Northland Regional Council Minutes
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Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Northland Regional Council Minutes Extraordinary meeting held in the Council Chamber 36 Water Street, Whangārei on Tuesday 22 June 2021, commencing at 10.00am Tuhinga/Present: Chairperson, Penny Smart Councillors: Terry Archer Justin Blaikie Jack Craw Colin Kitchen Amy Macdonald Marty Robinson Rick Stolwerk Joce Yeoman (via audio visual link) I Tae Mai/In Attendance: Full Meeting Independent Financial Advisor (via audio visual link) Chief Executive Officer GM - Corporate Excellence Acting Strategy, Policy and Planning Manager Management Accountant Economist Economic Policy Advisor Policy Specialist Governance Support Manager The Chair declared the meeting open at 10.01am. Proceedings commenced with the Tauāki a roto by full council. Ngā whakapahā/Apologies (Item 1.0) The apology from the Independent Audit & Risk Advisor for non-attendance was acknowledged. Nga whakapuakanga/Declarations of Conflicts of Interest (Item 2.0) It was advised that councillors should make declarations item-by-item as the meeting progressed. ID: A1450857 1
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 Revenue and Financing Policy, Financial Contributions Policy, Significance and Engagement Policy, Financial Strategy and Infrastructure Strategy (Item 5.1) ID: A1447343 Report from Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager Moved (Stolwerk/Macdonald) 1. That the report ‘Adoption of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 Revenue and Financing Policy, Financial Contributions Policy, Significance and Engagement Policy, Financial Strategy and Infrastructure Strategy’ by Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager and dated 25 May 2021, be received. 2. That having undertaken consultation in accordance with sections 82 and 82A by way of the Special Consultative Procedure in accordance with section 87, and pursuant to section 76AA of the Local Government Act 2002, the council adopt the Significance and Engagement Policy as included in the final draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (issued in the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting supporting information). 3. That in accordance with the requirements of sections 101A and 101B of the Local Government Act 2002, the council adopts the Financial Strategy and Infrastructure Strategy as included in the final draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (issued in the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting supporting information). 4. That, having undertaken consultation in accordance with the Special Consultative Procedure, and pursuant to section 93 of the Local Government Act 2002, the council adopts as its Long Term Plan 2021-2031, the final draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (issued in the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting supporting information). 5. That having undertaken consultation in accordance with sections 82 and 82A, and pursuant to section 102 of the Local Government Act 2002, the council adopt the following policies as included in the final draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (issued in the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting supporting information): a. Revenue and Financing Policy; and b. Financial Contributions Policy. 6. That council delegate to the Group Manager – Governance and Engagement the authority to approve any minor accuracy, grammatical, typographical or formatting amendments to the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 prior to it being published. Carried Secretarial Note: Audit findings noted than an accounting loss was forecast in the 2024 financial year (year three of the Long Term Plan) as a consequence of the proposed grant of $6m in relation to the Oruku development. ID: A1450857 2
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Adoption of User Fees and Charges 2021/22 | Kaupapa Here a Utu (Item 5.2) ID: A1446820 Report from Robyn Broadhurst, Policy Specialist Moved (Kitchen/Stolwerk) 1. That the report ‘Adoption of User Fees and Charges 2021/22 | Kaupapa Here a Utu’ by Robyn Broadhurst, Policy Specialist and dated 24 May 2021, be received. 2. That council sets and adopts the User Fees and Charges 2021/22 (included as Attachment 1 pertaining Item 5.2 of the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting agenda). 3. That council authorises Bruce Howse, Group Manager – Corporate Excellence to make any necessary minor drafting, typographical, rounding, or presentation corrections to the User Fees and Charges 2021/22 prior to final publication of the document. Carried Rating Considerations Under S100T of the Biosecurity Act 1991 (Item 5.3) ID: A1447419 Report from Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager and Don McKenzie, Biosecurity Manager Moved (Craw/Blaikie) 1. That the report ‘Rating Considerations Under S100T of the Biosecurity Act 1991’ by Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager and Don McKenzie, Biosecurity Manager and dated 25 May 2021, be received. 2. That council adopts the section 100T analysis for the purpose of setting the Pest Management Rate, as set out in the Funding Impact Statement of the Long Term Plan 2021 - 2031 and as outlined in Item 5.3 of the 22 June 2021 extraordinary council meeting agenda. Carried Rates for the year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 (Item 5.4) ID: A1447428 Report from Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and Casey Mitchell, Management Accountant Moved (Stolwerk/Blaikie) 1. That the report ‘Rates for the year 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022’ by Simon Crabb, Finance Manager and Casey Mitchell, Management Accountant and dated 14 June 2021, be received. 2. That the Northland Regional Council resolves to set the following rates under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 (LGRA) for the financial year commencing 1 July 2021 and ending 30 June 2022: a. Targeted council services rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is calculated on the total projected capital value, as determined by the certificate of projected valuation of each constituent district in the Northland region. An additional $1.73 (including GST) per each rateable separately used ID: A1450857 3
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit is to be assessed across the Whangārei constituency to provide funding for the ongoing maintenance of the Hātea River Channel. The rate is differentiated by location in the Northland region and assessed as a fixed amount per each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and on each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara district. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $111.36 per SUIP Kaipara District $136.32 per RU Whangārei District $132.69 per SUIP The Whangārei District targeted council services rate amount of $132.69 (including GST) per SUIP includes funding for the Hātea River Channel amount of $1.73 (including GST). b. Targeted land and freshwater management rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is assessed on the land value of each rateable rating unit in the region. The rate is set per dollar of land value. The rate per dollar of land value is different for each constituent district because the rate is allocated based on projected land value, as provided for in section 131 of the LGRA. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $0.0003787 per dollar of land value Kaipara District $0.0003425 per dollar of land value Whangārei District $0.0003795 per dollar of land value c. Targeted pest management rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is calculated on the total projected capital value, as determined by the certificate of projected valuation of each constituent district in the Northland region. The rate is a fixed amount, differentiated by location in the Northland region. The rate will be assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $64.97 per SUIP Kaipara District $79.53 per RU Whangārei District $76.40 per SUIP d. Targeted flood infrastructure rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is a fixed amount assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $31.19 per SUIP ID: A1450857 4
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Kaipara District $31.19 per RU Whangārei District $31.19 per SUIP e. Targeted emergency and hazard management rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is calculated on the total projected capital value, as determined by the certificate of projected valuation of each constituent district in the Northland region. The rate is a fixed amount, differentiated by location in the Northland region. The rate will be assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $32.21 per SUIP Kaipara District $39.43 per RU Whangārei District $37.88 per SUIP f. Targeted emergency services rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is a fixed amount assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $11.84 per SUIP Kaipara District $11.84 per RU Whangārei District $11.84 per SUIP g. Targeted regional sporting facilities rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is a fixed amount assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit in the Far North and Whangārei districts, and each rateable rating unit (RU) in the Kaipara District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $16.95 per SUIP Kaipara District $16.95 per RU Whangārei District $16.95 per SUIP h. Targeted regional economic development rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. This rate is assessed on the land value of each rateable rating unit in the region. The rate is set per dollar of land value. The rate per dollar of land value is different for each constituent district, because the rate is allocated based on projected land value, as provided for in section 131 of the LGRA. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $0.0000240 per dollar of land value ID: A1450857 5
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Kaipara District $0.0000217 per dollar of land value Whangārei District $0.0000240 per dollar of land value i. Targeted Whangārei transport rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is a fixed amount assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP) in the Whangārei District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Whangārei District $23.07 per SUIP j. Targeted Far North transport rate A targeted rate as authorised by the LGRA. The rate is a fixed amount assessed on each rateable separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP) in the Far North District. The rate is set as follows: Including GST Far North District $8.88 per SUIP k. Targeted Awanui River management rate A targeted rate set under the LGRA, set differentially by location and area of benefit as defined in the Awanui River Flood Management Plan, and as defined in the following table: The rate is set differentially as follows: Category Description Rate including GST UA Urban rate class UA (floodplain location) $283.33 direct $311.10 per SUIP benefit plus $27.77 indirect benefit per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP). UA Urban rate class UA – commercial differential. $933.30 per SUIP UF Urban rate classes UF (higher ground) $27.77 direct $55.54 per SUIP benefit plus $27.77 indirect benefit per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit. UF Urban rate class UF – commercial differential. $166.62 per SUIP Rural Rural rate differentiated by class, $12.11 per separately $12.11 per SUIP used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP) of indirect benefit plus a rate per hectare for each of the following classes of land in the defined Kaitāia flood rating district as illustrated in the following maps and table. Class Description Rate including GST A&B High benefit; rural land which receives high benefit from the Awanui scheme works due to reduced river flooding $23.35 per hectare risk and/or reduced duration of flooding and/or coastal flooding – all rateable land other that in the commercial differential. ID: A1450857 6
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 A & B commercial differential $70.05 per hectare C Moderate benefit; land floods less frequently and water clears quickly – all rateable land other that in the $10.95 per hectare commercial differential. C commercial differential $32.85 per hectare F Contributes runoff waters and increases the need for $0.77 per hectare flood protection - all rateable land other that in the commercial differential. F commercial differential $2.31 per hectare The rating classifications are illustrated in the following maps: ID: A1450857 7
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 l. Targeted Kaihū River management rate A targeted rate set under the LGRA, and set differentially by location and area of benefit as defined in the following table: ID: A1450857 8
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Class Description Rate Including GST A Land on the floodplain and side valleys downstream of $23.13 per hectare Rotu Bottleneck. B Land on the floodplain and tributary side valleys $11.39 per hectare between Ahikiwi and the Rotu Bottleneck and in the Mangatara Drain catchment upstream of SH12. F Land within the Kaihū River rating area not falling within $1.60 per hectare Class A and Class B. Urban Contribution – A contribution from the Kaipara District $5,015 per annum Council instead of a separate rate per property: The rating classifications are illustrated in the following map: ID: A1450857 9
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 m. Targeted Kaeo-Whangaroa rivers management rate A targeted rate set under the LGRA, set on a uniform basis in respect of each rateable separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit falling within the former Whangaroa Ward rating rolls of 100-199, as illustrated in the map below: Including GST Former Whangaroa Ward $54.52 per SUIP n. Targeted Whangārei urban rivers management rate A targeted rate set under the LGRA and assessed on all rateable properties defined by reference to the differential categories and differentiated by location (illustrated in the map below) and, for some categories, land use. It is set as a fixed amount per each rateable separately used or inhabited part (SUIP) of a rating unit, as follows: Category Including GST 1 Commercial properties located in the Whangārei Central $349.49 per SUIP Business District flood area: 2 Residential properties located in the Whangārei Central $177.56 per SUIP Business District flood area: 3 Properties located in the contributing water catchment $42.22 per SUIP area (including properties falling in the Waiarohia, Raumanga, Kirikiri and Hātea River Catchments): ID: A1450857 10
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Differential categories for the Whangārei urban rivers management rate: Residential properties in the Whangārei central business district (CBD) flood area are defined as all rating units which are used principally for residential or lifestyle residential purposes, including retirement villages, flats etc. Residential properties Residential properties also includes multi-unit properties, these in the Whangārei being all separate rating units used principally for residential central business district purposes, and on which is situated multi-unit type residential accommodation that is used principally for temporary or permanent residential accommodation and for financial reward, including, but not limited to, hotels, boarding houses, motels, tourist accommodation, residential clubs and hostels but excluding ID: A1450857 11
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 any properties that are licensed under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Commercial properties in the Whangārei CBD flood area are all separate rating units used principally for commercial, industrial or Commercial properties related purposes or zoned for commercial, industrial or related in the Whangārei purposes in accordance with the Whangārei district plan. For the central business district avoidance of doubt, this category includes properties licensed under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol 2012; and private hospitals and private medical centres. o. Targeted Taumārere rivers management rate A targeted rate set under the LGRA, set on a uniform basis in respect of each rateable separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit falling within the Tamārere, as illustrated in the map below: Including GST Taumārere $61.13 per SUIP • Payment dates for rates, discounts, and penalty regime That the Northland Regional Council resolves the following: Far North District constituency: All rates within the Far North District constituency are payable in four equal instalments, on the following dates: ID: A1450857 12
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Instalment Due date for payment Instalment 1 20 August 2021 Instalment 2 22 November 2021 Instalment 3 21 February 2022 Instalment 4 20 May 2022 The Northland Regional Council resolves to add the following penalties to unpaid Far North District constituency rates: • In accordance with section 58(1)(a) of the LGRA, a penalty of ten percent (10%) will be added to any portion of each instalment of Far North District constituency rates assessed in the 2021/22 financial year that is unpaid on or by the respective due date for payment as stated above. These penalties will be added on the following dates: Instalment Date penalty will be added Instalment 1 27 August 2021 Instalment 2 29 November 2021 Instalment 3 28 February 2022 Instalment 4 27 May 2022 Kaipara District constituency: All rates within the Kaipara District constituency are payable in four equal instalments, on the following dates: Instalment Due date for payment Instalment 1 20 August 2021 Instalment 2 20 November 2021 Instalment 3 20 February 2022 Instalment 4 20 May 2022 The Northland Regional Council resolves to add the following penalties to unpaid Kaipara District constituency rates: • In accordance with section 58(1) (a) of the LGRA, a penalty of ten percent (10%) of so much of each instalment of the Kaipara District constituency rates assessed in the 2021/22 financial year that are unpaid after the relevant due date for each instalment will be added on the relevant penalty date for each instalment stated below, except where a ratepayer has entered into an arrangement by way of direct debit authority, or an automatic payment authority, and honours that arrangement. These penalties will be added on the following dates: Instalment Date penalty will be added Instalment 1 21 August 2021 Instalment 2 21 November 2021 Instalment 3 21 February 2022 ID: A1450857 13
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Instalment 4 21 May 2022 • In accordance with section 58(1)(b) of the LGRA, a penalty of ten per cent (10%) of the amount of all Kaipara District constituency rates (including any penalties) from any previous financial years that are unpaid on 7 July 2021 will be added on 8 July 2021. • In accordance with section 58(1)(c) of the LGRA, a penalty of ten per cent (10%) of the amount of all Kaipara District constituency rates to which a penalty has been added under the point immediately above and which remain unpaid on 10 January 2022 will be added on 11 January 2022. Whangārei District constituency: All rates within the Whangārei District constituency are payable in four equal instalments, on the following dates: Instalment Due date for payment Instalment 1 20 August 2021 Instalment 2 20 November 2021 Instalment 3 20 February 2022 Instalment 4 20 May 2022 The Northland Regional Council resolves to add the following penalties to unpaid Whangārei District constituency rates: • In accordance with section 58(1)(a) of the LGA, a penalty of ten percent (10%) will be added to any portion of each instalment of Whangārei District constituency rates assessed in the 2021/22 financial year that is unpaid on or by the respective due date for payment as stated above. These penalties will be added on the following dates: Instalment Date penalty will be added Instalment 1 25 August 2021 Instalment 2 24 November 2021 Instalment 3 23 February 2022 Instalment 4 25 May 2022 • In accordance with section 58(1)(b) of the LGRA, a penalty of ten per cent (10%) will be added to any Whangārei District constituency rates (including any penalties) from any financial year prior to 1 July 2021 that still remain unpaid as at 1 July 2021. This penalty will be added on 1 September 2021. The district councils have advised that their rates adoption dates are as follows: • Far North District Council – 24 June 2021 • Kaipara District Council – 30 June 2021 • Whangarei District Council – 24 June 2021. Should their collection and/or penalty dates change through the rate setting process we will need to amend our resolution accordingly. Carried ID: A1450857 14
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 Adoption of rating policies pertaining to the Kaipara, Whangārei and Far North districts, including policies on remission and postponement of rates on Māori freehold land (Item 5.5) ID: A1447782 Report from Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager; Kim Harvey, Assistant Management Accountant and Casey Mitchell, Management Accountant Moved (Macdonald/Robinson) 1. That the report ‘Adoption of rating policies pertaining to the Kaipara, Whangārei and Far North districts, including policies on remission and postponement of rates on Māori freehold land’ by Kyla Carlier, Acting Strategy Policy and Planning Manager; Kim Harvey, Assistant Management Accountant and Casey Mitchell, Management Accountant and dated 26 May 2021, be received. 2. That having undertaken consultation in accordance with sections 82 and 83, and pursuant to section 102 and sections 108-110 of the Local Government Act 2002, and sections 55 and 56 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, and having considered Schedule 11 of the Local Government Act 2002, the council adopt the rating policies for the Kaipara district, Whangārei district, and Far North district (including the Policy on the Remission and Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land), that are relevant to the Northland Regional Council effective from 1 July 2021 included as an attachment to this agenda. 3. That council authorise Bruce Howse – Group Manager, Corporate Excellence, to make any necessary minor drafting, typographical, or presentation corrections to the rating policies prior to the document going to print. Carried Joint Delivery of Local Government Economic Development Services in Northland (Item 5.6) ID: A1450759 Report from Emmanouela Galanou, Economic Policy Advisor and Darryl Jones, Economist Moved (Blaikie/Kitchen) 1. That the report ‘Joint Delivery of Local Government Economic Development Services in Northland’ by Emmanouela Galanou, Economic Policy Advisor and Darryl Jones, Economist and dated 10 June 2021, be received. 2. That council agrees to sell 40 shares in Northland Inc Limited to each of Far North District Council and Kaipara District Council at a value of $2 per share and authorises the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Share Sale and Purchase Agreements (Attachment One pertaining to Item 5.6 of the 22 June 2021 extraordinary meeting agenda) and Share Transfer Forms (Attachment Two) to execute the sale. 3. That council authorises Chair Penny Smart to sign the Northland Inc Limited Shareholder Agreement (Attachment Three) which includes the Constitution of Northland Inc Limited. 4. That council authorises the establishment of a Joint Regional Economic Development Committee with Far North District Council and Kaipara District Council, pursuant to clause 30(1)(b) and 30A of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. ID: A1450857 15
Extraordinary Council Meeting 22 June 2021 5. That council adopt the Terms of Reference for the Joint Regional Economic Development Committee (Attachment Four), delegates those responsibilities and duties to the Joint Regional Economic Development Committee and acknowledges that this fulfils the requirements of clause 30A(1) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. 6. That council appoints Councillor Blaikie and Councillor Archer as council’s representatives on the Joint Regional Economic Development Committee and appoints Councillor Kitchen as the alternative elected member. 7. That council agrees to the new Criteria and procedures for the allocation of funding from the Investment and Growth Reserve (Attachment Five). Carried Secretarial Note: The Chair extended congratulations to all for ‘a successful Long Term Plan’. Whakamutunga (Conclusion) The meeting concluded at 10.07am. ID: A1450857 16
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