16 20 The Rainbow Community in Austria Projected Live Talks - HOSI Tirol

Page created by Ted Wheeler
16 20 The Rainbow Community in Austria Projected Live Talks - HOSI Tirol
 -       @q_plus_you

     The Rainbow Community

            in Austria

       Projected Live Talks

O         @q_plus_you

16 20 The Rainbow Community in Austria Projected Live Talks - HOSI Tirol

Warm Welcome Speech

Warming Up with Markus from HOSI Tirol

LGBTQIA+ Talks Live with:

   Ronja Ziesel - Setting the Scene
  Ronja Ziesel is an activist for the Rainbow Community in Austria focusing on
  the role of gender and biological sex; especially highlighting trans- and inter-
  experiences and breaking up the binary.

   Mag.a Claudia Schneider - Diversity in School Systems
  As a university professor in Vienna, Mag.a Claudia Schneider is specialized in
  teaching people about (trans)gender and diversity. In her everyday life she
  trains adults, pupils, and educational institutions in gaining compentence
  about diversity and gender-sensitive topics.

   Nikola Staritz - Diversity in Sports
  Nikola Staritz is a representative of the project "Football for Equality -
  Challenging racist and homophobic stereotypes in an through football". He
  commits to fostering inclusion via the creation of diversity programs in
  sports, especially with regards to football.
16 20 The Rainbow Community in Austria Projected Live Talks - HOSI Tirol
LGBTQIA+ Explained
 LGBTQIA+ is a community accepting of all sexual orientations: the Lesbians,
    Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and more...

Agender (dt. Agender/Gender-neutral)
   is when one does not identify with a specific gender.

Ally (dt. Verbündete)
    is someone who supports and defends the LGBTQIA+ community,
    without being directly part of the community.

Asexual (dt. Asexuell)
   is when one doesn't feel sexual / physical attraction to others.

Bisexual (dt. Bisexuell)
   is when a person likes both men & women.

Gay (dt. Schwul)
   is when a man is attracted to men.

Intersex (dt. Intersexuell)
   is when one's reproductive system is neither "male" nor "female".

Lesbian (dt. Lesben)
   is when a woman is attracted to women.

Pansexual (dt. Pansexuell)
   is when one is attracted to people regardless of their sexual orintation
   and gender.

Queer (dt. Queer)
  is an umbrella term referring to being part of the community & having
  no exclusive sexual orientation.

Transgender (dt. Transgender)
   is when a person from a assigned sex at birth does not identify with it
   and associates with the sex they feel they are instead.
16 20 The Rainbow Community in Austria Projected Live Talks - HOSI Tirol
Thank You to Our

Die ÖH FH Kufstein vertritt die Interessen der Studierenden der FH Kufstein Tirol.
      Ob es sich um ein abwechslungsreiches Sportprogramm, verschiedene
 Veranstaltungen oder das kulturelle Angebot handelt - die ÖH FH Kufstein sorgt
         dafür, dass die Studierenden auch über die Studiengänge hinaus
zusammenkommen und ihr Studentenleben außerhalb der Kurse genießen können
  The ÖH FH Kufstein represents the interests of the students of the FH Kufstein
Tirol. Whether it is the diverse sports program, various events or the cultural offer
  - the ÖH FH Kufstein ensures that students also get together beyond the study
        programmes and can enjoy their student life outside of the courses.
Thank You to Our

Arte Hotels stehen für légères Wohnen auf Vier-Sterne-Niveau in zeitgeistigem Design. Die
sehenswerte Architektur, die klare Formensprache und viel Licht schaffen eine wohltuend
                                unkomplizierte Atmosphäre.
  Die Einrichtung ist chic und urban, so erlebst du trendigen Hotel-Lifestyle in modernem

    The Arte Hotels stand for art and lifestyle as well as légère living on four-star level in
contemporary design. Interesting architecture, clear design language and lots of light create
                          a pleasantly uncomplicated atmosphere.
  The decor is chic and urban, so you experience trendy hotel lifestyle in a modern setting.

                Haus Romeo Alpine Gay Resort – Der Treffpunkt für Gays im
                  Unterland. Bar und Sauna auch für externe Besucher.

                                                    1 Raum - 6 Spieler - 60 Minuten -
                                               600.000.000.000 rauchende Synapsen und
                                                         die Zeit deines Lebens!

                                                    1 Room - 6 players - 60 Minutes -
                                               600.000.000.000 fuming Synapses and the
                                                            time of your life!
Thank you for your support
    and participation!

      More Q+ You?
   Go visit our Exhibition
"Portraits of LGBTQIA+
 follow the rainbow to the library corridor
          of the FH Kufstein Tirol
      Accessible until February 2021

    Follow @q_plus_you for more information
    and updates on LGBTQIA+ in Tirol
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