Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...

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Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
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Autumn Around
  the Corner...
 ●   Around The Villages ● Schools & Sports News ● Woodland
 ●   GP Surgery Update ● Your Letters & Photos ● & Much More...
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020

                                                                                     under two thousand pounds was raised for
                                                                                     charitable causes. Sadly, the Village Show, due
                                                                                     to take place on the same day, was cancelled.
                                                                                     This was the one year when perhaps some of us
                       the October /November 2020 edition of          spent more time in the garden and had hoped to
                                Village Voice...                                     showcase the fruits of our labour! Next years
                                                                                     event is scheduled for 26 June 2021
                                Dear VV Readers,                                        Readers will see that there are several appeals
                                Welcome to the 200th edition of Village Voice.       in this edition. The P&TGRS are looking for
                                Over the past more than 34 years of production,      volunteers (see page 4) Emma Byrne is
                                Village Voice has evolved and changed, and so        appealing for filled shoeboxes for 'Operation
                                too has Village life. Edition 1, was 24 pages        Christmas Child' (see page 21) and on P15 there
                                long - this edition is 64 pages! The diversity of    are details of how VV readers can nominate a
                                content in VV is achieved by the inclusion of a      neighbour for a 'Neighbour of the Year Award'
                                wide range of news items, information and               Our next edition of VV is our Christmas
                                updates from many contributors                       edition (December 2020 and January 2021) and
                                   Of course, the past 6 months have been            we invite your contributions. The deadline for
                                exceptionally unusual, with the rhythm and flow      copy is the first week in November. We look
                                of Village life being compromised to a very          forward to hearing from you. In the meantime,
                                great extent. Living in such beautiful               stay safe and well. Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor
                                surroundings and having experienced some fine
                                weather during the six months, has at least been
                                compensation for the inconveniences and stress        Regulars...
                                of being locked down. Newspaper reports
                                suggest that a larger than usual proportion of
                                                                                     04        Around the Villages
                                people who live in more built up towns, and
                                                                                     13        Church News
                                cities are looking to move to more rural settings.
                                                                                     17        Woodland & Green Spaces
                                There have been reports that being connected to      18        Schools News
                                nature is beneficial for our mental health, and      22        Sports News
                                certainly walking around the village and woods       31        Noticeboard
                                during the summer has been an uplifting              32        Clubs & Societies
                                experience. Our cover picture captures a             37        Fields in King's Wood
                                dragonfly resting on a blackberry bush in Penn       55        Index of Advertisers
                                woods towards the end of September. For a map        56        Village Contacts
                                of walks in Penn Woods go to http://www.
                                                      In This Issue...
                                   In this edition of VV, we report the ways in
                                which the various clubs and societies are            10        Update from Your GP Practice
                                adapting to meet the ever changing                   26        Village Care Open Gardens
Cover Photograph: Keith Hawes

                                requirements regards socialisation and               29        Parnell's EV Electric Dreams
                                distancing, and we are able to report on the         30        Excelsior: Village Memories
                                Open Gardens which took place on 13th                38        Rayners (Penn School) Update
                                September (just before a revised lockdown
                                measure limiting gatherings of over 6 people          In The Insert...
                                was put in place!) It was a beautiful day as the
                                photographs on Pages 26 and 27 show, and just        • Village Voice: Our 200th Edition
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020

                                                    mothballing for the moment, until needed again.
                                                    Madalyn Roker, 07774 834615

       THE VILLAGES Do You Love Living in P&TG?
                                                    The P&TG Residents Society do too.
                                                    We are a friendly team of 12 (who would like to
P&TG Together                                       increase our numbers to 14 or 16). We all live
P&TG Together was formed in March with over         across both villages, and we all enjoy working
200 residents offering to help each other during    to ensure that the village is open and appealing
the lockdown imposed by the Government.             to all. Perhaps during the recent lockdown, you
   Once lockdown eased, we were less needed         spent more time locally and developed an
for shopping and errands but found that One         increased appreciation of where you live as you
Can in Wycombe was finding a sharp uptake in        went for a walk or checked your social media
people needing additional support in the form of    feeds. It could be you don't know anything or
food donations. Our area co-ordinators, Emma        much about the P&TG Residents Society and
B, Gill M, Ian F, Beth P, Catherine M, Kate V       what we do.
and Madalyn R rallied around and we held 4             The P&TG Residents Society manages
monthly food bank donation drives across the        Common Wood, runs the Village Pre School, is
village, with donations being collected at street   invited by planners to review and comment on
level and then combined to make mega donation       planning applications in our villages to ensure
from the whole village.                             the continuation of the amenity value of living
   One Can have found that supermarket              in a village setting, publishes Village Voice, runs
donations are increasing as Street donations fall   a P&TG Facebook page, website and more.
reflecting the change as we slowly return to our       We work as a team and frequently encourage
places of work, school and some sort of routine,    wider effort from other local volunteers. We
   We have experienced this too, so have            played a key role in the organisation of the
decided not to continue with our regular            recent Covid-19 group, P&TG Together.
collections for now, although if you do want to        We would like to recruit 2 or more people to
donate you can do so easily at various local        join us; particularly, if you have admin and/or
supermarkets including Village Store on the         organisational skills/ experience to potentially
Green, Co-op, Waitrose and Sainsburys. As well      take on the Company Secretarial role or to
as supermarkets, there are other Street Heroes      contribute to the Residents Society's future
who are continuing to collect including Emma        plans and activities in the village.
Byrne at 11 Kings Ride, who together with her          We would also like to recruit a treasurer to
husband, Dave, made such a difference by
                                                                  SOME OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS
offering their van to take our donations to
   We do need to take a moment to congratulate
ourselves. We have completed 4 village-wide
donations, amounting to about 20 car fulls and
made a huge difference to those in need in the
                                                                                                          Photograph: Ian Petrie

area. We set up networks in our area and
provided support to many residents during
lockdown and created a huge sense of
community across Penn & Tylers Green.
   We are not disbanding P&TG Together, but
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020
produce our annual accounts. Could you, or           Commonwood and revellers enjoying
someone you know, help with this?                    themselves, which isn’t the problem. It’s the
   Even if you don’t feel you have the specific      mess they leave, tables, chairs, bottles, broken
skills outlined above, but are just keen to join     glass, picnic debris as well as smouldering
us, enthusiasm is welcomed too. We would love        bonfires. With the recent hot weather we have
to hear from you - and would invite contact          had fires that required assistance from the fire
from anyone who would like to know a little          brigade.
more – you can attend one of our meetings (via          We would like to ask everyone for your
Zoom) or just meet us for a coffee.                  support and to encourage you, if you feel able,
   Please contact Madalyn Roker on 07774             and are visiting the woods, to remind these
834615 or for               visitors to clear up after themselves? Take home
more information.                                    all their rubbish and leave the woods as they
                                                     would like to find them? The Countryside Code
P&TGRS and P&TG Together                             gives some sensible advice that we would like
- An Update                                          everyone to consider:
Dear Residents and VV readers,
                                                      • Respect other people
Unbelievably it has been 6 months since the           • Consider the local community and other
Covid19 lockdown started, and Penn & Tylers             people enjoying the outdoors
Green Together was created.                           • Park carefully so access to gateways and
P&TG Together would like to take this                   driveways is clear
opportunity thank all our co-ordinators,              • Leave gates and property as you find them
volunteers and the residents of Penn & Tylers         • Follow paths but give way to others where
Green for their support during this time.               it’s narrow
                                                      • Protect the natural environment
We are having a bit of a rest at the moment as
                                                      • Leave no trace of your visit, take all your litter
the needs seem to have diminished - but                 home
depending on how things progress during the           • Don’t have BBQs or fires
autumn and winter - could well change.                • Keep dogs under effective control
  In the early days of lockdown we undertook          • Dog poo - bag it and bin it
deliveries, sought out neighbours who needed          • Enjoy the outdoors
support as well as Village Care helping with the      • Plan ahead, check what facilities are open, be
collection and deliver of prescriptions.                prepared
                                                      • Follow advice and local signs and obey social
  As time progressed we got involved with the           distancing measures
admirable collection of food donations for One
Can in High Wycombe. We collected an                    Then as we look further ahead to Christmas,
amazing volume of goods, amounting to over           we can’t predict where we’ll be with restrictions
20 carloads!! And this continues with donations      related to Covid19, but we can think ahead to
being made the local shops. We are very proud        planning festive activities which are different
of our collective effort.                            from previous years, but still bring a smile to
  We have recently moved into a new phase            your face!
– and are now restricted to the ‘Rule of 6’ in the      P&TGRS working with P&TG Together are
Covid19 pandemic. As we learn to cope with           in the early stages of planning a virtual 12 days
the new Rule of 6, we are writing to ask             of Christmas Calendar of activities that we hope
everyone for a different type of support in          will be able to help with. At this stage we are
looking after the village and woodlands that we      particularly interested in any ideas you may
so treasure.                                         have. We have thoughts and ideas which could
  We have recently seen a spate of bonfires in       include a virtual Christmas tree competition, a                                                                                5
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020
children’s competition, perhaps a photography          the position in a few weeks and we will let you
competition, as well as a quiz. If you have any        know the latest in the next Village Voice.
bright ideas- please let us know! Please email         Peter Brown Secretary Also do look
out for more letters from us, information and          Beaconsfield & Chepping Wye
updates on the website https://                        Community Board and find us on our           Some of you may have seen the press release
Facebook                     announcing the launch of the new Community
PTGResidentsSociety, P & TG Residents Society          Board funding process. If not details on how to
                                                       apply for funding can be found here: https://
Tyles Green Village Hall Update              
Tina Brown is retiring after 20 years as the           safety/improving-your-local-community/
manager of Tylers Green Village Hall. If               apply-community-board-funding/
anyone is interested in taking on the five                The website includes detail on the application
mornings a week role which involves co-                process and criteria for all three of the funding
ordinating bookings and dealing with the hall          streams – Community Area Priorities, Health &
admin, please contact Paul Ricketts, chairman          Wellbeing and Local Infrastructure.
of the Village Hall’s management committee,               If you have ideas for projects that you feel
on                                would meet the relevant criteria and are in line
   The hall has now reopened for users/hirers          with Board priorities or address an identifiable
only after a five and a half month closure due to      local need, please do speak to the Community
restrictions imposed in the coronavirus                Board Co-ordinator Andy Chapman. He is very
pandemic. There are strict social distancing           keen to engage with people and help with
rules in place and a number of other measures to       contacting other stakeholders as appropriate for
keep all our users and staff safe. Not all of our      support and information.
groups have returned as they are waiting to see           The Board are hoping to set up some working
how restrictions develop and some have                 groups linked to the priorities and listed below.
indicated they will not return until after             If anyone is interested again please contact
Christmas.                                             Andy, either as an individual or if you are
   Under the present restrictions we are unable        involved with a local group who might be
to take bookings for children’s parties but our        interested.
organised sport and exercise/dance classes are         • Young people's activities - including drugs
resuming with limits on the numbers in each               awareness and action on crime
hall. Please see our website, www.                     • Loneliness and isolation - including mental or email Tina on             and physical health for guidance.         • Transport/Highways - including parking,
   Please note that our toilets and foyer area are        speeding and cycling
not available for public use during the current        • Covid Recovery and Regeneration
situation. In fact all the hall’s facilities are for   • Community facilities – playgrounds, outdoor
the use of hall users only and the track and trace        spaces, community centres
system is in operation.                                   At the moment the meetings are still being
   Although planning permission to build a Penn        held on teams with the most recent one being
and Tylers Green Heritage Centre in the area of        held on 29thSeptember. If you missed it and are
the changing rooms has been obtained, a                interested on what the Board does then the
decision on whether to progress to building            meeting will be made available online. For any
stage is still on hold. The trustees will discuss      queries please contact Andy Chapman on
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020
  01296 383490 and 07753 288039 or andy.             vandalism in there. Only recently the Katrina Wood          steppingstones in the adventure play area were
– Vice Chairman, Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye       all hacked to pieces and will have to be
Community Board                                      replaced. Unfortunately, this all comes out of
                                                     public funds as it is the precept that pays for
Chepping Wycombe Parish Council                      things like this and means we may have to put
The Parish is continuing with meetings online        other projects on hold. Katrina Wood, Chairman
which are working well. If anyone wants to           – Chepping Wycombe Parish Council
attend, then please let the clerk know and she
will send you joining instructions. We want to       Penn Parish Council
remain as open and transparent as possible           Penn Parish Council's September meeting
during these difficult times and we welcome          marks a return to a new kind of normal. A
public participation. If you are unable to attend,   majority of Councillors felt it was important to
you will find reports and minutes of the             meet face to face and the opportunity to
meetings on our webpage.                             welcome a new Councillor provided the
   It has been quite quiet this summer although      necessary impetus. We look forward to
we have of course continued with all the usual       welcoming Mrs Debbie Marsden, a retired GP,
maintenance work. In Cock Lane cemetery the          who joins us to represent the Ward of Knotty
path and driveway to the new cremation area          Green. Councillors were fortunate to have three
have been finished. This has much improved the       excellent candidates apply to become the new
cemetery and allowed for more widespread             Parish Councillor and we are grateful to all
disabled access.                                     three, who have offered to lend us their
   We are still dealing with Ash die back in         expertise in future. Penn Parish is comprised of
King’s Wood and there will be a considerable         nearly 3,500 people who live in five vibrant
                             number of trees being   communities and we have never felt the benefit
                             removed over the        of belonging to a community more than over the
                             next few months.        last six months. As the Parish's Planning
                                In Ashley Drive      Committee re-starts its vital work considering
                             Recreation park, we     local planning applications, Parish Councillors
                             will be renewing the    will also consider the impact of the
                             surface under the       Government's far reaching planning reforms.
                             zipwire and are         We will put that new sense of community,
                              investigating costs    kindness and the importance of local
                              for fencing around     representation at the heart of what we do. It
                              the younger            gives me great pleasure therefore to salute
children’s play area                                 Village Voice on its 200th Edition and to remark
as this has long been                                on the vital role it plays helping us do this. Roy
an ambition but it is                                Bentham, Chair
proving very costly.
   Whilst                                            The Village Show
mentioning Ashley                                    Sadly you will have heard we had to cancel the
Drive, we are still                                  village show, due to take place on 13th
seeing a                                             September. The ideas we had for staging the
considerable                                         show on the common, were intended to be
amount of littering,                                 simple, but the plans to manage the flow of
broken bottles and                                   people round each gazebo to amaintain social                                                                          7
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...


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Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020
distancing, proved too great to manage.              golfing venues above, but this may be
The next show is Saturday 26 June 2021, we           dependent on any restrictions on numbers that
will keep the schedule for craft, art, photo and     these clubs may impose. For more details,
domestic categories the same as this year and        please visit our website: http://www.
adapt the flowers and produce to reflect the
seasons. David Deadman
                                                     Litter in P&TG
Penn Pond Waders Golf Society                        •  L - itter
Following my last update, I am pleased to report     •  I-n
that our golf society is up and running again.       •  T - ylers Green
Most clubs are currently restricting the number      •  T - his is
of people who can play at their courses for          •  E - verybodies
society events. Sadly, we have had to disappoint     •  R - esponsibility
a few of our members who didn’t reserve their           If only everybody would take their litter home
place early enough.                                  and clear outside their homes Wouldn't it be
   30 of our members visited the challenging         wonderful to have a clean village? We have
Oxfordshire GC on Friday 14th August 2020.           been litter picking for the past few weeks and
Despite a damp, drizzly day, some excellent          each week collect 4 plastic bags of cans, bottles,
scores were recorded with 6 players scoring 38       crisp packets etc. Litter picking can be soul
points or more:                                      destroying but it is also very rewarding. From the
• Kevin Croxon H/C 9: 40pts                          'three litter pickers of Chiltern Close'
• Roger Stewart H/C 11: 39pts
• Keith Burwood H/C 9: 39pts                         Hazlemere Gardening Association
• Graham Garrett-Smith H/C 14: 38pts                 Like many other organisations both local and
• Jason Philp H/C 9: 38pts                           National its been a unique year for us all. The
• Rod Jones H/C 14: 38pts                            first time we have had to cancel our Spring and
   On Thursday 10th Sept, 24 of us made the          Autumn garden shows since we started 1n 1977.
trip to the beautiful Hindhead GC in Surrey.         Sadly our Barn store remains closed for our
After a chilly early start to the morning, the sun   normal Sunday morning shopping and we will
came out with most of us playing in tee shirts       not be opening again this year. However despite
and shorts by mid-morning. Dave Cooper was           depleted stocks of compost we are still running
the winner with 38 points closely followed by        our ‘Order & Collect service’ online till we
Julian Harris and Kevin Croxon with 37/34            close in October.
points respectively.                                    I sincerely hope the Covid situation improves
   We are now looking forward to a trip to           sufficiently for us to re-open the barn store
Bournemouth in mid-October and returning to          safely in February, so please keep an eye on our
the lovely Ashridge course in late November.         website for further updates. Peter Pearman
Our remaining 2020 UK events will be:                (Membership Secretary) 01494 711570, http://www.
• Thurs 15th October - Remedy Oak GC       
• Friday 16th October - Ferndown GC
• Friday 27th November - Ashridge GC                 Advertising in Village Voice
   If you are interested in joining our friendly     If you would like to advertise in Village Voice,
Society or coming along as a guest at any of our     our advertising rates are very competitive and
future events, please contact our Secretary Bob      start at just £25 per issue (initial commitment is
Teuton on 07973 137446. We would love to             3 issues). Please email Ruthie Pocock on:
welcome some new Waders at some of the great                                                                           9
Autumn Around the Corner - Tylers green - Penn and Tylers Green ...
Village Voice October/November 2020

                                                       “     We currently triage all our appointment
UPDATE FROM                                          requests by telephone. Where possible we are
                                                     offering telephone advice or a video
YOUR GP PRACTICE                                     consultation to avoid the need to attend the
                                                     surgery. Dr. Jo Layng
                                                        As you can probably imagine, all surgeries
Dear VV Readers,                                     are now experiencing an unprecedented demand
Unbelievably it has been 6 months since the          for healthcare services, and we are seeing many
onset of the COVID 19 crisis, and during that        more patients presenting with non Covid related
time the Simpson Centre and Penn Surgery have        issues. We know that patients can become
continued to offer a GP service, albeit with         frustrated as they did not contact us at the peak
some changes, and following the guidance from        of the pandemic and are now experiencing some
NHS England.                                         delays in the resumption and availability of
   The arrangements we put in place were to          treatment. We know that patients are concerned
safeguard both staff and patients, whilst            that many hospital follow up appointments have
continuing to provide patient support for the        been postponed and further concerned about
elderly and infirm, as well as to patients with      when these will be re arranged.
illnesses and conditions unconnected to                 Many patients who have a chronic disease
COVID. We are very fortunate to have                 such as diabetes or asthma, who we would
remained open throughout, despite some staff         normally call in for a regular review, have not
illness, as we are aware that some local             been called in over this period and we are now
surgeries have had to close for COVID reasons.       working hard to ‘catch up’ on these reviews. It
   Very early on we moved to limiting the            is important that we do this safely.
number of patients visiting the surgery in person
and instead moved to telephone consultations. If
                                                       “     We are very grateful for your patience as
                                                     we increase our non Covid related work again.
a face to face appointment was clinically needed     It is likely to take us several months to complete
this was arranged. To safeguard staff and            this catch up and this may be delayed further if
patients we introduced strict processes to           Covid cases rise again over the winter months.
minimise the risk of infection transmission.         Dr. Moona Rakhit (Senior Partner)
   The past 6 months have been a challenging            All the doctors and staff are very busy,
time for everyone. Now that the lockdown has         working hard to help as many people as possible
been eased, we are now operating at Covid            at this time. We know that when things change
Phase 3, as are all GP practices nationally.         as rapidly as they have over recent months,
                                                     sometimes things go wrong, or patients feel
Your Health is Our Priority                          frustrated by the changed systems that have
The Simpson Centre and Penn surgeries are            been put in place, but please remember that this
open as usual.                                       has all been put in place to meet government
   Covid 19 has not gone away so we need to          guidelines, and to safeguard the wellbeing of
remain vigilant and ensure we all follow the         patients and staff.
current guidelines. We all need to do everything        In a few instances, staff have been subject to
we can to reduce the potential spread amongst        abuse or rudeness, and this cannot be tolerated.
visiting patients and staff, to ensure we are able   If you feel that you have not been given the
to maintain a service to all our patients            support you would expect, please contact
including those most at risk, the elderly, our The doctors
cancer patients and all those who have been          and staff are happy to receive feedback and will
required to shield over the past few months.         work hard to resolve any issues.
Village Voice October/November 2020
  We would also like to say that we really              • We have increased our staffing levels: During the
appreciate the kind words and gestures we have          pandemic we have taken on two new Doctors
received from many of our patients.                     and have a third starting in October. We have two
  The Doctors and the surgery support teams             new nurses who joined our team in September.
would like to thank you for your patience and
understanding at this time. The Simpson Centre and      Working Together                  – the ways you can help
Penn Surgery                                            our surgeries provide the best possible support to you
                                                        • Only attend the surgery if your enquiry cannot
 Appointment Availability:                              be dealt with by telephone, email or via patient
 • We offer a mix of routine, 48hour access and on
                                                        • Please sign up for Patient access and order your
 the day appointments.
 • Some appointments have to be face to face.           repeat prescription online. This can be sent
 • We are offering nearly 900 appointments each         electronically directly to the chemist avoiding any
 week with our doctors.                                 need to visit the surgery.
 • We also have two duty doctors each day               • Please respond to any requests to book for a
 covering The Simpson Centre and Penn surgeries         medication review.
 who can deal with up to 70 additional emergency        • Please remember that a telephone appointment
 on the day calls.                                      like any other appointment. Please ensure you are
 • Our nurses and phlebotomist offer as near            available at the time the telephone appointment
 normal a service as they can                           will take place. Please remember to cancel the
 • The midwife continues to work with us as do our      appointment if you no longer require it or will not
 health visitors, district nurses and palliative care   be available. We aim to call around the time
 teams.                                                 indicated, however if we are delayed be mindful
 • We continue to offer the majority of our nurse       this may be because we have been delayed by
 appointments: dressings, phlebotomy and some           another call or because we are dealing with an
 GP /Paramedic appointments outside to reduce           emergency.
 the risk of Covid transmission.                        • If your query is not urgent, please book for the
 • We have an indoor space dedicated for                next available routine appointment.
 examinations that need to be carried out inside.       • Please do not attend the surgery if you have any
 All staff seeing patients are wearing the required     symptoms of Covid 19. Call 111 for advice.
 PPE and equipment and surfaces are cleaned             Remember to wear a mask when you are asked
 between each patient contact according to              to attend the surgery and follow social
 public health guidance. We have had to increase        distancing advice. If you do not have a mask
 face to face appointment times to allow for this.      please call reception and they will try to help
                                                        you. Masks are worn to protect you and our
 Did You Know? You can now e mail us
 with non-urgent enquiries by following the link
 on our website. (For example if you need a sick        Flu Clinics - This year we are offering flu
 note or because we have asked you to send us           vaccinations to a much larger number of people.
 some readings of your blood pressure or blood          (Several thousand of our patients will be eligible
 sugars (if you are diabetic)                           for a flu vaccine should they wish).
 • We can now accept photographs to help in             • Providing for such a large number of patients in
 diagnosis. Please ask reception to send you a link     a Covid secure manner has taken a lot of planning.
 if you would like to do this when you book your        • The Beaconsfield cricket club has kindly allowed
 telephone appointment.                                 us to use their site and we will be inviting the
 • We can arrange a video consultation, so if you       majority of our patients to attend there.
 would prefer this please let the doctor know           • Eligible patients will be invited by letter which
 when they call you.                                    will contain a bar code. Please look out for your
 • ‘Ask NHS’ is an online triage and advice tool        letter and only attend the flu clinic when you have
 which you can access via our website. You can          received an invitation.
 also make a telephone appointment with the             • The most vulnerable patients will be invited first
 surgery through this site if required.                 as per NHS England guidelines                                                                                   11
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     128x88 Autumn Wood Leaflet_March 2015.indd 1                                                     02/04/2015 12:33
Village Voice October/November 2020

                                                        One of the hardest things about the lockdown
                                                     for me and the life of our Parishes has been the
                                                     uncertainty. So, we do know that we will have a
                                                     memorial service for those who have lost loved
                                                     ones on All Saints Day (1st November) and we
Holy Trinity & St Margaret's                         will celebrate Remembrance Sunday the
We have been running an 8am Prayer Book              following week (8th November) but the timing
Communion service at Holy Trinity and a              and form of both those services is dependent
contemporary Morning Prayer at 10am at St            upon the Government guidelines at the time.
Margaret’s, with Communion once a month. It          Details will be posted on our website www.
has been a real joy to meet with those who are as soon as we
able to come and it does feel like a moment of       know what we will be able to do.
normality in otherwise strange times.                   I am aware of many who are finding the
   Of course our ‘on line’ audio services            current restrictions are deeply affecting their
continue each week. They are recorded earlier        mental and spiritual health. I do encourage you
in the week so usually go on the website on          to be as open and honest with those you trust
Friday or Saturday. I know many people who           about how you are feeling (they may understand
enjoy the on line services and some who have         better than you expect) and all of the staff at
even confessed they like them more than ‘real’       Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s are available for
church! I think that may have more to do with        you to ring and chat. Ultimately, of course, we
listening in bed with a cup of tea. Our on line      have a God who when he was here on earth in
services will continue for the foreseeable future.   Jesus Christ spent a disproportionate amount of
   After the Sunday services, the churches are       his time with the outcast and the lonely. He
shut for Monday and Tuesday to give the 72           understands. Blessings, Revd Mike Bisset, www.
hours necessary for any infection to ‘time out’.     holytrinityand
   We have had to cancel our Harvest Supper at
the Village Hall at the end of September as there    Penn Free Methodist Church
is no way that 150 people squeezed in for an         All are welcome to our services at the church on
evening of food and entertainment was ever           Sunday mornings at 11am and in the evening at
going to work with the current restrictions.         6.30pm. Please also come along to our midweek
However, our Harvest Sunday service will                             prayer meeting and Bible Study
happen on 4th October and we will be receiving                       on Wednesdays at 8pm. Those
gifts of tins and anything that lasts (ie non-                       with special health
perishable items) which will go to Wycombe                           vulnerabilities can join virtually
Women’s Aid. We know this service is popular                         on Zoom - please email revps@
with young people so we will start at 9.30am for the link.
that week with a short 20 minute Harvest                On Sunday November 8th at 10:45am there
Celebration in St Margaret’s especially for          will be a special Service of Remembrance to
them. We will be well finished by 10am when          commemorate before God those who have
the normal service will start. If you are not able   fallen in war in the service of our nation.
to bring gifts on the Sunday then you may leave         Details of our open air preaching work can be
them in the porch of either Holy Trinity or St       found on .
Margaret’s from the Wednesday.                       As a church we consider it vital to go into the
   Both churches are open for private prayer         public squares and high streets to declare the
from Wednesday to Saturday from 9am to               message of salvation to so many who are
mid-afternoon.                                       oblivious of their great need.                                                                       13
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Village Voice October/November 2020
    Such open air activity is part of longstanding    re-opening the church whilst adhering to
historical tradition in this country. In the mid      Covid19 regulations. We have undertaken risk
and latter decades of the 18th century, eg, under     assessments and taken necessary precautions.
the open air preaching of men such as John            Now we are back!
Wesley and George Whitefield, even secular               This first Sunday approximately 75% of our
historians are prepared to acknowledge that this      usual congregation came to worship under safe
public proclamation of the gospel, as it              distancing rules. The service was well-led by
transformed the lives of so many ordinary folk        Leslie Hatten, one of our senior local preachers
up and down the land, helped to save Britain          and was conducted in compliance with Covid
from being enveloped in a violent revolution          rules with no singing and with our faces
such as occurred in France in 1789.                   covered. But what we were able to do was to
    A selection of audio sermons delivered at the     worship God together. This we will do every
church can be found on            Sunday at 10.45am unless circumstances force a
penn-free-methodists.                                 stricter lockdown. Meanwhile our thoughts and
    The church also has a Youtube channel with        prayers are with all who are trying to get back to
videos of various expositions of God’s word on        some state of changed normality. Take care and
it. Please go yo and type in          God bless! Peter Stevens, Senior Church Steward
Pastor Peter Simpson Penn
    For any queries about the Christian faith and      Neighbour of the Year Award
the Biblical approach to the great issues of our       2020 Now Open
time, please email me at             Dear Neighbourhood Watch supporters,
Pastor Peter Simpson,         Why not nominate a neighbour that goes above
                                                       and beyond for your community for the
                                                       Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 run by Co-op
Tylers Green Methodist Church                          Insurance and Neighbourhood Watch.
Open at last! I write these notes the day after the    For the third year running, we’re excited to
Methodist Church reopened for public worship           launch the nationwide search to find and
on Sunday 6th September. The long months of            celebrate some of the UK’s best neighbours.
waiting are over. The previous six months had          Our members have told us that to be a great
been months when all our lives had changed and         neighbour people share some clear qualities: a
church life was not excluded.                          willingness to look out for others; being
                                                       sociable and friendly; offering practical help;
   We had to get used to being church in               and being kind, caring and respectful.
different ways. We had to constantly remind            In addition to our Neighbour of the Year Award,
ourselves that the church is not defined by the        this year we have a brand-new category,
buildings in which we meet but by the great            Co-op’s Young Neighbour of the Year. This
family of faith and the fellowship we share            award will celebrate someone aged 18-24 who
together in different ways. Yes, we have had           has gone above and beyond to help enhance
streamed services on Sundays across the High           their community and has brought people,
                                                       young and old, together. Nominations are
Wycombe Circuit. We have been specially
                                                       now open. If you’ve got someone who ticks all
blessed that we have had a BBC sound engineer          these boxes and more in either category, tell us
in the Circuit to produce services of true             all about them and how they go above and
broadcast quality. We have met by Zoom to              beyond. Go to
pray and to study the Bible on many occasions          Neighbouroftheyear2020 to be taken to our
as well as to conduct necessary church business.       nomination form, where you can share your
We have telephoned or ‘door-step’ visited those        stories of great neighbourly activities and acts
                                                       of kindness. The deadline to nominate is 27th
who do not go online. We have surveyed
                                                       October 2020.
worshippers to find out how they feel about                                                                         15

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Village Voice October/November 2020
WOODLAND                                               We have to remind everyone that foraging
                                                    requires permission and contrary to a report
  & GREEN SPACES                                    elsewhere we have always held this position.
                                                    Last year and this year we put up notices telling
                                                    wood users that fungi picking is prohibited
The cows are back in Farther Barn Field. This       primarily because groups of people were
time we have four females and their names are       coming into the wood and stripping large
Doris, Flower, Connie, Hoopoo. They are             quantities of wild fungi. This is bad for the
British White cattle and owned by Burnham           ecology and illegal, particularly if they sell on.
Beeches. Some of these cattle reside at Odds        Generally we tolerate a small amount being
Farm so they may be familiar. They are              taken by an individual
extremely docile and are kept purely for            but when it gets to
conservation grazing. By using cattle to graze      large scale we have to
off the field we hope to promote the growth of      enforce the rules.
the wild flower population. Their hooves open          As we head into
up the surface to help seed germination. British    the autumn hopefully
Whites are one of the oldest breeds in Britain      you can enjoy the
and classed as a rare breed. These four will be     rich changes in leaf
with us until mid October. If you do go down to     colours. Mike Morley
see them please ensure the gates are shut.
   To prepare for the cows we had weekly work
parties on Tuesday mornings to clear Wild
Parsnip and latterly Ragwort. Wild Parsnip
because of the damage the sap can do to
people’s’ skin and Ragwort because of horse
grazing in a neighbouring field which is a legal
requirement. I have to thank all the volunteers
who turned out to help with this large task over
the summer. By removing these pernicious
plants we stop seeding and hopefully reduce the
population over time.
   We have started holding our winter work
parties. The first on September 5th/6th cleared
the drainage grips beside the Rushmoor Path
and cut back the vegetation on the sides of paths
at the north end of the Wood. The planned dates
for future work parties are
   October 3rd & 4th, November 7th & 8th,
December 5th & 6th, January 2nd & 3rd,
February 6th & 7th, March 6th & 7th, April
10th & 11th.
   We depend on volunteer help for many of the
simpler tasks so if you could give a couple of
hours to help us one weekend it would be
greatly appreciated. Email                                                                       17
Village Voice October/November 2020

Tylers Green Middle School
Dear VV Readers, I am delighted that the
Autumn term has begun so smoothly as we
invited all of the pupils back on a full time
basis. It is certainly super to see our pupils and
how settled they are in school. Our new Year 3
pupils had an extra morning on Wednesday 2nd
September so that they could have a tailor-made
induction to the Middle School. Normally we
would have invited them in to spend at least one
day with us during the summer term. Alas, the        each other from one day to the next! I appreciate
restrictions meant this was not possible.            that the new timings for the beginning and end
   We have had to put in a variety of measures       of the day have meant lots of juggling around
to ensure that the school complies with the DFE      for parents in the village to make sure they meet
guidelines. These include a staggered start, one     their children at the correct time.
way system, routines for handwashing and Year           The famous Tylers Green Bear has been
group bubbles. It has worked so well that the        reintroduced as we have relaunched the Bear
children in each bubble (and staff) do not see       Necessities. At the time of writing Year 4 have
                                                     been winners and the bear has spent a fortnight
                                                     in the Year 4 bubble. As part of the school
                                                     behaviour policy, the Bear Necessities is a class
                                                     reward system and supports outstanding
                                                     behaviour and collective responsibility from
                                                     everyone. We have also reintroduced the green
                                                     cards and will be awarding badges as part of the
                                                     Friday Achievements Assembly, which is
                                                     delivered virtually!
                                                        Over the summer we had lockers installed for
                                                     all of our pupils which was kindly funded by the
                                                     Friends of Tylers Green Middle School .
                                                     Everyone is very pleased with this and I must
                                                     admit the cloakrooms are so much tidier and
                                                     there is less lost property!
                                                        As the Autumn Term progresses, we hope
                                                     that the school can begin to return to normal or
                                                     whatever normal is! Vanessa Pinkney, Headteacher

                                                     Tylers Green First School
                                                     The children at the heart of the School, the
                                                     School at the heart of the Village
Village Voice October/November 2020
   The children in Year 1 and 2 had a super start    and play before school, and then have a super
to the school year on the 3rd September. The         programme of activities after school – including
teachers had been working hard in school to          activities in our woodland. The children who
prepare the classrooms ready for the children to     have attended so far have loved it! Jude Talbot.
come back and it was worth it to see how             Headteacher
excited the children were to see all of their
friends again.                                       The Village Pre-school
   Our new additions to the Tylers Green First       We’re back to something of the old normal and
School Family have joined us in Reception with       keeping everything crossed that it will last. The
an extended transition period to support them as     children, parents and staff are all delighted that
some of the children have not been able to go to     we are open again.
nursery for a long time. The children have              Afternoon activities have also resumed. We
started off with visits to the school in small       are pleased to be able to continue working with
groups before eventually starting full time on       Romar Sports, Dinky Dancers, Playball and to
the 21st September. We have had new furniture        welcome back Heddi from Kiddleydivey. These
delivered for our Reception classrooms so their      sessions which run in the afternoons between
rooms are looking bright and colourful.              1.15 and 2pm allow the children the opportunity
   We’ve invested in a new phonics scheme for        to take part in activities that would perhaps be
the children – it’s called Bug Club Phonics and      cost or time prohibitive if not included within
it’s a fun and interactive way for the children to   the Pre-school day.
learn using games, videos and online books.             While there are no other users of the building
Children have their own login to the secure          (with the exception of Church services on a
website which they can access at home to             Sunday, which are limited to the Sanctuary at
practice their sounds and read the books set by      the moment), we have minimum setting up each
the teacher. It’s already made a difference as the   day and are therefore, for the time-being, able to
children are very enthusiastic about their           offer a limited amount of earlier start times for
phonics lessons!                                     parents needing to get off to work.
   We are very pleased that our parents have            Now that schools and pre-schools are back
been able to order packed lunches from our           and children are mixing in wider circles, the
school meal supplier from September. The             inevitable colds and sniffles have begun again.
children have enjoyed tucking in to a healthy        There is some (understandable) confusion about
balanced meal and it saves time and money for        whether children can attend and whether they
busy parents. There’s sometimes even a               need to have a test if they have sore throats and/
gingerbread man! We hope our hot meals               or runny noses; these are NOT Covid-19
service will resume in the next half term – if the   symptoms. The Royal College of Paediatrics
guidance allows. After lunch our children have a     and Child Health (RCPCH) in agreement with
great time on the playground or field playing        current Public Health England (PHE) guidance,
with their friends within their year group. We’ve    states that ‘We believe that children with simple
been looking for lunchtime staff for a while now     cold symptoms such as coryzal symptoms
– if anyone would like to apply to supervise and     (runny noses) or sore throats without fever who
play with the children at lunchtime please get in    would normally have attended schools in other
touch! All of our vacancies are advertised on        times should not be tested for Covid-19.’
our website.                                         Symptoms that require a test are:
   Our new wrap-around childcare provided by            • A new continuous cough
Little Oaks @ Tylers Green is now up and                • Fever/high temperature
running. The children have a healthy breakfast          • Loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste                                                                        19
Looking for a

     Parents like The Village Pre-school because we are:
        Flexible: choose your days, hours and start date    Friendly: your child will be happy and safe with our
                                                            attentive caring staff
        Open long hours: open 9.15am to 12.15pm,
        1.15pm, 2.15pm, 2.45pm or 3.15pm - you choose       Supportive: we promote learning and independence,
        your child’s finish time                            encouraging your child to be confident. We offer
                                                            Forest School sessions, promoting confidence and the
        Affordable: Free for eligible 2-4 year olds up to   emergence of risk taking skills
        30 hours per week. Just £6.25 per hour for extra
        hours and non funded children.                      Fun: children enjoy exciting and stimulating
        We offer extra flexiblity for 2 year olds.          activities, including visits from special guests and trips

                               Contact us today on 01494 817093       or
                                                                      visit us at
                                                                                    The Village Pre-school
                                         The Methodist Church, Coppice Farm Road, Tylers Green HP10 8AN
                                                                                                Registered charity 1098879

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Village Voice October/November 2020
   The RCPCH also state that ‘in addition to
testing, it is also important that parents keep
                                                          Dear VV,
                                                              I am looking ahead to the Christmas period
children at home when they are unwell and                 (yes, already!) and would like to invite VV
children are actively encouraged to follow good           readers to contribute to 'Operation Christmas
hygiene measures.’                                        Child 2020'. For many years St Margarets and
   We would like to thank the Methodist Church            Holy Trinity have joined "Operation Christmas
                                                          Child" and collected shoeboxes with gifts in for
for being so accommodating to us during the               children in over 130 poorer countries.
phased return to full use of the building by all          I have been the coordinator for this at St
users. Thank you also to the Village Voice, the           Margarets. This year the scheme (run by the
residents of Penn & Tylers Green and the wider            Samaritans) is still going ahead but with all the
                                                          uncertainty associated with covid and social
community for your continued support.                     distancing I thought that it might be nice to
   We are unsure of our calendar of events for            invite the whole village to contribute to this
the remainder of this year but hope we will be            year's collection. Anyone who feels they are
able to enjoy a variety of activities to celebrate        able to fill a shoebox, are invited to drop them
                                                          off to my house, (we have a covered porch so
such things as Halloween, Bonfire Night,                  shoeboxes can be dropped off, avoiding any
Remembrance Day and of course Christmas.                  need for contact. The filled shoeboxes do not
Take care and keep safe! Nicky Lovegrove (Manager)        need to be complex or expensive, so might
                                                          include - a pack of pencils, and a colouring
Little Oaks Nurseries                                     book, a bouncy ball, a hat, a bar of soap and a
                                                          flannel. (Please note that due to customs there
Some things don’t change… and we’re grateful              are restrictions on things like toothpaste,
   In a year that no one expected, the start of a         liquids etc). Shoe boxes will need to be at my
new school year promised some sense of                    house by 6th November. Best wishes, Emma Byrne
normality, along with optimism and joy. And so            Operation Christmas Child 2020
the children in their slightly-too-big uniforms           Packing a shoebox:
start to arrive, a little nervous at first but bursting   • Get an empty medium sized shoe box and wrap
                                                              the box and lid separately in colourful
with energy and excitement by mid-morning,                    wrapping paper
sharing tales of home and family. By mid                  • Label the top of your box, is it for a BOY or a
afternoon there’s a little wilting but still enough           GIRL and add the age range 2-4years, 5-9 years
enthusiasm to run out into the arms of their                  or 10-14 years
                                                          • Fill your showbox with a selection of fun toys,
expectant parents, beaming. It’s autumn!!                     hygiene items and school supplies
   Opening our nursery and wraparound care at             TOYS - toy doll, stuffed animal/toy, finger
Tylers Green First School has taken months of             puppets, slinky, skipping rope, playdough and
planning and plenty of behind-the-scenes action.          plastic cutters, musical instruments like a
                                                          harmonica, small bouncy ball, small bag etc.
Now we are fully open and it feels as though              HYGIENE – comb, hairbrush, hair ties/bands,
we’ve been here forever. Likewise, moving our             bars of soap, flannel, toothbrush, plastic cup,
younger children back to the Parish Rooms has             plate, bowl, water bottle, bracelets, sunglasses,
felt like coming home, whilst our lovely nursery          hats, scarf, mittens, socks etc.
                                                          SCHOOL – pencils, ruler, rubber, pencil case,
at Forty Green goes from strength to strength.            crayons, felt tips, colouring pencils, colouring
   Virtual tours of all our sites can now be              books/pads, puzzle books, picture books,
viewed by visiting our website: www.little-oaks.          notebooks, sellotape, glue stick, paint set,
org and we’re taking booking for 2021.                    brushes, paper etc.
                                                          Please do not include any liquids, including
   In the meantime, we’ll enjoy the last few days         toothpaste, or any food, including sweets
of summer weather – by the time you read this             If you would like to track your shoebox or make
we may be talking cardigans and central                   a donation please visit: https://www.samaritans-
heating! Ruthie Pocock, Principal, 07881 737149, www.
                                                          donation                                                                              21
Village Voice October/November 2020

                                                    red / orange ball tennis. Once this work is
                                                    finished, we can be proud to have such a
                                                    fantastic local facility in our village. Many
     NEWS ROUND UP                                  visiting clubs comment on what a wonderful
                                                    setting we have.
                                                       NEW MEMBERS - From October you are
P&TG Lawn Tennis Club                               able to pay half price fees for the remaining 6
                                                    months of our annual membership. For the half
                                                    year, adult membership is just £69 and junior
                                                    membership starting from £17.25. Full annual
                                                    membership then renews in April 2021. Please
                                                    visit our website at
                                                    PennTennis or email
                                                    for more information. Kate Noble
                                                       Editor: Happy 60th Birthday to all at the
                                                    Tennis Club and thank you for your
                                                    contributions over the years.

                                                    P&TG Cricket Club
                                                    Firstly, everyone at P&TG Cricket Club would
                                                    like to congratulate all at the Village Voice on
                                                    the production of their 200th edition. We know
                                                    how much dedication and hard work goes into
Penn & Tylers Green Tennis Club wish the            the creation of each month’s copy but we also
Village Voice a very happy 200th Edition. We        know the satisfaction that it brings.
are also celebrating our 60th birthday this year,      2020 has been like no other year but as far as
our club was formed on 7th November 1960 at         the cricket season is concerned, “we got there in
an open meeting at the Horse & Groom (now           the end”. Once lockdown restrictions were
the Horse & Jockey) which was attended by 34        eased sufficiently to allow recreational cricket to
people and was first called Tylers Green &          be played, the season burned extremely brightly.
District Lawn Tennis Club. Planning for any            It has been noticeable that the lockdown
kind of celebration is tricky with the current,     helped people to really appreciate the things that
changeable COVID situation, but we hope to be       they take for granted in normal years and for
able to mark this important landmark in some        many, the joy of playing cricket is one of them.
way… watch this space!                              Just being able to get out in the fresh air and
  We can now reflect on a strangely successful      play the game was such a relief when the time
summer. Since re-opening the courts we have         finally arrived in late-July.
gradually returned to ‘normal’ tennis (distanced,      Winning and losing has just not seemed so
and sanitized, of course) and have happily          important this summer…which is no bad thing
welcomed lots of new members to the club. Neil      for our 2nd Xi whose season was marked by a
has been really busy with adult and junior          lot of the latter and an absence of the former.
coaching and it is great to see the club so busy.   But while the players may have been found
  Looking forward, we are planning to upgrade       wanting in cricketing skills, they certainly made
the surface of Court 4 to the same Tiger Turf as    up for it in team spirit and there was not a single
the three main courts, and the mini court is        game played that was not tremendous fun for all
being repainted too for those just starting with    that took part. OK, so maybe getting whacked
Village Voice October/November 2020
                                                    also the MIND charity that benefited from the
                                                    fundraising activities that took place on the day.
                                                       None of this would have been possible
                                                    without the tireless work put in on the Ground
                                                    by Chris Judge and his band of willing
                                                    volunteers who have performed miracles to get
                                                    the place ready for cricket this year, in the
                                                    absence of our regular groundsman.
                                                       Finally, we held an end-of-season awards
                                                    ceremony after the final League matches with
                                                    the winners listed below:
for 300 in 40                                          1st XI Player of the Season: Chris Mason,
overs away at                                       2nd XI Player of the Season: Mark Woolley,
Hurley wasn’t so                                    Chairman’s award: Henry Barber and Kenzie
much fun but it                                     Christopherson, Young Player: Lochie
was soon                                            Christopherson.
forgotten.                                             If you are interested in playing cricket
   By contrast,                                     yourself next season or on behalf of your sons
the 1st XI                                          or daughters, you can get in touch with either
enjoyed a far more successful season. Our 2020      Nick Barber at (adults)
side has been an incredibly young team, packed      or (juniors). Jon Wilson,
with teenagers who have come up through our
successful Colts section. The season started
with a very narrow loss to the ultimate league      P&TG Football Club
winners Knotty Green but wins over Pinkneys         It has been an eventful few months for the club,
Green, Hurley and Bourne End followed before        and we are incredibly excited that not only
a spectacular tied match was salvaged against       could we return to competitive football, but
Denham. A couple of defeats to Coleshill and        following small scale test events we could also
Monks Risborough at end the season did not          welcome back a limited number of supporters!
dampen the enthusiasm and encouragement that        The club have extensive Covid-19 risk
has greeted the progression of our young            assessments in place, which are in agreement
players who will be even better in 2021.            with FA and government guidelines. In fact our
   Player availability was notably up in 2020,      hygiene and set up goes beyond government
perhaps driven by lack of family holidays.          guidelines and are already considered to be
Whatever the reason, we were able to add            doing far more than most facilities in the area,
several evening T20 matches against local rivals    with a fully functioning cleaning and track and
and also fielded a Sunday side for the first time   trace system in place, which allows us to have
in a number of years.                               up to 300 paying supporters in the ground on
   Highlights of the season included spin-king      first team match days. We welcome our
Mark Woolley’s incredible 6-for-35 bowling          neighbours to read FA & government guidelines
spell in a losing cause against Holyport and the    so they don't continue to use police and
return of the annual 6-a-side Tournament on the     taxpayers resources going forward.
Bank Holiday weekend in August which was               We had a historic start to the season at the
planned and organized by two of our teenagers:      club. On Tuesday 15th September we hosted
Henry Barber and Kenzie Christopherson.             our first league game of the season under
Victors on the day were Team Super-Heroes but       floodlights vs Abingdon Town. Its been a long                                                                       23
You can also read