Course Catalogue Master Programmes Incoming Exchange Students Suzhou Campus (China) Spring 2021 - SKEMA Business School

Page created by Audrey Kelly
Course Catalogue Master Programmes Incoming Exchange Students Suzhou Campus (China) Spring 2021 - SKEMA Business School
Course Catalogue
   Master Programmes
Incoming Exchange Students
  Suzhou Campus (China)
       Spring 2021
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Dear Exchange IN Students,

Welcome to SKEMA Business School !

Here are a few key instructions on how to consult properly the Suzhou Course Catalogue Spring 2021.

Please read these instructions carefully:

    1) Students are required to choose one program and follow the courses within that one program. It is not possible
       to mix and match courses from different programs due to frequent scheduling clashes.

    2) Pay attention to the pre-requisites! We have highlighted the pre-requisites for courses in red. It is the student’s
       responsibility to ensure he/she has the required academic background to follow the courses successfully.

    3) Courses within the catalogue are subject to slight changes.

    4) There is a maximum number of seats available per specialization program.

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Table of Contents
SPRING ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
   PGE - M1 ................................................................................................................................................................5
      EMPLOYABILITY & CAREER ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
      INTRODUCTORY FINANCE REFRESHER SPRING ................................................................................................................................. 6
      MANAGEMENT 2 - ETHICS & GOVERNANCE ..................................................................................................................................... 7
      CHANGE & CRISIS MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................................................................... 9
      EXCEL SPRING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
      DIGITAL LITERACY : ETHICS OF DATA ANALYTICS & MARKETING DECISION SPRING ...................................................................... 13
      INTERNATIONAL NEGOCIATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
      MARKETING REFRESHER SPRING .................................................................................................................................................... 16
      STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
      DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION & STRATEGY ....................................................................................................................................... 19
      MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE DIGITAL AGE ................................................................................................. 21
      INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
      INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
      DESIGN THINKING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
      INFORMATION DESIGN FOR PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................. 32
      ELECTIF : WELLBEING AND QUALITY OF LIKE AT WORK .................................................................................................................. 34
      ELECTIF : MANAGEMENT, PRINCIPLES & PRACTICIES ..................................................................................................................... 40

   MSc - Corporate Financial Management (PAY ATTENTION TO ALL PREREQUISITES) ................................................ 42
      Big data and AI ................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
      Blockchain and Cryptocurency ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
      Cybersecurity, Privacy and Regtech for Finance ............................................................................................................................. 43
      Digital job market opportunities ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
      Financial modeling II ....................................................................................................................................................................... 44
      Financial Risk Management ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
      Fintech Venture ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
      M&As and Corporate Restructuring ................................................................................................................................................ 46
      Programming with Python II ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
      Reporting for Control & Performance Management ...................................................................................................................... 48

   MSc - Entrepreneurship and Innovation ................................................................................................................ 48
      ADVANCED STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 48
      BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & NEGOTIATION .................................................................................................................................... 49
      Chinese - Advanced ......................................................................................................................................................................... 49
      Chinese - Beginner .......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
      Chinese - Elementary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
      Chinese - Intermediate .................................................................................................................................................................... 51
      Chinese - Post Beginner .................................................................................................................................................................. 52
      Employability and Career 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
      Entrepreneurial Finance .................................................................................................................................................................. 53
      ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS AND LEADERSHIP .................................................................................................................................. 54
      EXECUTIVE STRATEGIC CONSULTING .............................................................................................................................................. 54
      IDENTIFYING AND MANAGING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................................................ 55
      LAUNCHING AN INNOVATIVE VENTURE IN CHINA .......................................................................................................................... 56
      START-UP SUPPORT (PARTNERSHIP WITH INCUBATORS) ............................................................................................................... 56
      STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION ................................................................................................................................. 57

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MSc - International Business ................................................................................................................................. 58
   ADVANCED STRATEGY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
   CHINA LEGAL ISSUES FOR BUSINESS ............................................................................................................................................... 58
   Chinese - Advanced ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
   Chinese - Beginner .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
   Chinese - Elementary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60
   Chinese - Intermediate .................................................................................................................................................................... 61
   Chinese - Post Beginner .................................................................................................................................................................. 62
   CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................................ 62
   Employability and Career 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 63
   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GAME: SKEMASIM ............................................................................................................................... 64
   INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ............................................................................................................................................................... 64
   MANAGEMENT IN INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FROM A CHINESE PERSPECTIVE ................................................................... 65
   NEGOCIATION PRACTICE ................................................................................................................................................................. 66
   NEW BUSINESS MODELS: INTERNET APPLICATIONS IN BUSINESS WITH FOCUS ON CHINA ........................................................... 67

MSc - International Marketing and Business Development .................................................................................... 68
   BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & SALES ................................................................................................................................................. 68
   Chinese - Advanced ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
   Chinese - Beginner .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
   Chinese - Elementary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 71
   Chinese - Intermediate .................................................................................................................................................................... 71
   Chinese - Post Beginner .................................................................................................................................................................. 72
   Digital Growth ................................................................................................................................................................................. 72
   Employability and Career 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 73
   GRAPHIC DESIGN ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
   MOBILE MARKETING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 74
   PERFECT PITCH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 75
   PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION IN A DIGITAL WORLD ................................................................................................................... 76
   PRODUCT MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONAL MARKETING .......................................................................................................... 76
   Social Networks, Community Management and Crisis Communication Management .................................................................. 77
   UNDERSTANDING THE ELUSIVE CONSUMER .................................................................................................................................. 78

MSc - Luxury and Fashion Management ................................................................................................................ 79
   ADVANCED ADVERTISING STRATEGIES ........................................................................................................................................... 79
   ADVANCED SERVICE MANAGEMENT IN THE LUXURY INDUSTRY .................................................................................................... 79
   Chinese - Advanced ......................................................................................................................................................................... 81
   Chinese - Beginner .......................................................................................................................................................................... 81
   Chinese - Elementary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 82
   Chinese - Intermediate .................................................................................................................................................................... 82
   Chinese - Post Beginner .................................................................................................................................................................. 83
   CONSUMERS TRENDS AND THEIR IMPACT ON MARKETING STRATEGIES ...................................................................................... 83
   Employability and Career 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
   FINANCE AND ACCOUNTIBILITY IN LUXURY AND FASHION ............................................................................................................ 85
   GROWTH STRATEGIES IN LUXURY & FASHION ................................................................................................................................ 86
   HOW TO BUILD A BRAND ................................................................................................................................................................ 88
   PRICING, DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL IN LUXURY AND FASHION .................................................................................................... 88
   SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, SUSTAINABLE VALUE CREATION IN THE LUXURY INDUSTRY ......................................................... 89
   VALUE MANAGEMENT & MARKETING ............................................................................................................................................ 90

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PGE - M1

    Code du cours
                                                                        Titre du cours
     Course Code
                                                                         Course title
                                                        EMPLOYABILITE & CARRIERE (spring)
       Crédits                               Période d'enseignement                                    Année Académique
       Credits                                   Teaching period                                         Academic Year
          1                                            spring                                               2019/2020
                                                                Travail en                                         Charge totale de
                         Face à Face      Distanciel                          Travail personnel
                                                                 équipe                            Evaluation           travail
                        Contact hours Distance learning                        Personal work
  Charge de travail                                            Team work                                            Total workload
  Student workload
                               6                 0                 0                     0              0                   6

                     3 worshops of 1h30 each :
                     1. Storytelling & Pitch
 Descriptif du cours 2. Preparation for recruitment interviews
          /          3. The ALUMNI network: how to approach the network?
 Course description + evaluation
                     + Career Tuesdays
                     + Career fairs/ recruitment days
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)

      Résultats      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
          /          Attitudes / Key transferable skills
  Intended Learning
 Outcomes and Skills Ethical and social understanding

   Contribution aux Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
       objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
   pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
     programme /
    Contribution to            Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
  learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                            Learning pour l’année en cours ?
    Evaluation des                      Evaluation finale (DS)
       étudiants                            Final examination
 Student Assessment                 (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)

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    Code du cours
                                                                        Titre du cours
     Course Code
                                                                         Course title
                                                     INTRODUCTORY FINANCE REFRESHER SPRING
       Crédits                               Période d'enseignement                                    Année Académique
       Credits                                   Teaching period                                         Academic Year
          1                                             spring                                              2019/2020
                                                                Travail en                                         Charge totale de
                         Face à Face      Distanciel                          Travail personnel
                                                                 équipe                            Evaluation           travail
                        Contact hours Distance learning                        Personal work
  Charge de travail                                            Team work                                            Total workload
  Student workload
                              0                 12                 0                     0              0                   12

    Type de cours
     Course type
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)

      Résultats      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
          /          Attitudes / Key transferable skills
  Intended Learning
 Outcomes and Skills Ethical and social understanding

  Contribution aux Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
      objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
  pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
    programme /
   Contribution to            Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
 learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                           Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                       Evaluation finale (DS)
                                           Final examination
                                   (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)
    Evaluation des
                    Autre, précisez / Other, precise:
 Student Assessment
                                             Contrôle continu
                                       Continuous Assessment
                                                            préciser nature / Explain type

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    Code du cours
                                                                        Titre du cours
     Course Code
                                                                         Course title
                                                      MANAGEMENT 2 - ETHICS & GOVERNANCE
       Crédits                                Période d'enseignement                                    Année Académique
       Credits                                    Teaching period                                         Academic Year
          3                                             spring                                               2019/2020
                                                                Travail en                                          Charge totale de
                          Face à Face      Distanciel                         Travail personnel
                                                                 équipe                             Evaluation           travail
                         Contact hours Distance learning                       Personal work
  Charge de travail                                            Team work                                             Total workload
  Student workload
                              24                  0                12                24                  0                   60

    Type de cours
     Course type
                       Principles of Corporate Finance and Corporate Management.
                     The course explains what corporate governance is about, that is how the shareholding structure,
                     the board of directors and the top managers interact. It emphasizes ethical issues inherent to
 Descriptif du cours
                     strategic choices and management practices. It offers a perspective on a variety of governance
 Course description
                     models from the US shareholder oriented model to the German and Japanese stakeholder
                     oriented models.
                     Public, private and state corporations
                     Institutional investors
                     Typology of Investment funds in public corporations
                     The role and duties of the Board of Directors: financial, ethical and environmental
                     Management performance and executive compensation: performance and ethical issues.
                     Stakeholder management
                       A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                       Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)

      Résultats      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
          /          Attitudes / Key transferable skills
  Intended Learning
 Outcomes and Skills Ethical and social understanding

                       Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
                       programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
  Contribution aux     curriculum mapping)
      objectifs        LO1.1 : To recognize potential ethical dilemmas : LG1 :
  pédagogiques du      Graduates should behave as responsible managers in order to
    programme /
                       deliver sustainable performance in complex environments
   Contribution to
 learning objectives   LO1.2 : To select the best course of action to follow in order to
                       behave as responsible managers : LG1 : Graduates should
                       behave as responsible managers in order to deliver sustainable

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performance in complex environments
                                Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
                                                                                              Non / No
                                            Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                        Evaluation finale (DS)
                                            Final examination
                                    (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)
                     QCM - Quizz

                     Autre, précisez / Other, precise:

   Evaluation des                           Contrôle continu
     étudiants                        Continuous Assessment
Student Assessment                                         préciser nature / Explain type
                     QCM - Quizz: 0 %
                     Etude de cas - Case study: 0 %
                     Présentation orale - Presentation: 100 %
                     Rapport écrit / Dissertation - Report / Dissertation: 0 %                Nb midterms : 1
                     Participation - Class participation: 0 %
                     Examen intermédiaires - Mid-term examination: 0 %
                     Autre - Others: 0 %
                 Format de cours / Course format
                 Cours magistral / Lecture - TD / Tutorials
                 Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
Teaching Methods
                     Cours interactifs / Interactive lectures - Etudes de cas / Case studies - Devoirs / Assignments
                     1. General introduction and ownership: fundamentals of corporate law, property rights, private
                     and public corporations, state owned companies. Ownership and control.
                     2. What is governance ? History, emergence of financial markets.
                     From the entrepreneurial corporation to the managerial corporation (Berle and Means 1932).
                     Separation of ownership and control, agency theory, agency effect.
                     3. Institutional investors : different investment funds, similarities and differences
   Plan de cours
                     4. Board of directors. Importance of efficiency, expertise and independence of boards to prevent
    Course Plan
                     governance failures.
                     5. Management performance and executive compensation issues.fraud and deception
                     (Volkswagen, Nissan/Ghosn ). Insiders trading, overpriced acquisitions, etc.
                     6. The 2008 financial crisis
                     7&8. Stakeholder management
                     Monks and Minow (2011) Corporate Governance. Fifth edition. Wiley publishers.

 Site(s) web / Web

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   Code du cours
                                                                         Titre du cours
    Course Code
                                                                          Course title
                                                          CHANGE & CRISIS MANAGEMENT
       Crédits                                Période d'enseignement                                   Année Académique
       Credits                                    Teaching period                                        Academic Year
          3                                            spring                                               2019/2020
                                                                 Travail en                                       Charge totale de
                         Face à Face      Distanciel                           Travail personnel
                                                                  équipe                           Evaluation          travail
                        Contact hours Distance learning                         Personal work
  Charge de travail                                             Team work                                          Total workload
  Student workload
                             18                  0                  18                36                6                   78

    Type de cours
     Course type
                      Management 1
                     This course introduces two related topics, managing change and managing crisis, with one overall
                     aim: to discuss change and crisis in relation to the complexities of organisational life. Failure to
                     change may lead to crises, as change and transformation initiatives are far from being easy tasks,
 Descriptif du cours
                     they are rather difficult, complex and challenging. Crises may also lead to changes and
 Course description
                     transformations, as one of the aims of crisis management is not only to manage a crisis
                     successfully, but most importantly to keep it from reoccurring, and that is through organisational
                     learning. The most successful organisations are those who commit to change and who learn from
                     their mistakes when facing crises.
      Thémes         Change Management
          /          Crisis Management
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)
                      - To understand the complexities of organisational life
                      - To understand the challenges of changes and transformations on organisations and individuals
                      - To use a change management framework
                      - To implement a crisis management methodology

                      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
                      - To analyse and assess a change situation (realise a diagnosis and formulate solutions)
                     - To analyse and assess a crisis situation ((realise a diagnosis and formulate solutions)
                     - To adopt a critical and proactive reasoning to change and crisis management
  Intended Learning
                     Attitudes / Key transferable skills
 Outcomes and Skills
                      -Be more cautious when analysing change and crisis situations
                      -Adopt proactive decisions while considering organizational, economic and social constraints

                      Ethical and social understanding
                      -Implement change frameworks, methodologies and tools with regards to their ethical and social
                      -Implement crisis frameworks, methodologies and tools with regards to their ethical and social

  Contribution aux    Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du

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objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
  pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
    programme /
   Contribution to           Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
 learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                           Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                       Evaluation finale (DS)
                                           Final examination
                                   (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)

                      Autre, précisez / Other, precise:

    Evaluation des                           Contrôle continu
      étudiants                        Continuous Assessment
 Student Assessment                                         préciser nature / Explain type
                      QCM - Quizz: 0 %
                      Etude de cas - Case study: 100 %
                      Présentation orale - Presentation: 0 %
                      Rapport écrit / Dissertation - Report / Dissertation: 0 %              Nb midterms : 0
                      Participation - Class participation: 0 %
                      Examen intermédiaires - Mid-term examination: 0 %
                      Autre - Others: 0 %
                      Format de cours / Course format
     Méthodes     Cours magistral / Lecture - TD / Tutorials
  d’enseignement Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
 Teaching Methods Jeu d'entreprise / Business game - Projet / Project-based learning - Etudes de cas / Case studies -
                      Devoirs / Assignments
                      Introduction to the complexity of business environments
    Plan de cours     Change Management - Fundamentals and frameworks, case studies
     Course Plan      Crisis Management - Fundamentals and frameworks, case studies
                      Burnes (2017), Managing Change, Pearson Education Limited.
                      Senior and Swailes (2016), Organisational Change, Pearson Education Limited.
                      Crandall, Parnell and Spillan (2014), Crisis Management Leading in the New Strategy Landscape,
                      Sage Publication.

   Code du cours
                                                                         Titre du cours
    Course Code
                                                                          Course title
                                                                         EXCEL SPRING
       Crédits                                Période d'enseignement                                  Année Académique
       Credits                                    Teaching period                                       Academic Year
         2                                                spring                                         2019/2020
   Type de cours
    Course type
                      Excel is asomething you can't do without !
 Descriptif du cours
                     This course will introduce all the things the students must know in order to honestly pretend to be
 Course description
                     mastering Excel. The course will be splitted in two parts a first one online (12 hours) and
                      applications done in the classroom with a teacher who's an expert of Excel.

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EXCEL1: Fundamentals
                     Excel 2: Formulas
                     Excel 3: Conditionality
                     Excel 4: Advanced functions
                     Excel 5: Analysing data
                     Excel 5: Sharing the document
                     A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                     Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)

     Résultats      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
         /          Attitudes / Key transferable skills
 Intended Learning
Outcomes and Skills Ethical and social understanding

 Contribution aux Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
     objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
 pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
   programme /
  Contribution to            Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                          Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                      Evaluation finale (DS)
                                          Final examination
                                  (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)

                     Autre, précisez / Other, precise:
   Evaluation des
Student Assessment                          Contrôle continu
                                      Continuous Assessment
                                                           préciser nature / Explain type

                                                                                            Nb midterms : 0

                 Format de cours / Course format
                 eLearning - TD / Tutorials
                 Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
Teaching Methods
                     Etudes de cas / Case studies - Personal guided study - Devoirs / Assignments
                     EXCEL1: Fundamentals
                     Presentation of a spreadsheet application
                     Structure of the workbook, structure of the worksheet
                     managing Columns and rows
                     o Adding
                     o Deleting
   Plan de cours     o Cut-Copy/Paste
    Course Plan      o Changing the properties)
                     Controlling the way, the content of the cell is displayed by using the cell's formatting tools
                     Worksheet formatting
                     o Dealing with the borders and grids
                     o Changing the page layout and print options
                     o Hiding / Showing columns and rows
                     o Advanced Page layout options
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Customized footer and header
Repeating header rows
Building charts and charts customization
Excel 2: Formulas
Creating formulas to perform calculations
o Arithmetic operators
o Comparison operators
o Using cells references within this formula
Difference between absolute and relative cell references
Copy a formula from one cell to another or to a range of cells (by using the fill command or the
copy handle)
How to use cells from another worksheet or workbook (create a link between cells)
Naming cells and ranges
o Basics predefined functions
o Counting the cells
Date and Time in Excel
o The way Excel stores date and time information
o Date and time functions
Excel 3: Conditionality
Making the formula conditional by using the IF Function
Building complex condition
o logical Functions OR, AND, NOT
o Information functions
Additional conditional functions (countif / Countifs, sumif/sumifs)
Conditional formatting
o Predefined conditional formating
Highligth cells rules
Top / Bottom rules
Data Bars
Color scales
Icon Sets
o Customizing the conditional formats
o Conditional formats based on formulas
Excel 4: Advanced functions
Lookup functions
o Vlookup / HLookup
o Lookup
o Match / Index
Offset function
Database functions
Excel 5: Analysing data
Notion of Table within the worksheet (focusing on the impact on the formulas)
o Filtering
o Sorting
o Totalization row
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Building Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
                      What if Analysis:
                      o Goal seek
                      o Data table
                      o Scenario Manager
                      Excel 5: Sharing the document
                      Cell protection
                      Document protection
                      Protecting the Worksheets
                      Protecting the workbook
                      Formula auditing

    Code du cours
                                                                         Titre du cours
     Course Code
                                                                          Course title
       Crédits                               Période d'enseignement                                      Année Académique
       Credits                                   Teaching period                                           Academic Year
          2                                            spring                                                2019/2020
                                                                Travail en                                          Charge totale de
                         Face à Face      Distanciel                           Travail personnel
                                                                 équipe                             Evaluation           travail
                        Contact hours Distance learning                         Personal work
  Charge de travail                                            Team work                                             Total workload
  Student workload
                               0                12                 12                 12                 0                  36

    Type de cours
     Course type
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)

      Résultats      Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
          /          Attitudes / Key transferable skills
  Intended Learning
 Outcomes and Skills Ethical and social understanding

    Evaluation des                       Evaluation finale (DS)
      étudiants                              Final examination
 Student Assessment                  (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)

    Code du cours
                                                                         Titre du cours
     Course Code
                                                                          Course title
                                                           INTERNATIONAL NEGOCIATION

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Crédits                                 Période d'enseignement                                   Année Académique
      Credits                                     Teaching period                                        Academic Year
        3                                              spring                                               2019/2020
                                                                 Travail en                                       Charge totale de
                         Face à Face      Distanciel                           Travail personnel
                                                                  équipe                           Evaluation          travail
                        Contact hours Distance learning                         Personal work
 Charge de travail                                              Team work                                          Total workload
 Student workload
                             18                  0                   0                0                 3                   21

  Type de cours
   Course type
                    'Par ma foi ! il y a plus de quarante ans que je dis de la prose sans que j'en susse rien' (My faith!I
                    have been speaking prose for forty years without knowing it), observes Molière's 'Bourgeois
                    gentilhomme'. The same could be said of negotiation. We all do it, whether we realize it or not,
                    and a great deal can be gained from learning to do it better. This skill will be paramount for
                    careers in sales, key account management, purchasing, business development.. but it is also key in
                    teamwork, conflict management, relationship building and a myriad other situations involving
                    interaction between two or more parties. The list of different negotiation situations we might
                    encounter is endless and varied: buying a souvenir, a car, an appartment; deciding on a holiday
                    destination or a new sofa with your partner; asking your neighbour to turn down the stereo or look
Descriptif du cours
                    after your cat; negotiating a new deal with a supplier or a client; setting up an agreement with a
Course description
                    new distributor or agent... As a means of reaching agreement and navigating differences, it is an
                    essential tool for living and working abroad, or working with international partners or clients.
                    Good negotiation skills presuppose an ability to interact constructively with others; cultural
                    differences add one more dimension to this, and it is useful to reflect on how these differences
                    impact the negotiation process. This course will take up and build on frameworks and concepts
                    encountered in the multicultural management course and explore how they play out in a
                    negotiation situation. To do so, we must first develop our knowledge and understanding of the
                    nature and dynamics of negotiation itself. The course will involve a balanced approach, with some
                    theory, practical negotiation exercises and case studies. On international campuses, there will
                    naturally be some degree of emphasis on learning to negotiate within the local culture.
     Thémes         Negotiation; frameworks and structured approaches. Types of negotiation situations and styles.
         /          Mutual benefits approach. Understanding stakeholders and interests. Conflict management.
      Topics        Impact of culture on negotiation.
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)
                      Grasp and apply a range of frameworks for understanding negotiation and the impact of cultural
                      differences on the negotiation process

     Résultats        Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
  d’apprentissage     Students will be better prepared to manage interactions with others and better navigate cultural
         /            differences in the negotiation process
 Intended Learning
Outcomes and Skills   Attitudes / Key transferable skills
                      Ability to manage strategic and interpersonal exchanges, balancing personal interests with those of
                      others and respecting cultural differences

                      Ethical and social understanding
                      Students will develop a greater sensitivity to the dynamics of social and intercultural exchange
 Contribution aux     Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
                                                                14 / 90
objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
 pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
   programme /
  Contribution to           Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                          Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                      Evaluation finale (DS)
                                          Final examination
                                  (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)
                     QCM - Quizz, Autre - Others

                     Autre, précisez / Other, precise: short answer questions

   Evaluation des                          Contrôle continu
     étudiants                       Continuous Assessment
Student Assessment                                        préciser nature / Explain type
                     QCM - Quizz: 0 %
                     Etude de cas - Case study: 0 %
                     Présentation orale - Presentation: 0 %
                     Rapport écrit / Dissertation - Report / Dissertation: 0 %             Nb midterms : 0
                     Participation - Class participation: 100 %
                     Examen intermédiaires - Mid-term examination: 0 %
                     Autre - Others: 0 %
                 Format de cours / Course format
                 Cours magistral / Lecture
                 Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
Teaching Methods
                     Cours interactifs / Interactive lectures - Etudes de cas / Case studies
                     Course outline:
                     Introduction to negotiation
                     Situations, approaches, issues
                     Distributive and integrative negotiation situations
                     From hard bargaining to problem solving
   Plan de cours     Understanding points of view
    Course Plan      Stakeholder mapping
                     Conflict: perceptions and resolution
                     The cultural dimension: Hofstede and others
                     Techniques for getting better deals
                     Throughout the course students will be expected to take part in exercises and simulations and to
                     analyze case studies
                     Below are some suggestions of books to read on the subject of negotiation. The list is not
                     exclusive and you should feel free to consider other titles. You will also see suggested titles on the
                     PPT slides used during the course
                     Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton, Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in,
                     ISBN: 0-14-015735-2. This is an absolute classic, published in an edition that shouldnt break the
                     bank. Less thorough, perhaps, than the Essentials (see below) in its coverage of the topic, and
                     more inclined to argue in favour of an integrative approach to negotiation than to present itself as
                     an academic text, it is certainly an influential work.
                     Roy Lewicki et al., Essentials of negotiation (3rd edition, McGraw Hill 2003), ISBN 0071232540. A
                     standard text for negotiation courses that covers the theoretical topics thoroughly and in a very
                     readable fashion. There are two other books by the same authors: Negotiation (ISBN 0 07 112315
                     6) which is the full version from which the Essentials is taken, and Negotiation: readings, exercises
                     and cases (ISBN 0 07 112316 4) which contains what the titles suggests. This whole series is very
                     good indeed and will provide one of the fullest introductions to the subject.
                     Maude, B. (2014). International business negotiation: principles and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
                                                          15 / 90
Shell, R. (1999). Bargaining for advantage. New York: Viking Books. An excellent, comprehensive
                     and readable book.
                     Thompson, L. (1998). The mind and heart of the negotiator. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
                     Another very good book. Unfortunately a little bit expensive.
                     Lax, D., & Sebenius, J (1986). The manager as negotiator: bargaining for cooperation and
                     competitive gain. New York: Free Press. A solid, level-headed and readable book.
                     Ury, W. (1991). Getting past no: negotiating with difficult people. New York: Bantam Books. A
                     book from the Getting to yes team that will prove useful when the going gets tough.
                     Camp, J. (2002). Start with NO. The negotiating tools that pros dont want you to know. New York:
                     Crown Business. As the title suggests, the author takes a different stance to that of most
                     integrative approaches and has a hardball tactics approach that is interesting. A good companion
                     work to the Getting to yes books.
 Site(s) web / Web   Useful links will be provided on the Knowledge learning platform

   Code du cours
                                                                   Titre du cours
    Course Code
                                                                    Course title
                                                        MARKETING REFRESHER SPRING
      Crédits                             Période d'enseignement                                 Année Académique
      Credits                                 Teaching period                                      Academic Year
         1                                        spring                                             2019/2020
                                                           Travail en                                     Charge totale de
                       Face à Face      Distanciel                       Travail personnel
                                                            équipe                           Evaluation        travail
                      Contact hours Distance learning                     Personal work
 Charge de travail                                        Team work                                        Total workload
 Student workload
                             0              12                0                     0            0               12

   Type de cours
    Course type

 Descriptif du cours -This course provides an introduction to the core concepts in marketing. It will provide basic
          /          knowledge that students will need in more advanced marketing courses. In this course students
 Course description will learn the tools and resources marketing managers and though leaders have available to use.
                     General marketing
                     -The purpose of marketing and a brief history
                     -The 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
                     -The value proposition
                     -Building and creating value
                     -Segmentation, targeting, positioning
                     Consumer Behavior
                     -Understanding consumers
                     -Types of decisions and decision processes
                     -Consumers in their culture

                                                         16 / 90
Critical thinking about marketing
                      A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                      Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)
                      At the end of the course you will
                      -be able to converse about basic marketing topics
                      -be able to identify key elements of a marketing campaign
                      -have the building blocks to create marketing strategy

     Résultats        Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
  d’apprentissage     Learn to identify and use key marketing concepts
 Intended Learning    Attitudes / Key transferable skills
Outcomes and Skills   Gain an appreciation for the importance of empathy and understanding stakeholder needs. Initial
                      exposure to the connection between knowledge and strategy development.

                      Ethical and social understanding
                      Understand some ethical issues associated with marketing. Gain an understanding of key
                      challenges that marketing activities must be aware of, including social, environmental and ethical

 Contribution aux Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
     objectifs      programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
 pédagogiques du curriculum mapping)
   programme /
  Contribution to            Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
learning objectives                                                                         Non / No
                                          Learning pour l’année en cours ?
                                      Evaluation finale (DS)
                                          Final examination
                                  (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)

                      Autre, précisez / Other, precise:

   Evaluation des                            Contrôle continu
     étudiants                         Continuous Assessment
Student Assessment                                          préciser nature / Explain type
                      QCM - Quizz: 0 %
                      Etude de cas - Case study: 0 %
                      Présentation orale - Presentation: 0 %
                      Rapport écrit / Dissertation - Report / Dissertation: 100 %            Nb midterms : 0
                      Participation - Class participation: 0 %
                      Examen intermédiaires - Mid-term examination: 0 %
                      Autre - Others: 0 %
                 Format de cours / Course format
                 Cours magistral / Lecture - eLearning
                 Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
Teaching Methods
                      Personal guided study - Devoirs / Assignments
                      This course consists of several short Powerpoint lectures -- these are slides with accompanying
                      recorded audio. There are two written assignments and one MCQ exam.
                      The structure of the course:
   Plan de cours
                      Students will be given guiding questions at the beginning and end of each lecture. As they
    Course Plan
                      watch/listen to each lecture, they should consider the information they are learning in terms of
                      the guiding questions.
                      There are two assignments and one exam; these are based on the material in the lectures.
                                                                17 / 90
   Code du cours
                                                                        Titre du cours
    Course Code
                                                                         Course title
       Crédits                                 Période d'enseignement                                    Année Académique
       Credits                                     Teaching period                                         Academic Year
         4                                              spring                                               2019/2020
                                                               Travail en                                           Charge totale de
                          Face à Face      Distanciel                         Travail personnel
                                                                équipe                              Evaluation           travail
                         Contact hours Distance learning                       Personal work
  Charge de travail                                           Team work                                              Total workload
  Student workload
                              30                  0                38                30                  2                   100

   Type de cours
    Course type
                     This strategy course introduces the fundamental concepts, analytical tools, and strategic options at
                     the basis of strategic analysis and action. We will use a combination of lectures, case studies and a
 Descriptif du cours team project to explore and apply theoretical frameworks and methodologies in different industry
          /          and company situations. For instance, we will explore methods for assessing the strength of
 Course description competition and the relative bargaining power, for anticipating competitors actions, for analyzing
                     cost and value structures and their relevance to competition, and for assessing potential changes
                     in the scope of the firm (diversification and vertical integration).
                       A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                       Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)
                       Understand the key concepts and tools of external and internal strategic analysis

                     Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
                     Properly use methods and tools of strategic analysis. Acquire the basic jargon necessary to discuss,
                     in a consistent and precise manner, strategic issues.
  Intended Learning
                     Attitudes / Key transferable skills
 Outcomes and Skills
                       Develop analytical skills and critical reasoning.

                       Ethical and social understanding
                       Recognize individual, sectoral-level specificities and their consequences.

                       Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
                       programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
                       curriculum mapping)
  Contribution aux     LO6.1 : To analyze and apply advanced concepts in a specialized
      objectifs        discipline : LG6 : Graduates should be able to think critically and
  pédagogiques du
                       to assess business issues in a specialized discipline
    programme /
   Contribution to
                       LO6.2 : To assess a business issue and formulate solutions in a
 learning objectives   specialized discipline : LG6 : Graduates should be able to think
                       critically and to assess business issues in a specialized discipline
                                   Cours soumis à évaluation dans le cadre de l’Assurance of
                                                                                             Oui / Yes
                                              Learning pour l’année en cours ?

                                                              18 / 90
Evaluation finale (DS)
                                            Final examination
                                    (Précisez la nature pour l'évaluation finale / Explain type for final examination)
                      QCM - Quizz, Autre - Others

                      Autre, précisez / Other, precise: Open questions

    Evaluation des                         Contrôle continu
      étudiants                      Continuous Assessment
 Student Assessment                                       préciser nature / Explain type
                      QCM - Quizz: 0 %
                      Etude de cas - Case study: 0 %
                      Présentation orale - Presentation: 0 %
                      Rapport écrit / Dissertation - Report / Dissertation: 100 %             Nb midterms : 0
                      Participation - Class participation: 0 %
                      Examen intermédiaires - Mid-term examination: 0 %
                      Autre - Others: 0 %
                      Format de cours / Course format
     Méthodes     Cours magistral / Lecture - TD / Tutorials
  d’enseignement Activités d’apprentissage / Learning activities
 Teaching Methods Cours interactifs / Interactive lectures - Projet / Project-based learning - Etudes de cas / Case
                      studies - Devoirs / Assignments
                      1. Introduction to strategy (Lecture - 3 hours)
                      2. Environmental analysis (Lecture - 3 hours)
                      3. Case study on environment and industry analysis (Tutorial - 3 hours)
                      4. Internal company analysis (Lecture - 3 hours)
    Plan de cours     5. Case study on internal company analysis (Tutorial - 3 hours)
     Course Plan      6. Students' project: Part I finalization and submission (Tutorial - 3 hours)
                      7. Business strategy (Lecture - 3 hours)
                      8. Corporate strategy (Lecture - 3 hours)
                      9. Case study on strategic choices at business and corporate levels (Tutorial - 3 hours)
                      10. Students' project: Part II finalization and submission (Tutorial - 3 hours)
                      Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis and cases: text and cases, 9th Edition. John
                      Wiley & Sons.

   Code du cours
                                                                         Titre du cours
    Course Code
                                                                          Course title
                                                    DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION & STRATEGY
       Crédits                              Période d'enseignement                                      Année Académique
       Credits                                  Teaching period                                           Academic Year
         0                                              fall                                                2019/2020
                                                                Travail en                                         Charge totale de
  Charge de travail     Face à Face      Distanciel                            Travail personnel
                                                                 équipe                            Evaluation           travail
  Student workload     Contact hours Distance learning                          Personal work
                                                               Team work                                            Total workload

                                                               19 / 90
0                  0                 0                30                  5                   74

  Type de cours
   Course type
    Pré-Requis      Students need to have basic knowledge about Information systems. This course is built on the
   Prerequisite     knowledge students acquired from the information systems course.
                    This course aims to endow students with practical knowledge in order to better understand and
Descriptif du cours analyze the opportunities and challenges companies face when they go through a digital
         /          transformation.
Course description During this course, students will work on case studies and practical examples of companies in
                    order to solve digital related problems and bring creative solutions.
                    A l’issue de la formation, vous serez capable de / As a result of this module, you will be able to:
                    Connaissances / Knowledge and Understanding (subject specific)
                    Handle the different steps companies should go through for a digital transformation
                    Be able to analyse the challenges and impacts of the digital transformation in organizations in
                    terms of:
                    Aptitudes cognitives / Cognitive skills
 Intended Learning Analyse critically the opportunities and the challenges related to digital transformation.
Outcomes and Skills Understand strategic implications of digital transformation.
                    Understand organizational challenges of digital transformation
                    Understand management implication of digital transformation
                    Be aware of the cultural challenges related to digital transformation.

                    Attitudes / Key transferable skills
                    - Project management

                    Ethical and social understanding
                    -Understand the implications of digital transformation.

                    Indiquer les learning objectives auxquels contribue le cours (en se basant sur le curriculum mapping du
                    programme) / Indicate which learning objectives the course contributes to (based on the program
                    curriculum mapping)
                    LO1.2 : To select the best course of action to follow in order to
                    behave as responsible managers : LG1 : Graduates should
 Contribution aux behave as responsible managers in order to deliver sustainable
     objectifs      performance in complex environments
 pédagogiques du LO2.1 : To contribute substantively to the product of a group
   programme /      and demonstrate leadership skills : LG2 : Graduates should be
  Contribution to   able to work effectively in a multicultural team
learning objectives LO4.2 : To apply theories and key concepts in the field of the
                    management of knowledge assets, technological progress and
                    innovation : LG4 : Graduates should be able to manage in the
                    global knowledge economy
                    LO5.1 : To apply theories and major concepts of marketing,
                    finance, human resource management, information systems,

                                                           20 / 90
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