Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc

Page created by Leroy Freeman
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11)

21st May 2021
Guide of the day: Karline Martorell accompanied by Philippa Benson
Participants: 5
Weather conditions: quite cloudy weather but with some sunny intervals and a light wind,
temps ranging from 10°C to 20°C+
Highlights of the day: Alpine swift, Red-rumped swallow, Crag martin, Blue rock thrush,
Woodchat shrike, Golden oriole

Itinerary and birding spots of the day
We spent the day in the Minervois between Minerve and Caunes-Minervois to look for
swallows and swifts, among other species. So we started with a good walk in the old
cathare city of Minerve. The old stone houses and the very high bridge are really interesting
for rock species. So we had good views of Crag martin (flying constantly above our heads
and landing on walls in the sun), Red-rumped swallow (2 individuals flying sometimes near
us, but never for a long time), Blue rock thrush (a young male landed not far from us), and
Rock sparrow (active on the village roofs).

Near the café, we were surprised to find a Barn swallow nesting very close in the entrance
of a building. The adults were really not shy and pearched just above our heads just for our
viewing pleasure.
Then we walked through the garrigue above the village, where we saw a beautiful Whinchat,
showing really well and then a nice Woodchat shrike with a Corn bunting beside it.

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 21st May 2021 –
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc
With the wind picking up, the weather improved for migration allowing us to see a group of
Honey buzzard (about 20 circling on a thermal). Meanwhile, a Short-toed eagle spent its
time hunting above the open areas surrounding the village.

After our picnic lunch near the Gorges de la Cesse, we had a quick walk to the cliffs to look
for some rock based species. Here we found a beautiful male Blue rock thrush in breeding
Then we went to Caunes-Minervois. Unfortunately we didn’t see many birds although there
were plenty singing, which seriously increased the bird list. This allowed us to familiarise
ourselves a little with several bird songs. The best sightings were a pair of Crag martin
nesting under the church porch and a Golden oriole flying above the open grasslands. No
Black woodpecker for today but Andy ticked his first woodpecker in France – a Great

52 species for this day trip in the Minervois, is not too bad for fairly similar habitats.

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 21st May 2021 –
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc
Bird List 21/05/21

     English Name                   French Name                   Scientific Name
     European Honey Buzzard         Bondrée apivore               Pernis apivorus
     Common Buzzard                 Buse variable                 Buteo buteo
     Short-toed Snake Eagle         Circaète Jean-le-Blanc        Circaetus gallicus
     Eurasian Sparrowhawk           Épervier d'Europe             Accipiter nisus
     Common Kestrel                 Faucon crécerelle             Falco tinnunculus
     Common Wood Pigeon             Pigeon ramier                 Columba palumbus
     Eurasian Collared Dove         Tourterelle turque            Streptopelia decaocto
     Common Cuckoo (H)              Coucou gris                   Cuculus canorus
     Alpine Swift                   Martinet à ventre blanc       Tachymarptis melba
     Common Swift                   Martinet noir                 Apus apus
     Eurasian Hoopoe                Huppe fasciée                 Upupa epops
     Great Spotted Woodpecker       Pic épeiche                   Dendrocopos major
     Common House Martin            Hirondelle de fenêtre         Delichon urbicum
     Eurasian Crag Martin           Hirondelle de rochers         Ptyonoprogne rupestris
     Red-rumped Swallow             Hirondelle rousseline         Cecropis daurica
     Barn Swallow                   Hirondelle rustique           Hirundo rustica
     Grey Wagtail                   Bergeronnette des ruisseaux   Motacilla cinerea
     White Wagtail                  Bergeronnette grise           Motacilla alba
     Mistle Thrush                  Grive draine                  Turdus viscivorus
     Song Thrush (H)                Grive musicienne              Turdus philomelos
     Common Blackbird               Merle noir                    Turdus merula
     Blue Rock Thrush               Monticole bleu                Monticola solitarius
     Common Nightingale (H)         Rossignol philomèle           Luscinia megarhynchos
     European Robin (H)             Rougegorge familier           Erithacus rubecula
     Common Redstart                Rougequeue à front blanc      Phoenicurus phoenicurus
     Black Redstart                 Rougequeue noir               Phoenicurus ochruros
     Whinchat                       Tarier des prés               Saxicola rubetra
     Zitting Cisticola              Cisticole des joncs           Cisticola juncidis
     Eurasian Blackcap              Fauvette à tête noire         Sylvia atricapilla
     Sardinian Warbler              Fauvette mélanocéphale        Sylvia melanocephala
     Subalpine Warbler (H)          Fauvette passerinette         Sylvia cantillans
     Western Bonelli's Warbler      Pouillot de Bonelli           Phylloscopus bonelli
     Common Firecrest (H)           Roitelet à triple bandeau     Regulus ignicapilla
     European Pied Flycatcher       Gobemouche noir               Ficedula hypoleuca
     Eurasian Blue Tit              Mésange bleue                 Cyanistes caeruleus
     Great Tit (H)                  Mésange charbonnière          Parus major
     Long-tailed Tit (H)            Mésange à longue queue        Aegithalos caudatus
     Short-toed Treecreeper         Grimpereau des jardins        Certhia brachydactyla

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 21st May 2021 –
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc
English Name                     French Name                  Scientific Name
      Woodchat Shrike                  Pie-grièche à tête rousse    Lanius senator
      Western Jackdaw                  Choucas des tours            Coloeus monedula
      Northern Raven                   Grand Corbeau                Corvus corax
      Eurasian Magpie                  Pie bavarde                  Pica pica
      Common Starling                  Étourneau sansonnet          Sturnus vulgaris
      Eurasian Golden Oriole           Loriot d'Europe              Oriolus oriolus
      House Sparrow                    Moineau domestique           Passer domesticus
      Rock Sparrow                     Moineau soulcie              Petronia petronia
      European Goldfinch               Chardonneret élégant         Carduelis carduelis
      Common Chaffinch                 Pinson des arbres            Fringilla coelebs
      European Serin                   Serin cini                   Serinus serinus
      Corn Bunting                     Bruant proyer                Emberiza calandra
      Cirl Bunting (H)                 Bruant zizi                  Emberiza cirlus
                                                                                      52 species
* (H): species just heard

                     Thank you all for your participation and see you next time!

Birding Languedoc – Trip Report / 21st May 2021 –
Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc Day trip in the Minervois (34 & 11) - Birding Languedoc
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