Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business

Page created by Salvador Gross
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14
          In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business

2	From our Group Chief Executive
3	From our Group Sustainability Director
4	Sustainability and our business
6	What is Net Positive?
8   In store
14	In business
20 Performance Summary 2013/14
22	Timber
27 Energy
32 Innovation
36 Communities
39 People
44 Suppliers and partners
47 Environment
52 From our operating companies
56 Governance and management
61 About our reporting
63	Operating Company Performance Summary

                                                      Castorama France          Castorama Poland                                    Brico Dépôt France
B&Q UK & Ireland                                      Castorama stores          Castorama is the                                    Brico Dépôt is primarily
B&Q is the largest          B&Q China                 offer everything that’s   market leader in Poland,   Castorama Russia         aimed at serious DIYers
home improvement and        B&Q China is              needed to make a better   which has a large,         Castorama Russia         and professional
garden centre retailer      adapted to the local      home and garden. The      mostly home-owning         is tapping into a        builders. It is a low-
in the UK and Ireland,      preference for a          stores are aimed at the   population with good       home improvement         price format that offers
offering products for the   ‘Do-it-for-Me’ model,     mainstream consumer       DIY skills. Castorama      market that has grown    customers a wide range
homemaker, occasional       specialising in fitting   and have a growing        stores are particularly    quickly along with the   of DIY and renovation
to serious DIYers and       out and decorating new    emphasis on style and     strong in ‘harder’ DIY     disposable income of     products available in
trade professionals.        apartments.               inspiration.              products.                  Russia’s middle class.   ‘building site quantities’.

360                         39                        105                       72                         20                       109
Stores                      Stores                    Stores                    Stores                     Stores                   Stores
40,000+                     19,000                    50,000                    34,000                     25,000                   11,000
Products                    Products                  Products                  Products                   Products                 Products
21,146                      3,997                     11,322                    10,197                     2,648                    6,875
Employees                   Employees                 Employees                 Employees                  Employees                Employees
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14



Kingfisher is Europe’s largest home improvement
retailer with over 1,120 stores in nine countries.
We employ 79,0001 people and nearly six million
customers shop in our stores every week.
Net Positive is our ambition to make a positive
contribution to people and the planet, while
growing a stronger and more successful business.
This report summarises progress in our first full
year since we launched Net Positive.

                          Screwfix is the UK’s
                          largest direct and
Brico Dépôt Spain         online supplier of trade
Brico Dépôt expanded      tools, accessories and     Koctas
                                                                                Brico Dépôt Romania2
into Spain in 2003. The   hardware products to       Koçtaş, Kingfisher’s
                                                                                Kingfisher acquired
Spanish stores are        tradesmen, handymen        joint venture in Turkey,
                                                                                Bricostore’s 15 home
based on the highly       and serious DIY            is now the number one
                                                                                improvement stores
successful Brico Dépôt    enthusiasts all over       home improvement
                                                                                in Romania in 2013.
format in France.         the UK.                    retailer in the country.
                                                                                The stores are being
24                        335                        45                         converted into the Brico
Stores                    Stores                     Stores                     Dépôt format.
                                                                                                                Operating Company employee numbers are for
12,500                    18,000                     25,000                     15                              full-time equivalent employees as at 1 February
Products                  Products                   Products                   Stores                          2014. The total Group headcount figure is 79,000.

1,371                     4,375                      3,333                      1,037                      2
                                                                                                               	 Brico Dépôt Romania was purchased during the
Employees                 Employees                  Employees                  Employees                         year and is not included in the scope for this report.

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Net Positive Report 2013/14


                                  In the first year since we          growing global middle class it      Director who reports directly
                                  launched Net Positive we have       is obvious to us that business      to me, the roll-out of our One
                                  made steady progress, laying        as usual is no longer an option.    Academy executive engagement
                                  the groundwork for tackling         If we don’t act now to address      module on Net Positive and
                                  some of the big challenges          challenges like this, we face a     the integration of Net Positive
                                  we face in transforming             future of increased costs, social   objectives into our performance
                                  our business to become              instability and threats to our      management systems. Reflecting
                                  restorative.                        supply chain.                       our commitment to human
                                  Net Positive is our response to     The good news is that by taking     rights, anti-corruption and
                                  an uncertain future, one that       a restorative approach, putting     environmental protection, we
                                  looks set to be increasingly        back more than we take out, we      have become a signatory to
                                  dominated by resource scarcity,     will create positive change for     the UN’s Global Compact, the
                                  social inequality and global        people and the environment, and     first major company in the UK’s
                                  climate change.                     a stronger and more resilient       general retail sector to do so.
    What we’ve learnt in          At Kingfisher we have long          business too. We will be better     Our business has always been a
    our first year is that        recognised our reliance on the      placed to compete, to connect       source of growth and innovation.
    our challenge is the          planet’s natural capital. For       with customers and to innovate.     Now, by thinking differently
    right one but that            example, we know that with          Taking just one example –           we can unlock our creativity to
                                                                      through our work on closed-loop     create even more value for our
    business ‘unusual’            around 40% of our products
                                                                      innovation we are developing        investors, colleagues, customers
                                  containing paper or wood, we
    isn’t easy.                   cannot afford to see a continued    new sources of revenue and raw      and society. What we’ve learnt
                                  decline in the world’s forests.     materials that will enable us to    in our first year is that our
    Sir Ian Cheshire
                                  We’re already feeling the effects   create the products and services    challenge is the right one but that
    Group Chief Executive                                             our customers need at the price     business ‘unusual’ isn’t easy.
                                  of a changing climate with
                                  extreme weather events and          they expect, even in an era of      Becoming a restorative business
                                  flooding costing our business.      rising resource prices.             necessitates transformative
                                  With further pressure on natural    To seize this opportunity we are    change management, engaging
                                  resources expected from a           starting to redesign our business   hearts and minds at every level
                                                                      focusing on new product             of the business. We’ve begun
                                                                      innovation and collaboration with   that journey and are pleased
                                                                      our supply chain. We have also      to share the results so far with
                                                                      taken steps to further embed        you through this report. Now, to
                                                                      Net Positive into our business      reach our targets and aspirations
                                                                      model (see page 5) through,         we’ve got to go further, more
                                                                      for example, the appointment        quickly. I’m confident we can
                                                                      of our Group Sustainability         achieve this acceleration and I
                                                                                                          look forward to updating you on
                                                                                                          our progress next year.

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

                                Net Positive is about having a       and our suppliers. Successful       These early examples are
                                positive impact on people and        examples include B&Q UK’s           inspiring and show us that
                                the planet while also creating       revolutionary new easyGrow          change is not just the right thing
                                value for our business. We are       bedding plants that are set to      to do but beneficial, both for our
                                already starting to see what         eliminate peat and polystyrene,     business and our customers.
                                this can mean in practice, and       and Castorama France’s              However, the pace of change
                                identifying where we must            Infinite 100% recycled kitchen      is not fast enough and while we
                                go further to truly realise the      worktop made from our own           are generating new sources of
                                commercial, environmental            business waste.                     revenue from Net Positive, such
                                and social benefits.                 On energy, we have expanded         as the £0.5 billion in sales of our
                                To succeed with Net Positive,        our energy-saving product           most innovative eco-products,
                                we need to take a systemic           ranges and services, making it      we’re still only scratching the
                                and integrated approach to           easier for customers to reduce      surface of the commercial
                                sustainability, one that is          energy use and saving them an       benefits that Net Positive
To succeed with Net             rooted in our business model.        estimated £450 million a year on    can bring.
Positive we need to             Since joining in 2013, my role       their energy bills. We engaged      In the year ahead we will be
take a systemic and             has been to help make this           with thousands of customers,        focused on further embedding
integrated approach             transformation possible, to          through DIY classes run at          Net Positive into our Operating
                                make sure that sustainability        our stores and our other            Companies, strengthening
to sustainability that          is meaningful to our people          community projects.                 our systems and governance
is rooted in our                and to give our companies the        Behind the scenes we have           structures and accelerating
business model.                 information, tools and inspiration   saved £30 million for the           progress by making sure that
                                they need to transform how           business over three years           what we do is truly relevant to
Richard Gillies                 they work. Significant progress                                          our customers and employees
                                                                     through reducing energy use
Group Sustainability Director   has been made this year in                                               at the local level. We will take
                                                                     and waste. We launched our
                                building systems and capacity,       closed-loop calculator that will    what we’ve learnt from our early
                                establishing the tools and           help us measure and improve the     successes and start working
                                measurement systems we               closed-loop credentials of our      with our partners to apply these
                                need to help us progress while       product ranges, and measured        lessons at scale across our
                                also investing in innovation         our carbon footprint across our     business and stimulate further
                                and experimenting with               value chain to help us target       innovation. We have much to do
                                new approaches.                      further reductions. The launch of   to reach our 2020 targets but I
                                Closed-loop innovation,              our Net Positive Advisory Council   believe we are in good shape to
                                for example, offers a major          and the three ‘Conversations’ we    make the changes we need to
                                business opportunity by enabling     held with expert stakeholders,      get us there.
                                us to access new sources of          challenged our thinking and
                                raw materials and to design out      provided us with new insights
                                waste. We began to explore           that are being put to use within
                                opportunities during 2013/14,        the business.
                                working with partners such as
                                the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Net Positive Report 2013/14


    Our business purpose is to help
    customers have Better Homes, Better               OUR CREATING THE LEADER STRATEGY
    Lives. We provide the products and
    services our customers need to improve
    their homes, while creating jobs and
    generating returns for our investors and
    value for society.
    We have a long-standing commitment to
    sustainable business and progressively
    we are harnessing our home improvement
                                                            Easier                Common                   Expand
    expertise, sourcing network and our
    sustainability heritage to bring innovative,
    affordable and more sustainable products
    to market.

    We seek to maximise our cash generation

                                                      1	 Making               3	 Building            5	 Growing
    in a responsible way, maximising sales
    and minimising costs while observing key                      it easier                 innovative             our
    behaviours – responsibility, honesty, passion,        for customers to         common brands           presence in
    openness and adaptability. Our strategy               improve their home                              existing markets
    for delivering business growth is known as

                                                      2Giving                 4Driving            6Expanding
    Creating the Leader, and Net Positive is an                our                       efficiency             in new
    integral part of this.
                                                        customers more           and effectiveness    and developing
    – Maximising sales                                    ways to shop            everywhere              markets
    home improvement is an attractive retail
    sector and we aim to provide a wide product
    choice and expert advice while using our
    international strength and capability to bring
    new, more sustainable and more affordable
    products to market. We are launching new
    products and services in areas such as             ENABLED BY
    energy efficiency that move us towards
    our Net Positive goals while creating new                                                           Developing
    revenue streams.                                                                                    leaders and
    – Minimising costs
                                                                                                        connecting people
    the biggest cost in our business is buying
    the products that we sell to our customers.                                                         Sustainability:
    We aim to minimise costs through giving                                                             becoming ‘Net
    suppliers the certainty of large-scale                                                              Positive’
    orders and through running our stores
    and distribution networks more efficiently.
    Through our focus on sustainability, we are
    designing out waste and exploring closed-
    loop approaches that give us access to
    new materials streams and help protect our
    business from price volatility.
    – Cash and value generated
    we have generated £5.5 billion of operating
    cash flow over the last six years, reinvested
    £1.7 billion in the business and returned
    £1 billion to shareholders as annual dividends.
    The value we create for customers and
    society gives us better brand preference and
    licence to operate over the longer term.
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

                                               Customers           People
                                                DIY, DFM,       Recruitment,
                                                   Trade          retention,
                                               professionals       training,

                                                 Products         Channels
                                                Innovation,         Stores,
                                               affordability,   online, mobile,
                                               quality, own      call centres,
                                                  brands,        catalogues,
   Strategy: Creating the Leader                 sourcing,           direct
   Improve, modernise and expand
     for long-term success and to                                                            Maximising
          become Net Positive                                                                  sales

                                               BETTER HOMES,
                                                BETTER LIVES

        Value for the business:
            Brand preference
        Cash retained for a strong
              balance sheet
      ‘Licence to operate’ long term


        Value for society:                        Value for shareholders:            Value for customers:
    Creating employment and a                   Healthy annual dividend and       Relevant, better, sustainable
   brighter future for our people,              commitment to return surplus        and affordable products
    the environment and wider                     capital when appropriate               and services
   Creating a ‘licence to operate’ long term                                       Creating brand preference

          To view and download the business model go to

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Net Positive Report 2013/14


    Net Positive is a restorative approach to business.
    It means making a positive contribution to people
    and the environment, while growing a stronger,
    more profitable business.

    With Net Positive, we aim to:
    •	Have a positive impact on people and communities
    •	Be restorative to the environment
    • Become carbon positive
    • Waste nothing
    • Create wealth

                                                    BECOMING NET

                   VISION                                       VISION
                   Global net reforestation                     All homes are zero carbon
                                                                or net generators of energy
                   Kingfisher creates more forest               ASPIRATION
                   than it uses                                 Every Kingfisher store and customer’s
                                                                home is zero carbon or generates more
                   2020 TARGET
                                                                energy than it consumes
                   100% responsibly sourced
                   timber and paper in all our operations       2020 TARGETS
                                                                38TWh of energy saved for customers
                                                                45% reduction in energy intensity
                                                                of our property

                   TIMBER                                       ENERGY
                   VISION                                       VISION
                   Creating and using products wastes nothing   Businesses help people to help each other
                   ASPIRATION                                   ASPIRATION
                   Every Kingfisher product will enable         Every Kingfisher store and location
                   a more sustainable and ultimately            supports projects which build local
                   Net Positive lifestyle                       communities or equip people with skills
                   2020 TARGET                                  2020 TARGET
                   1,000 Kingfisher products                    4,000 community projects completed
                   with closed-loop credentials                 by our people that deliver ‘Better Homes,
                                                                Better Lives’

                   INNOVATION                                   COMMUNITIES

                                       EMPLOYEES, SUPPLIERS, ENVIRONMENT
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

To become Net Positive we               Our opportunity                            Our priorities
must transform many aspects             Net Positive is how we will                We have identified four priorities
of our business, redesign our           transform our business to be               for our Group, areas that are
stores and products, find new           better prepared to respond to,             closely connected with our
ways to serve our customers             and capitalise on, global social           business and where we can make
and forge new partnerships              and environmental megatrends.              a big difference: timber, energy,
and supply chains.                      It is both a response to the               innovation and communities.
                                        challenges we face and a                   We have established a clear
Why we need Net Positive
                                        plan for how we will seize new             vision in each area and set
The world faces unprecedented
                                        opportunities that come with               targets for 2020 to help us begin
social and environmental
                                        more sustainable business                  making progress. Transforming
challenges, such as the growing
                                        practices. For example, it will            our business to become Net
pressure on natural resources
                                        equip us to take advantage of              Positive is a challenging task, but
from an expanding global middle
                                        the predicted €70 billion new              by focusing our efforts on these
class, to the impact of global
                                        market for in-home energy                  priorities and setting clear targets
climate change and increasing
                                        efficiency across Europe by                we can make more progress more
                                        2020. Through our focus on                 quickly. This report summarises
These trends are reshaping              closed-loop innovation we will             progress towards these targets in
the business environment, with          open up new sources of raw                 our first year.
the potential to increase our           materials and foster productive
costs, restrict our access to           partnerships with our supply
resources and create instability        chain. Responsible timber
in our global supply chains. For        sourcing and forest projects will
example, timber is used in up           help us safeguard the supplies
to 40% of our products making           of timber we need to grow our
it an essential raw material            business. Above all, Net Positive
for our business. We could be           will help us to create better,
significantly affected by predicted     more affordable and sustainable                                                                    Net Positive
price rises of up to 75% and            products that our customers want                                                        Our business has a Net Positive
timber shortages of up to 30%           and need.                                                                             effect in the areas of the four pillars.
by 2020, resulting from growing                                                                                                 By changing these, we expect to
demand and deforestation.                                                                                                      have learnt how to make our entire
                                                                                                                                      business Net Positive.
Between 2000 and 2010, about
5.2 million hectares of forest                                                           Net Positive tipping point
                                                                                     Shifting the balance from projects             2036 – 2050
were lost each year. To protect
these vital resources over the                                                        that plot a Net Positive approach             NET POSITIVE
                                                                                      to a business where Net Positive
longer term, we need to go
                                                                                   drives our decisions and actions. The
further than just replacing what                                                    majority of new initiatives in the four
we use ourselves.                                                                    pillars have a Net Positive impact,
                                          Pioneering Net Positive projects             with exceptions only where it is
                                         Rethinking four key pillars within our     technically or financially unfeasible.
                                          business model where we can have
                                          the biggest impact: timber, energy,          2021 – 2035
                                           innovation and communities. Our           POSITIVE BALANCE
                                         focus is on pioneering initiatives that
                                         will help us in becoming Net Positive
                                        in these areas or making a substantial
                                         step towards it. Continuing to deliver
                                           leadership in reducing our impact

                                              2012 – 2020
                                            POSITIVE IMPACT
   Conventional approach to date
   Reducing the environmental and
 social impact of our operations, and
helping our customers to do the same
 in their homes through our products
             and services.

      2000 – 2011

                                                                            NET POSITIVE


                   2000                                                            TIME                                                               2050
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14 - In store, in business
Net Positive Report 2013/14


    Net Positive is already happening in our stores.
    With our suppliers we are developing new
    products that are better for the environment
    and make life easier for our customers, helping
    them to create homes that are more efficient,
    more comfortable and less wasteful.
    Products with improved                 HIGH PERFORMANCE
    sustainability credentials are only
    ‘better’ if they also meet or exceed
                                           MATERIALS WITH A
                                           LOWER IMPACT                         Harnessing Teabag                  Customer benefits:
    our customers’ expectations for                                             Technology for                     • Easy to use with less mess
    quality, value and functionality.      We are redesigning some of our       easier gardening
    This ensures that our customers                                                                                • Protects plant roots
                                           most important products, finding     Each Spring B&Q UK sells
    will choose them in-store and          new and more sustainable                                                • Container can be recycled
                                                                                more than 80 million bedding
    continue to use them when they                                                                                    with household waste
                                           materials to use and eliminating     plants, previously creating
    get home. That’s why in all our        waste. Much of our work is           enough polystyrene waste           Sustainability benefits:
    product innovation we always           inspired by the opportunity of       to stretch from Land’s End to      •	95% peat-free with better
    prioritise customer benefits.          closed-loop innovation, the          John O’Groats. Now it has             water retention
    Creating Net Positive products         continual reuse, repurposing and     developed easyGrow, an             •	Recyclable PET replaces
    requires us to rethink design,         recycling of raw materials.          innovative approach to bedding        polystyrene reducing waste
    to source materials from more          While it may take many years         plants and their packaging that       to landfill
    sustainable sources, to develop        to produce our first completely      is 100% recyclable and better      •	750 jobs created in our
    new types of materials that            closed-loop supply chain or          for gardeners and nature. With        Sri Lankan coir supply chain
    minimise waste and even to             product range, we can have           easyGrow, bedding plants           •	Significantly fewer lorries
    rethink traditional business           a big impact at this stage by        come in individual ‘tea bags’         needed to transport
    models, moving from selling            making more of our products          planted in sustainable coir
    physical products to exploring how     more closed-loop, including          that is 95% peat‑free. They
    we deliver the same customer           through the use of recycled          can be lifted straight into the
    benefit through a service.             materials and by designing for       ground from the pack still in
                                           recycling at products’ end-of-       their bags, making planting
    Change of this scale takes time        life. We are developing working      easier and less likely to damage
    and we face many challenges both       processes that bring together        delicate roots. The packs can
    at the innovation phase and in         colleagues from different            then be easily recycled with
    taking new ideas to scale across       functions along with our suppliers   other household waste.
    the business. Our focus in our         to reimagine product design and

    first year has been on stimulating     materials from first principles.
    innovation and on testing out new
    ideas and approaches. Now we
    must take what we have learnt
    from these early examples to go                                             recyclable
    even further and to create more
    positive change.
    We have a long way to go but
    we are already seeing results.
    What’s more, we generated
    annual revenues of £2.3 billion
    for the business through sales
    of products that are better for
    the environment, including
    £0.5 billion in sales of our most
    innovative eco products.

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

                                                                                     Customer benefits:
                                                                                     •	More water
                                                                                        resistant, reducing    The Infinite worktop, stylish
                                                                                        water damage           and more sustainable
                                                                                     •	Lighter and            Made from waste wood from
                                                                                        easier to install      our stores and end-of-life DIY
                                                                                     • Longer guarantee        products, the Infinite worktop
                                                                                                               is also 40% lighter than similar
                                                                                     Sustainability            products on the market, making
                                                                                     benefits                  it easier to handle and install
                                                                                     •	100% recycled          and reducing breakages. Where
                                                                                        materials, reducing    traditional particle boards can be
                                                                                        waste and carbon       damaged by steam and water in
                                                                                        emissions              the kitchen, Infinite has a wood
                                                                                     •	More efficient         composite structure that is more
                                                                                        to transport           water resistant.

Customer benefits:
•	Insulates homes
   from noise, heat        Métisse insulation helps
   and cold                customers improve energy
• Highly fire resistant    efficiency, while cutting
                           textile waste
•	Can last longer
   than mineral            The Métisse range offers
   wool insulation         customers excellent thermal and
                           acoustic insulation products.
Sustainability             These panels are created from
benefits:                  waste textiles collected by
•	Made from recycled      Castorama France’s partner,
   textiles, using fewer   Le Relais, a social enterprise
   raw materials and       creating jobs for disadvantaged
   reducing waste
                           people. In France, each person
•	Supporting social       bins an average of 12kg of
   enterprise and
                           clothing every year. Many clothes

   job creation
                           are of low quality, making it hard
                           to salvage, clean and resell
                           them. Now 25% of the waste
                           textiles collected by Le Relais
                           are pulped and reprocessed
                           to make Métisse panels, with
                           the rest either resold, used as
                           wiping cloths or used in energy
                           generation. Métisse panels are
                           on sale in 80 Castorama stores
                           across France.                       of the waste textiles collected by Le Relais are
                                                                pulped and reprocessed to make Métisse panels

Net Positive Report 2013/14


                                                                ENERGY EFFICIENT
                                                                An energy efficient home                        one-quarter of UK greenhouse
                                                                is cheaper to run and more                      gas emissions, can also play
                                                                comfortable to live in. Our                     an important role in tackling
                                                                companies are developing new                    climate change.
                                                                product ranges and services that                The launch of new installation
                                                                give customers greater control                  services means our energy
                                                                over their home energy use and                  efficiency offer meets the needs of
                                                                enable them to cut their energy                 both our ‘Do-it-yourself’ customers
                                                                bills. We are saving customers                  and the ‘Do-it-for-me’ customer, as
                                                                an estimated £450 million a year                well as professional tradesmen.
                                                                through sales of our energy-
                                                                                                                We also sell renewable energy
                                                                saving products and services
                                                                                                                products which have enabled
                                                                since 2011/123.
                                                                                                                customers to generate over
                                                                Home energy efficiency projects                 37.5 million kWh of green energy.
                                                                are an increasingly important                   We plan to further expand this
                                                                commercial opportunity for our                  part of our customer offer.
                                                                businesses and, with home
                                                                energy use accounting for over

                                                                Customer benefits:
                                                                •	Up to £305 saving
                                                                   on home energy bills         More intelligent heating with
                                                                •	Affordable product           the iQE range
                                                                   with a 10-year               The iQE Simplicity gas boiler and
                                                                   guarantee                    installation service from B&Q
                                                                •	First boiler to              Energy Saving makes energy
                                                                   carry the Energy             efficient heating more convenient
                                                                   Efficient Buildings          and affordable for customers. ‘A’
                                                                   BSI Kitemark                 rated for energy efficiency, the
                                                                   quality standard
                                                                                                boiler has a 10-year guarantee
                                                                Sustainability                  and is the first to carry the
                                                                benefits:                       Energy Efficient Buildings BSI
                                                                • ‘A’ rated for                Kitemark quality standard. Used
                                                                  energy efficiency,            with the Halo heating control
                                                                  reduces home                  system, it enables customers to
                                                                  energy use and                control their heating remotely
                                                                  carbon emissions              and to save up to £305 4 off their
                                                                                                energy bills.

     Customer benefits:
                                                                £305                            B&Q Energy Saving helps
                                                                customer savings on
     •	Reduces home                                            their energy bills              customers cut energy
        energy use by        An efficient, automated home                                       use through home energy
        up to 25%            with Blyssbox                                                      assessments; advice; help
     •	Customers can        Castorama France customers                                         accessing government subsidies;
        control their home   are cutting their home energy                                      and installation services. iQE
        heating, lighting    use by up to 25% with Blyss                                        is also available to professional
        and alarm, even      home automation and heating                                        tradesmen via Screwfix.
        when out and about   control systems. A central
     Sustainability          Blyssbox unit is used to control
     benefits:               home heating, lighting and
                             alarm systems as well as
     • Cuts energy
        use and carbon       window shutters and gates, with
        emissions            customers able to operate it
                             remotely via their smartphone,
     25%                     tablet or computer.
     less energy


                                                                    Based on the average UK household energy bill.
                                                                    Figure from the Energy Saving Trust June 2014.
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

                                                           DIALL LED bulbs, a customer
                                                           Best Buy
                                                           B&Q UK’s ultra low energy LED
                                                           light bulbs have been recognised
                                                           as a Best Buy by consumer
                                                           organisation Which? with a score
                                                           of 92%, the highest of all the
                                                           bulbs Which? looked at.

                                                           Customer benefits:
                                                           • Cuts energy bills
                                                           • Lasts for 25 years
                                                           • Warm lighting tone
                                                           Sustainability benefits:
                                                             ses just 10% of the energy
                                                            of an incandescent bulb

                                                           of the energy use of an
                                                           incandescent bulb

                                                           Customer benefits:
                                                           •	One stop shop
                                                              with product            A simpler approach to saving
                                                              information and         energy with Eco Prime
                                                              access to subsidies
                                                                                      Eco Prime, an initiative from
                                                              in one place
                                                                                      Brico Dépôt France, is making
                                                           •	Easier to plan          it easier for customers to
Customer benefits:                                            and implement
                                                                                      plan home energy efficiency
                                                              home energy
• Lower heating bills                                         efficiency projects     projects and access subsidies.
                        Kausiflam wood pellet stove                                   Customers benefit from cash
•	Eligible for
   government           range helps customers cut          Sustainability             back vouchers when purchasing
   subsidies            bills and carbon emissions         benefits:                  products such as insulation,
                        Wood pellet stoves, one of our     • More energy             heating and ventilation systems.
Sustainability          lower carbon energy products,         efficient homes
benefits:                                                                             They can visit Brico Dépôt’s
                        are growing in popularity with                                refit website, ecoperformance-
• Lower carbon         customers. The Kausiflam                            , which helps them
   emissions            range provides efficient heating                              calculate the savings they can
                        that can save customers up to
€650                    €650 a year on their heating
                                                                                      make and the subsidies they can
                                                                                      use, identify the best products
potential saving        bill while reducing carbon                                    for their job and apply for any
on heating bills        emissions. The stoves can be                                  permits they need.
                        programmed to switch on and
                        off at set times, which provides
                        greater functionality and
                        improves efficiency. They carry
                        the Green Flame label, which
                        recognises products that reach
                        high performance standards
                        on energy efficiency and
                        carbon emissions.
                        The range is competitively
                        priced and customers can
                        access government subsidies
                        via Castorama’s Prime
                        Energie initiative.

Net Positive Report 2013/14


     We want to make it easier for         into our product development
     customers to choose more              processes, but we are already
     sustainable products without          seeing successes in areas like
     feeling they have to compromise       timber sourcing. New services
     on style, quality or functionality,   can play a role too, like our
     or to spend time comparing            customer rental and repair offers
     products’ eco credentials.            that enable customers to use a
     Most importantly, customers           convenient service that is also
     shouldn’t have to pay more            better for the environment.
     for a greener product.
     We are focusing on improving
     the sustainability of products
     across whole ranges so that
     increasingly, customers can be
     confident that any product they
     buy from us is better for people
     and the planet.
     Transforming our ranges is a big
     job. There is a lot of work to do
     behind the scenes to make sure
     that sustainability is integrated

                                                                               Customer benefits:
                                                                               •	100% responsibly
                                                                                  sourced paper and         A better sandpaper at B&Q
                                                                                  timber products with      Customers don’t have to
                                                                                  no price premium
                                                                                                            consciously choose more
                                                                               Sustainability               sustainable timber when they
                                                                               benefits:                    shop at B&Q UK – 100% of its
                                                                               •	Responsibly              timber products are responsibly
                                                                                   sourced timber           sourced, from proven well-
                                                                                   does not contribute      managed sources. Now a new
                                                                                   to deforestation         sandpaper range, certified to
                                                                               •	FSC certification         FSC standards, is hitting the
                                                                                   has been proven to       shelves, meaning that customers
                                                                                   have a positive          can be confident that any paper
                                                                                   environmental and        products they buy at B&Q UK are
                                                                                   social impact
                                                                                                            responsibly sourced too.

                                                                                FSC Trademark ® Forest Stewardship Council, A.C.
                                                                                All rights reserved. The mark of responsible forestry. FSC-SECR-2022.

                                                                                                                    of B&Q UK timber is
                                                                                                                    responsibly sourced
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

Customer benefits:
• Easier to create
   bee-friendly         Gardening that’s better               B&Q UK, Europe’s largest
   gardens              for bees                              garden centre retailer, is
Sustainability          To protect bees we eliminated         working with Friends of the
benefits:               three pesticides belonging to the     Earth to engage customers and
• Eliminates           neonicotinoid family (clothianidin,   government on the issue of bee
   chemicals that are   imidacloprid and thiamethoxam)        decline. It has introduced the
   harmful to bees      during 2013 that are thought          Royal Horticultural Society’s
                        to contribute to bee decline.         Perfect For Pollinators logo that
3                       We introduced the ban ahead
                        of EU regulation, and across all
                                                              makes it easy for customers to
                                                              identify plants which can help
pesticides removed
from sale               our companies, not just those in      support bee populations in
                        the EU.                               their own gardens.

                                                                          Customer benefits:
                                                                          •	Save money by
                                                                             renting or repairing   Rental and repair services
                                                                             tools rather           save customers money
                                                                             than purchasing        Castorama customers in Poland
                                                                             new ones               can save money on their DIY
                                                                          Sustainability            jobs by hiring the tools they need
                                                                          benefits:                 at their local store. They can also
                                                                                                    get old and faulty tools repaired
                                                                          •	Fewer resources
                                                                             needed to              rather than replacing them with
                                                                             manufacture            new ones. Almost 140,000
                                                                             new tools              repairs and 4,000 rentals were
                                                                          •	Rental tools are       carried out last year.
                                                                             designed to last
                                                                             longer and be easier
                                                                             to repair


Net Positive Report 2013/14


     Behind the scenes we are transforming how we work,
     beginning our journey to becoming a Net Positive
     business that can operate with lower costs and build
     stronger relationships with our employees, suppliers
     and customers.

     We’re focused on making              Redesigning our business to
     sure everyone in our business        become restorative is extremely
     understands what Net Positive        challenging and will take many
     is and why it matters, working       years. However, by using what
     with suppliers to change the way     we learn from each project to
     we design and manufacture our        improve how we work and to
     products and source our raw          create further positive change
     materials, and improving our         across our companies, we will     FOSTERING A
     buildings and transport to reduce    continue to make progress         CULTURE OF
     their environmental impacts and      towards our goals.                NET POSITIVE
     create spaces that are better
     for people and the planet. We’re
     also getting involved in our local                                     Already we have some great          We have been focused over
     communities and partnering with                                        examples of Net Positive            the last year at integrating Net
     others to tackle sustainability                                        innovation in our products and      Positive, working with people
     challenges that we can’t solve                                         business. Yet to achieve our        across our companies to help
     on our own.                                                            goals by 2020, we need to           them each begin their own Net
                                                                            accelerate the pace of change.      Positive journey. New practical
                                                                            Innovation always carries a risk    tools, such as our closed-loop
                                                                            of failure but without trying out   calculator, will give our people
                                                                            new ideas we cannot progress.       guidance and support to begin
                                                                            That is why we are starting to      making Net Positive innovation
                                                                            introduce new mechanisms to         a reality.
                                                                            recognise, reward and celebrate
                                                                            innovation, and looking outside
                                                                            our business to bring in new
                                                                            ideas and expertise.
                                                                                                                reduction in property
                                                                                                                energy intensity from 2010/11


                                                                                                                cut in transport carbon
                                                                                                                emissions at B&Q UK from


                                                                                                                £30 million
                                                                                                                saving over three years
                                                                                                                through reducing waste
                                                                                                                and energy use

                                                                                                                products with
                                                                                                                closed-loop credentials

                                                                             of waste recycled
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

                                                              Sustainability              New tools help our companies
                                                              benefits:                   close the loop
                                                              •	Makes it easier          One of our priorities is to develop
                                                                 for our companies to     products with closed‑loop
                                                                 identify opportunities   credentials, enabling raw
                                                                 for closing the loop     materials to be continually
                                                              Business benefits:          reused, repurposed and recycled.
                                                              •	Can help to cut          This is better for the environment
                                                                 costs associated         and can reduce our costs
                                                                 with raw materials       and open up access to new
                                                                 and waste disposal       sources of materials. To help our
                                                                                          companies we developed our
                                                              170                         closed-loop calculator, a practical
                                                                                          tool to identify those products
                                                              products with closed-
                                                              loop credentials            in our ranges that already have
                                                                                          closed-loop credentials, and
                                                                                          those which are likely candidates
                                                                                          for further improvements. The
                                                                                          tool is being used by our buyers
                                                                                          in product development and by
                                                                                          using it we have already identified
                                                                                          170 products in our ranges with
                                                                                          closed-loop credentials.

Sustainability           Making Net Positive part
benefits:                of our day
•	Supports faster       To progress to our goals we
   progress to our Net   need all our people to work
   Positive targets      together and make Net Positive
Business benefits:       part of their day. We launched
                         our One Academy Module, a
•	Supports employee
                         bespoke leadership engagement
                         programme for our 250 most

250                      senior leaders designed to
                         improve understanding of Net
will be reached
                         Positive and help leaders to
by the One Academy
                         stimulate sustainable innovation
                         in their businesses. We’ve also
                         added Net Positive-related
                         targets to the performance           Sustainability              Net Positive Advisory
                         objectives for many key              benefits:                   Council launched
                         employees and introduced             •	Insight and              Many of the issues we’re tackling
                         training on sustainability to help      expertise that will      through Net Positive are complex
                         our people get involved and to          help us progress         and difficult, and new challenges
                         support our customers to make           towards our Net          and opportunities continue
                                                                 Positive targets         to arise. We’ve launched the
                         sustainable choices too.
                                                              Business benefits:          Net Positive Advisory Council,
                                                              •	A source of expert       a group of senior external
                                                                 advice that can help     experts in different aspects of
                                                                 us identify new risks    sustainability, who will meet
                                                                 and opportunities        regularly to provide invaluable
                                                                                          guidance, insight and challenge
                                                                                          to help us on our Net Positive
                                                                                          journey. Read a comment from
                                                                                          Dr Sally Uren, Chair of our Net
                                                                                          Positive Advisory Council on
                                                                                          page 19.

Net Positive Report 2013/14


     REDESIGNING OUR                      This collaboration is particularly
                                          important in areas like closed-
     SUPPLY CHAINS                        loop innovation which depend
     Our relationship with suppliers is   on creating more circular supply
     critically important to achieving    chains. We are also exploring
     our Net Positive goals. As well as   new opportunities for local
     communicating our sustainability     supply chains that can have
     requirements to suppliers, we        benefits both for the environment
     need to work closely together        and our business.
     to develop new solutions and
     unlock opportunities for Net
     Positive innovation.
                                                                                                           Creating a more circular
                                                                               •	Reduces waste
                                                                                                           supply chain at Screwfix
                                                                                  and use of virgin
                                                                                  raw materials            Screwfix is partnering with
                                                                                                           the reverse logistics company
                                                                               Business benefits:          iFORCE, to create a new source
                                                                               •	New revenues             of raw materials from what was
                                                                                  and raw materials        once considered waste.
                                                                                  streams                  Old and faulty power tools are
                                                                                                           collected from Screwfix stores by
                                                                               10                          iForce. These are broken down
                                                                               new material streams        into component parts to create
                                                                               from recycled power tools   10 new materials streams. Each
                                                                                                           stream is then sold to specific
                                                                                                           companies who repurpose the
                                                                                                           materials or parts. Some of the
                                                                                                           plastics come back into Screwfix
                                                                                                           stores as new products. For
                                                                                                           example, rubble bags contain at
                                                                                                           least 10% of plastic from our old
                                                                                                           power tools.

                 •	Improved              Forest partnerships
                    biodiversity          at Brico Dépôt Spain
                 •	Local communities     Through partnerships with
                    engaged in forest     NGOs, Brico Dépôt Spain is
                    conservation          helping to protect local forests
                 Business benefits:       and open up new sources of
                 •	New sources           timber products for its stores.
                    of sustainable        Four forest projects have been
                    timber products       launched so far, involving
                                          employees from 11 stores and
                 11                       funded by sales of the Brico
                                          Dépôt reusable raffia carrier
                 stores involved
                 in forest projects       bag. Each project has a different
                                          focus, including enhancing
                                          biodiversity in a forest damaged
                                          by fire, tree planting and
                                          engaging local school children in
                                          forest conservation. A new range
                                          of sustainable cork products from
                                          one of the forests has been on
                                          sale in Brico Dépôt stores.

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

BETTER STORES AND                   We’re also tackling carbon           Sustainability
                                    emissions from transport and         benefits:
TRANSPORT WITH A                    making progress towards our
                                                                                                     Achieving zero waste
                                                                         •	Zero waste
LOWER IMPACT                        target of zero waste to landfill.       to landfill
                                                                                                     to landfill at Screwfix
                                                                                                     Screwfix has developed a new
We are making energy efficient      We have a lot further to go and      •	5,400 tonnes of          approach to waste management,
design a priority in each new       have launched collaboration             materials recycled
                                                                                                     enabling it to achieve zero
store build. This is better for     tools to help our companies learn
                                                                         Business benefits:          waste to landfill and to cut costs.
the environment, reduces our        from each other’s successes and
                                                                         • Lower costs               Waste is now sorted at stores
costs and can help create stores    speed up the pace of change.
                                                                         •	Less space needed        and transported in Screwfix’s
that are more comfortable for                                                                        own fleet of delivery vehicles
employees and customers.                                                    to store waste
                                                                                                     back to its distribution centre.
Already we have reduced the
energy intensity of our property                                         5,400                       Here recyclables are sorted
                                                                                                     and sold onto recycling firms,
portfolio by 8% since 2010/11,                                           tonnes of materials
                                                                         recycled                    generating revenues. General
achieving cost savings                                                                               waste is compacted and sent
for the business.                                                                                    to an energy-from-waste plant.
                                                                                                     The stores no longer need a
                                                                                                     traditional waste collection
                                                                                                     service, reducing costs and
                                                                                                     space needed to store waste.

Sustainability benefits:            than regulatory requirements,
•	52% more energy efficient        while overnight ventilation
• 100% sustainable timber           and mechanical shutters keep
                                    the store at a comfortable
Business benefits:                  temperature without air-
• Lower energy bills                conditioning. Lighting is all LED
•	Attractive store design          with an auto-dimming system
   with large gardens               that adjusts intensity as daylight
•	Comfortable building for         levels change. An integrated
   employees and customers          energy and water monitoring
                                    system enables the store
52%                                 manager to keep performance at
                                    the optimum level.
more energy efficient
                                    Part of the site has been
                                    set aside for planting with
                                    local species to encourage
A lifesize laboratory               biodiversity and the frame of
for eco store design                the building is made from 100%
Designed to be a better store for   sustainably sourced timber.
customers, employees and the        The building design received
planet, the Brico Dépôt store at    a ‘very good’ rating from both
Moulins is designed to optimise     BREEAM, the international            Sustainability
energy use and minimise running     sustainable building certification   benefits:
costs and environmental impact.     scheme, and Bâtiment Basse           •	Creates a new use        Greener fleet delivers at B&Q
Super-insulated walls and a high    Consommation, the French                for a potent             B&Q’s fleet of dual-fuel lorries
performance boiler make the         certification scheme for energy         greenhouse gas that
                                                                                                     that run on diesel and liquid
                                                                            would otherwise be
site 52% more energy efficient      efficient buildings.                                             biomethane are helping the
                                                                            released directly into
                                                                            the atmosphere           business cut its carbon footprint.
                                                                                                     The gas is extracted from landfill
                                                                         •	31% cut in transport
                                                                            carbon emissions         sites and kept in B&Q’s own
                                                                                                     refuelling station, creating a
                                                                         Business benefits:          new reliable source of clean
                                                                         •	Improved cost            fuel. Along with other measures,
                                                                            efficiency               like double decker lorries that
                                                                         •	Fewer journeys           enable 35% more products to
                                                                            needed                   be transported on each journey,
                                                                                                     these changes have enabled
                                                                         35%                         B&Q to cut carbon emissions
                                                                                                     from transport by 31% since
                                                                         more products
                                                                         transported on              2006/07.
                                                                         each journey

Net Positive Report 2013/14


     While our businesses have much in common, they each
     serve a different market and customer base, and whilst
     many of the sustainability challenges we face are shared
     across our markets, there are also many differences. That’s
     why each of our companies has its own plan for how it will
     contribute towards achieving our Net Positive goals in a
     way that is most relevant to its business and its customers.

                                          and a significant contribution to the                                        Sustainable development
                                          Kingfisher Net Positive programme.                                           is a huge challenge for the
                                          We saw further cuts in store energy                                          21st century and we see a
                                          use, a number of innovative new                                              growing need to reconcile
                                          ideas launched and the completion                                            strong financial performance
                                          of our 20-year quest for 100%                                                with societal wellbeing and
                                          responsibly sourced timber                                                   protection of our environment.
                                          and paper.                                                                   This changing world is a real
                                                                                                                       opportunity. It encourages
                                          Our priorities in 2014 are to start                                          us to explore new market
                                          cutting excess packaging, improve                                            opportunities, to work differently
     B&Q has been a pioneer in            supply chain transparency and           At Castorama we think that
                                                                                                                       with our partners and our
     responsible retailing for over 20    continue to bring our customers         everyone should have the right
                                                                                                                       suppliers and also, most
     years and in 2013 we continued to    innovative eco-products at              to live better. We want everyone
                                                                                                                       importantly, with our employees.
     make good progress against our       affordable prices.                      to be able to improve their home
     original One Planet Home targets                                             without effort, without complexity   Véronique Laury
                                          Kevin O’Byrne                           and without compromise. We           CEO, Castorama France
                                          CEO, B&Q UK and Ireland                 know that feeling better at home
                                                                                  and being happy in life is linked
                                                                                  to the health of our planet and
                                                                                  the wellbeing of others too.

                                         Now we want to go further and                                                 Net Positive is aligned with our
                                         accelerate the delivery of our Net                                            business model – to maximise
                                         Positive targets. This year we will                                           efficiency and decrease prices
                                         launch our new sustainability plan.                                           without compromising on quality.
                                         Our plan is about being true to our                                           We are taking firm steps to become
                                         customers, to our people and to                                               more sustainable, progressing
                                         our business. It will form part of                                            towards our targets and making
                                         our long-term business strategy,                                              Net Positive part of how we work.
                                         helping us to accelerate our growth
                                         and to continue to provide the best                                           Alexandre Falke
                                         products, convenience and value                                               CEO, Brico Dépôt France
     In the future we think that being
                                         for our customers while creating
     a sustainable business will just
                                         positive change for people and
     simply mean doing business.
                                         the environment.
     We have already made progress in
     some key areas, such as achieving Andrew Livingston
     zero waste across our stores,     CEO, Screwfix
     reaching 93% responsible timber
     and paper sourcing, and launching
     the Screwfix Foundation.
Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

Dr Sally Uren is Chief Executive at Forum for the Future and
Chair of our Net Positive Advisory Council. Here she shares
her perspective on our progress in year one of Net Positive
and the challenges we still have to address.

                                        experiment; there is also an           The second challenge is
                                        acknowledgement that nothing           linked. What is the best way to
                                        short of business transformation       embed Net Positive in the entire
                                        will deliver the Net Positive          organisation, in a way that allows
                                        aspirations.                           all of Kingfisher’s thousands of
                                                                               employees to bring the ambition
                                        There has been good progress in
                                                                               of Net Positive alive for the
                                        some areas, including an increase
                                                                               millions of people who pass
                                        in sales of products with social and
                                                                               through Kingfisher stores, and for
                                        environmental benefits, as well as
                                                                               the communities in and around
                                        helping customers reduce their
                                                                               Kingfisher’s operations?
                                        energy consumption. However,
                                        overall energy consumption             There is then a final challenge.
                                        has slightly increased within the      What is the appropriate pace of
                                        property portfolio, as has emissions   business transformation that will
There is no doubt Kingfisher            from delivery fleets. The challenge    allow Kingfisher to respond to a
is blazing a trail. The bold            of decoupling environmental impact     rapidly changing retail landscape?
commitment to take a restorative        from business growth is therefore      Taking a look as little as five
approach and become Net                 very real.                             years into the future shows a very
Positive is not only shaking up                                                different model for retail; more
                                        This report signals a business alive
Kingfisher’s own business, but the                                             vertical integration, more localised
                                        to such challenges and I would
wider business ecosystem. This                                                 and distributed manufacturing;
                                        hope to see progress in the way
in itself is a worthy achievement,                                             demands for ultra-transparency
                                        Kingfisher tackles its environmental
as simply striving to minimise                                                 from consumers, who may also be
                                        footprint, prioritising these direct
negative impacts isn’t enough;                                                 producers. These are of course all
                                        impact areas, alongside efforts
stocks of every sort of capital, from                                          features of more sustainable retail,
                                        to give its core business offers
natural to social and economic are                                             which is where Net Positive comes
                                        sustainability makeovers.
running perilously low. If we are to                                           in. At its simplest, Net Positive will
get anywhere close to delivering        Successful delivery of Net Positive    help deliver a sustainable business
a sustainable future, these assets      will also require Kingfisher to        model for Kingfisher, as well as
need rebuilding – and quickly.          navigate two central challenges.       requiring Kingfisher to influence
                                        First, what is the right balance       the retail system around it, not to
Kingfisher has all the ingredients
                                        between central coordination and       just nod to sustainability, but to fully
in place to deliver on Net Positive.
                                        individual Operating Company           embrace it.
Governance and accountability
                                        autonomy? Go too far one way
around sustainability issues has                                               Sally Uren
                                        in the direction of central
been strengthened in the last                                                  Chief Executive,
                                        coordination, and innovation and
year and this report demonstrates                                              Forum for the Future
                                        ownership will be stifled. Go too
the hunger in the business for                                                 and Chair of our
                                        far the other way, and efficiencies
innovation and willingness to                                                  Advisory Council
                                        of scale and learning opportunities
                                        will be lost.

Net Positive Report 2013/14


     SUMMARY FOR 2013/14
     We have begun to make progress towards our 50 targets
     for 2020 but still have much to achieve. We track progress
     at our Operating Companies using our Foundations
     Questionnaire and calculate a Group score for each target.
     All targets are 2020 unless otherwise stated.

     TIMBER                                Tropical deforestation                Sustainable lifestyles             Eco credentials
                                           None of our products to be            Use our global brands and          To bring eco-products into the
     Net Positive: timber
                                           sourced from materials that are       marketing to help shift our        mainstream, by achieving 50% of
     100% responsibly sourced
                                           linked to tropical deforestation      millions of customers towards      Group sales from products and
     timber and paper in all our
                                           (including tropical hardwood          sustainable lifestyles.            services with eco credentials.
                                           products, palm oil and leather).
     Progress                     n/a A                                         Progress                          Progress
     Products – timber                                                           Responsible marketing              Range sustainability rating
     100% responsibly sourced timber       Improving forests                     All our customer communications    To enhance the eco credentials
     and paper in our products.            Every Operating Company               and marketing to be in line with   of all our products by improving
                                           to have at least one forest           our guidelines on responsible      the sustainability rating of every
     Progress                             or woodland enhancement               brand management and               product range.
                                           initiative that makes a substantial   marketing 2016/17.
     Packaging – timber                                                                                             Progress
                                           quantifiable step towards the
     100% responsibly sourced timber       Group aspiration of creating          Progress
                                                                                                                    Sustainability of own-brand
     and paper in our packaging.           more forest than we use.              Total carbon footprint             Demonstrate leadership on
     Progress                             Progress                             25% reduction in our absolute      eco innovation across our Group
                                                                                 carbon footprint from a 2010/11    own brands.
     Catalogues and goods not for
                                           ENERGY                                baseline (tonnes CO2e).            Progress
     resale – timber
     100% responsibly sourced timber       Net Positive: customer                Progress
                                           energy                                                                   Closed-loop supply chains
     and paper in goods not for resale.
                                           38 TWh of energy saved                Property carbon intensity          Ten closed loop supply chains.
     Progress                             for customers across our              50% reduction in the carbon        Progress
                                           international businesses.             intensity (CO2e/m2) of our
     Construction – timber                                                       property portfolio from a          Alternative services
     100% responsibly sourced timber       Progress                             2010/11 baseline.
     and paper in materials procured                                                                                Explore and trial alternative
     for construction and fit-out.         Net Positive: own energy              Progress                          business models such as product
                                           45% reduction in the energy                                              hire and repair, which encourage
     Progress                             intensity (kWh/m2) of our             INNOVATION                         a perpetual reuse of products by
                                           property portfolio from a             Net Positive: closed-loop          2016/17.
     Strategic sourcing
                                           2010/11 baseline.                     products
     Demonstrate resilient supply                                                                                   Progress
     chain relationships that can          Progress                             1,000 Kingfisher products with
     guarantee the future provision                                              closed-loop credentials.           Learning stores
     of responsibly sourced timber         Energy-using products                                                    Every operating company to
                                           All energy-using products to          Progress
     across the Group’s major                                                                                       develop at least three ‘Learning
     timber categories.                    meet ‘best practice’ standards        Eco-product innovation             Stores’ and to have delivered,
                                           on energy efficiency.                 To be at the forefront of          or confirmed, the site for one
                                           Progress                      n/aB   sustainable product innovation,    ‘Eco Store’ – a store that
                                                                                 with 10% of Group sales from       champions low carbon and
                                                                                 the most innovative eco-products   sustainability innovation.
                                                                                 and services.

Kingfisher Net Positive Report 2013/14

Sustainability accounting                      Equality and diversity                          SRI indexes and CR ratings                Chemicals
Calculate and account for                      To be recognised as a ‘best                     Kingfisher to maintain its                None of our own-brand or
the impact and value of our                    practice’ company for equality                  leadership position in key                exclusive brand products
sustainability strategy to the                 and diversity within our local                  SRI indexes and CR ratings.               will contain the chemicals of
business and communicate this                  retail markets.                                                                           concern we have committed
to investors and employees by                                                                  Progress                                 to remove.
2016/17.                                       Progress
                                                                                               Ethical business conduct                  Progress                               n/aD
Progress                                      Employee H&S                                    Maintain the highest standards
                                               Achieve a 20% reduction in the                  of ethical business conduct               Packaging
 COMMUNITIES                                   employee lost-time accident rate                through ongoing implementation            Packaging on all own-brand
                                               from a 2010/11 baseline.                        of and compliance with the                and exclusive brand products to
 Net Positive: communities
                                                                                               Group Governance Manual and               conform to Kingfisher packaging
 4,000 community projects                      Progress                                       Code of Conduct.                          sustainability standards.
 completed by our people
 that deliver ‘Better Homes,                   Customer and contractor H&S                     Progress                                 Progress
 Better Lives’.                                Develop a Group-wide accident
                                               reporting framework for                                                                   Construction-waste
 Progress                                                                                     ENVIRONMENT                               90% of construction waste
                                               customers and onsite contractors
                                                                                               Waste                                     recycled in new build and
Skills-sharing online                          and set a reduction target.
                                                                                               Achieve zero waste to landfill.           major refurbishments.
Promote sharing of skills and                  Progress
‘know-how’ in local communities                                                                Progress                                 Progress
by building online community                   Employee surveys
                                                                                               Direct transport impacts                  Construction-biodiversity
platforms in the UK and France                 Improve our employee
                                                                                               Achieve a 20% reduction in                Enhance biodiversity on
to help link people.                           engagement by extending
                                                                                               CO2 emissions from our direct             new-build projects, major
                                               engagement surveys to cover
Progress                                                                                      transport impacts from a                  refurbishments and
                                               all employees.
                                                                                               2010/11 baseline.                         existing stores.
 EMPLOYEES                                     Progress                                       Progress                                 Progress
 Performance management
 Integrate Net Positive into the                SUPPLIERS & PARTNERS                           Indirect transport impacts                Peat elimination
 performance management                         Supplier ethical assessment                    Demonstrate a comprehensive               All ‘bagged’ growing media
 systems for all relevant                       All suppliers of Kingfisher                    programme of action to reduce             sold in the UK to be from
 employees.                                     own brand/exclusive brand                      the overall carbon footprint of           sustainable sources, ahead of
                                                products will meet or exceed                   our indirect transport impacts.           the government 2020 deadline.
 Progress                                      our ethical and environmental
                                                                                               Progress                                 Progress
Senior management training                      standards.
To have a development                           Progress                                      Green travel
programme on Net Positive                                                                      Demonstrate proactive green
for the top 250 managers from                  Goods Not For Resale (GNFR)                     travel initiatives to minimise the
around the Group.                              Key GNFR contracts will meet                    environmental impact of travel
                                               or exceed our sustainability                    by employees and customers.
Eco-product training                           Progress
Every employee has the right                                                                   Own water footprint
skills to help customers lead                  Supplier footprint                              To understand the water
sustainable lifestyles.                        To define and measure the                       footprint of our own operations.
                                               carbon and water footprint of our
Progress                                                                                      Progress
                                               value chain and to set a carbon
Net Positive engagement                        reduction target.                               Water-using products
Net Positive engagement and                    Progress                                       All water-using products to meet
development programmes to                                                                      ‘best practice’ standards on
motivate all our employees to                                                                  water efficiency.
become more sustainable at
work and at home.                                                                              Progress                      n/aC


    We do not yet have complete data to assess progress towards this target.
    Score not allocated. Kingfisher guidelines to be developed.
    Score not allocated. Kingfisher guidelines to be developed.
    Score not allocated. Work in progress to update the Kingfisher Chemical Action List.


The process to assess progress against our targets is within KPMG’s limited assurance scope.

                                                                                                                              Read how we calculate the score for our progress
                                                                                                                              against targets on page 61.
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