Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village

Page created by Adrian Reed
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
42nd Issue March 2021

 WV Artist - Page 6
 Hidden Talents
 WV Library News - Page 7
 Grab a Great Book
Peoria, AZ Customer Just Like Clockwork - Page 33
 Beautiful Timing at WV
Permit 162
PAID Residential
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Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
Coming Soon
 Gor g e ou s
 in Westbrook Village

 8344 W. Morrow Drive 8528 W. Wescott Drive
 Rare 3 bedroom, 2 Bath, 2-car garage Updated 2 large bedrooms, 2 bath,
 Pinnacle Peak model. 2-car garage - Squaw Peak/Camelback model.
 Updated kitchen and bathrooms. Updated Roof underlayment - Updated baths.
 Newer HVAC and Roof underlayment. Granite and stainless appliances in kitchen
 North/South Facing - Call Lori for details! North/South Facing - Call Lori for details!

Lindsey Shoultes Lori Reiland
 Associate Broker

 We have buyers for casitas/homes!
 8715 W. Union Hills Drive, Suite 104
 Peoria, AZ 85382
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
March 2021

 C O N T E N T S and F E A T U R E S

 Always Remembered

 Veteran Treasures

 Photography Club Contest Winners

 Page 14 24
 Woodshop at WV
 The Hiking Club plans to hit the trails at Estrella Mountain Regional Park

 Advertisers Corner

 Helping Hands Report

 Page 22 Deadline for submissions
 The Performing Arts Council celebrates the WV Musicians and more for the April issue is March 1st.
 Call Judy Carrucciu at 623-321-2209
Disclaimer: Westbrook Village Living Magazine is independently owned and operated by Westbrook Living, for advertising rates or send an email to:
L.L.C. It is not affiliated with the Westbrook Village Homeowners Association. No part of this publication may
be reproduced without written consent of the publisher. Advertising does not constitute an endorsement of admin@westbrookvillageLIVING.com.
any product or service. Please independently investigate any Company that you do business with. Merchandise/ Please also send all ideas, articles, club news
services are expected to be as advertised. Columns, articles, or advertising appearing in Westbrook Village and memories to Judy.
Living does not constitute endorsement by the Publisher of products, services or opinions advertised. Publisher
reserves the right to refuse any advertising, letters to the editor or articles. Articles will be edited due to space This publication is delivered at the end of
limitations. Westbrook Village Living does not publish letters to editor or opinions.
 each month via U.S. Mail in Westbrook Village
All contents: Westbrook Village Living ©2021. All rights reserved. Art Direction/Design by Utopia Creative Solutions- and surrounding area.
www.utopiacs.com. Printing by Desert Digital Imaging. Cover: photo credit - Bob Cielek

 3 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
An Irish Blessing
Editor’s Message May you live a long life, full of gladness and health,
 With a pocket full of gold as the least of your wealth,
As I reflect on luck this month, I think it May the dreams you hold dearest, be those which come true,
certainly plays a part in the quality of our The kindness you spread keep returning to you.
lives as does God’s grace. But can we create
our own luck? I believe that hard work, as Read about Barb Hurley Peterson and her work volunteering
 Lori Reiland with the Fine Arts Club (pg. 6). Thank you, Barb! Many of the
well as setting goals and values for our lives
can make all the difference. This month, I would like to express clubs here would not operate as efficiently or be as much fun
my gratitude for all the hard-working business owners that without the tireless contributions of the volunteer leaders.
support Westbrook Village Living magazine. In a year that has Also, let us not forget the difficult job of being a Director or
been difficult for every business owner, these men and women Committee Member for the WV HOA. There are countless
get out and do their best every day. Check out the article on decisions to be made every month.
Mason Electric on page 25. Mike Mason was recently praised Thank you to everyone that contributes to Westbrook Village
by one of our homeowners online on Nextdoor for his high with hard work, sacrifice and commitment. This is what makes
quality work. Way to go Mike! We love to hear WV reviews of Westbrook Village such a special place to live!
our advertisers, so please share your experiences with us.
 Luck of the Irish to you all,
I would like to wish a Happy Retirement to Rosalie Swenson.
She served the residents of Westbrook Village since 1985. Now
that is hard work and commitment! (pg. 17 )
Check out the awesome volunteers with Helping Hands Do you have a good Westbrook idea, memory or club event? If so,
and the services provided on page 26. These volunteers are we want to hear from you! Please direct emails as well as all letters to
lifesavers for many of our residents. Admin@WestbrookVillageLiving.com.

 TRAVELING WV Computer Club
 Calendar, Scheduling and Reminders
 Smart phone and computer can manage schedules,
 Don’t miss an issue! appointment reminders and to-do lists. Most devices
 include a basic calendar app or you can use a cloud based
 scheduling services from Google, Apple or Microsoft.
 Mail $25 check and forwarding address to:
 Westbrook Village Living LLC • The information can be synchronized between
 8715 W. Union Hills Dr, Ste 108 multiple devices.
 Peoria, AZ 85382
 • They provide convenient reminders of what needs to
 be done.
 • They can be set to schedule repeating events and
 reminders, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This saves time
 4 and eliminates handwritten lists.

 Summer Ready to use AARP Tax-Aide Preparation
 Issues! service this year? Visit the club website
 wvcc.us for detailed information. Visit
 www.aarp.org/taxaide for all alternate
 SOON IT locations and times services or call
 WILL BE 888-AARPNOW (888-227-7669) for more information.
 Contact the Computer Club at the new number (623) 226-
 8126, or by email at wvcc@live.com and online at wvcc.us.

 4 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
We are open and offering ALL services

 Our dedicated team is here as you explore senior living
 options. We are committed to delivering a platinum lifestyle,
 while also focusing on health, safety, and well-being for
 residents. Looking ahead, we’ve taken steps that will allow res-
 idents, and team members, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

 NEW YEAR $20 community fee, $20 first month’s rent,

 2021 and lock-in your monthly rent at the current rate
 for your first two years of residency at
 SPECIAL Garden Ridge, Arbor Ridge or Senita Ridge.*

 Call Tina at 623-974-5848 to ask how
 to lock-in your monthly rent for two years!


 18170 North 91st Ave., Peoria, AZ 85382 | 623-974-5848 | ridgesatpeoria.com

 tomorrow * Monthly rent refers to the monthly basic fee in effect January 1, 2021 for each unit type. Move-in special available
 at Garden Ridge, Arbor Ridge and Senita Ridge when the residency agreement is signed by March 31, 2021. Move-
 in special does not apply to second person fee, pet fee, care services or packages, or a la carte service charges.
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
The Art
 of Living
 with Barb Hurley Peterson

 Just Around the Bend, one of Barb's acrylic paintings, is showcased
 at the Vistas Rec Center.

B arbara Hurley was born in a small town on Long Island,
 New York, in 1954. She was six when her family moved to
northern New Jersey. In 1967 Barb’s parents quit their jobs and
 herself president of the club in 2018. She adds, “It is time to
 groom a new young member for the job!”
 The Fine Arts club schedules an outside artist each month to
decided to seek a better life, moving to Arizona with 5 young do a demonstration on the 2nd Wednesday of each month
children in tow. She has lived in the west valley ever since. (October through April). The demo’s are a great way to
Upon graduating from high school, Barb worked for the introduce members to a variety of painting methods, styles
Arizona State Government. It was supposed to be a summer and art supplies. Some of the demo artists also provide
job prior to entering college in the fall to major in art. Little did workshops and the club formerly scheduled two or three
she know that working for the government would become workshops each season at the Fine Arts room to provide
her career! While working downtown across from the state learning opportunities for interested members.
capitol, Barb met her future husband, Don Peterson. They In addition to actively participating in the Westbrook Fine
married in 1982 and she became an instant “mom” to his son Arts club, Barb also joined other outside art leagues, such
from his first marriage. “It was challenging, but I had 4 younger as Arizona Art Alliance as a juried member, and she held
brothers so I was used to dealing with boys,” says Barb. several board positions. Also having been a member of the
Their son now lives in Prescott and has his own children and Wickenburg Art Club and Vanguard Artists (a critique group),
grandchildren. Barb feels these experiences have led to many wonderful
In 1995, the couple decided to start looking for a new home friendships and art connections in her retirement life.
that they wanted to enjoy once they retired. The biggest
attraction at WV was the golf courses and numerous
club activities. They also liked the idea of having a pool
available that they did not have to personally maintain. After
remodeling their WV home and making it their own, it is a
sanctuary for Barb that makes her happy and is filled with art
on every wall and shelf!
Barb retired in 2003 from her government career in
management with responsibilities in the areas of contracts,
grants, budget, accounting and technology. She had put her
art talents “on hold” for 30 years and now it was time to get
busy being creative!
Deciding to join the WV Fine Arts club in 2004, Barb explains,
“At first it felt strange to be around other artists who all Barb stands next to her acrylic painting entitled Surrounded on
seemed to know each other and were so enthusiastic about display at the Vistas Rec Center.
art! Would I fit into this group? I was the youngest club
member and did not know anyone in Westbrook.” However, Barb sells her work professionally in art shows (including the
she got to know more of the wonderful folks and became Westbrook Fine Arts show each March) and has a website:
more involved in the club activities, and eventually found artbybarbhurley.com Please check it out!

 6 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
Cooking at WV
 with Chuy and Jan!
 Crenshaw Salad serves 2 -3
 We first discovered this delicious salad while visiting friends in
 Dallas, Texas. Marsha Crenshaw made this salad and brought it to
 our friend’s home. We are not sure if she had a recipe or just made
 it up as she went, but it is one of our favorite salads so we named it
 Crenshaw Salad. It is a meal in itself. We hope you enjoy it as well!

Salad Ingredients: Dressing Ingredients: Procedure:
4 cups fresh spinach, washed and 2 large leaves of fresh basil, • Blend dressing ingredients except basil, with a stick
dried, stems removed chopped blender or wire whip. Add basil at the very end.
1 green apple, julienned ½ oz. sherry vinegar (If blended early, it can make dressing taste bitter.)
½ cup chopped dates ½ oz. rice vinegar • After roasting and slicing the potatoes, toss all
½ cup candied walnuts 2-1/2 oz. olive oil remanding salad ingredients (except feta cheese) to
1/2# Baby Yukon potatoes, roasted, ½ tsp. garlic paste make salad.
salted and coined sliced • Add the dressing and toss, finish with crumbled feta.
 Salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled

 by Sandra W. Evans

 In his New York In her Publishers In his Wall Street
 Times bestseller, Weekly bestseller, Journal bestseller,
 Nicholas Sparks Susan Wiggs Dallas Hartwig has
 writes another delivers another a groundbreaking
 heartfelt story poignant story new plan for living
 about an injured about a successful in sync with your
 Navy doctor, Trevor businesswoman, circadian rhythm.
 Benson. When Natalie Harper. His new “4 Season
 Trevor’s grandfather When her boyfriend Solution” is a
 passes away, he and mother both blueprint to reclaim
 returns home where he falls in love with die in a plane crash coming to surprise health and energy. Summer is the high-
 a deputy sheriff, Natalie and also meets her, Natalie has to deal with closing her energy period decelerating into the
 a teenager, Callie, whom his grandfather mother’s beloved bookstore. But, when Fall-winter that is the restorative period.
 had befriended. As both women have Natalie hires a handsome ex-marine Spring is the physical awakening period.
 family secrets, Trevor will need the to help with repairs, will he and a Each season has “anchor points” for
 Luck of the Irish to help both of them few four-leaf clovers found in the sleeping, eating, movement and
 inextricably changing his life forever. walls change her mind about selling! connection.
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
Chaplain’s Corner Column
 WHEN LEMONADE offer companionship, tools and
 the freedom to find your way
 ISN'T ENOUGH through the maze of grief and
 loss. It is about helping yourself
How often have we heard it: "When life gives you lemons,
 heal and restoring your life
make lemonade."
 and your joy.
The trouble with lemonade is that it's not always enough.
 The workshop runs every
Sure, it's a cute little phrase to keep in mind when we're
 Tuesday night from
dealing with the day-to-day hassles of life––certainly a good
 March 9 to May 11, plus
reminder for us to make the best out of every situation. But
 an introductory seminar
when squeezing lemons and adding some sugar doesn't do
 on Saturday, March 6. Please call or text me at 602-622-1488
the job, what then? When your heart is broken, and simply
 (or email me at gr.olson@cox.net) if you would like more
getting through the day overwhelms you and the ache is
 information or wish to sign up for the workshop. You can also
deep, a little sweetener just isn't enough.
 visit our website at www.HealingFromLoss.live.
"There's a big difference," writes Marcus Yoars, "between
 Grace and Peace to you,
being squeezed by life and being broken by it."
On March 6 I begin a grief recovery workshop called Healing – Chaplain Greg
From Loss. This is not a support group. Healing From Loss is a
"plan of action" to help you move through loss, pain and grief. Greg Olson is a Board Certified Chaplain and Grief Recovery
 Specialist. He is the Pastor and Director of Life Discovery Ministries
The group requires reading, homework, self-reflection and
 in Glendale, AZ, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping
regular attendance & participation in a small group setting.
 those in grief or loss. You can reach Greg at gr.olson@cox.net.
Our purpose is not to "fix" you, but to walk alongside you and or 602-622-1488.

 Always Remembered
 Harry F. Crooks

 Harry F. Crooks, a longtime
 resident of Westbrook Village
 and a World War II Veteran has passed away. He was born on
 September 12, 1923 in Terre Haute, Indiana. After returning
 from the war Harry attended Indiana University for a B.S. in
 Business. He retired after 32 years as a systems Analyst for
 Lockheed Martin.

 Harry along with his wife Lou Jean have been Westbrook
 Village residents since 1984. Harry enjoyed golf and played
 a role in the successful purchase of our golf courses when
 the community was just beginning.

 Memorial services will be held at a later date.

 8 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village
Prepare for Spring Cindy
 with a fresh look ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES, Associate Broker
 A Matter of Trust


 Bobbie Isom
 22 Years
 OVER 35+ years representing home buyers and sellers.

 $250 OFF I am a full-time agent and full-time Westbrook Village Resident.
 Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES)
 total bathroom
 Let me properly present your home to the world.
 With this coupon. Not valid with

 other offers or prior purchases
 HOME XPRESSIONS ~ 623-792-7366

 8110 W. Union Hills Dr, #310
 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated

(North side of Union Hills & W of 101 in Arrowhead Grill Plaza)

 LIC. #310885-Bonded-Insured Experience Isn’t Expensive... It’s Priceless!


 Imagine a retirement community that puts
 inspiration at the center of life. Wake up
 inspired to do what you love. Discover a
 renewed sense of energy throughout our
 spacious eleven-acre campus.
 Find your inspiration at Inspira Arrowhead!
 Call (623) 398-3509 and schedule your tour.

 Due to COVID-19, we are operating within the CDC guidelines.

 I N S P I R A A R R O W H E A D . C O M • 2 0 2 4 0 N . 7 8 T H AV E N U E , G L E N D A L E , A Z 8 5 3 0 8
Explore Hidden Talents - WV Artist - Page 6 Grab a Great Book - Westbrook Village

 Jim Mac Cracken served in the U.S. Air Force for 24 years. He joined the Air Force in 1963.
 Jim Mac Cracken joined the Air Force and began training as a missileer at Walker AFB,
 New Mexico, during the Vietnam War era. During his career, Jim served as a crew
 member on Atlas E/ F, which was an American expendable rocket launch system. He
 then worked with the Titan II and Minuteman III for 7 years, where he earned a Combat
 Crew badge. In addition, he flew on the SAC Airborne Command Post for two years as a
 Missile Combat Crew Commander and Chief of the Battle Staff.
 Following his assignment as Squadron Commander, Jim commanded the 320th Strategic
 Missile Squadron. At Warren AFB in Wyoming, Jim served as Deputy Base Commander
 and Deputy Commander for Maintenance. He then served as Deputy Commander for
 Operations for the 487th Ground Launched Cruise Missile in Comiso, Sicily.
 After serving as Director of ICBM Test and Evaluation, Jim retired in 1987. He is proud
 to have been a part of the Air Force’s efforts to keep the Communist system at bay. He
 enjoyed the camaraderie and his efforts in the Minuteman system, which is still in use
 Jim and his wife Mary have two children and four grandchildren. They are thrilled to have
 moved to WV in 1992.
 Thank you for your service to our country, Jim!


 Pablo Guzman was drafted into U.S. Army in 1968, just one and a half weeks after his high
 school graduation. He received training at Fort Bliss in Texas and went on to Fort Sill in
 Oklahoma and Fort Polk Louisiana.
 Pablo was sent to Vietnam, where he served as part of the 11 B 40 Infantry in the jungle
 for a full year. Pablo was notably stationed at Hamburger Hill near the Laotian border,
 where he lost friends almost daily.
 Pablo’s military experience taught him what the word “respect” means, and he
 remembers well the way fellow soldiers took care of each other. Pablo also enjoyed
 meeting and knowing soldiers from all over the U.S.
 Pablo earned a Silver Star, one Bronze Start and a Bronze Star Cluster.
 Pablo and his wife have lived at Westbrook Village since 2017 and they enjoy the people
 in the community very much. “We have wonderful neighbors, and it is my delight to
 help them with small tasks,” says Pablo. They also have a dog who they had trained by
 Soldier’s Best Friend, one of the charitable efforts which the WV Veteran’s Club supports
 Thank you for your service to our nation, Pablo!

 10 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Photography Club Fun
Westbrook Village Living Magazine reached out to the WV
Photography Club with a photo contest for its members.
The contest required
club members to submit
some awesome photos
of the fabulous clock at
the entrance to the Vistas
community (see clock
article on page 33). The MAKE
club did not disappoint!
1st prize: Bob Cielek, YESTERDAY
club President, wowed
us with the winning
photo, proudly displayed

on the cover of this
issue. The glorious
sunset colors provide a
gorgeous backdrop to
 2nd Place Photo Keeping Time
the beloved WV clock by Tanju Bayramoglu
and landscape. Build on what’s great about your life now,
2nd prize goes to photographer, Tanju Bayramoglu, who and add new friends, a campus full of amenities,
captured the clock with surrounding landscape midday. The and the security of Sierra Winds’ Life Care.
 composition shows
 balance and color. Learn more or schedule an appointment.
 3rd prize goes to 623.432.9137 | SierraWinds.com
 photographer, Jim Rust.
 Night time lighting is
 featured as a beautiful
 backdrop for the lit up
 For information
 regarding the
 Photography Club, 17300 North 88th Avenue
 please contact club VP, Peoria, Arizona 85382
 Tom LaFleur at
3rd Place Photo Night Bright by Jim Rust
Crossword Puzzle #42 by Margie E. Burke
 ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

 1 Boat's berth
 2 Part of a repair
 14 15 16
 WV Association
 10 Skewed view
 17 18 19
 Calendar of Events
 20 21 22
 14 Multinational
 15 Come about
 23 24 25
 No Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
 16 A while ago
 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 in March Due to Annual Meeting
 17 Flashcards 33 34 35 36
 37 38 39 40
 Tuesday March 9 – 8:30 a.m. ?
 19 Kind of ID
 20 Renter
 Recreation Committee Meeting
 41 42 43
 21 Courting music via ZOOM
 44 45 46 47 48
 23 Put up, as a
 picture 49 50 51 Wednesday March 10 – 9:00 a.m.
 25 Flinch, say
 26 Varied 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Landscape and Facilities Meeting
 30 Biased against 59 60 61
 via ZOOM
 33 Bird feeder filler 62 63 64 February 2021 Sunday March 14 – 9:00am
 34 Small sample
 36 80's group who
 65 66 67 Second Sunday Marketplace
 sang "Take On Copyright 2021 by The Puzzle Syndicate Lakes Complex
 37 Melville setting 63 Now or _____ 9 Craft anew 38 Forestall, with Tuesday March 16 – 9:00 a.m.
 38 Talk like Porky 64 Edit menu choice 10 Pep in one's step "off"
 Pig 65 Gives the 11 Impossible to fill 39 Urban housing
 Long Range Planning Committee
 40 Slot machine heave-ho
 12 Got an A+ on 43 Mistake in print via ZOOM
 Edited by Margie E. Burke
 icon 66 WTO's concern 13 Parched
 Difficulty: Easy
 45 Runway figures
 41 Pop-ups, e.g. 67 Pound sound 18 Try, as a case 47 Safe from Tuesday March 16 – 1:00 p.m.
 42 Cheyenne
 shelter DOWN
 22 Raring to go
 24 ____ and go
 4 6
 48 "Fame" singer
 8 ACCHOW Meeting
 43 Ticklish Muppet
 44 Navy clerk
 1 Close, as an
 26 Test, as ore
 27 Glove leather
 9 3 50 Fare with onions
 52 Aquatic plant
 via ZOOM
 Each row must
 contain the numbers
 46 Tactful
 49 Koontz creation
 2 Tackle box item
 3 Blue flower
 28 Like some
 7 1
 53 TV cable, for 5 Wednesday
 1 to 9; each March
 column17 – 10:00 a.m.
 Cornerstone Committee Meeting
 51 Within earshot
 52 Ivory tower
 4 CheapMarch
 insult 2021 29 Old-fashioned
 5 Sing the blues 31 Cause of a red
 5 9
 54 Spanish
 sparkling wine
 4 vianumbers
 must contain
 ZOOM 1 to 9; and

 55 Etsy wares
 6 You-here link
 7 Tiny amounts
 32 Medium's card
 8 3 56 Monetary
 each set of 3 by 3
 boxes must March
 contain17 – 6:00 p.m.
 59 Piercing site
 60 Assessment
 8 Willow for
 35 Oktoberfest
 1 7
 57 Type of list
 58 Winter coat?
 9 WVAtheAnnual
 numbersMeeting1 to 9.
 62 Chutzpah 5 Solution 1 puzzle:
 61 Conducted 2 via (Answer

 Solution to previous
 to Crossword: appears else-
Difficulty: Easy
 Edited by Margie E. Burke
 L A R K 4
 L A T T E W H
 where in this issue)
 Wednesday March 24 – 3:00 p.m.
 A T
 A L E E A R R O W A E R Y

 9 1
 P O S E 9
 S H I P S H A P E
 S M O K E S T 7 1 Ways
 T E
 & Means Meeting
 via ZOOM
 Copyright 2021 by The Puzzle Syndicate
 E A S E L M E N T O R
 2 5 1 EachT row
 R A must
 D E A I R B A G
 S P A theBnumbers E N T S C A R C E
 7 2 4 H I N D
 1 ItoN9;CeachI T E
 S T R U T
 column A N E W
 T E
 7 9 8
 Phone Pals
 P E Econtain
 L E R the T R A M S
 numbersI 1 NtoT9;I and M E D A T E D
 6 2 I M A G O
 each set of 3 by D I S S E M
 3 B L E

 4 8
 D E G E N E R A T E
 O M Emust
 L Onumbers
 S T
 N contain
 T I M E R
 A1 to
 S 9.
 Solution to Sudoku:
 I D E
 2 3 1 4 appears
 (Answer 5 6 else-2 9 7 8 3 Live alone? Phone Pals pairs up callers
 5 6 7 8 2
 where in this issue)
 9 3 5 8 7 6 1 4 to give each other a “welfare check”
 call. You determine the length and
 8 3 1 5 8 7 6 4 1 3 2 9 5
 frequency of the calls with your Phone
Copyright 2021 by The Puzzle Syndicate 3 5 7 2 9 1 8 4 6
HOW TO SOLVE: Pal. It’s a great way to make a friend
 9 6 8 3 5 4 1 2 7
 and ensure you both are up and about!
Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; 4 1 2 7 6 8 3 5 9
each column must contain thenumbers 1 to 9; For more information, contact
and each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contain the 5 8 4 1 7 6 9 3 2
numbers 1 to 9. 7 3 1 9 4 2 5 6 8 Amy Miller at 623-455-3537.
Solution to last month's puzzle to the right ➙ 6 2 9 8 3 5 4 7 1
Westbrook Village
Golf Club NEWS

T he Westbrook Village Golf Club was formed in 1994
 as a semi-private club when purchased by many WV
 residents. The Club celebrated its 25th year anniversary
in 2019 and boasts a very strong and thriving membership.
The Club’s Board of Directors made a decision to operate
 Men’s, Ladies and Couple Leagues and groups.
 Golf handicap with access to recording scores.
 Reciprocity at over 250 golf clubs (nationwide and abroad).
 Currently no initiation fee.
 • 30-day tee time booking window.
as a private club from November 1st through April 30th.
Therefore, the golf courses and practice facilities are restricted The membership categories are as follows:
to members and their guests during this time. The reasoning • Annual: provides unlimited golf from October 1st through
was predominantly based on COVID- 19 and maintaining a September 30th .
safe environment for the membership and their guests. The
 • Semi-Annual: carries all the benefits of Annual
benefits of becoming a private club during the “high season”
 membership but with unlimited golf from November 1st
months has led to increased member enjoyment, membership
 through April 30.
enquiries and the number of new members joining the Club.
May 1 through October 31 we will return to our semi-private • Weekend: Unlimited golf on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
status and our ever popular Summer Cooler Pass will once plus all major holidays. A weekend member may use the
again be available for outside play. range all week long and pay a reduced green fee Monday
 through Thursday. This is a very popular option for those
Today, the golf club has over 650 members enjoying daily that still work during the week.
group play that fosters camaraderie and lasting friendships to
 • Monthly (30/60/90 day): A Monthly member joins the
those who live here year round, for 6 months and/or for the
 Club for the year, but only has unlimited golf for the self-
short term renters during the high season. Although there is
 nominated, 30/60/90 consecutive days and was primarily
no requirement to live in Westbrook approximately 90% of the
 created for WV snowbird renters trying out the Village
membership are residents and own a home here in the Village.
 before retirement. Monthly members are also able to
With no HOA funding the Club is owned by the membership
 play the courses outside their unlimited period by paying
and run by a Board of Directors. The Club’s revenue is
 a green fee. With the availability of using the Club’s
predominantly derived from annual membership dues.
 practice area all year round, the Monthly membership
There are several categories of membership each category provides an economical option for people
enjoying the majority of benefits listed below: who primarily want to use the practice facilities (driving
• Unlimited golf on the Lakes and Vistas golf courses. range/putting and chipping greens) year round.
 Members who join under this category may bring guests
• Unlimited use of the driving range with complimentary
 but the guest will pay full rate to play.
 golf balls all year.
• Guest privileges – first five rounds enjoy a reduced green Westbrook Village Golf Club is the heart of the community.
 fee. Maintaining its beauty and lush green expanses for all
 Westbrook residents to enjoy is paramount to the Golf Club’s
 Board of Directors and the membership. If you are interested
 in finding out more about the club and membership options
 please stop by and see me at the Administration Office at the
 Lakes Club House.
 Meanwhile, continue to soak up and enjoy the beauty
 Westbrook Village Golf Club provides inside the gates of
 Westbrook Village.
 David Keller
 Director of membership Sales, Westbrook Village Golf Club
Water Water Water --- the new well as a source springing to life. 623-566-4548 x 103
In general, hikes are classified as follows:

 WV Hiking Club Easy – 2 to 4 miles with elevation gains up to 400 feet.
 Moderate – 4 to 7 miles with elevation gains up to 750 feet.
 Difficult – 7 or more miles with no limit on elevation gain.

 Spring 2021 hIKe SCheDuLe Total Ascent – adds all the up elevation changes together.

 Due to COVID, masks will be required when traveling to hike destination
 and no more than four per vehicle.

• Mar 5 Mesquite/Willow Canyon Loop – White • Mar 19 Go John – Cave Creek. - 5.8-mi Loop. Moderate.
 Tank Mtn. Regional Park – approx 8.9 miles loop. Hike through several washes and then up two different
 Difficult. This trail steadily climbs going in and out passes with great desert views. Entrance fee per vehicle.
 of several washes. Two ridges will give good views Driving distance approx. 60 miles RT.
 of the Valley with rocks in parts of the trail and this
 is typical Sonoran Desert scenery. Driving distance • Mar 26 Thumb Butte/Garden Grove Loop – Prescott Area
 approx. 50 miles RT. Entrance fee per vehicle. – about 6.0-mile loop. Moderate. Several trails used to make
 a loop to the south of Thumb Butte. First mile of trail climbs
• Mar 12 Butterfield/Toothaker – Estrella Mountain
 west side of Thumb Butte, below the basaltic crest. This
 Regional Park (fee) – 7.7 mile loop. Moderate. Loop
 section will offer excellent panoramic views of the Prescott
 uses part of the Butterfield and Toothaker trails.
 area, the Bradshaws, Sierra Prietas, Granite Mtn., Mingus
 Overall elevation change minimal, but passes
 Mtn., and on a clear day, the San Francisco Peaks. Last part
 through many washes that may be steep and have
 of hike follows Miller Creek. Driving distance approx. 180
 loose rock. Driving distance approx. 70 miles RT.
 miles RT. Above: Catch the big sky vistas on the Cave Creek trails

For information call Allen Miller – 623.825.6447 or Terri Williams – 623.444.7577 Our website: https://sites.google.com/site/wbvhiking/

 14 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
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to the pandemic slowing activity. We have an ambitious
 project list for 2021 and expect to make significant progress in
 completing the list.
 We beat our revenue forecast for 2021 by $115,000. Total
 revenue budgeted was $989,000. Our increase in revenue is
 attributed to brisk home sales and the resulting preservation
 fees collected. We are expecting continued brisk sales in 2021,
 although revenue in 2021 will be curtailed by transferring only
 $95,000 out of our Operating fund, a decrease of $140,000
WVA Treasurer’s Report from 2020. This is a result of expected budget increases in our
 Operating Fund. We are getting to a point where our Reserve
For the month ended December 31, 2020
 fund is becoming totally dependent on home sales. This is
The following figures are subject to audit. However they a trend that can get risky in the event of a real estate slow
fairly represent the approximate financial condition of the down. We must continue to pursue the CCR amendment
Association at month end. change that will allow us some flexibility in our ability to raise
 revenues and keep ourselves in a strong position.
(Funds designated for day-to-day operations.) These financials will be on file at the WVA Administration Office after
 noon on Thursday February 4, 2021 and may be reviewed by Association
In a year unlike any other, Westbrook Village was able to members. Please call 623.561.0099 for an appointment.
remain in a strong financial position. Our Operating Fund
ended the year with $2.2 million cash on hand. Much of this Submitted by Sil Maiorana, Treasurer.
amount (about $1.4 million) is represented by payments
of the annual 2021 assessment. We will continue to collect
funds in January 2021 as well. 2020 revenue collected into
our Operating Fund was $2.80 million, about $85,000 short General Manager’s Report
of forecast. The shortfall is a result of little to no revenue from For the month of December 2020, presented at the
use of our ballrooms for special events. Total expenditures January 06, 2021 Board of Directors meeting
out of our Operating were $2.67 million. Thus, we ended
up with a $130,000 surplus for the year. Although we Karen Jones
experienced increased costs related to the pandemic (such as
temp labor, cleaning supplies), we also came in under budget
in categories such as landscape costs, water, and electric, • 2021 Annual Assessment due January 1, 2021 and are
and certain payroll costs. Included in our 2020 expenditures being received. Reminder, late with 10% penalty if
was a transfer of $235,000 to our Reserve Fund. Credit goes received after January 31, 2021.
to our staff for controlling costs and staying within budget.
Costs in certain categories continued to rise and we are • Grant submission for reimbursement from the City of
budgeting accordingly for 2021. Insurance costs (both general Peoria was submitted on the Botanical Lighting project
and health) continue to rise in excess of inflation rates. Our at the Country Club entrance.
4-year landscape contract expired, and our new contract is • We have three (3) Board of Director positions open for
more expensive. Payroll and benefit costs are also increasing 2021. We received six (6) applications, in alphabetical
at a rate greater than inflation. We have challenges ahead in order they are Greene, Michael - Hartman, Don –
keeping costs under control – but our staff and board are Heschel, Jerry – Johnson, Jerry, Merkovich, Steve – Miller,
committed to spending within our means. Amy.
 • Annual Candidates night is scheduled for Wednesday
(Funds for major repairs / replacements / improvements) February 17, 2021 7:00pm, please mark your calendars.
 Via ZOOM.
Our Reserve Fund finished 2020 in a strong position as well.
Our end of year cash and investments is $3.18 million. In the • WVA Annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday
recently completed Reserve Study by an outside firm, our March 17, 2021 6:00pm, please mark your calendars. Via
fully funded reserve requirement at the end of 2020 is $3.16 ZOOM.
million. Thus, our Reserve Fund ratio is 100%. We historically • Administration Staff continues to work in the office with
consider an 80% ratio as very good, so at 100% we are physical distancing and all precautions. Performing
in a good position. In 2020 we budgeted for $786,000 of association business by appointment only. Drop
expenditures for various projects. We spent $504,000 falling box to the left of the front door for applications and
short in completing several projects. Some of this is attributed miscellaneous correspondence.
• Architectural applications continue to be on the rise • Visit us at www.WestbrookVillage.org for all updates
 for exterior projects. Remember to apply for any and information. Also, checkout the online Marketplace
 exterior change to your property and have approval where residents offer items for sale.
 before you begin the project to avoid a fee of $150. • Lakes tennis court LED lights have been ordered.
 Once application is dropped off please allow fourteen
 (14) days for an approval or denial, please do not begin
 your project without a response from the association. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE
• Home sales continue to be steady. Current Architectural Control Committee Discussion Items:
• WVA Board of Directors decided all meetings will be - Proposed Amendment to Westbrook Look.
 held via ZOOM moving forward until further notice. - Proposed Amendment to Patio Covers &
 Free-Standing Shade Structure standards.
• We have purchased the webinar version of ZOOM
 that will work for Candidates Night and the Annual • ACC Submittals (1/1 – 1/25/ 2021)
 meeting. - Total received – 141
• Curb painting is being scheduled for the community. - Approved within Standards –139
 - Denied – 2
• Landscape Maintenance annual contract was awarded
 to SDL - Service Direct Landscape Company at the RESALE DEPARTMENT
 December 2020 Board of Directors meeting. SDL will • Number of Resales (1/1 – 1/25/ 2021)
 begin on February 1, 2021. - Opened – 25
• BIG Thank You to the Groundskeeper and BrightView - Closed – 12
 employees that have beautified and cared for our - Cancellations – 3
 great community for the past 12 years. - Foreclosed – 0

 Rosalie Swenson Retires WV 18 Hole Ladies
 from WV ! A new year means new
 leadership. Thank you
 to outgoing President
 Rosalie Swenson Karen Crisp for presiding
 was hired by WV in over a unique year and
 1985 as one of the congrats to Joan Hopp
 first receptionists. 2021 President.
 For 35 years Rosalie
 has served this Our 1st event of the year,
 community, our “The Eclectic,” showcased
 residents, and our some excellent play.
 staff in countless ways--always there to lend a hand or Flight winners were:
 contribute wherever needed. Flight 1- Judy Sisto &
 Rosalie has seen a lot of changes and met a lot of faces Kathy Theise Flight 2-
 over the years. She has fond memories of all with pictures Barb Corn & Linda Funk 2020 hole-in-ones: Kendal Ashba, Barb
 to share. If you ever want to hear interesting stories of how Flight 3- Lynda Holt & Corn, Jane Beckman, Robin Krapfl and
 Pam Williams
 Westbrook started, just ask Rosalie. Mary Thaxton Flight 4-
 WVA appreciates all that Rosalie has offered and how her Estelle Pierson & Jean Welter
 energy went far beyond her years. With heartfelt gratitude For 2020 hole-in-one awards went to Kendal Ashba, Barb
 we thank you Rosalie; you are truly an inspiration to all of Corn, Jane Beckman, Robin Krapfl, and Pam Williams
 us! We wish you well in your retirement! We are pleased to announce the officers for 2021: Barb Wald,
 Jan Lawlor Jane Beckman, Diane Ramage, and Joanie Hopp
 Recreation Centers Manager Contact: Karen Crisp, 919-264-6394

 17 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Spring Cleaning with Bulk Trash Pickup

 be coming to Westbrook
 Village April 15, so plan
 accordingly! Learn more
 about accepted items and
 how to properly place them Councilmember
 in the curb at peoriaaz.gov/ Patena

 The city can also assist with the removal of Household
Plan ahead for bulk trash pick up at your curb on April 15 2021.
 Hazardous Waste (HHW). This includes items not
 typically accepted such as motor oil, automotive and
 rechargeable batteries, pesticides, household chemicals
Despite what Punxsutawney Phil had to say on February
 and more. Appointments are required and scheduling
2, I’m a firm believer that spring arrived in Peoria many
 opens April 12 for pickup dates between April 26 and
weeks ago. Clear skies and mild weather made home
 May 14. For questions and information on how to apply
quarantine a little less mundane than the winter, I must
 visit peoriaaz.gov/hhw.
admit. If you’re anything like me, now is the time to
capitalize on those to-do lists, because once summer Finally, I know many of you have been patiently waiting
arrives, there’s no leaving the house! As you take the for the next shred event to come through Westbrook
time to freshen up your living space, remember that the Village. Unfortunately our private party partner has still
city is here to help you. While we can’t actually clean not returned to in-person events yet, and will unlikely
your house for you, we can certainly help dispose of do so until COVID numbers across the state begin to
trickier items. steadily decline. My assistant and I will continue to seek
 out alternative solutions to bring back this ever-popular
The ‘biggest’ help can come from Peoria’s Bulk Trash
Pickup program. This popular curbside service allows
residents to leave large, bulky items in front of their As always, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email
homes for free pickup, so long as they meet the me at bill.patena@peoriaaz.gov with any questions or
necessary requirements. The first round of pickups will concerns you have about our neighborhood.

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 18 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Westbrook Village Performing Arts
 is Alive and Well! -With Ivan Fortin
 Above: Village Voices Spring Program - 2019, Rock And Roll is Here to Stay

 Performing arts in Please stop by the Westbrook Performing Arts Council
 Westbrook Village website, www.westbrookvillagepac.com, to see our latest
 were unexpectedly updates. During your visit, be sure to click on “PAC CLUBS”
 put on hold during at the top of the page to find links to their individual website
 the early months pages, learn more about our clubs, and who to contact for
 of the pandemic, more information.
 but planning has
 While we continue to make plans for the return of the
 resumed for the
 performing arts, please take care, stay healthy and be well. We
 2021-2022 season.
 look forward to seeing you next season. Be on the lookout for
 The Performing Arts
 more announcements.
 Council is encouraged
 by public health The Westbrook Village Performing Arts Council
 experts’ predictions Bill Wolfe, President (623) 256-5776
 of a partial return to
 normalcy by fall 2021.
 For 25 years the
 performing arts clubs
 of Westbrook Village
 – The Desert Dancers,
 The Westbrook
Musicians, The Village Players and The Village Voices – have
brought, dance, concerts, drama, comedy and music to the
community. In addition, the Performing Arts Council has
produced the annual Fabulous Follies, a variety show that
showcases the many entertainers in our clubs and other
performers in the Westbrook Village community. Singers,
comedians, dancers and myriad other performers share their
special talents, all for your enjoyment and entertainment.
 Back row, L to R: Steve Thorne, Jeff Strickman, Greg Keena, Bill Chism
Are you harboring a secret wish to entertain? Are you a Front row, L to R: Joanne Wlosek, Debbie Gibson, Linda Hofman,
 Shirley Hess, Sue Friess, Sharon Witthuhn
seasoned performer? Are you a novice singer? Or are you just
curious about being part of the performing arts community? Top Left: Desert Dancers pose backstage during the Fabulous
 Follies 2020, Cecilia Zaffuto, Norma Apodaca, Lari Kathleen Quinn
Performers of every type and every level are welcomed (and
 choreographer Betty Ritzwoller Fae Bottom Left: Village Players Scene
needed). We invite you to be part of the club – come join the from The Dixie Swim Club Production Seated: Fran Rose, Mary Wright,
fun of performing with a group of like-minded members. Standing L-R: Linda Siegwald, Rosa Leigh Sullivan, Peggy Oels

 20 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Sellers: I want
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 Call me! I am not only a
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 ROC # 195475 rencoroofing.com ROC # 196424
Westbrook Village Clubs
 Clubs and Groups Day(s) of Week Time Place Contact Person
 Ceramics Please call for details Bernice Lever 602-373-6008
 Fine Arts Please call for details Barb Hurley Peterson 623-566-0737
 Arts and Crafts

 Glass Art Studio Please call for details Shelley Riha 402-210-6644
 Ella Owen 623-414-2925;
 Lapidary/Jewelry Art Studio M-T-W-Th-F Lakes
 Barb Bosworth 314-712-6225
 Needle Arts M-T-W-Th W-10:30-3:30pm; at Vistas Sandy Strother 253-230-5043
 Photography Please call for details Tom LaFleur 623-328-5612
 Pottery/Claymates M-T-W-Th-F Jane Beckman 623-271-6071
 8:30-12:00 p.m.
 Woodshop Club M-T-W-Th-F Ray Jansen 402-393-1802
 1:00-4:00 p.m.
 Euchre Card 1st & 3rd Wed 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lakes Multi Rich Mizner 253-370-7086
 Chess Club T-W 1:00-3:30 p.m.. Lakes Ralph Doner 623-547-6553
 Couples Gin Rummy T 6:30 p.m. Vistas Alex Brundage 623-566-2111
 Cribbage T 7:00 p.m. Lakes Jack Heller 623-566-6092
 Duplicate Bridge M 12:15 p.m. Lakes Eileen Madansky 623-566-3634
 Hearts T 6:30 p.m. Vistas Ron Bachara 623-640-8978
 Ladies' Bridge T 12:15pm Vistas Jo Hamilton 623-566-1149
 Ladies' Bridge Th 9:00 a.m. Lakes Gerry Simpson 623-566-3209
 Ladies' Mah Jongg W 1:00 p.m. Vistas Jo Ann Zondlo 602-826-1737
 Card and Table top Games

 Mah Jongg Th 12:00 p.m. FALC Miriam 623-388-6407
 Mah Jongg, Wright-Patterson M 12:00-4:00p.m. Lakes Mary Maccracken 623-566-3312
 Monday Social Bridge M 12:15 p.m. Lakes Ralph Doner 623-547-6553
 Judy Pellish 623-362-1046
 National Mah Jongg F 1:00-4:00 p.m. FALC
 Janet Leach 623-566-6682
 Terry Rulon 623-414-7292;
 Pan W 12:00 p.m. FALC
 Anna Molnar 713-454-3790
 Pan W, 1:00 p.m.; Th, 12:00 p.m. FALC Marilynn Cohen 623-572-9131
 Pinochle M 7:00 p.m. Lakes Brian DuFour 623-521-6146
 Progressive Hand & Foot T-Th 12:00 p.m. Lakes Ballrm Susan McDonald 623-414-3697
 Progressive Hand & Foot Th 6:00 p.m. Lakes Sharon Witthuhn 623-640-7631
 Really Fun Bridge W 9:00 a.m. Vistas Ted Cooper 425-216-3773
 Samba M 5:00 p.m. Lakes Sandra Sullivan 623-271-7149
 Terry Rulon 623-414-7292;
 Shanghai W 6:00 p.m. Lakes
 Anna Molar 713-454-3790
 Sheepshead F 1:00 p.m. FALC Al Boeck 602-999-3743
 TNT Poker T-Th FALC Willie 623-698-6760
 Tuesday Night Mah Jongg 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 7:00 p.m FALC Carol Holtorf, llh.ceh@cox.net
 Wednesday Night Mah Jongg W 6:30-9:00pm FALC RM 3 Ellen Shapiro 623-332-8016
 Desert Dancers Please call for details Fae Ghormley 623-326-1664

 Line Dancing T-Th 10:00-11:30am Vistas Audrey Fulcher 602-620-3294
 Dance &

 Performing Arts Council Please call for details Please call for details Bill Wolfe, President (623) 256-5776
 Village Players Please call for details Max Allen 623-523-3997
 Village Voices W 1:30-3:30 p.m. VistasBallrm Diane Kane 623-703-9595
 Westbrook Musicians Please call for details Steve Thorne 602-427-7616
 Low Impact Aerobics M-W-Th 6:30 p.m. Lakes Pat Brown 623-293-8037
 General Conditioning Class T-Th 8:00 a.m. Vistas Steve Rommel 602-471-9232
 Lakes Water Aerobics M-F: 7:00, 8:00 a.m. Lakes Nita Lywandowsky 623-561-6305
 Massage Therapy Please call for details Vistas Julie Mirer 623-518-4335

 Personalized Fitness Training Please call for details Vistas Steve Rommel 602-471-9232
 Vistas Water Aerobics M-F: 7:15,8:15,9:15 a.m.;Sa-8:15a.m.; Su: 8:15 a.m. by req. Vicki Springer 623-566-3474
 Water Bootcamp Sa 11:30 a.m. Lakes
 Water Zumba T-Th 10:15-11:00a.m. Lakes Kathy Margolis 612-201-0167
 Yoga Zoom Classes a.m. classes Your computer Call Emily 623-362-1583 for details
 Zumba Gold M - 9:00 a.m., W - 10:00 a.m., F - 9:00 a.m. Vistas Cheri Umlauf 623-825-1085

Please submit all club and activity changes to admin@westbrookvillageliving.com.

 22 | Westbrook Village LIVING March 2021
Clubs and Groups Day(s) of Week Place
 Baby Boomers 1st & 3rd Friday 6:00 p.m. FALC Maria Thorne 602-463-2903
 Toni Stuart 602-799-0412;
 Caregiver Support Group T 1:30 p.m. Vistas
 Lois Kumerow 602-350-0458
 Chess Club W 12:00-3:30 p.m. Lakes Ralph Doner 623-547-6553
 No meetings until further Kate Tucker 623-703-3000
 Christian Fun & Fellowship
 notice Bob Tucker 623-522-7586
 Computer Club Website - wvcc.us Email: wvcc@live.com Chad Sanders 623-226-8126
 Heatherbrook Club Please call for details Nita Lywandowsky 623-606-2144
 Hiking Club F 6:30 a.m. Lakes Allen Miller 623-825-6447
 Home & Garden Club Please call for details Amy Miller 623-297-1002
Specialty Clubs

 Italian-American 2nd Mon. 7:00 p.m. Vistas Lee Arra 623-566-4578
 Nebraska Club Please call for details Pat Kirk 602-697-4023
 Photography Please call for details Tom LaFleur 623-328-5612
 Resident Day Trips Please call for details Sandy Rozzen 623-362-0693
 Roadrunners RV Club 4th Thursday 6:00p.m. Vistas Chuck Fowler 719-649-9026
 Rita Paper 701-371-1548;
 Shalom Club Please call for details
 Illa Kallish 602-796-3138
 Veterans Club Please call for details Garry Horton 928-219-1557
 WV Book Club Please call for details 1:00 p.m. Vistas Susan F 623-566-1982; Margi 623-566-1622

 The Girl with Seven Names by H. Lee
 WV Bookies W-March 10 6:30 p.m. TBA
 Claudia Carr 206-954-4534
 Wine Club Please call for details Sharon Meeker 623-398-8441
 Cindy Clark 602-363-8633;
 Westbrook Cares! Please call for details
 Marti Harper 989-640-1399
 3:00 p.m.
 Bowling - Senior Rollers M Ellen Howells 623-825-4907
 D.C. Billiards T-Th 6:30 p.m. Lakes Dave Bettner 623-866-8150
 Golf Heritage Cup Please call for details Norm Richter 623-566-0971
 Golf 9-Hole Couples Please call for details Ken Green 630-254-6946
 Golf 18-Hole Couples Please call for details Steve Jobe 217-972-8621
 Golf 18-Hole Ladies Please call for details Joanie Hopp 509-539-8220
 Golf 9-hole Ladies T mornings Oct-May Holly Harmon-Morse 603-566-2360
 Golf Mens Association W Please call for details Garry Horton 928-219-1557

 Golf Weekend Men Please call for details Phil Crisp 919-928-3408
 Horseshoe Stake Pits across from Lakes Rec

 Pickleball Please call for details Steve Merkovich 602-540-7412
 Table Tennis M 10am; W-F at 1 pm Vistas Norm Miller 602-321-1244
 Leslie Friedman 623-594-6636
 Tennis Please call for details
 Bill Naturkach 480-729-0431
 Tennis 4.0 Kactus Kickers Please call for details Renée Kitchen 623-566-5846
 Please call or email for Jim Schulz 623-341-8854; Kathi Carter
 WV Niner's Golf Group
 details kmcarizona5@gmail.com
 Blood Pressure Screenings 1st & 3rd Thursdays 9:00-11:00 a.m. Vistas

 Library Open every day except major holidays FALC Martha Swanson 623-566-4753

 Important Numbers
 Lakes Recreation Center Peoria Emergency: 911
 WV Administration Office
 19251 N. Westbrook Parkway, Peoria, AZ 85382 19281 N. Westbrook Parkway, Peoria Police, non-emergency: 623-773-8311
 623-566-6181 ~ 5:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Peoria, AZ 85382
 Peoria Fire, non-emergency: 623-773-7279
 Vistas Recreation Center
 Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Westbrook Posse: 623-566-3133
 18825 N. Country Club Parkway, Peoria, AZ 85382
 623-566-6178 ~ 5:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Sunset Bistro: 623-566-1132 Poison Control: 602-253-3334
 Links Grill: 623-561-1681
Knock on Woodshop
 Take me
 H Put your soul into your work, not your hand... - State Safety News,
 to the
 September 1916, published by the University of Arizona Bureau of Mines Dumpster!
 Who answers when you knock on wood? - J. Drummond, People, 1969
 Sawdust? You mean manglitter.
 Woodshop president, Ray Jansen, enjoys placing fresh wood onto the lathe and bringing forth
 cutting boards and bowls that are both useful and beautiful. Other WV resident members that come
 in the door of the WV Woodshop enjoy using the lathe in a similar way, or for completing an old project
 laying around in their garage. “We have all the woodworking tools a person needs to complete just about
 any project,” says Ray. The membership consists of both woodworking aficionados and new members that
 want to try their hand with a wood project or small repair.
 Located adjacent to the Lakes Rec Center and Ballroom, the shop is open to a maximum of 8 people at
 any given time. The shop still subsists on membership dues and the generous aluminum can donations
 from the community. “We still rely heavily on the can donations (33% of the budget) to keep the
 machinery in top form,” adds Ray. “Residents can save them for us and drop them into the dumpster
 located on the south side of the woodshop, using the circle drive behind the building.”
 The woodshop continues to operate for members on a first-come-first-serve basis between 8:30am-12pm and then in the
 afternoon from 1:00-4:00pm (Note: mornings are busier than afternoons).
 To join, call to register and attend short orientation, and residents can come into the shop for $40 per year.
 Ray Jansen, 402-393-1802

 18 Hole Couples The January "Battle of
 the Sexes" was a huge
win success with 120 players and a record temperature day of
 79 degrees. Sandwich lunch boxes were served during the
 Independent Living • Assisted Living
 Memory Care
 morning, and the competition was tight but all in good fun.
 Oh yes, who won!? The men! So the toilet seat will be up for
 the next year on the club trophy.
 The next Couples event will be a Member/Guest Invitational
 for February, followed by March "Couples Classic".
 Be sure and call Steve or Rita Jobe, our Co-Presidents for any
 Move to The Montecito NOW to experience information about joining our fun group at 217-972-8621.

 The Best of Both Worlds
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 Call today for more information. 623-972-1400
 623-972-1400 • themontecitoseniorliving.com Left: Annette and Gary Jobe enjoyed the fun day.
 17271 N 87th Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85382 Right: Sandwich lunch boxes were served during the morning by
 members Lori Deemer and Jeanette Graham.
Advertisers' Corner
 Mike Mason
 Owner and Founder, Mason Electric

 Mason Electric serves Westbrook Village and loves the visibility Westbrook Village
 Living Magazine provides for its services.
 "We get daily calls from WV residents, who love what we do," exclaims Mike Mason,
 Owner and Founder.

 Clients from WV have even been known to give out kudos on service industry review
 websites like nextdoor.com.
 One anonymous WV reviewer was overjoyed, saying, "Mike Mason did some fantastic
 work fur us. Added 14 can lights, 2 patio fans, multiple outdoor electric boxes and fantas-
 tic kitchen under cabinet lights--Found him in the WV Living (Magazine) ads."
Mike Mason loves helping WV residents
with his professional electrical expertise Another WV reviewer, Stuart, gratefully enthused about Mason Electric's excellent work
 by saying, "Great kitchen lights," punctuated by a showpiece kitchen photo proudly dis-
 playing the lights over his kitchen island for other reviewers .
 As a business owner, Mike could not be happier with his advertising dollars, saying, "'Glad
 to be a part of your great magazine and the way you place our excellent services in front
 of the WV community!

 We Do It All!
 Westbrook Remodeling & Painting
 Call Today
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with Commander Mike McDade
 WV Posse Commander Mike McDade
The Fight to Eliminate Robocalls
Estimates suggest that in 2019, US consumers received around 4.9 Thankfully, the FCC has issued a new mandate
billion robocalls per month – or 59 billion total calls for the year. for all voice service providers to have the robocall-fighting “STIR/
Why Are Illegal Robocalls a Particular Concern for Older SHAKEN” technology in place by no later than June 30, 2021.
Consumers? Two technologies, in particular, will be at play going
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) notes that consumers lose forward:
$350 million annually. • Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using
What Is Being Done to Stop Illegal Robocalls? toKENs (SHAKEN)
You can register your numbers on the national Do Not Call list • Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR)
at no cost by calling 1-888-382-1222 (voice) or 1-866-290-4236 They’re dual tech efforts that aim to prove a given call originates
 (TTY). You must call from the number that it says it does. The key to this push is the
 from the phone use of token technology (aka creating a digital signature) as a
 number you wish to stamp of approval when a call originates.
 register. You can also My last piece of advice that always seems to work for me. “It’s
 register to add your a simple rule: If I don’t recognize the number as being from
 personal wireless someone I know; I do not answer the call.”
 phone number to the
 national Do-Not-Call Sincerely, Commander Mike McDade
 list, donotcall.gov. Westbrook Posse commander@westbrookposse.com

 HELPING HANDS is still here, ready to help you as you
 face shutdowns, lockdowns and quarantines! Our motto:
WV Helping Hands “Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Times of Crisis” still applies.
 with Roz Farnsworth

 We’ve had several new free for up to 60 days. Wheelchairs, Knee Scooters and Seated
 volunteers this past year. Walkers require a deposit of $100, checks only. Deposit refunded
 Thanks to all who volunteered in this time of challenges. when equipment is returned on time.
 We are still here to help and here’s what we do: We provide We don’t provide personal hygiene, nursing, meals,
 help following surgery, illness, accident or temporary housecleaning, or airport rides, but we do maintain a list of
 incapacitation. Most of the people we help don’t have family others that do. We also have contacts for in-home care-giving,
 that lives nearby. There are some situations where we can senior placement services, and group home referrals. Check this
 provide ongoing help. Some of our volunteers are willing to magazine’s advertising section first, for quality businesses, or call
 make long-term commitments in special situations, such as Roz Farnsworth for assistance. 623-533-8177.
 terminal illnesses. Call anyone on the roster directly, or call one of the Coordinators
 Medical Transportation to appointments is one of our most when you need help. Please try to call three-days ahead,
 requested services. We take people grocery shopping or especially for rides or shopping - volunteers
 shop for them, and we can visit shut-ins. In conjunction with are not usually available on short
 Caregivers Support Group, we can provide respite sitting notice. If you have more than one
 while you attend the weekly meetings. Another popular errand, (doctor and groceries, e.g.),
 service is the medical equipment lending closet at the please ask the volunteer when
 Vista’s. Wheelchairs, seated and standup walkers, knee scooters, they call you, so they can schedule
 shower chairs, canes, and crutches are available to residents - enough time.

 Coordinator: Bill or Judy Reisener (623-572-3017) or Roz Farnsworth (623-533-8177), or Jennifer
 Bostick (443-717-1978). Helping Hands accepts new volunteers – once a week, once a month, or only as available.
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