Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

Page created by Bradley Schneider
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
February 20, 2022                                   Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

 “Forgiveness is the
 fragrance that the
 violet sheds on the
    heel that has
     crushed it.”

                                                               PARISH DIRECTORY
         INDOOR MASS SCHEDULE                                     Parish Office
             Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.                        Hours: Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
              Saturday Vigil: 5 p.m.                           Phone: (818)504-4400
    Sunday: 8 am, 10 am, 11:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
                                                                Religious Education
       Holy Hour—Friday: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
                                                                Phone: (818)504-4411
 Confession is available 30 minutes before each               St. Francis Xavier School
weekend Mass. Sick Visits and Confession are also                Phone: (818)504-4422
      available by calling the Parish Office.
                                                          3801 Scott Road, Burbank, CA 91504

Come and grow with us. We are a welcoming and inclusive community of love centered
  on the Holy Eucharist and helping one another to become a Eucharist to the World.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Page Two                                                       February 20, 2022

                          From the Desk of Fr. Sebastian,

 Dear Friends,
 Once, a priest was visiting a man in a hospital who had been injured in a
 fight. "I am going to pray so you will forgive your enemy for hitting you
 with a brick", the priest said. "It might be better, Father,” said the man,
 "if you waited until I get out of here and then, you can pray for him."
 Last week, we started to read Luke's narrative of the discourse that
 Jesus, at the start of His earthly ministry, delivered to his disciples, on a
 plain at the foot of a mountain. After he presented the Beatitudes, Jesus
 gave his disciples these challenging and revolutionary instructions, "Love
 your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse
 you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Luke (6:27-37).
 Forgiving those who have hurt us is not easy. The bigger the hurt the
 more difficult it is to forgive and for many people also the longer it takes
 to forgive. Interestingly, every religion talks about compassion and
 kindness but none of them except Christianity promulgate the virtue of
 forgiveness. Hence forgiveness is not an optional part of the Christian
 life. It is a necessary part of what it means to be a Christian.
 There are two ways we can deal with people who hate us. We can set
 out to do more harm to them, to take revenge on them, or try to wipe
 them out completely. Or we can try and work to turn them round. In
 other words, when someone hates you, you have two choices: to hate
 back or to refuse to hate. Jesus clearly asks us to refuse to hate. We are
 never more like Jesus than when we forgive. And we will never be set
 free until we forgive.
 The virtue of forgiveness acts like a Magic slate. We could start doing a
 drawing, make an absolute mess of it, and that would be OK. Because
 you could just pull the sheet up on the magic slate, and it would all just
 disappear. You could then just start again. God gives us an opportunity
 to have a clean slate with Him every day of our lives. We can re-set our
 life every day and bring blessings around.
 Break the chain of hatred starts with you. You can bring the lost grace
 and joy not only to you but to many. Decide today to forgive.
 Forgiveness is a decision. Forgiveness does not mean blotting out painful
 memories, but it does mean not acting on them. “Forgiveness is the
 fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
 May God bless you
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
St. Francis Xavier                                                                     Page Three
                                     PARISH NEWS

       OUR GOAL FOR YEAR 2022 IS $53.978.
      We Are Excited To Announce The Together in Mission 2022 Campaign
   As one Catholic community of faith, let's pray and reflect on how we can continue to help our
               struggling parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Did you know? One in every 5 parishes needs financial assistance, and 1 in every 4 Catholic schools
  needs critical funds to keep their doors open. Our cumulative Together in Mission 2022 goal is
               $14.4M, representing the Annual Appeal throughout all five regions.
      Let's make a difference and gather as one Catholic family for our schools and parishes.

                                     How to make a gift?
                                       or      Call 213-637-7672       or      Text BELIEVE to
                                                (M-F 8am– 5pm)                  213-397-0682
select St. Francis Xavier Burbank

Monday, February 21 St

                                                       March 2, 2022
                                                         Mass Times: 8:00a
                                            “Remember that you are dust, and to dust
                                                      you shall return.”
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Page Four                                                                         February 20, 2022
                                       PARISH NEWS

         Calling All Seniors!                                                 MINISTRY TO
    There will be a meeting of our new                                         THE SICK
      JOY (Just Older Youth) Club on
      Sunday, February 27, 2022, after
           the 8:00 A.M. Mass.                         If anyone in your family is sick and
          Location: Cabrini Hall                          would like to receive the Holy
     We are looking forward to seeing                       Eucharist or in need of the
      old friends, and                                 Anointing of the Sick, please call to
        making new                                     the office. We are here to help you.
    ones. See you there!

      December Parish Collections                           January Parish Collections
   Thank you for your generosity and support          Thank you for your generosity and support for
        for St. Francis Xavier Church.                        St. Francis Xavier Church.

      1st Week:               $ 7,055                      1st Week:             $ 4,250
      2nd Week:               $ 6,421                      2nd Week:             $ 5,663
      3rd Week:               $ 7,492                      3rd Week:             $ 5,170
      4th Week:               $ 13,508                     4th Week:             $ 7,092
      5th Week:               $ 3,415                      5th Week:             $ 6,707
      Electronic Monthly:     $ 13,837.36                  Electronic Monthly:   $ 14,606
Total Contributions:          $ 51,728.36           Total Contributions:         $   43,488

                             RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                                      ADULT CONFIRMATION
       Are you a baptized adult who already made their first communion but are not confirmed?
This year’s adult confirmation class begins Wednesday, March 16th, and continues Thursday, March 24th;
Thursday, March 31th; Thursday, April 7th; And Wednesday, April 13th
        All sessions will be in the evening, starting at 6pm.
  To register please contact the Parish Office at 818/504-4400 or
     email Deacon Tony Hobbs at

                                  PEACE & JUSTICE NEWS

                                     Peace & Justice Food Drive Collection
                    The food item featured for February is mac & cheese, but we will accept any
                 canned item such as canned meat, pasta & pasta sauce, dry beans, canned fruit,
                   canned tuna, canned tuna, peanut butter and Jelly, macaroni and cheese etc.
                       Please leave your donation in the yellow barrels outside the Church in the
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
St. Francis Xavier                                                                                 Page Five
                                            SCHOOL NEWS
                                         Celebrating Our Nation
              Kindergarten at the catholic school week assembly celebrating our
         nation. Kindergarten made flags and recited their flag poem at the assembly.

           DID YOU KNOW?                                             MASS INTENTIONS
      Simple Touching Rules For Children                        SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20
                                                                   People of St. Francis Xavier
  Adult apprehension about discussing touching safety           MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21
   can get in the way of creating a safe environment for          Albert & Edward Milaskas †
 children, but doing so is critical to children’s well-being.   TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22
Keep the touching rules short and sweet: No one has the           Ruben Nunez & Nunez Family
 right to touch a child’s private parts except to keep him      WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23
                                                                   Jim Gascoigne †
    or her safe and healthy. If someone tries to touch a
                                                                THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24
    child’s private parts, the child should say “No!”, run         Amir Ayoub & Dolores Piccirrillo †
   away, and tell a trusted adult. For more information,        FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25
     request a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Teaching               Maria Rubio & Dan McGinley †
                                                                SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26
        Touching Safety and Preserving Innocence”
                                                                   People of St. Francis Xavier

     SCRIPTURE READINGS                                             PRAY FOR THE SICK
Readings for the week of February 20, 2022
                                                                             We pray for our sick parishioners
Sunday:    1 Sm 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23/Ps 103:1
           -4,8,10,12-13/ 1 Cor 15:45-49/Lk                                 that they may know the healing of
           6:27-38                                                             Christ: Fely Arenas, Teresita
Monday:    Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8-10,15/Mt 9:14-                               Blazon, Dwayne Cheshire, Colette
           29                                                     Craan, John Gonzalez, Lindsey Hargrave,
Tuesday:   1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 16:13-19
                                                                 Micah Homayounian, Joyce Rudolph, Maria
Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3,6-11/Mk 9:38-
           40                                                     Sampley, Kathy Segura, Kirk Taylor, Betty
Thursday:  Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-20/Mk 9:41-50                     Quigg, Lorraine White, Donna Kaiser, Isabella
Friday:    Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-4,8-9,11-12/Mk                   Riera, Samantha MacMartin, Bernadette Alles,
           10:1-12                                              Eunice De Sourdis, Richard Santoyo, Maureen
Saturday:  Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-3,8/Mk 10:13-
                                                                  Creason, Tom McDonald and Scott Singer.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Page Six                                                                                     February 20, 2022

            PARISH TEAM                                                Ministries & Groups
                                               Adult Faith Formation: Dn. Tony Hobbs; Altar Server Training:
  Rev. Sebastian Vettickal, CMI                 Dn. Jim Roope & Herman Buitrago; Altar Society: Emie Decena;
                Pastor                           Annulments and Convalidation: Dn. Jaime Abrera; Baptism                Workshop: Dn. Tony Hobbs; Bereavement Ministry: Mary
                                               Abrajano & Barbara Trinchero; Confirmation Program: Dn. Jim
       Deacon Jaime Abrera                     Roope; Coordinator of Liturgy: Dn. Jaime Abrera; Cornerstone                   Music: Paula Lucero; Eucharistic Minister Training: Dn. Jaime
                                                  Abrera; Family Life Ministry: Dn. Jaime Abrera; Filipino-
        Deacon Jim Roope
                                                American Group: Rene Decena; Grief Support: Jose and Nora
     Coordinator of Confirmation                     Hizon; Knights of Columbus: Rod Chapman Lector Training:
                                                    Mike Imfeld; Marriage Preparation: Mike and Debbie
        Deacon Tony Hobbs                      Maddigan; Minister Scheduling: Parish Office; Ministry to the                 Sick: Audrey Abrera; Music Director: Jack Clapper Old Tyme
                                               Country Faire: Parish Office; Parish Finance Council: Richard
          Mrs. Rita Recker                         Dixon; Parish Council: Brad Recker Parish Hospitality
     Pastoral Associate/Director of               Committee: JoDee Geryak; Peace & Justice: Gloria Salas;
         Parish Administration                  Power House: Jonatan Zamora; RCIA: Paula Lucero; Religious                  Education Programs: Rosie Roope; Sacristan Training: Jess
                                               Obal; Sandwich Sundays: Peg Setti; Usher and Greeters: Karry
         Mrs. Rosie Roope
    Director of Religious Education            Ann Luttge; VIRTUS Training and Fingerprinting: Rosie Roope;                  Vocation: Fr. Sebastian; Wedding Coordinator: Yvette Rubio;
                                                 For more information regarding one of our Ministries, please
          Dr. Paul Sullivan                                contact the Parish Office at 818/504-4400.
            School Principal                   To make an appointment for Confession or for a Sick Visit, please
                                                             call the Parish Office at any time.
          Mr. Jack Clapper
           Director of Music                     St. Francis Xavier is on Social Media! Follow us so you
                                                   don’t miss out on our great events and activities.
         Ms. Lissette Rivera
        Administrative Assistant                                   St.francisxavier—Instagram
                                                            St. Francis Xavier Burbank—Facebook
        Mr. Alberto Linares                                             @LoveSFX—Twitter
        Maintenance Technician
                                                    St. Francis Xavier Elementary Alumni (Burbank) —
       Bulletin Submissions                                             Facebook

                 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Parish!
  We invite you to become a member of our community! Thank you for
  printing neatly and dropping in the collection basket or bringing to the
                              Parish Office.



Ministry Interest: ____________________________________
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

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                                         POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
                                                              Joe’s Plumbing &                                    For any deal generated by someone associated with St. Francis Xavier, 15% of
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                                                           POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
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