Page created by Rafael Robertson

                                                                                                    Welcome to
                                                                                                    The Guide 2018

AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND                                                                                      This prospectus is for anyone interested in going to university in
                                                                                                              Australia or New Zealand.
                                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT IS STUDY OPTIONS?
                                                                                                                The Guide is produced by Study Options, the official Application
                                                                                                    Support Service for UK-based students applying to universities in Australia
                                                                                                    and New Zealand.                                                               Study Options offers free, expert guidance at every stage of the process, from making
                                                                                                       All Study Options’ services are completely free to students. We are the     applications to securing the right accommodation and applying for a student visa.
                                                                                                    official representative of Australian and New Zealand universities in the UK
                                                                                                    and Ireland and are funded directly by those universities to help students     We provide information and advice on            We are responsible for processing your
Get your degree to take you further!                                 Next events will take          on their behalf. Our mission is to make the application process as easy
                                                                                                    and as straightforward as possible for you!
                                                                                                                                                                                   universities and courses to help you
                                                                                                                                                                                   decide where to apply.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   applications, which includes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   l Providing the application forms you need
Come to the Open Days to meet the                                    place in November                 If you would like to find out more or would like to make an application
                                                                                                    you can email us, call us, or come in and see us in person at our offices in
                                                                                                                                                                                   l Contact us to get a list of the courses
                                                                                                                                                                                      available in your chosen subject. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and guidelines on how to apply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   l Highlighting entry requirements and
universities in person and to discover                               2017 and March 2018            Bristol and London.
                                                                                                       If you’re interested in getting a world-class education and exploring new
                                                                                                                                                                                      have programme lists for hundreds
                                                                                                                                                                                      of different academic subjects, detailing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      application deadlines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   l Checking your completed application to
                                                                                                    horizons at the same time, please get in touch! We’re looking forward to          course content and structure, entry            make sure it is complete, correct, and
Universities that are all       How to combine a world-              l   17 November: Manchester   hearing from you.                                                                 requirements and annual tuition fees           as good as possible before uploading it
                                                                                                                                                                                   l Get free university prospectuses               to the university for assessment

                                                                                                                            Sa rah
about teaching and research     recognised university education      l   18 November: London                                                                                      l Talk to one of our student advisors.         l Certifying original documents on behalf
                                                                                                                                                                                      Everyone on our counselling team has            of the universities (we return originals
with committed, engaging        with exciting travel opportunities                                                                                                                    either studied or worked at an Australian       securely using recorded delivery).
academic staff
                                                                     l   23 March: Birmingham                                                                                        or New Zealand university.
                                                                                                                            Sarah Nash                                                                                             We provide help, guidance and support
                                The chance to gain a new             l   24 March: London                                  director, Study Options                                We put you in touch with the                    at each and every step of the process.
                                                                                                                                                                                   universities directly.                          l From deciding where to apply and
World-class institutions with   view of the world and                                                                                                                              l Come to our Australian and New Zealand          making applications to accepting a
                                                                                                                                                                                      University Open Days, held in March and         place, getting key documents to New
achievable entry requirements   invaluable life skills                                                                                                                                November each year, to speak to                 Zealand or Australia, help applying for
                                                                                                                                                                                      university staff in person                      your student visa, sorting out your
                                                                                                                                                                                      (                      accommodation, organising medical
                                                                                                                                                                                   l Come to individual university events            insurance and setting up a bank account
                                                                                                    Design: Forty6 Design (
                                                                                                                                                                                      held throughout the year.                       before you leave, we’re always here to
                                                                                                    Reproduction of The Guide in part or in whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      help. If you have any questions, at any
    For full details and to register visit
                                                                                                    without written consent is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                                    ©Study Options Ltd.                                                                                                               point, just call or email one of the team.

Why go?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Why go?

                                                             The high quality of the university teaching   for 2016/2017 places six Australian
                                                             and research available                        universities in the world’s top 100, as
                                                             Australia and New Zealand are both            compared to 12 from the UK.
                                                             home to internationally prestigious,

The ultimate
                                                             research-led universities, many of            A chance to broaden your horizons
                                                             which are ranked among the world’s            Going to university is not just about
                                                             best. The qualifications they award           studying. Where would you like to
                                                             are recognised and respected by               live for a few years? Studying in a
                                                             employers and universities worldwide.         different country is a unique chance
                                                                Australian and New Zealand                 to experience a different culture and
                                                             universities are engaged in pioneering        lifestyle. As an international student

                                                             research in many different fields. The        you will have the freedom to live in
                                                             technology for the world’s first vaccine      New Zealand or Australia for the
                                                             for cervical cancer was discovered at         duration of your course; the time
                                                             the University of Queensland; solar           to immerse yourself in a different
                                                             cell researchers at UNSW Sydney               lifestyle and the chance to travel
                                                             played a key role in achieving the            – all while getting a world-class,
                                                             highest efficiency for solar power,           internationally recognised university

                                                             setting a world record of 43 per              education.
                                                             cent of sunlight converted into                   Living such a long way from home
                                                             electricity; while in New Zealand             for an extended period of time isn’t
                                                             researchers at the University of              everyone’s cup of tea and it can be
                                                             Otago have developed a simple                 challenging, particularly at first. But if
                                                             urine test to detect kidney transplant        you are independent by nature, with
                                                             rejection, which they hope will               initiative and a sense of adventure,
                                                             eventually replace the current                there are some amazing experiences
                                                             invasive biopsy test.                         to be had. Depending on where you
                                                                Governments and businesses                 study, once classes are over you can
                                                             worldwide seek the expertise and              head to the beach, go skiing for the

Why go all the way to the other side of the world to study   research power of Australian and
                                                             New Zealand universities and their
                                                                                                           weekend, take in an exhibition or
                                                                                                           an art gallery, learn to dive, or just

when there are so many university courses available in the   discoveries and academics are in
                                                             demand by organisations from
                                                                                                           explore the great outdoors. Find out
                                                                                                           how some students spend their spare

UK? Here are a few things to consider
                                                             NATO to NASA.                                 time on pages 28, 33, 44, 52, 56, 64,
                                                                Research excellence is key to              69 and 77.
                                                             ensuring a quality learning experience
                                                             for all students, including those             Flexible courses and dedicated,
                                                             studying undergraduate and taught             accessible academics
                                                             postgraduate courses, as discoveries          General degrees in Australia and New
                                                             and knowledge filter down to inform
                                                             all levels of university teaching.
                                                                                                           Zealand – for example the Bachelor
                                                                                                           of Arts, Master of Commerce or                        Experience,
                                                                                                                                                                            travel – these are as
                                                                See the university profiles on pages
                                                             29 to 37 (New Zealand) and 45 to 79
                                                                                                           Bachelor of Science – are much
                                                                                                           broader and more flexible in structure
                                                                                                                                                                 education in themselves Euripides
                                                             (Australia) for more.                         than is usually the case in the UK.
                                                                                                           This means you will have a much
                                                             International rankings and reputation         wider choice in terms of the subjects
                                                             The strength of Australian and New            that you study, and the opportunity to
                                                             Zealand universities is confirmed by          create a programme uniquely tailored
                                                             their standing in a range of                  to your interests and career goals.
                                                             international university rankings.               Contact teaching hours for
                                                                In the 2018 QS World University            undergraduate students are typically
                                                             Rankings, seven Australian                    higher than at many UK universities,
                                                             universities and one New Zealand              and the teaching culture throughout
                                                             university are placed in the world’s          is relaxed and informal. One of the
                                                             top 100. There are 42 universities            most regular pieces of feedback
                                                             in Australia and just eight in New            we receive from students (whether
                                                             Zealand, so the proportion judged             undergraduate or PhD) is how
                                                             to be among the world’s best is               accessible and friendly they find
                                                             indicative of how high standards are.         academic staff to be. For more
                                                             The UK has around 120 universities;           details, see page 6-11.
                                                             16 of which were ranked in the world’s
                                                             top 100 by QS in its 2018 report.             These are the best places in the world
                                                                It is important to compare different       to study certain subjects
                                                             rankings to get a balanced picture.           Australian and New Zealand
                                                             We recommend also checking the                universities are recognised as world
                                                             annual international university               leaders in a large, diverse range of
                                                             rankings from the Times Higher                subjects, including psychology;
                                                             Education and the Academic Ranking            sport; mineral and mining
                                                             of World Universities (ARWU) by               engineering; accounting and finance;         Left: Hiking on Hinchinbrook Island, Coral Sea, Queensland
                                                             Shanghai Jiao Tong. The Times                 physiotherapy; geology; geography;           From top: University of Adelaide; diving on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland; AgriBio Building,
                                                             Higher Education rankings report              social work; environmental                   La Trobe University, Melbourne

 2                                                                                                                                                                                              3
Why go?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What can I study?

              do they                                                                                                             Left: University of Sydney

                                                                                                                                                                                   What can
                                                                                                                                   Below: Football on the beach
Australian and New Zealand
universities compare strongly
to UK universities in different
areas. Here we have taken
examples from the 2017 QS World

                                                                                                                                                                                   I study?
University Rankings By Subject.
All numbers given below are
overall world ranking in the subject
areas for UK and Australian and
New Zealand universities only:
       Arts and
1      University of Oxford
2      University of Cambridge           science and management; tourism             assume such applicants had                    social work – overseas. Many of the
10     ANU                               and marine studies, to name but a           sought-after traits such as initiative        national regulatory bodies for these
14     London School of Economics        few. If you are working toward a            and independence, as well as a                professions in the UK, Australia
15     University of Sydney              career in one of these, studying in         valuable international perspective            and New Zealand already have
17     University of Melbourne           Australia or New Zealand could              and outlook on life.                          agreements in place with one
=18    University College London (UCL)   give you the best possible start.              There are also currently                   another to ensure that graduates
22     University of Edinburgh              Both countries also offer                opportunities in both countries for           from one country are immediately
25     University of Auckland            their students and researchers              students to stay and work after               approved to work in the other.
                                         unparalleled access to the natural          finishing a degree. Both Australia            The UK Royal College of Veterinary
       E ngineering                     world and amazing opportunities             and New Zealand have strong                   Surgeons (RCVS), for example,
                                         for fieldwork. Marine scientists in         economies and good graduate job               accredits all of the Bachelor of
        and technology                   Australia, for example, get to use          markets, so this could be a great             Veterinary Science degrees taught
3      University of Cambridge           the Great Barrier Reef as a living          chance for you to land that                   at our Australian and New Zealand
6      Imperial College London           laboratory, or work in the waters of        all-important first job before                partner universities. This allows
9      University of Oxford              Tasmania, which are classed as the          returning to the UK with work                 students to qualify as vets and
28     University of Melbourne           cleanest anywhere in the world bar          experience to back up your degree.            return immediately to work in
=31    UNSW Sydney                       those of Antarctica.                        Contact Study Options for details             the UK, without having to take a
41     University of Sydney                                                          about work visa options after                 registration test or further study.
=44    Monash University                 Strong graduate job prospects               graduating, and see pages 20-21
46     ANU                               Studying a degree overseas will             for more on life after graduation.            Make the most of your time as a student       Students on the lawn of the Great Court at the
                                                                                                                                                                                 University of Queensland St Lucia campus
53     University College London (UCL)   make your CV stand out to an                                                              Universities in Australia and New
56     University of Manchester          employer. It’s not that getting a job       International degree recognition              Zealand are very focused on the
      	                                 application from someone who has            Australia and New Zealand both                student experience and lay on a              New Zealand and Australian universities offer courses in a huge range of                                                             How can I find
       Life sciences                     studied at an Australian or New             have education systems that are               huge range of opportunities that
                                                                                                                                                                                subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate level, from bachelors degrees
       and medicine                      Zealand university is unusual for           based on the UK model and                     you can choose to participate in                                                                                                                                                out what courses
2      University of Cambridge
                                         multinationals in the UK – after all,
                                         there are estimated to be around
                                                                                     Australian and New Zealand
                                                                                     university qualifications are
                                                                                                                                   and really maximise your time at
                                                                                                                                   university. You can take part in an
                                                                                                                                                                                through to masters (by coursework and/or research) and PhD                                                                         are available in
3      University of Oxford              500,000 Aussies and Kiwis                   recognised all over the world as              academic exchange, and study at a                                                                                                                                               my subject?
11     University College London (UCL)   currently working in the UK, many           being the direct equivalent of                partner university almost anywhere                                                             While Australian and New Zealand        perspective on subjects such
12     Imperial College London           of them graduates – but it’s still          qualifications awarded by UK                  in the world for a term or a year.                                                             universities are undeniably a long      as history, literature, politics and     You can get a course list from Study
13     University of Melbourne           relatively unusual for a UK student         universities.                                 Or undertake an internship, join a                                                             way from home, the experience of        international relations. They often      Options by completing the online request
17     University of Sydney              to study overseas, whether it’s in             This is key if you are planning to         volunteering project, get involved                                                             studying at them is, in many ways,      have a stronger focus on Asian           form at,
18     Kings College London (KCL)        New Zealand or Australia or in the          study a professional degree – for             with student clubs and societies,                                                              similar to going to a UK university.    languages, culture and business          calling 020 7353 7200 or 0117 911 5610,
21     University of Edinburgh           US, Europe or Asia. Employers tell          example medicine, veterinary                  or do a leadership programme. Or                                                                  The range of subjects available      than on European affairs as a result     or emailing
=28    Monash University                 us that they would immediately              science, nursing, engineering or              all of the above!                                                                              to study at Australian and New          of their location and economic,              Let us know what you want to study,
32     University of Queensland                                                                                                                                                                                                   Zealand universities is huge.           historic and cultural ties in the        and at what level. And if there’s anything
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Almost any subject that you can         Asia-Pacific region.                     on your wish list, this is the time to tell us
       Social sciences                          Is studying in Australia or New Zealand for you?                                                                                                                                  study at university in the UK will          Anyone studying natural or           about it. Are you determined to go to one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  be offered by at least one university   life sciences – botany, zoology          particular university? Do you want to be
       and management                     Sarah from Study Options highlights a          You can request a course list at         plan budgets and funding in to your                                                             in Australia or New Zealand. They       or marine biology, to name just a        in a specific place? If yes, this is the time
3      University of Oxford               few things to consider when working, or call        research as early as possible. See page                                                         also offer the opportunity to study     few – will get to study very different   to tell us!
4      University of Cambridge            out if studying overseas is the option     us on 020 7353 7200 or 0117 911 5610.        14 for information about tuition fees and                                                       subjects not widely available here,     flora and fauna, much of which will          We will send you a list of the courses
14     University of Melbourne            for you                                        Once you’ve got your list, you can       pages 24-25 and 40-41 for guidelines                                                            such as tropical marine biology,        be unique to Australasia, while          available in your chosen subject. This will
15     London Business School                     The first – and most important     speak to talk to any of our student          on the cost of living in both countries.                                                        oceanography, Antarctic studies,        those studying creative subjects         include links to each course’s content
20     ANU                                        thing – to check is that there’s   advisors if you would like some advice            Last, think about whether the                                                              maritime archaeology, Asia-Pacific      such as music performance and            and structure, as well as details of tuition
22     UNSW Sydney                        a suitable course available.               or guidance with the different options.      lifestyle in Australia or New Zealand                                                           diplomacy, children’s literature and    fine art are likely to be exposed        fees, entry requirements, application
25     University of Sydney                   Have a look at www.studyoptions.           Once you have looked at courses,         would suit you; and if you’re ok with the                                                       indigenous history and culture.         to different influences and ideas        deadlines and other key information.
29     Monash University                  com/what-can-i-study for details of        the next thing to check is costs. You’ll     idea of only coming back to the UK once                                                            Although many of the subjects        than those studying the same             Please go through the list carefully.
=30    University College London (UCL)    what you can do, and make sure you         need to budget for tuition fees and living   or twice a year. See page 12 for details of                                                     are the same, the content of the        thing in the UK.                             We offer free, expert, friendly course
36     University of Warwick              contact Study Options to get a list of     costs for the duration of your study.        student accommodation and campus life,                                                          degrees and the way that they are                                                advice so if you’d like help choosing what
=39    University of Queensland           all the courses that are available in      Costs can be a big factor in deciding        and look at the interviews with current                                                         taught is likely be different.                                                   and where to study, please call us, email
=42    University of Manchester           your area of interest.                     where you study, so it’s important to        students that appear in the Guide.”                                                                Australian and New Zealand           Find out more about undergraduate        us, or come to the office to talk through
44     University of Auckland                                                                                                                                                                                                     universities will offer a different     and postgraduate options next...         your options.

 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5
What can I study?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     What can I study?

                                                                                                                                                                             Greater flexibility; greater breadth                                                                                BACHELOR OF ARTS

                                                                                                                                                                       In New Zealand and Australia, general                        On this page we have given some                                                      300        300            300          300        300        300         200          200
                                                                                                                                                                       bachelors degrees in areas such as arts,                  examples of study plans for different                           Year 3                 LEVEL      LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL      LEVEL      LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL
                                                                                                                                                                       science and business are much broader                     undergraduate degrees. The Australian
                                                                                                                                                                       and more flexible than the equivalent                     and New Zealand system makes it easy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         200        200            200          200        200        200         200          100
                                                                                                                                                                       degrees in the UK. When you enrol on one                  combine the study of different subjects in                      Year 2                 LEVEL      LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL      LEVEL      LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL
                                                                                                                                                                       of these degrees you’ll select a ‘major’                  an area, and can in some cases allow you
                                                                                                                                                                       (the subject you want to specialise in and                to study subjects from completely
                                                                                                                                                                       have written on your degree certificate)                  different academic areas.                                                               100        100            100          100        100        100         100          100
                                                                                                                                                                       but you will also get the opportunity to                     Please note that all these diagrams                          Year 1                 LEVEL      LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL      LEVEL      LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL
                                                                                                                                                                       study a number of subjects from outside                   are only examples – many other
                                                                                                                                                                       your major during each year of the                        combinations are possible and each                                    Arts major           Arts minor               Other                  Courses from
                                                                                                                                                                       degree. These are known as ‘electives’.                   university’s courses will differ slightly in                          courses              courses                  arts                   arts or other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     courses                degrees
                                                                                                                                                                       This approach allows you to effectively                   structure. All course details, including
                                                                                                                                                                       construct a degree that is unique to you                  structure and content, are provided on
                                                                                                                                                                       and to your interests, and which can be                   Study Options’ subject lists, so please go                     A Bachelor of Arts is the most flexible degree of all, offering students the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                       tailored to suit your future career goals.                to to ask                         study other subjects from the arts and humanities faculty as well as courses from other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for a list for your chosen area of interest,                   faculties alongside their chosen major subject. It is not unusual for a student to decide to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or call 020 7353 7200 or 0117 911 5610.                        change their major during their first year.

                                                                                                                                                                        BACHELOR OF SCIENCE                                                                                                      BACHELOR OF COMMERCE

                                                                                                                                                                                             300          300          300         300         300             300         200         200                               300        300            300          300        200        300         300          200
                                                                                                                                                                        Year 3              LEVEL        LEVEL        LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL           LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL      Year 3                 LEVEL      LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL      LEVEL      LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL

                                                                                                                                                                                             200          200          200         200         200             200         200         100                               200        200            200          200        200        100         200          200
                                                                                                                                                                        Year 2              LEVEL        LEVEL        LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL           LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL      Year 2                 LEVEL      LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL      LEVEL      LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL

A bachelors degree awarded by             The teaching atmosphere is less
an Australian or New Zealand          formal than at universities here in                                                                                                                    100          100          100         100         100             100         100         100                                                                                            100         100          100
university is considered to be the    the UK and many UK students in                                                                                                    Year 1              LEVEL        LEVEL        LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL           LEVEL       LEVEL       LEVEL      Year 1                 ACCT        INFO          ECON         MGMT      STATS       LEVEL       LEVEL        LEVEL
direct equivalent of a bachelor       Australia and New Zealand report
degree awarded by a UK university.    that they find academic staff to                                                                                                        Science           Other                     Courses from                                                                 Commerce             Other                    Courses from
A standard bachelors degree –         be accessible and approachable                                                                                                          major             science                   science or                                                                   compulsory           commerce                 commerce or
                                                                                                                                                                              courses           courses                   other degrees                                                                courses              courses                  other degrees
for example a Bachelor of Arts,       if they have any questions about
Bachelor of Business or Bachelor      or problems with their work.
of Science – will take three years        Australian and New Zealand                                                                                                   Australian and New Zealand universities aim to produce graduates who are scientists or business people first and foremost, but who also have specialist knowledge and skills in their
of study to complete, just as it      degrees are assessed continually                                                                                                 chosen specialist ('major') subject – chemistry, geology, marketing, mathematics, management and so on. This broad, flexible structure allows you to explore subjects that you may
would in the UK. Professional and     from the first year of study, so                                                                                                 not have had the chance to study before, as well as to mix and match potentially unusual combinations of subjects.
specialist degrees (including the     marks effectively count toward a
Bachelor of Fine Art, Bachelor of     final degree result right from the
Physiotherapy, or Bachelor of         start of the course. This is different                                                                                            BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING                                                                                                  BACHELOR OF FINE ART
Veterinary Science) require a         to the system used at most
longer period of study to complete.   universities in the UK, which only
                                      counts marks gained in the second                                                                                                 Year 4                                                      3rd Professional                                             Year 4                                             Studio subject

Undergraduate teaching and            and third year of the degree to
assessment                            determine a student’s final grade.
Teaching methods are much                                                                                                                                               Year 3                                                      2nd Professional                                             Year 3                                             Studio subject                                            LEVEL
the same as those used at UK          Contact teaching hours
                                                                                                                      From top: Massey University, North Island,
universities. Undergraduate           The number of contact teaching
students are taught using a           hours an undergraduate student in             Did you know?                     New Zealand; student labs at the University of
                                                                                                                      Otago, South Island, New Zealand                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         200
mixture of lectures, seminars and     New Zealand or Australia should                                                                                                   Year 2                                                      1st Professional                                             Year 2                                             Studio subject                                            LEVEL
tutorials, with labs, fieldwork and   expect per week is generally higher      If you want to experience life in
clinical or industry placements       than at universities in the UK. A        Australia or New Zealand but are
where required.                       undergraduate student taking a           concerned about spending a long                                                                                                                                 100            100          100         100                                                                                                        100          100
   As is the case here in the UK      Bachelor of Arts degree in New           time away from home, there are
                                                                                                                                                                        Year 1               ENGR         EMTH        EMTH        PHYS        LEVEL          LEVEL        LEVEL       LEVEL      Year 1                                                                                          LEVEL        LEVEL

and Ireland, university students      Zealand or Australia (typically arts     plenty of other options to consider.
                                                                                                                                                                             Professional           Required intermediate                              Other intermediate courses in physics,          Specialisation           Introduction to                 Required art                 Other
need to be self-motivated and         students have the lowest number          Many of our universities offer                                                                years                  courses in engineering, engineering                chemistry, computer science,                    in one studio            all specialist                  history and                  undergraduate
organised about their work in         of contact hours) should expect to       shorter options and courses                                                                                          mathematics and physics                            engineering and electives                       subject                  studio studies                  theory courses               degree courses
order to succeed. Lectures and        have between 12 and 16 contact           starting from four months.
tutorials must be backed up by        hours a week during their first year     For more information see page                                                           The broad, flexible structure described above only applies to general academic degrees.                                  Students are NOT required to undertake an Art Foundation year before enrolling on a fine
independent reading and research,     and would be strongly encouraged         18 or contact Study Options on                                                          Students studying professional or specialist subjects, such as engineering, medicine,                                    art or design degree in Australia or New Zealand. As shown in the example study plan
which you – the student – are         to study for a further 20-25 hours                                                                   law, social work or teaching will follow set, structured study programmes that offer little                              above, in many degrees the first year serves as an introduction to the different studio
expected to organise yourself.        a week by themselves.                                                                                                            or no opportunity to take electives from outside the course.                                                             disciplines. The student then chooses a discipline to specialise in during years 2, 3 and 4.

 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7
What can I study?                                                                                                                                                                            What can I study?

Australian and New Zealand                required to have relevant work            4. ‘Change of direction’ masters courses
universities offer a large number of      experience as well as a professional      These allow students who have an
options for students considering          academic qualification in their field.    undergraduate degree in one
postgraduate study. In addition to        These courses are usually taught,         academic area to gain a solid                                                             How can I
masters degrees (which can be
taught, undertaken by research,
                                          though some may offer research
                                          modules or options.
                                                                                    understanding of and qualification
                                                                                    in another academic area. They
                                                                                                                                                                           find out what
or by a combination of the two)                                                     include programmes such as the                                                         courses are
there are also graduate and
postgraduate diplomas and
                                          2. Graduate entry professional
                                                                                    Master of Commerce – a general
                                                                                    programme that provides a solid
                                                                                                                                                                           available in
graduate certificates available.          These include courses such as the         grounding in most major aspects                                                        my subject?
   Postgraduate and graduate              Master of Physiotherapy Studies,          of business before allowing students                                                   Please request a course list
diplomas and certificates are             which allows graduates of related         to choose a specialism such as                                                         online at www.studyoptions.
shorter and less academically             subject areas, such as sports science,    marketing or management. These                                                         com/contact, call 020 7353
demanding than masters courses.           sports therapy or biomedicine, to         courses are usually open to                                                            7200 or 0117 911 5610, or
They can be studied as standalone         train and qualify as physiotherapists     applicants with a previous degree                                                      email
qualifications, but are also often        and the Master of Teaching, which         in any academic discipline. They                                                           Let us know what you want to
recommended for students who do           allows graduates of non-teaching          are predominantly taught.                                                              study, and at what level. And if
not initially meet entry requirements,    degrees to train and qualify as                                                                                                  there’s anything on your wish
as a way of gaining the knowledge         teachers. These courses are almost        Masters courses vary in length.                                                        list, this is the time to tell us
required for admission to masters.        always taught, offering very few or no    In New Zealand, masters are either                                                     about it. Are you determined to
   There are several different types      opportunities to undertake research.      between 12-18 months (coursework                                                       go to one particular university?
of taught postgraduate courses in                                                   qualifications) or two years long                                                      Do you want to be in a specific
Australia and New Zealand.                3. Traditional masters courses            (coursework and research). In                                                          place? Let us know!
                                          These courses aim to strengthen           Australia they can be one, one and a                                                       We will send you a list of the
1. Professional development courses       and develop academic knowledge            half, or two years long. The duration                                                  courses available in your chosen
These programmes offer people who         in a particular subject. They are         of a course depends on the subject,                                                    subject. This will include links to
have already qualified in a subject       the most traditional form of              but can also be determined by the                                                      each course’s content and
or a profession the opportunity to        postgraduate study and include            applicant’s academic background.              Can’t see the                            structure, as well as details of
specialise in a particular area. For
a qualified teacher, for example,
                                          programmes such as a Master of
                                          Arts in, for example, History, or a
                                                                                       The basic entry requirement for
                                                                                    admission to postgraduate study in
                                                                                                                               course you’re                               tuition fees, entry requirements,
                                                                                                                                                                           application deadlines and other
this might mean studying education        Master of Science in Physics. In          Australia and New Zealand is to            looking for on                              key information. Please go
for gifted children, special needs
teaching or school management. An
                                          order to be eligible for entry to these
                                          courses, an applicant would usually
                                                                                    have successfully completed a UK
                                                                                    or Irish bachelors degree, but the
                                                                                                                               our lists?                                  through the list carefully. We
                                                                                                                                                                           offer a free, expert, friendly
engineer could enrol on a Master of       need to have an undergraduate             exact academic and professional                    While qualifications in             course advice so if you’d like
Engineering to become specialist in       degree in the same subject, or a          background and achievement level                    Australia and New Zealand          some help choosing what and
her or his chosen discipline, or          strongly relevant subject, to the one     required varies considerably               usually have the same names as              where to study, please call us,
alternatively to train in management      they want to study at masters level.      between courses and universities.          qualifications in the UK, some can          email us, or come to the office
for engineering.                          These courses can be taken by             Please contact a Study Options             be slightly different. So if you can’t      to talk through your options.
   In order to be eligible for entry to   coursework, or by research, or by         advisor for more information or to         see your course on Study Options’
these courses, applicants are usually     a combination of the two.                 discuss your individual case.              lists, please don’t assume it doesn’t
                                                                                                                               exist. It might just have a slightly
                                                                                                                                                                        Pictures clockwise from top left: Macquarie
                                                                                                                               different name to the one you were       University, Sydney; Murdoch University, Perth;
                                                                                                                               expecting to see.                        labs at Monash University, Melbourne; marine
                                                                                                                                   For example, lots of universities    scientist at Macquarie University
                                                                                                                               in the UK use very specific names,
                                                                                                                               such as a ‘Bachelor of Marketing.’
                                                                                                                               In Australia and New Zealand,
                                                                                                                               where universities tend toward
                                                                                                                               more general names, this degree
                                                                                                                               would be ‘Bachelor of Commerce
                                                                                                                               (Marketing)’. UK graduates looking
                                                                                                                               for a teacher training course in
                                                                                                                               Australia or New Zealand will not
                                                                                                                               find a list of PGCE (Postgraduate
                                                                                                                               Certificate in Education) courses,
                                                                                                                               because in Australia and NZ the
                                                                                                                               equivalent qualification is the
                                                                                                                               Graduate Diploma of Teaching or
                                                                                                                               the Master of Teaching.
                                                                                                                                   If you can’t see your course on
                                                                                                                               our lists please get in touch to
                                                                                                       Townsville Campus,
                                                                                                       James Cook University
                                                                                                                               check whether it is available, or if
                                                                                                       (JCU), Queensland       it has just been lost in translation!

  8                                                                                                                                                          9
What can I study?                                                                                                                                                                                                                              What can I study?

Australian and New Zealand                          contacting academic staff. If you       start working out which universities
universities welcome applications                   would like our help with this stage,    you might like to consider
from qualified international                        please email us a detailed copy of      approaching with your research
research candidates.                                your research proposal and your         project proposal.
                                                    CV (
How to apply for a research programme               Please remember to clearly state        Search for a supervisor online
Applying for admission to a PhD or                  any criteria or preferences that you    Many Australian and New Zealand
a masters by research in Australia                  have (for example, university or        universities have a tool on their
and New Zealand is a very different                 location preferences, or particular     website that enables students to
process to that of applying for a                   fieldwork or facility requirements).    search for suitable supervisors
taught (coursework) programme.                         Once you have provisional            among their research staff. These
   In the vast majority of cases,                   support for your research project       search functions are all linked from
you will first need to establish                    from an individual academic or          our website, at www.studyoptions.
contact with a potential academic                   from a university department            com/research-degrees-mphil-phd.
supervisor and get their provisional                please contact Study Options so         Once you have established contact
support for your research proposal.                 that we can assist with the formal      with a potential supervisor, the
This will mean identifying the                      application process.                    team at Study Options can help
universities and the academics                         Research applications submitted      fully with your application forms,
working in the area that you intend                 via Study Options are fast tracked      document certification and visa
to research and making direct                       through university assessment           applications – please contact us for
contact with relevant individuals to                procedures and are exempt from          free assistance when you are ready
discuss your project. When you                      application fees.                       on
approach academic staff please
aim to communicate your research                    Finding a supervisor                    Funding for research students
ideas in a concise but well thought                 Establishing contact with a potential   Most universities concentrate their
through manner – academics                          supervisor can be a time-consuming      international student scholarships
receive a lot of similar requests                   and often frustrating process, but it   on research students so there are
and are likely to only respond                      is extremely important and worth        usually several options available
positively to those demonstrating                   investing both time and effort in.      at each. There are also general
ability and commitment.                             PhD applications, in particular, are    scholarships available for research
   Your research proposal does                      often assessed by a committee of        students in both Australia and
not need to be perfect, or finalised,
or even hugely detailed, but it does
                                                    academics – your supervisor is the
                                                    person who can champion your
                                                                                            New Zealand. The Costs And
                                                                                            Practicalities section of our website
                                                                                                                                          THE STUDENT'S VIEW
need to contain enough information                  application through this and other      ( contains         Martha Cooper is studying a PhD
to allow the university to decide                   Faculty processes. They are also        information about financing your        in immunology and vaccinology at
whether or not your research is                     often great sources of information      study in Australia or New Zealand       James Cook University (JCU) in
something they have the resources                   regarding scholarships and funding      and where to look for scholarships.     northern Queensland
to supervise and an interest in                     and may well be able to tell you           International PhD students in
hosting.                                            about scholarship options that          New Zealand are only required to               My name is Martha and I have
   Study Options can advise you on                  other people within the University      pay local tuition fees, rather than             just started studying for a PhD
which universities have expertise                   are not widely aware of.                full international tuition fee rates.   at the Australian Institute of Tropical
in the field you want to research.                     As a start point, please look at     This is a New Zealand Government        Health and Medicine at James Cook
We can also assist with locating                    the university profiles in the Guide    policy, designed to attract talented    University (Cairns campus). My
relevant departments and with                       and on to          researchers to the country.             research interests include vaccinology
                                                                                                                                    and immunology and the strength of
Right: In the library at UNSW Sydney
Centre (top): Inside the main library and (below)
                                                                                                                                    such research at JCU is the main
on the lawn outside the Clocktower Building,                                                                                        reason I decided to study here.
University of Otago                                                                                                                     “Tropical Australia is also extremely
Far right: Students at ANU, Canberra                                                                                                close to the Asian-Pacific, an area
                                                                                                                                    affected by many infectious diseases        surrounded by rainforest and the           chance to travel within Australia; I am
                                                                                                                                    including tuberculosis and malaria, on      Great Barrier Reef!                        currently visiting Brisbane and have
                                                                                                                                    which my research focuses. At JCU              Outside my studies, I am really         plans to travel to Adelaide, Townsville
                                                                                                                                    I am surrounded by leading experts in       enjoying the Australian outdoor life.      and Sydney in the near future.
                                                                                                                                    infectious disease and immunology           The beautiful weather here means              “I found out about Study Options
                                                                                                                                    research and the opportunity to             that I have been able to get out hiking,   through the JCU website and was
                                                                                                                                    interact with and learn from these          camping and cycling most weekends          amazed at the amount of support they
                                                                                                                                    researchers on a daily basis creates        and I am looking forward to visiting the   offered. I am incredibly grateful to
                                                                                                                                    an excellent academic environment           Reef soon. Although Cairns is quite        Sarah and Alexis, who were able to
                                                                                                                                    for my PhD research.                        small, there is a lot going on – from      answer all of my questions throughout
                                                                                                                                        “So far, studying abroad has been a     free exercise classes along the            the whole process and were incredibly
                                                                                                                                    great way for me to travel. It combines     Esplanade to French Film Festivals, I      helpful, especially when it came to
                                                                                                                                    my academic interests with the              have been surprised by what this city      submitting my application to JCU and
                                                                                                                                    opportunity to live in the tropics,         has to offer! I am also taking the         accepting my offer of a place.”

 10                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
Student life

                                                                                                                                     Finding the right accommodation                They are often relatively small in                 While it is always a good idea to
                                                                                                                                     is key in setting you up for a good            terms of the number of students                 research the housing market and
                                                                                                                                     university experience. This takes a            they house and foster a strong                  rental options in an area or a city
                                                                                                                                     little organisation when applying              sense of community through                      before you arrive, so you know
                                                                                                                                     from overseas and is a key point at            academic support groups and                     what to expect, we would strongly
                                                                                                                                     which Study Options provides help.             lots of sporting, musical and                   advise you not to sign any
                                                                                                                                     Accommodation application                      other recreational activities. The              contracts until you arrive in
                                                                                                                                     processes are different to the UK              majority are fully-catered. Some                Australia or New Zealand. There’s
                                                                                                                                     and many Australian and New                    students love the closeness and                 usually a big range of properties,
                                                                                                                                     Zealand universities don’t have                the level of support they offer;                prices and locations available at
                                                                                                                                     the same quantity of student                   others prefer more independence.                any time and it’s difficult to make
                                                                                                                                     accommodation as would often                                                                   a properly informed decision
                                                                                                                                     be found here. It’s important to               I’ll be a postgraduate student – what           unless you’re actually there in
                                                                                                                                     start researching options early.               sort of housing should I look for?              person to check out all-important
                                                                                                                                                                                    On-campus accommodation in                      factors like public transport links,
                                                                                                                                     What are my options?                           Australia and New Zealand is often              value for money, what the
                                                                                                                                     The different accommodation                    dominated by undergraduate                      neighbourhood feels like, safety

Student life
                                                                                                                                     types available are similar to                 students. While there are some                  and so on. Just as in the UK, you
                                                                                                                                     the UK. These include halls                    halls of residence reserved for                 will be required to sign a lease or
                                                                                                                                     of residence, university-run or                students doing higher degrees,                  tenancy agreement when you take
                                                                                                                                     managed apartments, or renting                 and others that offer tutoring                  on a rental property, which is
                                                                                                                                     a room in a flat or a house.                   positions and accommodation to                  usually for at least six months.
                                                                                                                                     Some universities, including the               postgrads (in-house tutoring is                 Once signed, these agreements
                                                                                                                                     University of Otago, the University            commonly found in residential                   are very difficult to get out of if
                                                                                                                                     of Sydney, the University of                   colleges), lots of postgraduate                 the house or flat isn’t what you’d
                                                                                                                                     Melbourne and the University                   students prefer to avoid living                 expected. So, do the groundwork
                                                                                                                                     of Queensland, for example,                    on-campus altogether and go                     before you go, but don’t commit!
                                                                                         Pictures clockwise from main image:         also have residential colleges.                for private housing instead. This
What can you expect from university life in Australia or New Zealand? In many ways       Students on campus at the University of
                                                                                         Queensland; University of Sydney; Massey                                                   means arriving a few weeks before               When do I need to do this?
                                                                                         University; Griffith University students;   I’m going to be an undergraduate               term starts and living in temporary             We recommend you start
the experience is similar to studying in the UK – just with much sunnier surroundings!   University of Melbourne                     student – what sort of housing do              accommodation while looking for                 researching the accommodation
                                                                                                                                     you recommend I go for?                        a suitable place to rent.                       options at your chosen universities
                                                                                                                                     We strongly recommend that                                                                     as early as you can (once you have
Your first impressions are likely to    the classroom has a slightly                                                                 first year undergraduate students              How do I go about renting a house               submitted your applications for
be that your chosen university          different focus: At many Australian                                                          opt for some form of university                or a flat privately?                            admission to a course, ideally)
looks much like a university in the     and New Zealand universities                                                                 accommodation. Living in halls,                To get idea of what rental prices               as on-campus housing application
UK (though it is much more likely       (though by no means all), student                                                            residential college or university              are like in a city, have a look at              deadlines are often early, and
to be bathed in sunshine).              halls of residence are not always                                                            flats is a great way of meeting new  , which                       places are limited. The best
   Australia and New Zealand both       the centre of all things social.                                                             friends and offers a layer of extra            carries free local classified ads               sources of information are the
have different types of universities.      Many students in the UK study                                                             support that can be reassuring,                and is one of the go-to sites for               university accommodation service
Some are self-contained campuses,       a long way from home and so UK                                                               particularly if this is your first             young Australians looking for a                 websites, which often have online
set on the edge of a city within        universities have a lot of student                                                           real stint away from home.                     place to rent. Once you’re on the               application forms as well as useful
their own grounds, others have          accommodation, where there’s                                                                                                                Gumtree homepage you can click                  advice and contacts.
several sites spread throughout a       usually a riotous, friendly, inclusive                                                       What are residential colleges?                 on to the site for your destination
city. Campuses often feature a mix      culture that forms the centre of                                                             These are usually located on                   city – Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth,               If you’d like to discuss the options
of architecture, depending when         many students’ social lives. In                                                              campus, but are managed                        Canberra, Gold Coast, Melbourne,                or want some help with the whole
the university was founded – the        Australia and New Zealand, by                                                                and run independently of the                   Newcastle, or Tasmania. A                       process, please contact Study Options
older institutions in Australia and     contrast, students often choose to                                                           university – many have historic                similarly useful site for New                   to speak to an advisor on 020 7353
New Zealand were established in         study in their home town in order                                                            affiliations to church groups.                 Zealand is                   7200 or
the mid– to late–1800s, so are          to save on costs. As a result, halls
made up of both period and              and hall culture are not necessarily
contemporary buildings, while           the focus of all social activity.                                                               What happens if something goes
another group, set up in the 1960s
and 1970s, are more modern in
                                           If it is important for you to live
                                        in a traditional halls environment,                                                           wrong while I’m away?
appearance. Regardless of what          please let us know so we can help
they look like, however, they have      identify which universities (and                                                              The first place to go, at the first sign of   out. Worried a landlord is taking liberties?
all the facilities and features you     halls) are likely to suit you best.                                                           trouble, is International Student Support.    Take your tenancy contract in to them to
would expect of modern,                    For everyone else, however, this                                                           Every Australian and New Zealand              check. Can’t shift your homesickness?
well-equipped campuses including        simply means that it takes a little                                                           university has one of these – a dedicated     Talk to one of the student counsellors.
libraries, student learning spaces,     more effort to create your ideal                                                              team of people whose job it is to help        Whatever the problem, International
cafés, laboratories, bookshops,         student life in Australia and New                                                             with any problem you might be having,         Student Support will either be able to
bars, and student clubs and             Zealand. You have to go out and                                                               whether it is academic, practical, personal   help you directly, or to refer you to
societies catering for a wealth         talk to people, join in, get involved                                                         or financial. Having trouble with a course?   someone else who can. Remember: Help
of different tastes and interests.      with clubs, societies, volunteer                                                              Tell them, they will be able to put you in    is always there, so be sure to ask for it! If
   One key difference to studying       projects, internships or sports                                                               touch with an academic support service        you don’t tell anyone when something is
in the UK is that Australian and        teams – in short, get out there and                                                           or liaise with the faculty to help sort it    wrong, they won’t be able to help you.
New Zealand student life outside        make things happen!

 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
Study costs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Study costs

Study costs
How much does it cost to study in Australia or New Zealand? You will need
                                                                                                                                       To get some
                                                                                                                                        guidelines on
                                                                                                                                what to expect from
                                                                                                                                the current cost of
                                                                                                                                living in New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                  HOW MUCH ARE TUITION FEES?
                                                                                                                                                                  …in Australia?
                                                                                                                                                                  Each university sets its own tuition fees, so you will see different fees quoted
                                                                                                                                                                  depending on what subject you want to study and where you want to study it. The
                                                                                                                                                                  less expensive courses are lecture-based (rather than lab or studio-based) such as
                                                                                                                                please see page 24.               a Bachelor or a Master of Arts. The most expensive are professional degrees such
to budget for tuition fees, living costs, flights, insurance and a student visa                                                 For Australia, go to
                                                                                                                                                                  as veterinary science, medicine and dentistry.

How much does it cost to study in            Can I use UK student finance?              relevant to students applying from      page 40                           …in New Zealand?
Australia and New Zealand?                   No. It is not currently possible to        the UK on this section of our site.                                       New Zealand university tuition fees are relatively consistent – generally there is not
There is not one standard answer             use UK student finance to pay for             There are also two general                                             the same degree of variation as in Australia, where one university’s fees for a course
to this, because each university in          any university course outside the          scholarship schemes for students                                          can be almost half that of another’s.
New Zealand and Australia sets its           UK (unless the overseas study is an        applying for postgraduate courses
own tuition fees for each individual         integral part of a UK degree).             at Australian universities. These                                         Each course will have its tuition fees stated on Study Options’ course lists, but below are
degree programme. Course costs               Unless you are an Australian or            are the Endeavour Awards, which                                           some guidelines on what to expect. Please note all figures given below are approximate,
can therefore vary considerably.             New Zealand citizen, you will not be       are run by the Australian                                                 per year and cover tuition fees only. Please note all currency conversions are correct at
Please check course fees carefully           eligible to get a student loan in          Government (https://endeavour.                                            the time of writing but are subject to change.
on Study Options course lists, and           Australia or New Zealand. The UK  and
compare what your course costs               government does not currently run          the Northcote Graduate
to study at different universities.          scholarships or student loans of           Scholarship (http://britain-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Australia                    New Zealand
    Living costs also vary between           any kind to help with international
different locations in each country.         study. For most students, university       strategic-partners/northcotetrust/)                                        Bachelor of Arts
It’s important to do your research           study in Australia or New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                   (includes subjects
into costs carefully and to factor           needs to be privately funded.              What about New Zealand?
                                                                                                                                                                   such as history,             £12,500 – £20,000                £12,500 – £17,000
finance and funding into your                                                           Again, international scholarships
                                                                                                                                                                   English literature,
thinking as early as possible. If you        Are there scholarships for Australia?      at New Zealand universities tend to                                                                        (A$22,000 –                     (NZ$23,000 –
                                                                                                                                                                   languages, politics
are working to a specific budget,            Yes. Almost all Australian                 be offered for postgraduate, rather                                                                         A$35,000)                       NZ$30,000)
                                                                                                                                                                   and international
costs could end up being a key               universities offer international           than undergraduate, study, and the
factor in your decision of which             student scholarships of some kind.         vast majority are awarded purely on
university to study at.                      These have tended to be offered            the basis of academic merit. The
                                             for postgraduate rather than               University of Canterbury and the                                           Bachelor of Commerce
Can I get a part time job while I’m          undergraduate study, although              University of Auckland are among
                                                                                                                                                                   (includes subjects
studying in Australia or New Zealand?        more undergraduate schemes are             those currently offering partial fee
                                                                                                                                                                   such as marketing,
Yes. Provided you are studying               now becoming available. Almost             scholarships to international
                                                                                                                                                                   human resource               £14,000 – £23,500               £14,000 – £18,000
a course that is at least one year           all university scholarships are            undergraduate students.
long, you can work on a student              awarded purely on academic merit;             As with Australia, the majority of                                                                      (A$26,000 –                     (NZ$26,000 –
visa in both countries. You will be          they are not given on the basis of         scholarships are offered directly by                                                                        A$40,000)                       NZ$32,500)
limited to 20 hours per week                 financial need or in recognition of        the New Zealand universities, so
                                                                                                                                                                   business and
during term in New Zealand, while            extra curricular achievements (for         check their websites to see what is
Australia allows students to work            example in sport) or personal merit        available at
up to 40 hours per fortnight (you            in charity or volunteer work.              scholarships-and-funding.
can work as much as you like                    The majority of scholarships are           Thanks to New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                   Bachelor of Science
during the university holidays).             offered directly by the universities,      Government policy, international                                           (includes subjects
Working part time can be a big               so please visit their websites for the     PhD students are eligible to pay the                                       such as marine
help with living costs, but it is rarely     most up-to-date information on             same tuition rates as local students,                                                                   £14,000 – £23,500               £16,000 – £18,500
                                                                                                                                                                   science, physics,
enough to contribute to                      what is available at www.                  rather than paying full international                                                                      (A$26,000 –                     (NZ$29,000 –
international tuition fees. Please              fees. The New Zealand government                                           maths, zoology                   A$40,000)                       NZ$33,000)
see pages (26 and 42) for more               and-funding. We also highlight any         also runs a dedicated scholarship                                          and biology)
about working on a student visa.             schemes that are particularly              scheme for PhD applicants. For full
                                                                                        details of the International Doctoral
                                                                                                                                                                   Master of Arts
                                                                                        Research Scholarships, visit www.
    Research costs and factor the                                                                                                                              £12,000 – £20,000                £13,000 – £16,500
  results into your decisions                                                           scholarships                                                               (by research or
                                                                                                                                                                   by coursework)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (A$22,000 –                      (NZ$25,000
  Always bear in mind that each              vary considerably between different        When should I research scholarships?                                                                        A$35,000)                      – NZ$32,000)
  university sets its own tuition fees for   universities and locations, so make        If you need a scholarship in order to
  each degree, so these costs will vary      sure you do your research into costs       go, please start researching your                                          Master of Commerce
  considerably depending on what             carefully, and make finances and           options as early as possible. We
  course you decide to study and where       budgets part of the process at an early    recommend you check funding                                                (by research or by           £14,000 – £23,500               £14,000 – £22,500
  you want to study it.                      stage. It could be something that plays    before making an application for                                           coursework, not                 (A$26,000 –                     (NZ$26,500 –
     Annual tuition fees are clearly         a big part in where you decide to go!      admission – please don't assume                                            including MBA)                   A$40,000)                       NZ$40,000)
  shown on course lists from Study                                                      it is something that can be easily
  Options, so please check these                                                        sorted out as an afterthought.                                             Master of Science
  carefully when choosing your course,       If you’ve got any questions about costs,   Scholarship application deadlines
  and ask us if you have questions or        please contact us on 0117 911 5610 or      are often early and many require                                                                        £14,000 – £23,500               £14,000 – £21,500
  want to clarify any of the information. to speak to one      students to hold an offer of place                                         (by research or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   (A$26,000 –                     (NZ$27,000 –
  Tuition fees and living costs both         of our student advisors.                   before they can be considered for                                          by coursework)
                                                                                                                                           University of Sydney                                     A$40,000)                       NZ$38,000)
                                                                                        a scholarship.

 14                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
How to apply

How to apply
         1 THINK
                                                        2 RESEARCH
                                                        YOUR OPTIONS
                                                                                                  3 GET YOUR
                                                                                                                                                         4 SUBMIT YOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                             MAKING AN APPLICATION: FAQS
Is studying in Australia or New                 We will send you a list of the                 FORMS                                            Send your completed applications             How can I find out exactly what courses   experience, while applications for           When do courses start?                  course will allow you to work in
Zealand the right thing for you?                courses available in your chosen               Once you’ve decided where                        by post to Study Options (83 Alma            are available?                            creative courses, such as fine art,          The academic year in Australia          your chosen profession in the
If the answer is yes, get in touch              subject. This will include links to            (and what) to apply for, you can                 Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2DP) or          Contact Study Options to get a            music and design usually need a              and New Zealand starts in               country you wish to live.
with us at                each course’s content and                      download the application forms                   by email to           course list. You can do this online       portfolio of work or audition.               February (not September).
contact, or call 020 7353 7200                  structure, as well as details of               you need from www.studyoptions.                  We check to make sure everything             at,            Each university sets its own               Semester 1 runs from February to        My applications are ready to go.
or 0117 911 5610, and tell us what              tuition fees, entry requirements,              com/download-application-forms                   is correct and complete, and sight           email,              entry requirements, so they                  June, semester 2 from July to           Where should I send them?
you want to study, and at what                  application deadlines and other                or request copies by emailing                    and certify original documents on            or call 020 7353 7200 (London)            vary. Specific course entry                  November. Almost all courses can        Applications should be submitted
level. If there’s anything on your              key information. Go through           or calling                 behalf of the universities (we will          or 0117 911 5610 (Bristol)                requirements are stated on                   be started in the first semester;       by post to Study Options, 83 Alma
wish list, this is the time to tell us          the list carefully. We offer a free,           020 7353 7200. Each application                  return any originals to you by                                                         Study Options’ lists.                        some can also be started in the         Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2DP, or
about it. Are you determined to go              expert, friendly advice service, so            form has clear instructions on how               recorded post). Then we upload               Will I have to sit a test to apply?                                                    second.                                 by email to mail@studyoptions.
to one particular university? Do                call us, email us, or come to the              to apply on page 1.                              the applications for assessment.             Generally, no. Undergraduate and          How long does an assessment take?                                                    com. We check to make sure
you want to be in a specific place?             office to talk through your options.                                                                                                         postgraduate applications will be         The assessment process usually               Will my degree be recognised in the     everything is correct and complete
Let us know!                                    We can also put you in touch with                                                                                                            assessed primarily on the basis of        takes between three and six weeks            UK if I do a professional course?       – and that your applications are as
                                                the universities directly through                                                                                                            your UK or Irish qualifications (for      if you are applying for a bachelors          Anyone who wishes to work in a          strong as possible – before
                                                our annual Open Days event                                                                                                                   example A-Levels, International           degree and four to eight weeks for           profession must register to             uploading them for assessment by
                                                (                                                                                                               Baccalaureate, Scottish Highers,          a postgraduate application.                  practice after they graduate, in        the universities.
                                                and other information events.                                                                                                                Pre-U Diploma, Irish School               Research applications take longer,           whichever country they wish to
                                                                                                                                                                                             Leaving Certificate, BTEC Diploma         as do applications for courses that          work. For graduates with
                                                                                                                                                                                             etc, or university degree).               have quotas on the number of                 Australian and New Zealand
                                                                                                                                                                                                The only exceptions are for            places available (such as medicine,          degrees, professional registration
         5 THE                                           6 GETTING                                       7 FINAL                                         8 YOU’VE                            those applying for admission to           dentistry and clinical psychology).          in the UK and Ireland is usually a
         DECISION                                        READY TO GO                                     PREPARATIONS                                    MADE IT!                            medicine or dentistry (school or
                                                                                                                                                                                             graduate entry) and in some cases         If I get an offer, is my place guaranteed?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    formality, although a registration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    test can be required, or in some
If you are offered a place, we will             Once you’ve accepted your place,               Follow the instructions in the                   Arrive at your chosen university             to postgraduate business or law           No, not until you formally accept            cases a short conversion course.
send through your formal offer                  Study Options offers help and                  university pre-departure information             in Australia or New Zealand!                 programmes. These can ask for             your offer and pay a deposit                 Each degree will have its
letter and a guide to the next                  advice with sorting out suitable               carefully regarding when you need                                                             aptitude test results as part of          toward your tuition fees. Please do          professional accreditation clearly
steps, including how to accept,                 student accommodation, booking                 to arrive (you must turn up in time                                                           the application process. Some             not make any travel bookings                 detailed on its course description.
and what you need to do next.                   long-haul flights, applying for a              to attend International Student                                                               postgraduate applications will            before you have accepted and had             Please note it is your responsibility
                                                student visa, opening a bank                   Orientation and Enrolment, which                                                              require evidence of a particular          your place on the course formally            as the applicant to check that
                                                account in Australia or New                    is usually held at least one week                                                             level or amount of relevant work          confirmed.                                   successful completion of your
                                                Zealand and anything else you                  before the start of term). Book
                                                need to sort out. If you need help             your flights, then practice throwing
                                                with anything, at any point, just ask.         various things on the barbie, start
                                                                                               referring to flip-flops as ‘jandals’
                                                                                               (if you’re heading to New Zealand)
                                                                                               or ‘thongs’ (Australia), buy a large,                                                         Lincoln University,
                                                                                                                                                                                             near Christchurch,
                                                                                               roomy suitcase or rucksack and                                                                South Island,
                                                                                               organise a big farewell party…                                                                New Zealand

       Study Options: How we help
 We are a completely free service for           and easy to get hold of. We never use          Study Options Bristol                           Study Options London
 students! We are funded by New Zealand         automated emails or call centres, so           Call: 0117 911 5610                             Call: 020 7353 7200
 and Australian universities to help students   whenever you contact Study Options you’ll      Email:                    Email:
 with their applications on their behalf.       get a personal answer from one of the team.    Opening hours: 9am to 5.30pm,                   Opening hours: 9am to 5.30pm,
                                                                                               Monday to Friday                                Monday to Friday.
 Applying via Study Options is the quickest     We are an independent company.                 Find us at: 83 Alma Road, Clifton,              Please note that you MUST make an
 and most efficient way to apply. We are        We don’t benefit from sending you to one       Bristol, BS8 2DP                                appointment to see us at the London office
 even quicker than applying online              university over another, so will always give   Getting here: (By car) Exit M5 at Junction      as it is not fully staffed every day.
 – because applications submitted by us         you an honest, impartial opinion about any     17 and follow the A4018 to Clifton, or          Find us at: 19 Eastbourne Terrace,
 are fast-tracked, so you’ll get a decision     university, course or city you ask us about.   take junction 19 of the M4 and follow           Paddington, London W2 6LG
 more quickly than if you apply directly.       We visit the universities we work with every   signs to Clifton via the city centre. Clifton   Getting here: The office is accessible from
                                                12 to 18 months, so our information is         Down train station is two minutes walk from     Platform 1 of Paddington Railway Station,
 We’re knowledgeable, helpful, friendly,        always accurate and up-to-date.                the office (direct links from Temple Meads)     or from Eastbourne Terrace.

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