Magazine - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Croydon Methodist Circuit

Page created by Cynthia Rodriguez
Magazine - SEPTEMBER 2020 - Croydon Methodist Circuit


              Harvest of the Woods


ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                  3

                                                    SEPTEMBER 2020

 Circuit Minister: Revd Soon Cheol Choi      
                                                         Tel: 020-8654 5481
 Lay Pastor: Mr Bennie Harms        
                                                         Tel: 07900-890 384


 Dear friends,
 I don’t know about you but I am finding this moment in time quite tricky to
 navigate. On the one hand, we are given the freedom to move around and
 engage in activities which weren’t possible several weeks ago; however, on
 the other hand, I find myself making decisions about what to do – for my
 wellbeing and that of others. Some of us may be facing significant decisions
 about study, employment and finance which have major longterm
 During the last couple of months leaders within our churches have been
 wrestling with risk assessments to consider the re-opening of church buildings
 for private prayer, Sunday worship and other activities. I salute leaders in all
 our churches for the diligence and care they have taken when conducting these
 risk assessments. I have met with senior stewards and property stewards from
 all our circuit churches on several occasions and have been impressed by the
 depth of engagement with the complex issues we are facing. We have been
 grappling with the implications of Connexional guidance – based on
 government guidance – which has changed frequently, sometimes weekly,
 making it difficult to keep up to date. I know that all churches have consulted
 their members about reopening, or are in the process of so doing, to assist
 decision-making by the Church Council as the managing trustees.
 From the beginning of September we anticipate gathered Sunday worship
 taking place in five churches and so I have prepared a Preaching Plan for the
 first time in several months. For the next few months I expect to produce a
 monthly Preaching Plan to give us flexibility. We anticipate that online
 worship – Zoom and YouTube – will continue alongside gathered Sunday
 worship. Please note that the YouTube services will be livestreamed on

 2020No. 717
4                        ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

    Sundays at 3.00 pm, beginning on Sunday 30 August, allowing me to lead
    worship in church on Sunday mornings and then offer YouTube worship in the
    afternoons. I hope that you will feel able to continue to experience and find
    support, inspiration and encouragement from Sunday worship, whether in
    church or online, as is appropriate to your situation.
    You will be aware that all of our churches have been struggling financially
    during the past few months with limited giving from members and no lettings
    income. The result is that some churches have been unable to pay their circuit
    assessment in full; the circuit is thus needing to consider means to reduce
    circuit expenditure, especially since we have no certainty about finances going
    forward. Based on proposals from our circuit stewards, last month’s Circuit
    Meeting agreed for an independent HR consultancy company to conduct a
    review into the roles of our three circuit lay employees. The circuit stewards
    will bring the findings of the review, and proposals stemming from it, to the
    Circuit Meeting next month. I would ask you to hold in your prayers everyone
    involved with and affected by this process.
    I conclude with a lament which is part of the Connexional resource Beyond
    Exile: A service to celebrate a return to public worship. We may find some of
    our own recent experiences reflected in this lament.
    God bless,

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                  5


 We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. Day followed night,
   every week had a Sunday and that was the day for church.
 How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

 We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. We made our plans,
   held our meetings, kept the roof on the church and the show on the road.
 How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

 We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. We would see col-
   leagues, friends and loved ones again, and we would embrace, laugh and
   share stories as we always have.
 How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

 And now, we know something new. We know that the world is not ours to
   control, and that our plans are confounded by the smallest microbe.
 God is teaching us a new song, for a new land.

 And now, we know something new. We know that church is not committees,
   agendas and buildings, it is us, in homes, streets, hospitals throughout the
 God is teaching us a new song, for a new land.

 And now, we know something new. We only have today with those we love,
   today is the day to say, ‘I love you’, to mend an argument, to hold on
 God is teaching us a new song, for a new land.


                     S    W
                  September Worship
                            EPTEMBER    ORSHIP

     10:30am                                from 3pm each Sunday
     Come back to church!                   Use your laptop or Smartphone

6     Mrs Caryl Rapps A
                                                  There will be a
13    Mr Habib Nader
                                                 CIRCUIT SERVICE
                                                From STEPHEN DAY
20    Rev Soon Cheol Choi †
                                            Available on YouTube see
27    Mr Bennie Harms

Note: Services which include the sacrament of Holy Communion are marked †

                               PRAYER LIST
                              Prayer   List
     Week beginning:
     September 6 Ministers in new appointments
                13 Our Lunch Club helpers
                20 Huntingfield Preschool
                27 Methodist Women in Britain


  We will re-open our church on 6th September.
  But we must follow Government and Methodist Church rules to
ensure safety:
1. We must all wear FACE COVERINGS (same as shops & buses).
2. You must sign in and give your phone number or email (for track
   & trace)
3. We must keep a safe distance apart - so there must be 2 empty
   seats between you and the next person EXCEPT for families and
   couples who can sit close together.
4. We must not shout or sing.
5. Extra precautions for Holy Communion (on 20th September)

Because of social distancing we will only be able to accommodate
about 30 people in our church. We will therefore operate a
BOOKING SYSTEM (like a theatre).
PLEASE TELEPHONE 020-8651 2504 by 6pm Saturday to book
seats in church for your party (single, couple or family).
If you have not booked we will try to fit you in, but we are not
    allowed to exceed our safe capacity.
We can only hold reservations until 10:30am - so DON’T BE LATE.

A steward will help you sign in and show you to your seat(s).



                                        OUR CHURCH MATTERS

              We are saddened to hear that DAPHNE PARKIN passed away
          peacefully at Beechwood House on 25th August, in the presence of
          her daughters JENNY HALLIDAY and KATHRYN FISH. We hold them
          in our loving prayers.

    We are sorry to hear that JANET ELLIOT is unwell and has been
taken into hospital. We have no further details, but we will continue
to hold her and PAUL in our prayers

               We are sorry to hear that MICHAEL ROBERTS is ill. The doctor has
           told ANNE that they must self-isolate for 3 months.

   We are sorry to learn that BENNIE HARMS has been unwell and
hope that he will soon be fully fit again.

    Sadly my husband Roy passed away in July this year. We knew he was
    ill but had not expected him to leave us so quickly. His passing was very
    peaceful and Heidi and I were with him at the end.
    He was made very welcome by all at the church and made many friends
    whilst we lived in Selsdon. He particularly enjoyed hosting the Garden
    Parties for members in the summer months once we moved away to
    Crowborough. Thank you for all your kind words of condolence.
                                  Shirley North

ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE                                    9



    Over the past nine months two mem-              I was sent an article by a friend at
bers of my health walking group have           Shirley Methodists entitled ‘Where are
contracted cancer, and from the moment         you God? ‘ It was written by the Revd
I heard, each night after I completed my       Louise Cadre. I hope the lady won’t mind
bible study included them in my prayers,       but I thought I would conclude my article
sadly over the past few month' they have       with part of the last two paragraphs, of her
both died.                                     article:
     I had the feeling of failure, that I am          "... but it is encouragement we need
not much of a Christian; that despite          to continue to pray for those we know in
prayers. I had let them down. A recent         difficult circumstances. Praying for
visit to my friends Brian and Marcia I told    someone isn't just a matter of naming
them what I have just told you and they        them [though that is a start, for sure!} but
said to me that I shouldn't blame myself       keeping them with you in God's presence
because God may have his reasons the for       working through some of the details they
way things have turned out for my two          face and praying for the Lord's work in
former walking colleagues.                     those details.
    At the time of writing it is just a week       It does make a difference; God some-
or so from Easter, and my bible readings       times moves dramatically, sometimes
have covered Matthew Chapters 7 and 8          gently, often patiently, and when I hear
and verses 7 and 8 of Chapter 7 includes       stories of change in people's lives it is
the words "Ask and you will receive; seek      immensely encouraging. The days are
and you will find; knock and the door will     long at the moment let’s take a chair out
be opened to you. For everyone who asks        into the garden, and be still for awhile,
will receive, and anyone who seeks will        read a bit of the Bible and remind our-
find, and the door will be opened to him       selves that God is God and pray for
who knocks". I wonder why my asking did        someone. It could make an enormous dif-
not achieve anything. Chapters 7 and 8         ference to them"
are worth a read if you can find the time.         What a wonderful collection of words
                                               the Revd Louise has put together, if you
                                               would like to see her full article please
                                               have a word with me.


                             'OWLERS                             ’OWLERS

                          Jokes and Puzzles from Hoot & Screech
       Hi! September has arrived and the schools will be opening.
It will be nice to be back with your friends after such a long
lock-down. The last few days of August have been very windy and
today we found a fallen tree blocking a path into the long field. Lots
of other bits of trees as well. Hope that the return to school goes
well. The jokes this month start with the letters U and V.
                                                         Hoot & Screech
The Beautiful Game
'I've seen them on television on a Sunday morning most days of the week.'
                                                        JACK CHARLTON
'We probably got on better with the likes of Holland, Belgium, Norway and
  Sweden, some of whom are not even European.'            JACK CHARLTON
"It was end-to-end stuff at both ends"                           JACK DEARDEN
"Will Chelsea qualify with ease? I think they will, but it won't be easy"
                                                               JAMIE REDKNAPP
"Most goals are scored between the posts"                      JAMIE REDKNAPP
"When you play for England you're all representing that curry... er, your
  country"                                            JAMIE REDKNAPP

Jokes           UNDERCOVER ?                       Spy hidden under your duvet !
                UNPLUG ?                        Before you drive an electric car !
                VAGABOND ?                                Used to tie up a tramp !
                VAMPIRE BAT ?               Used by vampires who play cricket !
                VULGAR FRACTION ?                   A fraction with bad manners !


SPOT            7 differences

12                      ADDINGTON METHODIST MAGAZINE

                                            THIS ISSUE
   Like our own Bennie, Lindsey is
not well, so we don’t have a                Our Superintendent Writes.............3
Layworker’s Letter this month. We           Marking loss – A lament................5
hope she soon feels better.                 September Worship.......................6
                                            Prayer List......................................6
    Face to face meetings are currently     Welcome Back to Church...............7
suspended due to the global                 Our Church Matters........................8
pandemic situation. However some            Concerns........................................9
events will be taking place online and      ’Owlers........................................10
other activities. We ask that you pray      The Next Magazine .....................12
for blessings on our community as we        Layworker’s List...........................12
live in a different way.

Prayers please:
on Monday for Children and those who
are vulnerable

on Tuesday for Families and carers.

on Wednesday for Guides and Scouts

on Thursday for Girls' & Boys' Brigade

on Friday for Young People, Schools &

on Saturday for Special Occasions and

on Sunday for All Ages and Community.
                                          THE NEXT MAGAZINE ...
                                              … will be published on the last
Keep an eye on the Circuit Website for    Sunday in September. Contributions to
                                          the Editor, Joyce Fanshawe, two weeks
the latest news                           earlier please.
                                             Phone: 020-8651 2504, or e-mail:
                                              If you have an email address we can
                                          send you a ‘link’ to download the maga-
                                          zine onto your PC or smartphone.
                                              Or you can DOWNLOAD it FREE, from
                                          the Circuit website (Addington page):





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