Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI

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Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
Monthly Newsletter for Bethany United Methodist Church • Madison, WI • Vol. 53, No. 8 • August 2020

       Pondering Peace — “The Peoples’ Movement”
                                 By Faith Bauman for The Peace Fellowship
For the past several months we have lived with the pandemic, a health crisis that affects all of our
lives. Today we are observing and experiencing another
crisis — this one dealing with the result of and response
to racial discrimination.
This crisis is like a pot of fluid that has simmered inside
the depths of humanity since it’s beginning… caused by
the experiences of being rejected and repressed due to
racial and cultural discrimination. The turbulence in the
pot has now come to the surface from out of it’s silent
depth and it is boiling!
Boiling is often used in food preparation to produce a good tasty meal. I believe that the boiling
sensation caused by the consuming anger and frustration of so many people is going to result in
drastic changes and that we shall have changed relationships and a transformed society. This boiling
is called a peoples’ movement.
When masses of people, counted in the millions, continue to boil, shouting “We Can’t Breathe,”
there is no stopping them. They make demands that can no longer be ignored. Peoples’ move-
ments are very strong…strong enough to force a country to change!
The funeral service for George Floyd was attended by senators and top political leaders. One speaker
said “What happened to George Floyd won’t happen again.”
Another said “We’ll never sit down ‘til justice comes!”
Of course we cannot predict the future, but we hope and even feel confident that this peoples’ move-
ment will result in changes that enhance freedom, good will and real justice…in the justice system as
well as in personal relationships.
Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
                                  Thanks for Responding to Our Pandemic Survey
    Thanks for spending time on our recent survey on Bethany’s response to the pandemic. More than 100 members responded! This is
                     double the number normally completing a survey, demonstrating that you are very engaged in how we move forward.
                     Since this crisis began, our Bethany Board members and I have faced difficult new decisions nearly every week. Your
                     input is very valuable as we continue to respond.
                      I am sharing here several of the analysis charts from the survey. I thought you might find these interesting. Clearly
                      most of you are uncomfortable returning to the building until a successful vaccine or treatment has been developed. In
                      your written comments, many of you expressed sadness about this – we all miss being with each other physically. But
                      you also expressed a great deal of satisfaction about how we are meeting online for worship, studies, and fellowship.
                      This would have been so much harder 20 years ago, when these online options weren’t available!
    Many of you provided detailed written suggestions about how we can best carry out our ministries as we move forward. Our Bethany
    Board members and I will be carefully reviewing everything you have shared in the coming weeks. Thanks for your help!
    Blessings in Christ,
    Pastor Greg

                           Additional charts can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-HDDVKP3D/
                           (If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste it into your browser.)

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
                      Simple Gifts for August — The Road Home Dane County

During the month of August, simple gift offerings are going to support The Road Home Dane County, which provides opportunities for home-
less children and their families to achieve self-determined goals and affordable, stable housing.
While it might sometimes be hidden from sight, homelessness exists in our community. During the previous academic year, 1,865 school chil-
dren were identified as homeless in Dane County. On a single night in July of 2019, over 600 people in our community didn’t have a place to
And today — during the COVID-19 pandemic — The Road Home’s efforts are more important than ever.
The Road Home’s efforts are centered on developing long-term relationships that change the lives of families with children experiencing home-
lessness. The organization works with families not only to relieve the immediate crisis of homelessness, but also to build skills, resources and
relationships that set the stage for long-term success. To accomplish this mission, The Road Home relies on the help and support of individuals,
congregations and businesses throughout Dane County.
There's no limit to what your help can do for vulnerable families, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Your support can have immediate im-
pact by helping families cover rent or buy groceries, and can also be used where needed for ongoing support services.
The Road Home also works closely with the Madison Urban Ministry's Healing House, an eight-bed recuperative care facility. The Healing House
provides a safe place for homeless families when someone needs to prepare for or recover from a medical procedure, childbirth, hospitalization
or something similar. In addition to donations, another way for congregations to make a difference for families who have experienced homeless-
ness in our community is by providing meals at Healing House.
During more typical times, simple gifts are made by placing loose coins in the offering plates, or by putting cash or a check in mission enve-
lopes. But you may also give online at BethanyMadison.org (click on We Serve and, from the drop-down menu, select Giving Financially).
To learn more about The Road Home, visit: http://trhome.org/
Up next: Simple gifts in September go to support Harvest of Hope

                       Special Sunday Offering
                       Also this month, there will be a Special Sunday Offering on Aug. 16 to
                       support Golden Cross Sunday. This collection provides support for health
                       and welfare ministries in the Wisconsin Annual Conference.
                       Please give generously, as your support will make a difference in real and
                       relevant ways.

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI

    The Playing Field opened again on June 29th with about 30 kids
    and expanded staff. Most of the day’s activities are outside in ex-
    panded playground areas. The shouts and screams of the kiddos
    playing is always a delight to hear.

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI

With summer in full swing, our “grounds crew” (Judy & Ralph Franks, Karen Sadler, Marge Lyford, Bethany Wright, Jim Carterr,
Vaughan James and Rod McKenzie) are hard at work keeping Bethany looking bright and cheerful.

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
                                                                          MEMBER CARE
Our Prayers and Sympathies are with…
 JoAn and Buz Brock on the death of their nephew in Arkansas

                                                STATEMENTS AND ONLINE CONTRIBUTIONS
       First quarter statements were sent out via email or regular mail on July 1st. Our old software attached a pdf file of the statement
        to the email. Realm, our new church database system, sends a link which you need to click on in order to access your statement.
        In making inquiries from Realm support I found out that both head of household and spouse will receive a link if both have
        email addresses. I also found out that many of those receiving statement links have not accessed their statement.
                If you think you have not received a statement please search your July 1st email or spam for one from Bethany United
                 Methodist Church with subject line “Your giving statement from Bethany United Methodist Church.”
                This email has a link titled “view your giving statement.” Clicking on this link will download the statement to your com-
       This is the first statement generated after converting to new record keeping software and conversions tend to open the door to
        errors as we learn a new system. Please check your statement carefully for errors of any kind – fund distribution, omissions, ad-
        ditions. Please contact me if either of the following is true:
                You made a contribution to Bethany between January 1 and July 1, 2020 and did not receive a statement. I will send it
                The information on your statement is not correct. I can then make the necessary corrections.
       All online contributions are now being processed by Realm. Contributions set up with the old authorization forms have been re-
        entered in the new system and, after a couple of initial glitches, seem to be processing correctly. Some who had entered their
        own continuing contributions online before conversion have re-entered them on the new online contribution screen. If they
        have not been re-entered no further automatic contributions will be made, as the old account was canceled on June 30. Contact
        me if you have questions.
       Please note that your email address is used to locate your record in Realm when making an online contribution. If you wish to
        make an online contribution using a different address than the one on this email, please contact me so I can make sure that the
        email you plan to use is in the system. If a matching email is not found, Realm will create new record and your donation will
        not be recorded correctly.
Sandra Arrington, Financial Secretary

                                                               A LOOK AT OUR FAITHFULNESS
              Sunday, June 28th               Sunday, July 5th               Sunday, July 12th              Sunday, July 19th              Sunday, June 26th
            Total .................. 163   Total .................. 146   Total................... 173   Total .........................   Total .................. 154

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
Children’s News
                      For Children’s Ministry information, contact Lisa Weaver, Director of Children’s Ministries
                               Phone: (608) 238-6381 / Email: childrensministries@bethanymadison.org

Fabric Masks for Children and Youth
We are collecting fabric masks for children and youth for use when schools re-open. The
gathered masks will be available for Bethany children and youth, as well as given in donation
to local organizations and schools. If you would like to sew masks and need a child-sized
pattern or fabric, contact Lisa Weaver. Completed fabric masks can be dropped off in the
basket outside the church office; please contact the church office to arrange for a drop-off

Zoom Sunday School
We are continuing with Zoom Sunday School on Friday mornings. Bible stories have included The Good Samaritan, the Parable of the Two
Houses, and the story of Joshua leading the Hebrew people across the Jordan River. A recent project involved creating a Sun-and-Storm
mobile, and talking about the Joys and Concerns we have.

His Eye is on the Sparrow
"Why should I feel discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion,
My constant Friend is He,
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me." (lyrics by Civilla Martin, 1905)

Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
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            We are a Reconciling Congregation,
            welcoming all people to be a part of
            our church family.
                                                     Lead Pastor ......................................................................................... Greg Jewison
                Information                          Pastor of Visitation ............................................................................. Brad Mather
Office Hours: 8 am - 2:30 pm                         Director of Children’s Ministries .........................................................Lisa Weaver
                                                     Director of Youth Ministries .............................................................. Brigit Parlow
Church Office: (608) 238-6381                        Global Mission Partners .............Ardell & Gordon Graner, Dominican Republic
                                                        ........................................................... Temba Nkomozepi, Mujila Falls, Zambia
Email: bethanyoffice@bethanymadison.org              Director of Music ........................................................................... Taras Nahirniak
Website: www.bethanymadison.org                      Organist .............................................................................................. Sue Poullette
                                                     Director of Bell Choirs .....................................................................Nick Bonaccio
                                                     Director of Children & Youth Choirs ............................................. Lori Nahirniak
                                                     Office Administrator ...............................................................................Carl White
      Sunday Morning Schedule                        Membership Secretary ........................................................................ Betsy Dunne
Early Bird Coffee Chat (Zoom)          8:30 am       Financial Secretary ....................................................................... Sandra Arrington
                                                     Treasurer ..........................................................................................Steven Webster
Faithlink Adult Discussion Class          9 am       Custodian ............................................................................................ Ron Rebholz
Zoom Worship                             10 am
After-Worship Fellowship (Zoom)          11 am

                                                                                     Banner Assembly
Bulletin Deadline : Tuesdays at Noon
                                                               Mary Blasdel . Gerry Cotter . Judy Cox . Betsy Dunne . Eileen Dunne
E-Banner Deadline: Tuesdays at Noon                                            Sally Gaard . Vada Mayfield . Kathy Nelson
Banner Deadline for the September Issue: August 11                                    Gail Steinhorst . Donna Wold
Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI Pondering Peace - "The Peoples' Movement" - Bethany United Methodist Church Madison WI
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