Perspectives on software development - Lessons on accelerating innovation - GitHub Resources

Page created by Kyle Malone
Perspectives on software development - Lessons on accelerating innovation - GitHub Resources
Perspectives on
           software development
           Lessons on accelerating innovation

          G I T H U B S AT E L L I T E 2 0 2 0

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Perspectives on software development - Lessons on accelerating innovation - GitHub Resources
           GitHub is more than a DevOps platform—it’s
           also a community. In May, the community came
           together virtually at GitHub Satellite to share
           insights, best practices, technology, and more.
           In this ebook, we’ve organized key sessions
           and presentations by topic so you can quickly
           find the best highlights for your team.

           From security to CI/CD, there’s one thing our
           speakers all agreed on: For high-performing
           software development teams, DevOps is
           just the start. Top teams recognize that a
           combination of the right tools, platforms,
           processes, talent, and culture are required to
           increase developer velocity. GitHub helps them
           bring all of these elements together in the way
           that’s right for their business, backed by a
           community of experts and innovators.

           “An online community is the basic
           unit of 21st century society.”
           - Nat Friedman, GitHub CEO                        WAT C H T H E S AT E L L I T E 2 0 2 0 K E Y N OT E

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Perspectives on software development - Lessons on accelerating innovation - GitHub Resources
Collaboration                                                             Expert spotlight
                                                                                     From new and experienced engineers to other
           Collaboration is fundamental when it comes                                department teams, learn how your whole
           to accelerating innovation. GitHub is focused                             organization can collaborate effectively.
           on empowering developer collaboration—
           helping developers spend less time on the
           tasks that slow them down, and more time
           writing code. Codespaces, as an example,
           simplifies collaboration by eliminating context
           switching and the manual work of setting up
           and managing development environments.

                                                                                     “The people within your
           “Building a remote hub means                                              community are what keep your
           building great teams.”                                                    code thriving and improving.”
           - Aditya Mukerjee, Stripe                                                 - Becca Zandstein, GitHub

                                                                                         WAT C H “ TA K I N G C O L L A B O R AT I O N B E YO N D T H E
                   S E E H O W TO G R O W A N D S U S TA I N C O M M U N I T I E S       CODE IN GITHUB ” WITH BECCA Z ANDSTEIN

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Innersourcing                                                                           Expert spotlight
                                                                                                   New to innersource? See why innersource is important
           Innersourcing isn’t a set of tools or a process,                                        for your business, not just open source software.
           it’s a cultural change that starts at the top
           and spans across development organizations.
           High-performing teams know how to share
           and reuse code, making it possible to deploy
           more often and deliver applications to
           customers faster.

           “Innersource increases
           - Danese Cooper, NearForm

                   WAT C H “ W H Y I N N E R S O U R C E I S A C R I T I C A L C O M P O N E N T       R E A D O U R B E S T P R AC T I C E S F O R A C O L L A B O R AT I V E
                   O F F O S S S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y ” W I T H DA N E S E C O O P E R             S O F T WA R E D E V E LO P M E N T C U LT U R E

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Security                                                                          Expert spotlight
                                                                                             See how SAP manages to scan over 200,000
           Safer code starts with all of us. At GitHub,                                      repositories daily for generic credentials.
           we’re focused on helping the development
           community secure software, together. We’ve                                            W AT C H ”C R E D E N T I A L M I T I G AT I O N I N L A R G E
                                                                                                 S C A L E O R G A N I Z AT I O N S ” W I T H TO B I A S G A B R I E L
           invested in technology that helps developers                                          A N D N I KO L A S K R ÄT Z S C H M A R

           find and prevent vulnerabilities in their code as
           well as their open source dependencies.

                                                                                             “More code is more problems.”
                                                                                             - Grey Baker, GitHub
           “Security is everyone’s
           responsibility.”                                                                  Learn about the relationship between lines of code and
                                                                                             security threats, and how GitHub helps prevent security
           - Madhu Akula, Xebia                                                              vulnerabilities from the start.

                                                                                                 WAT C H “ S TO P P I N G V U L N E R A B I L I T I E S AT
                   G E T M O R E B E S T P R AC T I C E S F O R S E C U R E S O F T WA R E       THE SOURCE” WITH GREY BAKER

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About GitHub                                              Expert spotlight
                                                                     Looking for more Satellite highlights? We’ve rounded up
           GitHub is home to thousands of software                   our top talks and sessions below. Get expert insights,
           communities, from open source projects to                 see the latest product launches and demos, and learn
           enterprises, from small teams to the largest              how to get the most out of GitHub.
           organizations. This year’s Satellite, our first
           virtual conference, was all about giving                  • Learn more about Codespaces—a complete dev environment
           communities tools to come together to solve                  within GitHub that lets you contribute immediately.
           the problems that matter to them—and                               WAT C H “ H O W TO G E T F R O M I D E A TO C O N T R I B U T I O N
                                                                              I N MI NUTES ” WITH SASHA ROSEN BAUM
           removing barriers that stand in their way.
                                                                     • See the power of GitHub Actions combined with Packages
                                                                        and built-in CI/CD.
                                                                              WAT C H “ S H I P I T W I T H G I T H U B AC T I O N S A N D PAC K AG E S ”
                                                                              W I T H C H R I S PAT T E R S O N

                                                                     • Get an expert how-to on using Actions and AWS.
                                                                              WAT C H “AC C E L E R AT I N G C LO U D N AT I V E D E P LOY M E N T
                                                                              W I T H AC T I O N S A N D AW S ” W I T H C H R I S T I A N W E B E R

                                                                     • Dive into the right tools for more productive work.
                                                                              WAT C H “ P U T T I N G G I T H U B AT YO U R F I N G E R T I P S ”
                                                                              W I T H N E H A B AT R A

                                                                     • Learn about the workflows Arduino has implemented
                                                                        with Actions.
                                                                              WAT C H “ S AV E P R E C I O U S T I M E W I T H AC T I O N S ”
                   WAT C H A L L O N - D E M A N D S E S S I O N S            W I T H LU C A C I P R I A N I

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Interested in learning more
                                         about GitHub? Let’s talk.

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