2021/2022 Offshore Schools TRAX Data Requirements, and Procedures for the Graduation Assessments

Page created by Erik Molina
2021/2022 Offshore Schools TRAX Data Requirements,
                       and Procedures for the Graduation Assessments

 Provincial Graduation Assessments refers to the Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment (NME10 - English) and
 the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment (LTE10 - English), for which the student’s first write is to occur in their
 Grade 10 year, and the Grade 12 Literacy Assessment (LTE12 – English) for Grade 12 students. The
 2021/22 Graduation Assessment Schedule includes the session dates for each assessment.

Before an offshore school can participate in a provincial graduation assessment session, and to ensure that the
Ministry of Education can produce transcripts and certificates, the school must successfully complete the
following steps within published deadlines in the 2021/2022 Chart of Important Dates (full link on page 4):
    1. Obtain Personal Education Numbers (PENs) for all students who plan to write the Provincial Graduation
       Assessments or request transcripts
    2. Submit student level data in September via Form 1701
    3. Upload a TRAX data submission. This will add the students to the Ministry’s TRAX system, identify which
       courses they are taking, and register them for the Provincial Graduation Assessments
    4. Review the numeracy and literacy assessment administration guides at “Graduation Assessment
       Materials and Forms” on the School Secure Web in advance of the assessment session (for preparing
       for, conducting and invigilating assessment sessions, and returning numeracy response sheets)

   Applies to schools offering K-12
   Obtaining Personal Education Numbers
   The Personal Education Number (PEN) is a nine-digit number assigned to each student as they enter the
   British Columbia education system.
   PENs are obtained electronically through the Ministry’s PEN Web Application. You can download the PEN
   Web Application Instructions and gain access to PEN Web at https://www.gov.bc.ca/pen
   If you have not been provided a username and password for PEN Web, or have any other questions
   regarding this process, please contact the PEN Coordinator for assistance at: pens.coordinator@gov.bc.ca
   Once you have PENs for your students, they can be reported in the Form 1701 data collection and you will be
   able to perform TRAX data submissions to update student transcripts.
   Corrections to student demographic data (names, dates of birth and gender) can be sent to

   Applies to schools offering K-12
   1701 Student Level Data is required in September of every year. Form 1701 data collects information such as
   student names, birthdates, genders, Grade levels and number of courses they are enrolled in at the
   secondary level. Student Level Data is submitted electronically using the 1701 Verification Web Application.
   The 1701 schedule and instructions can be accessed at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/datacollections/september/
   Log in to the SLD Web with the same username and password used for PEN Web.
   If you have problems logging in, or have any questions regarding 1701, please contact
   Data.Management@gov.bc.ca for assistance.

Revised August 2021                                                                                               1
  Applies to schools offering Grades 10–12 (not K–9)
  TRAX Data Submissions
  B.C. Schools and Offshore Schools with students enrolled in Grade 10-12 courses must send TRAX data
  submissions to the Ministry of Education through the School Secure Web (SSW).
  For data submission deadlines, see 2021/2022 Chart of Important Dates (printable) or
  http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/calendar (Agenda).
  Each TRAX data submission must include a set of three files:
      •   student demographic information (DEM file)
      •   non-examinable course information (CRS file)
      •   registrations for graduation assessments (XAM file)
  The data files provide the Ministry with information to record student grades, administer and record results
  of Provincial Graduation Assessments, and produce transcripts and graduation certificates.
  Please note that TRAX data files cannot be processed between the June/Final Marks Submission deadline
  in July and the opening of TRAX for the new school year in October.

  Applies to schools offering Grades 10–12 (not K–9)
  Before the assessment session, schools must review the guidelines in the documents below available at the
  “Graduation Assessment Materials and Forms” link on the School Secure Web (SSW)
      •   Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment Administration Guide
      •   Grade 10 and Grade 12 Literacy Assessment Administration Guide
  The Offshore Schools – Electronic Password Letter will be available 5 business days before the assessment
  session starts under the same link for “Graduation Assessment Materials and Forms” on the SSW.

  Access sample assessments from the Graduation Assessments: Information for Administrators’ webpage:

  School Secure Web (SSW)
  Principals and their designates can access a variety of functions and reports via the SSW
  https://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/tsw/princ_terms.jsp, including:
      • Online Graduation Assessment Register – confirm registrations made through TRAX data transfer
      • Graduation Assessment Results and Reports – view by assessment session
      • Upload TRAX Data Files (DEM, CRS and XAM) – upload when there are new marks and by target dates
      • TRAX Data Error Reports – review and address errors after each TRAX data upload
      • Transcript Verification Reports (TVRs) – verify transcript data including course enrollments, interim
          and final marks, plus graduation assessment results for graduating students (i.e. Grade 12s)
      • Student PSI Selections summary
      • Graduation Assessment Materials and Forms – access assessment guides, TRAX Change Forms, etc.
      • Unofficial Transcripts of Grades (UTGs) – view transcript data of successful course and assessment
          completions (best result only) for all students in Grades 10 to 12

Revised August 2021                                                                                                    2
Principals must obtain an ID and password from the Ministry to access the SSW for the first time by emailing
  offshore.administrator@gov.bc.ca. Schools then maintain their own password. Forgotten passwords can also
  be reset by contacting this email.

  Other Resources
  To successfully maintain student certification records in TRAX, school staff must become familiar with the
  following resources:
   • The British Columbia Global Education Program – Sample Certification Agreement
       Schedule F in the sample Agreement provides an overview of electronic data transfer requirements for
       TRAX and electronic assessment requirements, and can be accessed at:
       management/international-education/offshore-schools - (see Program Resources for this document)
   •   The B.C. Graduation Program Handbook of Procedures (“The Handbook”)
       The Handbook outlines the procedures for sharing data between schools and the Ministry. The
       Handbook can be accessed at: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/handbook/
   •   The B.C. Curriculum Comparison Guide
       This helps schools identify course changes for the B.C. (2018) Graduation Program, includes TRAX course
       codes for reporting, and is available at: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/tools#comparison
       Tips: use CTRL+F to search for courses by keyword and refer to Course Code Comparison tables.
   •   The 2021/22 Graduation Assessment Schedule
       The Schedule contains important information about graduation assessments including scheduled date
       and time, and return deadlines of Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment response sheets (daily in session):
       management/assessment/graduation - (scroll down to Graduation Assessment Schedule)
       Offshore Schools write assessments at the times shown on the schedule, local time.
   •   TRAX Updates mailing list
       School administrators are required to subscribe to this service, which will alert them and other staff to
       important information related to assessment session processes and TRAX data transfers. To subscribe,
       fill out the “Membership” form at: https://lists.educ.gov.bc.ca/list/trax.updates.lists.educ.gov.bc.ca
       (Please include your school name in the name part. You will get an email asking you to confirm your
       subscription. Check your junk email too.)

                    Unless otherwise instructed above, please direct all enquiries to:
       Offshore Schools and First Nations Schools Administrator at offshore.administrator@gov.bc.ca

Revised August 2021                                                                                                3

                             The 2021/2022 Chart of Important Dates is available at:
                     http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/calendar/ (rolling online calendar) or
  https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/administration/program-management/assessment/graduation (PDF)

Upcoming TRAX dates in 2021/22
Each month: Submit TRAX data, check for errors and correct them
Beyond the TRAX submission deadlines below, we encourage schools to submit TRAX data files monthly to keep
student transcripts up to date on the School Secure Web (SSW) and StudentTranscripts Service (STS) sites.
From STS, students can authorize post-secondary institutions that use XML data transfer protocol to view
updates of their records at any time of the school year.

After each TRAX data submission, check your school’s TRAX Data Error report for errors and also Transcript
Verification Reports for Grade 12 students on the SSW (you will need a user ID and password). Correct any
errors in your student information system and reupload to TRAX. If you need a password reset or have trouble
resolving errors, please contact offshore.administrator@gov.bc.ca.

Schools with students graduating earlier than June: monthly graduations occur automatically in the TRAX
system from October through May for students i) whose final course marks are reported by the end of one of
those months AND ii) who also completed their Provincial Graduation Assessments (including the Grade 12
Literacy Assessment) in a session with results released in that period (e.g., writing November assessments
towards a January graduation, or January assessments towards a March or later graduation).

          Oct. 4 TRAX opens for uploads via the School Secure Web (SSW) for the 2021/22 School Year
                 The Ministry is able to process TRAX files between early October and mid-July.
 Oct. 4–Nov. 12 TRAX First Data Submission
                This first submission tells us who your students are, what courses they have completed (if not
                already submitted), what courses they are taking, and enables them to participate in
                Provincial Graduation Assessments. New schools that have not successfully completed a first
                data submission by mid-Oct. will not be able to have their students participate in the Nov.
                Provincial Graduation Assessments.
      Oct. 5–22 Online Graduation Assessment Register open for checking November 2021 registrations
       Nov. 1–5 November 2021 Graduation Assessment Administration (NME10, LTE10, LTE12)*
  Nov 17–Jan. 7 Online Graduation Assessment Register open for checking January 2022 registrations
         Jan. 17 Results released for November 2021 Provincial Graduation Assessments
     Jan. 24–28 January 2022 Graduation Assessment Administration (NME10, LTE10, LTE12)*
 Mar 8–Apr. 15 Online Graduation Assessment Register open for checking April 2021 registrations
        Mar. 14 Results released for January 2022 Provincial Graduation Assessments
      Apr. 4–22 TRAX Spring/Interim Submission of Grades
                Register students for assessments, include final marks for courses completed up to end of
                April and interim marks for courses to be completed in May and June
     Apr. 25–29 April 2022 Graduation Assessment Administration (NME10, LTE10, LTE12)*

Revised August 2021                                                                                                          4
Apr. 22 April deadline for students’ post-secondary institution (PSI) selections (batch only)
          May 5 Interim transcript data sent to select PSIs (batch only)
     May 10–27 Online Graduation Assessment Register open for checking June 2022 registrations
    June 13–17 June 2022 Graduation Assessment Administration (NME10, LTE10, LTE12)*
        June 13 Results released for April 2022 Provincial Graduation Assessments
          July 8 TRAX June/Final Submission of Grades due date. Also, target deadline: Student PSI selections
                 Submit final marks for all courses completed on or before the end of June. Check Transcript
                 Verification Reports for Grade 12 students to ensure the final transcript data are complete
                 and correct before the due date.
                  NOTE: B.C. Mailing Address for Year-end School Packages (Diplomas for June graduates)
                  By this date, offshore.administrator@gov.bc.ca has contacted each school’s Offshore School
                  Representative (OSR) to confirm their B.C. mailing address for delivery of year-end school
                  packages at the end of July/early August in B.C. If it is known the Principal will not be available
                  to sign diplomas, the OSR should confirm their own B.C. address for delivery and sign the
                  diplomas in the Principal signature block prior to further distribution.
         July 31 Results released for June 2022 Provincial Graduation Assessments
         July 31 Transcripts sent to post-secondary institutions and schools
                 School packages (student diploma and school copy of transcript) sent to BC Offshore School
                 Representative for delivery to the school. Students order their official B.C. transcript from
                 StudentTranscripts Service
  Mid Jul.- Sep. TRAX closed; Alternative Submission of Summer Marks (Graduating Students Only)
                 While TRAX is closed for uploads, submit summer school/credit recovery marks for multiple
                 graduating students via Secure File Transfer Service (SFTS) — request temporary access and
                 instructions from offshore.administrator@gov.bc.ca. Options:
                  a) Electronic procedure: Use the school’s student information system (e.g.,
                     TESS/PowerSchool) to create the standard TRAX files (DEM, XAM & CRS) for SFTS upload.
                 b) Manual procedure: Use an Excel spreadsheet exactly as shown in the example below (a
                     template will be provided). Spreadsheets not using this format will not be accepted.
                                                  Legal  Legal Given     DOB                         Final
                       School Code     PEN                                        Course    Date
                                                Surname First Name yyyymmdd                          Sch %
                        103##### #########       Smith        Joe      20030516 ENST 12 202108        72
                   For an individual graduating student, use a TRAX Change Form available from SSW’s
                   “Graduation Assessment Materials and Forms” link and submit the form according to
                   instructions on it.

*For each Provincial Graduation Assessment session, see dates in the 2021/22 Graduation Assessment Schedule and
instructions in the Assessment Administration Guides on the SSW (at “Graduation Assessment Materials and Forms”).
IMPORTANT: Collect and return NME10 response sheets at the end of each assessment day.

Revised August 2021                                                                                                5
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