Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre

Page created by Darryl Pearson
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre
Newsletter Issue 2    Cyril Jackson Senior Campus
                      Education Support Centre

                                                                                               31 March, 2021

                                                                                 53 Reid Street, Bassendean WA 6054
                                                                                                     Phone: 9413 4850

         PRINCIPAL’S REPORT . . .

                     From the Principal ...
       Firstly, I would like to thank students and staff on
       such a wonderful smooth start to term one. As we
                                                                  Classroom changes
                                                                  As our Centre expands once
       near the end of the term, I sincerely thank all our        again, we have had a shuffle
       families for their support throughout the year.            around with classrooms and
       Workshops                                                  have one additional classroom
       This term we had two mental health workshops, one          this year, please see below -
       for students and one for parents. The focus on both        Miss Tabea Henke - B1 classroom teacher
       workshops was about learning and understanding             Mr Andy Dixon -        B2 classroom teacher
       the positives of social media, potential negatives of      Mr Jack Scott -        B3 classroom teacher
       being online and what healthy and safe social              Mr Steve Ryce -        B4 classroom teacher
       media use looks like. Thank you to all parents and         Mr Mikail Koulianos - B5 classroom teacher
       students who participated in these workshops.
                                                                  Miss Liz Collodel -    B6 classroom teacher
                                                                  We welcome Mikail Koulianos, new B5 teacher for
       “The Map” info session held over two sessions,             2021 and Jack Scott, who has replaced Lorraine
       session one - Monday 22 March and session two -            Tunbridge for 2021
       Monday 3 May. This person centred planning takes
                                                                  Workplace Learning (WPL)
       place as new families commence at our Centre, and
       then again in students’ final year as “Plan@bility.        WPL days are Fridays with selected students going
       Thank you to all families who join this info session.      out on Tuesdays as well. Staff and students visit
                                                                  Workpower, Better Pets and Gardens, Salvos,
       Individual Education Plans (IEP) and Individual
                                                                  Bikeforce, Containers 4 Change, AMS, CJ Café,
       Transition Plans (ITP)
                                                                  Wind in the Willows, Ross’s, Firetech, Music
       IEP and ITP’s are developed in collaboration with          Rocks, Trillion Trees, Vinnies, Maca, Swan
       parents, the Centre and other relevant agencies            Districts FC.
       and sets the direction and focus for each student’s
                                                                  End of Term Classroom Awards
       education for the following two to three years for the
       transition plan (long term goals); and the specific        Congratulations to all the students who received a
       education plans for the term, semester or year             classroom award this term. Excellent work, please
       (short term goals).                                        see page 2 and 3.
       The plans provide the structure for your child’s           Students Corner
       education. The student’s progress towards meeting          Cricket carnival - please see page 4.
       the goals, identified in the Individual Transition Plan,
       forms the basis of your child’s school report.             Harmony Day - please see page 4.

       ITP’s will be arriving for your consideration in Easter
       School holidays.         These two very important          Regards,
       procedures need to be completed for every                  Julie Allsopp
       students at the Centre. If you still wish to meet with
       your child’s teacher, please contact the Centre on         Principal
       9413 4850.
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre

       Term One 2021                 Term One 2021

    Chebar Killian                   Ryan Wilton
    B1 Classroom                    B2 Classroom
       Presented by                   Presented by
    Ms Henke, Teacher               Mr Dixon, Teacher

       Term One 2021                 Term One 2021

     Amelia Nicholas               James Beesley
      B3 Classroom                  B4 Classroom
        Presented by                  Presented by
      Mr Scott, Teacher             Mr Ryce, Teacher
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre

                 Term One 2021                                          Term One 2021

                 Raymond Nash                                      Angela van Slochteren
                 B5 Classroom                                          B6 Classroom
                    Presented by                                           Presented by
                Mr Koulianos, Teacher                                 Miss Collodel, Teacher

                   STUDENTS’ ART WORK

Students from B1, B2 and B3 classrooms have been very creative in making clay sculptures for our
Centre’s totem poles.
Art teacher Marie has placed these art pieces strategically on the poles which are on display in our garden
area at the admin office.
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre

Our students were among many who shared the ‘Harmony Day’ experience with the senior
campus and the community. Many different stalls including colour run, food samples, giant
games, volley ball and table tennis, defensive kombat, healthy mind workshop, making harmony
day letters, CJ peace messages, origami bird making, making musical instruments, badge
making, Indigenous Aboriginal Culture just to name a few. Once again, our Centre cooked up a
sausage sizzle for lunch. It was a fun day all round.


Students travelled to Hartfield Park in Forrestfield on Thursday 18 March to participate in the
Kalability Allstars Cricket Carnival. Congratulations to Sam L, Kiana, and Raymond who
received an MVP award, and congratulations to Simon, Malik and Phoenix who received a Spirit
award. The day turned out very hot, students participated very well with division 2 winning all-
round. Well done to all students for their outstanding efforts.

                       April is World Autism Awareness Month.
      Please visit
  content/uploads/2021/02/26135644/AAWA_Booklet_2021_v5_web.pdf for activities for
                              families with children with autism.
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre Cyril Jackson Senior Campus - Education Support Centre
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