2019 studio eleven papers

Page created by Leslie Cunningham
2019 studio eleven papers
2019 studio eleven papers
NEW! We are proud to
                                                                                                                                                  introduce 3 all-new
     2-3                 megan noller holt greeting cards                                                                                      greeting card collections,
     3                   clover robin greeting cards                                                                                            as well as new art from
     4                   jocelyn proust greeting cards                                                                                               Linnea Design!
     5-7                 linnea design greeting cards
     8                   linnea design boxed notes
                         COVER ART: JOCELYN PROUST

 about us

 Hi, I’m Kelsey! I started Studio Eleven Papers in January 2018, building on my 13+ years developing
 products for a variety of leading brands in the stationery and gift industry. Creating beautiful and
 high-end products with a diverse range of illustrators is my passion!

 Studio Eleven Papers is thrilled to be the exclusive wholesaler of Linnea Design Greeting Cards.
 The same talented team of designers and writers that thoughtfully crafted these cards from the
 very beginning is back together, in collaboration with artist Johanna Riley. I have enjoyed designing
 products with Johanna for several years, and am so pleased to continue working together,
 continuing to build this best-selling line of warm, inspiring greeting cards.

 We are excited to expand the greeting card line for 2019 with the addition of three popular licensed
 artists. Megan Noller brings a whimsical charm and offers incredible range with her spirited hand
 lettering. Clover Robin has garnered a loyal following on social media and in response to her many
 children’s books, bringing so much joy with her impressive paper-cutting technique. Jocelyn Proust’s bold,
 stunning botanicals and her mastery of color can’t help but brighten your day.

 Our cards are printed locally in Seattle with soy-based inks on premium, FSC-certified and recycled paper.
 The core of our feel-good collection speaks to art enthusiasts, nature lovers, and those simply looking to be inspired.

 We delight in thoughtful greeting cards, guaranteed to make you smile.

                                                                                                                          A2 GREETING CARD 4.25" x 5.5"
                                                                                                                          MINIMUM half dozen per design

                                                                                                                          COST    $11.85 per half dozen | $23.70 per dozen
                                                                                                                          RETAIL $3.95 per card


Megan became a full-time illustrator in
2015 after enjoying a long and varied
graphic design career. Based in Seattle,
she delights in drawing typography,
animals, florals and delving into the
details of her work. Megan is happiest
spending time with her family, taking long
walks to soak in the natural abundance
of the Pacific Northwest and getting her
hands dirty tackling home and garden
projects.                                                         NEW MN018                    NEW MN017                                   NEW MN016
                                                                  Wishing you and your inner   In all things of nature there is            Dream big! It’s your birthday
                                                                  child a beautiful birthday   something of the marvelous.
                                                                                               for a day of delight

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2019 studio eleven papers

 Clover Robin is an artist and illustrator with a distinctive and colorful
 collage style. She delights in nature and all things botanical, inspired by
 a childhood of woodland walks, countryside rambles and fossil hunting
 by the sea. Clover has illustrated a number of nature-inspired children’s
 books, and is also the author of Cut Paper Pictures, a guide for creating
 personalized collages.

 A2 GREETING CARD 4.25" x 5.5"
 MINIMUM half dozen per design

 COST     $11.85 per half dozen | $23.70 per dozen                                       NEW CR012                                 NEW CR011
                                                                                         Oh happy day! Sending                     Wishes for a day that makes
 RETAIL $3.95 per card                                                                   birthday wishes                           your heart smile

      BIRTHDAY                                                                                                                     COMPASSION

      NEW CR010                                NEW CR009                                 NEW CR008                                 NEW CR007
      Hoping your birthday is ever             Always be on the lookout for the          Let us be grateful to people who          Always
      so lovely                                presence of wonder.- e.b. white           make us happy; they are the charming
                                               Wishing you a wonder-filled birthday      gardeners who make our souls blossom.
                                                                                         -Marcel Proust
                                                                                         Happy Birthday to one very charming

BIRTHDAY     cont.                                                               BLANK
                                                                                                                                 A2 greeting cards
                                                                                                                                 Printed on Forest Stewardship Council®
                                                                                                                                 (FSC) certified and 100% recycled paper
                                                                                                                                 in the USA with soy-based inks. Full-color
                                                                                                                                 card interiors feature spot art. Paired with
                                                                                                                                 recycled kraft envelopes.

NEW MN015                               NEW MN014                                NEW MN013
and shake your tail feathers!           to someone who makes the                 Blank
It’s your birthday!                     world a little brighter

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2019 studio eleven papers
Jocelyn Proust is an Australian designer who has established an international reputation for creating striking
                                                 abstract prints in a clean graphic style. Bold use of colour is the signature element in Jocelyn’s designs and
                                                 is always the starting point for her creative process. Her designs are often a fine balance between simplicity
                                                 and complex detail. Living on the east coast of Australia, Jocelyn often draws inspiration from her natural
                                                 environment. From observing, photographing and drawing plants and birds in her garden, she uses these
                                                 natural elements to create unique designs.


A6 GREETING CARD 4.5" x 6.25"
MINIMUM half dozen per design

COST    $11.85 per half dozen
        $23.70 per dozen
RETAIL $3.95 per card
                                                        NEW JP006                          NEW JP005                            NEW JP004
                                                        That’s the birthday you            for a day filled with joy            My flock wouldn’t be the same
                                                        deserve.                                                                without you! Happy birthday friend.

                                                        ANNIVERSARY                        WEDDING                              SYMPATHY

                                                        NEW JP003                          NEW JP002                            NEW JP001
                                                        Never been happier, all            Nothing better than the two          Holding you close during this
                                                        because of you.                    of you together.                     difficult time. Sending so much love.

       A6 greeting cards
       Printed on Forest Stewardship
       Council® (FSC) certified paper
       in the USA with soy-based inks.
       Paired with white envelopes.

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2019 studio eleven papers
Johanna Riley’s artistic background is a study in contrasts. After studying art history at the University of
Oregon, she worked with Bill Nye, The Science Guy, making zany props for his PBS science show. From
there, she went on to design websites and graphics for various companies. Since 2002, Johanna is most
recognized for her timeless illustrations within the very popular Linnea Design calendar.

A6 GREETING CARD 4.5" x 6.25" MIN half dozen per design

COST $11.85 per half dozen $23.70 per dozen RETAIL $3.95 per card
COST *$9.75 per half dozen *$19.50 per dozen RETAIL *$3.25 per card
*Please note that as Linnea Classic styles are reprinted, pricing will adjust to match our current rates.


NEW LI 1076                          NEW LI 1075                           NEW LI 1074                      NEW LI 1073                           NEW LI 1072
Wishing you a sand-in-your-          Wishing you a year filled with        Wishing you a delicious day.     Savor every morsel of today.          It’s your birthday! Do what
toes kind of birthday                wonder Happy Birthday                 Happy Birthday                   Happy Birthday                        you love. Many happy wishes

LI 1070                              LI 1069                               LI 1068                          LI 1067                               LI 1064*
For a year of exploration.           and carry it with you always.         here’s to a year of taking       Celebrating your loveliness.          It's Your Birthday!
Happy Birthday Wishes                Happy Birthday                        chances. Happy Birthday          Happy Birthday                        May this year be
                                                                                                                                                  the best one yet

LI 1063*                             LI 1062*                              LI 1061*                         LI 1058*                              LI 1057
Wishes for an                        For a year filled with                Stay young at heart              Surround yourself with all            Celebrating you
extraordinary birthday               endless possibilities                 and have a wonderful             your favorites and have a             Happy birthday
                                     Happiest Birthday Wishes              birthday                         very happy birthday

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2019 studio eleven papers

    LI 1056*                                LI 1055*                      LI 1054*                    LI 1053*                         LI 1052
    Happy birthday                          Celebrating you and your      Happiest birthday wishes    Here’s to another year young     Wishes for a year filled with
                                            fabulousness Happy birthday                               Happy birthday                   inspiration Happy birthday

    LI 1051*                                LI 1041*                      LI 1037*                    LI 1035*                         LI 1032
    ...more and more each day               For a year of                 May you find beauty         Do what makes you happy          May you find the happy in
    Happy birthday                          beautiful discovery           wherever you go             Sending birthday love            every day Birthday wishes
                                            Happy birthday wishes         Happy Birthday

    LI 1031*                                LI 1030                       LI 1020*                    LI 1019*                         LI 1018*
    Hope this year is an amazing            Wishes for a lazy day         May happiness follow you    I could walk through my garden   Looking mighty fine
    ride Happy birthday                     Birthday love                 everywhere Happy birthday   forever. – Alfred Tennyson       Happy birthday
                                                                                                      Happy birthday, with love

    LI 1016*                                LI 1015*                      LI 1014*                    LI 1013*                         LI 1012
    May your day be simply                  Wishes for a wonderful year   Wishes for a carefree day   Missing you on your birthday     May all your wishes
    marvelous Happy birthday                Happy birthday                Happy birthday              and every day                    come true Happy birthday

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2019 studio eleven papers
ANNIVERSARY                                                                                  THANK YOU

LI 1050*                             LI 1029                       LI 1010                   LI 1028*                                 LI 1008
You are my everything                To many more years            Being with you is where   I simply can’t                           Many thanks
Happy anniversary                    of adventure                  I always want to be       thank you enough
                                     Happy Anniversary             Happy anniversary to us

SYMPATHY                                                                                                                              BON VOYAGE

LI 1065                              LI 1038*                      LI 1026                   LI 1006                                  LI 1005*
thinking of you                      With love and sympathy        Holding on to beautiful   With thoughts of peace                   Wishing you a
with deepest sympathy                                              memories and sending      and courage for you                      splendid journey
                                                                   you love and peace

BABY                                 FRIENDSHIP                                              GET WELL

LI 1009                              LI 1048*                      LI 1049*                  LI 1066                                  LI 1007*
Welcome to the start of an           ...a day made just for you!   Cheerio                   Get well soon                            Hope you’re feeling a little
incredible journey Congratulations                                                                                                    brighter Get well soon


NEW LI 1071                          LI 1046*                      LI 1045*                  LI 1044*                                 LI 1043*
Blank inside                         Blank inside                  Blank inside              Blank inside                             Blank inside

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2019 studio eleven papers
11 mm

                                                                                                                                                 PRSRT STD
                                             100%                                                                                               US POSTAGE
12 mm                                                       s                                                               8 mm                    PAID
                                                                                                                                                SEATTLE,  WA
                                               C000000                                    100%
                                                                                                                                               PERMIT NO. 1046
hello@studioelevenpapers.com               100%                                                mailing panel
orders@studioelevenpapers.com                                                              s
Tel: 503.662.8124                                                                  C000000

   10 blank notecards paired with white envelopes.                            CARD DIMENSIONS 4 ¼" x 5 ½"

   Cards are printed in the USA on FSC-certified paper                        COST $6.00 per box

   using soy-based inks.                                                      MINIMUM 4 per style

       NEW LI NC07                      LI NC06                     LI NC05               LI NC04               LI NC02                     LI NC01

   B OX ED ASSO RTE D BL AN K NOTE S                                                                   B OX ED B L AN K N OTES
   12 cards and envelopes; three each of four designs.                                                 12 cards and envelopes of one design. Not assorted.
   CARD DIMENSIONS 4 ½" x 6 ¼"                                                                         CARD DIMENSIONS 4 ½" x 6 ¼"
   COST $6.50 per box                                                                                  COST $6.50 per box
   MINIMUM 4 per style                                                                                 MINIMUM 4 per style

   LI BNP05 Floral collection

                                                                                                       LI BNP01-B            LI BNP03-B               LI BNP03-A

   LI BNP02 Zinnia collection

                                                                                                                         Min Opening Order: $150.00
                                                                                                                               Reorder: $100.00
                                                                                                                          Opening order: Credit card
                                                                                                                all prices and information subject to change

                                                                                                                To apply for Net30 terms, please submit three
                                                                                                                     industry credit references with order

                                                                                                                  Cello jackets for bulk greeting cards are
                                                                                                                available upon request for an additional cost
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2019 studio eleven papers 2019 studio eleven papers
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