Page created by Melissa Scott
R EPORT 2020
B E ST S E L L E R                          Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                Fa s h io n FW D                               2

HIGHLIGHTS                                                                   84%
                                                                             of our total cotton consump-
                                                                                                                       of NAME IT ’s cotton was sourced
                                                                             tion in 2020 was sourced more             from organic sources in 2020, while
                                                                             sustainably with organic                  SELECTED and Y. A .S achieved 67%
JACK & JONES’ Low Impact Denim (LID)
                                                                             cotton accounting for 23%.                and 66%, respectively.
products now account for approximately
15 percent of the brand ’s denim pro –
duction and this year JACK & JONES                                           Together with CYCLO, BESTSELLER has developed a closed-loop
further tightened the requirements for                                       system in conjunction with our biggest jersey supplier in Bangladesh
when a product can be categorised as LID.                                    – GMS Composite Knitting. CYCLO recycles our brands’ own cutting
                                                                             scraps to make useable cotton yarn and fabric.

We trained all our buyers and
designers in circular design principles
through workshops and online training
and several of our brands have included
circular styles in their collections.

We have set greenhouse gas reduction                                                                                              We increased our use
goals in line with the Paris Agreement                                                                                            of more sustainable
and a 1.5°C pathway through the Science                                                                                           man-made cellulosic
Based Targets initiative (SBTi).                                                                                                  fibres from 11% to
                                                                                                                                  34%. Our biggest
                                                                                                                                  contributors were
We have launched the Fashion FWD Lab,                                                                                             VERO MODA
our new experimental platform, which                                                                                              and ONLY, who
acts as catalyst for collaboration with                                                                                           respectively reached
innovators and entrepreneurs to pilot                                                                                             54% and 32% of their
and test new ideas and solutions.                                                                                                 total supply.
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                     Our recycled polyester use                                         suppliers completed a
                     accounted for 10% of all polyester                                 Higg FEM assessment,
                     sourced. SELECTED and Y.A.S                                        representing 86% of our
                     increased their recycled polyester                  supply chain by value (tier 1 and 2). 96
                     consumption to respectively 33%                     suppliers’ results were verified, with
                     and 25% of their overall supply.                    an average score of 51, improving on
                                                                         2019's average score of 45.

                     As a member of ACT, we have actively                We launched Our People’s Voice – our
                     participated in setting industrial                  employee engagement survey – and
                     structures and mechanisms for enhancing             achieved an engagement score of 79,
                     social dialogue and freedom of association          which is seven points higher than the
                     in the global textile supply chain.                 external global benchmark.

                                                      By the end of 2020, HERproject TM programmes had reached
                                                      81,975 people in BESTSELLER’s supply chain. The launch of
                                                      HERessentials to combat COVID-19 was intergral to this progress,
                                                      which saw us achieve our Fashion FWD goal of reaching

                                                      100,000                               workers in
                                                                                            March 2021.

                                                      Our brands VERO MODA, OBJECT and SELECTED became
                                                      some of the first fashion brands to produce garments at
                                                      market scale from Renewcell’s fibre Circulose®, which is
                                                      made from discarded textiles, such as production waste and
                                                      worn-out garments.
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                     A MESSAGE FROM
                     OUR CEO & OWNER

                     As we look back on 2020 and ref lect on a momentous year, it is striking – for
                     all the talk of ‘a new normal ’ – how much the values that define BESTSELLER
                     remain relevant. Honesty, loyalty, a strong work ethic, a willingness to
                     cooperate and an inquisitive mind – all of these factors are as important
                     today as they were when BESTSELLER began almost half a century ago.

                     While the initial shock of COVID -19 has worn off, our indus-            a crisis, and in BESTSELLER , we have learned a lot. One of
                     try – like global society – continues to grapple with massive            the more important lessons has been that we must accept a
                     cha l lenges related to the v i r us . T he te x t i le supply cha i n   certain amount of uncertainty and the best response is to
                     remains seriously disrupted. While we have adapted quick-                be proactive.
                     ly to the market, allowing us to continue submitting orders
                     and help keep the wheels in motion at many of our suppli-                T here a re a number of si m i la r it ies between the pa ndem-
                     ers, we must accept that the effects of the global pandemic              ic a nd the br oad pla neta r y c r i si s . We ca n not bu i ld wa l l s
                     will be long-lasting. Our social sustainability work remains             strong or h igh enough , and neither can we run away fast
                     as important as ever to foster safe work ing environments                or far enough, to simply avoid the global challenges we are
                     and fair outcomes for everyone in our supply chain.                      facing – or are about to face. We live in a connected world,
                                                                                              wh ich ma kes contemporar y cha llenges and oppor tun ities
                     We never doubted that we would make it through the global                so mult ifaceted that our approach must be col laborat ive,
                     pandemic. It was just a matter of how we would manage it in              and our solutions must be holistic. Everyone has a respon-
                     the best way possible. There is no learning experience like              sibility to do their part. Our actions must be based on the
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                              Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                         Fa s h io n FW D   5

measurable needs of our planet, which is why we are pleased
our climate goals have been approved by the Science Based
Targets initiative in early 202 1 .

With 202 1 well under way, we are investing even more time
and resources to create a dig ital and susta inable future for

                                                                                          “We live in a connected world, which
our compa ny. T he consequences of deplet i ng our natura l
resources are becom ing ever clearer and even though we
do not have all the solutions we cannot allow that uncer-

                                                                                          makes contemporary challenges and
ta inty to paralyse us.

Our sustainability strategy Fashion FWD continues to guide

                                                                                    opportunities so multifaceted that our approach
us, and its overall impact will be dependent on us striking
the right balance between short-term w ins and long-term
focus. We must keep an open mind and remain innovative

                                                                                        must be collaborative, and our solutions
about how we think about our future business, collaborating
across our industry and value chain to identify and develop
more sustainable solutions. BESTSELLER is committed to

                                                                                     must be holistic. Everyone has a responsibility
adopt ing and invest ing in innovat ion to futureproof our
company. The establishment of Fashion F W D Lab in 2020
was a critical step in our innovation work , as it suppor ts

                                                                                    to do their part. Our actions must be based on
innovators and entrepreneurs so they can tailor their con-
cepts for widespread use in the fashion industry.

                                                                                          the measurable needs of our planet.”
Ma rke t s a r e c ont i nuou s ly c h a n g i n g a nd ou r c u s tome r s’
e x p e c t at i on s a r e h i g he r t h a n e v e r. We h a v e to r e m a i n
focused on continuously improv ing and using our business
to create positive impact. By stay ing loyal to our suppliers ,
bu s i ne s s pa r t ner s a nd c u s tomer s , work i n g h a r d , c ol l ab -
or at i n g t h r ou g hout ou r i n du s t r y a n d s e e k i n g out ne w
solutions , we can build a more susta inable and prosperous
future together.                                                                                                        A nde rs Holc h Povl s e n ,

                                                                                                                   BESTSELLER 's CEO & O w ne r

A nders Holch Povlsen
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45          FAIR FOR ALL

			         DEVELOPMENT GOALS ( SDGs )

           PARTNERSHIPS &
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ABOUT                                                                           BESTSELLER AT A GL ANCE


BE S T SE L L E R i s a n i nte r n at ion a l , fa m i ly- ow ne d fa sh ion
company w ith a strong foundation.
Founded by the Holch Povlsen family in 1975, BESTSELLER
has always rema ined true to the family values at its core.
We are proud of our or ig i ns and we work hard ever y day
to br i ng people a nd fa sh ion toget her to ach ieve posit ive
results for ever yone.                                                          branded
BESTSELLER has a globa l reach , w ith produc ts for                            chain stores
men a nd women of a l l a ges . Fr om c lot hes to acces sor ies ,

BESTSELLER br i ngs fa sh ion to our customers across the
world . O u r bra nd s i nc lude JACK & JONE S , V ERO MODA ,
JUNAROSE , Y. A . S, NOISY M AY, PIECES and NAME IT.                            people

                                                                                and department

                                                                                billion DKK
                                                                                net turnover 2019/20
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                                   Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                Fa s h io n FW D                                      8

                                                                                          m it i g at i n g r i s k s a n d i n c r e a s i n g t r a n s p a r e n c y, w e c a n
                                                                                          f ut u r e - pr o of ou r c omp a ny a n d i n s pi r e p o s it i v e s o c i a l ,
                                                                                          economic and environmental progress.

FASHION FWD                                                                               To help us chart our course we have developed our North

                                                                                          Star: Bringing Fashion F WD until we are climate positive,
                                                                                          fa i r for a l l a nd c i r c u l a r by de s i g n . T h i s i s ou r u lt i m ate
                                                                                          ambition – a guiding light for our Fashion FWD strateg y and

ARE CLIMATE                                                                               our f uture susta i nabi l ity ef for ts , a s we str ive to become
                                                                                          a s s u s t a i n able a s p o s s ible , a s s o on a s p o s s ible . We a r e

                                                                                          convinced that we need to outline our chosen destination,
                                                                                          so we can plan the route to get there. We need to operate our
                                                                                          business ethically, produce our products responsibly, build

                                                                                          a resilient supply chain, greatly respect everyone involved
                                                                                          and provide value to our stakeholders. We will continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Climate Positive
                                                                                          accelerate each year and we will not stop until BESTSELLER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our business w ill have a positive impact on our planet’s climate across
                                                                                          has achieved its ultimate ambition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      our value cha in by remov ing more g reenhouse gases than we emit.

CIRCULAR                                                                                  “Sustainability is increasingly
                                                                                          a part of how we see ourselves
BY DESIGN                                                                                 at BESTSELLER and this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Circular By Design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our business model will be based on design principles that prioritise efficiency
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and the reuse of resources at every level, from fibres to water and chemicals to
                                                                                          shift in mentality is critical                                                                                              post-consumer, in order to minimise waste and keep resources in use.

                                                                                          to our company’s future.
At BESTSELLER , we wa nt to ma ke our compa ny a nd
ou r i n du s t r y m or e s u s t a i n a bl e , s o w e c a n h e lp c r e ate          At BESTSELLER, sustainability
t he k i nd of f utu r e we a l l ne ed a nd s a feg ua r d t he world
w e l i v e i n . We a r e e m br a c i n g c h a n g e b e c au s e t he                 means creating long-term                                                                                                    Fair For All

challenges we face are diverse, complex and considerable.                                                                                                                                                             Everyone working in our value chain will be empowered by jobs that are safe,
                                                                                          value and prosperity.”                                                                                                      that protect human rights and provide fair incomes and opportunities for

A s a s i g n i f i c a nt a c to r i n t h e g l o b a l f a s h i o n i n du s t r y,                                                                                                                               everyone to reach their personal potential.

BE S T SE L L E R i s w e l l - p o s it ione d to t a k e r e s p on s i bi l it y,
do ou r pa r t a nd c r eate genu i ne c ha n ge . Ou r appr oac h i s                    D or te R ye Ol s e n ,
a hol i st ic one wher e we work to i nteg rate susta i nabi l it y                       Su s tai nabilit y Ma nage r,
into all elements of our business. By embracing innovation,
                                                                                          BESTSELLER .
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                     A s pa r t of ou r s u s ta i n abi l it y s t rate g y Fa sh ion F W D, we              Our commitment to f inding, funding and suppor ting inno -
                     spl it ou r su s ta i n abi l it y work i nto fou r fo c u s a r ea s : Cr e -           vat ive a nd d i sr upt ive solut ions ha s si nce been e xpa nded
                     at i n g F W D, Ma k i n g F W D, En ga g i n g F W D a nd De l iver i n g               w ith the development of Fashion F W D Lab – BESTSELLER’s
                     F W D. W it h i n eac h of t hes e a r ea s , we h ave s et shor t a nd                  susta inability innovation hub.
                     med ium-term goa ls to ach ieve by 202 5, wh i le our hol ist ic
                     appr oac h to su s ta i n abi l it y mea n s t h at s ome t heme s c ut
                     across the entire strateg y.
                     Cr eat i n g F W D foc u ses on t he m ater i a l s i n ou r pr oduc t s ,
                     M a k i n g F W D r e l ate s to t he e nv i r on me nt a l fo ot pr i nt of
                     our operat ions and supply cha in , Engag ing F W D sets our
                     d i r e c t ion for s o c i a l s u s t a i n abi l it y a nd D e l ive r i n g F W D    At BESTSELLER , we ack nowledge that collaboration
                     refers to product use, circularity and packag ing.                                       w i l l b e c r it ic a l to c r eat i n g a s u s t a i n able r ea l it y for t he
                                                                                                              f a s h i o n i n d u s t r y. U n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d e n g a g i n g w i t h
                     I n add it ion to t he s e fou r fo c u s a r ea s , ou r Fa sh ion F W D                ou r s t a k e h o l d e r s i s t h e r e f o r e e s s e nt i a l . We c a t e g o r i s e
                     s t rate g y a l s o u nderl i ne t he c ent ra l r ole i n novat ion w i l l            our sta keholders a s those i nd iv idua l s , g roups a nd orga n-
                     pl ay i n pr ep a r i n g BE S T SE L L E R f or a mor e s u s t a i n a ble             i sat ion s that i n f luence our busi ness a nd that we have a n
                     f uture. T he strateg y’s launch ma rked the bi r th of Invest                           i mpac t on . Our sta keholders i nc lude – but a re not neces -
                     F W D – a susta inable investment platform run in collabo -                              sa r i ly l i m ited to – col leag ues , suppl iers , workers , c iv i l soc i-
                     ration w ith BESTSELLER’s parent company HE ARTL AND.                                    ety, i ndustr y a ssoc iat ion s , customers/wholesa lers , reta i l-
                                                                                                              ers , end- con sumers , peers , pol ic y ma kers a nd t he med ia .

                                                                                                              In prac t ice , we engage w ith our sta keholders i n a va r iety
                                                  CREATING FWD
                                                                                                              of ways – from sma l ler -sca le meet ings , inter v iews
                                                                                                              a nd work shops to i ndustr y-level events a nd mu lt i-
                                                                                                              s ta ke holde r i n it i at ive s a nd or g a n i s at ion s . BE S T SE L L E R
                                                                                                              is an ac t ive member of the fol low ing industr y-w ide
                                                                                                              collaborations: The Sustainable Apparel Coalition

                       DELIVERING FWD
                                                                                                              ( S A C ) a n d t h e A p p a r e l & Fo o t w e a r I n t e r n a t i o n a l R S L

                                                                                                 MAKING FWD
                                             OUR                                                              M a n a g e me nt Work i n g G r oup ( A F I R M ), t he B e t te r

                                          FOUR FOCUS                                                          Cotton Initiative (BCI), Organic Cotton Accelerator
                                                                                                              ( O C A ) , E t h i c a l T r a d e I n i t i a t i v e ( E T I ) a n d Te x t i l e
                                            AREAS                                                             Exchange ( TE), the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and
                                                                                                              Bu i ld i ng Sa fety (ACCOR D) a nd Ac t ion Col laborat ion
                                                                                                              Tra n sfor mat ion (ACT ). (See page 67 ).

                                                 ENGAGING FWD
Our business will have a positive
impact on our planet’s climate across
our value chain by removing more
greenhouse gases than we emit.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                   Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0               Fa s h io n FW D                          11


   2020                                          2021                                  2025                                         2025

               We will set science-based goals          We will set targets to                   Our energ y consumption                       We will have 100% approved
               on greenhouse gas emissions.             safeguard future water                   in our owned and operated                     and traceable chemistry in
               In 2018, we have officially              resources.                               buildings globally will be                    our core products.
               committed to set these goals                                                      reduced by 30%.
               through the Science Based
               Targets initiative.

                                                        Our owned and operated                   75% of all product orders will
                                                        buildings globally will be               be consolidated in suppliers
                                                        powered by 100% renewable                that are highly rated in our
                                                        energ y.                                 sustainability evaluation.
B E ST S E L L E R   Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                Fa s h io n FW D                                                               12

                     As a global fashion company, we have a responsibility to transform our
                     business so that our environmental footprint is in line with the needs of
                     our planet. Some of the biggest challenges our world faces are related to

                     our planet’s natural resources and we must rethink the way we consume
                     them throughout our value chain.

CLIMATE              BESTSEL L ER i s com m itted to becom i n g c l i mate posit ive              on t he mos t up -to - d ate s c ienc e a nd d ata ava i l able . T h at

                     t h r ou g h ou r w o rk i n M a k i n g F W D , C r e at i n g F W D a n d   i s why BE S T SE L L E R h a s s e t g r e e n hou s e g a s r e duc t ion
                     D e l ive r i n g F W D. To ac h ie ve t h i s u lt i m ate a mbit ion , we   go a l s t h r ou g h t he S c ie nc e B a s e d Ta r ge t s i n it i at ive a nd
                     must produce and operate leaner, sig nif icantly and contin-                  has comm itted to the Fashion Pact. We cannot simply set
                     uously r educ i ng t he ener g y, water a nd chem ica l s we use              i nc r e me nt a l goa l s – we mu s t f i nd a w ay to op e r ate a nd
                     and the waste we create. Collaboration and transparenc y                      g row our business in line w ith science.
                     throughout our supply cha in w ill be v ital to our success , as
                     this is where we have the biggest env ironmental impact.                      In this chapter, we w ill outline our prog ress w ith regards
                                                                                                   to c l i m ate i mpac t , ener g y con su mpt ion , a s wel l a s ot her
                     To meet the needs of our planet and remove more g reen-                       env ironmenta l impac ts such as chem ica l and water man-
                     hou s e g a s e s t h a n we e m it , ou r appr oac h mu s t b e ba s e d     agement in our supply cha in.
B E ST S E L L E R                                         Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                               Fa s h io n FW D                                                                  13

                    “ The Science Based Targets            ALIGNING
                initiative is the major league for         OUR BUSINESS
                   climate targets, and when we
                                                           WITH OUR
                  set our Fashion FWD ambition
                to ultimately be climate positive,
                  we knew we had to do it right.
                   The size of our company and
                our ambitions obligate us to act
                                                           W hen launch ing Fash ion F W D in 2018, a key focus was to                                  constitutes around five percent of the company’s total GHG

                  and push for change, which is            commit to a climate strateg y w ith concrete targets to reduce
                                                           g r e e n hou s e g a s e s (GHG) . We t he r e for e a n nou nc e d t h at
                                                                                                                                                        emissions (see page 1 5). The majority of our climate impact
                                                                                                                                                        comes from scope 3 – our supply chain, the transportation
                                                           BESTSELLER had off icially committed to setting                                              a nd d i s t r ibut ion of ou r pr o duc t s a nd t he c on su mer u s e
                  why we committed to tackling             s c i e n c e - b a s e d t a r g e t s ( S B Ts) o n GHG t h r ou g h t h e S c i -         phase (washing and caring for our products).
                                                           e n c e B a s e d Ta r g e t s i n i t i a t i v e ( S B T i ) – a c r i t i c a l s t e p

                 climate change through science            on the way to creating a sol id cl imate strateg y and
                                                           ac h iev i n g t he fol low i n g goa l : By 2020, we w i l l set                            2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT

                          already in 2018.”
                                                           science-based goals on greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                                                                                                                        In late 2020, we sent our SBTs to the SBTi for approval to
                                                           T he SBTi is the lead ing corporate collaboration for ambi-                                  achieve our aforementioned Fashion F W D goal , concluding
                                                           t ious act ion on cl imate change and is focused on helping                                  a year -long projec t of data col lec t ion to set our basel ine,
                                                           c o mp a n i e s r e duc e t h e i r c a r b o n e m i s s i on s i n l i n e w it h         analysis to understand our climate impact and subsequent
                                                           the Pa r i s A g reement . In 2 019, BESTSELLER reiterated its                               m o d e l l i n g of ou r t a r g e t s . O u r t a r g e te d r e duc t i on s a r e
                                                           c om m it m e nt to SB Ts a n d r e duc i n g ou r c l i m ate i mp a c t                    based on our baseline year of 2018.
                                                           by b e c om i n g a n i n au g u r a l me mb e r of t he Fa sh ion Pac t .
                             A nde rs Holch Povl s e n ,
                                                                                                                                                        A compa ny’s ta r get s ca n on ly be va l idated i f t hey a r e i n
                          BESTSELLER 's CEO & O w ne r     While BESTSELLER is already on its way to reducing emis-                                     l i ne w it h t he Pa r i s A g r e ement , a nd BE S T SEL L ER ’s SBTs
                                                           sions in its owned and operated buildings through renewa-                                    were approved in early 202 1 , as they are a l ig ned w ith the
                                                           ble energ y and reduction in energ y consumption, this only                                  most ambitious goal of a 1 . 5°C pathway.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                    Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                    Fa s h io n FW D                                                      14


                                                                                                                        CLIM ATE IMPACT 2018
                                                                                                    Calculations show that BESTSELLER’s total GHG inventory across our entire value chain
                                                                                                              reached approximately 2 million tonnes CO 2 e in the base year of 2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of BESTSELLER’s greenhouse
to reduce absolute scope
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gas emissions come exclusively
1 and 2 GHG emissions by
                                                                                                                                                                                                        from scope 3

50%                                                                                                                                                 EN D OF
                                                                                                                                                    L IFE

                                                                                                                                                                                                        GOING FORWARD
by 2030 compared to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        In t he com i n g yea r s , BESTSEL L ER w i l l r epor t t ra n spa r -
its base year of 2018*                                                                                                                                                                                  ently on its SBT progress. We do not have all the answers
                                                                                              USE O F SO LD                                                                             RAW
                                                                                                                                                                                                        yet and we w i ll learn as we go but in itiatives are already
                                                                                                PRO DU CTS                                                                              MATE RIALS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        being developed and internal goals and roadmaps are being
                                                                                                                                                                                                        adopted to set a direction for how we will reach our overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                        SBTs by 2030. For example, we have developed a programme,

BESTSELLER commits to                                                                                                                                                                                   wh ich focuses on reduc i ng energ y con sumpt ion a nd ca r -
                                                                                                                                                                                                        bon em i s sion s i n ou r s tor es (see pa ge 1 5), wh i le a not her
reduce absolute scope 3 GHG                                                                                                                                                                             prog ra m me – k now n a s Env i ronment F W D – i s bei ng put

emissions from purchased                                                                                                                                                                                together to tackle our supply chain (see page 18). However,

                                                                                                 OW N                                                                                                   our SBTs w ill require massive internal effor t and sig nif i-
goods and services and                                                                  O PER AT I O NS                                                                                                 cant collaboration with our partners if we are to succeed.

upstream and downstream
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Apart from our ongoing work to source more circular and
transportation by                                                                                                                                                                                       sustainable materials, BESTSELLER will focus on increas-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ing traceability and transparency with regards to the fabric

                                                                                                                                                                                                        mills that weave, knit and dye BESTSELLER’s materials due
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to the considerable impact related to materials processing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        I mpr ov i n g ou r d ata m a n a geme nt– s uc h a s s uppl ie r a nd
                                                                                                                                                                                                        facility business data improvement and facility energ y data
over the same timeframe**                                                                                                                                                                               verification – will also help us target our efforts.

                                                                                                                                                                                        YARN & FABRIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                        BESTSELLER i s a l so look i ng to a l ig n our c l i mate ta rgets
* Scope 1 ( 2 %) a nd 2 (3 %) i nc lude elec tr ic ity use , heat i ng a nd cool i ng             T R A NSPORT                                                                          P RODUCTION
of bu i ld i ngs a nd use of veh ic les ow ned or control led by BESTSELLER .                                                                                                                           w it h S c ienc e -B a s e d Ta r get s for Natu r e – a ne w c onc ept
** Scope 3 (95 %) i nc ludes raw mater ia l , ya r n a nd fabr ic produc t ion ,
                                                                                                                                  GARMENT                                                               developed by SBTi that is focused on global water systems
ga r ment ma nufac tur i ng , tra n spor t , pac k ag i ng , use of sold produc t
a nd the produc t’s end- of-l i fe – the e x tended va lue cha i n .                                                        MAN UFACTURING                                                              and biodiversity.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                              Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                        Fa s h io n FW D                                                             15


                                                                                                                                                                                green energ y to the electricity network when the solar plant         ing hard to reduce our energ y consumption by 30 percent.
At BESTSELLER, we believe that                                                         E ner g y to bu i ld a 2 0 0 megawatt ( M W ) capac it y subs idy-
                                                                                       f ree solar plant . T h i s solar plant w i l l produce more than                        is connected to the grid, which is expected to be in 2021.            A k e y s tep w i l l b e t he adop t ion a nd i mple me nt at ion of
all actors in society must work                                                        t h e e q u i v a l e nt o f B E S T S E L L E R ’s e nt i r e g l o b a l e n e r g y                                                                         our Stores F W D prog ramme. To reduce our stores’ energ y
                                                                                                                                                                                BESTSELLER made a number of important changes to our                  consumption , the focus in 202 1 w i ll be on l ighting , wh ich
collaboratively towards a low                                                          c on s u mpt ion for ow ned a nd operated bu i ld i n gs u nder a
                                                                                       power purchase agreement (PPA) with BESTSELLER .                                         E-Commerce and Logistics operations in 2020 as part of our            ty pically accounts for half a store’s electricity use. Fur ther
carbon future for our planet. With                                                                                                                                              focus on reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions.            dow n the line, BESTSELLER w ill also focus on H VAC ( heat-

our stores, distribution centres,                                                      The solar plant will cover our use of electricity in the Europe-                         In E-Commerce, we focused on packaging, transportation and            i ng , vent i lat ion & a i r cond it ion i ng ) s ystem s a nd pha si ng
                                                                                       an Union and European Economic Area in line with the RE100                               zero product waste. For example, all waste cardboard and plas-        out ga s , oi l a nd ref r i gera nts f rom 2 02 5. Our d i str ibut ion
warehouses and offices across the                                                      market boundary criteria. As BESTSELLER also has owned                                   tic packaging is collected, compacted and sold to commercial          centres , warehouses and off ices w ill have a similar focus.

globe, we can reduce our direct                                                        and operated facilities outside Europe, we are currently look-                           recyclers. We also use extra tall boxes to take full advantage
                                                                                       ing into sourcing renewable energy to cover these regions.                               of the height of transport trailers. In addition, none of our left-   In E- Commerce, we are putting an end to the use of plastic
footprint with energ y reduction                                                                                                                                                over products are put into landfill or incinerated– clearance         deliver y bags. A s we beg in our transition to paper deliver y

targets and renewable energ y.                                                         There are synergies between energ y reductions and renew-                                products are offered through various distribution channels            bags , all of our current plastic deliver y bags – which con-
                                                                                       able energ y. By sourcing renewable energ y, we offset the                               and tarnished products are sold to second-hand stores.                ta in at least 50 percent rec ycled plastic – w ill be replaced
                                                                                       em i ssions related to our elec tr ic ity consumpt ion , a nd by                                                                                               by an a lter nat ive made from at least 80 percent rec ycled
As part of Fashion FWD, BESTSELLER has set two goals relat-                            reduc ing our use of energ y – and thereby decrea si ng our                              Reducing the cost and environmental impact of heating in              m ate r i a l . BE S T SE L L E R i s a l s o work i n g on CO ₂ c omp e n-
ed to our direct energy consumption and carbon emissions:                              ener g y dem a nd – we i nc r ea s e t he a mou nt of r ene w able                       Log istics was a priority last year, w ith a par ticular focus        sat ion s ys tem s for a l l ou r e - com mer ce del iver ies hav i n g
By 2021, our ow ned and operated buildings globally w ill                              energ y on the market.                                                                   on better solutions for the operational offices at our ware-          successfully adopted this in Sw itzerland , as well as transi-
be powered by 100 percent renewable energ y.                                                                                                                                    houses and distribution centres.                                      tioning to vehicles w ith a lower carbon footprint powered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      by bio - diesel , hydrogen or electricity.
B y 2 0 2 5, o u r e n e r g y c o n s u m p t i o n i n o u r o w n e d a n d         2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT
operated buildings globally w ill be reduced by 30 percent.                                                                                                                     GOING FORWARD                                                         BE ST SEL L ER w i l l cont i nue to upg rade a nd opt i m i s e ou r
                                                                                       In August 2020, we took a significant step towards 100 per-                                                                                                    w a r e hou s e s a n d d i s t r i but ion c e nt r e s to r e duc e e ne r g y
Regarding the f irst goal, in 2019, we announced a                                     cent renewable energ y for our ow ned and operated build-                                In 202 1 , we w ill put our second Fashion F W D goal of reduc-       consumption. For example, we are upg rading the lighting
p a r t n e r s h i p b e t w e e n B E S T S E L L E R ’s p a r e n t c o m p a n y   ings, as construction of the new solar power facility began                              ing our ow ned and operated energ y consumption in focus.             in our warehouses to SM A RT LED and introducing – where
HE A RT L A N D a nd r e ne w able e le c t r ic it y pr ov ide r B e t te r           in the municipality of Holstebro. It will provide additional                             Hav ing calculated a baseline from 2018 data , we are work-           possible – high-speed doors to minimise heat loss.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                 Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                    Fa s h io n FW D                                   16

                                                                                                                                                   Chem ica l & E nv i r on menta l tea m s a l s o pr ov ide g u id a nc e
                                                                                                                                                   and suppor t during routine inspections and after wards.

 OWNERSHIP                                                                                                                                         One tool we use is the Hig g Fac i l ity Env ironmenta l Mod-                     Average
                                                                                                                                                   u le ( H i g g FEM ) Inde x , wh ic h i s des i g ned for t he appa r e l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Higg FEM

                                                                                                                                                   a nd fo o t w e a r i ndu s t r y to me a s u r e p e r for m a nc e ac r o s s
                                                                                                                                                   seven impact areas , env ironmental management systems ,                          verified score
                                                                                                                                                   water use, wastewater, chem ica l use, waste management ,

                                                                                                                                                   energ y use and g reenhouse gas emissions. Higg FEM is an
                                                                                                                                                   industr y-w ide tool developed by the Susta inable Apparel
                                                                                                                                                   Coalition (SAC). (See page 67 ).                                                  2018:                   36
                                                                                                                                                   I n Ch i n a , BE S T SEL L ER c o op erate s w it h t he I n s t itute of
                                                                                                                                                   Publ ic A ffa irs (IPE), a non-prof it env ironmenta l research
                                                                                                                                                   organisation based in Beijing that monitors many aspects
                                                                                                                                                   of env i ron menta l supply cha i n ma nagement a nd record s
                                                                                                                                                   suppliers’ performance on a public database.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2020:                           51

                                                                                                                                                   2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT

                                                                                                                                                   Since 2017, we have found that factories using the Higg FEM
                                                                                                                                                   for the f irst t ime of ten strug gled w ith data management
Our biggest environmental impact                               Each suppl ier must meet our env ironmental management                              and track ing. BESTSELLER works w ith independent third
                                                               requ i rements , wh ich out l i ne sta nda rds a nd e xpec tat ion s                par ties to verif y our suppliers’ Higg FEM self-assessment
comes from the manufacturing
                                                               on chemical and env ironmental management in the supply                             results , and there has of ten been a w ide gap between the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Higg FEM coverage
of our products. To reduce the                                 cha i n . Our loca l Chem ica l & Env i ronment tea m s mon itor                    self-assessment and the verif ied data .                                          - Supply chain by value (%)
                                                               eac h suppl ier’s per for ma nce t h r oug h our Fac tor y Sta nd-
consumption of water, chemicals and                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Tier 1 and tier 2 Preferred Material Suppliers)
                                                               ards Prog ramme (See page 49). The env ironmental section                           This year however, we saw g reat prog ress w ith only a two
energy, as well as the production of                           of the rating applied to each supplier w ill ser ve as par t of                     percent point difference between the average self-assess-

waste, we must work closely with                               the foundat ion for f u l f i l l i ng the fol low i ng Fa sh ion F W D             ment score and the average verif ied score.
                                                               goal: By 2025, 75% of all product orders will be consolidat-
our supply chain partners for our                              ed in suppliers that are highly rated in our sustainability                         In 2020, 219 tier 1 and tier 2 (Preferred Materials Suppliers)                    2018:                         49
mutual benefit.                                                evaluation.                                                                         suppliers completed a Higg FEM assessment. They covered

                                                                                                                                                   86 per c ent of ou r or der s by va lue . Ver i f icat ion of t he s e
                                                               Our focus is on empowering suppliers to ow n and improve                            scores was difficult to secure due to the pandemic and each
To meet our targets on climate, water, and circularity, our    t he i r s u s t a i n abi l it y p e r for m a nc e . We pr ov ide s uppl ie r s   countr y’s restrictions. However, 96 suppliers’ results were
produc ts need to be consol idated w ith suppl iers that are
open and willing to move forward with us on this journey.
                                                               w ith tra ining, so they can self-repor t their susta inability
                                                               credentials and performance on an ongoing basis. Our local
                                                                                                                                                   verified, with an average score of 51. This was an improve-
                                                                                                                                                   ment on the past two years’ average scores.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2020:                                      86
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                             Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                                             Fa s h io n FW D                          17

                                                                                                                                                   32 nd
Our loca l tea m s conduc ted 29 tra i n i ng session s w ith our
suppliers, with over 1,1 50 participants attending courses on                              BESTSELLER ranked
topics including Higg FEM, chemical management, waste -
water management, and environmental best practices.                                        of 540 in the CITI evaluation

29                                                                                         BESTSELLER joi ned IPE ’s Globa l Bra nd Map i n it iat ive , a
                                                                                           publicly accessible map where you can see 95 of our suppli-
training sessions                                                                          ers’ environmental performance in real time and a history

with our suppliers,                                                                        of our remediation actions. The factory list covers 16 tier 1
                                                                                           garment /f in ished product factories w ith wash ing /dyeing
with over                                                                                  process, 30 tier 1 cut-pack factories and 49 tier 2 materials

                                                                                           ma nu fac tu r er s , r epr esent i n g r oug h ly 8 0 per cent* of our
                                                                                           purchase volume in China.

participants                                                                                                                2018                2019                2020

                                                                                            CITI rank                    4 3/306             39/4 38             32 /540
H a v i n g j o i n e d I P E ’s a u t o m a t e d s u p p l y c h a i n e n v i r o n -
menta l ma na gement tool – t he Blue EcoCha i n s ystem                                   Over the past year, BESTSELLER has engaged consultants
– i n 2 01 9, we b e g a n u s i n g it to s up er v i s e ou r s uppl ier s i n           to accurately map our env ironmental footprint v ia scoping
2 0 2 0. O n top of t h at , BE S T SE L L E R m ade d i s c lo s i n g env i-             e xe r c i s e s a nd c r eate de ve lopme nt pl a n s on e n g a ge me nt
r on menta l p er for m a nc e d ata to t he E c o C h a i n a r e qu i r e -              pr ior it y a nd r eg ion a l r e duc t ion opp or tu n it ie s . T h i s w i l l
m e nt f or a ny n e w s uppl i e r s on b o a r d e d i nto ou r s uppl y                 ser ve as the foundation for setting science -based targets
c h a i n . W it h t he s upp or t of ou r c ol lea g ue s , ou r s uppl ier s             for our supply cha in.
r e m e d i ate d 14 p ol lut i on i s s ue s , wh i c h w e r e v e r i f i e d b y
IPE ’s aud itor s .
                                                                                           GOING FORWARD
Bu i ld i ng on la st yea r’s prog r ess , t h i s yea r 2 4 of our sup -
pl ie r s i n C h i n a d i s c lo s e d PR T R ( P u l lut a nt R e le a s e a n d        In 2021, BESTSELLER will continue to use Higg FEM as a tool
Transfer Reg ister) data to the IPE . By publishing an annual                              to track and support environmental management improve-
PR T R d at a for m , s uppl ie r s de mon s t r ate t he y a r e mon i-                   ments across our supply chain. We also aim to integrate IPE
tor i ng thei r overa l l env i ron menta l footpr i nt a nd sett i ng                     performance data into our Factor y Standards Programme
targets to reduce their impacts.                                                           grading matrix (see page 49). This will mean that if a sup-
                                                                                           plier has an outstanding environmental violation on IPE or
BESTSELLER a l so i mpr oved it s scor e on IPE ’s Cor porate                              doesn’t report PRTR data as required, they will score poorly.
Information Transparency Index (CITI), a scoring system on
the environmental management systems and engagement.                                       In connection w ith our overall focus on science -based tar -
In 2020, we rose seven places in the rankings, and were 32nd                               gets , we w ill also be developing science -based targets for
                                                                                                                                                                                           *I t i s d i f f icu lt to prov ide a n e x ac t f ig ure rega rd i ng our suppl iers a nd fac tor ies i n Ch i na because contrac ts
out of 540 evaluated Chinese and multinational brands.                                     our supply cha in (see page 1 3).                                                                 a nd pa r tnersh ip between BESTSELLER bra nds a nd suppl iers cha nge over the course of the yea r.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                         Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0   Fa s h io n FW D   18

               FWD PILOT
               IN BANGLADESH

               T h is year, in col laborat ion w ith Bangladesh i consul-                    Sta r t i n g i n Febr u a r y 2 0 2 1 , ke y s uppl ier s i n B a n g l a-
               ta nt ER I , BE ST SEL L ER h a s c r eated a pr og ra m me to                desh w i l l be i nt r oduced to t he pr og ra m me a nd pr o -
               par tner w ith our suppliers in Bangladesh to make our                        v ide feedback on how it should be implemented. From
               supply c h a i n mor e su s ta i n able . O u r pl a n i s to h ave           there, we w ill schedule and conduct eight workshops
               s u s t a i ne d e n g a g e me nt w it h s uppl ie r s t h at fo c u s e s   w ith each factor y over two years covering technical ,
               no t ju s t on a s s e s s i n g t he i r e nv i r on me nt a l c r e de n-   env ironmenta l , sof t sk i lls and leadersh ip. The tra in-
               tia ls , but tra in ing teams in hard sk i lls l i ke chem ica l              ing areas w ill be determined by a needs assessment.
               m a n a g e me nt a nd s of t s k i l l s l i k e pr e s e nt at ion a nd
               communication sk ills.                                                        Examples of potential training areas:
                                                                                             -     Resource Efficient Production and Management
               T he a i m i s to c r eate a k nowle d ge a nd s k i l l ba s e to            -     Chemical Management
               protect and advocate for env ironmental stewardship                           -     Higg FEM
               w ithin the supply cha in. Over the next two years , all                      -	   Environment Management Plan/Environment
               of our key suppliers in Bangladesh w ill be tra ined on                             Management Systems
               how to assess env ironmenta l performance over mul-                           -	   Leadership, Soft-skill Development and High-level
               t iple sessions , prov ided w ith data on their factories’                          Communications
               p e r for m a nc e s , a nd work to ge t he r to f i nd s olut ion s          -     Steam Engineering and Equipment
               a nd r emed i ate i s sues . O ver t he fol low i n g t wo yea r s            -	Energy Efficient Equipment and Process
               of t ra i n i n g s e s s ion s a nd a s s e s sment s , fac tor y lead-            Improvements
               ership w ill be encouraged to address issues ra ised in
               the assessments . At the end of the per iod , the focus                       There will also be four knowledge sharing sessions
               w i ll sh if t to g iv ing the par ticipants the oppor tun ity                toward the end of the two-year period where teams
               to discuss their experiences w ith other factories and                        from each factory share and present their experiences,
               share best practices.                                                         hurdles and how they overcame them.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                 Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                         Fa s h io n FW D                                19

WATCHING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “We are very happy with this service
                                                                 A s p a r t of Fa s h i on F W D , BE S T SE L L E R s e t a g o a l t h at :     safely dispose of our suppliers’ waste. By the end of 2020,
                                                                 By 2021, we w i l l s e t ta r ge t s to s a feg u a r d f utu r e w ate r        eight suppliers , including GMS Composite Limited – one of
                                                                 resources. W hile our focus on water stewardship is noth-                         our largest suppliers , had sig ned up to the scheme, which                            offered by Geocycle because it gives

OVER OUR                                                         ing new, fram ing a more explicit water strateg y w ill only
                                                                 he lp to add r e s s ou r w ate r r i s k s a nd opp or t u n it ie s i n a
                                                                                                                                                   is run by one of the plant’s subsidiaries – Geoc ycle.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          us the ability to safely dispose of

                                                                 mor e ef f ic ient way. We a r e a member of t he A l l ia nce for
                                                                 Water Stewardship (AWS), which has developed a standard                           GOING FORWARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          these hazardous waste products. We
                                                                 framework for major water users to understand their water
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          are encouraging all of our suppliers
                                                                 use and impacts and create holistic benef its w ithin a river                     In the coming year, BESTSELLER will support more suppli-
                                                                 catc h ment a r ea . BE S T SEL L ER ’s u s e of t he f ra me work i s            ers in signing up to the Geocyle project. Geocyle already has                          to sign up, with the aim of making
                                                                 just one example of how we are work ing w ith stakeholders                        a similar initiative in India and, if more suppliers sign up in

Water is a vital and more or
                                                                 to develop strateg ies to improve our water impact.                               Bangladesh , Geoc ycle w ill be able to invest in v ital infra-                        this an industry-wide solution for
                                                                                                                                                   structure such as specially-designed transport vehicles and
less constant component in                                                                                                                         storage facilities.                                                                    the country. Bangladesh is a small
                                                                 2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT
textile production and garment                                                                                                                                                                                                            and densely populated country and
                                                                                                                                                   Si g n i f ic a nt ly, t he e x p e r ie nc e we h ave g a i ne d f r om t h i s
manufacture, and the fashion                                     In 2020, we have continued to focus on reducing our water                         projec t a nd our other water -foc used i n it iat ives w i l l a l so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          we hope this new initiative will help
                                                                 impact throughout our business. This includes identif y ing                       ser ve a s the foundat ion of a new water strateg y that we
industry’s negative impact on
                                                                 new dyeing and wash ing techn iques in the product ion of                         plan to complete in 202 1 to achieve our Fashion F W D goal.                           us better protect our waterways and
global waterways is substantial.                                 our denim , using Higg FEM to track and improve our sup -                         We are mapping our water use throughout our value cha in ,

BESTSELLER is committed to                                       pliers’ water impact , as well as prioritising raw materials                      ide nt i f y i n g r i s k s a nd s e t t i n g a b a s e l i ne for ou r f ut u r e   all those who depend on them.”
                                                                 w ith a more susta inable water footprint – such as organic                       targets.
exploring and sourcing more                                      cotton. (See page 2 3 and 27 ).

sustainable materials and adopting                                                                                                                 For example, with three of our suppliers in Karachi, Pak i-                            D e wa n Nu r ul Isla m , C he mical &
                                                                 Additionally, BESTSELLER has had a clear focus on eff lu-                         stan having begun working with AWS’ standard framework
new production techniques to                                     ent management in 2020. Eff luent is a by-product of vari-                        in 2020, we are reviewing their experiences to identify how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          E nv i ron me nt Ma nage r i n B a ngladesh ,

reduce our water use and safeguard                               ous garment production processes , as the water used can                          they could potentia lly be appl ied to other water -stressed                           BESTSELLER .
                                                                 conta in pollutants such as dyes , dissolved solids , and tox ic                  regions in our supply chain.
water sources for the future.                                    metal traces at the end of the process.

The use of water in the global fashion value chain is wide-      A lt houg h mos t ef f luent i s t r eated at ef f luent t r eat ment
spread: from crop irrigation to the dyeing of fabric, and the
washing of garments. As such, BESTSELLER’s approach to
                                                                 plants (ETP) w ith in the factories , the process does result
                                                                 in leftover sludge that ty pically ends up in landf ill and can
                                                                                                                                                   We focus on sourcing more
water stewardship is comprehensive. We focus on sourcing         leak into the water system.                                                       sustainable materials that
more sustainable materials that involve more efficient water
use in their production, while also cooperating with suppliers   One solution is to reuse textile m ill sludge in the mak ing
                                                                                                                                                   involve more efficient water
to promote more responsible water management. Additional-        of cement. BESTSELLER has par tnered w ith Bangladesh ’s                          use in their production, while
ly, our membership of the Fashion Pact – which has a focus       o n l y i nte g r ate d c e m e nt pl a nt t h at c a n t r a n s f o r m E T P
on Oceans – supports our overall ambitions regarding water.      slud ge t h i s way – t he L a fa r ge Su r m a Ch h ata k pl a nt – to
                                                                                                                                                   also cooperating with suppliers.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                  Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                Fa s h io n FW D                                                        20


Chemicals are used in each stage of the production of gar -                           This is a rise compared to last year, and largely due to the                  One i n it i at ive t hat i s c ur r ent ly bei n g t r ia l led i s a VOC-       AFIRM
ments a nd footwea r. A s wel l a s work i ng ha rd to mon itor                       fact that our manufacturers’ ow n supply cha ins were dis-                    adsorbing bag developed by Swiss specialty chemical com-                      BESTSELLER is a member of the AFIRM group whose mission
what goes into the products at the star t of the supply cha in ,                      rupted by COV ID -19. This meant, for example, that if chem-                  pany Clariant. Clariant’s adsorbents are based on a natural-                  is to reduce the use and impact of harmful substances in the
we have a thorough testing prog ramme to ensure all prod-                             ica ls or raw materia ls were no longer ava i lable, a factor y               ly-occurring, non-toxic clay with a unique surface structure,                 apparel and footwear supply chain. Through our engagement
uc t s me et ou r r e qu i r ement s . O u r Re s t r ic te d Subs ta nc e s          cou ld i nadver tent ly replace them w ith mater ia l s that do               which is dried as granulate and contained in air-permeable                    i n A FIR M , we ca n align w it h t he i ndu s t r y on r e s t r ic ted
L ist (R SL) and Packag ing Restricted Substances L ist                               not meet our standards.                                                       sachets or bags. Because VOCs can accumulate ever y time                      substances, the limits to be set, test methods and chemical
(PR SL) catalog ue chemicals that are banned and restricted                                                                                                         manufactured goods are stored in enclosed spaces, in our tri-                 i nve s t igat ion s a nd r e s p on s e s to le gi slat ive up date s . We
in our f inal products. It is updated annually based on the                           We also upgraded our internal chemical testing data manage-                   al we are placing Clariant’s VOC-adsorbing bags in contain-                   have found that AFIRM provides a perfect forum to discuss
latest leg islation , as well as precautionar y principles and                        ment so that all the test data is now uniform and structured.                 ers before they are shipped from China to our warehouse                       chemical details, legislative changes and different materials.
industr y best practice.                                                              This new data platform will enable us to pinpoint areas for                   i n Den ma rk to see whether we ca n r educe t he potent ia l                 It is also a great resource for us and other companies like us,
                                                                                      i mpr ovement a nd help us ident i f y mater ia l s , c hem ica l s ,         exposure of shipment handlers, merchants, and consumers                       as it produces materials in various languages that we can
T hrough our Chem ica l Test i ng Prog ramme, we s ystemat-                           suppliers or countries where we are struggling in terms of                    to VOCs from the enclosed manufactured products.                              use in training for suppliers and stakeholders.
ica l ly test our produc ts a nd mater ia l s at cer t i f ied g loba l               compl iance, enabl ing us to be more proactive in f lag g ing
i n d ep e n d e nt l a b or ator i e s appr o v e d b y BE S T SE L L E R to         problems and working on solutions to address them.                                                                                                          In 2021, we will continue to support AFIRM and participate
ensure full compliance w ith our requirements , and rework                                                                                                          GOING FORWARD                                                                 in the associated working groups.
those that do not meet these requirements.                                            In 2020, BESTSELLER star ted a projec t to reduce volat i le
                                                                                      organic compounds ( VOC) in our products – VOCs are emit-                     In 2021, we will continue to prioritise areas of concern for
                                                                                      ted from cer ta in solids or chemical products and can have                   product safety. With our new data platform, we will be more
2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT                                                                adverse health or env ironmental effects. We are exploring                    responsive and proactive in collaborating w ith suppl iers ,
                                                                                      nu me r ou s opt ion s for add r e s s i n g t h i s i s s ue at mu lt iple   laboratories and chemical managers. We will also be focus-
O u r te s t i n g pr og ra m me te s te d a tota l of 8 ,0 4 4 d i f fer ent         points along our supply cha in: in production , transpor ta-                  ing on ensuring our processes align so that all our stake -
s t yle s i n 2 0 2 0, r e s u lt i n g i n a fa i lu r e rate of 6. 5 p er c ent .   tion and during storage.                                                      holders fully understand our requirements.
B E ST S E L L E R   Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                        Fa s h io n FW D                  21


                     BESTSELLER has committed to removing the use of hazard-                               “Historically, the apparel
                     ous chemicals from manufacturing sites during production,
                     and we have a goal that by 2025 all our core products (core                           industry model has been to
                     products represent 75% of our products by value) will have
                     been produced using approved and traceable chemistry. To
                                                                                                           check the chemical content of
                     suppor t the ach ievement of th is goa l , we have par tnered
                                                                                                           products after they have been
                     with sustainability accelerator GoBlu to pilot an innovative
                     platform attempting to bring transparent chemical usage                               made with chemical testing
                     to the global textile supply chain.
                                                                                                           programmes. BHive brings
                     BESTSELLER’s suppliers are already required to ma inta in
                     inventories of what chemical products are used on-site and                            transparency to the start of
                     prov ide a chemical inventor y in a format ag reed w ith our
                     chemical team – a laborious and time - consuming task for
                                                                                                           the supply chain, marking a big
                     each supplier.
                                                                                                           leap forward for the industry.”
                     G oBlu’s solut ion i s t he BH ive app – a d i g ita l solut ion for
                     c hem ica l i nventor ies en abl i n g fac tor y m a n a ger s to pho -
                                                                                                           L a rs D o e me r,
                     tog raph a c hem ica l ’s l ab e l , wh ic h i s t hen c r o s s - c he c ke d
                     a c r o s s BH i v e’s d at a b a s e a n d BE S T SE L L E R ’s R e s t r i c te d   co -fou nde r of G oBlu .
                     Substances List, prov iding both the factor y and the brand
                     w ith deta iled product information.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                           Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0              Fa s h io n FW D   22

BESTSELLER was one of four companies to pilot BHive. BHive’s                        “Not only are we able to be more transparent about the
chemical database holds over 85,000 chemical products, includ-
ing information about each product’s environmental creden-                       chemicals going into our products, but we are also raising the
tials and certifications. Each product in a factory’s inventory
can be screened against a brands’ restricted substances list,                performance of our suppliers across the board, no matter what brands
ensuring full transparency on compliance performance.
                                                                               they produce for, taking leadership at an industry level in a very
                                                                                                  practical and impactful way.”

In 2020, 7 1 wet processing units ( WPUs) activated accounts
                                                                                                             Felic it y Tap s ell ,
w it h BH ive , w it h 2 5 of t ho s e c omplet i n g t he pr o c e s s to
share their chemical inventories on the platform. Being a                                    Re sp on sible Sou r c i ng Ma nage r, BESTSELLER .
digital solution, WPUs could connect with BHive and begin
the process w ithout travell ing for a face -to -face tutoria l ,
minimising the risk of contracting or spreading COVID -19.

Of the almost 7,000 chemical products uploaded to chemical
inventory lists in 2020, 74 percent were verified as meeting                                       		2019:                                           		2020:

                                                                                                   18                                                25
industry-standard requirements. This was an improvement
on 2 01 9 whe r e 6 7 p e r c e nt of a l l c he m ic a l s uploade d b y
WPUs in our supply chain were verif ied as meeting indus-
try-standard requirements.
                                                                                                   factories                                         factories

BESTSELLER’s suppliers are already expected to maintain
chemical inventories and understand what chemical prod-
                                                                                                   chemical products
                                                                                                                                                     chemical products
uc t s a r e used on- site a nd whether t hey comply w ith our
standards. In 2021, it will be a requirement that all suppliers
                                                                                                   uploaded                                          uploaded

                                                                                                   67%                                               74%
with WPUs to use BHive or provide a chemical inventory log
in a format agreed with our chemical team.

One of G oBlu’s a ims for 202 1 is to bring cer t if icat ion and
aud it i n g b o d ie s on b oa r d to i nte g r ate BH ive i nto t he i r                         met industry-                                     met industry-
ser v ices and prog rammes , reducing the need for multiple
                                                                                                   standard                                          standard
on-site audits, a laborious and often repetitive process for
suppliers.                                                                                         requirements                                      requirements
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                  Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0   Fa s h io n FW D   23

               OUR DENIM

               Denim has been central to BESTSELLER’s business                               are cer tif ied by the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the
               model for decades. It is stylish, timeless and versatile.                     EU Ecolabel, which has evaluated the full lifecycle
               Unfortunately, traditional methods of denim prod-                             of Swan Jeans from raw materials to manufacturing
               uction can be harmful to the environment. Our brands                          and post-production waste. ONLY re-evaluated every
               are therefore constantly analysing the denim they use                         single production process in its development of Swan
               and working with innovative denim manufacturers to                            Jeans: all raw materials are either organic or recycled,
               identify ways to improve the jeans and other denim                            the clean dyeing process uses minimal water, the trim
               products they sell.                                                           and branding details are recycled and recyclable, and
                                                                                             the wash involves low impact treatments.
               JACK & JONES is the BESTSELLER brand best known
               for its denim heritage. For the best part of a decade,                        SELECTED reached two signif icant milestones with
               JACK & JONES has been working on its Low Impact                               their denim in 2020. All cotton in their jeans is now
               Denim (LID) concept. This is a holistic approach that                         organic, while all new jeans are also Responsibly Washed
               focuses on f ibre composition, fabric dyeing and the                          – SELECTED’s finishing process that involves less water,
               f inishing process. With a commitment to replacing                            less energy and less chemicals than regular methods.
               a l l co nve n t io n a l p ro ce ss e s w i t h m o re s u s ta i n ab l e
               a l te r n a t ive s , L I D jea n s a r e a r g u a b ly s o m e o f t h e   Our colleagues at NAME IT have set themselves a goal
               m o s t s u s ta i n ab l e o n t h e m a r ke t . I n 2 0 2 0 , JAC K &      of including styles from their Better Denim concept in
               JONES further tightened the requirements for when                             every collection. In 2020, they took orders for around
               a product can be categorised as LID. LID products                             200,000 Better Denim pieces. Better Denim is NAME
               accounted for approximately 15 percent of JACK &                              I T’s co m p re h e n s ive a p p roach to m o re s us ta i n ab l e
               JONES’ denim production last year and acted as the                            denim, which prioritises more sustainable materials
               brand’s showcase for what is possible within more                             and production processes for every element of the
               sustainable denim.                                                            garment. It is made from a blend of organic cotton
                                                                                             and recycled polyester, water in the washing process
               At ONLY, 2020 saw the launch of Swan Jeans – the                              is recycled and advanced technologies like Waste-Heat-
               b ra n d’s m o s t s u s ta i n ab l e jea n s to d ate. T h e jea n s        Recovery boilers are used.
Our business model will be based on design
principles that prioritise efficiency and the reuse
of resources at every level, from fibres to water
and chemicals to post-consumer, in order to
minimise water and keep resources in use.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                     Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                 Fa s h io n FW D                                    25

CIRCUL AR BY DESIGN                                                                                                                2025                                                  2025

                                                                                                                                          We will have tested and                               All consumer-facing
                                                                                                                                          implemented circular business                         packaging will be 100%
                                                                                                                                          models in selected key markets                        reusable, recyclable or
   2022                                       2023                         2025                                                           with relevant partners.                               compostable.

                                                                                                                                          We will source 50% of our                             We will have phased out
               100% of our man-made                  We will provide              100% of our wool will
                                                                                                                                          polyester from recycled                               single-use virgin plastic,
               cellulosic fibres will be             our customers and            be sourced in line with
                                                                                                                                          polyester or other more                               wherever possible.
               sourced responsibly in                consumers with               industry best practice,
                                                                                                                                          sustainable alternatives.
               line with industry best               information on               such as the Responsible
               practice, such as the Forest          the environmental            Wool Standard (RWS).
               Stewardship Council (FSC).            impacts of our core
                                                     products, and we                                                                     We will facilitate the                                We will drive forward post-
                                                     will show year-on-                                                                   development of more                                   consumer waste and circular
               We will source 100% of                                             Within our 100% more
                                                     year improvements.                                                                   sustainable fibres and                                infrastructure solutions,
               our cotton from more                                               sustainable cotton
               sustainable alternatives.                                          supply, we will source                                  materials at market scale                             engaging in collaborative

                                                                                  30% from organic cotton .                               through innovation and                                initatives to turn waste into
                                                                                                                                          industry collaborations.                              valuable resources.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                                           Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                        Fa s h io n FW D                                                       26

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RETURN TO                                                                                             SUSTAI NABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RES OURCE                                                                                            MATERI ALS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CK                 W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    O                          M
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ST                                AT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CI RCULAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MATERI ALS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DESIGN &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              AND CHEMIST RY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               C YC


                                                                                                                                                                                                   C IRCUL AR

                                                                                                                                                                                                  RECYCL ING

                                                                                                                                                                                               TECHNO LOGIE S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DI GI TAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRACEABI LI TY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      & I NTEGRI TY

MODEL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C IRCUL AR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BUS IN E S S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MOD E LS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DI GITAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TECHNO LOGY

At BE S T SEL L ER , we a r e c om m it te d to a c i r c u l a r f utu r e .                         i nto new c loth i ng , represent i ng a loss of more tha n                            t hat pr ior it i ses i n novat ive solut ion s con nec t i n g natu r e ,            t hat ca n be r epur posed or r ec yc led , a nd ident i f y i ng a nd
The fashion industr y must move away from its traditional                                             USD 100 billion wor th of materials .            *
                                                                                                                                                                                             technolog y and fashion to create a sustainable future. We                            prioritising production technologies that reuse and reduce
linear model of take -make -waste and embrace circularity                                                                                                                                    need new ways of thinking throughout our value chain and                              water and chem ica ls . In th is chapter, we w i l l out l ine our
wher e f i n ite r e s ou r c e s a r e pr ote c te d a nd w a s te i s e l i m-                      To a c h i e v e o u r u l t i m a t e a m b i t i o n o f b e i n g c i r c u l a r   from a l l sect ions of our business. Circular principles can                         work w it h i n Cr eat i n g F W D a nd D e l iver i n g F W D w it h a
i n a t e d . E a c h y e a r, i t i s e s t i m a t e d t h a t l e s s t h a n o n e                by design, we are working towards a Circular & Digital Busi-                           already be seen in the way we are reusing our own textile                             focus on more susta inable materials , innovation , circular
per cent of mater ia l used to pr oduce c lot h i n g i s r ec yc led                                 ness Model for BESTSELLER . This is a disruptive approach                              waste to create new fibres, specifically designing products                           design, digitalisation and plastics and packaging.

    A new te x t i les Economy by El len Mac A r thur Foundat ion a nd Ci rcu la r Fibres In it iat ive.
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                              Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                            Fa s h io n FW D                                                          27

                                                                                                Cotton is natural and renewable, while its production also                                2020 PROGRESS & IMPACT
                                                                                                supp or t s m i l l ion s of p e ople a r ou nd t he world . Howe ver,
                                                                                                c o nv e nt i o n a l c o t t o n g r o w i n g c a n h a v e a c o n s i d e r a b l e   In 2020, 8 4 percent of the cotton BESTSELLER sourced was

LEADING THE WAY WITH                                                                            impact on the env ironment, which is why we are actively
                                                                                                suppor ting more susta inable cotton farming practices and
                                                                                                                                                                                          mor e su sta i nable , w it h or ga n ic cotton accou nt i n g for 2 3
                                                                                                                                                                                          percent. This is a considerable increase compared to 2019.

                                                                                                work ing towards only sourcing more susta inable alterna-
                                                                                                t ive s . BE S T SE L L E R ’s mor e s u s t a i n able c ot ton p or t fol io            Our improvement in 2020 was recog nised by the Susta ina-
                                                                                                consists of organic, rec ycled , Cmi A (Cotton made in A frica)                           ble Cotton Rank ing – an organisation committed to accel-
                                                                                                and BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) cotton.                                                erating the demand and uptake of more susta inable cotton.
                                                                                                                                                                                          BESTSELLER was the big gest improver between 2017 and
                                                                                                BESTSELLER has committed to sourcing 100 percent of our                                   2020, achiev ing ‘Leading the Way’ status for the f irst time.

As our most important raw material by volume, cotton has been a                                 cotton from more sustainable sources by 2022 as part of                                   We are one of 1 1 companies to achieve the Susta inable Cotton
                                                                                                our Fashion FWD strateg y. In addition, 30 percent of our                                 R a n k i n g ’s h i g he s t c l a s s i f icat ion . BE ST SEL L ER a l s o
key focus of BESTSELLER’s transition to more sustainable materials                              more sustainable cotton supply must be organic by 2025.                                   ac h ieved t he h i g hest pos sible scor e (4 poi nt s) for cotton

for many years. In 2020, we again took significant strides forward.                             W it h ou r r elat ively h i g h cotton footpr i nt , we have a bi g                      in Texti le E xchange’s Corporate Fiber & Materia ls Bench-
                                                                                                oppor tunity to use our inf luence to promote change in the                               mark for 2020.
                                                                                                fashion industr y and to stimulate both demand and supply
                                                                                                of mor e s u s t a i n able c ot ton . For e x a mple , BE S T SE L L E R
                                                                                                h a s i mplemente d a d i r e c t-to -fa r m appr oac h to i nve s t i n
                                                                                                t he g r ow t h a nd i nteg r it y of t he or ga n ic cotton i ndu s t r y
                                                                                                                                                                                          84% more
                                                                                                and – by extension – secure our future supply. A direct-to -
From                                                                      BE S T S E L L E R
                                                                                                farm approach helps protect farmers mak ing the sw itch to                                sustainable cotton
Seed to               Fin ished G oods
                                                                                                organic cotton by ensuring the organic premium ends w ith
                                                                                                                                                                                          (target 100%)
                                                                                                t hem . W it h g loba l dema nd for or ga n ic cotton i nc r ea si n g
T-shirt               (C ut- M a k e -Tr i m )
                                                                                                and far outweighing current supply, it is v ital that brands

Direct-to-farm                                                                                  like BESTSELLER invest in the industr y’s g row th.

approach              Fa b r i c ( M i l l s)                                                   BESTSELLER is a proud member of BCI, which is the largest
                                                                                                cotton susta inability prog ramme in the world. With mem-
                                                                                                bers spann ing the ent ire cotton va lue cha in , BCI focuses
                                                                                                on t ra i n i n g cotton fa r mer s i n mor e su s ta i n able fa r m i n g
                      Ya r n ( S p i n n e r s)                                                 prac t ices . L icen sed BCI fa r mers produce cotton i n a way
                                                                                                t hat ca r es for t he env i r on ment a nd fol lows decent work
                                                                                                principles. The more Better Cotton we source, the g reater
                                                                                                impact we can achieve. By actively contributing to the BCI
                      L i nt C o o n ( F P O s , Tr a d e r s)                                 Grow th and Innovation Fund , BESTSELLER is also helping
                                                                                                BCI expand its work through strateg ic investments. Better
                                                                                                Cotton is sourced v ia a system of Mass Balance and is not
                                                   S e e d C o o n ( F P O s , Fa r m e r s)
                                                                                                physically traceable to end products.                                                        CONVENTIONAL                    BCI              ORGANIC
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                        Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0   Fa s h io n FW D                 28

                       Ou r bra nd s have been i nteg ra l to t h i s t ra n sit ion , w it h a
                       nu mb er of t hem fo c u s i n g a l mo s t e xc lu s ive ly on or ga n ic
                                                                                                          Top 3 brands                     NAME IT:                    76
                                                                                                          sourcing organic cotton
                       cotton. To suppor t the brands’ effor ts and to invest in the
                       g row th of the organic cotton industr y, BESTSELLER off i-
                                                                                                          by % of their total cotton
                       cially became a par tner of the Organic Cotton Accelerator
                       (OC A) in 2020. OC A is the only multi-stakeholder organisa-                       consumption for 2020             Y. A .S:
                       t ion ful ly ded icated to organ ic cotton . It is comm itted to
                       bring ing integ rity, supply security and measurable socia l
                       and env ironmental impact to organic cotton. Through OC A ,
                       BE S T SE L L E R s i g ne d a g r e e me nt s w it h t wo f a r m g r oup s
                                                                                                                                           Through OCA, BESTSELLER
                       i n I nd i a – tot a l l i n g appr ox i m ate ly 1 , 8 0 0 or g a n ic c ot ton
                       fa r mers – to source 1 , 10 0 ton nes of orga n ic cotton d i rec t                                                signed agreements with two
                       from farmers , wh ich is the equivalent of eight percent of
                       BESTSELLER’s organic cotton consumption in 2020.
                                                                                                                                           farm groups in India.

                       In addition , BESTSELLER committed to purchasing Cmi A's
                       ne w or g a n ic s t a nd a r d i n 2 0 2 0. W h i le ou r or de r w a s not
                       of the same mag n itude as our OC A ag reement , the Cm i A-
                       Orga n ic dea l represents BESTSELLER’s w idespread ded i-
                       cation to direct-to -farm sourcing of organic cotton. Cmi A-
                       Organic cotton w ill be f irst used in some of our products
                       in 202 1 .

                       O u r on goi n g suppor t of t he B CI Gr ow t h a nd In novat ion                                                  1,800
                       Fu nd c ont r ibute d to B CI fa r me r pr oje c t s s upp or t i n g 1 . 8
                                                                                                                                           Organic farmers
                       m i l l ion cotton fa r mer s i n A s i a a nd A f r ica i n t he 2 01 9 -2 0
                       g r ow i n g s ea s on . We w i l l c ont i nue t h i s s upp or t a nd B CI                                        +
                       cotton w ill rema in central to our more susta inable cotton
                       sourcing strateg y in 202 1 .                                                                                       1,100
                                                                                                                                           tonnes of organic cotton
                                                                                                                                           sourced directly
                                                                                                                                           of BESTSELLER's organic
Photo cred it : STAC
                                                                                                                                           cotton consumption in 2020
B E ST S E L L E R                                                                                                                                                 Sustain ability Repor t 2 02 0                                                                     Fa s h io n FW D                               29

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “This is the start of a
                                                                                                                                                                               VERO MODA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              learning process for VERO
                                                                                                                                                                               ITEMS CERTIFIED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MODA and we are not
                                                                                                                                                                               WITH THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              stopping here. VERO MODA is
                                                                                                                                                                               EU ECOLABEL                                                                                    aiming to have the majority
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of its jersey styles certified
                                                                                                                                                                               In 2020, VERO MODA achieved EU Ecolabel cer tif i-                                             within the next couple of
                                                                                                                                                                               cation for its jersey supply chain for three AWARE
                                                                                                                                                                               styles and sold 32,663 items carrying the label last                                           years. The circular mindset
                                                                                                                                                                               year. The certif ied styles contained organic cotton,
                                                                                                                                                                               LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and/or TENCEL™ LYOCELL.                                                      that EU Ecolabel promotes

                                                                                                                                                                               G e n e ra l ly k n ow n fo r c e r t i f y i n g h o u s e h o l d i te m s ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              is very important for us and
                                                                                                                                                                               the EU Ecolabel is increasingly popular in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              central to VERO MODA’s
                                                                                                                                                                               fa s h i o n i n d u s t r y a s i t i s w i d e ly r e c o g n i s e d a s a
                                                                                                                                                                               l a b e l o f e nv i r o n m e n ta l e x c e l l e n c e , s e tt i n g s t r i c t           sustainability journey.
                                                                                                                                                                               e nv i r o n m e n ta l a n d c h e m ica l r e q u i r e m e n ts fo r
                                                                                                                                                                               p r o d u c ts a n d s e r v i c e s , w h i l e a l s o p r o m o t i n g t h e               We are investigating other
                                                                                                                                                                               circular economy.
GOING FORWARD                                                                     to be included . Add it iona l ly, BESTSELLER is look ing into                                                                                                                              supply chains and additional
                                                                                  how we c a n f u r t he r s upp or t fa r me r s lo ok i n g to t r a n s i -
T h e e f f or t s to t r a n s it i on f r om c onv e nt i on a l c o t ton to   tion from traditional cotton farm ing to organ ic methods.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              certifications where we can
mor e susta i nable sources ha s unea r t hed cha l lenges t hat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              see a global potential.”
BESTSELLER w ill focus on in 202 1 . For example, as organic                      T h i s c onv e r s ion r e qu i r e s i nv e s t me nt a nd c om m it me nt ,
cotton is estimated to account for just one percent of the
g loba l c ot ton supply, a nd i nteg r it y a nd t ra n spa r enc y of
                                                                                  as it ty pica lly ta kes three years for a farm’s soi l to reach
                                                                                  t he level r equ i r ed befor e a c r op ca n be label led or ga n ic .                                                         32,663                                                      Maria Højholt Jensen, Sustainability
supply is becoming an ever-increasing priority throughout                         I n 2 0 2 1 , BE S T SEL L ER i s t her efor e i nve s t i g at i n g how we
                                                                                                                                                                                      DK /016/066                 items sold                                                  Responsible, VERO MODA.
t he m a rketpl ace , t her e i s a l ac k of cer ta i nt y a r ou nd ou r        cou ld i nc lude t h i s ‘ i n-t ra n s it ion’ cotton , wh ic h i s g r ow n
ability to source enough organic cotton. BESTSELLER has                           from organic seeds and according to organic principles but
an ambition to fur ther expand our direct-to -farm approach                       isn’t off icially cer tif ied ‘organic’, in our more susta inable
i n 2 0 2 1 , w it h Pa k i s ta n a nd Tu rkey a mon g s t t he m a rket s       cotton por tfolio.
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