High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition

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High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition

        MARCH 2019                                                                                    .CO.NZ

        High spec, long wait for Leaf

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       Leading the Charge • BMW e-bike test • Mercury’s new HQ • EV statistics

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High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
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2 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
EVTALK IN HONG KONG                                                                                                         NEWSTALK

  Could eNV200 be next as new
  Leaf heads for New Zealand?
         he head of Nissan in Australia and      do in terms of distributing the vehicle and
         New Zealand has suggested the           selling the vehicle in New Zealand."
         e-NV200 van could follow the Leaf           Lester confirmed a broader range of
  as the second electric vehicle to arrive in    dealers would sell and service the Leaf, a
  local dealerships.                             move likely to expand service options for
      EVtalk is in Hong Kong to try out the      the existing fleet.
  new Leaf and attend the Nissan Futures             Nissan is unlikely to get into the
  event - a discussion of how mobility will      charging market in New Zealand, though
  look in the future. Of course, electrified     across the Tasman they are working with
  vehicles will play a part in that.             Jet Charge on some developments. For a
      Nissan plans to release eight electric     start, he feels it is not necessary with cars   Stephen Lester
  models by 2022, though it is unclear           like the new Leaf having enough range to        packaged with a V2G unit and be seen as
  which of those we will see in this corner      meet the needs of most buyers without           an alternative to buying a car and a battery
  of the world.                                  regular charging away from home base.           storage system - a Leaf can act as both.
      Nissan Australia and New Zealand               "The reality is that for most Australians       Lester believes Nissan can
  managing director and chief executive          and New Zealanders, the ownership of            successfully sell electric cars without
  Stephen Lester sat down for a chat with        a house and therefore a driveway, or a          government subsidy, but direction from
  EVtalk and told us the electric van is very    carport, or a garage allows for the basic       governments is required.
  much on the radar for both markets.            infrastructure to be met simply via the             "I think the most important role the
      "For both Australia and New Zealand,       external outlets on all of our houses that      government plays in both countries is
  we'd love to see a broader LCV range,          exist today," Lester says.                      providing direction. A plan, a policy that
  and the e-NV200 I think would make                 "And that charging capability, without      means something, a policy that sets the
  perfect sense in the metropolitan              having to add any extra infrastructure,         direction so that everybody involved can
  markets, and even to a degree in some          without a wall box, is actually where           understand where we're really headed,"
  of the more rural markets as well."            we see in our research - based on the           he explains.
      Lester says he is requesting access        hundreds, if not billions of kilometres,            "Some of that comes certainly in the
  to the model, which last year received         I think they've said now of EV-driven           form of monetary, non-monetary subsidies
  a bump in battery size from 24kWh to           kilometres - will actually be where people      or incentives - but that is used as a way
  40kWh.                                         charge and utilise that infrastructure.         to accelerate towards a direction. In the
      "Unfortunately, I don't always get what        "Even in my own situation, having           absence of that direction, subsidies or
  I ask for. We have got to build a business     lived with a Leaf in my family for weeks        incentives don't do anything to drive
  case for it."                                  at a time, not only do I enjoy the fact         an understanding - from a consumer or
      Lester notes the move globally is to       that I've never visited a petrol station,       industry standpoint - where they're going."
  restrict access to city centres for fossil     but it's two seconds for me before I walk           The last time Nissan brought the Leaf
  fuelled vehicles, which creates a strong       into the house or walk out of the house         to Australian and New Zealand markets
  need for such vehicles.                        to plug in and unplug the vehicle.              it arguably didn't go well. The car sold
      "The e-NV200 offers a perfect solution         "I don't have that personal feeling that    in very low numbers and was ultimately
  for a variety of local delivery for small      ownership of an EV would be compelled           dropped, the remaining stock shifted to
  business."                                     only if I knew where all the DC charging        New Zealand for sale at a discounted
      With the Leaf, Lester expects a pricing    stations were in Australia.”                    price. Lester believes the situation will be
  announcement for New Zealand to come               Lester believes while the industry          very different this time.
  soon. He would not be drawn on why             should promote infrastructure, ultimately           "The fact is, we're five years removed
  there was a delay other than internal          it will be other parties who take control.      from that, and we're in a different
  discussions on the pricing continue.               "I think we will see the industry           time," he notes. "A different mindset for
      He notes New Zealand's open market         continue to promote infrastructure. And         consumers, a different understanding of
  creates challenges for the brand - there are   I think we'll see energy companies get          the impact an EV could have on your life.
  nearly 10,000 Leaf on our roads already.       behind the game very strongly, and that             “And I think, the technology - when
      "There's no question that the New          will support the adoption rate.”                you look at the output of the engine,
  Zealand market presents complexities               An area where Nissan could be               when you look at the efficiency of the
  that other markets don't. As the OEM           involved is in vehicle-to-grid (V2G)            engine, the battery capacity, etc, and so
  of the Nissan Leaf we certainly retain         technology. In a solar-friendly country         forth - everything is moving in the right
  advantages in terms of what we want to         like Australia it could be vehicles are         direction.”

                                                                                                    EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 3
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition

High spec, long wait for Leaf
        s a Kiwi at an international electric   40kWh model.
        vehicle event these days, you can          The specification will include active
        feel a little smug.                     cruise control, a 360-degree camera
   While many may still disparage the           system, auto high-beam lights, front and
efforts of our government and market            rear parking sensors, and an eight-inch
to grow the number of electric vehicles,        touchscreen with navigation, Apple Car-
when you are sitting amongst journalists        Play and Android Auto.
from Australia and other markets what ap-          Creature comforts include leather up-
pears a minimal attempt to us looks light       holstery, heated seats, a heated steering
years ahead to others.                          wheel and climate control air-condition-
   As was the case last week when               ing. Safety features include autonomous
EVtalk headed to Hong Kong for the              emergency braking, lane keep assist, a       port.
                                                frontal collision warning and rear cross         And the price is? Well, we can not tell
                                                traffic alert.                               you yet. Australians can now preorder
                                                   The much talked about e-pedal sys-        the car for $49,990, or $51,600 in New
                                                tem comes as standard but the Pro Pilot      Zealand currency. EVtalk's speculation is
                                                driver assistance system is not yet on       not to expect the Leaf at that price point,
                                                the menu. While we have tried it in New      with it likely to fall between $55,000 and
                                                Zealand and it works, Nissan still wants     $60,000.
                                                to validate it in local conditions.              That would be inline or undercut simi-
                                                   The Chademo port remains under the        larly specified Uk imported models, and of
                                                front flap of the Leaf, with Nissan quot-    course, have the support and warranty that
                                                ing a 20-80% DC charge time of around        comes along with being a new vehicle. It
Nissan Futures event, a series of discus-       an hour. The 7kW hour onboard charger        would also match or undercut the Hyundai
sions with Nissan leadership and industry       means a charge in as little as 6-7 hours     Ioniq with its 28kWh battery.
experts on the future of mobility - electri-    on a level two charger, 24 hours on the          This time around, sales and service
fication, autonomous vehicle technology         provided lead. Like other UK Leafs of this   will be opened up to a broader group
and how the way we travel will transform        age, there is a type 2 rather than type 1    of dealers - a sign Nissan is a little more
cities.                                                                                                 confident it can chase volume
    It was also the chance to                                                                           with the car.
drive the Leaf that will - finally                                                                         Yes, EVtalk has already driven
- arrive in New Zealand later                                                                           the car, but the chance to do it
this year. There is a wait, with                                                                        on an official basis with some
Australia confirmed as getting                                                                          idea of what we are getting
the car in August, and ours likely                                                                      brings a new element to the
to come around the same time.                                                                           experience.
    What are we getting? EVtalk                                                                            We headed out of our Kow-
can confirm New Zealand Leafs                                                                           loon hotel with a local minder
will be sourced from the United                                                                         onboard and headed through
Kingdom and feature a relative-                                                                         the congested tunnel to Hong
ly high specification. There will                                                                       Kong Island to experience the
be one specification initially,                                                                         car.
and at least initially only the                                                                                           Continued on 5

4 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
EVTALK IN HONG KONG                                                                                                                    NEWSTALK

  Continued from 4                                 here - it is not uncomfortably firm and               The boot is sizeable, likely helped
  the car's balance of responsiveness to           will likely make the car feel a little more        by the lack of a spare tyre. If there is an
  efficiency using an ECO mode button, or          engaging on our open roads, even if it             annoyance here, it is the Bose subwoofer
  increase regeneration using a B mode in          did feel firm on Hong Kong's somewhat              which runs across the leading edge of the
  the transmission.                                uneven tarmac.                                     trunk - somewhat reminding me of the
       The car feels nippy, hit the pedal              With the battery sitting low the Leaf          inconvenience of the charger hump in type
  too hard and you can get some front              feels very stable and solid. The steering          one cars.
  tyre scrabble, particularly on damp              has a nice weight to it and is quicker                There is much more to discuss around
  roads. Once you have adjusted to the             and responsive.                                    the arrival of the Leaf, though some of
  experience, it makes for a smooth driving            While some higher quality plastics             that will have to wait until we get official
  experience. Bye, bye gearshifts.                 would be nice, the interior of the Leaf            pricing and cars on New Zealand shores.
       The new Leaf carries over the ball-         is a comfortable place to be. The digital              Until then you can check out more
  style gearshift of the current model. It         dash screen is relatively simple and               from the event in this magazine, including
  works, why change it.                            feeds information to the driver in a low           discussions with Nissan Australia and
       The e-pedal system comes with a little      distraction way.                                   New Zealand managing director and chief
  bit of a learning curve, though ultimately           The 8-inch touchscreen is easy to use          executive Stephen Lester, Nissan's global
  feels surprisingly natural. Once activated,      and importantly is responsive, while the           electric vehicle director Nicholas Thomas
  lifting off the pedal gives you four times       climate control buttons are carried over           and more from Hong Kong.
  more engine braking than you get in a            from the old model.
  petrol-powered vehicle.                              The front seats with their stitched
       It takes out a lot of the guesswork         leather are comfortable, though with no
  about the best places to put power on            steering reach adjustments finding the
  or regenerate, helpful on the up-and-            right driving position will be a mission for
  down roads that run across the hills about       some drivers.
  Hong Kong.                                           The rear seat is of a good size for
       Australasian Leafs will retain the firmer   a small hatch, though oddly a central
  European suspension tune rather than             drive shaft hump remains for the centre
  the more comfort-orientated setup of             passenger, and the angled windows give
  Japanese cars. There is nothing to fear          it a closed-in feel.

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                                                                                                         EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 5
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
PEOPLETALK                                                                                                           EVTALK IN HONG KONG

Affordability does not mean a low
sticker price - Nissan EV chief
           issan has big aspirations for its        driving for cleaner air in cities; trying to     in demand,
           electric vehicle effort. By 2022         reduce air pollution and trying to take active   we can actu-
           it wants to have sold one million        measures to do that," Thomas says.               ally give a small
electrified vehicles worldwide, and is roll-            "Zero emission cars are just about the       amount of the
ing out the models to get it there.                 most obvious way that a government can           energy in each
     Between now and 2022 it will launch            take action on those sorts of things."           battery back to
eight new pure electric models. It has                  The much-fabled crossover point for          the building or
                                                                                                                           Nicholas Thomas
already been showing off its wares with             battery cost is also approaching, Thomas         to the grid. And
the IMQ concept crossover displayed at              says, though not merely from the technol-        again, customers can get paid for that.
Geneva, with more to come.                          ogy getting cheaper. Emissions regulation            "So affordability is not just about how
     Leading its efforts is global electric vehi-   is raising the price of internal combustion      much does the car cost at the beginning,
cle director Nicholas Thomas, who EVtalk            powertrains up to meet batteries - espe-         it's about what are all the different things I
caught up with last week at Nissan's Electric       cially in Europe.                                can do with it during the life of the car."
Futures think-tank in Hong Kong.                        "Batteries will come down to $100 per            This technology is not necessarily
    Thomas's job of hitting the target has          kilowatt hour, and the price of NOX and CO2      cheap, though Nissan is working to bring
got off to a good start with the new Leaf           which is driving up the price of petrol and      the cost down.
we also drove during the event.                     diesel engines will cross over," he explains.        It is working with third parties to offer
     "We sold more than 100,000 of the new              "It doesn't automatically mean that the      such bi-directional charging units, and
car in our three key regions of US, Europe          EV itself will be as cheap as the cheapest       want to bring one to market later this year
and Japan," Thomas says. "But now it's              petrol car you can buy today, it's still a big   for as low as $3000. This could then be
very exciting to be able to be launching it         battery. At the same time as the cost per        packaged with the vehicle at sale as part
around the rest of the world. Particularly          kilowatt hour is coming down the demand          of the finance or lease.
here around Asia Pacific, where we see a            for bigger batteries is going up."                   In Australia, it is working with Jet
great deal of interest in the car."                     Thomas says a big challenge in his           Charge on such units.
    That tally takes Nissan to 300,000              job is to convince buyers that afford-
electric vehicles sold, most the successful         able electric cars are not necessarily           Utes a long way off
first generation Leaf.                              low priced. The battery is essentially an            What is not likely to come soon is an
    Thomas says the new model is impor-             asset that can be used for other things.         electrified version of New Zealander's fa-
tant because of its range.                              "Yes clearly sticker price is hugely         vourite type of vehicle - the ute. Thomas
    "It's been really, really well received in      important but when you look at differ-           suggests the way such vehicles are used
terms of firstly the extra range we're able to      ent things we're able to do. With an EV,         make them a challenge.
offer now. Once you've crossed that kind of         as long as you can get electrons into                 "Most people buy a car to use it
150 miles, 280-kilometre barrier, that's quite      it, which are substantially cheaper than         fairly lightly and make the occasional long
a psychological barrier. It now means that          hydrocarbons, in most cases, then you've         distance trip," he explains. "People use com-
for a lot of people you can do all of your          kind of paid for your fuel already because       mercial vehicles to carry heavy loads, driver
week’s driving on a single charge."                 you're paying for battery life."                 longer distances - they use them intensively."
    Nissan, he suggests, is at an advan-                The battery can also be used in                   They are also - generally - low cost
tage to other players in the electric vehi-         vehicle-to-grid or home setups, allowing         vehicles.
cle market. As many brands launch their             the owner to generate via solar or wind               "Those are hard-working vehicles,
first generation cars, Nissan is selling its        cheap electricity and store it for times         and they are also very low-cost vehicles,"
second and developing its third.                    when demand and cost is high then dra-           Thomas says. "We're not there with bat-
    "Which means our engineers firstly              matic savings can be made. The battery           tery technology yet. We need to wait for
have resolved a lot of the quibbles, if you         could also be used by energy companies           batteries to become more affordable."
like, of the first product and the second           for load balancing, and the owner paid for
generation product has really grown."               offering this service.                           Cooling not required
    Broader acceptance of electric vehi-                "When there's extra energy, when                When challenged by EVtalk, Thomas
cles and government pressure are also               there's solar being generated during the         stands by Nissan's decision not to fit the
finally combining to assist the rollout of          day, let's put it into all of the EV's.          new generation Leaf with active cooling,
electric cars.                                          “And then in the evening when there's        despite it putting restrictions on frequent
    "And then you add the government pres-          an excess of demand, when everybody              DC fast charging. Cost and usage being
sure which is driving for, particularly in cities   turns on their AC, turns on their cookers,       the reasons behind Nissan going against
in Europe, China, California and Japan,             turns on their lights etc, there's a big peak                                  Continued on 11

6 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition

Meet the real Evie at mercury.co.nz/evie
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
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   ABB has become one of the world’s                Azipod propulsion, an electric pro-
leading enablers of sustainable trans-              pulsion system for marine vessels.
portation for all modes, including marine              The Azipod, which extends be-
                                                                                             The luxury polar expedition cruise ship due for delivery to
vessels.                                            low the hull of a ship, can rotate       French cruise company Ponant in 2021. It will feature two
   As part of the company’s pioneering              360 degrees to increase manoeu- Azipod VI propulsion units fit for the most challenging ice
role in electric transportation, ABB has            vrability, efficiency and space          conditions. Image: Ponant-Stirling International

provided electric systems on board ves-             available on board.
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                                                    ger and crew comfort.                                 it believes in running the world without
                                                       SeaBubbles, an example of e-mobility           consuming the Earth – and is using its
                                                    on water, is a futuristic, zero-emission          technological expertise to make this hap-
                                                    new design of water taxi, drawing on ABB pen.
                                                    technology. The vessel represents a
                                                    milestone in the development of new
                                                    forms of transportation that do not
                                                    impact the environment or place any
                                                    burden on urban infrastructure.
ABB will provide the power and propulsion for the      Envisioned as a water taxi, the craft
first in a series of ground-breaking vessels that   will be equipped with the ABB Ability
mark Ritz Carlton’s first foray into the maritime
sector. Image: Ritz Carlton                         Marine Advisory System – Octopus, a
                                                    software solution that enables ABB to
   Today, more than 1300 ships employ               provide real-time data to the SeaBub-
ABB’s electric system. Modern ships are             bles control centre, covering virtually
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   ABB’s role as a front runner in sustain-         reserves with high tourist traffic
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                                                                     Smarter Mobility
                                                                     For transport of the future,


8 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition
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High spec, long wait for Leaf - Leading the Charge BMW e-bike test Mercury's new HQ EV statistics - Climate Leaders Coalition

At the top of your game
           e had a massive week with New      mount!
           Zealand’s top automotive tech-         The first of our training is a continu-           Mark Thompson of Automotive Electronic
           nicians, sharing with them the     ation of EV Diagnostics & Maintenance                 Control System talks about electric vehicle
latest in our electric vehicle training.      in our part two (part one was released                training for some of New Zealand’s best
   Our approach to training is to leave no    last year). In this we cover HV air-con-              automotive technicians
stone unturned.                               ditioning diagnostics, servicing R134a
   It’s much like going to one of our         aircon, including cooling and heating
favourite local restaurants in Napier, the    systems, and how to diagnose levitating                is necessary for you to be an expert on
                                                                  coolant pumps - their              EV batteries.
                                                                  control/feedback sys-                   We worked with first responders in
                                                                  tems.                              EV/hybrid vehicle impacts and crashes
                                                                      Wheel alignment and            in which we share the outcomes on what
                                                                  braking systems have a             best practices are when an EV/hybrid
                                                                  major impact on battery            high voltage system is damaged.
                                                                  range. We go in-depth                   Importantly, we’ll go into battery cell
                                                                  with wheel alignment               quality diagnostics, testing and evalua-
                                                                  and stability control, with        tion of individual batteries from Nissan
                                                                  basics on toe, camber,             and Renault, removal and opening an
                                                                  setback and thrust angle           HV battery through to cooling, ventila-
                                                                  adjustments. Functions             tion and sealing. You’ll learn how to
                                                                  of the ABS modulator will          safely measure, diagnose and equalise
                                                                  also be covered, such              an HV battery. Also covered will be
                                                                  as EBD, VDC, BLSD and              breakers, SMRs and rush resistor.
Getting to grips with EVs                                         BAS.                                    Who would have thought there is so
                                                                      One of the areas               much to an EV?
food is amazing, and you come away full       we go into much detail is high
and happy!                                    voltage distribution and the role
    This is how we feel about our training.   of the power distribution module
We want you to be full of knowledge, also     (PDM).
having the hands-on aspects so you apply          We will bring a PDM for you to
this on returning to your place of work.      see so you can understand how
    At AECS we spent days upon days in        each of the components operate.
summer just on research and develop-          Of course, more will be covered.
ment to create two new seminars.                  The second of the new train-
    Why spend so much time on this?           ing programmes is EV Battery
    When working on EVs the largest           Diagnostics & Repair.
threat to your wellbeing is electricity.          This where it gets exciting.
Working with 400 volts-plus you must          Each component of this training
                                                                                        Doing it right is key
know what you’re doing. Safety is para-       is broken down so it’s easy to un-
                                                                          Simple chemistry                 With our training all of this is explained
                                                                          will change your           in detail, and we have components from
                                                                          thinking about HV          an actual EV that helps with understand-
                                                                          rechargeable bat-          ing.
                                                                          teries.                         AECS is about empowering workshops
                                                                              We take a look         and keeping you trained with the latest
                                                                          at EV battery              technology. If you want to be at the top
                                                                          construction and           of your game, then training is key.
                                                                          chemistry, and                  Finally, perhaps you’re not a technician
                                                                          the way batteries          but work in the industry or own an EV -
                                                                          are connected (in- we have something for everyone.
                                                                          cluding individ-                There’s training for vehicle sales, insur-
                                                                          ual anodes and             ance assessors, and EV owners through
                                                                          cathodes) to the           to first responders. Call 06 874 9077,
                                                                          busbars. Knowl-            email training@aecs.net or visit training.
Learning what lies beneath.                                               edge such as this          aecs.net for more information.

10 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz

The death of the dealership -
fact or fiction?
    f you’ve been reading the news lately,       buying a car simply is more complicated                       John Gavljak is a business
    you could be excused for thinking            … and a much bigger purchase than a pair                      advisory and assurance
    automotive dealers across the board          of Cole Haans [shoes]. So it’s OK if the pro-                 partner and automotive
are reassessing their life choices and           cess takes longer than a pizza delivery.”                     industry specialist with
planning a change of career.                         In other words, buyers understand                         Pitcher Partners Sydney.
    Stories on the rise of electric and          and respect the fact that a car is a sig-
driverless vehicles, online buyer sub-           nificant purchase. It’s the same reason           out and those less efficient or poorly-man-
scription services and ride sharing have         the test drive isn’t dead – people still          aged operators tend to go to the wall.
prompted a host of forecasts painting a          value the experience and want that level             Dealers are absolutely keeping an eye
dire picture for the future of the indus-        of contact and insight from a dealer.             on those future disruptors, and what’s
try, including recent predictions that up            This has been underscored by the fact         coming over the horizon. But it’s impor-
to 50% of automotive dealerships glob-           that while buyers in the US have the option       tant to remember that most car dealers
ally would shut their doors by 2030.             to have their new car delivered to their          are entrepreneurs by nature – so change
    There’s no question disruption is com-       home, just 8% of them had taken that up.          doesn’t scare them, it’s just a matter of
ing. It’s already under way. But it’s not com-   The remainder preferred to go to the deal-        sorting out the white noise from what
ing at the breakneck pace some of those          ership to pick up their keys and get the full     needs to be focused on.
recent stories would have you believe.           introduction to their new vehicle in person.         When we talk to our clients, their con-
    In January, I attended the National              Electric vehicles and ride share              cerns aren’t electric vehicles or subscrip-
Automotive Dealers Association (NADA)            services are other disruptors frequently          tion services - they’re about pressure
Conference in San Francisco. It’s the big-       cited in industry forecasts. Both are             from original equipment manufacturers,
gest retail automotive convention in the         clearly in use in Australia, but neither          facility spends, customer service and get-
world, with more than 22,000 people at-          are in a position to pose a serious threat        ting the level of investment right.
tending from over 50 different countries.        to the industry in the foreseeable future.           In navigating a challenging market,
    The theme for this year’s conference             We just don’t have the supporting in-         there are steps that can be taken to ensure
was Focus on Innovation, and as part of the      frastructure or population density in place       you stay on the road. In 2019, used car
Australian Automotive Dealers Association        to drive significant growth in either.            profitability and expense management are
(AADA) Study tour, I was lucky enough to             That’s not to say the industry isn’t facing   immediate levers that can be pulled, as
tour the headquarters of Google and eBay         challenges. What we’re already seeing in          they’re areas under the control of dealers.
and hear from some of the leading thinkers       2019 is a number of smaller operators really         I genuinely do believe that for solid,
in that digital and disruptive space.            struggling, and there have been a handful         well-managed operators there will be a
    What was interesting was that                go into receivership since late 2018.             future in the industry – but navigating
despite the focus on innovation, the                 As the saying goes, when the tide             the right path through changing market
underlying message we were left with             goes out you all see who’s been swim-             conditions will be important, both in the
was that digital retail was very much a          ming naked – and in a market downturn             short and long term.
tool in a retailer’s toolkit – an important      like the one we’re experiencing now,                 Talk to your adviser about ensuring
one, yes, but not the end game.                  that’s exactly what happens.                      you have the roadmap in place for the
    As noted in the NADA Daily Magazine, “…          The volume comes off, the tide goes           journey.

Affordability does not mean a low sticker price
- Nissan EV chief
Continued from 6                                 have the ability to quick charge," he says.       active thermal management to protect
the trend of other manufacturers.                   "You can still do 500km in a day quite         the battery. We have provided an eight-
   "What we have found is, again, most cus-      comfortably - which is more than enough           year warranty. We're very comfortable
tomers buy the car to drive relatively short     to cover 90-95% of all driving needs for          and confident in the quality and durability
distances and perhaps occasionally want          pretty much every customer."                      of the battery."
to do that longer journey where you've              "Battery cooling is not something that            "Simply speaking it's not a cost that most
got 280 kilometres of range. And then you        we feel we need," he asserts. "We have            customers need us to add to their vehicle."

                                                                                                     EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 11

‘Self-charging’ Toyota riles
EV advocates
       oyota New Zealand’s
       advertisements describing
       its Corolla variant as a “self-
charging hybrid electric” sparked
a battle over semantics.
    Justin Boyd from the Electric
Vehicle Association of Aotearoa
sent a Facebook post to Toyota
New Zealand asking it to change
its post text referring to the
    “The Corolla is a hybrid
vehicle – electric should not be
used anywhere in the marketing
or referencing for this type of
vehicle,” he says.
    Boyd says the Corolla hybrid
is not a plug-in hybrid and it is
not a full battery electric vehicle.
    “NZTA and EECA Energywise
are very clear that ‘electric
vehicles are those which are able to be           Toyota does have an all-electric car, its
powered by a battery which is charged         Mirai sedan powered by a hydrogen fuel
by connecting to an external source of        cell rather than batteries.
electricity’,” he says.                           By 2025, the automotive manufacturer
    “This post sends a misleading             aims to have every Toyota and Lexus
message to the public about what you are      model available as a dedicated electrified
selling and could be deemed a breach of       vehicle, or it will have an electrified option
the advertising standards.”                   available.
    But Toyota New Zealand says it’s              Toyota plans to launch its new RAV4
quite entitled to use the term “self-         in New Zealand in 2019 as its first SUV
charging hybrid electric” when referring      offering with “self-charging electric hybrid
to its hybrid range of vehicles.              technology”.
    “This is to not only differentiate from       Lala says the 2019 RAV4 hybrid will
plug-in electric vehicles, but it also        have the same towing capabilities as its
provides a better understanding as to         petrol variants.
how the technology works. We are not              Boyd adds another reason he is
aware of any negative sentiment towards       seeking more clarity around the use of
the term,” Toyota New Zealand executive       the key word “electric” is that people
general manager Neeraj Lala says.             might be confused into thinking they’re
    Toyota is more renowned for its Prius     buying a plug-in vehicle which may
hybrid range, which includes a plug-in        qualify for any eventual EV incentives.
hybrid (PHEV).                                    “Buying a hybrid is a step in the right
    The difference between a PHEV and         direction, but people could be confused
a standard hybrid is that the latter uses     in this case and think they’re buying
an internal combustion engine (ICE) to        something that’s not quite what they
charge up the electric motor, rather than     expect.”
using an external power source (plug).            Among the many Facebook posts
    The Prius has an EV mode for electric-    about the issue is one suggesting the
only low-speed operation, Eco mode for        Corolla hybrid should more properly be
best fuel efficiency, and Power mode for      called a “petrol-electric”.                      Toyota’s advertisement
better performance.

12 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
                     Find your new EVs here!                                               X5 xDrive40e          PHEV      $152,700        30 km + 800 km
                             NEW EV CAR TYPES
                                                                           Hyundai         Ioniq Plug-in         PHEV      $53,990         63 km + 1040 km
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                                                                           Toyota          Prius Prime           PHEV      $48,490         50 km + 1000 km
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                                                                           Volvo           S90 T8                PHEV      $125,900        34 km + 600 km
               S - Long Range        BEV    $144,120     630 km
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 Talk to Deborah Baxter about                                                           DEBORAH BAXTER
 advertising your business in                                                           027 530 5016
 OUR NEW DEALER PAGE                                                                    deborah@automediagroup.co.nz

                                                                                                            EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 13
 Find your quality used EVs here!
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                                                                  APPROX RANGE                               NAME                        CITY
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              i3 - 33 kWh                BEV      $52k - $80k     200 km            GVI Electric
                                                                                    09 216 7106 | ev@gvi.kiwi
Hyundai       Ioniq                      BEV      $47k - $55k     220 km
                                                                                    Harwood Cars | 027 492 2218
              Ioniq Elite                BEV      $57k - $66k     220 km            www.harwoodcars.com
                                                                                    Auckland City Electric Vehicles
              Kona                       BEV      $74k            400 km                                                         Auckland
                                                                                    0800 248 9387 | www.acev.co.nz
Jaguar        I-Pace                     BEV      $180k           380 km            Wholesale Autos                              Auckland
Kia           Soul EV                    BEV      $30k            150 km            Farmer Auto Village
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Mercedes Benz B250 e                     BEV      $44k - $47k     140 km
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              B-Miev Van                 BEV      $16k            100 km
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              LEAF Gen 2 - 24 kWh        BEV      $13k - $34k     135 km
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              Q7 e-tron                  PHEV     $125k           54 km + 800 km

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  14 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz

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                                                                                    EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 15

Getting active on a BMW Active
Hybrid e-bike
         ike the cars, the BMW Active Hybrid
         electric bike looks good.
            And the mid-drive e-bike rides
well too.
     The BMW blows away the hills, even
in the lower pedal assist speeds among
the three available.
     Its top speed is apparently governed
to around 25km/h, but I could regularly
reach 27km/h and even 31km/h on some
stretches with some surging noticeable
during pedalling on the flat as the speed
assist kicks in (you can turn it off). While
you’re liable to be overtaken on the flat
by a fit road bike rider, you certainly win
on the hills or into a head wind.
     Range is really good. Publicity puts the
range around 100km on a single charge.
A test run over hills and flats tends to sup-
port that with only one of the three bat-
tery indicator bars lost over about 23km.
     That was using the top power assist
mode for much of the distance into a
head wind and carrying a full back-
pack with a laptop, charger, lunch,
books, a change of clothes and more –
probably close to 10kg.
     Another journey over the same dis-
tance with a similar load used barely half         EVTalk Editor Geoff Bolton tries out the BMW ebike.
of one battery indicator, leaving three-
and-a-half, while sticking to just two levels      road bike wheels.                                     another on the helmet.
of pedal assist.                                       Shimano’s 10 cogs on the rear wheel                  Hydraulic brakes provide ample stop-
     I guess that’s where the term “active         and one at the pedal crank are sufficient             ping power.
hybrid” applies – using your leg power as          to cover all ranges of terrain and speed,                Essentials like the pedal assist indica-
well as the electrics. If you really want to get   although changing gears can produce a                 tor (shown beside a rocket symbol), lights,
fit just switch pedal assist off, although the     slight “ping” at times.                               battery health and speed are on the han-
bike can be heavy at around the standard               The saddle suits road bike riders like            dlebar mounted controller and screen.
25kg because of the drive module.                  myself but may not be as comfortable                     It also comes with a Micro USB socket
     The advanced Brose electric motor             for some commuters who can probably                   and Bluetooth functionality.
combined with the removeable 504Wh                 swap it if they really want to.                          The BMW Active Hybrid e-bike, which
battery can spit out 250W and 90Nm of                  It’s designed specifically for e-bikes for        has the same eDrive branding as its
torque – more than enough for a daily              comfort and safety though.                            hybrid cars, sells for about $5600 and is
commute or a long, recreational ride.                  The e-bike’s full front and rear mud-             available from selected BMW dealers.
     The motor and battery are fully inte-         guards deflect any road spray – they                     Many automotive producers like
grated into the hydroformed aluminium              clang a bit over rough sections - and a               BMW have been involved with bicycles,
frame, highlighting the bike’s sporty              LED red light is integrated into the rear             and more recently with e-bikes.
silhouette, accentuated further by the fa-         aluminium mudguard.                                      General Motors, for instance, has
miliar BMW “bullneck”. Frozen Black and                A front fork mounted light is bright              called its new e-bike brand ARĪV, which
Arctic Silver paintwork highlight the looks.       enough, although when riding in Auck-                 includes a compact (Meld) and folding
     Front fork suspension helps iron out          land traffic I prefer adding a few extras             bike (Merge).
the bumps, also relieved by wider tyres at         like a seat post mounted rear light, a                   Visit shop.bmw.com for other BMW
a slightly lower pressure than my 100 PSI          flashing white light on the handlebars and            cycle models and related equipment.

16 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
ITS New Zealand leads the Future Transport conversation, promoting
research, development and adoption of solutions for safer, more
efficient and sustainable transport.

                                                                                                      What’s Happening:
  Terrific T-Tech                                                                                     Event: Wellington Micromobility

  Conference takes shape                                                                              April 10, Beca, Level 7 Aorangi House.

                                                                                Simon McManus
                                                                                                      Learn about news modes of transport
                                                     up with ITS Australia to create a significant    like e-scooters which are changing the
  ZEALAND INC                                        presence promoting New Zealand.                  way we move in urban areas.
                                                        The challenges we face today have

     f you’ve got an eye on the future of            taken on new urgency, with climate               Register at www.ITSNZ.org
     transport and it affects your business,         change driving an urgent need to address
     then mark your calendar for T-Tech              greenhouse gases from transport. Urban
  2019 in May, and head to the ITSNZ web-            intensification is happening across the
  site to register for Earlybird tickets.            world, including here in New Zealand. It
     T-Tech 2019 will feature one of New Zea-
  land’s best presenters, Michelle Dickinson
                                                     limits the potential for infrastructure to
                                                     solve congestion and accelerates demand
  (aka Nanogirl), leading an exciting line-up of     for new solutions in public transport, last
  international and local speakers covering          mile solutions and micromobility.                may 6 - 7 2019
  everything from micromobility, to AVs, EVs,           The T-Tech Future Transport Confer-
  mobility as a service and even drones.             ence is hosted by ITSNZ (Intelligent
     The two-day programme will be filled            Transport Systems New Zealand) and so,
  with more than 30 speakers, a mix of gov-          as always, the focus is on solutions which
  ernment, experts, academia and innovators.         will aim to make transport more sustaina-
     Attendees will come away with insights          ble, more efficient and safer for everyone.      T-Tech is New Zealand’s Future
  on disruptive new mobility solutions, busi-           For those that don’t already know about       Transport Conference, the leading
  ness models and an update on govern-               T-Tech, in 2018 ITS New Zealand launched         event which explores the latest transport
  ment policies, projects and direction.             a new brand for our annual summit. T-Tech        technology trends, research and
     If you are interested in “last-mile” solu-      2018 was a massive success, a full two days      technology business models.
  tions that will help unlock public                         of informative presentations encom-
  transport then you’ll be excited                           passing a range of technologies and
  to hear that Horace Dediu, the                             technology-enabled transport and         october 21-25 2019
  world’s leading expert analyst                             mobility solutions that will make up
  on micromobility will be at T-                             the transport ecosystem of the future.
  Tech. Dediu is the brains behind                               This year, for the first time, the
  the hugely successful annual                               conference will be in Christchurch in
  micromobility conferences in            Nanogirl           its newly reopened town hall. We’re
  San Francisco, USA and also in                             excited to work with Christchurch,
  Europe and is frequently interviewed by            who’re committed to their Smart Cities pro-      ITS World Congress
  the world’s leading business and technol-          gramme and support the development and
  ogy publications.                                  testing of innovative transport solutions.       The 2019 Congress theme of
     Expect updates on emerging technol-                More exciting announcements are in            “Smart Mobility, Empowering Cities”
  ogy, urban design and policy from Europe,          the pipeline, so do connect with us online       reflects Singapore’s commitment to
  USA and Australia, as well as information          and we look forward to seeing you there          create the most liveable smart city in
  about the upcoming World Congress in Sin-          in May.                                          support of higher quest for an ever
  gapore later this year where we’ve teamed                                                           connected community.

  gold members
                                                                                                                contact us
                                                                                                                 ITS NZ INC
  silver members                                           JOIN THE FUTURE                                       +64 (0)21 709 386

                                                           TRANSPORT CONVERSATION
                                                                                                      EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 17
                                                                Connected Vehicles

Micro mobility gains traction
        he disruption of micro mobility                  ism member Jessica
        within urban and rural transport                 Rose, Micro Mobil-
        was covered during an Intelligent                ity podcaster Oliver
Transport Systems New Zealand (ITS NZ)                   Bruce, and Big Street
presentation and panel discussion on                     Bikes founder Cleve
February 19 in Auckland.                                 Cameron.
   New electric personal transport options                   Micro mobility
under the micro mobility label include                   conference founder
e-scooters, e-bikes, electric skateboards,               and host of the Micro
Segways, electric mopeds and more.                       Mobility Podcast Hor-
   The rapid adoption, surpassing 500                    ace Dediu began pro-
million users globally, brought on by the                ceedings with a video
fleets, and increasing private ownership,                keynote presentation.
means decision-makers are under pres-                        Dediu says the
sure to react quickly to understand the                  migration of people to
implications for public safety, regulation               cities since the 1950s      Oliver Bruce, Jessica Rose, Cleve Cameron, Matt Ensor, and Patrick Reynolds
and infrastructure to achieve the full po-               lead to blossoming          at the Micro Mobility Conference
tential of benefits and mitigate problems.               urbanisation and he
   The event discussed how and why                       predicts that by 2050 6.7 billion people will        micro mobility will have a significant im-
new mobility options will be a major dis-                be living in cities. Many will prefer a mode         pact on short trips and a huge impact on
ruptor and driver of behavioural change.                 of personal transport but there won’t be the climate change provided that the modes
   Beca transportation advisory director                 resources to cope with cars, he says.                are not regulated off the roads. She be-
Matt Ensor was the master of ceremonies                      Interestingly, Dediu believes that car           lieves that only with political support from
for the session.                                         share services such as Uber and Lyft                 the top down will micro mobility thrive
   The micro mobility panel of guest                     have already reached the point of peak               and succeed.
speakers included Greater Auckland                       use, but shared micro mobility options                   Reynolds says proactive creation of
contributor, urbanist Patrick Reynolds,                  have barely scratched the surface yet.               cycle lanes has seen people encouraged
Albert-Eden board and Women in Urban-                        During the panel discussion Rose says            to use them, and the addition of micro
                                                                                                              mobility provides another reason to cre-
                                                                                                              ate such a third space, such as a foot-
                                                                                                              path, road, and lane for cyclists and micro
                                                                                                              mobility users.
                                                                                                                  Bruce says building cities around cars
                                                                                                              is no longer feasible and micro mobility
                                                                                                              allows the democratisation of mobility,
                                                                                                              because society will benefit from lower
                                                                                                              cost mobility services.
                                                                                                                  “We see micro mobility as a vehicle
                                                                                                              for social change, and our intention is to
                                                                                                              understand what could happen when it
                                                                                                              gathers scale,” Cameron says.
                                                                                                                  “We need to make e-mobility a part of
                                                                                                              life, and to do that successfully it needs to
                                                                                                              be affordable, accessible, loveable, and
                                                                                                              desirable - we need to shift the desire
Electric scooters are a popular form of micro mobility                                                        curve and make it likeable and fun.”

                                                              At the forefront of the transport technology revolution

18 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz

Trailblazing AV electric bus
project launched
       he world’s first 12-metre   being used in Singapore and             One of the autonomous            global installed base of 10,500
       fully electric, autono-     across Asia Pacific.                electric buses will be used at       ABB DC fast chargers installed
       mous 40-seater bus un-          Using a pantograph mount-       the Centre of Excellence for         across 73 countries.
veiled on March 5 at Nanyang       ed on the charging infrastruc-      Testing and Research of Au-             ABB’s installed base
Technological University (NTU)     ture for end-point charging,        tonomous Vehicles (CETRAN)           includes its Terra high power
in Singapore will be powered       set up at a bus stop or depot,      – Singapore’s advanced new           chargers, capable of adding
by two ABB heavy vehicle           it allows buses to be charged       test facility at the NTU campus      200km of range to an electric
chargers (HVC).                    at the end of the line, with-       – where researchers will test        vehicle in just eight minutes.
                                                                         new functions and study               Fortune Magazine recently
                                                                         how the bus interacts with         ranked ABB eighth on its list
                                                                         other road-users.                  of companies that are “chang-
                                                                             The second bus will be         ing the world” for the advanc-
                                                                         used for tests in a bus depot,     es it has made in e-mobility
                                                                         in partnership with SMRT.          and electric vehicle charging.
                                                                             ABB was one of the                In its role as title partner
                                                                         founders of both the Chad-         of the ABB FIA Formula E
                                                                         emo and CCS alliance charg-        championship and as Official
                                                                         ing standards, launched            Charging Partner for the new
                                                                         the first DC fast charger in       Jaguar I-Pace eTrophy series,
                                                                         2010, the first nationwide DC      ABB extends its commitment
                                                                         charging networks in 2012          to support and expand the fu-
                                                                         and the first eBus charging        ture of smart and sustainable
                                                                         networks in Europe in 2016.        transport.
                                                                             Today, ABB is the world           Representatives of ABB
The bus’s back end says it all                                           leader in electric vehicle         New Zealand attended the
                                                                         infrastructure.                    Hong Kong ePrix on March
    The project is part of         out impacting the normal
an ongoing collaboration           operation of the route.
between NTU, the Land                  “ABB is at the forefront
Transport Authority (LTA) and      of developing smart and
Volvo Buses to develop au-         sustainable transportation
tonomous bus technologies.         solutions,” electrification
    This phase, which includes     products division president
self-driving bus trials, demon-    Tarak Mehta says.
strates the ability to provide         “We have pioneered
fixed route and scheduled ser-     the creation of flexible
vices similar to existing public   and high-quality electric
bus services in Singapore.         charging systems that en-
    ABB is a key industry          able the development of
partner in the project, helping    cleaner, more efficient and
Singapore to make another          cost effective solutions.
major step towards sustain-            “We are delighted to be    ABB is putting the charge in the world’s first AV electric bus
able mobility.                     involved in this landmark
    ABB’s HVC 300P fast            project in Singapore and hope          It offers a full range of               10, with Kiwi brothers Mitch
charging system delivers           this will mark a positive step    charging solutions for electric              and Simon Evans racing in
300kW DC power and will            toward greater electrification    cars, electric and hybrid buses the Formula E Panasonic
recharge a battery in three to     of public transport solutions     as well as electrification solu-             Jaguar Racing team and for
six minutes.                       across the region, where          tions for ships and railways.                Team Asia New Zealand in the
    It is based on OppCharge,      traffic emissions have been            ABB entered the EV-                     Jaguar I-Pace eTrophy event
an open interface for DC elec-     identified as a major concern     charging market in 2010, and                 respectively.
tric bus charging, which is now    in fast-developing cities.”       today has an ever-growing

                                                                                                  EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz | 19
EVtalk checks out how some of the New Zealand companies are doing with their commitment to electrify at least 30% of
            their vehicle fleets by 2019. Spark is among 30 of the country’s employers to agree on the deal.

                                     Spark moving to PHEVs
                                               igital services provider
                                               Spark is introducing
                                               Mini Countryman plug-
                                     in hybrids (PHEVs) to its vehi-
                                     cle fleets – probably the first in
                                     Australasia to do so in bulk.
                                         The first 30 are due
                                     towards the end of March,
                                     with a further 40 also
                                     ordered, then another 60
                                     or 80 leased PHEVs could
                                     be added depending upon
                                         It’s part of the company’s
                                     EV strategy co-ordinated by        Marc Solomon
                                     Marc Solomon, Spark’s sourc-
                                     ing business partner in charge of fleets.          case, right down to the tyres.”
                                         When the strategy was first conceived about       Spark has about 470 vehicles throughout
                                     three years ago, EV selection was minimal com-     New Zealand and aims to have about 150
         ABB Ltd.                    pared to today and first-up prices too high.       switched.
    Air New Zealand                      Spark also had to consider how its people         Staff have been involved in helping test ve-
                                     would use them.                                    hicles and provided feedback, which explains
                                         “We had a couple of more experimental EVs,     why Spark is moving to PHEVs.
     Contact Energy                  including some old Peugeots,” Solomon says.           “PHEVs bridge the gap between ICE vehi-
         Fonterra                    These were Ions – rebadged Mitsubishi i-MiEVs.     cles and BEVs – you don’t want staff running
Foodstuffs North Island                  Coincidentally, an electric Peugeot e-208      out of battery in the middle of nowhere or a
                                     supermini with nearly 340km range is likely        problem could develop,” Solomon says.
        Fuji Xerox                   to be out later this year - although Spark isn’t      “Early adopters might say ‘BEV or nothing’,
          Fujitsu                    considering this vehicle at this stage.            and we accept that position.
      Giltrap Group                      Solomon describes the EV strategy’s first         “The vehicles we have been looking at
                                     stage as like “dipping your toes in the water”.    bridge the divide and look like a normal car.
Hyundai New Zealand                      That was followed by obtaining some            We wanted something that people could drive
  ISS Facility Services              second-hand Nissan Leafs from the United           without too much of a cultural change.
          Kiwirail                   Kingdom, but some difficulties with servicing         “We’ve done testing on EVs over the last
                                     and other factors led Spark to rule them out.      couple of years and range anxiety is alive
                                         “We looked at the total package in each        and well,” Solomon says.
           OCS                                                                              PHEVs, BEVs “and even a Tesla” were
           Opus                                                                          tested over nearly nine months, including the
         Powerco                                                                         vehicle’s ergonomics, safety, the ride, costs
                                                                                         and more.
 Renault New Zealand                                                                        “We had a whole range of feedback,”
         SG Fleet                                                                        Solomon says.
           Spark                                                                            “Some didn’t have great viewing angles,
                                                                                         and in some instances the reach across to a
    The Warehouse
                                                                                         touch screen brought up safety issues.”
       Transpower                                                                           It’s mostly Spark sales staff who use the
    Turners Auctions                                                                     vehicles, so stopping to charge EVs for
          Unison                                                                         lengthy periods is something both staff and
                                                                                         the company want to avoid.
        Vodafone                                                                            “Electrics are brilliant for around town,
  Waste Management                                                                       but once people drive beyond 50km they
        Watercare                                                                        call up and ask for something other than
                                                                                         an electric,” says Solomon, who explains
     WEL networks
                                                                                         that some staff have to drive reasonable
         Westpac                                                                         distances.
           Xero                      The Mini Countryman PHEV                                                       Continued on page 24

  20 | EVTALK MARCH 2019 | www.evtalk.co.nz
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