Operation of the ATLAS trigger system in Run 2 - IOPscience
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Journal of Instrumentation Operation of the ATLAS trigger system in Run 2 To cite this article: The ATLAS collaboration 2020 JINST 15 P10004 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 11/12/2020 at 23:19
Published by IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab Received: July 27, 2020 Accepted: July 30, 2020 Published: October 2, 2020 Operation of the ATLAS trigger system in Run 2 2020 JINST 15 P10004 The ATLAS collaboration E-mail: atlas.publications@cern.ch Abstract: The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider employs a two-level trigger system to record data at an average rate of 1 kHz from physics collisions, starting from an initial bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz. During the LHC Run 2 (2015–2018), the ATLAS trigger system operated successfully with excellent performance and flexibility by adapting to the various run conditions encountered and has been vital for the ATLAS Run-2 physics programme. For proton- proton running, approximately 1500 individual event selections were included in a trigger menu which specified the physics signatures and selection algorithms used for the data-taking, and the allocated event rate and bandwidth. The trigger menu must reflect the physics goals for a given data collection period, taking into account the instantaneous luminosity of the LHC and limitations from the ATLAS detector readout, online processing farm, and offline storage. This document discusses the operation of the ATLAS trigger system during the nominal proton-proton data collection in Run 2 with examples of special data-taking runs. Aspects of software validation, evolution of the trigger selection algorithms during Run 2, monitoring of the trigger system and data quality as well as trigger configuration are presented. Keywords: Data acquisition concepts; Data reduction methods; Online farms and online filtering; Trigger concepts and systems (hardware and software) ArXiv ePrint: 2007.12539 c 2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of Sissa Medialab. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/15/10/P10004 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 ATLAS detector 2 3 ATLAS trigger and data acquisition system 2 4 LHC fill cycle, fill patterns and ATLAS runs 5 2020 JINST 15 P10004 4.1 The LHC fill cycle 5 4.2 LHC fill patterns in Run 2 6 4.3 Bunch groups 7 4.4 The ATLAS run structure 8 5 Operational model of the ATLAS trigger system 9 6 The Run-2 trigger menu and streaming model 10 6.1 The trigger menu evolution in Run 2 11 6.2 Cost monitoring framework 11 6.3 Run-2 streaming model 12 7 Special data-taking configurations 13 7.1 Runs with few bunches 14 7.2 Luminosity calibration runs 16 7.3 Enhanced bias runs 17 8 Condition updates in the HLT 17 8.1 Conditions updates within a run 18 8.1.1 Online beam spot 18 8.1.2 Online luminosity 18 8.1.3 Updates of trigger prescales 18 8.2 Conditions update procedure 19 9 Trigger configuration 19 9.1 The trigger database design 20 9.2 The TriggerTool 21 9.3 The TriggerPanel 22 9.4 Automatic prescaling of L1 trigger items 23 10 Online release validation 23 11 Debug stream processing 26 –i–
12 Online monitoring 29 12.1 Rate monitoring 29 12.2 Online data quality monitoring 30 12.3 P-BEAST and shifter assistant 31 12.4 Data-taking anomalies 33 13 Offline monitoring and data quality assessment 34 14 Conclusion 36 2020 JINST 15 P10004 The ATLAS collaboration 42 1 Introduction The Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system [1] is an essential component of the ATLAS experiment [2] at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [3] as it is responsible for deciding in real time whether to record data from a given collision. Its successful operation has a crucial impact on the dataset used in physics analyses. The TDAQ system operated efficiently during the LHC Run 1 (2009–2013) [4] at instantaneous luminosities up to 8 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 and primarily at centre-of- mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, collecting more than three billion proton-proton (pp) collision events. In preparation for Run 2 (2015–2018), the TDAQ system underwent substantial upgrades and modifications to cope with the challenging conditions expected for data-taking during those years [4–6]. In Run 2, the higher instantaneous luminosities, which surpassed the original design luminosity of 1034 cm−2 s−1 , as well as the larger number of interactions per bunch crossing, and an increased centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV led to a significant increase in the event rate from interesting physics processes. In addition to pp collisions, the LHC provided heavy-ion collisions at the end of each data-taking year. In 2015 and 2018, Pb+Pb collisions were recorded at a centre- of-mass energy per nucleon of 5.02 TeV, in 2016 two datasets with p+Pb collisions were recorded at 5.02 TeV and 8.16 TeV, and in 2017 Xe+Xe collisions were recorded at 5.44 TeV. The operation of the trigger system under these challenging pp data-taking conditions is described in this document. This paper is organised as follows. The ATLAS detector and TDAQ system is described in sections 2 and 3. This is followed by a brief description of the LHC fill cycle, the fill patterns used in Run 2 and a description of a typical ATLAS run in section 4. Section 5 introduces the ‘shifter and expert’ model of the ATLAS trigger operations team. The following two sections, section 6 and section 7, discuss the trigger selections for the nominal pp data-taking together with their evolution during Run 2 and provide a few examples of special runs, respectively. Section 8 presents changes of configuration and conditions that can be updated in real time during data-taking, while section 9 discusses the trigger configuration, database design and prescale mechanism. The validation and sign-off cycle of the trigger software used during data-taking is described in section 10. Section 11 discusses the debug stream, which contains events for which no decision could be made. Two sections present the monitoring options available during data-taking (section 12), and the –1–
assessment of the quality of the fully reconstructed data (section 13). The conclusions are presented in section 14. 2 ATLAS detector The ATLAS detector [2] covers nearly the entire solid angle around the collision point.1 It consists of an inner tracking detector surrounded by a thin superconducting solenoid, electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, and a muon spectrometer incorporating three large superconducting toroidal magnets. The inner-detector system is immersed in a 2 T axial magnetic field and provides charged- 2020 JINST 15 P10004 particle tracking in the range |η| < 2.5. The high-granularity silicon pixel detector covers the vertex region and typically provides four measurements per track, the first hit being normally in the insertable B-layer (IBL) installed before Run 2 [7, 8]. It is followed by the semiconductor tracker (SCT) which usually provides eight measurements per track. These silicon detectors are complemented by the transition radiation tracker (TRT), which enables radially extended track reconstruction up to |η| = 2.0. The TRT also provides electron identification information based on the fraction of hits above a higher energy-deposit threshold corresponding to transition radiation. The calorimeter system covers the pseudorapidity range |η| < 4.9. Within the region |η| < 3.2, electromagnetic calorimetry is provided by barrel and endcap high-granularity lead/liquid-argon (LAr) calorimeters, with an additional thin LAr presampler covering |η| < 1.8 to correct for energy loss in material upstream of the calorimeters. Hadronic calorimetry is provided by the steel/scintillator-tile calorimeter, segmented into three barrel structures within |η| < 1.7, and two copper/LAr hadronic endcap calorimeters. The solid angle coverage is completed with forward copper/LAr and tungsten/LAr calorimeter modules optimised for electromagnetic and hadronic measurements respectively. The muon spectrometer (MS) uses separate trigger and high-precision tracking chambers to measure the deflection of muons in a magnetic field generated by the superconducting air-core toroids. The field integral of the toroids ranges between 2.0 and 6.0 T m across most of the detector. A set of precision tracking chambers covers the region |η| < 2.7 with three layers of monitored drift tubes, complemented by cathode-strip chambers (CSCs) in the forward region where the background is highest. The muon trigger system covers the range |η| < 2.4 with resistive-plate chambers (RPCs) in the barrel, and thin-gap chambers (TGCs) in the endcap regions. 3 ATLAS trigger and data acquisition system The ATLAS TDAQ system is responsible for online processing, selecting and storing events of interest for offline analysis, and is shown diagrammatically in figure 1. Events are selected using a two-stage trigger system [5]. 1ATLAS uses a right-handed coordinate system with its origin at the nominal interaction point (IP) in the centre of the detector and the z-axis along the beam pipe. The x-axis points from the IP to the centre of the LHC ring, and the y-axis points upwards. Cylindrical coordinates (r, φ) are used in the transverse plane, φ being the azimuthal angle around the z-axis. The pseudorapidity q is defined in terms of the polar angle θ as η = − ln tan(θ/2). Angular distance is measured in units of ∆R ≡ (∆η)2 + (∆φ)2 . –2–
Calorimeter detectors TileCal Muon detectors Detector Level-1 Calo Level-1 Muon Read-Out Preprocessor Endcap Barrel sector logic sector logic FE FE ... FE CP (e,γ,τ) JEP (jet, E) ROD ROD ROD Level-1 Accept Muon CTP Interface (MUCTPI) 2020 JINST 15 P10004 DataFlow L1Topo Read-Out System (ROS) Central Trigger Processor (CTP) Pixel/SCT Central Trigger Level-1 Data Collection Network RoI Fast TracKer (FTK) High Level Trigger (HLT) Data Storage Accept Processors Event Data Tier-0 Figure 1. The ATLAS TDAQ system in Run 2 showing the components relevant for triggering as well as the detector read-out and data flow. The Level-1 (L1) trigger is a hardware-based system that uses custom electronics to trigger on reduced-granularity information from the calorimeter and muon detectors [9]. The L1 calorimeter (L1Calo) trigger takes signals from the calorimeter detectors as input [10]. The analogue detector signals are digitised and calibrated by the preprocessor, and sent in parallel to the Cluster Processor (CP) and Jet/Energy-sum Processor (JEP). The CP system identifies electron, photon, and τ-lepton candidates above a programmable threshold, and the JEP system identifies jet candidates and produces global sums of total and missing transverse energy. The signals from the LAr calorimeter are bipolar and span multiple bunch crossings, which introduces a dependence of the amplitude on the number of collisions occurring in neighbouring bunch crossings (out-of-time pile-up). Objects with narrow clusters such as electrons are not strongly affected by small shifts in energy, however the missing transverse momentum is very sensitive to small systematic shifts in energy over the entire calorimeter. These effects are mitigated in the L1Calo trigger by a dedicated pedestal correction algorithm implemented in the firmware [11]. The L1 muon (L1Muon) trigger uses hits from the RPCs (in the barrel) and TGCs (in the end- caps) to determine the deviation of the hit pattern from that of a muon with infinite momentum [12]. To reduce the rate in the endcap regions of particles not originating from the interaction point, the L1Muon trigger applies coincidence requirements between the outer and inner TGC stations, as well as between the TGCs and the tile calorimeter. –3–
The L1 trigger decision is formed by the Central Trigger Processor (CTP), which receives inputs from the L1Calo trigger, the L1Muon trigger through the L1Muon Central Trigger Processor Interface (MUCTPI) and the L1 topological (L1Topo) trigger [13] as well as trigger signals from several detector subsystems such as the Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators (MBTS) [14], the LUCID Cherenkov counter [15] and the zero-degree calorimeter (ZDC) [16]. The CTP is also responsible for applying dead time, which is a mechanism to limit the number of L1 accepts to be within constraints on detector read-out latency [17]. This preventive dead time limits the minimum time between two consecutive L1 accepts (simple dead time) to avoid overlapping read-out windows, and restricts the number of L1 accepts allowed in a given number of bunch crossings (complex dead time) to prevent front-end buffers from overflowing. The complex 2020 JINST 15 P10004 dead time uses a leaky bucket model to emulate a front-end buffer. In this model, dead time is applied when the bucket is full. The size of the bucket is X, expressed in units of L1 accepts and R (in units of bunch crossings), the time it takes to read out one L1 accept. With these numbers the trigger rate, on average, is limited to X triggers in a time period of X × R bunch crossings. At the end of Run 2, the simple dead time setting was four bunch crossings, which corresponds to an inefficiency of about 1% for a L1 rate of 90 kHz. The complex dead time was configured with four different leaky bucket algorithms and one sliding-window algorithm to cover the read-out limitations of the various sub-detectors. The total peak inefficiency was about 1% for a L1 rate of 90 kHz. The L1 trigger can select events by considering event-level quantities (e.g. the total energy in the calorimeter), the multiplicity of objects above thresholds (e.g. the transverse momentum of a muon, etc.), or by considering topological requirements (such as invariant masses or angular distances). The topological requirements are applied in the L1Topo trigger to geometric or kinematic combinations between trigger objects received from the L1Calo or L1Muon systems. The L1 trigger accepts events at a rate up to the maximum detector read-out rate of 100 kHz, down from the bunch crossing rate of about 40 MHz, within a latency of 2.5 µs. For each L1-accepted event, the Front-End (FE) detector electronics read out the event data for all detectors. The data are sent first to ReadOut Drivers (RODs), performing the initial processing and formatting, and then to the ReadOut System (ROS) to buffer the data. The data from the different sub-detectors are sent from the ROS to the second stage of the trigger, the High-Level Trigger (HLT), only when requested by the HLT. In addition to performing the first selection step, the L1 triggers identify Regions-of-Interest (RoIs) in η and φ within the detector to be investigated by the second trigger stage. The second stage of the trigger, the HLT, is software-based. A typical reconstruction sequence makes use of dedicated fast trigger algorithms to provide early rejection, followed by more precise and more CPU-intensive algorithms that are similar to those used for offline reconstruction to make the final selection. These algorithms are executed on a dedicated computing farm of approximately 40 000 selection applications known as Processing Units (PUs). Between each year of data taking, older hardware in the farm was replaced with newer hardware on a rolling basis to increase the available computing power and the total number of PUs. The PUs are designed to make decisions within a few hundred milliseconds. A step in such a sequence of algorithms will typically execute one or multiple feature-extraction algorithms requesting event-data fragments from within an RoI and terminate on a hypothesis algorithm which uses the reconstructed features to decide –4–
whether the trigger condition is satisfied or not. In some cases, information from the full detector is requested in order to reconstruct physics objects (e.g. for the reconstruction of the missing transverse momentum [18]). The HLT software is largely based on the offline software Athena [19], which itself is based on Gaudi [20], a framework for data processing for HEP experiments. Gaudi/Athena is a component-based framework where each component (e.g. algorithm, service, tool) is configured by a set of properties that can be defined during the configuration stage of the application. The physics output rate of the HLT during an ATLAS data-taking run (see section 4.4) is on average 1.2 kHz with an average physics throughput to permanent storage of 1.2 GB/s. Once an event is accepted by the HLT, the Sub-Farm Output (SFO) sends the data to permanent storage for offline reconstruction and exports the data to the Tier-0 facility [21] at CERN’s computing centre. 2020 JINST 15 P10004 The Fast TracKer (FTK) [22] is a hardware-based system for inner-detector track reconstruction designed to provide tracks to the HLT at the L1 accept rate. It was undergoing commissioning during Run 2 and was not used by the HLT for trigger decisions. 4 LHC fill cycle, fill patterns and ATLAS runs In the following, the LHC fill cycle, the fill pattern and their representation in ATLAS, the so-called bunch groups, are described. Additionally, the ATLAS run, which refers to a continuous period of data acquisition that typically corresponds to an LHC fill cycle, is laid out. 4.1 The LHC fill cycle The LHC is a circular particle accelerator that is the last in a chain of accelerators used to bring particle beams into collisions at their final energies. The beams travel through the LHC in opposite directions in separate rings of superconducting magnets, which are crossed at four interaction points. The beams are kept separated in the interaction points using magnetic fields until they are ready for collisions. The LHC aims to provide the largest, usable integrated luminosity of high-energy proton and ion collisions to the LHC experiments. To provide collisions to the experiments, the LHC has to go through a cycle composed of several phases [23], which are shown in figure 2. Each phase refers to one or several beam modes and all together are referred to as the nominal cycle: • Injection: after the current in the magnets is increased to provide the field necessary for injection, beams are injected from the accelerator chain into the LHC rings following a filling scheme, specifying the number of proton bunches and the spacing between them. • Ramp: the beams are accelerated to the collision energy. During this phase, the radio frequency systems accelerate the particles and the current in the magnets is further increased. • Squeeze and adjust: in these two phases, beams are prepared for collisions. First, the beam sizes at the interaction points are reduced (squeeze), then the beams are adjusted so that they are optimally colliding (adjust). • Stable beams: this is the phase when the LHC conditions are stable, collisions take place in the experiments, and it is safe for detectors to be turned on to record data. Small adjustments of beam parameters are permitted [24, 25]. The LHC spent approximately 50% of the time in stable beams throughout Run 2. –5–
Field in main magnets Beam 1 intensity (current) Beam 2 intensity (current) 6.5 TeV 450 GeV 2020 JINST 15 P10004 Time Injection Ramp Squeeze Stable Beams for Physics Dump & & Adjust Ramp Down Figure 2. The LHC goes through a cycle composed of several phases: the injection of beams into the rings, the acceleration to the collision energy during ramp, the preparation of beams for collisions during squeeze and adjust, the phase where collisions take place during stable beams, the extraction of the beams from the rings during dump, and finally the ramping down of the magnetic fields. Adapted from ref. [27]. • Dump and ramp down: beams are extracted from the rings and safely dumped. The dump can either be planned (by the LHC), requested (for example by experiments in case of problems with the detector) or unplanned. Following the dump, the magnetic fields are ramped down. The time in between two consecutive stable beams periods is referred to as turnaround, and includes the nominal cycle as well as all necessary actions to set up the machine for operation with beams. The ideal duration of the stable beams phase is typically 10–15 hours, depending on several factors, including luminosity lifetime, average turnaround duration, and predicted availability of the machine. In about every second fill in the last year of Run 2, fast luminosity scans were performed [26] during stable beams to provide feedback on the transverse emittance at a bunch-by-bunch level to the LHC. During these scans, beams are offset against each other in the x- and y-plane in several displacement steps. The scans were typically done a few minutes after stable beams had been declared and just before the end of the stable beams period, and lasted a few minutes. 4.2 LHC fill patterns in Run 2 During Run 2, the LHC machine configuration evolved significantly. This was a major factor in improving luminosity performance each year of Run 2 [28]. The various bunch filling patterns used have a direct impact on the trigger configuration. With the changing running conditions, adjustments had to be made in order to respect the trigger and DAQ system limitations (see e.g. section 7.1). At the start of Run 2 in 2015, the LHC used 50 ns bunch spacing and switched in August 2015 to the nominal 25 ns bunch spacing scheme [29]. In June 2016, the high-brightness version of the 25 ns beam obtained through the Batch Compression, Merging and Splitting (BCMS) scheme [30] became operational for physics production. These changes brought about an increase in instantaneous luminosity to about 1.3 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 , resulting in higher trigger rates and an evolution in the –6–
ATLAS Trigger Operation Figure 3. Example bunch group configurations for four out of the 16 possible bunch groups. The numbers in blue on the right indicate the number of bunch crossings for each group. The group of the bunch counter reset veto (BCRVeto) leaves a short time slice for distribution of the LHC bunch counter reset signal to the on- detector electronics. The Paired bunch group indicates the bunch crossing IDs with colliding bunches, while 2020 JINST 15 P10004 the Empty bunch group contains no proton bunches and is generally used for cosmic ray, noise and calibration triggers. The calibration requests (CalReq) bunch group can be used to request calibration triggers. trigger strategy. In 2017, several LHC fills were dumped because of beam losses in the LHC sector 16L2 [31]. As a consequence, the 8b4e filling scheme [32] (eight bunches with protons, four bunches without protons) and later its high-brightness variant 8b4e BCS (Batch Compression and Splitting) with their low e-cloud build-up characteristics were made operational. The 8b4e filling schemes circumvented the problem, but resulted in a reduction in the number of colliding bunches by 30% compared to the BCMS scheme. To compensate for the loss in luminosity due to the decrease in colliding bunches, the bunch intensity was increased and this led to a 33% increase of simultaneous interactions per bunch crossing (‘pile-up’), up to 80 interactions compared to up to 60 interactions previously. Such an increase together with the high luminosities of up to 1.9 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 [33] would have resulted in an increase of trigger rates, straining the CPU resources of the HLT farm. The trigger configuration intended to be used for a luminosity of up to 2.0 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 with a pile-up of 60 would have required higher trigger thresholds at a pile-up of 80, leading to a reduced efficiency for many physics analyses. Therefore, ATLAS requested that the luminosity be kept constant for the first few hours of a run (luminosity-levelling) at a luminosity of 1.56 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 with a pile-up of 60. In 2018, the LHC switched back to the 25 ns BCMS beam for luminosity production, as the problems with beam losses in 16L2 were mitigated [34], and the pile-up interactions were again reduced to about 60. More information about these filling schemes can be found in ref. [32]. 4.3 Bunch groups In the LHC, there are a total of 3564 bunch crossings per LHC revolution. Each of these bunch crossings can have either two bunches colliding, one bunch, or be empty of protons. Each bunch crossing is identified by a Bunch Crossing Identifier (BCID) from 0 to 3563. A list of BCIDs is called a bunch group. Bunch group conditions are used in combinatorial logic ‘AND’ with other trigger conditions to define which items generate a L1 accept. There are 16 distinct bunch groups that can be defined in ATLAS, each with its own particular purpose, defined for each LHC bunch. Figure 3 shows four types of bunch groups which are described in the following. Bunch group conditions can be paired (colliding) bunches for physics triggers, single (one- beam) bunches for background triggers and empty bunches for cosmic ray, noise and calibration –7–
triggers. More complex schemes are possible, e.g. requiring unpaired bunches separated by at least 75 ns from any bunch in the other beam. Two bunch groups have a more technical purpose: the calibration requests group defines the times at which sub-detectors may request calibration triggers, typically in the long gap with no collisions and the group of the bunch counter reset veto leaves a short time slice for distribution of the LHC bunch count reset signal to the on-detector electronics. As the LHC filling scheme can vary from fill to fill, ATLAS has developed and commissioned a procedure for monitoring and redefining the bunch groups using dedicated electrostatic detectors. These so-called beam pick-ups [35] are located 175 m upstream of the interaction point. An online application measures the filling scheme seen by the beam pick-ups and calculates the corresponding bunch groups. While the configuration of some bunch groups is given by the LHC (e.g. the colliding 2020 JINST 15 P10004 BCIDs) through the fill pattern, others can be defined to contain any desired list of BCIDs for specific data-taking requests (e.g. in van der Meer scans [33] or single-beam background studies). The 16 bunch group configurations are together called a bunch group set, which is different for each different LHC filling scheme. The bunch group sets are generated for each filling scheme in advance of running, using information about the positions of bunches with protons in each beam provided by the LHC. The generated bunch group set is then checked against the measured beam positions to ensure that it matches. The CTP pairs each L1 trigger item with a specific bunch group defined in the set. Those L1 trigger items which are employed to select events for physics analyses trigger on bunch groups containing all colliding BCIDs. The CTP can also provide random triggers and apply specific bunch crossing requirements to those. 4.4 The ATLAS run structure An ATLAS run is a period of data acquisition with stable detector configuration and in the case of physics data-taking usually coincides with an LHC fill, which can last many hours. Another example is a cosmic-ray data-taking run, which takes place when there is no beam in the LHC and the ATLAS detector is used to detect cosmic rays to study detector performance [36]. The DAQ system assigns a unique number to every run at its beginning. An identifier is assigned to each event and is unique within the run (starting at 0 for each run). A run is divided into Luminosity Blocks (LB), with a length of the order of one minute and identified by an integer unique within a given run. A LB defines an interval of constant luminosity and stable detector conditions (including the trigger system and its configuration). To define a data sample for physics, quality criteria are applied to select LBs where conditions are acceptable. The instantaneous luminosity in a given LB is multiplied by the LB duration to obtain the integrated luminosity delivered in that LB. The length of the LB can be changed during the run and a new LB can be started at any time (following a 10 second minimum delay). From a data quality point of view, the LB represents the smallest quantity of data that can be declared good or bad for physics analysis. To start a run, the software and hardware components of the ATLAS detector have to follow the transitions of a finite-state machine [37]. The transitions performed by the applications are shown in figure 4. During ‘boot’, all applications are being started. In the ‘configure’ and ‘connect’ transitions, the hardware and applications are configured and connections between different applications are established where necessary. Finally, during ‘start’, a run number is assigned and the applications perform their final (run-dependent) configuration. Once all applications arrived at the ‘ready state’, the CTP releases the inhibit and events start flowing through the system. –8–
2020 JINST 15 P10004 Figure 4. The software and hardware components of the ATLAS detector follow the transitions of a finite-state machine used to synchronise the configuration of all applications and detectors within ATLAS. Run-dependent configurations (e.g. loading of conditions data) are performed during the start transition, which can take several minutes for the entire ATLAS detector [37]. 5 Operational model of the ATLAS trigger system During the operation of the LHC, the ATLAS detector is operated and monitored by a shift crew in the ATLAS control room (ACR), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, supported by a pool of remote on-call experts. Shifters and experts are responsible for the efficient collection of high-quality data. The operation and data quality monitoring of the trigger system is overseen by two operation coordinators whose main responsibility is to ensure smooth and efficient data-taking. They coordi- nate a team of weekly on-call experts, on rotation, for the areas listed below. Operation coordinators and on-call experts work together closely at a daily trigger operation meeting to plan the activities of the day. • ACR trigger desk: during the shift in the ACR, the person is responsible for providing the needed trigger configuration and for monitoring the operation of the trigger system in close communication with other ACR shifters. • Online: responsible for the proper operation of the ATLAS trigger and primary support for the ACR trigger shifter. • Trigger menu: responsible for the preparation of the trigger configuration of active triggers and their prescale factors (see section 6). • Online release: collection and review of software changes and monitoring the state of the software release for online usage via validation tests that run every night; deployment of the online software release on the machines used during data-taking. • Reprocessing: in charge of validating the online software release (see section 10) by running the simulation of the L1 hardware and the HLT software on a dedicated dataset to spot errors by running on large samples. • Data quality and debug stream: responsible for the data quality assessment of recorded data; investigate and recover the events in the debug stream (see section 11). –9–
• Signature-specific: monitor the performance of triggers for signatures, assist in data quality assessment and reprocessing sign-off; several trigger signatures are grouped together (muon and B-physics and Light States; jet, missing transverse momentum and calorimeter energy clusters; τ-lepton, electron and photon; b-jet signature and tracks). • Level-1: each L1 trigger system (L1Calo, L1Muon barrel, L1Muon endcap, and CTP) has an on-call expert who helps to ensure smooth operation of the L1 trigger and monitors the data quality for their respective system. In additon to data-taking, the trigger operation group participates in special runs of a technical nature together with the ATLAS DAQ team to develop and test the online software and tools 2020 JINST 15 P10004 to be used for data-taking. It also provides support for other ATLAS systems during detector commissioning runs and for special tests during LHC downtime periods. 6 The Run-2 trigger menu and streaming model Events are selected by trigger chains, where a chain consists of a L1 trigger item and a series of HLT algorithms that reconstruct physics objects and apply kinematic selections to them. Each chain is designed to select a particular physics signature such as the presence of leptons, photons, jets, missing transverse momentum, total energy and B-meson candidates. The list of trigger chains used for data-taking is known as a trigger menu, which also includes prescales for each trigger chain. To control the rate of accepted events, a prescale value, or simply prescale, can be applied. For a prescale value of n, an event has a probability of 1/n to be kept. Individual prescale factors can be given to each chain at L1 or at the HLT, and can be any value greater than or equal to one. More details of how prescales are applied can be found in section 8.1.3. The complete set of trigger selections must respect all trigger limitations and make optimal use of the available resources at L1 and the HLT (e.g., maximum detector read-out rate, available processing resources of the HLT farm, and maximum sustainable rate of permanent storage). Rates and resource usage are determined as described in section 6.2 and section 7.3. The configuration is driven by the physics priorities of the experiment, including the number of clients satisfied by a particular trigger chain. The main goal of the Run-2 trigger menu design was to maintain the unprescaled single-electron and single-muon trigger pT thresholds around 25 GeV despite the expected higher trigger rates to ensure the collection of the majority of events with leptonic W and Z boson decays. The primary triggers (used for physics analyses and unprescaled) cover all signatures relevant to the ATLAS physics programme including electrons, photons, muons, τ-leptons, jets, b-jets and ET which are used for Standard Model precision measurements including decays of the Higgs, W and Z bosons, and searches for physics beyond the Standard Model such as heavy particles, supersymmetry or exotic particles. A set of low transverse momentum dimuon triggers is used to collect B-meson decays, which are essential for the B-physics programme of ATLAS. Heavy-ion (HI) collisions differ significantly from pp collisions, and therefore require a ded- icated trigger menu to record the data. The main components of the HI trigger menu are triggers selecting hard processes (high ET , b-jets, muons, electrons, and photons) in inelastic Pb+Pb col- lisions, minimum-bias triggers for peripheral and central collisions, triggers selecting events with – 10 –
particular global properties (event-shape triggers to collect events with large initial spatial asymme- try of the collisions, ultra-central collision triggers), as well as triggers selecting various signatures in ultra-peripheral collisions. More information about the HI trigger menu and associated streams can be found in ref. [38]. Apart from the trigger menu used to record nominal pp or HI collisions, additional trigger menus were designed in Run 2 for special data-taking configurations, with some examples discussed in section 7. 6.1 The trigger menu evolution in Run 2 The trigger menu for pp data-taking evolved throughout Run 2 due to the increase of the instanta- 2020 JINST 15 P10004 neous luminosity and the number of pile-up interactions. The composition of the trigger menu is developed based on the expected luminosity for each year, with looser selections deployed during early data-taking or when the peak luminosity falls below the predicted target value. The main trigger chains that comprise the ATLAS trigger menu for 2015 targeting an instantaneous luminosity of 5 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 and valid for a peak luminosity up to 6.5 × 1033 cm−2 s−1 are described in detail along with their performance in ref. [39]. As the instantaneous luminosity increased substantially in 2016 (up to 1.3 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 ) and again in 2017 (up to 1.6 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 ), it became necessary to adjust the trigger menu each year accordingly. The various improvements and the performance for the trigger menu used in 2016 and 2017 are described in detail in refs. [40] and [38], respectively. The peak luminosity in 2018 was close to 2.0 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 . Even though the luminosity was higher than in 2017, the number of interactions per bunch crossing was similar. The resources needed to continue running the same trigger menu as in 2017 were estimated to fall within the limitations of the trigger system. The 2018 trigger menu [41] therefore only contained additions on top of the 2017 menu together with a few changes and improvements to the trigger selections used in 2017. 6.2 Cost monitoring framework The ATLAS cost monitoring framework [42] consists of a suite of tools to collect monitoring data on both CPU usage and data-flow over the data-acquisition network during the trigger execution. These tools are executed on a sample of events processed by the HLT, irrespective of whether the events pass or fail the HLT selection. It is primarily used to prepare the trigger menu for physics data-taking through the detailed monitoring of the system, allowing data-driven predictions to be made utilising dedicated datasets (enhanced bias dataset, see section 7.3). Monitored data include algorithm execution time, data request size, and the logical flow of the trigger execution for all L1- accepted events. To sample a representative subset of all L1-accepted events, a monitoring fraction of 10% is chosen. Example monitoring distributions are given for two of the many algorithms in figure 5: calorimeter topological clustering [43] and electron tracking. These monitoring data were collected over a 180 s data-taking period at 1 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 . Topological clustering can run either within an RoI or as a full detector scan, leading to a double-peak structure in the processing time as shown in figure 5 (top left). Equivalently to the procedure of predicting the rates of individual HLT chains and trigger menus (see sections 7.3 and 10), it is possible to estimate the number of HLT PUs which will be required to run a given trigger chain or menu. This functionality was extremely useful in planning for different LHC scenarios in 2017 and in preparation for 2018 data-taking. – 11 –
Events Events TrigCaloClusterMaker_topo 106 TrigCaloClusterMaker_topo 106 TrigFastTrackFinder_Electron_IDTrig TrigFastTrackFinder_Electron_IDTrig 105 105 s = 13 TeV s = 13 TeV 104 104 ATLAS ATLAS 103 103 102 102 10 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time Per Call [ms] Time Per Event [ms] 2020 JINST 15 P10004 ×103 Events 106 Events TrigCaloClusterMaker_topo TrigCaloClusterMaker_topo TrigFastTrackFinder_Electron_IDTrig 250 TrigFastTrackFinder_Electron_IDTrig 105 200 s = 13 TeV s = 13 TeV 104 ATLAS ATLAS 150 103 100 102 50 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 5 10 15 20 25 Fractional Time Per Event Calls Per Event Figure 5. Cost monitoring distributions for two HLT algorithms [42]: the topological clustering of calorime- ter data (TrigCaloCluserMaker_topo) is shown in green and the inner-detector electron track identification (TrigFastTrackFinder_Electron_IDTrig) is shown in red. Presented are the execution time (top) per call (left) and per event (right), as well as the execution time expressed as a fraction of the total execution time of all algorithms (bottom) in the event (left) and number of executions per event (right). Only statistical uncertainties are shown. 6.3 Run-2 streaming model The trigger menu defines the streams to which an event is written, depending on the trigger chains that accepted the event. Data streams are subdivided into files for each luminosity block, which facilitates the subsequent efficiency and calibration measurements under varying running conditions. The five different types of data streams considered in the recording rate budget available at the HLT during nominal pp data-taking are: • Physics stream: contains events with collision data of interest for physics studies. The events contain full detector information and dominate in terms of processing, bandwidth and storage requirements. • Express stream: very small subset of the physics stream events reconstructed offline in real time for prompt monitoring and data quality checks. • Debug streams: events for which no trigger decision could be made are written to this stream. These events need to be analysed and recovered separately to identify and fix possible problems in the TDAQ system (see section 11). – 12 –
• Calibration streams: events which are triggered by algorithms that focus on specific sub- detectors or HLT features are recorded in these types of streams. Depending on the purpose of the stream, only partial detector information is recorded through a strategy called Partial Event Building (PEB) [5], which has the potential to significantly reduce the event size. • Trigger-Level Analysis (TLA) streams: events sent to this stream store only partial detector information and specific physics objects reconstructed by the HLT to be used directly in a physics analysis. • Monitoring streams: events are sent to dedicated monitoring nodes to be analysed online for, 2020 JINST 15 P10004 e.g., detector monitoring, but are not recorded. For special data-taking configurations it is possible to introduce additional streams; an example is the recording of enhanced bias data, which is discussed in section 7.3. With the exception of the debug streams, the streaming model is inclusive, which means that an event can be written to multiple streams. Aside from the express stream, there are typically multiple different streams of each type. For PEB, data are only stored for specific sub-detectors, or for specific regional fragments from specific sub-detectors. Similarly, the TLA stream (see ref. [44] for more details of the procedures) only stores physics objects reconstructed by the HLT with limited event information and uses these trigger-level objects directly in a physics analysis [45]. By writing out only a fraction of the full detector data, the event size is reduced, making it possible to operate these triggers at higher accept rates while not being limited by constraints on the output bandwidth. This strategy is effective in avoiding high prescales at the HLT for low transverse momentum (pT ) triggers. Figure 6 shows the average recording rate of the physics data streams of all ATLAS pp runs taken in 2018. Events for physics analyses are recorded at an average rate of ∼1.2 kHz. This comprises two streams, one dedicated to B-physics and Light States (BLS) physics data, which averaged 200 Hz, and one for all other main physics data, which averaged the targeted 1 kHz. The BLS data are kept separate so the offline reconstruction can be delayed if available resources for processing are scarce. Figure 7 shows the HLT rates and output bandwidth as a function of time in a given run. The apparent mismatch between rate and output bandwidth in some streams is due to the use of PEB techniques. The increase of the TLA HLT output is part of the end-of-fill strategy of the ATLAS trigger. Towards the end of the LHC fill, when the luminosity and the pile-up are reduced compared to their peak values, L1 bandwidth and CPU resources are available to record and reconstruct additional events using lower-threshold TLA trigger chains. Table 1 shows the average event sizes for the described streams. The event size of physics, express and BLS streams is comparable whereas the TLA stream event size is significantly smaller. The calibration stream size varies considerably depending on the purpose and what sub-detector information is written out. 7 Special data-taking configurations In addition to standard pp and heavy-ion data-taking, the LHC programme includes a variety of short periods when the machine is operated with particular beam parameters, referred to as – 13 –
Table 1. The average event sizes for the physics and express stream, the trigger-level analysis, calibration and B-physics and Light States (BLS) are presented in this table. Stream Average event size Physics, express 1 MB Trigger-level analysis 6.5 kB Calibration 1.3 kB to 1 MB B-physics and light states 1 MB Average rate per run [Hz] 2500 Physics Main ATLAS Trigger Operation 2020 JINST 15 P10004 B Physics and Light States Average total rate (1.2 kHz) Data 2018, s = 13 TeV, p-p runs 2000 Average rate Physics Main (1.0 kHz) 1500 1000 500 0 April May June July August September October Date of run Figure 6. The average recording rate of the main physics data stream and the BLS data stream for each ATLAS pp physics run taken in 2018. The average of all runs for these two streams is indicated as a red dash-dotted line, and the average of the main physics stream is indicated as a blue dashed line. special data-taking configurations. The special data-taking configurations provide data for detector and accelerator calibration as well as additional physics measurements in the experiments. The specific LHC bunch configurations and related conditions (e.g. lower number of paired bunches, change in the average number of pile-up interactions), detector settings (e.g. subsystem read-out settings optimised for collecting calibration data) and desired trigger configuration have to be taken into account when preparing the trigger menu. The preparation of these configurations can be quite extensive as they require a specific trigger menu which needs to be prepared and adjusted to comply with the imposed, usually tightened limits in rate, bandwidth and CPU consumption. In the following, three examples of special data-taking configurations, and the challenges that come with them, are discussed: runs with a low number of bunches, luminosity calibration runs and a configuration used to record enhanced minimum-bias data for future estimates of trigger rates and CPU consumption. 7.1 Runs with few bunches Runs with a low number of bunches (e.g. 3, 12, 70, 300 bunches) usually occur during the periods of intensity ramp-up of the LHC after long or end-of-year shutdowns [46]. While in most of these – 14 –
2020 JINST 15 P10004 Figure 7. Trigger stream rates (top) and output bandwidth at the HLT (bottom) as a function of time in a fill taken in September 2018 with a peak luminosity of 2.0 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 and a peak pile-up of 56. Presented are the main physics stream rate, containing all trigger chains for physics analyses; the BLS stream, containing trigger chains specific to B-physics analyses; the express stream, which records events at a low rate for data quality monitoring; other physics streams at low rate, such as beam-induced background events; the trigger-level analysis stream; and the detector calibration streams. The monitoring stream is not reflected in the output bandwidth as the monitoring data are not written out to disk. The increase of the TLA HLT output rate is part of the end-of-fill strategy of the ATLAS trigger. At the end of the LHC fill, L1 and CPU resources are available to reconstruct and record additional events using lower-threshold TLA triggers. During Run 2 the TLA stream was seeded by jet triggers and only the HLT jet information was saved. This increased the total HLT output rate, but did not significantly increase the total output bandwidth due to the small size of TLA events. runs it is still desired to collect data for detector calibrations or for physics analyses that prefer low- luminosity conditions, they provide an operational challenge due to certain limits of the ATLAS detector which the trigger needs to take into account. The most stringent limitation when a small number of bunches are grouped into small sets of bunches (bunch trains) arises from events being accepted at L1 and the data being read out at the mechanical resonance frequencies of the wire bonds of the insertable B-layer (IBL) or the semiconductor tracker (SCT). This can cause physical damage to the wire bonds. The resonant vibrations are a direct consequence of the oscillating – 15 –
Rate [kHz] 100 ATLAS Operation s= 13 TeV 90 80 70 60 50 Simulated IBL limit on rate: 40 72-bunch train-length 144-bunch train-length 30 2020 JINST 15 P10004 20 Expected L1 physics rate 10 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Number of colliding Bunches Figure 8. The fixed-frequency veto limit to protect the innermost pixel detector of ATLAS (IBL) against irreparable damage due to resonant vibrational modes of the wire bonds has a direct impact on the maximum allowable rate of the first trigger level (L1). This limit depends on the number of colliding bunches in ATLAS and on the filling scheme of the LHC beams. This plot presents the simulated rate limits of the L1 trigger as imposed for IBL protection for two different filling schemes (in blue), and the expected L1 rate (in red) from rate predictions. The steps in the latter indicate a change in the prescale strategy. The rate limitation is only critical for the lower-luminosity phase, where the required physics L1 rate is higher than the limit imposed by the IBL veto. The rate can be reduced by applying tighter prescales. Lorentz forces induced by the magnetic field and cause wire bonds to break due to fatigue stress. The resonant modes of the wire bonds lie at frequencies between 9 and 25 kHz for the IBL, which is of concern given the 11 245 Hz LHC bunch revolution frequency. The resonant modes of the SCT are less of a concern as they are typically above the maximum L1 trigger rate limit imposed by the IBL. To protect the detector, a so-called fixed-frequency veto is implemented, which prevents read out of the detector upon sensing a pattern of trigger rates falling within a dangerous frequency range [47, 48]. The IBL veto provides the most stringent limit on the L1 rate in this particular LHC configuration. To prepare trigger menus which respect this limit, the maximum affordable trigger rate is first determined by simulating the effect of the IBL veto. If the expected rate from the nominal trigger menu is higher than the allowed rate, the menu is adjusted to reduce the rate to fit within the limitations. Figure 8 shows the simulated IBL rate limit for two different bunch configurations, together with the expected L1 trigger rate of the nominal physics trigger menu. This rate limitation is only critical for the lower-luminosity phase, where the required physics L1 rate is higher than the limit imposed by the IBL veto. In order to avoid impacting primary physics triggers, the required rate reduction is achieved by reducing the rate of the supporting trigger chains. 7.2 Luminosity calibration runs Luminosity calibration runs are runs in which the absolute luminosity scale [33] is being determined and the calibration of the different luminosity detectors is measured. A precise measurement of – 16 –
the integrated luminosity is a key component of the ATLAS physics programme, in particular for cross-section measurements where it is often one of the leading sources of uncertainty. The luminosity measurement is based on an absolute calibration of the primary luminosity-sensitive detectors in low-luminosity runs with specially tailored LHC conditions using the van der Meer (vdM) method [49]. The luminosity calibration relies on multiple independent luminosity detectors and algorithms, which have complementary capabilities and different systematic uncertainties. One of these algorithms is the counting of tracks from the charged particles reconstructed in the inner detector in randomly selected bunch crossings. Since the different LHC bunches do not have the exact same proton density, it is beneficial to sample a few bunches at the maximum possible rate. For this purpose, a minimum-bias trigger [50] selects events for specific LHC bunches and uses 2020 JINST 15 P10004 partial event building to read out only the inner-detector data. The data are read out at about 5 kHz for five different LHC bunches defined in the specific bunch group of the bunch group set used in the run. 7.3 Enhanced bias runs Certain applications such as HLT algorithm development, rate predictions and validation (described in section 10) require a dataset that is minimally biased by the triggers used to select it. The Enhanced Bias (EB) mechanism allows these applications to be performed utilising dedicated ATLAS datasets. These datasets contain events only biased by the L1 decision, by selecting a higher fraction of high- pT triggers and other interesting physics objects than would be selected in a zero bias sample (i.e. a sample collected by triggering on random filled bunches). To collect the EB dataset, a specific trigger menu is used which consists of a selection of representative L1 trigger items spanning a range from high-pT primary trigger items to low-pT L1 trigger items, plus a random trigger item to add a zero-bias component for very high cross-section processes. The random trigger item corresponds to a random read-out from the detector on filled bunches and therefore corresponds to a totally inclusive selection. The bias from the choice of items in the EB trigger menu is invertible, which means that a single weight is calculable per event to correct for the prescales applied during the EB data-taking. This weight restores an effective zero-bias spectrum. The recorded events are only biased by the L1 system, no HLT selection is applied beyond the application of HLT prescales to control the output rates. The EB trigger menu can be enabled on top of the regular physics menu, adding a rate of 300 Hz for the period of approximately one hour in order to record around one million events. This sample contains sufficient events to accurately determine the rate of all primary, supporting and backup trigger chains which together make up a physics trigger menu. 8 Condition updates in the HLT The HLT event selection is driven by dedicated reconstruction and selection algorithms. The behaviour and performance of some of those algorithms depend on condition parameters, or con- ditions, which provide settings, such as calibration and alignment constants, to the algorithms. Conditions are valid from the time of their deployment, and until their next update. Depending on the nature of the conditions, these updates can be frequent. While most conditions are updated only between runs and often much less frequently, some are volatile enough to require updates during ongoing data-taking. In the ATLAS experiment, all conditions data and their interval of validity – 17 –
are stored in the dedicated COOL database [51]. This section describes those special conditions and the procedure that was introduced to configure them consistently and reproducibly across the HLT farm. 8.1 Conditions updates within a run 8.1.1 Online beam spot Many criteria employed in the event selection are sensitive to the changes in the transverse and (to a lesser extent) longitudinal position and width of the LHC beams, also referred to as the beam spot [4]. The parameters of the beam spot are important inputs for the selection of events with 2020 JINST 15 P10004 B-hadrons, which have a long lifetime, typically decaying a few millimetres from the primary proton-proton interaction vertex. Since the beam-spot parameters are not constant within a run, they are continuously monitored and updated during data-taking if there are large enough deviations from the currently used values. The beam spot is estimated online by collecting the primary-vertex information provided in histograms created by HLT algorithms executed on events selected by L1 jet triggers. These histograms are then collected by an application external to the HLT, and the beam-spot position and tilt are determined in a fit. For every new LB, the beam-spot application reads in the histograms of the last few LBs; usually at least four or five LBs are required in order to acquire enough statistics to perform an initial beam-spot fit. If the fit is successful, the conditions update procedure for the beam spot is started if any of the following is true: a) the beam position along any axis relative to the beam width has changed by more than 10% and the significance of this change is larger than two, b) the width has changed by more than 10% and the significance of this change is larger than two, or c) the precision of either the beam position or the width has improved by more than 50%. 8.1.2 Online luminosity Since the bunches in the LHC arrive in trains, there are several consecutive bunch crossings with collisions followed by a gap between the trains with empty bunch crossings. Additionally, the bunches in the train have slightly different bunch charges, which means that the luminosity for each bunch can be different from the average luminosity across the full train. The signals from energy depositions in the liquid-argon calorimeter span many bunch crossings, affecting the energy reconstruction of subsequent collision events. Therefore, the signal pedestal correction that is applied during the energy reconstruction depends on the per-bunch luminosity of the event bunch itself and that of the surrounding bunches [52]. The LUCID detector continuously monitors the overall and per-bunch luminosity, while a separate application compares it with the currently used luminosity values and starts the conditions update procedure for the luminosity if the average luminosity deviates by more than 5%. The per-bunch pile-up values are also used in pile-up-sensitive algorithms to correct for the bunch-crossing dependence of the calorimeter pulse-shapes [40], and for reconstruction of electron [53] and hadronic τ-lepton decay [54] candidates. 8.1.3 Updates of trigger prescales Prescales can be used to either adjust or completely disable the rate of an item/chain, or to only allow its execution after the event has already been accepted (so-called rerun condition). Being able – 18 –
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