be an ongoing area of action but we      from transport to increase unabated. Today we                          JAMES SHAW
are moving now to implement key election            begin the work to change that,” says Shaw who
promises. We will receive further advice and        acknowledges the work of former associate
recommendations mid-year from the Climate           transport minister Julie Anne Genter.
Commission but we are cracking on with this         Shaw says the measures also help advance the
work now,” Ardern says.                             commitments in the cooperation agreement
Ardern says the government will be finalising       between Labour and the Green Party to
its first three carbon budgets later this year      decarbonise public transport and to introduce
following advice from the independent Climate       a clean car standard.                                                 BEHYAD JAFARI
Change Commission, which the government             MOVE WELCOMED
receives mid-year.
                                                    Drive Electric welcomes the government’s
Wood says progress on reducing emissions            announcement of a ‘Clean Car Import
is being made by investing significantly more       Standard’, saying it’s the first step toward a
in public transport, rail, costal shipping and      planned EV transition.
walking and cycling.
                                                    This is a sign of what’s to come, Drive Electric
“But there is more to do.”                          chair Mark Gilbert says.
                                                                                                                         MARK STOCKDALE
“Our government has agreed in principle to          “We’re out of the starting blocks but there’s
mandate a lower emitting biofuel blend across       still a few hurdles to overcome, says Gilbert,
the transport sector. Over time this will prevent   suggesting a complete bipartisan action plan
hundreds of thousands of tonnes of emissions        is required.                                       “That said, such a standard is really just a first
from cars, trucks, trains, ships and planes,”                                                          step towards managing a transition away from
Wood says.                                          He also expects more to come from the
                                                    Climate Change Commission.                         fossil fuel vehicles and towards no emissions
“Officials will consult with the public and                                                            vehicles.”
stakeholders to help the government decide on       “The standards being proposed for 2025
                                                    have already been met in other comparable          Drive Electric says its analysis for New Zealand
a way forward before the end of the year.”                                                             to meet its legislated climate ambitions shows
                                                    markets, like the EU and Japan, and must be
The government is committing $50 million            achievable here," Gilbert says.                    the need to aim for at least 250,000 EVs on the
towards helping councils fully decarbonise                                                             roads by 2025, and for this trend to continue
the public transport bus fleet by 2035.             “The standard is a useful tool in that it asks
                                                                                                       through to 2030.
                                                    importers to look at the portfolio of vehicles
“By meeting our target to decarbonise the bus       they are importing, which should increase low      “As the prime minister and minister Wood
fleet, we can prevent up to 4.5 million tonnes of   emissions choice across a range of vehicle         have indicated to achieve our ambitions,
CO2 emissions, which will make an important         types and price points. With more EVs coming       much more will need to be done in transport,”
contribution towards meeting our climate            into New Zealand, this also increases the          Gilbert says.
targets,” Wood says.                                second-hand market over time.                      “This is especially the case, because our
                                                                                                                                Continued on following page...

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...Continued from previous page
transport emissions continue to rise.”               standard.                                           Penalties
Gilbert says that first up should be a look at       “That could even result in people holding onto      While not officially released, we understand
announcing a date for ending importation of          their older, higher emissions car for longer.”      the penalty for missing the emissions target
fossil fuel vehicles, suggested at around 2035       HOW WILL THE NEW CLEAN CAR IMPORT                   for new vehicle distributors, per gram, will be
in a newly released study.                           STANDARD WORK?                                      $50 from 2023 and $75 from 2025. Used car
“To support such ambition, we need a joint                                                               importers will be charged half this amount.
                                                     Here is a basic – and changing – guide, taken
plan between the government and industry             from material released with the announcement        Timeline for implementation
to ensure we have the right package of policy        and other standards.                                2021: Legislation progressed and
settings, the necessary investment in charging                                                           implementation starts.
infrastructure, and coordination among all the       Why the standard?
players through the EV ecosystem - from the          Currently, the light vehicles coming into the       2022: Standard in place. Suppliers must report
grids, to electricity retailers, to car importers,   country are among the most fuel inefficient,        CO2 data but no charges apply where targets
councils and property developers,” Gilbert           and emission intensive, of any OECD country.        are missed.
adds.                                                The average vehicle in New Zealand has CO2          2023: Charges apply where suppliers miss
“Policies that need to be considered include         emissions of around 171 grams per kilometre         their targets.
incentives, adjustments to fringe benefit taxes      (g/km). Our cars and SUVs alone average             2024: Review charges and the 2025 target. Set
and depreciation, and investment to ensure           161g/km, compared to 105g/km in Europe. In          future targets.
we are ready for more at-home charging and           2017, the most efficient vehicle models on our
                                                     market had, on average, 21% higher emissions        Exemptions to the standard
public charging.
                                                     than their counterpart models in the United         • Vehicles intended primarily for military
The government’s commitment to introduce             Kingdom.                                            operational purposes
emission reduction incentives is also
                                                     New Zealand is only one of two countries in         • agricultural vehicles/equipment that are
welcomed by Motor Industry Association (MIA)
                                                     the OECD without a vehicle CO2 standard,            primarily driven on farms, such as tractors,
chief executive David Crawford who is keen to
                                                     the other nation is Russia (Australia’s vehicle     harvesters, mowers, toppers, bailers
see more details on how these will work.
                                                     industry has implemented its own vehicle            • vehicles with historic value, or vehicles such
But he is concerned about the speed of the           standard). The first target of 105g we are          as classic cars
CO2 targets for vehicles entering New Zealand        setting for 2025 was already achieved by Japan
which he says should be changed from 2025                                                                • motor vehicles constructed before 1 January
                                                     in 2014 and by Europe in 2020. On average,
to 2030 to allow time for model development,                                                             1919
                                                     New Zealanders pay 65% more in annual
vehicle sourcing arrangements and does               vehicle fuel costs than people in the European      • motor vehicles constructed on or after
not recognise that for many New Zealand              Union, even though Europe’s petrol prices are       1 January 1919 and are at least 40 years
distributors their model choice is tied to the       higher.                                             old on the date that they were registered,
Australian market.                                                                                       reregistered, or licensed
                                                     How it will work
“The MIA has stated on many occasions that                                                               • scratch built vehicles and modified vehicles
we support well thought out and constructive         Each supplier will have a different target to
                                                                                                         certified by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical
policies that will lead to an increased rate in      meet, reflecting its fleet of vehicles. Across
                                                                                                         Association Incorporated.
the reduction of CO2 emissions from the light        the vehicles it brings in it has to ensure the
                                                     average CO2 emissions are equal to, or less         NZ BAN ON NEW ICE PASSENGER
vehicle fleet,” Crawford adds.                                                                           VEHICLE SALES SUGGESTED FROM
                                                     than, the target for its vehicles.
“However, while we believe the fuel economy                                                              2035
standard is necessary, the speed at which we         As it works by averaging, vehicles exceeding
                                                     the CO2 target can continue to be brought in        A sales ban on new internal combustion engine
must reach the average target of 105 grams of                                                            (ICE) passenger vehicles in New Zealand is
CO2 per km is the most aggressive and severe         so long as they are offset by enough zero and
                                                     low emission vehicles. The 2025 target will         suggested from at least 2035.
in the world,” he says.
                                                     be phased in through annual targets that get        That’s according to a newly released study
“No other country has ever had to face a 40%         progressively lower. This gives vehicle suppliers   by Concept Consulting and Retyna which
rate of reduction in five years that we now          time to adjust and source enough clean              adds that more rapid EV uptake could save
must meet.                                           vehicles to meet the targets and to encourage       Kiwis $15 billion in vehicle, fuel and carbon
“Contrary to the views of government, the            buyers to opt for low emission vehicles.            emission costs by 2050.
2025 target date does not allow time for model       IMPORTERS WILL BE SUPPORTED TO MEET                 The study indicates an appropriate date for
development, vehicle sourcing arrangements           THE TARGETS                                         an ICE ban for sales of new petrol and diesel
and does not recognise that for many                                                                     passenger vehicles should be no later than
distributors in New Zealand their model choice       Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency will develop
                                                     an online tracking and forecasting tool to          2035, and probably earlier subject to further
is tied to the Australian market. With no similar                                                        analysis.
policy required in Australia, our market,            allow importers to see how their CO2 accounts
which represents just 0.018% of new vehicle          would be affected if they purchase particular       Such bans are increasingly being put in place
production in any one year, is too small for         vehicles in international auctions. It would        by overseas countries on the grounds that
manufactures to develop models just for us.”         also help importers complying on a fleet-           not to do so would compromise their ability to
                                                     basis by easily allowing them to monitor how        meet their climate commitments, the study
The MIA also wants to see the rules the same         their actual average fleet CO2 emissions are        says.
for both new and used imported vehicles.             tracking, against their fleet targets.              “In this vein, the key right-hand drive market
Giving used imported vehicles softer penalties       Flexibility will be given for the industry by       of the UK recently brought forward its ban to
will lead to an increase in older, less safe         allowing them to bank, borrow and transfer.         2030, and Japan has introduced a 2035 ban.
vehicles entering New Zealand, it says.              Banking will allow suppliers to carry over any      “Without such a policy, New Zealand risks
The NZ Automobile Association (AA) also offers       overachievement of their CO2 targets to offset      missing its own targets, and being a petrol
qualified support.                                   the following three years.                          and diesel vehicle ‘dumping ground’ for
“The proposed emissions target for 2025 is an        Borrowing allows suppliers to miss their            manufacturers wishing to sell their remaining
aspirational target that may not be achievable,”     targets for one year as long as they make it up     stock, thereby locking-in higher emissions
AA spokesperson Mark Stockdale explains.             the following year.                                 for New Zealand over the 20-year average
“We understand the intentions behind it and          Transferring allows suppliers to transfer           lifetime of a vehicle in New Zealand.”
our members want to see more low-emissions           overachievement of their CO2 target to one          Concept Consulting director Simon Coates
vehicles available here but the risk is that this    or more other suppliers operating within the        says given New Zealand’s low-cost renewable
target could simply result in higher prices for      same compliance regime.                             electricity resources, the environmental and
new cars that still don’t meet the emissions                                                             economic gains from its EV uptake should be
                                                                                                                                 Continued on following page...

4                                                                                   EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ
       ultiple Kiwi rally champion, World         achieve and what the government needs to
       Rally Championship driver and              do to assist the industry.
       now electric rally car constructor         Former MG New Zealand country manager
Hayden Paddon has confirmed as being a            Anthony McLean will discuss launching
key speaker for The EVent, the EVs & Beyond       an EV into a market, the challenges, and
conference to be held on Waiheke Island next      what role China will have in the future of EV
month.                                            supply. Industry analyst Phill Haynes will
Paddon will discuss his groundbreaking            discuss the impact of electric on fleets and
project to build and race his electric            how taxation can assist in uptake.
Hyundai Kona on day two of the seminar,           Simon McManus from ITS New Zealand and              major EV charging network.
and will also be interviewed by EVs and           Martin McMullan will discuss the unbundling
Beyond managing editor Richard Edwards                                                                Other sponsors include Fuso Trucks and
                                                  of transport.
during the gala dinner at the end of the first                                                        UDC finance (both gold sponsors), GVI
                                                  Aaron Gillon of YHI will discuss what is 13         electric vehicles, Singer Electrical, and
                                                  New Zealand FEBRUARY 2021 coming in EV              AutoSure Insurances (silver sponsors).
Paddon's Kona features two motors and has         charging technology.
a power output in excess of 400kWh. The                                                               As one of last year’s speakers, Helen Fitt,
                                                  The conference is hosted by AutoTalk                postdoctoral fellow at Lincoln University, puts
majority of the vehicle has been designed in-
                                                  managing editor Richard Edwards, who will           it: “I thoroughly enjoyed the inaugural EVs &
house at Paddon Rallysport in Central Otago.
                                                  also lead question and answer sessions with         Beyond conference. I particularly valued the
His attendance at the conference is in            speakers and attendees.                             opportunities to get to know people working
conjunction with key sponsor YHI.
                                                  Tickets include a gala dinner and cocktails         in different parts of the EV sector, and some
Also confirmed for the event is keynote           on the Monday evening, lunches, morning             of the conversations begun at the conference
speaker is Climate Commission chair Rod           and afternoon teas on both days and a ‘goody        have led into later connections and
Carr, how climate change plays a part in the      bag’ for all attendees.                             collaborations. I am wholeheartedly looking
push towards electric vehicles.                                                                       forward to attending again in 2021.”
                                                  A further speaker list will be announced in
In the second keynote, Paul Winton of the         the February EVs and Beyond magazine.               Register now.
1point5 Project what is needed right now in
                                                  Meanwhile some great companies are                  Click HERE or email deborah@
the battle against climate change.
                                                  backing The EVent with sponsorship,                 automediagroup.co.nz - or for information
Speakers in the automotive sphere will            including two ‘platinum’ sponsors in YHI            on any aspect of the EVent phone 027 530
cover a range of topics, including where our      Energy - a leader in battery, solar, storage        5016
electric vehicles will be coming from in the      and EV charging - and ChargNet, the
coming years, what the country needs to           company responsible for New Zealand’s

...Continued from previous page
among the greatest in the world.                  complemented with New Zealand-specific              contributor to the $15b modelled benefit from
However, the study finds that our lack of         modelling, the study identifies three core policy   faster EV uptake.
policies to overcome the significant barriers     measures to deliver the rates of EV uptake          The study reflects the views and analysis of
facing EV uptake is resulting in New Zealand      required, including the suggested ICE ban.          Concept and Retyna and was funded by 15
falling substantially behind overseas markets     Two of them were proposed, but not                  companies and organisations from across the
such as Europe.                                   implemented, by the last coalition government:      electricity and motor vehicle industries.
The two consultancies say the economic            These include a Fleet Emissions Standard            Concept Consulting Group has been providing
opportunity lies in EVs already being cost-       (referred to as a ‘Clean Car Standard’ in           high-quality advice and analysis for more than
effective for some New Zealand households         the 2019 proposal) which requires vehicle           20 years with its roots in the electricity sector
and businesses who drive longer distances         importers to supply vehicles whose average          and now covering the wider energy sector, plus
each year.                                        emissions across the fleet are below a target,      environmental and resource economics.
“At the current rate of cost and performance      backed up by a financial penalty for falling        Retyna is a specialist consultancy focusing
improvements they should be economic for the      short.                                              on EVs and renewable energy for transport
vast majority of New Zealanders purchasing a      A ‘Feebate’ scheme (referred to as a ‘Clean Car     whose managing director Elizabeth ‘Liz’
new vehicle within a few years.”                  Discount’ in the 2019 proposal) which offers        Yeaman, was previously the Energy Efficiency
The imperative is because ICE vehicles are        discounts for low-emission vehicles funded          and Conservation Authority transport general
a major source of emissions, and without          from increases in the purchase price of high        manager and led the set up and delivery of
accelerated EV uptake it will be substantially    emissions vehicles.                                 EECA’s EV programme. She has worked in the
harder for New Zealand to meet its climate        The study identifies that implementing              renewable energy and transport fields for more
change commitments.                               these complementary policies together will          than 25 years.
Through faster EV uptake New Zealanders           maximise their collective effectiveness and         Asked whether Australia should consider
could save $10b in vehicle and fuel costs out     deliver the greatest benefit to New Zealand.        something similar to New Zealand’s
to 2050, with a further $5b reduction in carbon   While most attention has been on light              announcements, Electric Vehicle Council
costs.                                            vehicles, the study finds that a similar suite of   Australia chief executive Behyad Jafari says:
                                                  policies are required for trucks – the fastest      “Yes, of course we should.”
Drawing upon overseas experiences,
                                                  growing source of our vehicle emissions, and a

WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ | EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021                                                                                                 5
                                                           THE SUPPORT OF OUR
                                                          FOUNDATION SPONSORS:
                      Geoff Dobson
                      021 881 823

                      BUSINESS MANAGER -
                      EVS & BEYOND
                      ANNEKE FEATONBY
                      027 530 5194

                      GROUP GENERAL MANAGER/
                      EV PLANNER
                      Deborah Baxter
                      027 530 5016

                      MANAGING EDITOR
                      Richard Edwards
                      021 556 655

                      Vern Whitehead
                      021 831 153

    Auto Media Group Limited makes every endeavour
    to ensure information contained in this publication
    is accurate, however we are not liable for any
    losses or issues resulting from its use.
    Printed by: Alpine Printers.

                                                             BAT TERY SOLAR STORAGE EV CHARGING


6                                                            EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ

                                                                                        AT LOCAL
                                                                                      EV SERVICE
                                                                                    POSSIBLE FOR
                                                                                 SOUTH AUCKLAND
        T Local, a publicly funded EV rideshare   Friday.                                             It says AT Local may replace some under-
        service on Auckland’s North Shore         The 806 between Stanley Point and the               performing/high subsidy bus services in
        Devonport peninsula launched in 2018      Devonport Ferry Terminal will have longer           Papakura and Pukekohe to provide better
by Auckland Transport (AT), has been dropped      running hours and will meet every Devonport         access around the train stations.
by the agency in favour of improved bus           ferry at peak times, running every day              “The first trial in Devonport has provided
services in the area.                             including public holidays.                          valuable insights into how on-demand could
But AT Local may be introduced in parts of        The 807 between Cheltenham and the                  work in Auckland and improvements for
South Auckland instead.                           Devonport Ferry Terminal will have a similar        subsequent trials, such as integration with
AT consulted on two options for Devonport last    service, all running to new timetables from         AT HOP and AT’s online Journey Planner,” AT
year and got 704 feedback surveys, deciding       about February 28 or March 1.                       says.
to keep the 806 and 807 bus services with         Meanwhile, the AT Local trial ends on               AT’s Journey Planner and AT Mobile will be
improvements and stop AT Local there, in          February 26.                                        updated from February 21 so travellers can
spite of public consultation not revealing any                                                        plan their journeys using the new bus service
                                                  AT says that, due to financial constraints it is
clear preference.                                                                                     and timetables.
                                                  facing, the next stage of work will focus on
The 805 will connect the Belmont shops,           replacing poor performing bus routes with
Ngataringa Road, Lake Road and the                on-demand solutions that can potentially
Devonport Ferry Terminal, running Monday to       grow patronage.

          ellington-based FTN Motion plans                                                            FTN Motion’s website says the moped is
          to launch an electric moped later                                                           designed to cope with Kiwi conditions, such as
          this year.                                                                                  Wellington’s hills and wind, and the production
It looks more like a retro motorbike known as                                                         model will be able to carry two people.
a ‘café racer’ and is designed for commuters                                                          It weighs 62kg and the battery is plugged in at
with a 50km/h top speed from its 3kW rear                                                             home and charged up overnight.
hub motor and battery offering 100km range.                                                           The moped (categorised by the lower speed
FTN Motion’s ‘Founder Edition’ moped is                                                               and avoiding the more stringent regulations
offered for pre-order at $100 deposit toward                                                          associated with a full motorcycle) has already
the price starting from $7950.                                                                        come to the attention of some overseas
The moped has a huge 30 litres of storage                                                             media like Electrek which wonders whether
under its faux tank, designed to hold a                                                               the bike will be available outside New
backpack but not a helmet.                                                                            Zealand.
                                                  research and development.
FTN Motion was formed by Luke Sinclair and                                                            FTN Motion is also seeking investors and has
                                                  They say that in 2015 they became fed up
Kendall Bristow who both have mechanical                                                              an “early adopter” scheme for the first 100
                                                  wasting hours in grid-locked traffic so
engineering backgrounds and developed an                                                              bikes.
                                                  embarked on their venture.
electric moped prototype after several years of

WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ | EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021                                                                                                  7
      ou could soon use an app to limit
      shower times – handy in more
      frequently expected droughts – and
also check the best times for plugging in
the EV.                                                                                                           JAMES MAGILL
Genesis Energy is using technology like
its Eco Tracker app within its EnergyIQ
platform to inform and help customers with
their energy needs, especially in reducing
carbon emissions.
It launched a Future-gen strategy to move        It can show customers a later time
further and faster toward a low carbon           for switching on the dishwasher, for
future after releasing sustainability reports    example, to take advantage of lower
in 2018, opting for more renewable energy.       carbon emitting hours when it’s better
                                                 for the environment.
EnergyIQ allows customers with smart
meters and a completed home profile to           Eco Tracker will also ensure an EV
track, predict, compare and understand           charges up at low carbon times.
their energy use while also accessing energy     Genesis Energy’s new home (Kanohi@
saving tips.                                     Wynyard) in Auckland’s downtown
A feature coming soon will help customers        innovation hub has the top six Green
reduce their shower time, tapping the app to     Star rating featuring energy efficiency
activate the timer then pressing stop after      standards, and a new car park opposite will
finishing (it may pay to have a waterproof       house electric car sharing operator Zilch’s
case on the smartphone).                         EVs, with Genesis staff able to hire them.

The app calculates how much water and            There’s onsite parking and charging for
electricity is used and the cost of showering.   Genesis EVs in its new home, but no staff
                                                 car parking to reduce commute emissions –
Eco Tracker was launched late in 2019 and
                                                 and facilities are provided for those cycling,
allows customers to make better decisions
                                                 running or walking.
about the best times to use energy.
                                                 Magill lives close enough to walk to work
It’s all about providing customers with
                                                 but has access to a Nissan Leaf if he needs
knowledge to make informed decisions,
                                                 to drive anywhere.
Genesis chief digital officer James Magill
says.                                            Genesis has a stake in Zilch (initially called
                                                 Yoogo Share) and is committed to switching
“They can reduce their carbon footprint,
                                                 its light vehicle fleet to EVs by the end of
reduce their bill (one of the most popular
                                                 the financial year, particularly once suitable
advice sections) and find the best time to
                                                 alternatives for utes and four-wheel drive
plug in their EV.”
                                                 vehicles become available.
Magill says customers can use the
                                                 An Emirates Team New Zealand sponsor,
information and advice available for better
                                                 Genesis has helped energise its America’s
sustainable living. He expects more features
                                                 Cup Auckland base which includes a roof-
will be added later.
                                                 top solar system.
Genesis reckons around 104,000 customers                                                           It wants to cut its annual emissions by at
                                                 Meanwhile, Genesis Energy – which owns            least 1.2 million tonnes of CO2 by 2025 to
have used Eco Tracker, which has been
                                                 the Huntly power plant – has accelerated          help limit global warming to below 1.5°C by
updated – earning Genesis a finalist position
                                                 plans to replace its fossil-fuelled electricity   then.
for the Sustainability through Technology
                                                 with renewables.
award at the 2020 New Zealand CIO Awards.

8                                                                              EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ
           hen the Porsche Taycan first became
           news, multiple comparisons were
           made with the current king of
electric vehicle performance - the Tesla Model
Many noted their similar performance
credentials, and Tesla pulled out a few tricks
to beat the German in the numbers stakes.
So let us deal with that first - yes in the
0-100kmh stakes the American is technically
But does it really matter?
That was the question at the back of my mind
as I started my short time with the 'Turbo'
version of the sports sedan.
The Turbo is the middle model of the current
Taycan range. It carries some impressive
credentials - a 420km range, generates up to      sides, a type 2, with an 11kW maximum charge       lane change assist, lane keeping assist,
500kW of overboost power in combination with      rate on one side, and the CCS2 port on the         adaptive cruise control, front seat ventilation,
launch control and accelerates to 100km/h in      other, both forward of the front doors. A mobile   steering wheel heating, rear side airbags,
3.2 seconds with a 260km/h top speed.             charger is supplied as standard.                   electrically folding exterior mirrors, digital
                                                  Standard equipment is as you would expect          radio and privacy glazing.
The Turbo starts at $289,900, a hefty step from
the $203,900 Taycan, but a considerable saving    for a car of this standard - 20-inch wheels,       Additional New Zealand standard equipment
on the Turbo S at $366,900.                       metallic paint, front seat heating, 14-way         for the Taycan 4S includes 20-inch Taycan
                                                  electric comfort seats, auto-dimming mirrors       Sport Aero wheels, metallic paint, front
For the same kind of performance from Tesla
                                                  and a BOSE Surround Sound system.                  seat heating, 14-way electric comfort seats,
you need to spend at least $159,900 for a
                                                  The Turbo also gets driving and comfort            Auto-dimming mirrors as well as the BOSE
Long Range, though really the Plaid model, at
                                                  features like Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control      Surround Sound system. Furthermore, the
$209,990 is a better match.
                                                  (PDCC) Sport, four-zone advanced climate           Taycan Turbo and Taycan Turbo S will also
You do trade off some range opting for the                                                           gain driving dynamic and comfort features
                                                  control and ambient lighting.
Porsche, its battery is a 93.4kWh liquid-cooled                                                      like Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)
unit. It is famous for being an 800Volt setup,    Models here gain a range of standard
                                                                                                     Sport, four-zone advanced climate control
which allows for 270kW charging should            equipment in addition to worldwide standard
                                                                                                     and ambient lighting.
infrastructure allow.                             specifications. All three model grades will be
                                                  equipped with surround view, comfort access,       There is a decent sized boot, and a frunk large
Handily, the Taycan has charging ports on both
                                                                                                                               Continued on following page...

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...Continued from previous page

                                                                                                        its combination of dynamics and power. For a
                                                                                                        start, even without using launch control, the
                                                                                                        Taycan throws you back firmly into your seat in
                                                                                                        a near neck-snapping way.
                                                                                                        The Taycan uses a two-speed transmission
                                                                                                        on the rear motor to allow for extreme
                                                                                                        acceleration without compromising efficiency
                                                                                                        in cruise. There are Range, Normal, Sport and
                                                                                                        Sport Plus drive modes that do what you would
                                                                                                        expect in such a car, though most drivers will
                                                                                                        rarely need to go beyond Normal to get all the
                                                                                                        performance you will ever need on a Kiwi road.
                                                                                                        Handling is sublime. This is the best handling
                                                                                                        EV I have experienced - it feels light at hand,
                                                                                                        responsive, and with near endless grip. While
                                                                                                        most EVs rely on the weight of the battery to
                                                                                                        convey a planted feeling, the Porsche simply
enough to take a compact carry-on case.             dial, and a near-frameless digital dash cluster.    feels like a sports car, the suspension tuned in
                                                    The centre console features further LCD             a way that magically seems to hide the inertia
So that is the on paper stuff, what is it like in
                                                    screens for infotainment (including Apple           effect of the battery weight to an impressive
real life? You can check out our review on the
                                                    CarPlay), climate and vehicle control systems.      level.
Auto Media Group Youtube channel for our
experience.                                         A full-glass roof on the test car added to an       This thing has so much grip that on Kiwi
                                                    impressive feel of spaciousness.                    country roads you may end up a little sore from
In person, the Taycan has an incredibly sleek
                                                                                                        the g-forces it can pull. I did.
silhouette, long and low and with more of           The seats, front and rear, are comfortable and
a Sportback shape than a saloon line to             spacious. This truly meets 'Grand Tourer'           So yes the Taycan is brilliant. But does it live up
the body. The lighting design is impressive,        requirements. It all feels premium and well         to its price tag, especially in comparison to the
with twin-level headlights and a full width         screwed together compared to a Model S, but         competition?
LED rear lighting design that is absolutely         I would suggest - in the full-black interior test   I think it really does. While the Model S edges
stunning.                                           car - a little more could have been done to         it in outright performance, there are few other
Lower yourself in, and the interior is              make it feel 'special'.                             categories where the Taycan can't answer or
surprisingly spacious. The driver is presented      Drop the Taycan into drive and the special          beat it. Especially if you want a drivers car.
with a stylish sports wheel with a drive select     arrives. This vehicle just blew me away with

10                                                                                  EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ



                                        BAT TERY SOLAR STORAGE EV CHARGING


                                                             We look after our own


                       
                            ­€‚€ƒ„
WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ | EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021                                              11

     fleet of nine fully electric buses           in June, the service will travel a more direct      customer experience.
     are being rolled out to service key          route along bus priority lanes.                     “AT’s commitment to not procuring diesel
     transport connections between                The project is an early improvement from the        buses from 2025 is complemented by our
Manukau and Auckland Airport.                     Southwest Gateway Programme, which will             Low Emission Bus Roadmap. This commits to
The AirportLink starts from January 24 and        provide safer and more reliable travel choices      transitioning the entire public transport bus
is South Auckland’s first fully electric bus      to move around south and east Auckland, AT          fleet from diesel to low emission (electric and
service introduced by Auckland Transport          says.                                               hydrogen) by 2040.”
(AT) along with Auckland Airport and Waka         “As well as making it faster and more               Auckland Airport chief executive Adrian
Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.                       convenient to travel to the airport and its         Littlewood says the launch of the new electric
Go Bus will operate the nine two-axle buses       employment precinct, once the new Puhinui           bus service is an important development
which have been built by Yutong, with supply      Station Interchange opens in June, the new          alongside the airport’s continuing work on
and support from JW Group. The buses were         fully electric AirportLink fleet will help reduce   transport projects.
selected after an earlier trial.                  carbon emissions from Auckland’s transport          “These public-transport improvements
The Yutong buses have shown real world            network – contributing towards achieving our        help strengthen links to our communities
range exceeding 400km a day on a single           climate change goals,” Auckland mayor Phil          and make better journeys for travellers and
charge.                                           Goff says.                                          workers accessing the airport.”
“This builds operational confidence in electric   “Transport accounts for more than 40%               A new 38 bus service will operate to connect
bus fleets to manage the rigorous demands of      of Auckland’s carbon emissions, so it’s             passengers between Auckland Airport and
public transport right now,” JW Group director    important that we provide emissions-free            Onehunga and Mangere Bridge.
Wei Zhou says.                                    options as part of our commitment to
                                                                                                      The 38 and AirportLink will replace the
                                                  respond to climate change.”
It marks the second electric fleet launch for                                                         Airporter 380, which will be no longer be in
the Auckland region following the Waiheke         AT board of directors chair Adrienne Young-         service from January 24.
e-bus launch late last year.                      Cooper says recent trials prove the new
                                                                                                      Visit www.at.govt.nz/AtoB for more
                                                  electric buses can operate for a full shift on
When the Puhinui Station Interchange opens                                                            information.
                                                  a single charge, while providing an improved

12                                                                                EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ
      usinessman Richard Heaps is on a              stop at.”                                          Ensuring users’ privacy is important. Data
      mission to get more people into electric      That led to designing the PowerTrip app which      generated by Heaps’ app isn’t assigned to a
      cars (EVs) and to make the vehicles           helps users “figure out how you can get from A     specific person.
easier to use.                                      to B in your electric car.                         “We don't track anyone in it. The data from
Though early adopters are already on the            “It says, ‘you need to go here, charge up to at    trips (goes) into a big database and then,
EV train, Heaps’ company PowerTrip aims to          least this much, go here, charge up to at least    periodically, I clean it out if there's nothing
“help everyone else come on board.”                 this much’ to get you to where you're going.”      interesting in there that we can draw statistics
To help that, he has developed the PowerTrip                                                           from.
                                                    Originally, it was a very basic interface, Heaps
route-planning app which is designed to make        says. “It used to say, ‘all right, you're going    “But we don't give that out, we don't sell it,
EVs easier to use.                                  from here to here, you'll need this much           we don't share it. And with the features that
And to spread the word about the benefits           energy, charge up seven times,’ and it would       we're bringing into it, we're working really hard
of electric vehicles, he has also developed         show you where the charging stations were.         to try to make sure that everyone's privacy is
a referral programme designed to give EV                                                               protected...”
                                                    “Now it will actually show you, on a bar chart,
dealers the tools to reach a wider pool of          how much energy you're going to use between        Heaps wants to keep the PowerTrip app
buyers.                                             each charging station.”                            available free of charge. “We want to help
“I'm currently driving up and down the country,                                                        people get into EVs…and paying $5 a month
                                                    PowerTrip has just added a “charger radar”
talking to all of the dealers I can find who have                                                      or paying per year or something is putting a
                                                    feature which takes the vehicle’s location and
EVs on their yard.”                                                                                    barrier in front of it.”
                                                    looks at all of the charging stations around it.
The idea for the app came from Heaps’ desire        “It calculates how much energy you need to get     To earn revenue, he’s working with car dealers
to “do some sort of a green thing that's good       from where you are to all of those.”               on a referral programme using the app.
for the planet, leave it in a better state.         Calculating an electric vehicle route is data      “When you're selling electric vehicles, there's
“At the moment..we're putting out a lot of CO2      intensive and has to consider terrain and other    a lot more explaining, a lot more education
and not doing too much to try and pull it back      physical factors. “What we do is try to model      involved.
in.                                                 the forces acting on the car – wind resistance,    “What you want to do is to find the ‘pain
“So when I first found out EVs were an up and       drag, gravity."                                    points’ and solve them in such a way that
coming thing and started looking into it, we        Heaps used his university studies in physics       you're adding enough value that someone will
went and bought (a Nissan Leaf).                    and maths to devise the app. Route planning        pay you for that.
“When we drove it from Auckland to                  is “all physics, it's all based on the same        One of the big “pain points” around EVs is the
Wellington, that was our very first EV trip. I      universal principles... My goal with PowerTrip     “misinformation that's flying around,” he says.
was using Google Maps, PlugShare, an Excel          is to make it as user-friendly as possible.”       To combat that PowerTrip has developed a
spreadsheet, and Green Race to try and figure       In the PowerTrip app “you choose the car           modified version of the route planner “that
out how much energy I needed to get from            you've got, and I have done a whole bunch of       helps people really understand how far they
each charging station to the next one, and then     research to figure out what the actual physics     can go (in an EV), what the cost savings will
create an itinerary of all the ones we needed to    model for that car is.”                            be.”
                                                                                                                                Continued on following page...

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       ow EVs use public charging and                “The new sensors will provide real-time             of initiatives to encourage the uptake of
       parking sites and whether they are            information on occupancy rates for all              battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and charging
       overstaying their welcome will be             32 council-controlled public EV parking             infrastructure, council resource efficiency
determined under a Smart Christchurch plan           spaces,” he says.                                   manager Kevin Crutchley says.
to use new parking occupancy sensors in the
                                                     “The sensor data will help EV drivers find          This has resulted in the installation of 30
                                                     empty charging parking spaces and also              public EV charging sockets and a rapid
The sensors will be installed at                     reveal to the council if these spaces are           charger on council-controlled properties.
Christchurch City Council EV-charging                being used for longer than the allotted
                                                                                                         Fifty-nine public charging sockets have also
parking sites – that provide real-time               parking time.”
                                                                                                         been installed in business public car parks
information to the council’s SmartView site,
                                                     Data from the sensors will be tracked to            with the support of a Christchurch Agency
according to the council’s Newsline service.
                                                     check everyday use.                                 for Energy funding grant.
The project will also determine if there are
                                                     “It is important to establish that the              “The installation of the real-time parking
enough charging spaces in the city.
                                                     charging spaces are being used as intended,         occupancy sensors will assist EV drivers
The sensors allow EV drivers to check the            and the parking sensor data will help               to better see what EV-charging parking
availability of public chargers as well, access      inform the council of the need for any              locations are available when looking for
to the SmartView real-time updates provided          changes to public EV-charging space use or          public parking charging options at council-
by the end of February.                              infrastructure,” Healy says.                        controlled properties,” Crutchley says.
Council Smart Christchurch programme                 “We may also find that we need more EV-             “The parking occupancy data gathered will
manager Michael Healy says the project is            charging spaces or that they are most used          also assist the council with EV-charging
“to establish just how EV charging sockets           in certain areas.”                                  infrastructure planning decisions.”
across Christchurch and Banks Peninsula
                                                     The council has been involved in a range
are being used”.

...Continued from previous page
App users will be able to add their favourite        value for them is. So it's not us going in saying   they were saying, ‘all right, well, maybe I
EV dealer. “When you're out and about on the         ‘right, you pay us this much for this.’             shouldn't go for a 2011 Leaf. I might go for it
roads and you're showing someone…the car             “I'm working with about a dozen (dealers) to        2014 or 2015.'
that you're driving, and they're curious about       bring them on board as our first EV dealer          “We’ve taken that on with what we're providing
it…you'll be able to open up the app, send a         community, and it's all success-based.              the car dealers. So you can put in your trips,
referral (to an EV dealer). It'll create a digital                                                       you'd say how often you (make them), and it
                                                     Heaps sees the PowerTrip app playing a part in
welcome pack...                                                                                          will try and crunch that data to figure which EV
                                                     helping dealers sell EVs.
“If the person uses it to get in touch with the                                                          you should be looking at getting.”
                                                     “When we first rolled out the app, I found that
dealer, we've got a reward point system around                                                           · EV dealers interested in PowerTrip’s referral
                                                     people were using it to try and figure out which
that.”                                                                                                   programme can email Richard Heaps at
                                                     EV they should buy.
Dealers pay for the referral. “We’re working                                                             richard@powertrip.earth.
                                                     “They were planning trips using it, and then
with them to try and figure out what the actual

14                                                                                  EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ

  ra Munn might have hit a speed bump on          3D printer to an Ormiston Junior College
  the way to 3D printing his vision of a low-     ‘Accelerator’ class in March 2018.
  cost kitset electric single seater called the
                                                  He showed the class an “efficiency circuit”
Drop – but in typical entrepreneurial fashion
                                                  crucial to the Drop’s function which supplies
he’s raising much of the $2 million needed
                                                  power safely – it has since been improved
                                                  twice and is now far smaller.
Los Angeles born and bred, Munn has been
                                                  The device was developed by Andre Williams
in New Zealand nearly six years, setting up
                                                  of Regenerative Electrical Power Systems
his Ierospace Industries International here
                                                  (REPS), a Los Angeles subsidiary of
and planning to build the Drop (so named
because of its tear drop shape) in South
Auckland where his office at Accelerating         A model for the Drop’s body is already
Aotearoa is based.                                available - a “California Commuter” chassis
                                                                                                     IRA MUNN
                                                  has been provided by American aerospace
He had hoped to have the Drop kitset ready
                                                  engineer and inventor Douglas Malewicki
by now for global distribution, but the                                                            Drop from the nearest place where a 3D
                                                  who met Munn several times, including in
COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the time                                                              printer can be installed.
                                                  New Zealand.
frame out and caused some delays in finding
funds to both build a 3D printer and produce      Malewicki developed the three-wheeled            One of the key reasons for developing the
the kitset.                                       fuel-powered car in the 1980s and helped         Drop is to recycle plastic and prevent it
                                                  Munn with the Drop, which uses electric          getting into the environment and food chain,
Once the funding is sorted, Munn says he                                                           Munn says.
                                                  power to drive the single rear wheel of the
will then announce timing for the Drop’s
                                                  three-wheeler.                                   Even when the Drop reaches the end of its
                                                  Munn says the Drop will be strong, safe          useful life it can possibly be recycled.
To raise the money Munn has turned the
                                                  and legally able to travel on motorways          Munn featured in the September 2017 EVs
COVID-19 situation to his advantage –
                                                  at up to about 110kmh and having up to           and Beyond (then EVtalk) magazine and
selling nitrile gloves in the billions of box-
                                                  300km range. He expects the kitset to cost       showcased his plans at the first Conferenz
loads mainly to the US – although it may
                                                  between $10,000-$12,000 with customers           evworldNZ expo in Manukau in September
be a while before his commission comes
                                                  able to assemble it in under 20 hours without    2017 and in the same month gave a TED talk
                                                  technical expertise.                             on the subject at the Frankfurt IAA Motor
Meanwhile, he’s also seeking to return to the                                                      Show.
                                                  After trialling the Drop in New Zealand,
film industry.
                                                  Munn plans to export it worldwide,               It’s all gone quiet in the past year because
Munn has featured in EVs and Beyond               particularly to India, Indonesia where many      of COVID, but Munn expects 2021 will be
several times – he explained his plans to         use motorcycles, China, Thailand and other       different as his project ramps up again.
build the Drop from recycled plastic drink        countries, possibly under license.
bottles using hardener additives and a
                                                  He expects people will be able to order the

WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ | EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021                                                                                           15
  t’s well documented that electric car sales are               A GUIDE TO ELECTRIC AND HYBRID
  rising, but how prepared are we for driving an                DASHBOARD SYMBOLS
  electric vehicle compared to petrol or diesel?                With electric vehicles becoming increasingly popular
Leasing Options has created a complete guide to                 Leasing Options has compiled a complete guide to
electric and hybrid dashboard symbols giving the                electric and hybrid dashboard symbols.
names and explanations of each warning light and
what the driver should do if one appears.
ELECTRIC                                                                                                                           ALL SYMBOLS.
           Name = Ready To Drive
           Explanation = Electric cars don’t make as much noise when they start up as conventional cars. Instead, symbols illuminate to indicate to the
           driver that the car is ready to drive.
           What To Do = If no symbol shows when trying to start your car, call your dealer.
           Name = Eco-Mode
           Explanation = When a car is in Eco-Mode, the car adapts to act in a way that’ll get you as many miles as possible out of the battery charge
           available. While this isn’t anything to worry about, it is worth noting as acceleration and overall performance is reduced to ensure greater
           What To Do = If no symbol shows when trying to start your car, call your dealer.
           Name = Limited Power
           Explanation = Don’t let this cute little tortoise symbol fool you, it actually indicates that your car potentially has quite a serious issue. Similar
           to the spanner symbol, this warning light could be caused by various faults that are hampering the car’s performance, such as extreme battery
           temperatures or other electrical issues. As a result, it’s best to head straight to an approved dealer to determine the issue and fix it.
           What To Do = Take your car to an approved dealer.
           Name = Pedestrian Alert
           Explanation = As electric cars don’t make much noise, they come with an electronic sound that’s broadcast at slow speeds, giving pedestrians
           an audible warning to avoid collisions. If this indicator lights up at any other time, it means this feature is faulty.
           What To Do = Take your car to an approved dealer.

           Name = Low Battery
           Explanation = An electric car will usually tell you that you need more charge once you have around 12% left and then again at 5%.
           What To Do = Recharge the battery as soon as possible.

           Name = General Fault
           Explanation = Electric cars are rather complex vehicles. Due to this, some manufacturers group a range of warnings under one warning light,
           such as this spanner symbol. Errors under this general warning may include faults with the traction system, pedal sensors and the charging
           What To Do = Follow display screen instructions.
           Name = General Electrical Fault
           Explanation = This symbol indicates an issue with the car’s electrical system. This could involve various errors such as with the motors, wiring or
           batteries. This symbol could appear in amber or red depending on how severe the fault is.
           What To Do = Take your car to be inspected by an approved dealer/recovery service.

           Name = EV Operation Indicator
           Explanation = Illuminates when driving in a hybrid and you’re running in electric-only mode.
           What To Do = Continue driving normally.

           Name = E-Mode
           Explanation = This symbol indicates that the electric driving mode is temporarily unavailable. This happens when hybrid.
           What To Do = Continue driving at lower speeds and wait for electric power to be restored.

           Name = Auto-Glide Control Indicator
           Explanation = This feature reduces deceleration force, allowing the vehicle to coast, enhancing fuel economy.
           What To Do = Continue driving normally.

           Name = Battery Charge Level
           Explanation = In hybrid vehicles, this symbol indicates that the battery is nearly empty and will need charging soon otherwise your car will only
           be powered by petrol until the charge is restored.
           What To Do = The battery needs charging soon or power will run out.
           Name = Battery Temperature Warning
           Explanation = While also appearing on conventional cars, on a hybrid or electric powered cars a battery symbol (rather than an engine) will
           illuminate if the traction battery temperature is too high, or that the engine is too hot.
           What To Do = Stop/pull over immediately.
           Name = Pedestrian Warning
           Explanation = The pedestrian warning system helps to prevent accidents occurring and alerts the driver of imminent danger of a collision. If no
           action is taken by the driver, automatic braking will kick in.
           What To Do = Brake immediately.

16                                                                                     EVS AND BEYOND JANUARY 2021 | WWW.EVSANDBEYOND.CO.NZ
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