Many Shades of Green - Sustainable Saskatoon - Saskatoon HOME Magazine
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$4.95 DESIGN • ARCHITECTURE • DECOR SUMMER 2010 Many Shades of Green Sustainable Saskatoon Tips and Techniques for Eco-Friendly Home Living Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 1
Style for Life Our experienced Design Consultants offer professional advice and can provide the perfect solution for your decorating needs. Whether you are designing a new home or commercial space, expanding to support a growing family or modernizing a dated look, we have the flooring, window fashions and accessories to fit your lifestyle. #1–2301 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK Ph: 306-244-1973
INSIDE 7 FRONTLINES Vital News for Homeowners Development news, real estate, civic policy, green briefs and tips. 17 PROFILE Forensics Leads to Business And we thought only Superman saw through walls. 19 SUPPLIERS A Fence That Makes Sense Make sure what surrounds you is made of the right stuff. 41 DESIGN Eco-friendly Outdoor Comfort Patio and deck accessories are sustainable and maintainable. 45 DECOR Thrill of the Hunt P32 One-of-a-kind finds at garage sales and flea markets. 47 SPOTLIGHT The Craik Green Home Foundation for a school of social responsibility. F E AT U R E S 51 PRACTICAL More Than Just an R-Rating 21 SUSTAINABLE SASKATOON Has our city made the grade? Other ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. A TALE OF TWO HOMES PART 1 53 GREEN 23 We follow two couples in their search for Sensible, Sustainable Moving A simple service, a wealth of wisdom. their dream homes. PROFESSIONAL PANEL 55 INSIDE 27 The experts scoop on eco-wise Saskatoon Pretty and Purifying Indoor plants add designer flair and clean the air. development. 57 OUTSIDE 32 LEAN, GREEN NEW HOME APPLIANCES They do their job, but you have to do yours. Energy-Efficient Hot Tubs It’s all about insulation, covers and heating. 36 MANY SHADES OF GREEN A home that takes sustainability to a whole 59 BACKWORDS Eighth Street new level. This strip was made for cruising. COVER: The home of Candace and Gordon Franke. Photo: Darrell Noakes. Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 3
Keen on Green: New Home Trends That all said, the concept of and how to indulge in garage Issue 10, Summer 2010 There are so many terms environmentally-conscious sale finds without becoming ISSN 1916-2324 these days that describe living, no matter how you a pack rat. You’ll learn about the concept of practicing want to call it, has become sustainable moving (no more sensible, environmentally- much more complex than just cardboard boxes!), and pu- Publisher conscious living. Green is taking your glass bottles to the rifying your indoor air with no longer a colour or a golf dump or using fabric bags in- plants. Amanda Soulodre course; it is a label for any stead of plastic bags to carry In our feature section, two Editor, Writer product or method that pur- your groceries. But, still, the 4 couples share their tales of ports to contribute to this R’s, reduction, reuse, recycling creating their ideal homes Dona Sturmanis philosophy. and recovery, remain one of through renovation and in- Contributing Writer, Sustainable is another of the essential cores of doing it fill. Another couple shares those words that is used to right. how they turned their abode Photographer brand an act, product, or This issue of Saskatoon into an optimally energy- Darrell Noakes method that brings us closer Home is devoted to how you efficient residence with geo- Art Director to Mother Earth. can live more environmen- thermal and wind-generated Then, of course, there are tally-conscious at home. In power. You’ll also find out ev- Mark McCann words and phrases like all- our departments, you’ll find erything about the latest “lean Associate Art Director natural, eco-wise and enviro- dozens of tips including how and green” fridges and laun- friendly that crop up on labels to make your home more en- dry machines. Finally, our es- Stephanie Symons of products to indicate that if ergy-efficient, how to choose teemed panel of professional Contributors we buy them, we will be doing sustainable and eco-friendly experts weigh in on exactly Gail Jansen our part to reduce our carbon (there we go!) outdoor furni- how far Saskatoon has come footprint. ture, hot tubs and accessories in terms of sustainable resi- Karin Melberg Schwier dential development policies Jeff O’Brien and philosophy. You’ll notice this summer Janet Wanner issue of Saskatoon Home has Rand Zacharias expanded from 48 to 64 pages. This is the result of increased Advertising Sales support from our advertis- Heather Boyko ers. We are truly appreciative of and grateful to these many professionals and suppliers Saskatoon Home is published by: who are here to make your Farmhouse Communications home living an optimal expe- rience. We are proud to pres- 607 Waters Cresent, ent these talented individuals Saskatoon SK S7W 0A4 and companies in our maga- Telephone: 306-373-1833 zine and encourage you to use their services. Fax: 306-979-8955 Whether you want to call our new home living con- sciousness green, sustainable or eco-friendly, it’s all a good thing. By improving our prac- tices at home, we also help to improve the planet. No part of this publication may be copied or reprinted without the written DONA STURMANIS, EDITOR consent of the publisher. Publications Mail Agreement # 41856031 4 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
FRONTLINES Saskatoon barns on Avenue D across adaptive reuse. The city will compatible mixed land use.” from the T. Eaton Lofts, in- also work with the Caswell Hill The location of the transit City Council creasing park and community Community Association to facility “would be the most Accepts space in the neighbourhood, providing new affordable and identify other potential park space in the neighbourhood. desired location for new park space while accommodating South Caswell market housing, establishing In addition, the plan calls for other additional land uses,” stronger links to the down- rezoning at least some of the the report added. Hill Redevelop- town, and establishment of a current light industrial land to “The South Caswell Con- ment Plan “creative industry hub.” commercial and residential, cept Plan is an important step The concept plan evolved eliminating heavy industrial to establish a common frame- City Council plans to pro- from the Caswell Hill Local zoning within the neighbour- work, or vision, for how the ceed with the redevelopment Area Plan, which recommend- hood and removing all indus- future transit facility site will of south Caswell Hill, having ed that the city evaluate using trial uses north of the rail line. ultimately be redeveloped,” adopted the concept plan for the space occupied by the A city report said that in continued the report. “Much the area at its regular meeting, Municipal Transit Facility as 2004, more than 200 proper- the same way the Pleasant April 12. a park and consider convert- ties were “rezoned to facilitate Hill Concept Plan guides de- The ambitious plan will see ing some of the bus barns to this transition from a histori- cisions on future use of land heritage_billboard_Feb11_highres.pdf 2/11/2010 4:27:04 PM the retirement of the old bus a community centre through cally industrial area to a more and buildings, the South Cas- C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 7
well Concept Plan will height- ■ A new one-acre park en the potential for optimism among the residents of the ■ A “focal point” for community neighbourhood, and create recreation, leisure, commercial, an attractive, safe, commu- and cultural events nity focal point.” ■ A “rapid” transit stop on the The planning principles north side of Jamieson Avenue adopted by the city include: ■ A “Rails with Trails” pedestrian ■ Creating more green space linkage along the Canadian Pa- cific Railway right-of-way. ■ Creating more affordable housing opportunities, espe- ■ Increased residential density cially for seniors and students ■ Three new development sites ■ Respecting the community’s for mixed-use activities, housing heritage in the design of in-fill and commercial, adding 52 new structures housing units to the area ■ Reducing crime, minimizing ■ Two new development sites nuisance and vandalism for 12 low density townhouse style dwellings ■ Creating better transporta- tion linkages that reduce short- ■ Two new development sites cutting for 62 medium density multiple- unit dwellings ■ Developing a diverse com- munity with a mix of residents ■ Design guidelines to retain of all ages the heritage and character of Caswell Hill ■ Developing safe pedestrian and bike passages Architect and LEED con- sultant Charles Olfert said in ■ Accommodating living, shop- a letter to council, “Anytime ping, and working within the that publicly owned land and neighbourhood buildings become available for re-development, it is a ■ Promoting adaptive reuse great opportunity. The con- and “green” building design cept plan embraces this, but it does this in isolation and does Among the not address the need to create recommendations: effective linkages through the site and between the commu- ■ “Adaptive reuse” of at least nity of Caswell, the downtown two of the existing transit facil- and the University. ity buildings, the 1913 Streetcar “When you consider that Barn, at the comer of 24th almost all the residents of Street and Avenue D North, and Caswell are within 1500 me- the 1984 transit office, at the ters (a 15 – 20 minute Walk) of south comer of 24th Street and Midtown Plaza, the river and Avenue C North downtown, it is unbelievable that there is virtually no safe ■ A pedestrian-only corridor way for a pedestrian to make that includes closing 24th Street this journey,” he added. between Avenues C and D “We can’t get those obnox- ious diesel fuels out of there 8 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
soon enough,” Olfert told Calgary-based Lake Placid which it bought from Remai mendous opportunity to look city council. He said the area sought to revive its earlier pro- Ventures Inc. in 2008, and an- at development in a different needed an integrated pedes- posal for Parcel “Y”, after miss- other, smaller lot beside it. way there,” he added. trian corridor linking down- ing a deadline for purchasing Councillor Maurice Neault, DARRELL NOAKES/VERB NEWS town, the warehouse district the property last October. Lo- who put forward the motion, and Caswell Hill. cal entrepreneur Karim Nass- wants to see the development CITY OF SASKATOON er announced in March that go ahead. Entry-level he was joining with Lake Plac- “Let’s get this project go- id CEO Michael Lobsinger on ing,” he said. “Let’s get it off Home Ownership Lake Placid Still the development. the ground.” Scrapped in The $200-million develop- The previous agreement in the Running ment proposed in 2007 would worked for everybody, he Willowgrove for River Landing include an eight-storey bou- said. tique hotel/restaurant, four- “Nobody in their right mind City council voted April 10 to City Council has decided to storey commercial building is going to pay $11 million,” remove a “pre-designation” at- give Lake Placid another crack with retail, and 20-storey con- Neault added. “There’s too tached to a 12-acre parcel of at a hotel-condominium dominium tower. The resi- many conditions.” land at 1015 Patrick Crescent mega-project at River Land- dential space would include a “To basically just sell it at in Willowgrove for entry-level ing. combination of tower suites, half of what the estimated home ownership. Council voted on April 10 to live/work town homes, and price is now, really concerned The city will try to sell the discuss a new sale agreement terrace homes. me,” said Charlie Clark, the land to the highest bidder, with for the city-owned site known A report to city council said only councillor to vote against a reserve price of $7.08 million. as Parcel “Y” and the adja- that the appraised value has the motion. “What I don’t If it doesn’t sell through the cent lane, based on the terms risen to between $10.4 million want us to do is continually tender process, the adminis- and conditions of the original and $11.6 million. The city lower expectations on what tration recommended that it agreement. had agreed to sell Parcel “Y” we could or should be doing should be offered “over-the- The administration will in 2008 for $4.765 million and on that very important piece counter, on a first-come, first- conduct a “due diligence re- the lane for $0.475 million. of land.” served basis.” At that point, it view” with auditors Deloitte & Lake Placid already owns the “The more I look at it, the would be available for market Touche. former Legion site next door, more I think that there’s tre- housing. 10 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
An administration report city currently has pre-desig- said that the site is too large nated sites in the following for developers to finance and neighbourhoods: could result in an “unaccept- able concentration” of entry- ■ Hampton Village, entry-level level units. The report added homeownership (currently be- that the triangular site is dif- ing rezoned) ficult to develop, adding costs that “cannot be absorbed by ■ Confederation Park, afford- an entry-level project.” able homeownership (currently The land was pre-desig- being pre-designated) nated by city council in 2008 and offered for sale for “entry- ■ Blairmore Suburban Centre, level homeownership multi- rental housing (proposal cur- unit housing”, under the city’s rently under review) Housing Business Plan. Up to 300 units were to be devel- ■ Lakewood Suburban Centre, oped, to be sold at prices af- rental housing (report to Plan- fordable to households with ning and Operations Committee annual incomes between recommending acceptance of a $52,000 and $75,000. proposal in progress) The city mailed its request for proposal to more than 50 In addition, the administra- land developers, builders, and tion plans to recommend a affordable housing providers. two to three acre site in Stone- Neither the mailout nor ad- bridge for pre-designation vertising and web promotion for entry-level ownership generated a single proposal. later in 2010 and a site in Ev- The city then tried offering ergreen for entry-level owner- the site on a first-come, first- ship in 2011. served basis, with one Saska- CITY OF SASKATOON toon developer expressing an interest, the administration report said. Saskatoon The report said that the developer “was interested in Amends Land building entry-level, market, Speculation and affordable housing on the site. Numerous meetings were Rules held between this developer and the city; however, in the Saskatoon city council has de- end, the developer was unwill- cided to keep the “three-year ing to purchase the site.” time frame to build require- “Rather than pursue other ment” and $50,000 penalty developers for this site, it is felt intended to reduce property that the most prudent course of speculation. However, the action would be to remove the city dropped a lifetime ban on designation as an entry-level purchasers who failed to meet site,” the report concluded. the time frame or residency City council in 2009 pre- requirement. The decisions designated a 2.5 acre site for were passed during the regu- entry-level housing in Hamp- lar city council meeting on ton Village that “should be April 10. more suitable for an entry- Anyone purchasing prop- level development,” the re- erty from the city is required port said. to have a dwelling completed The report noted that the and passed all inspections Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 11
within three years of the pur- contractors faced greater dif- Replacing Lead The replacement will be at chase date. In 2009, the city amended ficulty selling homes and ob- taining financing, leading to Water Pipes the home owner’s expense. The city gained the authority the lot sales and land alloca- council’s decision to extend Now Mandatory under the Cities Act in 2003. tion policies by extending the the time frame from two years Saskatoon is the first city in two-year build requirement to three. in Saskatoon Canada to make replacement to three years, with a require- The intent of the original mandatory. ment to review the policy an- two-year build requirement The City of Saskatoon has Most water service connec- nually for new sales. was to prevent established made it mandatory to replace tions installed throughout Council imposed a $50,000 neighbourhoods from expe- lead service pipes bringing North America before 1950 city mortgage beginning in riencing significant number water to some homes in older used lead pipe. The city has 2008, to enforce compliance of vacant lots and to reduce parts of the city. been replacing the lines as of the “time frame to build” speculators from holding The administration advised part of an ongoing program requirement. They saw the onto lots until prices rise, the in a report to city council on or when repair work has been lifetime ban as another meth- report said. April 10: “Due to the health undertaken. A portion of each od to reduce speculators from and safety concerns regarding connection is on city-owned CITY OF SASKATOON the market along with the fi- higher concentration levels of land, while the portion from nancial penalty. An adminis- lead in water if the lead line is the house to the property line tration report to city council cut and rejoined with a new belongs to the home owner. said that the financial penalty non-lead city portion, the city Until the new mandatory pol- is more effective than the life- will be exercising its authority, icy was introduced, property time ban, and recommended as outlined in Section C-11.1 owners could choose not to removing it. 22 of The Cities Act, and hom- have their portions of the ser- By late 2008, the new and eowners will no longer be giv- vice connection replaced. existing housing markets en the option of replacing their CITY OF SASKATOON softened, the administration portion of a lead connection.” report said. Individuals and 12 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
GREEN BRIEFS Pleasant Hill Condo CHBA-Sask Holds Package and LEED for Homes port said, adding that the ad- Goes Solar Forum (LEED-H) Builder Option Package, Cultural Diversity ministration has “developed a strategy to determine the Cenith Developments has Focusing on in the Workplace, a modular- City’s direction with respect to resumed construction of 12 townhouse units in Pleasant Sustainability ized safety course developed to assist the residential con- a curbside recycling program for Saskatoon.” Hill. Located at 315 Avenue N Canadian Home Builders’ struction industry in reducing The administration expects South, these affordable units Association — Saskatchewan the number of job safety inci- to spend $30,000 on consulta- will incorporate two solar held a Builders’ and Renova- dents, and online marketing tions and submit a final report panels systems. The first solar tors’ Industry Trade Forum and advertising. to city council for a decision system will reduce the cost of in Saskatoon, April 13. The on November 8. SASKATOON & REGIONAL HOME hot water heating via a large forum put an emphasis on BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION CITY OF SASKATOON holding tank and thermal sustainability. Len Semko, heat exchanger. The second assistant chief building of- system will be the first of its ficial with the building stan- Survey says Gas Collection to kind to incorporate an agree- dards branch of Saskatche- ment with Saskatoon Light wan’s Ministry of Corrections, Saskatoon Citizens Reduce City’s and Power to sell power back Public Safety and Policing, Want Better Greenhouse to the grid. Units are expected in Saskatoon, presented a to be completed by August 31, seminar on the Future of Recycling Gas Emissions 2010. Marketing of the units Building Codes. A Utility Services report sent City council has approved a will begin shortly through Seven presenters com- to city council on April 26 says recommendation from Utility Century 21. prised the Energy Supplier that results from the last 10 Services to design a gas col- Showcase, organized by Sun civic surveys show that Sas- lection system and blower/ PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE BLOG, Ridge Group, introduced in- katoon citizens rate recycling flare station at the landfill, at CITY OF SASKATOON novative new products and “as having a high degree of a cost of $388,300. services for homes. Other importance.” A Utility Services report seminars provided oppor- Citizens believe that the to council on April 26 said tunities to learn about the city needs “more significant that Saskatoon Light & Power Energy Star Builder Option recycling initiatives,” the re- has been working with the Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 13
14 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
Environmental Services City Park Local ment. Development concerns Branch to develop a system identified during the LAP are to capture methane gas emit- Area Plan incompatible residential in-fill ted from the landfill. The first Addresses Growth developments, possible de- stage, to be completed by velopment at the Weir, future early 2012, will collect and Concerns development at City Hospital, “thermally destruct” the gas City council approved the Lo- and future use of the Mendel in an enclosed flare. Later, the cal Area Plan for the City Park Art Gallery and Civic Conser- gas will be used to generate neighbourhood on April 26. vatory.” power for the Saskatoon Light Said an administration re- The plan contains 37 pro- & Power grid. The city will is- port: “City Park is one of a posed recommendations, in sue a request for proposals dozen neighbourhoods ap- addition to 365 submitted pre- this summer, with the power proved by city council to un- viously, of which 175 have al- generation facility expected to dergo a Local Area Plan. The ready been completed. It iden- go online by summer of 2012. area was originally included tifies main areas of concern as: CITY OF SASKATOON in the 1978 and 1991 Core ■ Traffic and Circulation Neighbourhood Studies. The - improving pedestrian safety, area is experiencing unique Timely Tips for a circumstances and pressures addressing parking concerns, and reviewing the residential Green Home Office due to the neighbourhood’s age and proximity to the parking permit program downtown. Improvements are ■ Land-Use 1 - Put plants in your work space. They are aesthetically - regarding in-fill development pleasing, are said to increase productivity and concentra- desired within the neighbour- tion, absorb toxins from indoor air and improve humidity hood to ensure the contin- ■ Sustainability by returning 90% of the water we give them, making you ued long-term viability of the - becoming a champion for feel more comfortable. neighbourhood. active transportation “The neighbourhood has 2 - Reduce heating and cooling. Close off vents to unused been relatively stable in terms ■ Municipal Services rooms while you are working in your home office. In the - addressing surface deficiencies of growth and development. summer, to keep cool, use a fan in your office and draw and paving However, it does face future those curtains. In the winter, turn down the thermostat, challenges with regards to traf- ■ Local Area Plan pull the blinds to conserve heat and wear a sweater. fic and circulation, land-use - implementation 3 - Conserve power. Switch off all your equipment includ- pressures, and issues relating ing computers, printers and lights when you are finished to municipal services such as The approval of the City working. Turn off cell phone chargers when the phone is surface deficiencies and aging Park LAP will add an addition- fully charged. Better yet, plug everything into a power bar infrastructure. The future of al 37 recommendations to be to save energy and flip that off, too, when not in use. City Park will be affected most implemented. by demands for in-fill develop- 4 - Think light. Turn the lights off in the rest of the house CITY OF SASKATOON when you are working in your office. Install energy-effi- cient light bulbs. Make as much use as possible of natural light for reading. 5 - Be paper-savvy. Turn scrap paper into notepads. Use the other side of old documents for writing and printing, or print double-sided. Send emails of PDFs instead of fax- ing. Reuse old envelopes by putting a label over the old ad- dress. Scan your paper files for electronic storage... just be sure to make a back-up! Buy recycled office paper. Keep a recycling bin handy for the paper you do use. 6- Buy second-hand. Everything in your home office doesn’t have to be brand new. Use furniture and shelves you already have. Think before you buy new technology. What you have may be good enough. 7- Pass it on. Don’t throw away your electronics and furniture when you buy new ones. Recycle, donate or sell them when you buy something new. For more Green Office tips visit Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 15 12/05/2010 11:26:35 PM Our Showroom is Your Showroom You will be taken care of from the moment you walk into one of our C showrooms. Our knowledgeable consultants will give you personalized M service and advice while choosing from Y a vast selection of Kitchen & Bath fixtures. From enduring traditional CM classics to sleek modern contemporary MY styles and eco friendly - We Have Something for Everyone. CY CMY Prepare to be inspired by stepping K into one of our showrooms and see the endless possibilities that await you. 16 Showrooms to Serve you 16 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
PROFILE Forensics Leads a lot of mould. Although the house was reparable, it would to Business have been too much for this And You Thought couple to manage — and even worse had they not learned of Only Superman the hidden hazard. Could See In addition to scanning the exterior of a house to look for Through Walls thermal leaks, such as find- ing poor insulation, he’s been Cliff Gerow sees through called to check for heat gen- walls. No, he doesn’t have X- erated by electrical wiring, ray vision, but he does have find the exact location of in- some pretty sophisticated floor heating pipes or locate technology that lets him see sources of leaky roofs. He’s if a house has poor insula- also been requested to check tion, moisture leaks, mould the installation of doors and growth, insect or pest activ- windows. ity, or other problems. A friend suggested he look Gerow’s secret for seeing at horses that had been hurt. what others can’t comes from “If you’ve got an injury, thermal imaging. He uses in- it swells up a little bit, the frared camera technology to blood rushes to it, increases detect the minute differences the heat, and I can find it,” he in temperature that can be the says. “Where they can’t find first indications of trouble in some injuries with an X-ray the home. or an ultra-sound, I can see It’s a unique business for it very clearly. So now, I’ve Saskatoon, one that Gerow is started doing the equine side uniquely suited to running. of things.” “I’ve been running my own A veterinarian asked if he business for about two years could look at injured dogs. Photo: Courtesy Cliff Gerow, Heat Seeker now, but I’ve been doing “Sure enough, it works the thermal imaging for about 20 Cliff Gerow uses infrared camera technology same way. Every time I think, to detect heat leaks in a home. years,” he says. ‘that’s it,’ something new Most of that work was as Since launching Heat Seek- tanks and all kinds of things. comes up. It’s very interesting a forensic specialist for the er Thermal Imaging, Gerow’s They just don’t see the appli- work. RCMP, a job he retired from business has been increasing cation of it.” “I do quite a bit for manu- five years ago. steadily, but he still finds that “The technology’s been facturing and industrial side “We’re like CSI, but not most people don’t really know around forever, but it has so of things,” says Gerow, not- nearly as sexy as that,” he what thermal imaging does. many applications it’s hard to ing that his work takes him says with a laugh. “We’re the “Some people, when they nail it down,” he says. throughout Saskatchewan ones who go out to the crime think of thermal imaging, Not long ago, an elderly and into Alberta. scenes, bring the evidence think of a plane flying over couple given care of their For example, he might get back in, do most of the analy- following cars or, if they’re grandchild asked him to check called to do building electri- sis and then present our evi- militaristic at all, they think a house they were thinking of cal surveys, imaging the junc- dence in court.” of thermal imaging sights for buying. Cliff’s camera revealed tion boxes, breaker boxes and Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 17
wiring. At one location, he eye, it’s hard to tell what might was able to narrow down the be in a storage tank, but when source an annoying, intermit- Gerow turns his camera to- tent electrical problem. The wards it, he can tell how much thermography showed a dif- oil is inside, how much water ferent heat signature for two is on top, and how much sedi- electrical panels, compared to ment has accumulated at the the remaining ones. That gave bottom. He can spot pump the building owner a start- jack bearings and bushings ing place for the electricians, that are overheating because instead of having them take of worn parts. days or perhaps weeks to go “The nice thing is my tech- painstakingly through every nology non-destructive,” he circuit in the building. says. “I don’t have to put a Gerow gives another ex- probe in your wall. I don’t have ample: “There’s a downtown to poke a hole in your roof.” office building. I just did their “I can do it at a distance, a electrical room on each floor, safe distance, for both myself spotted what I thought were and for everybody around problems. I flagged them and me,” he adds. “It’s just a good then they have the electrician idea.” come in and check. Instead of DARRELL NOAKES days of work, it was hours.” He’s also in demand in the oil industry. With the naked Simplify your life. Choose Hillcrest. From funeral... to cemetery... to reception and more. At Hillcrest, we’ll take care of all the details - at one convenient location. For information and a FREE Planning Kit Call 306 477-2236 24 hr. Emergency Assistance: 306 477-4400 HILLCREST MEMORIAL GARDENS & FUNERAL HOME Cemetery, Funeral Home, Cremation & Reception Centre 8th St. E., 1st right past Briargate Rd. • Discover Hillcrest’s full-service convenience! Funeral Cemetery Cremation Reception n n n 18 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
SUPPLIERS A Fence that The Vinyl Alternative Makes Sense: Linda Friesen, of Fenced in Make Sure What Vinyl, a custom fabrication company of fences and other Surrounds You outdoor products, is natu- is Made of the rally a great advocate of vinyl fences. Right Stuff “Vinyl can stand the test of Fencing products today are time,” says Friesen. “Admit- no longer simply a marker of tedly it’s an investment, but personal space; they’re also a it’s a lifetime investment.” marker of personal style. But “buyer beware,” says “Your fence acts as your bar- Friesen. Not all vinyls are cre- rier and your security system ated equally. from everything around you,” “People really need to do says Jordan Krawchuk, owner their homework when choos- of Krawchuk Construction, ing a vinyl product,” says a company that helps peo- Photo: Courtesy Hanneson Construction Friesen. “They should actu- ple build and renovate their ally look at a cross-section of An attractively surrounded deck enhances homes. “But as more people the appearance of a home. all the varying grades before than ever before expand their deciding on one. It all has to living space to include their do with the thickness of the backyards, it also has to have vinyl’s wall.” a certain aesthetic appeal.” Available in a variety of co- For Krawchuk, the trend lours with added UV inhibi- he sees more and more are tors that stop colours from fences made of pressure- fading, vinyl fences not only treated wood. act as a very private backdrop “The old picket fence that for your outdoor living space, people used to build was made they can also effectively block of spruce,” says Krawchuk. wind, as long as they are in- “And that material needs to be stalled properly. primed, painted or stained to “Just like there are different ‘cure’ it and to help it resist the Photo: Courtesy Krawchuk Construction types of lumber, there are dif- weather. So while it’s less ex- ferent grades of vinyl, differ- pensive than pressure-treated A pressure treated wood fence can last ent styles of vinyl, and differ- wood, it also requires yearly maintenance-free for 25 years. ent ways of putting vinyl up. maintenance.” Krawchuk, lies in the process While Krawchuk says this We believe in doing 5-6 foot Treated with a stain that of building the fence. problem can be easily treated centres [supporting posts in resists termites, sunlight and “Every time you cut and with the purchase of a paint the ground], and we’d never water damage, pressure- screw, you create a hole, or stain that can be applied to recommend anyone going as treated wood does not re- where you are now display- all the cut areas, the fence you far as an 8 foot centre. It may quire finishing, and can last ing the non-treated material build yourself will never be as save a bit of money in the be- maintenance-free anywhere that can become weathered resistant as it is when it comes ginning, with less posts in the from 20-25 years, if not lon- and rot where the screw holes pre-made from the factory. ground,” cautions Friesen. ger. The problem with it, says are or where the cut ends are.” “but in the long run, you’re Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 19
going to have trouble with Made from maintenance- your fence, and its ability to free, powder-coated alumi- stand up to high winds will be num that can be found in a compromised.” wide variety of colours, to- day’s deck railings can be Fencing the Deck combined with added glass inserts which can effectively For those with smaller yards, block wind and sun. 1 we measure the best fencing solution to “Many glass inserts are ensure aesthetics, privacy and available with reflective coat- wind blockage may not lie ings that allow you to look in how you surround your out, but prevents others from yard, but in how you surround looking in,” says Hanneson. your deck. While each type of fencing “Many of these new sub- available ranges in price, the divisions have houses that one thing all three of the lat- 2 we install are so close together, half the time you can share a ketchup est fencing materials have in common is their ability to ex- bottle with your neighbour ist maintenance free. off his deck,” laughs Derek “I think society has gotten Hanneson, of Hanneson Con- to a zero maintenance toler- struction, exterior specialists. ance for fences,” says Hanne- “That’s why going with the son. “And I see a lot more of option of customized deck that coming ahead, because railings can give you a lot of people just don’t want to have 3 you enjoy privacy and the illusion that to work on it or to replace it. you’re by yourself.” They just want to enjoy it.” GAIL JANSEN 20 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
Sustainable Saskatoon: Are We There Yet? Saskatoon is starting to show an innovative spirit, when it comes to embracing sustainability. In February, the city published a Sustainable Development Guiding Principles Workbook to guide developers creating new neighbourhoods. The workbook distills a vision to reduce the sprawling, low-density suburban development common to North America, promoting “Smart Growth” principles such as mixed land use, compact building design, walkable communities and transportation choice. by DARRELL NOAKES Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 21
The idea behind the workbook, says Saskatoon neighbourhood planning manager Alan Wallace, is to get developers to consider sustainability options when they develop new neighbourhoods. Those options include, for example, orienting the lots, and doing something different because you don’t know if it’s going subsequent buildings, so that they respond to sun and to be successful, whereas we’ve done it.” shade patterns, reduce fossil fuel use through shielding from prevailing winds, or capture rainwater run-off to minimize It’s about having an “innovative drive” to create more sustainable the impact of storms. communities, he says. The city hopes to raise awareness of the principles and design Yet, even as developers approach sustainability with some features of new, sustainable neighbourhoods in Saskatoon and reticence, there’s a strong trend moving in that direction. If the surrounding region. Those principles can as effectively be that trend isn’t being pushed by developers, it’s certainly being applied to established neighbourhoods when builders consider pulled by consumers. their in-fill practices, as to new subdivision developments. There’s a global movement toward being greener, the consultant It’s a bit of a compromise. The city didn’t think compelling points out. All cities have to get in line with that, he says. developers to implement green building practices would gain much traction. Besides, the LEED standard for the Vancouver and Calgary are showing that it’s possible to build neighbourhood development rating is still evolving, expected more sustainable neighbourhoods, with significantly higher to be introduced later this year. It could still be some time before densities that facilitate walking and reduce reliance on driving, there are standards capable of being enforced. The city hopes making use of natural drainage patterns and reducing water that a more collaborative approach will guide applicants toward consumption, or zoning that limits sprawl for example. At the implementing projects that are a benefit to the community. moment, Saskatoon lags behind these cities. But there’s always the riddle of acceptance. Developers invest “I know they’re trying to go for ‘sustainable’,” says the consultant, a lot of time and money into their projects. Mistakes can ruin “but they’ve really got a long ways to go. We can only do so them, so they tend to be cautious. Even if a developer were much, given the zoning that we currently have.” to take a chance on implementing a “green” neighbourhood, it might not fly, with a public accustomed to the way things Partly, provincial and municipal regulations stand in the way have always been. Just look at the controversy brewing over of the innovations needed to try new methods of creating Saskatoon’s discussion of a tall wind turbine, a submerged communities that limit sprawl and promote sustainable hydropower station and redevelopment of the weir. development. “Realistically, I don’t know that it is that difficult,” says Saskatoon’s been taking steps to move in the right direction one consultant working on a development in a new with neighbourhoods such as Evergreen and Rosewood. neighbourhood. “I think the planners and the city are pretty good. (They) have been very accommodating and open to Unfortunately, Rosewood is a little less dense than the kind of new ideas. It’s really just a commitment from the develo sustainable community that the city should be aiming for, but pers to move in that direction.” it’s still looking to be a very good community, the consultant says. “We’re not afraid of it because we’ve seen it,” he says. “I think typically what happens is, if you’ve never done it there’s a fear of What’s really needed, he says, is a “new brand of community.” 22 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
A Tale of Two Homes How In-fill and Reno Created Ideal Abodes Part One of a Three-Part Series For two couples, each looking to find their dream home, the call of living in their favourite old neighborhoods was one that couldn’t be ignored. Each couple looked for and found unique solutions to their housing quests in a way that best suited their personal tastes, budgets and personalities. In this three-part series, we’ll meet these two couples and follow them on their dream house journeys as they begin by taking their first tentative searching steps, right on up to their final reveal, in this…a tale of two homes. by Gail Jansen Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 23
Photos: Courtesy Nina and Greg Moe The Moes documented the progress of their home being completely gutted and now the renovation that is underway. F or couples Nina and Greg Moe, and Darla Tenold and Fahmy Bekhit, the decision to upgrade from their present homes was an easy one to make, but the search for the perfect home was one that would prove relentlessly elusive. While homes they looked at in new developments lacked the space and the character both couples preferred, older homes lacked the modern layouts and custom options they were looking for. With new developments reluctantly stricken from their potential lists despite their modern amenities, both couples decided to look at older homes in established neighborhoods, hoping they would find their perfect houses. They wanted homes that would have the character and space they desired, the modern efficiencies With little found in the way of suitable houses that met all of their they hoped for, in the established neighborhoods they loved. needs, both couples decided they would need to think of alternate ways they could have the homes they desired, in the neighbourhoods What they found was a hunt that was akin to searching for a they wanted. needle in a haystack. 24 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
Nina and Greg Moe: They Discover Reno is Their Way to Go “We wanted our house to be a haven,” says Nina. “A place where we something we were looking for because we go away to our cabin a lot enjoy coming home to relax, so we were also a little bit concerned in the summer.” about the aspect of living in a construction zone for the next 10 years, something we felt you pretty much sign up for if you’re going to live in “We pretty much walked up to it and fell in love with it immediately,” one of the newer neighborhoods, or build on a newer lot.” adds Nina. For Nina and Greg, who admittedly were “all over the place” when it Nina and Greg were hoping the inside would be as nice as the outside. came to their search, they originally started out with a plan to build a They were pleasantly surprised when their expectations were met. brand new home in a newer development, going so far as to place a down payment on a lot. Still not fully happy with the idea, they even “When we walked in, the interior of the house was nice, and clean, entertained the idea of purchasing a downtown condo, before finally and while the layout didn’t work for us, we immediately got a great settling on the solution that both ultimately felt was the right one for feeling from the home. We could see the space there, and knew we them, which was to buy an older home and completely gut it and could do something really special.” renovate it to their own specifications. Finding the Right Person for the Job Finding the Right Property Purchasing windows for their summer cabin a few years back, Nina Nina and Greg searched for a home whose exterior would require and Greg were given a recommendation for a contractor with whom little to no maintenance, one that would have instant curb appeal, the supplier had done business with. He eventually completed and an established yard. What they the renovations on their cabin. He would weren’t looking for was also be their choice to make the a home where they renovations on the new house. would end up paying for someone else’s “Quite frankly when we found renovation. out that our offer on the house was accepted,” laughs Nina, “Sometimes people do “the very first phone call I made things to sell a home,” after that wasn’t to my mom or says Nina. “And we any of my friends, it was to our thought, well, that’s nice contractor to let him know we that you did that, but had found our house.” we’re just going to tear it out anyways. We wanted Nina and Greg collaborated to to feel that we were create a design that was what getting good value for they were both looking for as whatever home we bought well as one that was physically in that sense.” workable in the space they had purchased. They got that feeling they got when they found a house that fit “Greg and I had some very specific their criteria to a tee. ideas of what we knew we wanted and we made a list. But the reality of it is that the “When we walked up to this home, we contractors then have to say, ‘Is that a realistic had a great feeling about it immediately,” possibility?’ says Nina. “The curb appeal was fabulous, it had alleys on two sides, and the exterior After we had given them our specific ideas, they then had was meticulous. The outside had just been to come back to us and say, ‘Okay, we’ve heard you and here totally redone, with new decking and is what we can do to help you with that.’” landscaping that was maintenance-free, Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 25
Darla Tenold and Fahmy Bekhit: They Decide In-fill Will Fit Their Bill “The reason we didn’t want to go to a new development,” says Darla, Finding the Right Property “is because we liked our central location, our mature neighborhood and the fact that there are trees, back alleys, and different kinds of While Darla and Fahmy’s search for a solution to their housing houses. For us, we find the new developments a little too sterile.” dilemma was over, the search for just the right property on which to execute that solution was just beginning. “Plus,” add Fahmy, speaking of the couple’s current neighbourhood, “we fell in love with this area, and didn’t really want to leave it.” Their criteria was far different from that of Nina and Greg. The pair were more concerned with the lot size than its landscaping, and Darla and Fahmy also exhausted a myriad of potential solutions. unconcerned with the home’s layout, considering their plans to either These ranged from pricing out the cost of an addition to their existing move it or demolish it. What was important to the pair was that the lot home that would ultimately prove to be too expensive for the final came with a reasonable price tag and that the home would not prove product, to searching fruitlessly for a home suitable to gut. too costly to demolish. But it wasn’t until they saw an example of what could be done using “When we found this property,” says Fahmy, “it had a small house an in-fill that they decided the solution for them was to build a brand of only 500 square feet on a big developed lot, but it also had a fairly new home on an existing older lot. new garage that had been taken good care of.” “We had looked at an in-fill that was newly built and up for sale in “It was one of the main things that helped us to make our decision,” Varsity View,” said Darla. “And while we didn’t end up making an offer he adds, “because now we knew we wouldn’t have to build a garage on that house, it’s what gave us the idea to build an in-fill of our own.” as well as a house. Considering at the time this house was the cheapest that was listed, we figured it was a really good opportunity Darla and Fahmy could see and jumped on it.” what their new house would look like in the midst of Finding the Right Person for the Job in-fill construction. For Darla and Fahmy, the process of finding the right builder was not quite so straightforward. “When we bought the lot and the house, we had no idea about building,” says Fahmy. “We went around to some show homes in some of the newer areas, took some pamphlets, and based on those, we phoned some builders.” They met with four builders before narrowing it down to one, choosing Sanoma Homes. They had seen the builders’ previous work, spoken to the owners of a home they had built, and felt their excitement for the project. It was also important that they would have the support they would need as they went forward with their build. “For me, personally,” says Darla, “I wasn’t so interested in any house things and design things. I just wanted someone who would give us a lot of personal service, so that we could be involved and get the custom house that we wanted without having to do a lot of the work ourselves.” Read the fall issue of Saskatoon Home to follow these stories, or visit for updates and photos between issues. Photo: Courtesy Darla Tenold and Fahmy Bekhit 26 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
PROFESSIONAL PANEL THE EXPERTS It’s not always easy being green. In Saskatoon, that means moving towards sustainable residential development. It’s a complex paradigm involving city planners, visionary developers and environmentally-conscious homeowners and buyers. Saskatoon Home SCOOP ON weighed in with some experts: a green renovator, a sustainable developer, a city planner and a sustainable energy engineer to capture some ECO-WISE insight into how far Saskatoon has come on many different levels towards achieving eco- friendly home and neighbourhood development SASKATOON goals. There are also some tips on what home DEVELOPMENT owners and buyers can do to become more energy-efficient. And believe it: these are simple! Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 27
PARTICIPANTS Michael Leggett is the owner of Equinox Home Innovations, a Saskatoon-based green home renovation and contracting company. He has over 10 years of experience working in various construction areas, and has degrees in community development and environmental design from the University of Guelph and York University. Curtis Olson is obsessed with the challenge and beauty of urban development. His company, Shift Development Inc., focuses on residential and commercial spaces in the city’s core areas. His current project is the Two Twenty, an office + cafe + studio project to house the city’s most forward thinking design businesses on 20th Street West. Alan G. Wallace, MCIP, is the manager of neighbourhood planning, Planning and Development Branch, at the City of Saskatoon. Over 25 years with the City of Saskatoon, he has worked in nearly all areas of planning and development. He manages the Neighbourhood Planning program which includes affordable housing, local area planning, neighbourhood safety, and neighbourhood and downtown revitalization. Kelly Winder, M.Sc., P.Eng. has worked in the field of energy efficiency since completing his international master’s degree in sustainable energy engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden in 2003. Kelly works as an engineer in the building performance business unit within Saskatchewan Research Council, a group that specializes in improving the energy efficiency of buildings in Saskatchewan and beyond. 28 Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010
Are Saskatoon homeowners, including and as part of an energy and greenhouse has, in our experience and over the past those who wish to renovate, and gas initiative, the city seems to be now few years, been quite open-minded to those who wish to buy new homes, exploring a wider implementation of looking seriously at,and supporting new favouring sustainable features and sustainable initiatives. Whether this sustainable practices. practices more than they did before? partnership will offer encouragement to What are they looking for? homeowners in terms of reducing energy Olson: In the past, the largest challenge consumption levels and shifting to more has been finding buyers who would Leggett: I think the majority are doing sustainable energies like geothermal, justify the investment in energy so largely as a result of a good return wind and solar, is yet to be seen. efficiency and sustainability. Our society on investment, and as a result of various has evolved and now environmental rebate programs (although that may Olson: Saskatoon is moving towards stewardship is right at the top of buyers now change). A smaller percentage zoning revisions that allow and questions to ask builders. As a result, seem to be driven more so by an ethic encourage more infill and high density the demand is making it much easier of thinking about global/environmental development, which in my opinion, are for builders to justify higher efficiency implications of our energy consumption some of the biggest moves to advance features in the homes they’re building. patterns. I have found in my work sustainability. The city needs to make with customers that the majority of it easier to build attached housing, like Wallace: The city is undertaking a review customers, however, when I explain row houses, because they are some of standards related to the installation of various green practices and products of the most energy-efficient forms wind turbines, solar panels, and so on. So to them, are often quite supportive and of housing that we have. The idea of far, there have not been many proposals inclined to opt for green options. permitting garage homes or granny to consider, but the enquiries into these suites throughout the city is another types of energy generating items is Olson: I see more home buyers looking very positive move that needs to be increasing. Geothermal installations for fully-integrated green design supported. have been approved for many years throughout the homes they are seeking. already, and straw bale housing can be They’re not content with entry-level Wallace: Recently the city has begun to built anytime. green products that have typically been add energy efficiency and sustainability add -ons in the past. For example, they’re requirements in all Requests for Proposals Are developers considering coming with questions about locally- (RFPs) we issue for new housing and alternative forms of neighbourhood sourced finishing materials, solar water revitalization projects. For example, development to promote more heating systems and even alternative the RFP evaluation for the Arthur Cook healthy lifestyles, active living and building envelope systems. Today’s warehouse restoration provided 30% sustainable development practices? buyer is very well-informed and has of a total 100 points towards projects Has the city made changes to done their research beforehand. which demonstrated restoration encourage these kinds of practices? techniques and materials which reduced Wallace: The next generation of home energy consumption and considered Leggett: With the pioneering of model buyers is more conscious of the need environmentally-friendly materials. In communities like Craik, Saskatchewan to consider environmentally-friendly RFPs for affordable housing, a similar and others such as the green village materials in their new home, and are amount of importance is assigned to starting by Mike Holmes near Okotoks, looking for new features which reduce items which will reduce energy and water Alberta, and the Redwood Meadows water and energy consumption. This consumption to increase affordability for Community near Cochrane, Alberta, I expectation appears to be growing in the homeowner. think a lot of interest has certainly been the marketplace. A new set of values are growing among many municipalities being expressed around conservation, Are builders encountering fewer in the country. The city of Saskatoon but cost is still a major factor to most restrictions when they try to has also been working on developing consumers. incorporate more energy efficiency an environmentally-sustainable and sustainability elements in the neighborhood called Evergreen, to be What is the City of Saskatoon doing to homes they build? built near University Heights. Plans encourage more energy efficiency and for the Evergreen neighborhood sustainability elements in housing? Leggett: What used to be a big involve maintaining the majority of the restriction for certain types of green indigenous trees on the site; streets are Leggett: As far as I am aware, the city’s innovations was municipal code aligned to be south-facing to allow for efforts have until recently been largely regulations. I think here in Saskatoon maximum solar energy potential; and focussed on its own municipal buildings we are quite fortunate to have one of the parks and trails are woven throughout in terms of bringing them to a point best building standards departments the community. of greater energy efficiency. With the of any municipality I am familiar with. recent partnership with Roadmap 2020, Saskatoon’s building standards branch Saskatoon HOME Summer 2010 29
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