2018 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP AT - Chatsworth Hills Academy

Page created by Peggy Simmons
2018 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP AT - Chatsworth Hills Academy
            SUMMER CAMP AT

        Chatsworth Hills Academy
International Baccalaureate World School

      Located in Chatsworth, California, just north of Los Angeles
   21523 Rinaldi Street • Chatsworth, California 91311 • 1.818.998.4037
2018 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CAMP AT - Chatsworth Hills Academy
International Summer Camp at CHA IB School of the Future
Chatsworth Hills is the only International Baccalaureate World School in the San Fernando Valley. Our
Summer School mission is to share our American culture with our guests and to allow our students to
make new friends from around the globe. Our students want to learn about their countries, their
beliefs, and their cultures.

Who Is This Camp For?
This camp is designed to be engaging for both native and non-native speakers of English. The
program has cleverly designed to make use of the school’s Tribes Program and other activities to
encourage and promote interaction between our American students and the students from other
countries. Our highly qualified teachers have been trained in the International Baccalaureate and
present the program in a way that promotes international mindedness amongst their students.

The Camp Program
This camp is a true exposure to the American
Educational system. In this summer school program
students are given three short 40 minute classes
each day. One is an English class, the second is a
science class, and the last class is Art. These classes
help our student guests to understand the way
teachers in the US manage their classes as well as
expose these students to classroom English. All these
classes include native speaking students who assist
the visitors to be successful. These classes are all
taught by specialist teachers.

In American schools it is traditional to have an
advisory program that helps students to bond and work cohesively together. Visiting summer school
students also take part daily in specially crafted American style advisory activities based around the
well-known California advisory program called TRIBES. These activities are aimed at creating bonds
between our students and their overseas visitors. The program uses games that aim to create a sense
of inclusion and developing the team working skills.

                                           CHA’s summer school program offers students the chance
                                           to play volleyball, soccer, basketball and to swim but more
                                           importantly it exposes our overseas guests to several of the
                                           traditional American playground games as well. These
                                           games include Kickball, Dodgeball and Frisbee Golf.

                                             Students at CHA’s camp participate in hikes around the
                                             school’s uniquely picturesque campus so easy at CHA as it
                                             is located on the edge of two state parks. Visits to the
                                             active archeological site located on the campus with
                                             expert Archeologists from Pearce College guiding students
as they search for artifacts and fossil hunts are all part of the CHA experience.

Students act in skits, learn to sing fun traditional camp songs and try the American famous Root Beer
Floats. All of these activities are in done with the school’s own warm and friendly students, who as
International Baccalaureate students come to school with open-minds ready to welcome their
international friends.
Program for Day 1
9:00            Arrive on campus go to room R, S and T
                Tribe Activities get to know one another and to get
                into teams
9:50 - 10:30    First rotation of academic style activities
                English: Describing myself
10:30 - 10:50   BREAK
10:50 - 11:30   Second rotation of academic style activities
                Science: Marshmallow towers
11:35 - 12:15   Third rotation of academic style activities
                Art: Create a picture that represents you
12:15 - 12:55   LUNCH
12:55 - 1:30    First round of sports activities
                1. soccer 2. volleyball 3. basketball
1:30 - 1:40     BREAK
1:40 - 2:10     Second round of sports activities
                1. soccer 2. volleyball 3. basketball
2:10 - 2:20     BREAK
2:20 - 2:50     Third round of sports activities
                1. soccer 2. volleyball 3. basketball

                             Program for Day 2
                                       9:00 - 10:00    Meeting in R, S and T
                                                       Tribes team building games Minefield, three
                                                       circle game and Marble run. Teams will play
                                                       one of these games
                                       10:00 - 10:20   BREAK
                                       10:20 - 10:55   First academic rotation
                                                       English: Create a murder story
                                       11:00 - 11:35   Second academic rotation
                                                       Science: Lifeboat investigation
                                       11:35 - 12:10   Third academic rotation
                                                       Art: Tell a story in pictures like the Chumash
   12:10 - 12:55   LUNCH
   12:55 - 1:45    Dodgeball competition
   1:45 - 1:55     Break
   1:55 - 2:45     Kickball competition
   2:45 - 3:00     Appreciations
Program for Day 3                                        Program for Day 4
9:00 - 10:00    Meeting in R, S and T                    9:00 - 10:00 Meeting in R, S and T
                Tribes team building games Minefield,                 Tribes team building games
                three circle game and Marble run.                     Minefield, three circle game and
                Teams will play one of these games                    Marble run. Teams will play one of
10:00 - 10:20   BREAK                                                 these games
10:20 - 10:55   First academic rotation                  10:00 -
                English: Jigsaw game tell the story of   10:20
                The Gym Teacher From the Black           10:20 -
                                                                      First academic rotation
                Lagoon                                   10:55
11:00 - 11:35   Second academic rotation                              English: Put that song back together
                Science: Magnetic ray shield             11:00 -
                                                                      Second academic rotation
11:35 - 12:10   Third academic rotation                  11:35
                Art:Draw a memory of CHA                              Math: The trains of Kukoolani
12:10 - 12:55   LUNCH                                    11:35 -
                                                                      Third academic rotation
12:55 - 1:45    Frizzbee tournament                      12:10
1:45 - 1:55     BREAK                                                 Art: creating 3-D picture
1:55 - 2:40     Game                                     12:10 -
2:40 - 3:00     Appreciations                            12:55
                                                         12:55 - 2:45 Exploring CHA and looking for fossils
                                                         2:45 - 3:00 Appreciations

Program for Day 5
9:00 - 10:00 The Escape Room Activities
10:00 - 10:20 BREAK
10:20 - 10:55 First academic rotation
              English: Write a postcard home
11:00 - 11:35 Second academic rotation
              Social Studies: Making Chumash Indian rope
11:35 - 12:10 Third academic rotation
              Music: Learn a traditional camp song to sing at the
              farewell ceremony
12:10 - 12:55 LUNCH
12:55 - 2:25 Pool time, Volleyball, soccer and basketball options
              Group pictures, song presentation, root beer floats,
2:25 - 3:00
              appreciations and certificates

Longer Programs
CHA is able to offer multiple week programs based around the format outlined in the one week
program. The group rate for this program is 400 dollars per student per week.

Please contact us at the following:
Tel: +1-818-998-4037
Email: Adrian.Allan@chaschool.org
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