Corona Update: USA (26) - aktuelle Stu- dien, Analysen und Kommentare - Konrad ...
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September 2020 Auslandsbüro USA, Washington D.C. Corona Update: USA (26) – aktuelle Stu- dien, Analysen und Kommentare Für die Zeit vom 18. bis 24. September 2020 Zusammengestellt von: Sabine Murphy, Jeanene Lairo, Elmar Sulk, Syreta Haggray, Dirk Hegen, Paul Linnarz Die Corona-Krise hat über die erheblichen gesundheitlichen Risiken und Folgen hinaus weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Forschung, Innen- und Außenpolitik sowie das gesell- schaftliche Leben in den Vereinigten Staaten. Namhafte US-amerikanische Think Tanks und Experten setzen sich intensiv mit den unterschiedlichen Aspekten und Herausforderungen dieser in ihrem Um- fang und ihrer Schnelligkeit beispiellosen Krise auseinander. Für einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion stellt das KAS-Auslandsbüro USA mit Sitz in Washington D.C. wöchentlich (ab An- fang Oktober 2020 alle vier Wochen jeweils zum Monatsende) eine Auswahl an Studien, Analysen und Kommentaren jeweils mit Links zu den Beiträgen zusammen. “Commentary: Most Americans want *** more global engagement“ Quelle: The Chicago Tribune (September 21, "Mitigating the Economic and Health 2020) Impact of COVID-19 across Africa “ Ivo Daalder, President, Chicago Council on Global Quelle: Center for Global Development Affairs; Dina Smeltz, Sr. Fellow, Chicago Council (CDG, September 21, 2020) on Global Affairs Center for Global Development together with the According to the authors of this commentary for Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Ma- the Chicago Tribune, the novel coronavirus is a laria and the African Union organized an online deadly reminder that in our interconnected event for a high-level discussion with senior level experts on economic development and global world, grave dangers originating beyond our health, moderated by Nancy Birdsall, Sr. fellow shores can prove devastating at home. "One and CGD’s president emeritus. The event focused might have expected Americans to respond to on the economic impact of COVID-19 on Africa, this plague by turning inward...[a]nd, yet [our] lat- longer-term health and social consequences of est survey shows that most Americans reject this the outbreak, and how global cooperation and insular reasoning. Rather than moving to cut ties the international response to the pandemic may with the rest of the world, majorities of Ameri- evolve going forward. cans continue to prefer active U.S. engage- ment…in world affairs. In fact, nearly two-thirds *** of Americans (62%) say that the COVID-19 pan- demic has increased the importance of U.S. coor- “International Financial Institutions’ dination and collaboration with other countries Ongoing Response to the Covid-19 Cri- to solve global issues," emphasize the authors. sis” You can read the full report here.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Länderbericht September 2020 2 2 Quelle: Center for Strategic and International hold Pulse Survey to measure changes in insur- Studies (CSIS, September 21, 2020) ance coverage between April 23–May 12 and July 9–21, 2020 and better understand how the reces- Stephanie Segal, Sr. fellow, et al. sion impacted insurance coverage. We find that The CSIS Economics Program is tracking commit- ments, approvals, and disbursements by major during these three months, the number of nonel- international financial institutions (IFIs) to meet derly adults with ESI [Employer-Sponsored Health the massive financing needs generated by the Insurance] fell by 3,3 million, while the number of Covid-19 pandemic and its economic fallout. This uninsured adults increased by 1,9 million,” em- commentary gives you an update about the num- phasize the authors in this article. bers of funds various countries have received by these institutions since the beginning of the pan- *** demic. “Free Trade on Trial: Healthcare Secu- *** rity in a Pandemic” "COVID-19 Air Traffic Visualization - Quelle: Mercatus Center at George Mason Uni- Worldwide Spread of COVID-19 Accel- versity (September 23, 2020) erated Starting on February 19, 2020 “ Daniel Griswold, Senior Research Fellow and Di- Quelle: RAND Corporation (September 22, 2020) rector of Trade and Immigration In this article the author argues that free trade Christopher A. Mouton, senior aerospace engi- and globalization have supported the U.S. efforts neer, et al. to combat the pandemic. Daniel Griswold goes on to say that trade with other nations has In this report—part of a series on the coronavirus boosted productive capacity and innovation while disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic—the re- making medical supplies more affordable and searchers estimate when COVID-19 transmission readily available than they would be in a closed via commercial air travel began to rapidly acceler- market. This article is the third in a series of four ate throughout the world. articles that the think tank published to examine *** the most common arguments against free trade. *** “As the COVID-19 Recession Extended into the Summer of 2020, More Than "Recruiting and Retaining Poll 3 Million Adults Lost Employer-Spon- Workers During the Coronavirus sored Health Insurance Coverage and Pandemic“ 2 Million Became Uninsured“ Quelle: Center for American Progress Quelle: Urban Institute (September 18, 2020) (CAP, September 21, 2020) Anuj Gangopadhyaya, Research Associate, et al. William Roberts, Managing Director for Democ- racy and Government Reform, et al. According to the authors, the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey offers a snapshot of how In recent months, election officials representing the COVID-19 pandemic and recession affected jurisdictions nationwide have raised alarms over households as the recession extended into the possible poll worker shortages due to the novel summer and millions of adults remained unem- coronavirus. In this opinion piece the authors ployed. "[The Urban Institute uses] the House- warn of “the negative impacts such shortages will
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Länderbericht September 2020 3 3 have on free and fair elections”. They make rec- "Osterholm Update: COVID-19, ommendations to individuals, organizations, and Episode 25: Ripple Effects“ other entities, how they can help recruit and re- tain poll workers. Quelle: University of Minnesota, Center for Infec- tious Disease Research and Policy *** (CIDRAP, September 24, 2020) “Who's In and Who's Out under Work- Michael T. Osterholm, Director of CIDRAP place COVID Symptom Screening?” In the latest podcast episode, "Ripple Effects", Mi- Quelle: National Bureau of Economic Research chael Osterholm discusses U.S. activity as the na- (NBER, September 2020) tion tops 200,000 deaths, the status of vaccines, the CDC's role amid recent challenges, down- Krista J. Ruffini, Minneapolis Federal Reserve stream COVID impacts, and effect on pets. Bank, et al. *** This research assumes that COVID symptom screening at the workplace is likely to grow signif- "Helping America’s distressed com- icantly in the coming months, as several states al- munities recover from the COVID-19 ready require frequent screening of employees recession and achieve long-term pros- for infection symptoms. This paper provides em- perity “ pirical work “exploring the tradeoffs employers face in using daily symptom screening.” The pa- Quelle: The Brookings Institution per finds that up to 7 percent of workers might (September 23, 2020) get “screened out” each day. Timothy J. Bartik, Senior Economist, W.E. Upjohn *** Institute "Reimagining Transportation Policy Even before the COVID-19 recession, distressed During and After COVID-19 “ communities across the United States lacked suf- ficient jobs. Without intervention, even a robust Quelle: Reason Foundation (September 22, 2020), national recovery may leave many communities behind. As a solution, this report, published by Randal O'Toole, Land-use and Transportation Pol- the Brookings Institution, proposes a new federal icy Analyst block grant to create or retain good jobs in dis- tressed communities and help residents access According to Randal O'Toole, the coronavirus these jobs. pandemic is going to leave behind major changes in America’s transportation system as more peo- *** ple are going to work at home after the pandemic than did so before. The change in transportation "Low genetic diversity may be an demographics will have significant cascading ef- Achilles heel of SARS-CoV-2“ fects such as the drop in the number of transit commuters and the decentralization of urban ar- Quelle: Proceedings of the National Academy of eas. In his policy brief he asserts that these Sciences (PNAS, September 21, 2020) trends is fairly certain, and these trends demand changes in existing transportation policies. Jason W. Rausch, HIV Dynamics & Replication Pro- gram, Center for Cancer Research, National Can- *** cer Institute at Frederick, MD, et al.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Länderbericht September 2020 4 4 This report summarizes findings of a study pub- tions and elevated loneliness, and between hav- lished in PNAS, which “analyzes 27,977 SARS-CoV- ing an intact family and reduced loneliness.” The 2 sequences from 84 countries obtained through- author also states that “under the isolating condi- out the course of the pandemic to track and char- tions of COVID-19, the importance of family in acterize the evolution of the novel coronavirus bolstering psychological well-being has only since its origination.” These findings suggest that grown.” the parts of the novel coronavirus most often rec- *** ognized by antibodies have low genetic variation. According to the authors, this result implies that "New Federal Survey Data Show the the coronavirus might be susceptible to vaccine Pandemic Has Hit Would-Be College immunization. Students Hard“ *** Quelle: New America (Sept 18, 2020) “Americans give the U.S. low marks Clare McCann, Deputy Director for federal higher for its handling of COVID-19, and so education policy do people in other countries” In her recent blog post, New America's Clare Quelle: Pew Research Center (September 21, McCann refers to a new survey conducted by the 2020) U.S. Census Bureau in which data confirm signifi- cant negative effects of the coronavirus pan- John Gramlich, Senior Writer/Editor demic on students enrolled in education after high school. Furthermore, students of color and As the death toll from the coronavirus outbreak from low income households are more likely to surpassed 200,000 in the United States, Ameri- drop their plans for higher education due to COVID -19 disruptions. As a result, need-based cans give their country comparatively low marks aid for many students will be even more im- for its handling of the pandemic – and people in portant than prior to the pandemic, the author other nations tend to agree with that negative as- states. sessment. Here is a closer look at how people in the U.S. and around the world view America’s re- *** sponse to COVID-19, based on recent Pew Re- search Center surveys in the U.S. and other coun- Für die aktuellen Zahlen zur Corona-Krise in tries. den USA: *** The Centers for Disease Control: Weitere Kurzbeiträge: dex.html “Loneliness during the COVID-19 The Johns Hopkins University: pandemic” hboard/in- Quelle: American Enterprise Institute dex.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 (AEI, September 23, 2020) The New York Times: Lyman Stone, Adjunct Fellow tive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html This article discusses and further processes data from the American Family Survey (AFS) of 2019 and 2020 and claims that “it seems likely that there is a link between unstable economic condi-
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Länderbericht September 2020 5 5 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Paul Linnarz Leiter Auslandsbüro USA, Washington D.C. Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit Der Text dieses Werkes ist lizenziert unter den Bedingungen von „Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 international”, CC BY-SA 4.0 (abrufbar unter: https://creativecom by-sa/4.0/
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