A Just World for All - May 29, 2022 10:00 AM - Congregational Church of Birmingham United Church of Christ - Congregational ...
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Congregational Church of Birmingham United Church of Christ A Just World for All May 29, 2022 10:00 AM
Welcome Visitors! We hope you enjoy this church home. Please take a moment to join us in signing and passing the Ritual of Friendship book in the pews. We heartily welcome you to this church family. Our Nursery is available during worship. An usher can direct you. You May Contact Rev. Ralph Brown for any pastoral request or emergency at 586-872-1618 or brown.ralph.h@gmail.com Prayer Requests? Text them to Rev. Brown (586-872-1618) by 9:30 AM Sunday for inclusion in the Sunday prayers, and/or email them to the church office by 9:00 AM Monday (ccbinfo@ccbucc.org) to be included in the Weekly Prayers email. Get in the Loop! Stay current on CCBUCC news. Contact the church office to receive our email communications. View Sunday Worship Live Streams and all previously recorded services at: https://www.youtube.com/c/CongregationalChurchofBirminghamUCC WORSHIP IN OUR SANCTUARY IS LIVE STREAMED so that those unable to be with us in person can worship online on our YouTube channel (see link below). We’re happy to be accessible to everyone and are deeply grateful to Chris Hiner for creating the technological set up! We invite others to be trained to monitor the sound and live chat. Our Media & Communications Specialist, Daniel Jaros, runs the streaming technology during the service. Interested in how it works? Worship up in the balcony and learn the ropes! https://www.youtube.com/c/CongregationalChurchofBirminghamUCC THERE IS NO SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS SUNDAY, MAY 29. Summer Sunday School starts NEXT Sunday, June 5, when children will go to their class in the Arlund Room after the Time with Children. Beginning Sunday, June 12, the children will meet in one group in the garden area (through the path in the hedge on the south side of the parking lot) before worship begins. Class will be over when worship concludes. Please pick up your children as soon as the Postlude is completed. This summer, children will be learning about and promoting the Heifer Project, an international program designed to assist impoverished people
to become self-sustaining. The congregation will be invited to donate to this program over the summer. Members of 4-H who raise animals will be visiting with our children to teach about animal care! One volunteer each week is needed to assist Carmel during June. In July, volunteers will lead a story and play time with the children. Stories will be provided. Please sign-up and volunteer to assist or lead by contacting Carmel at CARMELF711@YAHOO.COM WORSHIP GUIDE (Bold indicates in unison.) [Live Streaming Begins Here] PRELUDE “Create in Me a Clean Heart” Anonymous, arr. Hayes THRESHOLD MOMENT Pastor Ralph “What, now?! What’s next?! Hey, I didn’t sign on for this! I know things change, but come on! Does everything have to change at once? Couldn’t we take these things on one at a time?” I know this is a bit of an exaggeration, but we may well feel like that. I imagine the first disciples of Jesus felt something like this. One moment they are in the Galilean countryside, the next they are in Jerusalem where Jesus is arrested and crucified. Then, the strange news of his resurrection and the stranger appearances of the resurrected Christ among them. Now, at the conclusion of Eastertide, he is surrounded by a cloud and taken up? What are they to think? What are they to do? Times of change, times of transition are confusing. Let’s talk about some resources that might sustain us through times like these. SONG “Hail the Day That Sees Christ Rise” Llanfair (To the tune of Chalice #21 “Let the Whole Creation Cry”) Hail the day that sees Christ rise, Al – le – lu – ia! To a throne in par – i – dise; Al – le – lu – ia! Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Al – le – lu – ia! Enters now the high-est heaven, Al – le – lu – ia! (continued)
See! The nail marked hands above, Al – le – lu – ia! Sing of God’s redeeming love; Al – le – lu – ia! Hark! Christ’s words our hearts assure; Al–le–lu–ia! “I will send a Com – fort – er! Al – le – lu – ia! Christ for us still in – ter – cede, Al – le – lu – ia! By your suffering for us plead; Al – le – lu – ia! Make us worthy of the place, Al – le – lu – ia! Which you offer us by grace. Al – le – lu – ia! OPENING PRAYER Dr. Joe Bentley and All Let us pray: Most High God, we your people recall that though Jesus was one with you in heaven he did not think divinity a thing to be grasped, but instead emptied himself, being born in human form. And finding himself a human being, he humbled himself taking the role of a servant. And being a servant, he remained faithful to you and to your love, even to his death on a cross. Therefore, you raised him up to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen. THE WORD IN SCRIPTURE Acts 1:1-11 (TIB) Dr. Joe Bentley In my earlier account, Theophilus, I dealt with everything that Jesus had done and taught from the beginning until the day he was taken up after he had given instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. After the Passion, Jesus appeared alive to the apostles – confirmed through many convincing proofs – over the course of forty days, and spoke to them about the reign of God. On one occasion, Jesus told them not to leave Jerusalem. “Wait, rather, for what God has promised, of which you have heard me speak,” Jesus said. “John baptized with water, but within a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
While meeting together they asked, “Has the time come, Rabbi? Are you going to restore sovereignty to Israel?” Jesus replied, “It’s not for you to know times or dates that Abba God has decided. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; then you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth. Having said this, Jesus was lifted up in a cloud before their eyes and taken from their sight. They were still gazing up into the heavens when two messengers dressed in white stood beside them. “You Galileans – why are you standing here looking up at the skies?” they asked. “Jesus who has been taken from you – this same Jesus will return in the same way you watched him go into heaven.” For the word of God in Scripture, for the word of God among us, for the word of God within us, THANKS BE TO GOD! SUNG RESPONSE “Holy Ground” CH #112 We are standing on holy ground, and I know that there are angels all around; let us praise Jesus now, we are standing in his presence on holy ground. TIME WITH CHILDREN Rev. Ralph Brown (The children may now return to their seats.) THE WORD IN MUSIC "In Heaven's Eyes" McHugh Soloist: Larry Reeve OUR CONVERSATION “In Times of Transition” Rev. Ralph Brown DRAWING CLOSE TO GOD IN PRAYER Pastor Ralph We Continue to Pray for: Afghan and Ukrainian citizens and refugees, in dire circumstances seeking safety and peace All at risk in contracting COVID-19 Ben Sharpe, with anxiety and depression challenges (continued)
Bob Rauth and family, grieving the death of his wife, Marilyn Charles Sinclair, an 11-month-old receiving cancer treatments Cindy Kyle and family, grieving the death of her mother, Annabelle Cliff & Jacquie Wagoner, adjusting in their new spaces David, brother of Paul von Oeyen, gratefully in remission from leukemia, and dealing with lingering complications from decreased immunity Elie Schulz, recovering from ACL repair surgery Greg Peterson and family, grieving the death of his aunt, Judy Brooks Jean Thomson, in assisted living following a stroke Jeff Foust’s mother, diagnosed with breast cancer Liz Kircos, in rehab following hip surgery after a fall Lynn McClinton, Leslie Benyo’s sister, recovering from a mild stroke and dealing with other infirmities Mary Peterson and family, grieving the death of her mother, Edith Price Melissa Crook and family, separated from her daughter, Calliope Oxford students, teachers, and all families, grieving in the wake of gun violence Ruth Biersdorf, in treatment for cancer Shirley Fogarty, recovering in Florida after a fall Sue Potter and family, mourning the death of her brother, Robert Victims of war, violence, and natural disasters everywhere Youth and adults with mental health challenges THE PRAYER OF JESUS All People Our Loving God beyond and within, holy is your name. Your community come, your way be followed on earth as it is in heaven. Give us, today, our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For yours is the way, the power and the glory, now and forever. Amen.
SUNG RESPONSE “Lord, Listen to Your People Praying” CH #305 Lord, listen to your people praying, Lord, send your spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your people praying, send us love, send us pow’r, send us grace! OUR GIFTS & SERVICE Your offering is welcomed in support of our ministry and may be made online at www.ccbucc.org; placed in the offering plate at the worship welcome area before, during, and after worship; or mailed to the church Attn: Treasurer. SONG “Sing of One Who Walks Beside Us” CH #231 Sing of one who walks beside us and this day is living still, one who now is closer to us than the thoughts our hearts distill, Christ who once upon a hilltop, raised against the power of sin, died in love as his own creatures crucified their God and Friend! We have walked with him as strangers through the journey of the day, and have told him of the violence that has swept our hope away. He has offered words of comfort, words of energy and light. Did our hearts not blaze within us as he broke the bread this night? Risen one, stay with us, raise us, once again the night is near. Dine with us and share your wisdom, free our hearts from ev’ry fear. In the calm of each new evening, in the freshness of each dawn, if you hold us fast in friendship we will never be alone.
WE LEAVE TO SERVE Pastor Ralph and All Go forth into the world to serve God with gladness; be of good courage; hold fast to that which is good; return to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honor all people; love and serve God, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. The grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen. POSTLUDE “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Hughes/Bizet, with “Prelude” from L’arlésienne Suite No. 1 arr. Ham [Live Streaming Ends Here] WE THANK our greeters, ushers, liturgist, soloist, Tech Team: Daniel Jaros & Chris Hiner, Worship Design: Leslie O’Day-Benyo, and Music Team: Joe Bentley & Yalan Piao, for all their help with today’s service. JOYS, CONCERNS & MINISTRY UPDATES Pastor Ralph (Please sign and pass the Ritual of Friendship pad in your pew.) OUR MINISTRY UPDATES STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH OFFERING: In the last year, investments in technology allowed many United Church of Christ congregations to enhance their online worship services. Other funds enabled new and renewing churches to grow their communities, one in a gentrifying neighborhood, others on a college campus and a town square. COVID-19 grants empowered 50 churches to better serve their neighbors and their congregants gathering virtually during the pandemic. All of these ministries were supported through gifts to Strengthen the Church (STC). We are collecting the STC offering TODAY. Make donations
online at www.ccbucc.org, mail checks directly to the church (Attn: Treasurer), or place them in the offering plate at the entrance to the worship area before, during and after worship. Please identify all donations specifically for “Strengthen the Church.” THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED for the Memorial Day holiday tomorrow, Monday, May 30. The office will reopen at 9 AM on Tuesday. THE 2022 RUMMAGE SALE: THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE Profits: $12,000 including eBay sales with more to come and all of the net proceeds will go to charitable organizations. Remainders: Motown Thrift in Westland was the beneficiary of our remainders (a percentage of their sales goes to American Veterans). An 18’ truck was filled and a second load was picked up this week. Recycling: We made a concerted effort to recycle – cardboard, paper, plastic bags, scrap metal, fabric, and electronics – such that recycling far exceeded landfill trash. The three-year gap between sales caused by COVID was challenging, but our volunteers rose to the occasion. Thank you for your donations of rummage and your support -- in person and in spirit! Lynn Wilsher & Steve Olson CALLING ALL GRADUATES! Do we have any graduates to honor this year? If you know of someone, please let the church office know ASAP (ccbinfo@ccbucc.org). Email us the student’s name, school, diploma/degree or certificate information, and future plans. Thank you! VEGGIE GARDEN UPDATE: FENCE & WATER! Thanks to a lot of hard work from many of you, the garden has a fence and a water source! So we're into a new phase of planting and weeding. We're accepting plant donations - especially food perennials, maybe there's something spreading all over your yard that you'd like to split (raspberry, rhubarb, chive, sage, etc). If anyone would like to help weed, you can do it any time. (continued)
Call or text Maria at 651-587-5187 for instructions on weeding help and/or plant donations. MINISTRY TEAMS SIGN-UP: Use the following link to the Google sheets sign-up documents for all the CCBUCC Ministry Teams throughout the year: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-SdAgQsKF_zVLNdWYhS- UYS8cuhK1U48_GWqE3PH-Bs/edit#gid=0 Check often for continuing and new opportunities to participate. Access the document as many times as you wish. Change/update your choices as needed. Paper sheets are also available on a table outside the Sanctuary. Questions? Email Cathy Rupert cathyrupert@hotmail.com
What’s Happening @ CCBUCC This Week Bold indicates CCB and/or UCC related event. Regular font indicates outside usage. Sunday 9:45 AM Nursery 5/29/22 10:00 AM Worship (S and/or YouTube) 11:00 AM Social Hour (FH) Monday Memorial Day – Church Office Closed 5/30/22 7:00 AM Sober Morning AA (AR) 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) Tuesday 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) 5/31/22 3:00 PM Madeleine’s French Patisserie (K & P) Wednesday 7:00 AM Sober Morning AA (AR) 6/1/22 10:00 AM New Beginnings Al-Anon (AR) 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) 7:00 PM Survivors of Suicide Loss (AR) Thursday 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) 6/2/22 3:00 PM Madeleine’s French Patisserie (K & P) 7:30 PM Nan’s Group Women’s AA (AR & L) Friday 7:00 AM Sober Morning AA (AR) 6/3/22 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) 2:00 PM Family Farms Cooperative (FH) Saturday 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal (S) 6/4/22 9:00 AM Virtual DMA Spring Meeting 1:00 PM Pride Festival (Ferndale) Sunday 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal (S) 6/5/22 10:00 AM Worship with Communion (S and/or YouTube) 11:00 AM Social Hour (FH) Monday 7:00 AM Sober Morning AA (AR) 6/6/22 12:00 PM New Beginnings of Bloomfield Hills AA (AR & FH) The complete church calendar is on our website: www.ccbucc.org
A Just World for All Seventh Sunday of Easter May 29, 2022 Welcome to CCBUCC an “Open and Affirming” Church We warmly welcome everyone to worship and into the full life and leadership of the church. Whatever your background - your race, your nationality, your physical or mental condition, your gender, your sexual orientation - whoever you are and wherever you come from, we welcome you in love as Jesus Christ welcomes all. Gathered by the Holy Spirit, may the comfort and challenge of God’s presence renew and inspire us all throughout the coming week. Again, welcome! A Stephen Ministry Congregation Contact a Stephen Minister Leader: Dr. Paul von Oeyen 248-646-0837 THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF BIRMINGHAM 1000 CRANBROOK ROAD (@ WOODWARD AVE) BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MICHIGAN 48304-2725 PHONE: 248-646-4511 EMAIL: ccbinfo@ccbucc.org CCB WEBSITE: www.ccbucc.org MICHIGAN CONFERENCE WEBSITE: www.michucc.org DENOMINATIONAL WEBSITE: www.ucc.org CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Ministers - The Congregation Rev. Ralph Brown, Bridge Pastor Dr. Carmel Tinnes, Director of Christian Education Dr. Joe Bentley, Choral Director Dr. Yalan Piao, Accompanist Jasmin West, Preschool/Early Elementary Teacher Daniel Jaros, Media & Communications Specialist Beth Prevost, Church Administrator Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM, Lunch Break: 12:30 PM-1:00 PM
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