Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua - Parishes Online

Page created by Max Stevenson
Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua - Parishes Online
Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua
 He bent down and saw the burial cloths there, but did not go in. when Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb
and saw the burial clothes there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate
                                                        place -Jn 20:5-7
Se inclinó y vio allí los paños de entierro, pero no entró. Cuando Simón Pedro llegó después de él, entró en el sepulcro y vio los
mantos de entierro allí, y el paño que había cubierto su cabeza, no con los paños de entierro sino enrollado en un lugar separado
                                                            -Juan 20:5-7
Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua - Parishes Online
Easter                                                                                   April 4, 2021
                         St. Joseph
                                                    PARROQUIA SANHOURS
                                                         OFFICE   ADALBERTO
  MASS INTENTIONS/ Intenciones de la Misa                   Saint Adalbert    Parish
                                                Call us at: 760-550-9830 or 760-679-3505. Our
 Saturday, April 3, 2021
                                                  parish staff teams are continuing to work.
 4:00PM  Guadalupe Mancera
            Antonio Rodriguez
                                                      SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/
            Antonio Rodriguez Jr.
                                                     SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION
            Jaime Rodriguez
                                                             Friday/Viernes 7PM-8PM
                                                  Sunday/Domingo 9AM-11AM & 6PM-7:15PM
           Sacred Heart/ St. Margaret Mary
      MASS INTENTIONS/ Intenciones de la Misa         For all liturgy Sacraments such as
                                                Baptisms, Quinceañeras, Weddings please call
 Saturday, April 3, 2021                                our parish offices. Thank you
                                                      Para todas nuestras liturgias de
                                                 Sacramentos como Bautizos, Quinceañeras,
 Sunday, April 4, 2021                          Bodas porfavor de llamar a nuestras oficinas.
 8:00AM      Juanita Aceves
 10:00AM     Santo Niño de Praga                              OFFICE MINISTRY
              Emilio Agramont
                                                         FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY
              Roberto Rolando Bachand
                                                      Teresa Moya-Director of Catechetical Ministry
              Oscar Estrada
                                                        Email: bwcath.formation@gmail.com
              Julian & Maria Jimenez
                                                                 Office (760)587-4018
              Jose Leon
              Fernando &  Luz Rubalcaba
                                                           RCIA– RITES OF CHRISTIAN

 6:00PM                                                     INITIATION FOR ADULTS
                                                      Stephen A. & Irma Rangel (760) 352-0083
 Monday, April 5, 2021(Virtual Only)
                                                Those interested in the Catholic faith or being received
 6:00PM  Martin Alonso Siqueiros               into the Catholic Church from another faith tradition.
 Tuesday, April 6, 2021(In Person)                          MINISTRY FOR THE SICK
 2:00PM (Senior Mass)                           If anyone in the community need the Anointing of the
 Wednesday, April 7, 2021                               Sick, please contact the Parish offices.

 Thursday, April 8, 2021 (Virtual Only)
 6:00PM  Connie Escalera                            Please contact the parish office to set up an
                                                  appointment to speak with the priest nine months
 Friday, April 9, 2021                                              prior to event.
                                                         BAPTISMS & QUINCEAÑERAS
                                                   Please contact parish offices for available dates.
Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua - Parishes Online
Catholic Communities of Brawley & Westmorland                                                                                              April 4, 2021

                                                               Attention Parishioners of St. Jospeh.
                                                           Beginning Saturday April 10th the time of the
                                                           Saturday Mass will change from 4PM to 6PM.

                                                           Atencion feligreses de parroquia de San Jose.
                                                          Iniciando Sabado 10 de Abril la hora de la Misa
                                                                     cambiara de 4PM a 6PM.

              Divine Mercy Sunday                                                                       Domingo de la Divina Misericordia

                       Adoration                                                                                         Adoracion

                     11AM-4PM                                                                                          11AM-4PM

               Special Confessions                                                                             Confesiones Especiales

                          Prayer                                                                                           Oracion
      Please wear mask and maintain the 6ft                                                          Porfavor de usar cubreboca y mantener el
                distance order in place.                                                                           distanciamiento social

                                                    Financial Corner for march 28, 2021
 Sacred Heart ……………………………………………………………………………..………..8AM:$ 10AM:$ 6PM:$
 St. Margaret Mary..…………………………………………………………..………………….. 8AM:$ 10AM:$ 6PM:$


Please, pray for the sick in our communities: Por Favor Oren por los enfermos en nuestras comunidades: Sebastian Acevedo, Isabella Aceves, Arturo Agramont,
Anna Aguilar, Gloria Aguilar, Alejandro Aguilera, Mary L. Alvarado, Juan Alvarado, Alan Alvarez, Steven Ambriz, Anthony Alan Ambriz, Carole Antuñano,
Helena Maria Antuñano, Raul Arellanes, Laura Barros, Cornel Bayon, Ed Baran, Eugene (Geno) Bumbera, Rachel Cabanilla, Debbie Cameron, Marisabel
Cardenas,Steven Cardenas, Alex & Sylvia Carrillo, Barbara Carrillo, Maria Carrillo, Mary Carrington, Juan Castaneda, Jr., Eloise Castillon, Ericka Chavez, Rita
Cortez, Sylvester Chacon, David Coffman, Joe Cortez, Ernest Dean, George Dern, Don Devyah, Robert Diaz, Cheryl Dove, Robert Durate, John Erwin, Eric Es-
trada, Joe Estrada, Manuel Estrada Jr., Sandoval Family, Lupe Fausto, Jessica Fernandez, Senorina Flores Cota, Theresa Ford, Steve Funez, Stevie Gallagher,
Hector Gallardo, Brandon Garcia, Christopher Garnica, Francisco Gastelum, Emma Gauna, Yisel Marie Gómez, Fernanda Gomezllanos, Caleb Angel Gonzales,
Consuelo Gonzalez. Guillermo Guerra, Laura Guerrero, Kathleen Haars, Camilo Hernandez, Eva Hernandez, Greg Hernandez, Randa Hoskins, Mauricio Huerta,
Gloria Juaregui, Leilani Jimenez, Jacob Lancaster, Mauricio Macias, Rebeca Magdaleno, Joe Magdaleno, Martin Marquez, Candende Martinez, Esther Martinez,
Martja Martinez, Ayden Mascareñas, Mary Ann Maxwell Evelyn Ayala McDowell, Serena Melvin, Theresa Mendoza, Lydia Miller, Bob Miller, Sally Mohamed,
Matthias Elias Molina, Dorothea Montague, Veronica Montenegro, Joe Morales, Geno Moreno, Irma Navarro, Kathy Nettles, Michael Oliveros y familia, Antonia
Padilla, Jesse Padilla, Mary Penzon, Consuelo Peralta, Jennie Pérez, Jesse Perez, Silvia Perez, Frank Peroutka, Rosa Plancarte, Gwen Plano, Irma Preciado, Maria
de la Luz Quiroz, Alexia Ramirez, Jan K. Ramirez, Silvia Ramirez, Trinidad Ramirez, Sara Reyes, Manuela Reyna, Richard Reynoso, Marylou Robles, Manuel
Rodriguez, Petra Rodriguez, Emilia Rosales, Tony Rouhotas, Dolores Rubio, Jolby Ruiz, Mary Ruiz ,Maria Salazar, Johnny Sample, Manuel Sánchez, Patty
Sanchez, Tillie Sanchez, Vicky Sánchez, Mariana Sandoval, Jessie Sandoval, Jorge Sandoval, Rubén Santillán, Victor Santos, Juanita Sarabia, Arce Selk, Andrew
Shank, Catelyn Shehan, Camila Silva, Karla Smith, Marcus Tapia, Nina Tapia, Norberto Tenorio, Brianna Terrones, Carmen Torres, Josefa Torres, Domingo
Torres, Antonio Valadez, Francisco Valdez, Jay Valdez, Richard Valdez, Familia Vallejo, Eddie Valles, Felicitas Valtierra, Anthony Vasquez, Matilde
Vasquez, Celia Vásquez, Jesse Y Estela Vega, Sasha Velasco Ana Julia Villanueva, Perla Villegas & Baby, John Wellcome, Carol Wilson, Carmen Woolf, Raul
Zamudio, Victoria Zarate, Sharon Yepiz Rex Zinn,
Easter Sunday * Domingo de Pascua - Parishes Online
Domingo de Pascua                                                         4 de Abril, 2021

   Christ Centered   -   Student Focused   -   Forward Thinking

       Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00AM-3:00PM

       We are open for
Preschool – Eighth Grade.
 Call or visit our website
  for more information.

            Facebook:                            Instagram:               Twitter:

           Shsbrawley                      sacredheartschool1914      sacredheart1914

Comunidades Catolicas de Brawley y Westmorland                                                 4 de Abril, 2021

                           We are accepting registration for Baptisms. All Baptisms are being held privately. We do
                             not have general Baptisms. For more information please call the offices. Thank you.

                           Aceptamos inscripciones para bautismos. Todos los bautismos se llevan a cabo en privado.
                             No tenemos bautismos generales. Para obtener más información, llame a las oficinas.
Catholic Communities of Brawley & Westmorland                               28 de Marzo, 2021

                                                 Faith Formation Office Phone Number/
                                                   Tel. de Oficina de Formacion de Fe:
                                                             (760) 587-4018
                                                  email: bwcath.formation@gmail.com
                                                    website: www.brawleycatholic.org
                                                  Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
                                                   Monday/Lunes: Closed/Cerrado
                                                 Tuesday/Martes: 11:00AM-4:30PM
                                                Wednesday/Miercoles: 8:30AM-4:30PM
                                                  Thursday/Jueves: 8:30AM-4:30PM
                                                   Friday/Viernes: 8:30AM-4:30PM
                                                  Saturday/Sabado: Closed/Cerrado
                                                  Sunday/Domingo: Closed/Cerrado
 HAPPY EASTER! We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we rejoice because Christ is
 risen! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl challenges us as we begin the Easter season
  to share the joy of having a loving God that is alive and accompanies us always. Let’s do
   the same by being present to our global family by caring for their material and spiritual
 needs. Please bring your CRS Rice Bowl to any of the Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Soccer
  field on April 11, 2021 and place it on the designated basket. You can also donate online
                                   at crsricebowl.org/give.

  ¡FELIZ PASCUA! Oramos, ayunamos y dimos limosna, ¡y ahora nos regocijamos porque
   Cristo ha resucitado! A medida que comenzamos el Tiempo de Pascua, el recorrido de
 Cuaresma que hicimos con Plato de Arroz de CRS nos reta a compartir la alegría de tener
   un Dios amoroso que está vivo y nos acompaña siempre. Hagamos lo mismo estando
 presentes para nuestra familia global cuidando de sus necesidades materiales y espirituales.
    Por favor traigan su Plato de Arroz de CRS a cualquiera de las Misa Dominicales en
    Sagrado Corazón el día 11 de Abril del 2021 y entréguenlas en la canasta designada.
                 También pueden hacer su donación en crsplatodearroz.org
Tina’s Beauty Salon                                                                                                                         The Knights of
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                                                                                                                                              The World's Largest Catholic
       344-4554                                                                                          Brownie's Diner                            Family, Fraternal,
         Tina Gibson                                                   WILLIAM LEON BRANDT               "The Finest In Homestyle Cooking"   Service Organization.
                                                                                                                                             Make Your Family A Part
                                  Complete Home Furnishings             OFFICE (760) 344-3430                  5:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
         Cece Verdugo               Phone 344-4570                     FEEDLOT (760) 348-2295            990 Main St. • Brawley, CA 92227
                                                                                                                                              of Ours, Join Today!
                                                                                                                                              Call Paul Funez at
         Lydia Singh                     534 E St.
                                                                       299 WEST MAIN ST. | P.O BOX 118
                                                                            BRAWLEY, CA 92227                (760) 344-2938                      351-2425              Council 2130

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      Sun. 11:00 to 8:00
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         Closed Mon.                                                  Brawley, CA 92227
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                                     Ron & Kurt Rubin
                                    kurt@rubinseeds.com               Office 760-344-4889

   A family that
  prays together,
  stays together                                                                                             Contact Kathryn Dickens to place an ad today!
                                                                                                              kdickens@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x5809
  Compliments of The Colace Family
                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com              Sacred Heart/St. Margaret/St. Joseph, Brawley, CA                       B 4C 05-1813
I.V. Termite & Pest
                                                                                                                                Frye Chapel and Mortuary
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  This is the day the
   Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be
        glad in it.
                                                                                                                             Se Habla Español
      Psalm 118:24                    Contact Kathryn Dickens to place an ad today!
         Compliments of                kdickens@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x5809
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                          For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                 Sacred Heart/St. Margaret/St. Joseph, Brawley, CA                                                                                               A 4C 05-1813
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