ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...

Page created by Julie Gallagher
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
RATE CARD 2021-22
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
03   Principal Connections magazine

     The Associate e-newsletter

     Marketing opportunities at CPCO events
                                                            10    13
15   Our advertisers, sponsors, vendors and partners

17   Order form


ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
Principal Connections magazine

                                 ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 3
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
• A multi award-winning magazine,
  published since 2000, Principal
  Connections is the only publication
  in Ontario that is sent to a wide
  range of Catholic education
  leaders, including Principals, Vice-
  Principals, Directors of Education
  and Superintendents

• The magazine is available in digital
  and print formats

• Upcoming issues: Fall 2021,
  Winter 2021, Summer 2022

ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
Audience & reach
• Principal Connections reaches key decision-
  makers of 1,300 Catholic schools in Ontario;
  approximately 600,000 students attend publicly
  funded Catholic schools in the province

• Principal Connections is mailed directly to the
  homes of school leaders, whose decisions
  and recommendations affect overall school
  operations, purchasing of school resources
  and supplies, and all program planning

• The magazine is in high demand by a variety of
  organizations, groups, associations, schools,
  universities, colleges and Ministries

                         ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 5
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
“With 80,000+ education professionals nationwide choosing      “As a growing Ontario-based educational publisher, every
 Johnson Insurance, Principal Connections is a proven           dollar spent on marketing is important to us. Advertising
 channel we use to connect with leaders in Ontario’s            in Principal Connections has consistently introduced us to
 Catholic school system. The team at CPCO is a pleasure         new schools year after year.”
 to work with, and we look forward to continuing our             Marie Stokes, Vice-President, Schoolyard Publishing Co.
 partnership for many years.”
 Johnson Insurance                                             “As the trusted voice on healthy, active living in the
                                                                retirement journey for the broader education community,
“CPCO is a wonderful partner and the Principal Connections      RTO/ERO relies on Principal Connections to promote
 magazine is food for the soul and the mind. We love to         its messages to Ontario thought leaders. In addition to
 support both!”                                                 great value, Principal Connections offers opportunity for
                                                                RTO/ERO to help Principals plan for retirement in a five-
 Marilyn Mason, Vice-President, King’s at Western
                                                                star format.”
“CPCO and Principal Connections have proved to be a          The Retired Teachers of Ontario/ les enseignantes et enseignants
                                                             retraités de l’Ontario
 great avenue for contacting our clients and promoting
 our company on a regular basis and at an affordable cost.
 Being in the marketing and promotional business ourselves, “Award-winning leader in the school photography
 we appreciate the importance of staying in touch with our   industry, Edge Imaging has been advertising in Principal
 clients, both existing and potential, who make up the CPCO  Connections for a number of years. Edge finds tremendous
 readership. The staff at CPCO are most obliging and great   value in being able to update Catholic School Principals
 to work with.”                                              across Ontario on their key initiatives throughout the year.”
 Ester Zeller, President, Serkin Promotions                     Jordan Moore, Marketing Communications Manager, Edge Imaging

ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
Publication dates & advertising rates
Publication issue      Ad deadline        Insert deadline         Publication mail out
Fall 2021              July 30, 2021      Aug.13, 2021            Week of Sept. 13, 2021
Winter 2021            Nov. 12, 2021      Nov. 22, 2021           Week of Dec. 20, 2021
Summer 2022            Apr. 29, 2022      May 16, 2022            Week of June 13, 2022

Rates for colour advertising:

Page size              1st ad             2nd ad                  3rd ad*
Back cover             $2,300             $2,250                  $2,200
Inside front / back    $1,800             $1,750                  $1,700
Full page              $1,500             $1,450                  $1,400
1/2 page               $1,200             $1,150                  $1,100
1/4 page               $900               $850                    $800
1/8 page               $400               $350                    $300

* In order to claim the discounted rates, all ads must be consecutive.

To book an ad or a magazine insert, contact Advertising Manager
John Nijmeh at

                                                                                     ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 7
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
Advertising technical requirements
File types:                                            Advertising sizes (width x height, in inches):

We accept the following file types:                    •     Full page 				                    8.5 x 11
• EPS (ensure all text is converted to outlines)       •     1/2 page - horizontal		           7 x 4.5
• PDF (ensure all fonts are embedded)                  •     1/2 page - vertical			            3.4 x 9.5
• JPG or PNG (300 dpi or higher)                       •     1/4 page				                      3.4 x 4.5
                                                       •     1/8 page 				                     1.7 x 4.5
Please note: We do not accept Word files.
                                                       Please note: Apply 0.25” bleed to full page ads only. The
Ad re-sizing:                                          rest of the ads should have no bleed and a 1pt border.

• Please note: Should we be required to resize
  or change your ad, a charge of $50 per hour
  will apply.

Colour:                                                    Full page    1/2 page    1/2 page   1/4 page    1/8 page
                                                                       horizontal   vertical
• All ads must be in process CMYK.

Ads or questions regarding the files may be emailed to Senior Designer Ania Czupajlo at

ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
Magazine inserts
Advertising year – September 2021 to August 2022:

• For added exposure, you may opt to include a one-
  sided or two-sided insert about your organization

• Inserts in Principal Connections (one-sided or two-
  sided) are $750 + HST each

• The insert size should not exceed 8.5” by 11”; for
  custom insert sizing, please contact us for pricing

• Prepaying three ad placements in Principal
  Connections 2021-2022 school year, results in the
  following additional offers:
  » 1 insert for free (valued at $750)
  » additional inserts at $550 + HST each

To book inserts, or for any related questions, email
Advertising Manager John Nijmeh at

                                                        ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 9
ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 - Catholic ...
The Associate e-newsletter

• The Associate is CPCO’s bi-weekly
  e-newsletter that is sent out to the
  entire CPCO subscription network

• It serves as a key news provider for
  Ontario’s education sector

• The Associate’s mailing list includes
  Principals, Vice-Principals, Directors
  of Education and Superintendents

                                           ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 11
Dates, rates & specifications
The Associate is sent out every second Wednesday for the duration of the
school year (September to June). The following are the publication dates for
the 2021-2022 school year.

Year 2021:
August 25, September 8, 22, October 6, 20, November 3, 17, December 1, 15

Year 2022:
January 5, 19, February 2, 16, March 2, 16, 30, April 13, 27, May 11, 25, June 8

Ad options Width                           Height     Single ad   All subsequent ads
Option 1            560 px (7.8 in) 375 px (5.2 in)   $150        $100 each
Option 2            560 px (7.8 in) 750 px (10.4 in) $300         $200 each

All files must be provided in a .jpg or .png format (72 dpi, RGB mode).
Please provide us with a website or a file that we can link to the ad.

Ads or questions regarding the files may be emailed to Communications &
Technology Officer Jacob Chouinard at

Marketing opportunities at CPCO events

                              ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 13
• CPCO offers a variety of sponsorship and/or vendor
  opportunities at its annual Gala Dinner & Award
  Ceremony and annual Conference.

• Please contact us to explore opportunities available
  this year for both of these events.

Interested in posting your organization’s career
opportunities through CPCO?

Contact Communications and Technology Officer
Jacob Chouinard at for
more information.

Our advertisers, sponsors, vendors and partners

                                  ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 15
Bark Lake                                  Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving
Blueprint Agencies                         Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP                  Ontario Physical and Health Education Association
Camp Mini-Yo-We                            Osgoode Professional Development
Camp Muskoka                               Perspectives Eduscho Ltd.
Canada Law Book / Thomson Reuters          R.J. McCarthy School Uniforms
Catholic Community Delivery Organization   Redeemer University College
College of Early Childhood Educators       Rogers
D2L                                        Roseneath Theatre
Edge Imaging                               Schoolyard Publishing Co.
Entertainment Book                         Serkin Promotions
Fair Glen Outdoor Christian Education      Solution Tree
Friesens                                   Spectrim Label & Equipment Inc.
Illusion Images                            Starling Minds
InSchoolWear                               St. Francis Xavier University
Johnson Inc.                               Saint Jerome Press
King’s University College                  St. Paul’s University
LexisNexis                                 Stitt Feld Handy Group
Lifetouch                                  Teachers Life
Logics Academy                             The Catholic Register
Lumina Learning                            The Institute for Education Leadership
Maracle Press (Faith Planners)             The Retired Teachers of Ontario
Microsoft                                  Torkin Manes
Niagara University                         Tutor Doctor
Ontario College of Teachers                Two Way Radio
Ontario Pioneer Camp                       Ukelele Kids
                                           Vesey’s Bulbs Fundraising
ORDER NOW                                             To reserve advertising space, please call Advertising Manager John Nijmeh at
                                                      416-483-1556 ext. 28, or email this form to

Principal Connections print advertising
                                                                                     Company name          _______________________________________
  Select all issues in which the ad will be placed:
     Fall 2021              Winter 2021         Summer 2022

  Indicate the ad selection:                                                         Contact name          _______________________________________
     Back cover            Inside front         Inside back            Full page
                           page                 page                                                       _______________________________________
     1/2 page              1/2 page             1/4 page               1/8 page
     horizontal            vertical
                                                                                     Full mailing          _______________________________________
  Select all issues in which the insert will be placed:                                                    _______________________________________
  Please ship 2,600 copies of the insert directly to the CPCO office
     Fall 2021              Winter 2021         Summer 2022                                                _______________________________________

                                                                                     Phone number          _______________________________________

The Associate e-newsletter advertising                                               Fax number            _______________________________________

 Select the advertising option:         Option 1              Option 2               Email                 _______________________________________

 Indicate the number of ads to be placed in the e-newsletter:


 Indicate the preferred date(s) for ad placement in the e-newsletter:
                                                                                   Catholic Principals’ Council | Ontario
 ________________________________                                                  Box 2325, Suite 3030, 2300 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4
                                                                                   416-483-1556 ext. 28 phone • 1-888-621-9190 toll free • 416-483-2554 fax

                                                                                                                       ADVERTISING KIT & RATE CARD 2021-22 • 17
Contact us:

John Nijmeh, Advertising Manager | ext. 28

Phone 416-483-1556
Toll free 1-888-621-9190
Fax 416-483-2554

Box 2325, Suite 3030
2300 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4P 1E4


© 2021 Catholic Principals’ Council | Ontario
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