The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020

Page created by Freddie Stanley
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
The Sentinel
                                                                                                 Volume 58 No. 1

  Magazine of Giffnock South Parish Church
                                                                  Looking up at the words Improves the singing

            Shows the words of the hymns

                                           At the ‘In Harmony’ Community Choir Concert

Showing the knitted Nativity figures
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Page 2                                ……..the screens! Have you noticed? The talk over the past few years about the imminent
                                      introduction of them produced enough hot air to heat the church! There was ’for’ and ‘against’
                                      but, now it’s done, we like what we see and when the cameras are introduced those at the back
                                      will get a good view of any action at the front. See front page photos. Ed

  Contributions for the Mar/Apr edition of The Sentinel should be sent to
Church Office (emailed to by FEBRUARY 9th.

                                                       GIFFNOCK SOUTH NEWS
The 254th Boy’s Brigade Company has been left a                                                  Thank you to all the individuals who kindly
substantial legacy from a former member. Following                                               knitted Christmas Angels. They have all
consultation, it was agreed that a portion should be given                                       now been distributed to pupils in Holly-
                                                                                                 brook School, Govanhill, Woman’s Aid,
to Glasgow Battalion for ongoing work with boys in
                                                                                                 Eastwood Care Home, Wellmeadow Care
Glasgow and that donations should go to the 9th                                                  Home, The Stables (Dementia Centre) &
Glasgow (Pollokshaws) and 86th Glasgow (Orchardhill)                                             WIN Project .
Companies due to our close connections. The remaining
money will be used to upgrade the Winton Hall.
                                                                      Local News
Thanks to all who contributed towards the fan-                        The union of Stamperland Parish Church and Nether-
tastic sum of £1207.50 raised for the Lodging                         lee Parish Church took place recently and was cele-
House Mission Christmas retiral collection.                           brated at a special service on Sunday 26th January.

                                                           As part of The Giffnock Churches pulpit exchange we were
                                                           delighted to welcome the Rev. Dr. Grant Barclay to lead us in
                                                           worship on Sunday 12th January. Grant provided his own
                                                           transport which is pictured here! Clad in Hi-Viz cycling gear he
                                                           made it to the church in the dry and we are assured he made
                                                           it home safely.

                                                                 MONTHLY QUIZ
         Dorothy Scott and Martin Bennie both handed in correct solutions to December’s Quiz (answers below) and
         Martin’s entry was the one drawn and he will be awarded the prize.

                         Find the items associated with one - ANSWERS                                                 No.42

          1   Its charms unfold                         Christmas     11   A penny chimney                            Advent

          2   A country for dinner                      Turkey        12   Or moon unformed                           No room
          3   Lets in clutter                           Tinsel        13   The curtain never reveals it               Inn
          4   Fog, the French go east                   Mistletoe     14   Sounds as if a pound is missing            Noel
          5   Hoy! 2Ls go inside                        Holly         15   Use by jabs to reveal it                   Baby Jesus

          6   New semi is built                         Wise men      16   One goes with safe breakers                Christmas crackers

          7   Wager hotel on the French garment edge    Bethlehem     17   Back-facing rats                           Star
          8   Expensive precipitation?                  Reindeer      18   A dark colour with 2 x it (one backward)   Nativity

          9   Confuse as a lust can                     Santa Claus   19   Female is quiet on hard eastern roads      Shepherds

         10   Sic - piemen made them                    Mince pies    20   Chief is female with no penny              King Herod
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Dear Friends,
                                                                                                    CHURCH               Page 3
                               Lent begins this year with Ash Wednesday on February
                               26th as the landscape around us begins to wake up to                DIRECTORY
                               Spring. Lent is a time of reflection, and it is a time of
                               growth for us as it is a time of growth in the gardens,
                               fields and hedgerows that have had a wet and mild
                                                                                                  The Minister:
                               winter. The weeks of Lent give us the opportunity to        Rev Catherine Beattie BDMin
                               take stock of the direction of our lives; we might “give
                               something up for Lent”, but equally we might do some-                0141 258 7804
                               thing more. Lent is not a retreat from the challenges of
                               the world we live in; it is a time when we could put            07709 086 767 Mobile
                               aside our preoccupations for a while so that we might
                                   grow in understanding, giving ourselves space to
      The Minister’s
                                consider the part we play in the complex affairs of this
                                   fragile planet.
                                                                                           Church Office Hours:
Open our hearts                                                                            The church office is open in
                                                                                           the mornings from Monday to
That we may feel the breath and play of your Spirit,
                                                                                           Thursday from 8.30am till 1pm
Unclench our hands
                                                                                                    0141 638 2599
That we may reach out to one another in openness and generosity,
Free our lips
that we may speak for those whose voices are not heard,
Unblock our ears
                                                                                                Session Clerk:
To hear the cries of the broken-hearted,
                                                                                                     Alison Fenton
And open our eyes
To see Christ in friend and stranger,
                                                                                                07713 242 080 Mobile

That in sharing our love and pain,                                                             Church Website:
Our poverty and prosperity,
We may move towards that peace and justice which comes from you
And so find ourselves in your divine reconciliation.
                                                                                            Scottish Charity:SCO007807
(Christian Aid prayer)

                                                                                            Enjoy a cup of tea
Jesus went into the desert to begin his new life, he was tested there, and grew into         or coffee before
the person who leads us and teaches us how to live this Lent, and always, as active
                                                                                              and after the
and faithful citizens in his Kingdom.

Catherine                                                                                    TEXT OF
  There will be a Contemporary Evening Service at 6.30pm
                   on Sunday 9th February                                                    MONTH

                                                                                           Jesus did many other thing. If every
We are delighted to welcome the Rev Jim Whyte who will support                             one of them were written down, I
                                                                                           suppose that even the whole world
our minister with pastoral care in our congregation. It is envisaged
                                                                                           would not have room for the books
that Jim will carry out pastoral visits two afternoons per week. He                        that would be written.
started on 9th December.                                                                                          John 21: 25
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Page 4                                                                                 fairtrade
                        The Guild                               We greatly value support for this very important and worth-
          David Atkins takes us "Doon the Watter & to Costa     while effort to lighten the burden of our brothers and sisters
                                                                across the world. Even buying the smallest bar of chocolate
          Clyde" on 5th February
                                                                will make a difference!
 and on 19th February Kirsty Williams will be telling us
 about BBC Radio Drama.                                         The FAIRTRADE STALL is situated in the Winton Hall on the
                                                                second Sunday of every month.

 The Guild Guest Afternoon is on 4th March when Maureen
 Park will talk about "The Glasgow Boys". As well as our own
                                                                                       SING WELL
 members and visiting Guilds, members of the congregation
 are welcome. Please let a guild member know if you would       The next ‘Sing Well’ will be on 12th February at the
 like to come as this helps with the catering.                  usual time of 1.45pm. All are welcome. The sing-
 Myra Rao                                                       ing and chat are good and the home baking is just
                                                                divine! Future dates are:- 11th March, 22nd April
                                                                & 20th May.
                    Ladies’ lunch
Anyone is welcome to join us for these happy monthly                     Eastwood court care home
meetings. The date and venue are still to be confirmed but
the sign up sheet is on the noticeboard at the entrance to      Services are held at 6.30pm on the first Tuesday of
the halls or contact Wilma (230-5139) or Myra (637-5353).       the month. All welcome.

                     men’s lunch                                                      Women’s aid

Tuesday 4th February at 12.30 is the date and time but as the   Toiletries, toys, clothes and donations have been
Redhurst is closing for refurbishment please phone either       gratefully received and distributed to the needy.
Ronnie Macintosh (639 6499) or Graeme Whyte (638 2966)          More contributions are always welcome
for details.

                                                                February Dates at a Glance
                                                                Sat 1st 1pm: Concert Series: The Turadh
           The Tuesday drop-in club                             String Quartet
Every Tuesday morning from 10.15am - just come! All are
                                                                Sun 2nd 11am & 3pm Communion Services
welcome - it's fun, it's friendly and mostly we have home
                                                                Tue 4th 12.30pm: Men’s Lunch
                                                                Tue 4th 6.30pm: Eastwood Care Home
                                                                Wed 5th 2pm: The Guild - David Atkins
                                                                Sun 9th 6.30pm: Contemporary Evening
  GIFFNOCK UNITED REFORMED CHURCH NEWS                          Wed 19th 2pm:The Guild - Kirsty Williams
Our weekly lunchtime service is every Wednesday at
11.30am and Lunchbite is at 12.15pm on the same day.
The Sunshine Café (Dementia Club) meets on a Thurs-             Some March Dates
day at 11.30am.
                                                                Wed 4th The Guild - Guest Afternoon
If you are interested in a Friday afternoon walk in             Sat 7th 1pm: Concert by members of RCS
Rouken Glen Park, meet at the car park beside the vets'         Wed 11th 1.45pm: Sing Well
practice at 2pm.
Our Saturday Coffee Mornings are every Saturday at
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Page 5

  1/2/2020 1pm: The Turadh String Quartet.

The next recital will take place on Saturday 1st
February at 1pm, featuring The Turadh String Quartet.
The quartet officially formed in February 2019 when
they successfully auditioned at the Wigmore Hall to
become young artists of The Musician’s Company.
Between them, the members of the quartet have
worked extensively throughout Scotland and the UK
with leading orchestras and ensembles and are all
members of the Broen Ensemble, a young string
ensemble committed to exploring chamber music.
The group will perform music by Haydn, Greig and
Webern, as well as music by Arvo Part. Tickets £5,
includes tea and coffee after the recital, with an
opportunity to meet the performers.

Giffnock South Concert Series - Dates for your Diary     The Sunday School excelled yet again with the 2019
                                                         Nativity “Whoops-a-Daisy Angel”, a delightful story of a
7th March - Campus Trio (saxophones and piano).
                                                         disorganised but lovable angel who is chosen to show
4th April - Duo Doyenne (violin & piano)
                                                         the way to Bethlehem.
2nd May - Piano, Cello & Flute trio
                                                         The congregation thoroughly enjoyed this performance
6th June - Genovia Quartet ( bassoon quartet)
                                                         and a huge thank you to all the children and young
                                                         people for all their hard work in learning the songs,
                   FUTURE DATES
                                                         actions and speaking parts. They were superb.
              15/3/2020 Souper Sunday.
                                                         Thanks also to Kirsty Duncan as Producer and the
    26/4-29/4/2020 Aberdeen trip (fully booked)
                                                         adults who supported the children at this performance
  10/5/20 VE Day Lunch (by Wayfaring Chef & Co)
                                                         and during rehearsals (see picture on EGAP)

The Campus Trio (including organist Richard             St Margaret’s Scottish Episcopal Church, Newlands
Scholfield) will perform a recital as part of the
“Second Sunday” series in St Margaret’s Scottish
Episcopal Church, Newlands, at 3pm on Sunday 9th
February. The group is modelled on the traditional
piano trio, but replaces the string instruments with
two saxophones. They will perform music by
Shostakovich as well as a unique transcription of
Dvorak’s Piano Trio no.4 “Dumky”. Tickets £6 (£4
concession), under 16’s free.
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Page 6                                             Parish Register
Baptism: Suffer the little children to come unto me
On 24th November 2019 – Mia Taylor Stephen
Joining us: We extend a warm welcome to
                                                                                                   If any of your personal details change,
On 31st October 2019- Neil McNeil
                                                                                                     please notify the Church Office at:
On 16th December 2019- Rev James Whyte and Norma Whyte
                                                                                                   4 Greenhill Avenue, Giffnock, Glasgow
                                                                                                                 G46 6QX
Deaths: Well done thou good and faithful servant. Rest safe in the Lord                                               or
On 1 November 2019 – John Willoughby                                                                     Telephone 0141 638 2599
On 13 November 2019- Mildred Dunsmore                                                                                 or
On 18 November 2019- Audrey Clements                                                               Email:
On 15 December 2019- Iain Watson
On 16th December 2019 – Margaret Ballantyne
Parish Deaths: Well done thou good and faithful servant. Rest safe in the Lord
David Collinson
Bill Boag                                                       To ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Act, we will no
                                                                longer publish addresses in Sentinel. Anyone who requires further
Elizabeth Law
                                                                information about any of the intimations above should contact the
James Souter                                                    Church Office.

 Date                 2 February          9 February          16 February         23 February

 Welcome Teams        Team 3              Team 4              Team 5              Team 6

 Crèche               Nicola Johnston     Lisbeth Taylor      Alison Campbell     Elspeth Marshall

 Café Rota 1          Brenda Williams     Liz Burns           John Fitzgerald     Sue Harvey
                      Helen Black         Marjory Grimmond    Kathy Fitzgerald    Avril Holland

 Café Rota 2          Mora Kerr           Marjory Grimmond    Di Fotheringham     Robert Beattie
                      Jeanette Wright     Elaine Crawford     Anne MacDonald      Sheila Dunbar
                      Eileen Crawford     Sheila Walker       Liz Gibbs           Marion Smith

 Sunday School        Emma Honan          Laura Reid          Lynn Cameron        Kirsty Duncan
                      Margaret Scott      Anita Callendar     Jane Coleman        Diane Johnston

 Flower Delivery      Elspeth Marshall    Janey McFarlane     Sandra Mitchell     Louise Orr

                                   FEBRUARY 2020
                                   New Partnerships Jackie Macadam learns about the successes and hurdles faced by uniting or linking
                                   Run With Patience The life and faith of ultramarathon runner Dr Mark Calder
                                   No Time to Waste In the first in a series of columns marking the 50th anniversary of the Church of Scotland’s
                                   SRT (Society, Religion and Technology), Dr John Francis reflects on nuclear energy and weapons
               SUE   OUT N         A Medieval Church Court Andrew Stevenson reports on a unique church court in the Channel Islands
  B R U ARY IS                     A Spirit of Generosity David Lynch reflects on the recent journey of stewardship in the Church of Scotland
                                   and the advance of new technology
                                   The Church of Veere Anne-Mary Paterson reflects on the history and legacy of the first overseas Church of
   To order, contact Alan          Be the Change You Want to SeeIn this month’s youth column, Matthew Macneil traces his faith journey, and
          Gray on                  his role in the Awakening Youth conference in Lewis.
                                   Everything Has to Go Continuing his focus on 1 Thessalonians, the Rev Dr Martin Fair explains why there
          0141 639 1401
                                   needs to be a turning away from one thing to another.
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Page 7

Spitha Brass quintet entertained us with some jazz and festive pieces on Saturday 14th December

   Christingle 2019

                                           A close-up of the beautifully knitted Nativity figures
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
Whoops-a Daisy Angels cast and helpers enjoying a well earned rest

                                                                       Great fun with the kaleidoscopes this morning!
                                                                        Thanks to Rev. Grant Barclay & the screens!

The quiz night in November was
well attended. For the first time
there was a draw which led to a
play-off between the two con-
tenders to find an outright win-
ning team (picture on the right)
The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020 The The Sentinel Jan/Feb 2020
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