English and Literacy Home Learning Read and Respond Units Year 4 - Week 3 - Provided with our compliments by the English and Literacy LPDS Team ...

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English and Literacy Home Learning Read and Respond Units Year 4 - Week 3 - Provided with our compliments by the English and Literacy LPDS Team ...
English and Literacy
                                                    Home Learning Read and Respond Units
                                                              Year 4 - Week 3

Provided with our
compliments by the English and Literacy LPDS Team
English and Literacy Home Learning Read and Respond Units Year 4 - Week 3 - Provided with our compliments by the English and Literacy LPDS Team ...
Week Three
 Year 4                       Day 1                       Day 2                     Day 3                      Day 4                      Day 5
 Focus theme:                 Hot Food by Michael         No Breathing in           Gran Can You Rap? by       Create your own funny      Read back through your
 Performance Poetry           Rosen.                      Class/Strict by Michael   Jack Ousby                 poem to perform about      poem created
                                                          Rosen.                                               your time so far in lock   yesterday. Today you
 Get your cameras ready       Read and enjoy this                                   Read and enjoy the         down.                      are going to learn it and
 as you delve into the        poem.                       Watch Michael Rosen       poem.
 world of performance                                                                                                                     perform it!
                              http://www.lancsngfl.ac     perform this poem.        http://www.lancsngfl.ac    Think about the
 poetry. You could be
                              .uk/curriculum/english/i    https://www.youtube.c     .uk/curriculum/english/i   following:                 Learn a section at a time
 the next star of Britain’s
 Got Talent!                  ndex.php?category_id=       om/watch?v=z1cfVQyrQ      ndex.php?category_id=                                 and put some actions to
                              467 *(See below). Now       3Q Learn and join in      467 *(See below)           What have you been         it. You could note down
                              watch Michael Rosen         with the repetitive                                  doing each day? (e.g.      the actions to your
 When following links
 online, parents should       perform the poem.           sections.                 Now watch a                school work, reading,      poem on your sheet.
 monitor that children        https://www.youtube.c                                 performance of the         playing out in your
 are remaining on that        om/watch?v=Akwm2UZ          Vocabulary check.         poem.                      garden/yard, watching      Could you dress up? Do
 page only and are                                        Do you know the           https://www.youtube.c      TV, playing games, etc.)   you need any props?
 keeping safe online.                                     meanings of these         om/watch?v=-
                              Learn to recite the         words from the poem?      AUPieW9fjY                 What have your siblings    Perform your poem to
                              poem putting your own                                                            been doing?                people in your house
                              actions and                 -   keel                  Can you spot the                                      and, if possible, record
                                                                                    reduplicative phrases in   What have your             yourself.
                              noises/sounds to it.        -   shame                                            parents/guardians been
                              Learn a section at a time                             the poem? They are
                                                                                    words like flip-flop       doing?                     You could even send
                              and slowly build it up      -   tale                                                                        your recording to your
                              until you can recite it                               which use alliteration.    How can you make it
                                                          -   figured               Can you think of any                                  teacher/ school, though
                              all!                                                                             funny?                     check with a
                                                                                    more flip-flop phrases?
                                                          -   whiny                                            Can you repeat any         parent/guardian first.
                              Can you write your own                                Have a look in the
                              poem about hot food?        -   survival?             tables below for some      sections? This could be
                              What is your favourite                                ideas. Which have you      a chorus.

© Lancashire County Council 2020
English and Literacy Home Learning Read and Respond Units Year 4 - Week 3 - Provided with our compliments by the English and Literacy LPDS Team ...
hot food? Who might be     Write down a definition     heard before? Which do     Does it rhyme? (It
                          eating the hot food with   for each word and find      you like? Which sound      doesn’t have to!)
                          you? Your brother?         some synonyms. Use a        funny?
                          Nan? Mum? Auntie?          dictionary/thesaurus or                                It might help to think of
                          Friend? etc.               Word Hippo to help.         Can you replace some       some rhyming words or
                                                     https://www.wordhipp        of the reduplicative       phrases associated with
                          Consider the last          o.com/                      phrases in the poem        your topic before you
                          section of the poem                                    with some from the         write the poem.
                          where ‘Dad’ puts the       Choose three of the         table below? Which         However, don’t be
                          food in his mouth. How     new synonyms that you       work well?                 tempted to use silly
                          could you change this?     have learned and write                                 words just because they
                                                     a sentence including        Can you join in with the   rhyme! Ensure the
                          What actions might the
                                                     each. Remember to use       poem? In sections, learn   rhyming words still
                          person do? E.g.
                                                     a type of sentence that     the poem with your         allow the poem to make
                          screwing up their face,
                                                     you have learned in         new words and put your     sense.
                          closing their eyes,
                                                     Year 4, e.g. using a        own actions to it.         Below are some ideas
                          fanning their mouth etc.
                                                     fronted adverbial to        Enjoy!                     for rhyming words:
                          Write out your new         show where, e.g. In the
                          poem and learn it with     middle of the garden,                                  Bored, poured, scored,
                          the actions. How will      or using an adverb                                     assured
                          you make it funny? Can     starter, e.g. Cautiously,                              Asleep, heap, keep,
                          you change the volume      …                                                      creep, leap
                          or the pitch of your
                          voice to emphasise         If you enjoy Michael                                   Keeping fit - regretting
                          certain words? Watch       Rosen performances                                     it - loving it
                          the clip again to see      there are plenty more
                          how Michael Rosen          here:                                                  Exercise, disguise,
                          does this. What effect     https://www.michaelro                                  surprise, recognise
                          does this have on your

© Lancashire County Council 2020
poem?                     sen.co.uk/videos/   School, pool, fool, cool,
                                                                        drool (!), ridicule
                          Perform your poem to
                          someone in your house                         Sunshine, skyline, goal
                          and/or film it and send                       line, headline, define
                          it to your
                                                                        NHS, impress, success,
                                                                        nevertheless, fancy

                                                                        Can you include some of
                                                                        the reduplicative
                                                                        phrases (flip-flop
                                                                        phrases) that you
                                                                        investigated yesterday?
                                                                        Use some ideas from
                                                                        the tables below.

                                                                        Here are a couple of
                                                                        clips that might help
                                                                        you with your
                                                                        5o11xZzwM (start –


© Lancashire County Council 2020


                                                                                                      Write down your poem.
                                                                                                      Read it through out loud
                                                                                                      (remember this is for a
                                                                                                      performance!) Can you
                                                                                                      change any words to
                                                                                                      improve it?

                                                                                                      There is no specific
                                                                                                      format for your poem -
                                                                                                      be as creative as you

 *If the link doesn’t work, visit the lancsngfl website: https://www.lancsngfl.ac.uk/ Click on Primary English, Writing (in the main menu) then
 Vocabulary. The performance poetry samples are listed at the bottom of the right-hand menu.

© Lancashire County Council 2020
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