The Common European Framework and New Inside Out

Page created by Dustin Rios
The Common European
                                  Framework and New Inside Out
        The Common European Framework for language learning
        Introduction                                                     New Inside Out CEF checklists
        The Common European Framework (CEF) is a widely                  New Inside Out Advanced is appropriate for students
        used standard created by the Council of Europe.1 In the          who can already communicate quite confidently in
        classroom, familiarity with the CEF can be of great help         English in a good range of situations. They now need
        to any teacher in identifying students’ actual progress          to focus on using language in a flexible and idiomatic
        and helping them to set their learning priorities.               way. They’re learning to express their thoughts and
                                                                         intentions with precision, to use language skilfully to
        Students can use the descriptors (description of
                                                                         achieve exactly what they want to, and to build up their
        competences) at any point to get a detailed, articulated,
                                                                         repertoire of expressions for specific situations. At this
        and personal picture of their own individual progress.
                                                                         level autonomous study is very important, and students’
        This is important, as no two language learners progress
                                                                         success will depend greatly on the extent to which they
        in the same way, and consequently it’s always rather
                                                                         read and speak English outside the classroom. By the
        artificial to apply a ‘framework level’ to a class as a whole,
                                                                         time committed and enthusiastic students complete New
        or to a course or coursebook.
                                                                         Inside Out Advanced, however, they will be confident
        The European Language Portfolio is another Council               with most of the abilities described at the C1 level.
        of Europe project, designed to give every learner a
                                                                         In order to help students and teachers assess progress,
        structure for keeping a record of their language learning
                                                                         we have provided a list of C1 descriptors that may
        experiences and their progress as described in the CEF.
                                                                         usefully be focused on whilst studying each of the units
        Up-to-date information about developments with the CEF
                                                                         in New Inside Out Advanced. A reasonable ability with
        and Portfolio can be found on
                                                                         the B2 descriptors is presupposed at the start of the
        The Swiss-based Eurocentres Foundation played a                  book. Students who have reached this level are often
        major role in the development of the levels and the              unclear about what their next priorities should be,
        descriptors for the CEF and the prototype Portfolio.             and about exactly what they now need to work on in
        The CEF descriptors, developed in a Swiss National               order to improve their English. A familiarity with the
        Research Foundation project, were presented in clearer,          C1 descriptors can help students to set concrete goals
        simpler, self-assessment form in the prototype (Swiss)           and to approach their studies with the kind of attitude
        Portfolio. There are now dozens of different national            that will allow them to be successful. Every student
        versions of the Portfolio for different educational sectors,     learns differently, and at this level useful progress can
        but the only version for adults is that developed from           really only be made towards personal objectives, so it
        the Swiss version by EAQUALS (European Association               is important the teacher supports students in taking
        for Quality Language Services) in collaboration with             responsibility for the process.
        ALTE.2 The descriptors used in this guide are taken from
                                                                         The level of ability suggested in a particular unit for a
        the EAQUALS/ALTE Portfolio. An electronic version
                                                                         particular descriptor is given only as a guide, based on
        that can be completed on-line can be downloaded in
                                                                         classroom experience, of what kind of progress it might
        English or French from The EAQUALS/
                                                                         be reasonable to expect to see from a ‘typical’ student.
        ALTE portfolio descriptors have been used in this guide,
                                                                         At this level of language learning, of course, there can be
        as they’re more concrete and practical than the original
                                                                         no such students, so variations from the levels indicated
        CEFR descriptors.
                                                                         should not be taken as a sign that students are really
        1 Schneider, Günther, & North, Brian (2000): “Fremdsprachen      doing either better or worse than an established norm.
          können – was heisst das?” Zürich, Rüegger
          North, Brian (2000): “The Development of a Common Framework    In teaching a class of students at this level, meanwhile,
          Scale of Language Proficiency”, New York, Peter Lang           it is necessary to choose materials that are likely to be
                                                                         of benefit to as many of the students as possible. The
        2 EAQUALS is a pan-European language school accreditation
          body with over 100 full members. ALTE is an association        coursebook provides a framework for this purpose,
          dedicated to raising standards in language testing and         and the descriptors for each unit can help the teacher to
          encompasses the major European examination providers.          supplement the coursebook material constructively.
          Eurocentres provides high quality language teaching in
          countries where the language concerned is spoken. EAQUALS,
          ALTE and Eurocentres are the three NGOS advisers for
          language learning to the Council of Europe and all three
          implement the CEFR.

xxxvi            C E F
CEF Student checklists
Unit 1
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page        Your score
 I can follow extended speech even when it is not         5, 10       1    2    3    4    5
 clearly structured and when relationships are only
 implied and not signalled explicitly.
 I can use language flexibly and effectively for social   4, 5, 8, 12 1    2    3    4    5
 purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking
 I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and          5, 10       1    2    3    4    5
 precisely, and can present and respond to complex
 lines of reasoning convincingly.
 I can orally summarise long, demanding texts.            6           1    2    3    4    5
 I can consistently maintain a high degree of             9, 11       1    2    3    4    5
 grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult
 to spot.

Unit 2
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page           Your score
 I can understand a wide range of idiomatic               14, 20         1    2    3    4    5
 expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating shifts
 in style and register.
 I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex       16, 17         1    2    3    4    5
 I can give an extended description or account of         18, 19         1    2    3    4    5
 something, integrating themes, developing particular
 points and concluding appropriately.
 I can express myself in writing on a wide range of       19             1    2    3    4    5
 general or professional topics in a clear and
 user-friendly manner.
 I can present points of view in a comment on a topic     23             1    2    3    4    5
 or an event, underlining the main ideas and
 supporting my reasoning with detailed examples.

       New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010                CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE   xxxvii
Unit 3
          Complete the checklist.
          1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
          2 = I can do this with a little help
          3 = I can do this fairly well
          4 = I can do this really well
          5 = I can do this almost perfectly

           Competences                                               Page             Your score
           I can use language fluently, accurately and effectively   26, 27, 29,      1    2    3    4    5
           on a wide range of general, professional or academic      32
           I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured    30               1    2    3    4    5
           speech, showing control over ways of developing
           what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and
           my expression of them into coherent text.
           I have a good command of a broad vocabulary               27, 33           1    2    3    4    5
           allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
           circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously for
           expressions or compromise on saying exactly what I
           want to.
           I can present a complex topic in a clear and              25               1    2    3    4    5
           well-structured way, highlighting the most
           important points, for example in a composition
           or a report.
           I can select a style appropriate to the reader in mind.   28               1    2    3    4    5

          Unit 4
          Complete the checklist.
          1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
          2 = I can do this with a little help
          3 = I can do this fairly well
          4 = I can do this really well
          5 = I can do this almost perfectly

           Competences                                               Page          Your score
           I can understand fairly long demanding texts and          36            1    2    3    4    5
           summarise them orally.
           I can go beyond the concrete plot of a narrative and      36, 39        1    2    3    4    5
           grasp implicit meanings, ideas and connections.
           I can use language flexibly and effectively for social    40, 43,       1    2    3    4    5
           purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking        44
           I can substitute an equivalent term for a word I can’t    41            1    2    3    4    5
           recall without distracting the listener.
           I can give a detailed description of experiences,         45            1    2    3    4    5
           feelings and events in a personal letter.

xxxviii   CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE         New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Unit 5
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page       Your score
 I can read complex reports, analyses and                 48, 52     1    2    3    4    5
 commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
 connections are discussed.
 I can give an extended description or account of         51         1    2    3    4    5
 something, integrating themes, developing particular
 points and concluding appropriately.
 I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of   54         1    2    3    4    5
 other speakers.
 I have a good command of a broad vocabulary              46, 48, 51 1    2    3    4    5
 allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
 circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously
 for expressions or compromise on saying exactly
 what I want to.
 I can consistently maintain a high degree of             47, 53     1    2    3    4    5
 grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult
 to spot.

Unit 6
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page       Your score
 I can follow extended speech even when it is not         56, 60     1    2    3    4    5
 clearly structured and when relationships are only
 implied and not signalled explicitly.
 I can extract information, ideas and opinions from       57, 58     1    2    3    4    5
 highly specialised texts in my own field, for example
 research reports.
 I can understand long complex instructions, for          57         1    2    3    4    5
 example for the use of a new piece of equipment,
 even if these are not related to my job or field of
 interest, provided I have enough time to reread them.
 I can read contemporary literary texts with ease.        61         1    2    3    4    5
 I can read any correspondence with occasional use of     65         1    2    3    4    5
 a dictionary.

       New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010            CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE   xxxix
Unit 7
     Complete the checklist.
     1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
     2 = I can do this with a little help
     3 = I can do this fairly well
     4 = I can do this really well
     5 = I can do this almost perfectly

      Competences                                               Page         Your score
      I can understand complex technical information,           70           1    2    3    4    5
      such as operating instructions, specifications for
      familiar products and services.
      I can understand fairly long demanding texts and          72           1    2    3    4    5
      summarise them orally.
      I can use language flexibly and effectively for social    76           1    2    3    4    5
      purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking
      I can give a clearly developed presentation on a          75           1    2    3    4    5
      subject in my fields of personal or professional
      interest, departing when necessary from the prepared
      text and following up spontaneously points raised
      by members of the audience.
      I have a good command of a broad vocabulary               70, 72, 77   1    2    3    4    5
      allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
      circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously for
      expressions or compromise on saying exactly what
      I want to.

     Unit 8
     Complete the checklist.
     1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
     2 = I can do this with a little help
     3 = I can do this fairly well
     4 = I can do this really well
     5 = I can do this almost perfectly

      Competences                                               Page         Your score
      I can understand lectures, talks and reports in my        79, 80       1    2    3    4    5
      field of professional or academic interest even when
      they are propositionally and linguistically complex.
      I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and           80, 81, 83   1    2    3    4    5
      precisely, and can present and respond to complex
      lines of reasoning convincingly.
      I can use fluently a variety of appropriate expressions   86           1    2    3    4    5
      to preface my remarks in order to get the floor, or to
      gain time and keep the floor while thinking.
      I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured    81           1    2    3    4    5
      speech, showing control over ways of developing
      what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and
      my expression of them into coherent text.
      I can write texts which show a high degree of             87           1    2    3    4    5
      grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary
      and style according to the addressee, the kind of text
      and the topic.

xl   CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE         New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
Unit 9
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page               Your score
 I can read contemporary literary texts with ease.        95          1    2    3    4    5
 I can use language flexibly and effectively for social   88, 89      1    2    3    4    5
 purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking
 I can give an extended description or account of         92          1    2    3    4    5
 something, integrating themes, developing particular
 points and concluding appropriately.
 I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of   96          1    2    3    4    5
 other speakers.
 I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured   91, 92      1    2    3    4    5
 speech, showing control over ways of developing
 what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and
 my expression of them into coherent text.

Unit 10
Complete the checklist.
1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
2 = I can do this with a little help
3 = I can do this fairly well
4 = I can do this really well
5 = I can do this almost perfectly

 Competences                                              Page           Your score
 I can understand a wide range of idiomatic               101, 104,      1    2    3    4    5
 expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating shifts in   105, 106
 style and register.
 I can extract information, ideas and opinions from       100, 106       1    2    3    4    5
 highly specialised texts in my own field, for example
 research reports.
 I can express myself fluently and spontaneously,         104, 105       1    2    3    4    5
 almost effortlessly. Only a conceptually difficult
 subject can hinder a natural, smooth flow of language.
 I can consistently maintain a high degree of             103, 107       1    2    3    4    5
 grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult
 to spot.
 I can present a complex topic in a clear and             109            1    2    3    4    5
 well-structured way, highlighting the most important
 points, for example in a composition or a report.

       New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010                CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE   xli
Unit 11
       Complete the checklist.
       1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
       2 = I can do this with a little help
       3 = I can do this fairly well
       4 = I can do this really well
       5 = I can do this almost perfectly

        Competences                                                  Page         Your score
        I can without too much effort understand films               111          1    2    3    4    5
        which contain a considerable degree of slang and
        idiomatic usage.
        I can keep up with an animated conversation between          110          1    2    3    4    5
        native speakers.
        I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and              117          1    2    3    4    5
        precisely, and can present and respond to complex
        lines of reasoning convincingly.
        I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of       116          1    2    3    4    5
        other speakers.
        I can write texts which show a high degree of                114          1    2    3    4    5
        grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary and
        style according to the addressee, the kind of text and
        the topic.

       Unit 12
       Complete the checklist.
       1 = I can do this with a lot of help from my teacher
       2 = I can do this with a little help
       3 = I can do this fairly well
       4 = I can do this really well
       5 = I can do this almost perfectly

        Competences                                                        Page       Your score
        I can extract specific information from even poor quality,         118        1    2    3    4    5
        audibly distorted public announcements, e.g. in a station,
        sports stadium etc.
        I can write texts which show a high degree of grammatical 120                 1    2    3    4    5
        correctness and vary my vocabulary and style according
        to the addressee, the kind of text and the topic.
        I can use language fluently, accurately and effectively on         120, 122   1    2    3    4    5
        a wide range of general, professional or academic topics.
        I have a good command of a broad vocabulary allowing       121, 123           1    2    3    4    5
        gaps to be readily overcome with circumlocutions; I rarely
        have to search obviously for expressions or compromise
        on saying exactly what I want to.
        I can write formally correct letters, for example to               125        1    2    3    4    5
        complain or to take a stand in favour of or against

xlii   CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE         New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010
CEF Student checklists: Answer key
Unit 1                                                                                          Unit 5
Competences                                                 Page        Your score              Competences                                                 Page       Your score
I can follow extended speech even when it is not            5, 10       1    2    3    4    5   I can read complex reports, analyses and                    48, 52     1    2    3    4    5
clearly structured and when relationships are only                                              commentaries where opinions, viewpoints and
implied and not signalled explicitly.                                                           connections are discussed.
I can use language flexibly and effectively for social      4, 5, 8, 12 1    2    3    4    5   I can give an extended description or account of            51         1    2    3    4    5
purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking                                              something, integrating themes, developing particular
usage.                                                                                          points and concluding appropriately.
I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and             5, 10       1    2    3    4    5   I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of      54         1    2    3    4    5
precisely, and can present and respond to complex                                               other speakers.
lines of reasoning convincingly.
                                                                                                I have a good command of a broad vocabulary                 46, 48, 51 1    2    3    4    5
I can orally summarise long, demanding texts.               6           1    2    3    4    5   allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
                                                                                                circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously
I can consistently maintain a high degree of                9, 11       1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                for expressions or compromise on saying exactly
grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to
                                                                                                what I want to.
                                                                                                I can consistently maintain a high degree of                47, 53     1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to
Unit 2
Competences                                               Page          Your score              Unit 6
I can understand a wide range of idiomatic                14, 20        1    2    3    4    5
expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating shifts                                             Competences                                                 Page       Your score
in style and register.                                                                          I can follow extended speech even when it is not            56, 60     1    2    3    4    5
I can give clear, detailed descriptions of complex        16, 17        1    2    3    4    5   clearly structured and when relationships are only
subjects.                                                                                       implied and not signalled explicitly.

I can give an extended description or account of          18, 19        1    2    3    4    5   I can extract information, ideas and opinions from          57, 58     1    2    3    4    5
something, integrating themes, developing particular                                            highly specialised texts in my own field, for example
points and concluding appropriately.                                                            research reports.
I can express myself in writing on a wide range of        19            1    2    3    4    5   I can understand long complex instructions, for             57         1    2    3    4    5
general or professional topics in a clear and                                                   example for the use of a new piece of equipment,
user-friendly manner.                                                                           even if these are not related to my job or field of
                                                                                                interest, provided I have enough time to reread them.
I can present points of view in a comment on a topic      23            1    2    3    4    5
or an event, underlining the main ideas and                                                     I can read contemporary literary texts with ease.           61         1    2    3    4    5
supporting my reasoning with detailed examples.
                                                                                                I can read any correspondence with occasional use of        65         1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                a dictionary.

Unit 3
Competences                                               Page          Your score              Unit 7
I can use language fluently, accurately and effectively   26, 27, 29,   1    2    3    4    5   Competences                                               Page          Your score
on a wide range of general, professional or academic      32
topics.                                                                                         I can understand complex technical information,           70            1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                such as operating instructions, specifications for
I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured    30            1    2    3    4    5   familiar products and services.
speech, showing control over ways of developing
what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and                                           I can understand fairly long demanding texts and          72            1    2    3    4    5
my expression of them into coherent text.                                                       summarise them orally.

I have a good command of a broad vocabulary               27, 33        1    2    3    4    5   I can use language flexibly and effectively for social    76            1    2    3    4    5
allowing gaps to be readily overcome with                                                       purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking
circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously                                              usage.
for expressions or compromise on saying exactly                                                 I can give a clearly developed presentation on a          75            1    2    3    4    5
what I want to.                                                                                 subject in my fields of personal or professional
I can present a complex topic in a clear and              25            1    2    3    4    5   interest, departing when necessary from the prepared
well-structured way, highlighting the most important                                            text and following up spontaneously points raised
points, for example in a composition or a report.                                               by members of the audience.

I can select a style appropriate to the reader in mind.   28            1    2    3    4    5   I have a good command of a broad vocabulary               70, 72, 77    1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
                                                                                                circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously
                                                                                                for expressions or compromise on saying exactly

Unit 4                                                                                          what I want to.

Competences                                                 Page        Your score
I can understand fairly long demanding texts and
summarise them orally.
                                                            36          1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                Unit 8
I can go beyond the concrete plot of a narrative and        36, 39      1    2    3    4    5   Competences                                               Page          Your score
grasp implicit meanings, ideas and connections.                                                 I can understand lectures, talks and reports in my        79, 80        1    2    3    4    5
I can use language flexibly and effectively for social      40, 43,     1    2    3    4    5   field of professional or academic interest even when
purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking          44                                  they are propositionally and linguistically complex.
usage.                                                                                          I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and           80, 81, 83    1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                precisely, and can present and respond to complex
I can substitute an equivalent term for a word I can’t      41          1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                lines of reasoning convincingly.
recall without distracting the listener.
                                                                                                I can use fluently a variety of appropriate expressions   86            1    2    3    4    5
I can give a detailed description of experiences,           45          1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                to preface my remarks in order to get the floor, or to
feelings and events in a personal letter.
                                                                                                gain time and keep the floor while thinking.
                                                                                                I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured    81            1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                speech, showing control over ways of developing
                                                                                                what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and
                                                                                                my expression of them into coherent text.
                                                                                                I can write texts which show a high degree of             87            1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary
                                                                                                and style according to the addressee, the kind of text
                                                                                                and the topic.

           New Inside Out Advanced Teacher’s Book © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010                                                                     CEF: PHOTOCOPIABLE                    xliii
Unit 9                                                                                        Unit 11
        Competences                                                Page             Your score       Competences                                                 Page     Your score
        I can read contemporary literary texts with ease.          95        1    2    3    4    5   I can without too much effort understand films              111      1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     which contain a considerable degree of slang and
        I can use language flexibly and effectively for social     88, 89    1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     idiomatic usage.
        purposes, including emotional, allusive and joking
        usage.                                                                                       I can keep up with an animated conversation between         110      1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     native speakers.
        I can give an extended description or account of           92        1    2    3    4    5
        something, integrating themes, developing particular                                         I can express my ideas and opinions clearly and             117      1    2    3    4    5
        points and concluding appropriately.                                                         precisely, and can present and respond to complex
                                                                                                     lines of reasoning convincingly.
        I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those of     96        1    2    3    4    5
        other speakers.                                                                              I can relate my own contribution skilfully to those         116      1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     of other speakers.
        I can produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured     91, 92    1    2    3    4    5
        speech, showing control over ways of developing                                              I can write texts which show a high degree of               114      1    2    3    4    5
        what I want to say in order to link both my ideas and                                        grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary
        my expression of them into coherent text.                                                    and style according to the addressee, the kind of text
                                                                                                     and the topic.

       Unit 10
        Competences                                              Page        Your score
                                                                                                     Unit 12
                                                                                                     Competences                                               Page       Your score
        I can understand a wide range of idiomatic               101, 104,   1    2    3    4    5
        expressions and colloquialisms, appreciating shifts      105, 106                            I can extract specific information from even poor         118        1    2    3    4    5
        in style and register.                                                                       quality, audibly distorted public announcements,
                                                                                                     e.g. in a station, sports stadium etc.
        I can extract information, ideas and opinions from       100, 106    1    2    3    4    5
        highly specialised texts in my own field, for example                                        I can write texts which show a high degree of             120        1    2    3    4    5
        research reports.                                                                            grammatical correctness and vary my vocabulary
                                                                                                     and style according to the addressee, the kind of text
        I can express myself fluently and spontaneously,         104, 105    1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     and the topic.
        almost effortlessly. Only a conceptually difficult
        subject can hinder a natural, smooth flow of language.                                       I can use language fluently, accurately and effectively   120, 122   1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     on a wide range of general, professional or academic
        I can consistently maintain a high degree of             103, 107    1    2    3    4    5
        grammatical accuracy; errors are rare and difficult to
        spot.                                                                                        I have a good command of a broad vocabulary               121, 123   1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     allowing gaps to be readily overcome with
        I can present a complex topic in a clear and             109         1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     circumlocutions; I rarely have to search obviously
        well-structured way, highlighting the most important
                                                                                                     for expressions or compromise on saying exactly
        points, for example in a composition or a report.
                                                                                                     what I want to.
                                                                                                     I can write formally correct letters, for example to      125        1    2    3    4    5
                                                                                                     complain or to take a stand in favour of or against

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