2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz

2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
2018- 2019 YEARBOOK

Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz

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2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
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2   Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
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2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz

6          CLUB EXECUTIVE                                         TOURNAMENT RESULTS

8          HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS                             28   Russell Hardie Top Gun

11         PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                29   Tarpaulin Makers Albacore Hapuka

15         MANAGER’S REPORT                                  31   Interclub

16         CLUB INFORMATION                                  33   Monster Trout

17         HOURS OF OPERATION                                35   DeCoro Snapper/Kingfish

18         CLUB RECORDS, PINS, POINTS                        37   Hirepool Trailer Boat
           & TROPHY RULES
                                                             40   All About Construction
21         RULES FOR SPONSORED 		                                 Game On
                                                             42   MixUp Concrete
24         TOURNAMENT CONVENOR’S                                  Fish ‘n Chicks
                                                             45   A1 Home One Base
           EVENTS CALENDAR                                   49   Omokoroa ITM Billfish Bonanza

                                                             52   Okuma Take a Kid Fishing

                                                             54   Gfab Trailers
                                                                  Broadbill Challenge

                                                             56   Hunting & Fishing
                                                                  Snapper Classic

                                                             58   ANNUAL PRIZEGIVING

                                                             64   NEW CLUB/NZ AND
                                                                  WORLD RECORDS
                «great range
                                                             66   PIN FISH
            «competitive prices
       «obligation free function quotes                      68   ANGLERS DIARY
        «product chilled on request
                «free delivery                               82   CLUB RECORDS
           Proud to supply the
     Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc.
                                                             89   FISH MOUNTS

           1235 Cameron Rd, Greerton                         92   KEY TO
                Phone 577 9733                                    BILLFISH IDENTIFICATION

4    Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz

Keep up to date: Check out our Tauranga Sport
Fishing Club website:
www.tsfc.co.nz and follow us on Facebook.

                                                www.tsfc.co.nz   5
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
The Official Publication of the
                                                  Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc)
                                  66 Keith Allen Drive, Sulphur Point, Tauranga, New Zealand 3110
                                                   PO Box 13-095, Tauranga 3141
                                           Phone: (07) 578 6203 Email: office@tsfc.co.nz

                                                      2018 - 2019 EDITION
                                             Published by Ink IQ Ltd www.inkiq.co.nz
                                                    Home of New Zealand Bay Fisher Magazine

            CLUB EXECUTIVE 2018-2019                                           CLUB EXECUTIVE 2019-2020
            PATRON		         Jill Gray                                         PATRON		         Ian Thomas
            PRESIDENT        Deryk Nielsen                                     PRESIDENT        Deryk Nielsen
            VICE PRESIDENT Eric Tait                                           VICE PRESIDENT Steven Treloar
            CLUB CAPTAIN     Adam Milnes                                       COMMITTEE        Lee Lawson
            COMMITTEE        Steven Treloar                                    		Ken Wilson
            		               Lee Lawson                                        		               Doug Stewart
            		Ken Wilson                                                       		Alana Duncan
            		               Danny Sunkel                                      		               Kristen Zaloumis
            		Greg Lee                                                         		Mark Armistead
            CLUB SECRETARY/
            MANAGER          Roly Bagshaw
            OFFICE MANAGER Courtenay Robinson
            ACCOUNTS         Rebecca Haskell
            BAR MANAGER      Jackie Henry/Glenn Forster
                                  PRESIDENT                       VICE PRESIDENT                 PATRON
PRESIDENT                       VICE PRESIDENT
                                 DERYK NEILSEN                     CLUB CAPTAIN
                                                                    STEVEN TRELOAR              IAN THOMAS

 Tony Dolman                      Deryk Neilsen                      Aaron Layne
T PRESIDENT        PATRON              COMMITTEE                 COMMITTE

            6   Tauranga   Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
rock                 Jill Gray                 Eric Tait              Adam Milnes
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
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Come and visit us at 149 Totora St at the Mount or shop online at www.decoro.co.nz
                                                                     www.tsfc.co.nz   7
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
honorary life members

J Mowlem                   J Louden		                N Hansen		    N Mockett
E Chadban                  H Brasting                G Rowe		      Rev. J Conway
H Decastro                 R Chitty		                M Conder		    A Washer
C Dentice		                P Shirley		               A Hitchings   J Appleton
H Duncan		                 C McNaul		                J Bicker		    J Gray
G Faulkner                 F Wilkins		               C Jack		      W Marshall
H Birch		                  A Belcher		               J Boyle		     P Campbell
H Gilbert		                L Heard		                 L Kernott		   I Thomas
W Steedman                 R Gray		                  M Stanton     K Treloar
D Hay		                    G McCurdy                 G Cranston    K Stephens
A Mirrielees               G Traill		                N Fletcher    S Langdon
A Fletcher                 H Brasting                R Skudder     G Holley

    sponsors grid 2018/19

Thank you to our sponsors.
Club Nights every Tuesday and Thursday!
Raffles, members draws and a great place to catch up with friends and family!
New members and visitors welcome!

8    Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
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Choose a Generation Homes house and land package
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                                            www.tsfc.co.nz   9
2018-2019 YEARBOOK - Official Publication of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club (Inc) www.tsfc.co.nz
president’s report
Adaptation of the President’s report tabled at the AGM
Before starting my Presidents report and overview of the previous financial year and the
club’s position and future, I would like to reflect a little on the history of our club.
The club has a history dating back to the 1920’S and we were recognised as IGFA members
in 1947. It is fact that our club is one of only 5 original founding clubs in what is now known
as the New Zealand Sports Fishing Council. While the club has run previously under various
names before reaching our current title of Tauranga Sport Fishing Club, the purpose and
values of our club have not changed.

  The club was foundered principally on the                   objectives but those that I have given serve to
objectives of;                                                cover the overall objectives and values.
  • Maintaining and furthering the interests of                 I think there is little doubt that the past and
sport and recreational fishing                                current committee members and staff have
  • Protect and preserve gamefish and their                   done well in advancing and in many cases
food supply                                                   achieving these objectives. We have not lost
  • Organize and conduct tournaments for the                  sight that our club has been, and continues
club and members                                              to be, built around the sport and enjoyment
  • Award certificates and trophies                           of fishing. This is the cornerstone of the club.
  • To develop the welfare of the club for all                We also recognise our social responsibilities
its members                                                   for all our members.
  There are other additional principal                          Given the diversity of my report, I am going


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10 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
to start by acknowledging serving members,          time. I personally would like to thank her for
loyal staff and sponsors, then trading              her support and encouragement and most
conditions, financial results, challenges and       of all her friendship. She will no doubt still
future objectives.                                  be around for many years and I still expect
   Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the         to see her parked on her stool at the weigh
contributions of                                    station.
   • Our Patron – Jill Gray. Jill has epitomised      • Our Immediate Past President – Tony
this club’s character. She has over many            Dolman. Tony has given many years of
years dedicated much time and spirit                service to our club and has been a significant
to making this club special for all of              sponsor over many years. Tony has mentored
its members. She has shown absolute                 and advised me and others over the course
dedication in supporting our club. Jill             of this last year. He’s even been known to
voluntarily relinquishes the position of our        occasionally give me a good telling off -
Patron this year. She already holds both a          possibly I needed it?
debentured life membership and an honorary            • Our Current Committee Members - Lee
life membership and has held every position         Lawson, Ken Wilson, Stephen Treloar. All of
possible in the club, including Committee,          whom are staying on for another year, and
Club Vice President, President and since            potentially longer. We thank you for your past
2012, has been our Patron. Ian Thomas will          and continuing contributions.
speak further about Jill later in the meeting         • Our Retiring Committee Members - Greg
and we will honour her appropriately at that        Lee & Danny Sunkel. Greg and Danny are both


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                                                                                        www.tsfc.co.nz 11
standing down after one year’s committee                   please consider and support our sponsors
service due to their business commitments.                 whenever possible. Again, we have a great
This is understandable and we do appreciate                line up of sponsors for this year and we look
the time they have been able to devote to our              forward to building a relationship together
club. Their support and guidance roles have                and having a lot of fun at the same time.
been valued by me.                                         As a side issue – if you have considered or
  • Our Retiring Club Captain - Adam Milnes.               know of someone who would like to discuss
Adam over the years and more recently                      potential sponsorship please speak with me
as Club Captain has been heavily involved                  or our club manager.
in making our fishing tournaments some                       Moving on to financial matters, apart from
of the best in the country – we sincerely                  sponsorship the club principally generates
thank you Adam for your contributions. It                  income from the following sources;
is very sad that he has chosen to withdraw                 • Membership – in the form of annual
his nomination.                                            membership fees
  • Our Retiring Vice President - Eric Tait. As            • Fishing tournaments - entry fees and
you will all know Eric has been a long-time                trading receipts
supporter and sponsor of our club as well                  • Our annual Grid Auction
as serving on the committee and as vice                    • Gaming machines
president. We have been very fortunate to                  • Bar sales – beverage sales
have Eric on board and while he is no longer               • The Restaurant and catering
standing for our committee Eric gives me his                 Worthy of noting is that any clubs liquor
absolute assurance, he will be there to help               licence has specific requirements around
wherever he can.                                           providing suitable food. I believe you will
  Secondly, I would like to acknowledge the                know and agree that it is fact, and well
contributions of                                           publicized, that many clubs are suffering
  • Our Sponsors Past and Current - These                  from lower sales, generating less income.
are the companies and people who have                      Part of this decline is due to lower beverage
financially supported our club and helped                  sales particularly with the tougher drink
provide the facilities we enjoy today. We                  drive laws and lowering of blood alcohol
have certainly had great relationships and                 levels, I am not saying this is wrong, only
enjoyed strong ties with our sponsors over                 stress to you that it is a fact that we must
the years. The fact is – without our sponsors              live with.
the club would not have been able to carry                   We are not immune to this trend and we
out upgrades, necessary maintenance, run                   have, and continue to suffer from, both
significant fishing tournaments and met                    declining bar sales and restaurant / kitchen
its financial obligations during the year.                 sales. Both income streams have over recent
Despite our growing membership numbers,                    years continued to show declining income
successful fishing tournaments and income                  trends. These are our 2 areas of biggest
from club generated sales, the club would not              concern. They are the primary reason for the
survive without our sponsors. Our committee                club’s financial loss for our 2018 financial
and staff are committed to ensuring                        year and again for our 2019 financial year.
sponsors receive the very best possible value                You should rightfully ask why and how
and coverage we can provide in return for                  these losses have occurred. We lost our
their sponsorship. We ask all members to                   external catering company nearly some 2

12 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
years ago. They said they couldn’t make it       that the restaurant - kitchen / catering
work, as did their predecessors. At the time     be outsourced and be advertised for
we couldn’t find a suitable replacement. The     expressions of interest. I am pleased to say
decision was made to bring this in house,        this has been done and we, with advisory
to staff and manage it through the club,         members, are already meeting with several
internally. We have done that now for nearly     interested parties.
2 years and despite our very best attempt          In addition, Ian Thomas, an Advisory Panel
this simply hasn’t worked. The restaurant not    member and to be endorsed today as our
working well has also reflected in our lower     new Patron, is working day to day with both
beverage sales, which has compounded our         myself and the club management team. I
financial loss.                                  mention this to give you an example of how
  The position is that for the past 2 years,     effective and focused this additional support
the club has run at a financial loss and is      has already proven. The Advisory Panel are
continuing to do so. We have not sat on          reviewing the entire operation of the club
our hands and done nothing. History will         with initial focus on the club’s financial
demonstrate that the club has suffered           position. They have made some financial
financial losses in previous years for one       recommendations; I will speak more on
reason or another, so this is not a first-time   that shortly.
event, we have faced financial issues before.      Already their suggestions and
  This leads me on to talking about the          recommendations include items such as;
Advisory Panel appointment.                        • Membership Surveys – local members
  Over recent years the various committees       versus out of town members. These will
have considered having a board or panel          be generated shortly and we encourage all
of members separate to our committee to          members to take the time to give us your
manage and or provide their advice and           feedback.
experience on specific matters. We instigated      • Club Affiliations – there is a very strong
initial discussions during the year and just     belief that there be no change to The New
over 2 months ago the committee met              Zealand Sports Fishing Council affiliation at
with two past Presidents; Kevin Stevens          this stage, though we must continue to seek
and Ian Thomas and two long term club            reciprocal arrangements with other like-
members and sponsors; Bill Cavanagh and          minded clubs and organisations.
Tony Kinzett.                                      • Our Constitution – The Advisory have
  All are well versed in different aspects       suggested our constitution be reviewed,
of corporate and private business, club          updated and refreshed. They have offered
and company governance. The committee            to work with the committee to present an
endorsed the appointment of these people         updated version through this coming year
to be appointed as the Advisory Panel. There     for members to consider and vote on at the
are written terms of engagement, including       next AGM. This is something we have talked
timeframes, which have been agreed between       about for three years or more and this still
the committee and the Advisory. These have       needs to be done.
been signed off by all concerned.                  • Advisory oversight on the club
  Since the appointment, the Advisory            operational matters – such as trading hours,
have made recommendations including a            and we jointly signal that there may well be
non-negotiable request that it be agreed         some changes to these in the near future

                                                                                www.tsfc.co.nz 13
president’s report cont...

  • A full review of the clubs operating                   forward. What I and the Advisory Panel do
structure and divisions, then provide an                   want to emphasis is that they are not on
overview and their recommendations.                        the committee or the face of the club. They
  As President I believe this is not before                respectfully do not want to engage with
time, very much needed and we have agreed                  members over club issues, these still need to
to these suggestions and recommendations.                  be directed to us. Any issues or comments
  The club during profitable times set aside               members have should be addressed to either
funds to be invested and this is protected in              myself, a committee member, or our club
the club’s constitution. These funds, a sum                manager.
equivalent to one years’ working capital at                  Before moving on to receiving the financial
the time, were set aside to cover a need in                statements I want to summarize my report.
difficult times.                                             The club continues to attract and maintain
  We are facing difficult financial times now.             strong sponsor loyalty and support. We are
  The Advisory Panel and committee have                    fortunate to again this year attract excellent
considered the clubs financial position and                candidates to stand for the committee and
will submit a motion under general business                others who have offered subcommittee
to break the Investment held with ASB to                   support. Our club membership continues to
repay all outstanding debt and provide                     grow. Statistics support this. The club has
capital as we work through the financial and               run many successful fishing tournaments
operational matters to bring the club back to              this year as well as other significant events.
break even then profitability.                               We also know the issues and we are
  What does this mean?                                     addressing them. Clearly the Club is facing
  It means the Advisory Panel without                      financial difficulties. I and the committee
personal obligation or liability have been                 acknowledge this and are working with
appointed to manage and oversea the                        urgency to address these, with a clear plan.
financial and operational running of                       The appointment of the Advisory Panel is
the club. The Club, under my guidance                      a significant step forward and recognises
as the President, will still be run by the                 that we are not just a club, but a significant
management committee that you as                           business as well. We require good business
members voted for and that committee                       acumen in our governance model. Criticism
will form specific sub committees and                      and looking to apportion blame are not
appoint chairs of those committees. Others                 forward thinking or positive steps. Now is
from the general membership will also be                   the time that we need to take positive action
invited on to these subcommittees. This will               and take this club forward with a new model
bring focus, experience, skill and youthful                of governance. This is a courageous move
enthusiasm to each part of our clubs’                      that will set us apart from other clubs, and
operation. The Advisor Panel will work                     portray this club as having a forward thinking
with all elected members and individual                    leadership model.
committees to provide guidance and advice.
  For the size of our club I see this as                   Deryk Nielsen
a natural progression and a great step                     PRESIDENT

14 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
manager’s report

This past year has certainly been the most challenging in my time with the Club, with the
additional challenges that the restaurant has presented.

The decision of our previous contractors
to move on 18 months ago represented
what we thought was an opportunity to run
our own restaurant and take full control.
This was supported by most members
initially and the early months, although not
profitable, it was eternal optimism that drove
us to improve and try to make this space
perform or at least break even. After 18
months of trying and considerable losses,
it was clear the club needed to return to
an owner/operator structure for the Club
to perform. So yes, this was the end to an
unsuccessful experiment. But I’d like to take
the opportunity to say thank you to those
that supported us through this time and it
was heart-warming to know that through
thick and thin it’s our absolute goal to have
a thriving club in what is a very difficult      of Stoney Creek. We have a fantastic
climate for Clubs in New Zealand.                photobook and promotional video that
  Even with the past years poor result,          details all of the great fish caught from this
there are encouraging indicators there           years’ One Base, which featured a superb
that suggest that with good plans and            run of large Blue Marlin including Adam
management we shouldn’t be quick “to             Milnes 300.2kg fish.
throw the baby out with the bath water”.           Another success this past year was
Gaming was at a seven year high and              the acquisition of the VHF Channel 3
our licence renewal is all but guaranteed        and Channel 5 licences. The support for
(something we always struggle with).             particularly Channel 3 has been massive
Membership subscriptions continued to            with members donating towards new VHF
have modest growth, raffle sales have            repeater and finally our corporate sponsors
turned the corner and improved this year         getting this project through to completion.
(thanks to Ken Wilson, Steven Treloar and        Namely; Viano - Bill & Trish Cavanagh
Lee Lawson) and cash sponsorship and             - Landscape Supplies 15th Ave, - Wet
tournament receipts have continued to grow       Sounds - Venture Developments - Smart
year on year.                                    Marine - Tauranga Round Table - Forklift
  One of the key highlights for me this past     HQ. Also I would like to acknowledge the
season was running the best One Base in          great working relationship with the Tauranga
recent times, with the wonderful support         Coast Guard, The Tuhua Trust, Netcom and

                                                                                 www.tsfc.co.nz 15
Mobile Systems. With the support of all of                 this group will be instrumental as we seek to
these parties we now have ‘the Fishermans                  get feedback from members on a number of
Channel’ a brand new repeater stationed                    topics, examine Club structures and review
on Mayor Island. The repeater is there for                 our constitution.
transmitting our tournaments and to serve                  The Tauranga Sport Fishing Club has great
all boaties, keeping us safe and connected                 bones and a wonderful network of support.
on the water.                                              Please introduce us to your guests, friends
  The new committee are full of excitement                 and business colleagues as we look to
and enthusiasm and it really looks to me                   increase patronage and the use of our
like the poor result from last year could                  Club over the coming year. We are looking
be likened to an All Black loss. Whereby                   forward to the next 12 months as you should
we already have re-grouped, we have a                      be with us.
plan and we are looking to execute it. We                  We look forward to seeing you back down at
look forward to having the support of the                  the Club in the very near future.
members and reporting on a much better
result in a year from now. Part of this plan               Warm Regards,
has been the establishment of a newly
formed Advisory Committee. Guidance from                   Roly Bagshaw

club information

As a member of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club you are entitled to enjoy the clubrooms
situated at 66 Keith Allen Drive, Sulphur Point Marina Tauranga.
The following information is designed to assist you on future visits to the club.

FACILITIES                                                 throughout the year with great prize pools
The Club has a bar & lounge area with big                  and awesome competition. Our weigh
screen TVs, a pool table, gaming room and                  station is available most days during
designated kids zone with Xbox, Netflix,                   office hours – best to give us a call with
colouring and toys. We have an outside                     your ETA and we will endeavour to have a
patio as well as a roof top deck offering                  weighmaster available.
magnificent views of Tauranga Harbour                        Other Club activities include club nights on
and the Mount. Our restaurant ‘A Buoy’ has                 Tuesday and Thursday each week (with the
a delicious set menu, as well as offering                  members draw and raffles), quiz nights, free
catering, buffet and platters on request to                presentations and seminars, bands, wine
suit your booking. We also have a smaller                  tasting and Firsty Friday happy hours and
intimate conference room that is available                 Annual Ham draw (remember to swipe your
for hire and offer free wifi throughout                    card on Club nights!) so there is plenty of
the club.                                                  reasons to come down and enjoy your Club.

TOURNAMENTS & EVENTS                                       DRESS & BEHAVIOUR CODES
We hold regular fishing tournaments                        As a Club with a strong family membership,

16 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
a high standard of behaviour is expected.       every Friday and the club’s quarterly
Foul language, drunkenness and disorderly       magazine ‘The Gamefisher’ is available
conduct will not be tolerated                   in print form or via email. These will keep
  We encourage members to bring their           you up to date with all the club catches
children into the Club, but do ask that         and records as well as upcoming events.
they are supervised at all times and that       Contributions of editorial or informative
their behaviour does not interfere with the     material are welcomed and encouraged.
enjoyment of the club by other members          Material for inclusion can be left with any
  As a fishing club, dress standards are        of the TSFC staff. There is also advertising
comfortable casual. However beanies,            space available in ‘The Gamefisher’ at very
sleeveless singlets (males), dirty work         reasonable rates.
boots, bare feet and smelly fish clothing are
not permitted.                                  MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS
                                                Your club subscription includes membership
VISITORS                                        to NZ Sport Fishing Club and International
As a member of the TSFC you may bring as        Game Fishing Association which allows
many non-members to the Club as you wish        us to put your catches forward for NZ and
up to a maximum of three visits in any 12       World records claims. Subscriptions include
month period. You are responsible for your      $9.00 ($5.50 Junior) affiliation fee with the
guests and you are asked to please have         New Zealand Sport Fishing Council and
them sign the ‘Visitors Book’ located in the    $1.00 ($0.50 Junior) donation to NZ Marine
Club foyer.                                     Research Foundation. You have the use of
                                                TSFC VHF Tournament Channel 3 & 5 and
CORRESPONDANCE                                  reciprocal visiting rights ito other NZSFC
The club’s ‘Weekly News Flash’ is emailed       and IGFA Clubs both in NZ and overseas.

OFFICE HOURS:       8:30am – 5:00pm 			                   Monday - Friday
		                  Closed on Public Holidays

Bar		               11.00am – 10.00pm*		                  Sunday - Thursday
		                  11.00am – midnight*		                 Friday
		                  11.00am – midnight*		                 Saturday

Restaurant Lunch              11.00am - 2.00pm		          Winter Hours - Tuesday-Sunday
		         Dinner             5.00pm - 8.00pm*
		         Lunch              11.00am - 2.00pm		          Summer Hours - Monday - Friday
		         Dinner             5.00pm - 9.00pm*
			                           11:00am - 9:00pm*		         Summer Hours - Saturday & Sunday

Open at 12.00pm on Public Holidays
The Club is closed on Christmas Day and Good Friday
*Bar/Restaurant may close earlier at the Duty Managers discretion*

                                                                               www.tsfc.co.nz 17
club records, pins, points &
trophy rules

1. The season opens on 1 July and ends on 30 June.

2. Eligibility: Only full financial members of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club are eligible for
   Club Pins, Points, Records and Trophies.

3. Fishing Area: (Inside & outside Chart 54). Only fish caught within the TSFC stated fishing
   area shall qualify for Club Pins, Points, Records and Trophies. The area is all water
   encompassed in the Hydrographic Chart NZ54 - Cuvier Island to East Cape. Fish caught
   outside Chart NZ54 within NZ Territorial waters only qualify for trophies. (2) that relate to
   outside Chart NZ54.

4. Weigh station: The recognized weigh stations are the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club
   Clubrooms at Sulphur Point, and all NZSFC affiliated clubs in the Bay of Plenty /
   Coromandel region.

5. Catch cards: A Tauranga Sport Fishing Club official catch card, correctly completed, must
   be presented to the weighmaster with the fish or tag and release card.

6. Tackle: Anglers presenting fish at the weigh station are required to have the rod, reel, line/
   trace, and gaff used for the capture available for inspection by the weighmaster. In the
   case of record claims, these items must be presented with the fish. The weighmaster will
   require a line sample for testing.

Pins shall be awarded to annual winners for Men’s, Women’s and Junior’s sections in the
following categories:
Club Pin Fish (silver pin)
- Snapper (Line weight 15kg and under)
- Other Gamefish Species
          - Heavy Tackle (HT) Line weights 15kg and over (ie 15,24,37 and 60kg)
          - Light Tackle (LT) Line weights 10kg and under (ie 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 10kg)
          - Tag & Release first marlin
Club Record (Gold plate)
NZ Record (silver pin with ruby eye)
World Record (gold pin)
World Record 2nd catch on same day (gold pin with diamond eye)
No angler shall be awarded more than one pin for any species on one day. No angler shall
be awarded more than two pins (one for the first and one for the heaviest) fish of the same
species in any one season.

18 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
7a. SNAPPER Line weights of 15kg and under.
    A silver pin shall be awarded to the angler who catches the first qualifying snapper in
    each line class
    i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15kg line classes.
    A Fish weighing heavier by 100 grams also qualifies for a pin. There is a maximum of 2
    pins per angler per line class.
    To qualify for pins and trophies the fish must have a minimum weigh of 4kg for line
    classes of 4kg and over or if under 4kg the fish must exceed line weight in each class.

7b. HEAVY TACKLE (HT) Line weights of 15kg and over
    A silver pin shall be awarded to the angler who catches the first qualifying fish of each
    species in each line class i.e. 15, 24, 37 and 60kg line classes.
    Each qualifying fish subsequently caught weighing heavier by half a kilogram or more
    also qualifies for a silver pin.
    To qualify for pins and trophies, the fish must equal or exceed the breaking strain of the
    line and the following minimum weights/length:
    Marlin 90kg		               Broadbill Must exceed line weight
    Sharks90kg		                Tuna 15 kg		                  Y/T Kingfish 1 meter
    The following species, fish must exceed the minimum weight, but do not have to exceed
    the line weight:
    Albacore         7kg		                S/B Spearfish       10kg
    Mahimahi         4kg		                Wreckfish           10kg
    IGFA Braid Top-shot rule applies for pins points and trophies. BRAID line under 15kg
    used in a capture of a fish must be recorded as 15kg. And every line class above 15kg
    rounded up one line class from here. IE 15kg recorded as 24kg, 24kg as 37kg and 37kg
    as 60kg. Braid rated higher than 37kg will not be recognized for Club pins or points.

7c. LIGHT TACKLE (LT) Line weights 10kg and under
    A Silver pin shall be awarded to the angler who catches the first qualifying fish of each
    species in each line class i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10kg classes.
    Each qualifying fish that is subsequently caught weighing heavier by 5 points also
    qualifies for a silver pin.
    The basis for pins and trophies for this section shall be the IGFA points system i.e. the
    weight of the fish multiplied by 100 and divided by the breaking strain of the line.
    To qualify for pins and trophies the fish must equal or exceed the breaking strain of the
    line except for the following species, which also have minimum weights:
    Sharks           30kg		                Albacore		           7kg
    S/B Spearfish 10kg		                   Marlin		             90kg
    Mahimahi         4kg		                 Tuna		               10kg
    Y/T Kingfish 1 meter                   Wreckfish            10kg

                                                                                 www.tsfc.co.nz 19
club records, pins, points &
trophy rules

7d. TAG and RELEASE fish
    A Silver pin will be awarded to the first angler to tag and release a marlin.
    All tag cards and TGFC catch cards must be accompanied by a photograph/video clearly
    showing the tag in the fish.
    A tagged and released fish is recognized by the TSFC as a caught fish i.e. if the first
    billfish of the season is tagged and released, it will qualify for the first billfish of season
    trophy. This applies for billfish only.

        A Club record shall be awarded to the angler who catches the first qualifying fish of each
        species in each line class i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,8,10,15,24,37 and 60kg.Each qualifying fish that
        is subsequently caught weighing heavier by 500 grams also qualifies for and replaces
        the current Club record.
        To qualify for Club records the fish must be caught in accordance with IGFA international
        angling rules. Only monofilament can claim Club records or adhering to the IGFA Top-
        shot rule.
        The minimum accepted weight for any Club record catch claim is 0.453kg (1lb).
        A list of all current Club record holders is held on the Club’s records board in the
        clubrooms and published on the Club’s website.

9.   POINTS (Angler and Boat)
     Points shall be awarded to individual anglers and boats for all qualifying fish weighed
     and tagged & released. Points will accumulate towards annual individual angler and
     boat totals.
     Points shall be awarded for qualifying fish weighed based on the IGFA points system i.e.
     the weight of the fish multiplied by 100 and divided by the breaking strain of the line.
     The following points shall be awarded for fish tagged and released:
     Billfish 400 point        Shortbilled Spearfish 150 points
     Shark 100 points          Tuna (Yellowfin, Big Eye, Bluefin) 150 points
     Mahi Mahi 50 points       Y/T Kingfish 50 points (over 1 meter)
     Points shall also be awarded to individual boat totals for qualifying fish weighed and
     tagged and released by Day members.

    A list of trophies with condition and winner shall be published annually in the Club’s
    yearbook together with a list of trophies not awarded and their conditions.
    If a species of fish for a Club trophy is not caught within Chart 54, that trophy may be
    awarded to a fish caught within NZ Territorial waters.

20 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
rules for sponsored fishing

   Headquarters for each contest will be the Sulphur Point Clubrooms. Tournament
   communications will be through VHF Channel 3 or Coastguard VHF Channel 66.
   All anglers must be current financial members of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club or
   other NZSFC member club, or have a paid current Day Anglers Fishing Card. All fish are
   eligible provided they are species nominated for the contest, exceed the minimum
   weight and were caught on line not exceeding 60kg test, or line specified for a
   particular contest.
Fishing Area
   All water encompassed in Hydrographic Modified Chart number NZ54 - Cuvier Island to
   East Cape. Line north of Lottin Point northwards as per Sponsors Grid Chart.
   Entry forms accompanied by contest fees must be received by the TSFC Office, Sulphur
   Point by the time specified on the entry form. Entries will be accepted by direct debit or
   on our website at www.tsfc.co.nz up until the day prior to the event. After this time,
   entries will only be accepted at the Club. Contest starting dates and times will be
   detailed on the entry form for each contest.
   Anglers may fish tournaments as individuals including fishing from PWCs and kayaks as
   long as they have communications with Coastguard Channel 01 or a support vessel.
   Anglers may transfer from boat to boat during the contest, but fish or points are not
   transferable and remain with the nominated boat. Contest headquarters must be
   notified immediately in writing of any angler transfers.
Cancellation of contest
   There will be, in the main, no cancellation of a contest. If, due to the extenuating
   circumstances or severe weather conditions, the contest is cancelled or postponed,
   notification of such cancellations will be before start fishing on any given day of the
   If a full cancellation occurs and no further date is set for the contest, the Administrator
   shall, upon written application from the team captain, refund the contest fees. Full
   refunds will be given for any reason prior to the tournament provided it is requested 24
   hours before briefing.
   Briefing is compulsory and the team captain or nominated team member fishing the
   tournament must register at briefing night and attend and remain until the conclusion of
   briefing unless prior approval to not attend has been given by the Tournament

                                                                                 www.tsfc.co.nz 21
Stop Fishing
   Stop Fishing shall be the end of the contest. All catch cards must be in the
   weighmasters hands by final weigh in time on the last day of the tournament. Fish
   caught after weigh in time on all days except the last day of the tournament will go into
   the next days catch.
   The weighstation for all contests will be the TSFC Contest Headquarters at Sulphur
   Point. All fish must be weighed from the boat on which they were caught.
Condition of Capture
   All fish to be presented to the weighstation fresh or chilled but not frozen.
   Catch Cards Normal TSFC Catch Cards will be used and must be completed by the time of
   the weigh in.
Minimum Fish Weights
   The minimum weights for fish in all sponsored tournaments unless otherwise stated on
   the tournament entry form are:
   Billfish 90kg		             Tuna 15kg
   Albacore 7kg		              Skipjack 5kg
   Mahimahi 4kg		              Kingfish 1 meter
   S/B Spearfish 10kg          Snapper 2kg
   Broadbill must exceed line weight
Line Breaking Strain
   The maximum line breaking strain used shall be 60kg.
   Braid: Braid may be used in tournaments. If the events are line class events, then the
   top-shot rule applies.
   The TSFC Committee will appoint judges to investigate disputes. Such disputes must be
   received by contest headquarters in writing within three hours of the contest closing
   time. The decision of the judges will be final.
   Any authorized weighmaster may weigh fish.
   The above Rules of the Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. take precedence over Club
   Rules for Pins and Trophies and IGFA Rules during sponsored contests only. However,
   IGFA Rules will cover any matters not covered by these rules. All fish caught during a
   sponsored contest by current financial members of the TSFC are eligible for Club
   Records, Pins and Trophies providing the fish has been caught in accordance with the
   TSFC Rules for Pins and Trophies. This does not apply for Day anglers. Points will be
   awarded to boats for fish caught by Day Anglers. This applies to the following trophies
   only: Most Billfish points from a private launch – “Lady Luck Trophy” and Most Billfish
   points from a commercial launch – “De Luxa Trophy”.
   Rule changes may be implemented prior to the start of the event for any reason
   and will be communicated clearly at briefing.

22 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
measure and
                                                                       release rules

The fish must swim away and be returned in good condition for an entry to be eligible.
   1.Fish must be measured using a IGFA, NZ Fishing Competition, Decoro or Top Catch
   measure board. Measure boards should be used on a flat surface. No other measures
   accepted unless checked with Tournament Convener.
   2.The fish’s snout must be touching the nose stop with the mouth closed and free of lures or
   lifting devices.
   3.With the fish lying on top of the measuring device, measurements will be taken from the
   most forward part of the fish’s snout with the mouth closed to the rear centre edge of the tail.
   4.All measurements will be made in 0.5 centimetres increments.
   5.Fish that measure between increments shall be recorded at the lower of the two
   increments. For example, a fish that measures between 45 and 45.5 centimetres will
   have a recorded length of 45 centimetres. This is determined by the last line that falls
   inside of the fork in the tail. A fork length “on the line” will mean again the lower of the
   two increments.
   All measured and released fish require photographic evidence clearly showing the fish on
   a TSFC approved measure board. Photographs included with applications must contain
   the following information.
   1.The full length of the fish on the measuring device clearly showing the
   position of the mouth and tail. The fish may be held in position, but must be done
   in a manner that does not obscure the view of the fish on the tape.
   2.A close up showing the position of the fish’s nose and tail on the measuring device.
   3.Every fish must have the angler number included in the picture (placed on the fish)
   Angler numbers are issued at registration and will be your Angler Number.
   4.If in doubt take extra photographs, or even GoPro footage to authenticate.
   5.All photographs must be digital and recorded on SD or CF cards or be able to be
   emailed from cell phones so that resolution is clear (when zoomed in) Please bring in
   USB lead to the camera for any other format. Photos can be emailed to office@tsfc.co.nz
   or roly@tsfc.co.nz and must be high enough resolution to clearly see measure.
   6.All entries must be submitted on a TSFC catch card and presented to the weigh station.
   Angler complete with catch card, measure board and photographic proof must be at the
   weigh station by final weigh in time.
   Any doubt as to the authenticity or accuracy of the measured fish will result
   in disqualification.

                                                                                     www.tsfc.co.nz 23
tournament convenors report

The 2018/19 season will probably best be remembered for the great Bluefin run and one of the
best One Base Tournaments for some time. A wonderful combination of big blue marlin, good
weather, good luck, fun loving competitors and of course outstanding sponsors all made for
some special times… that’s for sure!

  This year we ran 13 of our own tournaments               event. Great Hero Shots prizes thanks to the
and hosted 8. With the start of the season                 team at Spark Business Hub and every year
being pretty challenging with inclement                    the ladies just seem to ‘up the ante’ when it
weather, as we eased into February it did seem             comes to the Fancy dress.
to get better as we managed to run all of our                Finally, well done to all of our new Club,
events. (Although the Fish N Chicks did get it             New Zealand and World record breakers. It’s
tough again! Next year Ladies will be perfect!)            been so good to see our younger anglers
  The Sponsors Grid again this past year was               dominating in this space and as a Club our
the financial corner stone for our events and              challenge is continuing to attract the kids and
the club operations with sponsors contributing             families to our wonderful Club.
generously back in June for a slice of the grid              With too many event to go through we would
real estate. While we do our best to promote               like to acknowledge all of our event sponsors,
our sponsors, the true benefit for a sponsor               grid sponsors and volunteer sponsors as
is when members choose to shop, rent,                      together it is these people and business that
hire or purchase from a sponsor. So please                 make events in the Tauranga Sport Fishing
support our sponsors so that they choose to                Club something special. The calendar is
sponsor us.                                                set already for the 2019/20 season and is
  This past year we have had some wonderful                available online, so to all of our anglers please
new sponsors with Stoney Creek coming on                   check it out! It is packed with great events this
board and really getting in behind the One                 season. So come and get involved, there will
Base. The starter bag giveaways were simply                be good fish to catch, prizes to be won and fun
next level and the clothing throughout the                 to be had. We look forward to seeing you this
prize pool was simply outstanding.                         coming season!
  Mix Up Concrete also replaced our long time
Bridgeman Concrete sponsor for our ladies                   Tight Lines
event Fish n’ Chicks, so it was great to show               Roly Bagshaw
Mix Up what was involved with this awesome

24 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
TSFC catch data 2018/19 season

SPECIES		   WEIGHED   T&R		   M&R		             TOTAL

STRIPED MARLIN		21		54				75
BLUE MARLIN		20		5				25
BROADBILL		5		6				11
MAKO			2		2
TUNA (YELLOWFIN)		3						3
TUNA (BIG EYE)		1						1
TUNA (SLENDER)		2						2
TUNA (SKIPJACK)		44						44
ALBACORE		37						37
KAHAWAI		77						77
SNAPPER		143				42		185
TREVALLY		55						55
YELLOWTAIL (KINGFISH)   36				38		74
MAHIMAHI		5						5
WRECKFISH		32						32
TARAKIHI		31						31
OTHER			125						125

TOTAL:			   672		     77		    80		              829

                                      www.tsfc.co.nz 25
event & tournament calendar
1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

JULY 2018
Russell Hardie / Marine Reflections
TOP GUN CHALLENGE 			                                      Sunday July 1st – Tuesday December 31st
TSFC Quiz Night				                                        Wednesday 4th July
TSFC Annual Prize Giving			                                Saturday 28th July

TSFC Quiz Night				                                        Wednesday 1st August
TSFC AGM				                                               Saturday 25th August

Tarpaulin Makers ALBY/PUKA Tournament                      Saturday 1st – Sunday 30th September
TSFC Quiz Night				                                        Wednesday 5th September
INTERCLUB Tournament 			                                   Sat 29th & Sun 30th September (No reserve)

TSFC Quiz Night				                                        Wednesday 3rd October
MONSTER TROUT Tournament 		                                Friday 5th - Sun 7th October (No reserve)

Melbourne Cup				                                          Tuesday 6th November
TSFC Quiz Night				                                        Wednesday 7th November
SNAPPER/KINGFISH Tournament 		                             Sat 17th & Sun 18th November

TSFC Kid’s Christmas Party			                              Saturday 8th December
TSFC Ham Night				                                         Tuesday 11th December
Christmas Day				                                          Tuesday 25th December – CLUB CLOSED
Boxing Day				                                             Wed 26th December – Club open 12pm

Hirepool TRAILER BOAT Tournament 		                        Friday 4th & Saturday 5th January
All About Construction GAME ON Tournament                  Friday 18th - Sunday 20th January

FISH N’ CHICKS Tournament                                  Friday 8th – Sat 9th February (No reserve)
JA Russell Fishing Tournament		                            Friday 15th February
NZSFC NATIONALS Tournament 		                              Saturday 16th – Saturday 23th February
WISH 4 FISH COMPETITION 			                                Saturday 23th February

26 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
Donaghys Fishing Tournament 		          Wednesday 27th February

MARCH 2019
TSFC ONE BASE 				                      Wed 6th – Sat 9th March (No reserve)
Western Bay Services Tournament		       Monday 18th – Wednesday 20th March
Mount ITM BILLFISH BONANZA Tournament   Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th March

APRIL 2019
Contractors Federation Tournament 		    Saturday 6th April
ANZAC Day				                           Thursday 25th April – Club open 1pm
Okuma TAKE A KID FISHING Tournament     Saturday 27th April

MAY 2019
GFAB Trailers BROADBILL CHALLENGE       Wednesday 1st – Friday 31st
ECOLAB Fishing Tournament 		            Briefing 14th, Fishing 15th May
Hunting & Fishing SNAPPER CLASSIC       Sat 18th – Sun19th May

JUNE 2019
Sponsors Evening & Grid Auction		       Wednesday 12th June
The Polaris BIG FOUR COMPETITION 		     Saturday 22nd – Saturday 29th June

                                                                      www.tsfc.co.nz 27
tournament results

    TOP GUN CHALLENGE                                                                        1st July-31st December 2018

                          JULY                        AUGUST                        SEPTEMBER
                       TARAKIHI Min 1kg               TREVALLY Min 1kg                 GURNARD Min 0.5KG

                      OCTOBER                       NOVEMBER                          DECEMBER
                      JOHN DORY Min 1.5kg            SNAPPER Min 2.5kg                 KINGFISH Min 1 metre

                                                                             MONTHLY PRIZES FOR THE BIGGEST NOMINATED SPECIES:
                                                                                  Shimano Sedona 4000 + Catana + Braid + Cap
                                                                                                             BNT Socket Set
                                                                                                          $100 Club Voucher
                                                                                               Entry: Just $20 for 6 months!!

1 JULY - 31 DEC 2018

                                                                 TROPHY WINNER -
                                                                 ANGLER WITH MOST POINTS OVERALL
                                                                 1st    Luke Dolman		           43 pts
                                                                 2nd    Michael Wheeler		       36 pts
                                                                 3rd    Les Sayers		            31 pts
                                                                 4th    Jaime Lee		             21 pts
                                                                 5th    Cliff Morgan-French     19 pts

                                                                 1st 70%			$644.00
                                                                 2nd 20%			$184.00
                                                                 3rd 10%			$92.00
                                                                 		       TOTAL $920.00

                                                                 Luke Dolman - winner.

28 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
                     In conjunction with...

SPECIES ANGLER 		           BOATNAME      FISH 		         LINE AREA
					WT KG		WT KG
1st      Andy McKay         HOOKED UP     Albacore 21.58  24   Mayor Island
2nd      Andy McKay         HOOKED UP     Albacore 19.52  24   Mayor Island

Albacore Average Weight ( kg)
19.005kg Tony Dolman        REEL HEAVEN   Albacore 18.800 37   Mayor Island

1st      Dillon Buckton     SITARA		      Hapuka 18.840 24     Mayor Knolls
2nd      Matt Buckton       SITARA		      Hapuka 12.500 24     Mayor Knolls

7.656kg Adam Harvey         COASTAL ROVER Bluenose 8.070  24   Mayor Knolls

         Adam Harvey        COASTAL ROVER Bluenose 8.070  24   Mayor Knolls

 2014 STATISTICS 2018
 34   ANGLERS    49
 4    JUNIORS		2
 5    TOTAL FISH 22
 4    Albacore		4
 1    Hapuka		2
 0    Bluenoss		15
 0    Bass		1

                                                      www.tsfc.co.nz 29
tournament results


30 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
Tauranga Sport Fishing Club &
Mount Maunganui Sportfishing Club

Interclub Tournament
29 - 30 September 2018

1st     TSFC  Steve Vercoe     SHEARWATER  1.225
2nd     MMSFC Murray Wooster   MOVANI		    0.994
3rd     TSFC  Jason Hamlyn     RIBA		      0.888
1st     MMSFC Carey Wilson     ENTICER		   9.865
2nd     TSFC  Mason Achison    OPTIMUS		   9.276
3rd     MMSFC Te Pua Russell   NAILED IT   9.072
1st     TSFC  Charlie ChampnessKING HIT		  4.540
2nd     TSFC  Charlie ChampnessKING HIT		  4.124
3rd     MMSFC Hayden Speed     MAYHEM		    3.955
1st     TSFC  Charlie ChampnessKING HIT		  23.480
2nd     TSFC  Michael Wheeler KING HIT		   17.440
3rd     TSFC  Michael Wheeler KING HIT		   16.020
1st     TSFC  Anthony Hedgman TUFF A NUFF  1.640
2nd     TSFC  Marty Saunders   TUFF A NUFF 1.560
3rd     TSFC  Mark Armistead   ROBOT		     1.490
1st     TSFC  Luke Dolman      REEL HEAVEN 2.150
2nd     TSFC  Mark Cairns      FORTE		     2.050
3rd     MMSFC Winston Cox      EFISHNT		   1.985

                                                        www.tsfc.co.nz 31
tournament results


1st     TSFC  Adam Harvey		            COASTAL ROVER		 3.070
2nd     TSFC  Russell Harvey		         COASTAL ROVER		 2.925
3rd     TSFC  Rod Barnett		            AMBER LOUISE		  2.790
1st     MMSFC Cody Burdis     Bluenose NORA			22.640
2nd     MMSFC Cody Burdis     Hapuka NORA			16.780
3rd     TSFC  Lee Thomson     Bluenose NAUTILUS		      10.240

JUNIOR PRIZE - Heaviest fish: Hayden Speed/Snapper 8.625
SQUAREBUSH TROPHY - Heaviest Snapper for a Junior: Not Awarded

  46      ANGLERS  40  86
  94      FISH		   100 194
  295.445 WEIGHT		 157 452.445
  183     POINTS		 205

  TSFC			MMSFC                                       TOTAL
  102      ANGLERS      55                           157
  215      FISH		       115                          330
  514.681 WEIGHT		      307.191                      821.872
  291      POINTS		     134
  SPECIES		        TSFC MMSFC                        TOTAL
  Wreckfish        13   7                            20
  Gurnard		        18   2                            20
  John Dory        43   31                           74
  Kahawai		        5    0                            5
  Kingfish		       35   21                           56
  Snapper		 69          27                           96
  Terakihi		 20         20                           40
  Trevally		       12   7                            19
  TOTAL		          215  115                          330

 32 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
B        ER 2018
5-7 OCTO

          ANGLER NAME          FISH WT KG  CM    SPECIES		      LOCATION
Heaviest Trout - Land Based
1st       Richard Montgomrie         2.980 570cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
Heaviest Trout - Boat Based
1st       Daniel Dolman		            3.560 630cm Brown Jack     Rotoiti
2 - 5 Heaviest Overall
2nd       Luke Dolman		              2.970 630cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
3rd       Alister Young		            2.830 580cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
4th       Brent Christie		           2.770 585cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
5th       Terry Bailey		             2.630 585cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
Heaviest by Junior Angler
          Eden Windleborne		         2.180 635cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
Heaviest by Lady Angler
          Debbie Firth		             2.390 565cm Rainbow Jack   Rotoiti
Best Condition Factor overall
CF 71.34 Daniel Dolman 		            1.740 445cm Rainbow Hen    Rotoiti
Average Weight
          Alex Pikia		               1.760 550cm Rainbow Jack   Tarawera
Mystery Weight Winner
2.15kg Sam Jensen		                  2.160 550cm
Team Prize (most released fish)
          Team Catapult - Zac Nicholson.
          28 fish released TARAWERA

2016 2017        STATISTICS           2018
53       60      Anglers		 64
103      96      Fish Caught          68
2.136 1.749      AVERAGE WEIGHT 1.759
* This tournament has one prize per fish.


                                                                www.tsfc.co.nz 33
tournament results


34 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
TOURNAMENT 17-18 NOVEMBER 2018           RESERVE 25-26 November

ANGLER		BOAT		SPECIES FWT                        LENGTH		AREA
1Jamie Lee        REEL HEAVEN    Snapper 10.695			         White Island
2Aidan Brown      IN PURSUIT     Snapper 8.980			          Motiti
3Blair Mouat      STERLING BELLE Snapper 5.775			          Mayor
1Jason Hamlyn     RIBA		         Kingfish 15.880 108.500		 Mayor
2Pulung SukmahadiROBOT		         Kingfish 13.960 105.000		 Mayor
1Aidan Brown      IN PURSUIT     Snapper		       76.000
2Lawrence Flude GULFSEEKER       Snapper		       75.000		  White Island
3Neil Curle       HIGH NOON      Snapper		       74.000
1Kyle Ericksen    ELEVAR		       Kingfish		      114.000		 Mayor
2Butch WaterhouseOKURA 2		       Kingfish		      111.000		 Brewis Shoal
3Shirley WaterhouseOKURA 2       Kingfish		      106.500		 Mayor

DAVE FOLEY MEMORIAL TROPHY (Longest Kingfish Measure & Release)
Kyle Ericksen ELEVAR 114.000
Kingfish Champion Team)
IN PURSUIT 177.500 (Snapper- 76.000 Kingfish - 105.300)
Jack Frost        THE SEXY BEAST Snapper 3.150
Jack Frost        THE SEXY BEAST Kingfish 78.500

                                                              www.tsfc.co.nz 35
tournament results


2018         STATISTICS               2017
102          Total Anglers            124
12           Junior Anglers           4
35           Teams		                  48
18           Snapper M&R              27
15           Snapper Weigh            11
22           Kingfish M&R             19
2            Kingfish Weigh           3
57           Total Fish               38

36 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018

        Angler Name        Boat Name            Species		          FWT
1       Aidan Brown        IN PURSUIT           Snapper		          72.000
2       Kirstie Huxtable   GAME CHANGER Snapper		                  68.500
3       David Hunt         BLUE MOON II         Snapper		          59.500
1       David Hunt         BLUE MOON II         Kingfish		         113.000
2       Reuben Mair        NIGHTMAIR            Kingfish		         108.000
3       Duncan Johnson REEL FUN                 Kingfish		         105.500
3       Mike Speed         MAYHEM		             Kingfish		         105.500
HEAVIEST BILLFISH (Black, Blue, Striped Marlin, Broadbill & S/B Spearfish)
1       Colin Christmas    GAME KEEPER          S/B Spearfish      10.600
2       DRAWN
3       DRAWN
1       Scott Parry        HOLY SHIP            Snapper		          9.780
2       Tyler Speed        MAYHEM		Snapper		7.005
3       Scott Parry        HOLY SHIP            Snapper		          5.360

                                                                    www.tsfc.co.nz 37
tournament results


        Angler Name       Boat Name       Species		     FWT
1       Darren Richardson BUTZ		          Kahawai		     2.615
2       Mike Honore       SALTY MISTRESS Kahawai		      2.610
3       Praveen Pillay    HUSTLER		       Kahawai		     2.570
1       Sharryn Clark     EXTREME         Skipjack Tuna 4.105
2       Andrew Lory       THE OFFICE      Skipjack Tuna 4.075
3       Reuben Mair       NIGHTMAIR       Skipjack Tuna 3.915
1       DRAWN
2       DRAWN
3       DRAWN
        Sharryn Clark     EXTREME         Skipjack Tuna 4.105
HEAVIEST WRECKFISH (Bass, Bluenose & Hapuka)
1       Joe Gordon        MANGAWHAI MISTRESS Bluenose   17.200
2       Andy McKay        HOOKED UP       Hapuka		      17.200
3       Russell Hay       MANGAWHAI MISTRESS Bluenose   11.100
1       Praveen Pillay    HUSTLER		Trevally		3.450
1       Slade Kerr        HIGH N’ DRY     John Dory     1.670
1       Bob Lambert       WINE ME UP      Gurnard		     0.615
1       Sharryn Clark     EXTREME         Skipjack Tuna 4.105
2       Leanne Lory       THE OFFICE      Skipjack Tuna 3.560
3       Leanne Lory       THE OFFICE      Skipjack Tuna 3.545
1       Hayden Speed      MAYHEM		Hapuka		7.010
2       Tyler Speed       MAYHEM		Snapper		7.005
3       Jovanna Pillay    HUSTLER		       Skipjack Tuna 3.270
1       MAYHEM
2       HUSTLER
3       MAYHEM

38 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
2018   STATISTICS            2019
210    Total Anglers         126
19     Junior Anglers        12
28     Lady Anglers          15
75     Teams		               47
15     Snapper		             13
22     M&R Snapper           16
52     Kahawai		             23
32     Trevally		            9
15     John Dory             1
42     Skipjack Tuna         44
15     Albacore Tuna         0
1      Yellowfin Tuna        0
1      Shortbill Spearfish   1
6      Wreckfish             14
2      Gurnard		             3
31     M&R Kingfish          31
0      Marlin		              0
234    Total Fish            155

                                    www.tsfc.co.nz 39
tournament results

2018         STATISTICS                2019
97           Total Anglers             153
6            Junior Anglers            9
31           Teams		                   48
3            Yelllowfin Tuna           0
0            Big Eye Tuna              1
6            Albacore Tuna             7
0            Skipjack Tuna             0
1            Blue/Black Marlin         1
0            Broadbill		               0
1            Striped Marlin            5
1            T&R Marlin                4
3            Mahi Mahi                 0
2            S/B Spearfish             3
16           Total Fish                17

40 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
C o n s tr u c ti o n
           E O                N!
    GA M  NA M E N T
                                                             201              9

     OU R
                                                        A RY
                                                  JA N U
       T                               18 - 19

Angler		          Boat		        Species		      WT      Line WT Area
1 Amanda ThompsonFIRST CLASS    Big Eye Tuna   72.600 37       First Mortgage Trust
2 Nick Montgomery OCEAN PACIFIC Albacore		     17.040 60       FMT Mortgage Finance
1 Carl Shannon    ANDROS        Blue Marlin    191.800 37      High Duty Plastics
1 Tony Drysdale   ERICE MARIE   Striped Marlin 103.800 37      Port of Tauranga
Deryk Nielsen     BLACK LABEL   S/B Spearfish  13.800 37       High Duty Plastics

       BOAT		Points
1      KYRENIA		550 points		$6,639.75
2      ANDROS		518.38 points		$1,532.25
3      RIBA		400 points		$340.50
       FREE FLO		 400 points
       HAPPY HOUR 400 points

                                                                www.tsfc.co.nz 41
tournament results

Angler		            Boatname         Species		   FWT     LWT SPONSORS GRID
HEAVIEST BILLFISH (Blue, Black, Broadbill)
1Caitlin Holmberg ELEVAR		           BLUE MARLIN 171.300 37    Stoney Creek
2Louise Stewart OCEAN MONARCH BLUE MARLIN        112.900 37    Stoney Creek
1Jill Marsh         OKURA II KINGFISH		          13.200 37     Champness Roofing
2Shirley Waterhouse OKURA II KINGFISH		          13.020 37     Champness Roofing
1Tania Simons       OPTIMUS		        SNAPPER     9.600   15    Champness Roofing
2Sheryl Thornton ENCORE		            SNAPPER     7.190   10    Champness Roofing
3Shirley WaterhouseOKURA II		        SNAPPER     5.395   37    Champness Roofing
1Carolyn Eldridge KIWOZ		            TREVALLY    2.975		       Champness Roofing
2Janet Quarrie      KIWOZ		          TREVALLY    2.970		       Champness Roofing
3Janet Quarrie      KIWOZ		          TREVALLY    2.265		       Champness Roofing
1Meagan Mackay OCEAN MONARCH STRIPED MARLIN T&R          37    Stoney Creek
2/3/4 DRAWN
1Michelle Clark     OKURA II		       TARAKIHI    1.005   10    Champness Roofing

42 Tauranga Sport Fishing Club Inc. Yearbook 2017 - 2018
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