Page created by Andre Rios

  ————— SUNDAY JULY 18, 2021 —————
The following are in need
                                                                                   of guidance and strength
                                                                                   during difficult times: Eric
                                                                                   Allard, Lydia Baborsky,
Saturday, July 17th-Vigil: Sixteenth Sunday in                                     Audrey & Dan Case, Phyllis
Ordinary Time                                       Chamberlin, Deacon Al Cote, Alfred Cutrone Jr., Betty Ettl,
                                                    Joe Ettl, Dorothy Fisher, Rick Gunther, Loretta LeBlanc,
4:00PM In Memory of William Pineault                James Riley, Mary Sanborn, Maryann St. Peter, Stanley
Sunday July 18th-Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary       Weingart, Richard Wengar, Justin West and Charles Whitty.
Time                                                Lord God, we ask you to bless the members of our armed
7:30 am In Memory of Thomas Casey requested         services. Give them courage, hope and strength.
          by Mary Tauro                                      Please call or email the rectory to confirm the
9:00 am In Memory of Mary Ann Goulart                        names on the Prayer List.
          (birthday remembrance) requested by her
          family                                                       Our parish family is happy to
10:30 am In Memory of Walter Canova                                    welcome into our faith community
          requested by Brian & Margret Canova,                         Giovanni Jude Belanger, son of
          Michael & Cris Canova                     Stephen & Tarajoy (Sales) Belanger, baptized on
                                                    July 11th in Sacred Heart Church by Msgr. Les Janik.
Monday, July 19th-Weekday                           We pray that Giovanni will grow in Faith through the
8:00 am In Memory of Jeremiah & Auxilia             nurturing of his parents, grandparents and Godparents.
         Lowney requested by Dr. Jeremiah &
         Virginia Lowney                                          To all who have contributed to the toiletry
                                                                  drive for St. Vincent dePaul; the response
Tuesday, July 20th-Weekday                                        has been overwhelming. St. John Rosary
8:00 am In Memory of Henry & Frances                Altar Society will continue to collect items or cash
           Winiarski requested by Dr. Jeremiah &    donations.
           Virginia Lowney
                                                    The Catholic Charities 16th Annual Golf Tournament
Wednesday, July 21th-Weekday                                   will be held Monday September 13, 2021 at
8:00 am In Memory of Gerard LeBlanc, Sr.                       Great Neck Country Club, 28 Lamphere Rd.
         requested by Loretta LeBlanc (Wife)                   Waterford, CT.
         In Memory of Rev. Charles McGrail                     BBQ lunch at 11:00AM, Shotgun Start
                                                               12:30PM. Appetizers & Awards to follow!
         In Memory of Rev. William McCarthy,                   To register contact Sally Velcofsky at
         MSA                                        203-556-0115 or email
         In Memory of Virginia Moran requested
         by Rosary Altar Society                              SAVE THE DATE — ANNIVERSARY MASS
                                                              for all married couples celebrating a Silver or
Thursday, July 22nd-St. Mary Magdalene                        Golden Jubilee at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in
No Mass                                                       Norwich on Sunday, October 3, 2021, at 2 P.M.
Friday, July 23rd-Weekday                                      Registration deadline is Friday, September 10.
                                                    This is a firm date, so please register early. Call Mary-Jo
8:00 am For Pat Lucente (birthday remembrance)      McLaughlin, 860-848-2237, Ext 312, or email at
           requested by the Morning Mass Group

Next Weekend
4:00 pm     In Memory of Bernice Morrissey                   Sacred Heart Church, Norwichtown
7:30 am     In Memory of Dorothy Atkinson                       Saint John Mission, Fitchville
                                                                Pastor: Msgr. Leszek T. Janik
9:00 am     In Memory of Kathleen Cummings
10:30 am    In Memory of Stanley Krietsick                     Rectory Office: Lue Ann Watchus
                                                           Mon., Tue., Wed., Fri: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                        52 West Town St., Norwichtown, CT 06360-2296
                                                           Phone: 860-887-1030 • Fax: 860-887-6550
        Please Remain Prayerfully Silent                   Email:
                 Before Mass                              Website:
Collection for the Mission Cooperative Program
          to be held the weekend of AUGUST 1st                                     Thank you for your
                                                                                 continued support
                AND MARY                                       Weekly Offertory:
                                                               Sacred Heart Church:                               $2,317
The Community began during the French Revolution, a            Saint John Mission:                                  $295
time when the practice of religion was forbidden and took
place at a great personal risk. In May 1792, Frenchman
                                                               Online:                                             $373
Fr. Pierre Coudrin, who had been secretly ordained to the
priesthood, went into hiding for 6 months in an attic of the   establish missions     in     California,  South     Texas,
granary. One evening, he had a vision of being surrounded      Ireland, England, Japan, the Bahamas and India.
by a heavenly, illuminated group of missionaries dressed in
                                                               In 1975 the young mission in India officially became a
white robes. It became his calling to establish a religious
                                                               Region of the USA East Province, which today for the US
institute that would be the Congregation of the Sacred
                                                               Province is the primary mission of the Congregation of the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
                                                               Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
In 1827 the young congregation set off on a new mission
                                                               St. Damien, a member of the Congregation of the Sacred
sending teams of missionaries to settle in several Pacific
                                                               Hearts of Jesus and Mary, worked on the Island of Hawaii
Islands, to spread the Gospel, build churches and
                                                               for 8 years before volunteering in 1873 to work at the
evangelize new faithful. Nowhere in the Pacific did the
                                                               leprosy colony on Molokai, where he served as pastor,
presence of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus
                                                               doctor and counsellor to some 800 patients. In 1884 he
and Mary inspire its people more than in the Hawaii. They
                                                               contracted leprosy but, refusing to leave the Island for
established the Diocese of Honolulu, and built the
                                                               treatment, continued to work until the month before his
Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace. The oldest Roman
                                                               death at age 49 in 1889.
Catholic Cathedral in continuous use in the United States.
                                                               Pope Benedict the XVI said at his canonization in October
Bishop William Stang, first Bishop of Fall River,
                                                               2009, St. Damien “invites us to open our eyes toward the
Massachusetts, had been a student at the Catholic
                                                               “leprosies” that disfigure the humanity of our brothers and
University of Louvain. While there, he met members of
                                                               sisters and that today still call, more than for our
the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts. Following his
                                                               generosity, for the charity of our serving presence.”
installation as bishop, he was faced with a shortage of
priests and a multi-lingual diocese.      He invited the       The mission serves the poor and needy, leprosy affected
Congregation to come to the Fall River to help minister to     families, students, women and children, the marginalized
these communities and establish parishes.             The      and abandoned people, victims of the Caste System in
Congregation responded sending three priests in 1905.          India.
From this simple beginning, the Sacred Hearts established      Services include health services; education; rehabilitation
a secondary school and ten other parishes and missions in      and human development programs (i.e. women
Massachusetts that eventually matured into parish              empowerment, tailoring, beautician training and other
communities. Over the years, brothers were sent to             trades).

                                                   From the Pews…
Our Deserted Places                                                           It’s been said that busyness has become
                                                                              a disease in our culture. Walking away
Albert Einstein wrote, “The one who                                           from the crowds allows God to speak to
follows the crowd will usually get no                                         us in the quiet of our hearts. Without
further than the crowd. The one who                                           distractions, we can develop new habits
walks alone is likely to find themselves                                      of noticing and nurturing the abundant
in places no one has ever been before.”                                       gifts given to us by our Creator. We may
                                                                              see our true selves without judgment,
In this week’s gospel, Jesus invites us to
                                                                              knowing we are beloved children of
come away to a ‘deserted place.’
                                                               God. Our bodies can be replenished at the inner well, as
We all need to move away from the crowds from time to          we encounter God in ways we’ve never experienced.
time. When it gets too noisy, too busy, too
                                                               As the disciples learned to let God impart knowledge to
overwhelming, it’s time to find a place where we can let
                                                               them in their ‘deserted places’, may we let God speak to
our souls rest awhile. We may be people who do a lot for
                                                               us through words, images, stories, emotions, feelings,
the Lord, but don’t see the meaning of it, because we
                                                               and whatever ways God chooses to impart his wisdom to
neglect taking time for personal reflection and
Many other miracles were attributed to St. Rita, both during
                   her life and after her death.
 Holy Patroness of those in need, Saint Rita, so humble, pure
   and patient, whose pleadings with thy Divine Spouse are
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