Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion

Page created by Jon Daniel
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Open House Information for English, French Immersion and
         the Late French Immersion programs
   Information de la programme d’immersion tardive
                  Please note: pictures are pre-covid
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Home of the Mustangs! Chez les Mustangs!
Mme. Nazeravich – Directrice Principal

M. Pokrant – Directeur adjoint Vice-Principal
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Notre mission est à
éduquer nos élèves à être
inspiré, competent, et les
citoyens résonsables.

Our mission is to educate
students to be inspired,
skilled, and responsible
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Grade 6 – Grade 8
Les faits
               Population – 350 Students
             French Immersion

Fast Facts
             Accepting students from across the division for Late French Immersion only

about          English Program
                  Student Services Support
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
-Research tells us that the middle years child has a variety of
          developmental needs to be addressed
  -We provide programing to support learning and social
 emotional needs of all students in an inclusive environment
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
We believe in a
respectful, caring, and
secure community
where academics can

   effective communication
   a proactive approach towards personal
   opportunities for fun and personal growth
   a sense of belonging
   supporting lifelong learning
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Nous croyons à
l’enseignement, à être un
modèle, et à encourager
respectueux, responsables, et

We believe in teaching,
modeling, and encouraging
respect, responsibility, and
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
Nous croyons à la citoyenneté digitale et à

We believe in digital citizenship and empowerment.
      Continued use and exploration of technology as a teaching tool and learning
     Creating a safe shared online space for teaching and monitoring student work
     Students use Microsoft Teams and become proficient in using the tools to enhance
      their own expression of learning, offering another platform for student voice.
     Creation of virtual Student Portfolios sharing progress with parents and used for
      student reflection. These will follow our students through to high school.
     Continued use of virtual conference opportunities or in person conferences, to meet
      parent needs.
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
We believe in

Providing opportunities to
experience success

Offering programming
that is varied and flexible

Providing experiences for
individual learning styles
and abilities
Bienvenue Welcome to École Munroe Middle School - Open House Information for English, French Immersion
How we are structured
at Munroe:
                           Grade level teams Eng. 6A/B, FI 6D/E
Comment nous sommes        Home rooms

structurés à l’École       Band and Art students sharing the same
                            home room to build community
Munroe:                    Applied Arts programming on site – Wood,
                            Sewing, Outdoor Education, Cooking
                           6 periods per day, 3 in the am and 3 in the
                           Day starts 8:35 and ends at 3:15
                           Lunch 11:25 to 12:15
   Options, Eat, Activities,
   11:25 -11:50 first half lunch.
   11:50 - 12:15 second half
        Each day 2 grades have
         gym time at lunch.
        Eating and gym time “flip
        Grade 6 stay on the
             Mustang Market
             Thursday Pizza lunch
Les Clubs/Extra Curricular
    Sports Teams
           Skill development
           For the love of the game
           Intramurals

Personal Interest                                         Student
    Clubs – Makerspace, knitting, coding,
                                                          ►   Mustang Market
MYRCA, Art, scrapbooking, cooking, ESD,
                                                          ►   Breakfast for
    Activity Days - Festival , Spirit week, Gym riots,       Learners
     Field day, MAD day, Ability Awareness week,
                                                          ►   Thursday Pizza
    Camps/Trips - gr. 7 camp, skiing, band trip,             Lunch
     Quebec trip                                          ►   Athletics
    GSA                                                  ►   Social events
                                                          ►   Announcements
Leadership    Leadership
and           et
Physical      Éducation
Education     Physique
Mme. Penner
M. McNabb
Les chefs

Mme. Scott
Grade 6 Team Leader.
Mme. Lazaruk
French Immersion Team Leader.
Art and Band/ L’art et l’harmonie

Mme. Tichborne
Mme. Foster
Applied Arts
(Les arts appliqué)

Education for
(L’education au
développement         Mme. Thordarson
durable)              Mme. Hum
Outdoor Education     M. Makki
(L’education de la    Mme. Massie
nature)               M. Bezte
Late French

Information de
la programme
Les faits de la   Grade 6 – Grade 8
                  Students in the program – 130 Students

Facts about       2 homeroom classes for each grade level

the Late
French            Specialist classes are taught in English
Program           Student Services Support
Language progression

   As students move through the                 Grade 6: 0% - 50% Français
    program the level of French spoken in
                                                 Grade 7: 50% - 75% Français
    the classroom increases incrementally.
    This ensures that by grade 8, students       Grade 8: 75% - 100% Français
    in Early and Late FI are ready to blend
    and move forward together.
Témoignages d’étudiants/Student Testimonials

    Regardez les vidéos
     des témoignages
     d’étudiants sur Flipgrid.
    Take some time to
     watch student
     testimonial videos on
Visite Guidée Virtuelle/Virtual Guided Tour

   Rencontrez des enseignants et
    explorez notre école.
   Take some time to meet with
    teachers and explore our
    classrooms and learning spaces

Frequently Asked Questions about
         Late French Immersion
Late French Immersion Specific Questions

1.   What if I want my child to try LFI for one year to see if it’s a good fit? Can they switch to English track after? Students need
     to commit to the language program for the entire year. If you choose to move to the English track, you must be in our
     school catchment to remain at Munroe. If you are coming from a different catchment area, you will return to your home
     school and attend the English track there as we are closed to schools of choice.
2.   My child is motivated and looking for a new challenge in their educational journey, is this the program for them? YES!
3.   I want my child to take Late FI. Is this the program for them? Families are encouraged to make this decision together. While
     parents ultimately make the best decision for their child, it is important that they want to take part.

    From Students:

1.   I’m the only one from my school entering the late FI program...I won’t have any friends! We have students attending from
     our 4 feeder schools, and many attending from across the division. You won’t be lonely for long! With so many new faces,
     everyone is looking to make new friends!
2.   I am worried because I don’t know any French! That’s okay, that’s what we’re here for!
3.   Is there recess or breaks for us? We have lunch recess with many activities offered!
Frequently Asked Questions

1.   How do the three tracks (English, Late French Immersion, Early French Immersion) mix and interact with each other? Students
     come together as a community during assemblies, student leadership led activities like spirit week, gym riots, cultural events.
     They also come together during the lunch hour with activities such as Makerspace, intramurals, and various clubs.
2.   What supports are in place to help my child in English or French Immersion? Your child’s homeroom teacher is their greatest
     support. As in all schools, we also have a Student Services support team consisting of our resource teachers and guidance
3.   How does Munroe encourage French bilingualism around the school? School signage, announcements, and events such as
     Remembrance Day are held in both languages.
4.   How often does my child use technology at school? Is it a requirement that they bring a device to school? We leverage
     technology daily to explore, apply critical thinking skills, create documents, teach digital citizenship, and use Teams to support
     students while they learn in person, and remotely. While technology is not a requirement, we encourage you to send it if you
     are able. A laptop best supports student need in any grade.
5.   What kinds of clubs are available for grade 6? Clubs change from year to year depending on student interest. We consistently
     offer our GSA club, intramural sports as well as school teams.
Frequently Asked Questions

1.   Are grade 6 students allowed to leave the property for lunch? Grade 6 students must remain on the property at lunch unless
     they are going home. This is standard across RETSD.
2.   We do not speak any French at home; how can we help our child with homework when we don’t speak the language. We are
     here to help! Concepts are taught and practiced at school. Then we share supports at school that students can access at home
     should they need them if they have homework.
3.   What steps are being taken to recognize all students inclusively? AT ÉMMS we Celebrate Everything! All cultural events are
     marked, and learning is shared over the announcements by student leaders. Our library selections reflect the diverse
     community that is Munroe. Our GSA, known as “PULSE”, is very active and supports student identity and voice.
4.   We live far from the school. Is bussing available? Bussing is determined by our Transportation department. The phone number
     here: 204-663-9230
5.   What does a typical day look like for my child. I know exactly what it’s like for my child in Elementary school. Can you walk me
     through a typical day please? Timetables will be shared at the beginning of the school year.
6.   Where do I find information about the school? Information about our school can be found on our Webpage. Here is the link:
     Munroe Junior High School - École Munroe Middle School (
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