We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...

Page created by Anna Craig
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee,
                                      for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world.
©2012 Bon Venture Services, LLC

                                      Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish
                                  Forest City, Pleasant Mount and Rock Lake, Pennsylvania
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

    MASS INTENTIONS & MEMORIALS                                              PARISH FINANCES
             Week of September 13, 2021
                                                                        Ascension Parish Collection Report
Monday, September 13                                                          August 28 & 29, 2021

8:30 AM-St. Joseph Communion Service                     Weekly Envelopes                                    $2858.00

Tuesday, September 14                                    Other Parish Envelopes                                 $245.00
9:00 AM-St. James Communion Service                      Loose                                                  $30.00
Wednesday, September 15
                                                         Parish Second Collection                               $101.00
8:30 AM-St. Joseph Henry Majdic by Ed Kowalewski &
                                                            Total Parish Collection                          $3234.00
                                                         Diocesan Second Collection                               $0
Thursday, September 16
                                                         Diocese Envelopes                                      $30.00
9:00 AM-St. James James Pasternak by Barbara & Joe
                   Sprovkin                                      Saint Katharine Drexel Parish Collection Report
                                                                              August 28 & 29, 2021
Friday, September 17
                                                         Weekly Envelopes                                    $1643.00
8:30 AM-St. Joseph Communion Service
                                                         Other Parish Envelopes                                 $35.00
Saturday, September 18
4:00 PM-St. Joseph Frank Gliha by Barbara Sheptak &      Loose                                                  $367.00

                   Family                                Parish Second Collection                               $70.00

Sunday, September 19                                      Total Parish Collection                            $2115.00

8:00 AM-St. Juliana Sue McCormick by Barbara & Joe       Diocesan Second Collection                               $0

                   Sprovkin                              Diocese Envelopes                                       $9.00
9:30 AM-St. Joseph Peter & Mary Supko by Family
                                                                                 Second Collection
11:00 AM-St. James Sennie Talty by The Biondo Family                    This Weekend: St. Vincent DePaul Fund
                                                                           Next Weekend: Deficit Reduction

                 Sanctuary Candle
              Week of September 12 – 18
                      St. Joseph                             ASCENSION & ST. KATHARINE DREXEL PARISHES
               Dorothy Davis by Family                                        ONLINE GIVING!
                                                         Ascension & St. Katharine Drexel Parishes now offer
                                                         Online Giving, a web-based electronic contribution
                                                         application. We are providing this service so that you
MASS BOOK – SEPTEMBER                                    have the option to manage your contributions online or
The Mass, Bread & Wine, and Sanctuary Candle books       with your offering envelopes. This service is safe and
for the month of SEPTEMBER 2021 is now open. If you      secure and it is convenient for you. Sign up for Online
would like an offering please call the office or email   Giving by visiting our parish website at www.apskdp.org
apskdp@nep.net. Masses requested will be limited to      and selecting the Online Giving link and then selecting
two per family, per year.                                the appropriate parish link.
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

GOSPEL REFLECTION BY DCN. CARL ALBRIGHT                                              CCD NEWS
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,                              Ascension Parish
take up his cross, and follow me.”                               CCD is for students in grades 1-8.
Some of us know very well what our crosses are: For              CCD registration is online only at:
example, we may be taking care of family members who              https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlV2p
are in need or are suffering, or we may be suffering              N2qCNuysyTDZ3jn3AIM0rCRG6pYGJPhq7kHttO3dEc
through something ourselves. We may have neighbors,               g/formResponse
friends, or family members who have left us in a tragic          Classes begin September 12, 2021 and continue
way, whom we continue to pray for.                                through May 8, 2022. This year we will be
This week, we will celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy           continuing with the on-line format. It will be in a
Cross, which shows us again the power of Christ's                 Family Catechesis format where students will be
suffering. In our suffering, we can take comfort in               responsible for completing all work and
knowing that Jesus, true God and true man, suffers with           assessments online.
us, and that when we suffer, we suffer with him.                 If you have any questions please contact Jennifer
Although we read that Peter did not understand what               Pearson at apfcreledu@gmail.com or 570-960-1824.
Jesus was saying, and that Jesus then said, “Get behind          We are on Facebook! Please like and follow us on
me Satan,” soon after this reading, in the next part of           Facebook!
Mark's Gospel, Peter sees Christ transfigured.
Jesus rebukes our folly, but he also shows us our destiny,                   St. Katharine Drexel Parish
perhaps someday to become, through his grace and                 CCD classes for grades 1-8
mercy, transfigured versions of ourselves. May God help          Contact Danielle to register and for information
us to truly act on our faith, to practice what we believe         about the program this year at 570-642-1190
as we live out our lives. Let us take up our cross and, if        or oneills@nep.net
we can, even find joy in it, knowing where it will lead us
                                                                 The CCD program will begin on Sunday, September
in the end, if we but follow him.                                 26th.
                                                                 If you have any questions, please contact Danielle
FAMILY FUN DAY AT KNOEBELS                                        O’Neill at 570-642-1190.
As part of our Year of the Family observance, the Office
for Parish Life is sponsoring a Family Fun Day at Knoebels   “BE A CATHOLIC MAN” EVENT
Amusement Resort on Saturday, September 18th. Groups
                                                             A Catholic Men’s Conference is planned for Saturday,
or individuals are welcome to enjoy all that Knoebels has
                                                             October 30, 2021, at Holy Redeemer High School, 159 S.
to offer from 12pm to 8pm and take advantage of our
                                                             Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre. This will be the sixth
discounted ticket offer! You can choose from a Lunch
                                                             such Event. The theme is “Called to Fatherhood” under
and Ride Package ($25 per person includes a bagged
                                                             the patronage of Saint Joseph and is sponsored by ‘Be a
lunch and $20 worth of ride tickets) or a Discounted
                                                             Catholic Man.’ This event (from 8 am to 3 pm) will be
Tickets Only option ($20 worth of ride tickets for $17).
                                                             blessed with nationally known Catholic Speakers: Father
Regardless of the package you choose, you are welcome
                                                             Glenn Sudano (Franciscan Friars of the Renewal), Jim
to take advantage of our reserved pavilion for lunch or to
                                                             O’Day (active in Men’s Ministries, Lacrosse Coach, and
simply gather with your family and friends.
                                                             Self-Defense Instructor), and Karl Keating (Author and
                                                             Catholic Apologist). All men --- single, married, and
ASENSION PARISH 2021 RAFFLE                                  clergy, challenged to live virtuous lives in this very
Ascension Parish is holding a raffle on October 11, 2021     secular world are encouraged to attend. There will be
with cash prizes totaling $50,000! 1st prize: $15,000, 2nd   Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, and Sacramental
prize: 10,000, 3rd prize $5,000, 4 thru 13: $850, and 14     Confession --- a lunch break. Mass will be offered by the
thru 23: $650. Only 1000 tickets will be sold. $100 per      Most Reverend Bishop Joseph Bambera. Register Online:
ticket. For more information and a ticket application go     ($30 till Oct. 9th) www.BeaCatholicMan.com or pay that
to apskdp.org or contact John Mayers at 570-960-1322         day ($40). Questions, please contact Michael Kilmer 570-
or email at ramsey@nep.net or Pat Litz at 570-878-7631       746-0100 or michaelkilmer71@gmail.com.
or email at ptlitz1@gmail.com.
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

IT’S NOT OVER YET!!!                                              ST. JAMES FURNACE
The summer is coming to a close but the Flea Market will          St. James Church is in need of a new furnace for the
continue into the fall each Sunday through October 10th           coming winter, and will be the second furnace
from 9 to 10 am, after the 8:00 mass at Saint Juliana’s           replacement for our parish in just two years. With the
Church. There are recent items included that have been            loss of the extra funds Rock Lake Picnic brings our parish
donated since the picnic.                                         due to its cancellation last year because of the COVID-19
Also, on Saturday, September 18th and October 9th, the            pandemic, we are asking for donations for this project.
Flea Market will be open to the public all day from 10 am         Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Please make
to 4 pm.                                                          checks payable to St. Katharine Drexel Parish. Thank you
Please mark your calendars, pass the word on and stop             for your kindness and compassion in advance.
in for a look!
Contact Deb Biondo 570-798-2107 or Michele Biondo
216-339-2248 if you have any questions or would like to

As warmer months approach, we remind you of the
guidelines for our cemeteries. Some points to consider:
artificial flowers, wreaths and similar decorations are not
permitted from April 1st to November 1st; walking and
exercising of pets is not permitted; and no ATV’s, golf
carts, motorbikes, skateboards, or bikes are allowed in
the cemetery. Please do not use stones or mulch of any
kind. Please do not dump food scraps of any kind in or
around the cemeteries. A complete list of guidelines
are in the churches, or contact the Parish Office.

Prayers for the Sick: Christine Rudolph, Dan Kimberley, Carmen M. McCleland, Brian Gasper, John Michalizysen, James Calpin,
Karen Campbell, Susan Glinkowski, Denise Vauter, Debbie Trusky, Jeff Ryan, Louise Brockdorf, Bonnie Watson, Ruthie Sterchak,
Robert Polinsky, Marilyn Perine, Louis Kotar, Joseph Gugliucci, Fulton Joseph Hood, Mitzi MacDonald, John Reeder, Sr., Jessica
Vigorito, Mark Polednak, Charlie Matthews, Vickie Ravnikar, Maury Urmanec, Phyllis Flynn, Caitlyn Vauter, Susan Carpenter,
Mary Connors, Amelia Giorgano, Ella Pearson, Marian Rushen, Erin Andersen, Lydia Jones, Joelle Zukosky, Kerry Henderson,
Carol Bishop, Geri Duplatre, Bud Peter, Diane Kimberley, Michael Murnin, Jr., Brian Rock, Joe Sprovkin, Carl Poterjoy, Walter
Welicka, Gerrit Vanderwell, Patricia Simpson, Ruth ”Rudy” Peterka, Barbara Scott, Mary Lynott, Kathleen Connor, Patricia
Connor Mader, Joyce Skinner, and Cheryl Williams. To submit a name, call 785-3838.

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord: Joann D. Tarchuck. To submit a name, call 785-3838.

                      SERVERS                                        LECTOR                        E. MINISTER
St. Joseph Church
9/18/21 4:00 PM                                                                                   Dcn. Carl Albright
9/19/21 9:30 AM                                                     Sue Kulasinsky                Dcn. Carl Albright

St. James Church
9/19/21 11:00 AM Jason & Nicole Non                                 Gail McKeon                   Dcn. Carl Albright

St. Juliana Church
9/19/21 8:00 AM                                                     Pat Simpson                   Dcn. Carl Albright
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

Hymns for 9/12/2021                        4:00 pm                        8:00 am                      11:00 am
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time               9:30 am
Entrance Hymn                     #552 Take Up Your Cross       #465 Gather Your People       #552 Take Up Your Cross
Readings and Psalm                #923                          #923                          #923
Offertory                         #679 Prayer of St. Francis    #636 Open My Eyes             #679 Prayer of St. Francis
Communion                         #649 Shelter Me, O God        #558 Come Follow Me           #649 Shelter Me, O God
Recessional                       #672 Let There Be Peace       #401 One Lord                 #672 Let There Be Peace
                                  on Earth                                                    on Earth

                                                Diocese of Scranton
                                            Guidelines for Public Masses
                                           During the COVID-19 Pandemic

                                               Effective August 6, 2021

  The Diocese of Scranton joyfully welcomes the faithful of the Diocese of Scranton to return to Masses at all of its
 parishes. Despite the challenges of the last year, we invite those who have not yet returned to Mass to rejoin us in
                 person to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life.

  1. The Bishop is strongly recommending that all parishioners wear a mask while attending Mass – regardless of
     vaccination status. While masks will not be mandated in our parishes at this time, we must all continue to be
     vigilant against this emerging health threat. In fact, as Catholics, we have a responsibility to protect our friends
     and neighbors. In order to safeguard our community, the Bishop has also requested that altar servers wear
     masks and all Priests, Deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers return to wearing masks during the distribution of
     Holy Communion.
  2. Parishioners who have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications that weaken the immune
     system, should talk to their healthcare provider to discuss their activities. They may need/want to continue
     wearing masks and taking precautions while attending Mass.
  3. Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the church.
  4. The Sign of Peace be celebrated without physical contact.
  5. Distribution of the Precious Blood remains suspended at this time.
  6. Liturgical singing can take place without any restrictions. Cantors, quartets and choirs may be used without any
We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
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We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ... We adore thee, O Christ, and we bless thee, for by thy cross thou hast redeemed the world - Ascension Parish and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish ...
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