Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Winter 2020
                   January - March

Stay Active | Stay Involved | Stay Healthy

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
                                                                     3 Easy Ways to Register

                                                                                                   Program fees
                                                                                                     are due at
                                                                                                    and do not
                                                                                                    include tax.

     1 Click                                2 Call                       3 Come in
    Register online anytime               Call any community,          Drop in to any community,
    using our 24/7 system.                cultural, or recreation      cultural, or recreation
                                          centre (page 6) to           centre (page 6) to
                                          register by phone.           register in person.

    Pay by American Express,              Pay by American Express,     Pay by cash, cheque,
    MasterCard, Visa, or                  MasterCard, Visa, or         credit card, debit, or
    account credit.                       account credit.              account credit.

                           We love to show pictures of you
                       smiling and having fun during Township
                         programs and special events. If you
                        object to having your picture, or your
                        child's picture, used in our marketing,
                         please let us know. We will happily
2                              comply with your wishes.
Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Registration opens November 20
for all programs listed in this guide!
Waiting Lists
Let us know you're interested! Waiting lists are reviewed
continually and efforts are made to accommodate everyone
interested in the course.

If a minimum number of registrants is not met, we may have
to cancel or combine classes. These decisions are made up
to a week prior to the start date, so please register early.

Satisfaction guaranteed!
• If you are not satisfied with your program or have to withdraw
  for any reason, we will be pleased to credit your account
  or provide a refund pro-rated from the date of notification.
  Some exceptions apply.
• A full credit to your account or a refund will be issued if we
  receive withdrawal notification prior to the course start date,
  unless otherwise specified during registration.                        The needs of
                                                                    all ages and abilities
Financial Assistance                                                   are considered.
                                                                    Contact us for more
The Township offers financial assistance to qualifying residents         information.
to participate in our recreational activities. Applications and
information can be obtained at any recreation centre front desk.

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
    The Township of Langley is
    preparing to launch a new
    online registration system!
    We’re making it easier
    for you to:
    • navigate
    • find recreation programs
      and activities
    • view activities in your calendar
    • manage registrations for your family

       More details coming in 2020

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
RecExpress.ca                                                                                                                                               Welcome

Inside the Guide
Family                                                                 Youth                                                          Find it here!
Arts & Crafts..................................... 9                   Arts & Crafts...................................33             Active for Life................................. 13
Dance, Music & Theatre................. 9                              Dance, Music & Theatre...............33                        Active Pass................................. 8, 41
Fitness............................................. 10                First Aid & Safety...........................34                Admission Rates............................... 8
General Interest............................. 10                       Fitness & Weight Training.............34                       Aquafit............................................73
One Day Wonders........................ 11                             Pilates & Yoga................................35               Birthday Parties..............................24
Social Recreation........................... 11                        Social Recreation...........................35                 Community, Cultural, &
Sports.............................................. 12                Sports..............................................36         Recreation Centre Locations........... 6
Yoga................................................ 11                                                                               Curling............................................72
                                                                                                                                      Drop-in Fitness................................43
                                                                       Adults                                                         Spring Break
Preschool                                                              Arts & Crafts................................... 37            Camps at a Glance.......................22
Arts & Crafts................................... 14                    Dance, Music & Theatre...............38                        How to Become
Cooking.......................................... 14                   First Aid & Safety...........................39                a Water Safety Instructor..............70
Dance, Music & Theatre............... 15                               Fitness & Weight Training.............40                       How to Work in Aquatics.............68
General Interest............................. 17                       Fitness Certifications......................46                 Langley Centennial Museum........ 74
Martial Arts.................................... 17                    General Interest.............................46                Library Information........................ 75
One Day Wonders........................ 17                             History & Heritage........................50                   Licensed Preschool........................20
Outdoor Pursuits............................ 18                        Martial Arts.................................... 51            Lifeguarding................................... 67
Science & Technology.................. 18                              Pilates & Yoga................................ 51              Personal Training
                                                                                                                                      & Rehabilitation Programs............48
Social Recreation........................... 18                        Special Events................................53
                                                                                                                                      Program Locations........................... 6
Sports.............................................. 19                Sports..............................................54
                                                                                                                                      Registration Information.................. 2
                                                                                                                                      Rental Facilities................................ 6
Children & Preteens                                                    Older Adults & Seniors                                         Skating............................................59
Arts & Crafts...................................25                     Arts & Crafts...................................56             Skating Lessons..............................60
Cooking..........................................26                    Dance, Music & Theatre...............56                        Swimming.......................................62
Dance, Music & Theatre...............26                                Fitness & Weight Training.............56                       Swimming Lessons.........................63
General Interest.............................27                        General Interest.............................57                Weight Room Facilities..................45
Martial Arts....................................28                     Pilates & Yoga................................57
One Day Wonders........................28                              Science & Technology..................58
Outdoor Pursuits............................29                         Social Recreation...........................58
Pro-D Day Camps..........................27                            Sports..............................................58
Science & Technology..................29                               Special Events................................58
Social Recreation...........................30
Sports.............................................. 31

The Leisure Guide publication is the property of the Township of Langley. While all reasonable efforts have been made   PRODUCED BY                                     Phone   604.533.6086
to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document, the Township makes no warranty or guarantee       Township of Langley                             Fax     604.533.6131
in respect of the accuracy of the information and accepts no liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.      Parks and Recreation Division                   Email   prinfo@tol.ca
Prices listed do not include applicable tax and are subject to change without notice. © 2020                            20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley BC V2Y 3J1           Web     tol.ca

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Community, Cultural, and Recreation Centres

    These Township of Langley facilities conveniently accommodate groups of 10 to 500 people.

    Aldergrove Credit Union     George Preston                     Langley                         W.C. Blair
    Community Centre            Recreation Centre                  Centennial Museum               Recreation Centre
    27032 Fraser Highway        20699 – 42 Avenue                  9135 King Street                22200 Fraser Highway
    V4W 3P6                     V3A 3B1                            V1M 2S2                         V3A 7T2
     t 604.857.4299              t 604.530.1323                     t 604.532.3536                  t 604.533.6170
     f 604.857.4298              f 604.530.9372                     f 604.888.7291                  f 604.533.6178

    FACILITIES                  FACILITIES                         FACILITIES                      FACILITIES
    •   Arena                   •   Arena                          • Gallery                       •   Fitness Centre
    •   Fitness Centre          •   Curling Rink                                                   •   Meeting Rooms
    •   Multi-purpose Room      •   Kitchen                                                        •   Multi-purpose Rooms
    •   Swimming Pool           •   Lounge                                                         •   Swimming Pool
    •   Walking Track           •   Multi-purpose Rooms                                            •   Wave Pool
    •   Waterpark               •   Sports Box

    Additional Program Locations

    Aldergrove Athletic Park                 James Hill                               Richard Bulpitt
    27 Avenue & 268 Street                   Elementary School & Park                 Elementary School & Park
                                             22144 Old Yale Road                      20965 – 77A Avenue
    Aldergrove Community
    Secondary School                         James Kennedy                            Riverside Community Room
    26850 – 29 Avenue                        Elementary School                        9273 Glover Road
                                             9060 – 212 Street
    Aldergrove Kinsmen                                                                Shortreed Elementary School
    Community Centre                         Langley Events Centre                    27330 – 28 Avenue
    26770 – 29 Avenue                        7888 – 200 Street
                                                                                      Walnut Grove
    Alex Hope Elementary School              Langley Fundamental                      Community Park
    21150 – 85 Avenue                        Elementary School                        8937 Walnut Grove Drive
                                             21789 – 50 Avenue
    Civic Facility                                                                    Walnut Grove
    20338 – 65 Avenue                        Lynn Fripps                              Secondary School
    604.533.6086                             Elementary School & Park                 8919 Walnut Grove Drive
                                             21020 – 83 Avenue
    Coghlan Elementary School                                                         West Langley Hall & Park
    4452 – 256 Street                        Murrayville Community Library            9400 – 208 Street
                                             100, 22071 – 48 Avenue
    Derek Doubleday Arboretum                                                         Westcott Equestrian
    21177 Fraser Highway                     Noel Booth Elementary School             1484 – 216 Street
                                             20202 – 35 Avenue
    Dorothy Peacock                                                                   Yorkson Creek Middle School
    Elementary School                        Parkside Centennial                      20686 – 84 Avenue
    20292 – 91A Avenue                       Elementary School
                                             3300 – 270 Street
    East Brookswood Park
    21250 – 42 Avenue
                                                                                        Facilities are available
                                                                                        for rent. Call for availability
                                                                                        and booking information.
Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Call for availability and booking information!

Walnut Grove                Willoughby              Willowbrook
Community Centre            Community Centre        Recreation Centre      Regular and
8889 Walnut Grove Drive     7888 – 200 Street       20338 – 65 Avenue      statutory holiday
V1M 2N7                     V2Y 3J4                 V2Y 3J1
 t 604.882.0408              t 604.532.7598          t 604.532.3500
                                                                           hours vary
 f 604.882.0361              f 604.455.0011          f 604.532.7507        by season.
                                                                           Visit tol.ca
FACILITIES                  FACILITIES              FACILITIES
•   Fitness Centre          • Fitness Centre        • Fitness Centre       for information.
•   Gymnasium               • Multi-purpose Rooms   • Multi-purpose Room
•   Meeting Rooms
•   Multi-purpose Rooms
•   Swimming Pool

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Active                                    Get yours today!
     Enjoy access to a variety of Township of Langley facilities,
     services, and weekly offerings including:
     • arenas and drop-in skating sessions                                         • fitness classes and aquatic fitness classes
     • fitness centres with cardio and weight equipment                            • drop-in sports sessions
     • swimming pools featuring saunas, hot tubs,                                  • and more...visit tol.ca for site-specific details
       and steam rooms
                   Download the Stocard app, upload your pass, and scan your pass from your phone each visit.

         Prices include tax
         and are effective
        September 1, 2019.          Admission Rates
                                     Child           Youth         Student               Adult          Senior                           Family
                                     4-12 yrs        13-18 yrs     with valid ID        19-59 yrs      60-79 yrs        Senior
                                                                                                                        80+ yrs

    Drop-in                             $3.10           $3.95           $4.45               $6.25          $4.70           $1.00           $12.25

    10-visit card                      $27.90          $35.60          $40.10             $56.30         $42.30           $10.00         $110.30

    20-visit card                      $52.80          $67.20          $75.60            $106.20         $80.00               n/a        $208.20

    1-month Active Pass                $34.10          $43.45          $48.95             $68.75         $57.70               n/a        $134.75

    3-month Active Pass                $93.00        $118.50         $133.50             $187.50        $141.00               n/a        $367.50

    1-year Active Pass               $262.50         $335.75               n/a           $531.25        $399.50               n/a      $1,041.25

     Skate Rental                       $3.35        Skate Sharpening                      $5.60       Helmet Rental                      $1.00

    • A family is a maximum of 5 people; including a combination       • Youth 13 - 15 years must participate in an orientation program before
      of parents, guardians, or grandparents with children under         using weight room facilities.
      the age of 19 years who reside in the same household,
      with a maximum of 2 adults per family group.

Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley

    Find current schedules for family                               Fingers & Toes
    drop-in activities and special events                           Make art with prints from your child’s fingers and toes!
    online, all the time!                                           We’ll create keepsakes for life with our seasonal
                                                                    art projects.
    tol.ca/events                                                   3mos-5yrs
                                                                    Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
    tol.ca/familydropin                                             Fr        10:45-11:30am   Jan 17-Feb 7 4/$25            585664
    tol.ca/skate                                                    Fr        10:45-11:30am   Feb 14-Mar 6 4/$25            585665
    tol.ca/swim                                                     George Preston Recreation Centre
                                                                    Th      10:00-10:45am     Jan 30-Mar 5     6/$41        586464
    View drop-in schedules for all                                  Walnut Grove Community Centre
    activities in one place at                                      Fr      9:15-10:00am    Jan 17-Mar 13      9/$61.25     588833
    tol.ca/reccalendars                                             Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                    Th      10:30-11:15am   Jan 16-Mar 5       8/$54.50     586717

                                                                    Garden Stones
Arts & Crafts                                                       Create your own garden stone for the family.
                                                                    All supplies included.
Art with Me                                                         3-12yrs
                                                                    Willoughby Community Centre
Paint, glitter, colour, and sculpt. We’ll try different forms       Sa      10:30am-12:00pm Feb 29             $21/stone    585501
of art every week.
Willoughby Community Centre                                         Little Artists
Sa      10:45-11:30am   Jan 18-Feb 8         4/$25         585502   Introduce you and your child to the world of art through
                                                                    imagination and fun.
Fairy Doors                                                         18mos-3yrs
                                                                    Walnut Grove Community Centre
Create your own fairy doors for your garden.                        Mo       9:15-10:00am   Jan 13-Mar 9       8/$54.50     589022
All supplies included.
Willoughby Community Centre                                         Dance, Music & Theatre
Sa      10:30am-12:00pm Mar 7                $21/door      585503
                                                                    Creative Dance
                                                                    Express yourselves in this fun introduction to music,
                                                                    movement, and dance.
                                                                    Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                    Fr       9:15-10:00am   Jan 17-Mar 6       8/$48.75     586725

                                                                    Dance with Me
                                                                    Float, leap, and tiptoe across the floor. We’ll turn up the
                                                                    music to dance, play, and move!
                                                                    Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                    Sa      9:30-10:15am    Jan 11-Mar 7       8/$48.75     585500

                                                 All family
                                             programs require
                                            parent participation.                                                                    9
Leisure Guide - Winter 2020 January - March - tol.ca/guides - Township of Langley
Family                                                                                                         tol.ca/guides

     Dance, Music & Theatre                                           Tales & Tunes
                                                                      Parents and toddlers explore the magic of story, song,
     continued                                                        and rhyme beside the Michaud Parlour. Children will
                                                                      enjoy stories, sing songs, and play with puppets in a fun
     Mother-Daughter Dance Club                                       group setting. This program features historical, west coast,
     Bring your mom, auntie, grandma (you can even bring              and modern stories and songs.
     your dad!) and we’ll build up to an end of season routine.       2-5yrs
     Each week we’ll learn new skills and increase our rhythm,        Langley Centennial Museum
     flexibility, and dance knowledge.                                Tu       9:00-9:30am     Jan 14-Feb 11       5/$35.25     589074
     6+yrs                                                            Tu       10:00-10:30am   Jan 14-Feb 11       5/$35.25     589075
     Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                      Tu       9:00-9:30am     Feb 18-Mar 10       4/$28.25     589076
     Tu      6:00-7:00pm     Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$65       585418
                                                                      Tu       10:00-10:30am   Feb 18-Mar 10       4/$28.25     589077

     Music, Movement & Motion
     Enhance your little one’s development and love of music          Fitness
     through song, dance, movement games, and instrument
     play in this active and fun-filled parent and tot class.         Fitness for You
     18mos-5yrs                                                       While your little one plays with gym toys, you can enjoy
     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre                                     a great instructor-led workout in the same gym at the same
     Tu       11:15am-12:00pm    Jan 14-Mar 3    8/$51.50    585089   time! Tot must be independent. Parents are still responsible
     Sa       10:00-10:45am      Jan 18-Mar 7    8/$51.50    585069   for their child while class is in session. No additional
                                                                      supervision is provided.
     Music Together®                                                  2+yrs
     Explore songs, chants, dance, and instrument play in             Walnut Grove Community Centre
     this fun, research-based music and movement program              Fr      10:30-11:15am   Jan 10-Feb 14        6/$38.75     589122
     for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and the adults who love     Fr      10:30-11:15am   Feb 21-Mar 13        4/$26        589123
     them! First child fee includes 2 CDs, an illustrated
     songbook, and a parent resource guide. Children
     10 months and under are free with a registered sibling.          General Interest
     Reduced rate available for additional siblings.
     1mos-5yrs                                                        Braids for your Babes
     George Preston Recreation Centre                                 Learn braid techniques that will have you sending your
     Tu        10:00-10:45am   Jan 7-Mar 10      9/$154      585743   kids to school with stylish hair that is out of their faces!
     Tu        11:00-11:45am   Jan 7-Mar 10      9/$154      585744   Bring your babes with you to practice your technique.
     Langley Centennial Museum                                        16+yrs
                                                                      Willoughby Community Centre
     Sa       9:00-9:45am     Jan 11-Mar 14      10/$165     589140
                                                                      Tu      6:00-6:45pm     Jan 14               1/$8.50      584652
     Sa       10:00-10:45am   Jan 11-Mar 14      10/$165     589141
                                                                      Tu      6:00-6:45pm     Feb 18               1/$8.50      584653
     Sa       11:00-11:45am   Jan 11-Mar 14      10/$165     589142
     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Th       9:30-10:15am       Jan 16-Mar 19   10/$165     584924
     Th       10:30-11:15am      Jan 16-Mar 19   10/$165     584923

     Orff Music
     Toddlers and parents are immersed in an environment of
     music making and imagination that develops their musical
     selves and nurtures their social, intellectual, and emotional
     growth. Offered in partnership with Langley Community
     Music School.
     Walnut Grove Community Centre
     We       9:00-9:45am    Jan 15-Mar 11       9/$90       588759
     We       10:00-10:45am  Jan 15-Mar 11       9/$90       588760

RecExpress.ca                                                                                                             Family

                                                                      Family Drop-in
                                                                      Find sport, art, or social activities for your child with
                                                                      flexibility to fit your busy schedule!

                                                                      For drop-in times, dates, locations, and more details,
                                                                      visit tol.ca/familydropin

                                                                      Badminton (6+yrs)
                                                                      Tot Romp* (9mos - 5yrs)
                                                                      Family Night (All ages)
                                                                      Childminding - Craft ‘n’ Play** (2 - 5yrs)

                                                                       *Tot Romp:                      **Childminding - Craft ‘n’ Play:
                                                                       • $3/child                      • $5/child
                                            Child minding
                                                                       • Soft-soled shoes only         • Enjoy a fitness class, go for a
                                       available at Aldergrove                                           swim, or just relax! You must
                                       Credit Union Community          • No food or drinks permitted
                                                                                                         remain in the facility while
                                       Centre & Walnut Grove           • Supervision required            your child participates.
                                         Community Centre.               (minimum 1 parent or
                                                                         guardian/3 children)
                                          Find schedules at

One Day Wonders                                                     Yoga
Princess Party                                                      Family Yoga
Make all your princess dreams come true in this party               Enjoy the benefits of yoga together and help your child
full of enchantment and magical fun, including tasty treats,        on their way to a healthy and active lifestyle. Price is for
princess-themed crafts, singing, and dancing. The day will          parent and child. Add an additional parent or child for
be complete with a visit from a special princess! Parent            a fee.
participation is required.                                          6+yrs
18mos-8yrs                                                          Willoughby Community Centre
Willoughby Community Centre                                         We      6:50-7:35pm     Jan 8-Feb 5              5/$48.25         589207
Sa       10:30am-12:00pm Feb 22            1/$28.50        585499   We      6:50-7:35pm     Feb 12-Mar 11            5/$48.25         589208

Science Magic Show
Celebrate Family Day with a special kind of magic show!
                                                                    Social Recreation
Bring your family to enjoy entertaining and fascinating
science fun.                                                        Baby Play
All ages                                                            Join us for a great opportunity to meet other parents
George Preston Recreation Centre                                    while learning games, songs, finger plays, lap games,
Mo       2:00-3:00pm      Feb 17           $15/family      589907   and other language activities that are important for your
Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                    child’s development.
Mo      11:00am-12:00pm Feb 17             $15/family      589908   3-12mos
                                                                    Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                    We      11:30am-12:15pm Jan 15-Mar 4             8/$51.50         586714

Family                                                                                                         tol.ca/guides

     Social Recreation continued                                       Sports
     Sensory Play                                                      Active Start Multi-Sport
     It is important to provide children with multiple opportunities   Your little ones will be introduced to fundamental movement
     for early learning. Sensory play allows tots to improve their     skills such as running, throwing, catching, and kicking which
     gross and fine motor skills, coordination and concentration.      help develop the basic athleticism to be active for life.
     Join us for messy, silly, creative fun that comes with getting    18mos-3yrs
     your hands dirty!                                                 W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     9mos-2yrs                                                         Tu       9:00-9:45am        Jan 14-Feb 18   6/$36.75         584920
     Walnut Grove Community Centre                                     Tu       9:00-9:45am        Feb 25-Mar 17   4/$24.50         584921
     Mo        10:30-11:15am Jan 13-Mar 9       8/$54.50     588711
                                                                       Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                       Sa      11:00-11:45am   Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$55            589317
     Toddler Play                                                      Willoughby Community Centre
     Songs, stories, and activities designed to provide                Tu      10:15-11:00am   Jan 7-Feb 11        6/$36.75         586667
     opportunities for young children’s social interaction
     and individual development are at the heart of this
     cooperative program.
                                                                       Active Start Rumble & Roll
                                                                       Tip, turn, rumble, and roll through hoops and over mats.
     1-4yrs                                                            Help your child as we focus on agility, balance, and the
     Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     Fr      9:50-10:35am      Jan 17-Feb 7 4/$25.75         585667
                                                                       coordination skills that will have them ready to become little
                                                                       tumblers on their own.
     Fr      9:50-10:35am      Feb 14-Mar 6 4/$25.75         585666
     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre                                      Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     Tu       9:45-10:30am       Jan 14–Feb 11 5/$34.25      590846    We       10:30-11:15am    Jan 15-Feb 12 5/$30.75             585663
     Tu       9:45-10:30am       Feb 18–Mar 10 4/$25.75      590847    Walnut Grove Community Centre
     Willoughby Community Centre                                       We      11:15am-12:00pm Jan 15-Mar 11       9/$55            588209
     We      10:30-11:15am   Jan 15-Mar 4       8/$51.50     586712    Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                       Fr      10:15-11:00am   Jan 17-Mar 6        8/$49            586727

                                                                       Active Start Tumble Time Gymnastics
                                                                       Help your child develop agility, balance, and coordination
                                                                       with basic gymnastics equipment, obstacle courses, and
                                                                       plenty of tumbling!
                                                                       Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                       Th      10:00-10:45am   Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$66.25         588207
                                                                       Sa      11:15am-12:00pm Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$66.25         588198

                                                                                    What is an Active Start?
                                                                                    Preschoolers need a variety of movement
                                                                                    skills to set them up for success in activity
                                                                                    and sport. Active Start classes introduce
                                                                                    agility, balance, coordination, and speed
                                                                                    skills before moving onto the FUNdamentals
                                                                                    of sport and movement.

                                                                                           Look for this logo that designates
                                                                                           our Physical Literacy programs.
12                                                                                         See page 13 for information.
The Township of Langley is committed to offering programs
to help individuals increase their physical literacy and enable
them to be active for life. Our physical literacy programs                   Now I know
focus on the ABCs and Fundamental Movement Skills                            my ABCs!
that allow people to move successfully in any activity.                      Agility
What is physical literacy?                                                   Balance
A physically literate individual moves with competence                       Coordination
and confidence:                                                              Spatial Awareness
• in a wide variety of physical activities
• in multiple environments
• benefiting healthy development

  Balancing          Walking          Lifting             …leads to Skills for Life

              Look for this logo
              that designates
              our physical                   Sports skills are life skills!
              literacy programs.

Give your preschoolers an Active Start in our active programs
focusing on physical literacy and movement. Children’s programs
move onto the FUNdamentals of sport and movement, preparing
your child to be active for life!                                                            13

     Looking for drop-in recreation        Arts & Crafts
     options and special events
     information for your preschooler?     Little Artists
                                           Does your preschooler enjoy drawing, colouring, and
     tol.ca/events                         creating? Introduce your child to the world of art through
     tol.ca/familydropin                   imagination and fun.
     tol.ca/skate                          3-5yrs
                                           Walnut Grove Community Centre
     tol.ca/swim                           Mo      10:30-11:15am   Jan 13-Mar 9        8/$50.50    589023

     View drop-in schedules for all
                                           Paint, Play & Skate
     activities in one place at            Preschoolers who love to be on the go will enjoy a creative
     tol.ca/reccalendars                   art class, games and activities, followed by a group skating
                                           lesson. Kids, bring your jacket and gloves to class!
                                           George Preston Recreation Centre
                                           Tu      10:45am-12:15pm   Feb 4-Mar 10      6/$84       585771

                                           Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man. Bake me a cake as
                                           fast as you can. Roll it, and pat it, and mark it with B. B is
                                           for baking for you and me! Includes a copy of our recipe
                                           book at the end of the session.
                                           Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
                                           We      5:45-6:30pm       Jan 15-Feb 12 5/$42           585660
                                           We      5:45-6:30pm       Feb 19-Mar 11 4/$30.75        587910

                                           Wee Chefs
                                           Join us for lunch! Let’s cook, bake, and create! We’ll
                                           explore new recipes with friends, learn kitchen safety, and
                                           eat the tasty projects we create. This class is educational,
                                           entertaining, and delicious. Includes a copy of the recipe
                                           book at the end of the session.
                                           West Langley Hall
                                           Tu      11:00am-12:00pm     Jan 7-Feb 4     5/$55.75    588724
                                           Tu      11:00am-12:00pm     Feb 11-Mar 10   5/$55.75    589311

RecExpress.ca                                                                                          Preschool

Dance, Music & Theatre                                           Tot Ballet
                                                                 Put on your ballet slippers, plié on the spot, or chassé
Tot Ballet for 2s                                                across the room. Simple ballet steps and routines will be
Is your tiny dancer ready to move? We’ll learn basic             introduced and practiced.
positions, pliés, and floor movement. Parents are                3-5yrs
required to participate until their children are ready to        Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
                                                                 Th      5:45-6:30pm       Jan 16-Feb 13 5/$30.50       585640
take part independently.
                                                                 Th      5:45-6:30pm       Feb 20-Mar 12 4/$25          587146
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                         George Preston Recreation Centre
Th      11:00-11:45am     Jan 16-Feb 13 5/$30.50        585642   Th      4:00-4:45pm       Jan 30-Mar 12     7/$42.75   586469
Th      11:00-11:45am     Feb 20-Mar 12 4/$25           585641   W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
George Preston Recreation Centre                                 Tu       4:35-5:20pm        Jan 7-Feb 4     5/$30.50   582429
Th      3:30-4:00pm       Jan 30-Mar 12     7/$42.75    586470   Sa       10:45-11:30am      Jan 11-Feb 8    5/$30.50   582427
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre                                     Tu       4:35-5:20pm        Feb 18-Mar 17   5/$30.50   589376
Sa       10:05-10:35am      Jan 11-Feb 8    5/$30.50    585073   Sa       10:45-11:30am      Feb 22-Mar 14   4/$25      582428
Tu       4:00-4:30pm        Jan 14-Feb 11   5/$30.50    589374   Walnut Grove Community Centre
Tu       4:00-4:30pm        Feb 18-Mar 17   5/$30.50    589375   Th      4:15-5:00pm     Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$54.75   588820
Sa       10:05-10:35am      Feb 22-Mar 14   4/$25       585074   Sa      10:00-10:55am   Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$67      588659
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                    West Langley Hall
Sa      9:15-9:45am     Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$54.75    588660   We      10:30-11:15am       Jan 15-Mar 11   9/$54.75   588781
West Langley Hall                                                Willoughby Community Centre
We      10:00-10:30am       Jan 15-Mar 11   9/$54.75    588780   Tu      9:50-10:35am    Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$48.75   586652
Willoughby Community Centre                                      Th      4:45-5:30pm     Jan 16-Mar 5        8/$48.75   586654
Tu      9:15-9:45am     Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$48.75    586656   Willowbrook Recreation Centre
Tu      11:30am-12:00pm Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$48.75    586657   We      3:00-3:45pm      Jan 15-Mar 4       8/$48.75   586695
Th      5:35-6:05pm     Jan 16-Mar 5        8/$48.75    586660   Fr      9:55-10:40am     Jan 17-Mar 6       8/$48.75   586693
Willowbrook Recreation Centre
Fr      9:15-9:45am      Jan 17-Mar 6       8/$48.75    586734

Preschool                                                                                                        tol.ca/guides

     Dance, Music & Theatre                                               Dance Mix
                                                                          Learn a variety of dance styles as we develop routines
     continued                                                            to dance and play the day away.
     Busta’ Move for Boys                                                 Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     Allow your little one to explore their love for music and            Th      11:50am-12:35pm   Jan 16-Feb 13 5/$30.50       587905
     dance in this fun and active movement class. We’ll explore           Th      11:50am-12:35pm   Feb 20-Mar 12 4/$25          587906
     the basic fundamentals of dance through movement, rhythm,
                                                                          West Langley Hall
     and music! While designed for boys, this course is open to
                                                                          We      9:00-9:45am         Jan 15-Mar 11   9/$54.75   592254
     anyone who feels it is a good fit!
     Walnut Grove Community Centre                                        Tot Hip Hop
     Th      5:15-6:00pm     Jan 16-Mar 12         9/$54.75     588821    Busta move in this fun class! We’ll learn some basic hip
     Sa      11:00-11:55am   Jan 18-Mar 14         9/$67        588661    hop moves to fun upbeat music.
                                                                          Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     Tot Cheer                                                            Mo      4:45-5:30pm       Jan 13-Feb 10 5/$30.50       585655
     We’ve got spirit, yes we do! Does your little one have spirit
                                                                          Mo      4:45-5:30pm       Feb 24-Mar 16 4/$25          587149
     and love to dance? Come learn the basic elements of
     cheer including jumps, cheers, and dances.                           Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                          Tu      10:45-11:30am   Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$48.75   586662
     Willowbrook Recreation Centre                                        Th      6:15-7:00pm     Jan 16-Mar 5        8/$48.75   586664
     Tu      3:30-4:15pm      Jan 14-Mar 3         8/$48.75      586671   Willowbrook Recreation Centre
                                                                          We      3:50-4:35pm      Jan 15-Mar 4       8/$48.75   586702
     Creative Dance for 2s
     Float like a butterfly, leap like a lizard. Little ones will learn   Kinder Jazz
     the ABCs of movement, rhythm, and dance steps in this                Designed to develop musical awareness, creativity, and
     creative class. Parents are required to participate until their      motor skills through dance games and improvisation, kids
     child is ready to take part independently.                           are sure to have fun while learning with us!
     2yrs                                                                 3-5yrs
     Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                             W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Th      12:45-1:30pm      Jan 16-Feb 13 5/$30.50           585647    Sa       11:30am-12:15pm    Jan 11-Feb 8    5/$30.50   585071
     Th      12:45-1:30pm      Feb 20-Mar 12 4/$25              587144    Sa       11:30am-12:15pm    Feb 22-Mar 14   4/$25      585070
     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Sa       9:25-9:55am        Jan 11-Feb 8      5/$30.50     585085
     Tu       10:00-10:45am      Jan 14-Feb 11     5/$30.50     585087
     Tu       10:00-10:45am      Feb 18-Mar 17     5/$30.50     585088
     Sa       9:25-9:55am        Feb 22-Mar 14     4/$25        585086
     Willowbrook Recreation Centre
     Fr      10:45-11:15am    Jan 17-Mar 6         8/$48.75     586736

RecExpress.ca                                                                                          Preschool

Orff Music
Enjoy simple songs, rhymes, and playing a variety of
instruments. Have fun with movement, games, and telling
musical stories. The creative and nurturing environment of
these classes not only develops the child’s musical ability
and imagination, but also promotes their social, intellectual,
and emotional growth. Offered in partnership with Langley
Community Music School. Instructor: Holly Duff.
Walnut Grove Community Centre
We      11:00-11:45am   Jan 15-Mar 11      9/$90        588761

Neon Dance Party                                                  One Day Wonders
Join us as we shake our sillies out to rockin’ tunes and neon
lights at this preschool dance party! Little ones will discover   Dinosaur Train
the joy of dance and movement in a creative space.                Come and hop on the dinosaur train! You will learn all
                                                                  about dinosaurs, their environment, and try out some basic
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre                                      science activities.
Sa       6:00-6:45pm        Jan 18-Feb 8   4/$25        589377    3-7yrs
                                                                  W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
                                                                  Su       10:00am-12:00pm    Feb 2         1/$17.75    585077
General Interest
                                                                  Kid Inventors
LEGO® Adventures                                                  Get hands-on with construction and sculpture activities.
Create, design, share, and build teamwork skills in this          From bridges to automobiles, no invention is too big for
interactive class.                                                kids with creative minds!
3-5yrs                                                            3-5yrs
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                     Walnut Grove Community Centre
We      6:00-6:55pm     Jan 15-Mar 11      9/$71        588765    Sa      10:00am-12:00pm Feb 8             1/$17.75     588117

Martial Arts                                                      My Little Valentine
                                                                  Bring your sweetheart to this very special crafting occasion.
Tae Kwon Do Little Tigers                                         Youngsters will design cards and other themed crafts to
                                                                  give to their friends and family.
Tae Kwon Do is a fun and safe Korean martial art carefully
designed to inspire personal excellence through physical          3-5yrs
                                                                  W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
fitness, self-defence, and mind-body control. Join Woo            Fr       10:00am-12:00pm    Feb 14        1/$17.75    585078
Kim Langley for classes that promise to get you sweating,
smiling, and learning!
3-5yrs                                                            Pirate's Treasure Hunt
George Preston Recreation Centre                                  Ahoy matey, it’s a pirate’s life for me! Enter the world of
We      4:30-5:00pm       Jan 8-29         $65/month    585746    seaweed, and scallywags. Walk through the door and be
We      4:30-5:00pm       Feb 5-26         $65/month    585747    transported into the world of a pirate!
We      4:30-5:00pm       Mar 4-25         $65/month    585748    3-5yrs
                                                                  Walnut Grove Community Centre
Willoughby Community Centre                                       Sa      10:00am-12:00pm Feb 22            1/$17.75     588119
We      3:30-4:00pm     Jan 8-29           $65/month    586677
We      3:30-4:00pm     Feb 5-26           $65/month    586680
                                                                  Superhero for a Day
We      3:30-4:00pm     Mar 4-25           $65/month    586679
                                                                  Calling all superheroes... jump, dip, and dive your way
                                                                  through our action-packed obstacle course, make your own
                                                                  super shield, and much more!
                                                                  Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                  Sa      10:00am-12:00pm Mar 7             1/$17.75     588121

Preschool                                                                                                  tol.ca/guides

                                                                   Social Recreation
                                                                   Kids’ Night Out!
                                                                   Join the fun! Play games, stay active, and build friendships
                                                                   while your parents enjoy their own night out. Pack a snack
                                                                   if you get hungry!
                                                                   Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                   Sa      5:30-8:30pm     Jan 25               1/$15        588110
                                                                   Fr      5:30-8:30pm     Feb 7                1/$15        588108
                                                                   Sa      5:30-8:30pm     Feb 22               1/$15        588111
                                                                   Fr      5:30-8:30pm     Mar 6                1/$15        588109

                                                                   Pajama Playtime
                                                                   Help your child wind down before naptime with this fun
                                                                   program! Tykes will get an opportunity to run off their
                                                                   energy with group games and tumble activities, followed by
                                                                   quiet time. Children are welcome to dress in their pajamas.
                                                                   Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
                                                                   Fr       9:00-9:45am      Jan 17-Feb 7 4/$20.75           585662
                                                                   Fr       9:00-9:45am      Feb 14-Mar 6 4/$20.75           587907

                                                                   Ready, Set, Preschool!
                                                                   Help prepare your little one for preschool! In this
                                                                   introductory class, children participate in a variety of crafts,
                                                                   story time, open play, and circle time activities. Until
                                                                   your child is ready to participate independently, parent
     Outdoor Pursuits                                              participation is required.
     English Horseback Riding for Tots                             W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
                                                                   Mo       9:15-10:15am       Jan 13-Mar 2     8/$73.50     585080
     Introduce your tot to the basics of horseback riding.
     Students will be introduced to horse safety, grooming,        Walnut Grove Community Centre
     and riding during their lesson.                               Mo      9:15-10:15am    Jan 13-Mar 9         8/$73.50     588709
     3-6yrs                                                        Willoughby Community Centre
     Westcott Equestrian                                           We      9:15-10:15am    Jan 15-Mar 4         8/$73.50     586640
     Sa       4:00-4:40pm       Jan 11-Feb 1   4/$120     584954   Th      9:15-10:15am    Jan 16-Mar 5         8/$73.50     586645
     Sa       4:00-4:40pm       Feb 8-29       4/$120     584955   Willowbrook Recreation Centre
     Sa       4:00-4:40pm       Mar 7-28       4/$120     584956   Mo      9:15-10:15am     Jan 13-Mar 2        7/$64.25     586644
                                                                   Mo      10:30-11:30am    Jan 13-Mar 2        7/$64.25     586648

     Science & Technology
                                                                   Run, Jump, Paint!
     Discover Science                                              Ideal for the active preschooler, this art and movement
     Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they         program offers a morning of creativity and fun! After
     do? Come explore ‘the world of why’ and create your           exploring the colourful world of art, little ones will
     own science projects.                                         participate in an active session of jumping, rolling,
                                                                   and tumbling. A snack break will be incorporated
     3-5yrs                                                        between activities.
     Walnut Grove Community Centre
     Tu      5:15-6:00pm     Jan 14-Mar 10     9/$65.25   588723   3-5yrs
                                                                   Willowbrook Recreation Centre
     Willowbrook Recreation Centre                                 We      10:30-11:30am    Jan 15-Mar 4        8/$72.75     586690
     We      9:15-10:00am     Jan 15-Mar 4     8/$54.50   586689

RecExpress.ca                                                                                           Preschool

Active Start Multi-Sport
Play a variety of fun games and sports while learning
fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping,             Ball Hockey League
hopping, throwing, catching, and kicking which will give
                                                                  Build your skills and learn about the game of ball hockey.
you the confidence to participate in other physical activities.
                                                                  We’ll start with two weeks of skill development, then go into
3-5yrs                                                            six weeks of practice and game play.
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
Sa      9:00-9:45am       Jan 11-Feb 8  5/$30.75        587155    3-6yrs
                                                                  Yorkson Creek Middle School
Sa      9:00-9:45am       Feb 15-Mar 14 5/$30.75        585649    Su      4:00-6:00pm      Jan 12-Mar 8       8/$105     584607
George Preston Recreation Centre
Fr      3:30-4:15pm       Jan 31-Mar 13    6/$36.75     586472
                                                                  Active Start Basketball
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                     Basketball is a slam dunk when you gain the ABCs of the
Sa      12:00-12:55pm   Jan 18-Mar 14      9/$67        588127    sport! Throwing, catching, running, and jumping are the
                                                                  fundamental movement skills of basketball highlighted in this
Active Start Ball Hockey                                          active class.
They shoot...they score! Build fundamental movement skills        3-5yrs
like running, agility, and coordination with ball hockey!         George Preston Recreation Centre
2-3yrs                                                            Su      10:00-10:45am     Feb 2-Mar 1       4/$24.50   586829
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                     Walnut Grove Community Centre
Sa      10:00-10:45am   Jan 18-Mar 14      9/$55        588123    Th      5:30-6:15pm     Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$55      588818
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
Sa      12:00-12:45pm     Jan 11-Feb 8  5/$30.75        585648
Sa      12:00-12:45pm     Feb 15-Mar 14 5/$30.75        587156
Walnut Grove Community Centre
Sa      9:00-9:55am     Jan 18-Mar 14      9/$67        588122
Willoughby Community Centre
Tu      9:15-10:00am    Jan 7-Feb 11       6/$36.75     586666        What is an Active Start?
                                                                      Preschoolers need a variety of movement
                                                                      skills to set them up for success in
                                                                      activity and sport. Active Start classes
                                                                      introduce agility, balance, coordination,
                                                                      and speed skills before moving onto the
                                                                      FUNdamentals of sport and movement.

                                                                             Look for this logo that designates
                                                                             our Physical Literacy programs.
                                                                             See page 13 for information.                         19
s t e
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                a/p resc
     Visit tol.c

     Confidence, creativity, and community all come together in our preschools
     where a play-based approach enhances the development of the whole child.

                Program                       Location                              Time                        Monthly Fee

                                                                  9:00 - 11:15am / 12:00 - 2:15pm
          3-year-olds | Tu/Th                                                                                      $141.57
                                                                  9:15 - 11:30am

                                                                  11:45am - 2:15pm                                 $204.40

                                                                  12:00 - 2:15pm                                   $190.66
      3/4-year-olds | Mo/We/Fr
                                                                  12:00 - 2:30pm                                   $204.40

                                                                  9:00 - 11:30am

       4-year-olds | Mo/We/Fr                                     9:00 - 11:30am                                   $204.40

                                                                  9:15 - 11:45am
      2019/20 prices listed above. Visit tol.ca/preschool for next year’s prices.

     REGISTER TODAY FOR THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. Registration starts every January for the next school year.

        Curiosity Grove                                   Little Wise Guys                          Wee Willow Bees
        Walnut Grove Community Centre                     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre              Willoughby Community Centre
        8889 Walnut Grove Drive                           22200 Fraser Highway                      7888 - 200 Street
20      604.882.0408                                      604.533.6170                              604.532.7598
RecExpress.ca                                                                                          Preschool

Sports             continued
Active Start Rumble & Roll
Tumble, turn, rumble, and roll through hoops and over mats.
Learn basic rolling and turning skills along with the ABCs
of movement.
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
Mo       10:45-11:30am      Jan 13-Feb 10   5/$30.75    585083
Mo       10:30-11:15am      Feb 24-Mar 16   4/$24.50    585084
Walnut Grove Community Centre
Th      9:00-9:45am     Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$55       588208
Willoughby Community Centre
Fr      11:15am-12:00pm Jan 17-Mar 6        8/$49       586731

Active Start Tumble Time Gymnastics
Learn rolling, tumbling, jumping, and turning skills along with
the ABCs of movement.
Walnut Grove Community Centre
We      3:30-4:15pm     Jan 15-Mar 11       9/$66.25    588202
Th      11:00-11:45am   Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$66.25    588206
Sa      10:15-11:00am   Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$66.25    588179
Walnut Grove Community Centre
We      4:15-5:10pm     Jan 15-Mar 11       9/$81       588203
Sa      9:15-10:10am    Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$81       588178
Sa      1:15-2:10pm     Jan 18-Mar 14       9/$81       588199

Active Start Tot Lacrosse
Have a ball while you learn the ABCs of lacrosse! Learn to
run, pass, and score through games and play.                      Active Start Soccer
3-5yrs                                                            Goooaaal! Running and kicking are the fundamental
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                          movement skills of soccer featured in this fun program.
Sa      10:00-10:45am     Jan 11-Feb 8  5/$30.75        587909    2-3yrs
Sa      10:00-10:45am     Feb 15-Mar 14 5/$30.75        587908    Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                  Su      11:15am-12:00pm Jan 19-Mar 15     8/$49       588697

Active Start Soccer for 2s                                        3-5yrs
                                                                  Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
Have tons of fun building on the ABCs of soccer and               Sa      11:00-11:45am     Jan 11-Feb 8  5/$30.75      585643
learning the fundamental movement skills for the sport. Until
                                                                  Sa      11:00-11:45am     Feb 15-Mar 14 5/$30.75      585644
your child is ready to participate independently, parent
participation is required.                                        George Preston Recreation Centre
                                                                  Mo      5:45-6:30pm       Feb 3-Mar 9     5/$29.75    586462
George Preston Recreation Centre                                  Lynn Fripps Elementary School
Th      9:00-9:30am       Jan 30-Mar 5      6/$36.75    586461    Sa       9:45-10:30am     Jan 11-Mar 7    8/$49       586742
Lynn Fripps Elementary School                                     Walnut Grove Community Centre
Sa       9:00-9:30am      Jan 11-Mar 7      8/$49       586743    Fr      3:15-4:15pm     Jan 17-Mar 13     9/$73.50    592349
Willoughby Community Centre                                       Su      10:15-11:10am   Jan 19-Mar 15     8/$60       588696
Tu      11:15-11:45am   Jan 7-Feb 11        6/$36.75    586669    Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                  Mo      9:15-10:00am    Jan 6-Feb 10      6/$36.75    586627
                                                                  Mo      4:00-4:45pm     Jan 6-Feb 10      6/$36.75    586628

Spring Break Camps at a Glance                                                                                              tol.ca/guides

                                                                                                 Duration # of
                 Week 1:                              Grades                  Camp
                                                                                                  (hrs)   Days
                                                                                                                 Location   Barcode   Cost ($)

              Mar 16 - 20                              3-5yrs   Eating the Alphabet Lunch Time     1 hrs    5     WGP       589339    $30.00     S
                                                       3-5yrs   Paint, Play, Skate                 2 hrs    5     GPC       585670    $86.25
 Mo         Tu       We      Th        Fr              3-5yrs   Sports & Games                     2 hrs    5     WGP       589352    $61.25     S
     2       3        4       5        6               3-5yrs   WeeVentures                        2 hrs    5     WGP       589326    $61.25     S
                                                       3-5yrs   WeeVentures AM                     2 hrs    5     WBY       592534    $61.25     S
     9      10       11      12        13
                                                       3-5yrs   WeeVentures PM                     2 hrs    5     WBY       592535    $61.25     S
  16        17       18      19        20               K-1     Camp Blair                         6 hrs    5     WCB       584982    $162.00    S   BA
  23        24       25      26        27               K-1     Camp Grove Junior                  6 hrs    5     WGC       588138    $162.00    S   BA
  30        31                                          K-2     Camp Alder Junior                  6 hrs    5     ACC       585463    $162.00    S   BA
                                                        K-3     Sportsmania Junior                 6 hrs    5     WBY       589367    $162.00    S   BA
                                                        K-3     YouTube Sensations                 3 hrs    5     WBY       588176    $125.75
                 Aldergrove Credit Union
     ACC                                                K-5     Science in Nature                  6 hrs    5     YCP       589373    $199.00
                 Community Centre
                                                        K-7     Camp George                        6 hrs    5     GPC       586817    $162.00    S BA
                 George Preston
     GPC                                                K-7     Camp George Skating                6 hrs    5     GPC       586371    $175.00      BA
                 Recreation Centre
                                                        K-7     Daring Detectives                  6 hrs    5     LCM       589072    $183.00
                 Centennial Museum
                                                        K-8     English Horseback Riding           3 hrs    3      WE       588094    $270.00
                                            March       1-7     Artist's Delight                   6 hrs    5     WBY       584630    $183.00    S BA
                 Recreation Centre
                                            16 - 20     2-7     A Splash of Creativity             6 hrs    5     WGC       588152    $183.00      BA
                                                        2-7     A Splash of Sports & Games         6 hrs    5     WGC       588150    $162.00      BA
                 W.C. Blair                             2-7     Aqua Action                        6 hrs    5     WGC       588154    $165.00      BA
                 Recreation Centre
                                                        2-7     Aqua Action                        6 hrs    5     WCB       585015    $165.00      BA
     WE          Westcott Equestrian                    2-7     Camp Alder Senior                  6 hrs    5     ACC       585451    $162.00    S BA
                 Walnut Grove                           2-7     Camp Blair                         6 hrs    5     WCB       584967    $162.00    S BA
                 Community Centre                       2-7     Camp Grove Senior                  6 hrs    5     WGC       588124    $162.00    S BA
                                                        2-7     Skate & Swim                       6 hrs    5     ACC       589407    $170.00      BA
     WGP         Walnut Grove Park
                                                        3-6     Jettin'                            6 hrs    5     WBY       584613    $215.00      BA
                 Willoughby                             4-7     Sportsmania Senior                 6 hrs    5     WBY       589369    $162.00    S BA
                 Community Centre
                                                        4-7     YouTube Sensations                 3 hrs    5     WBY       588177    $125.75
     YCP         Yorkson Creek Park                     5-8     Bronze Star                        3 hrs    4     WCB       586504    $92.00
                                                        6-10    City Adventure                     6 hrs    5     WGC       589324    $215.00        BA
     efore & After Camp                                8-12    Bronze Medallion                  4.5 hrs   5     ACC       587178    $174.00
    available                                           8-12    Bronze Medallion                  4.5 hrs   5     WGC       586501    $174.00
         Single day                                    8-12    Bronze Cross                      4.5 hrs   5     WCB       587179    $174.00
         registration available                         9-12    Standard First Aid                3.5 hrs   5     WCB       592191    $160.00

RecExpress.ca                                       Spring Break Camps at a Glance
                                                     Duration # of
          Grades                  Camp
                                                      (hrs)   Days
                                                                     Location   Barcode   Cost ($)            Week 2:
           3-5yrs   Eating the Alphabet Lunch Time     1 hrs    1     WGP       589344    $30.00     S        Mar 23 - 27
           3-5yrs   Paint, Play, Skate                 2 hrs    5     GPC       585742    $86.25
           3-5yrs   Sports & Games                     2 hrs    5     WGP       589358    $61.25     S        Mo   Tu   We   Th   Fr
           3-5yrs   WeeVentures                        2 hrs    5     WGP       589332    $61.25     S         2   3    4    5    6
           3-5yrs   WeeVentures AM                     2 hrs    5     WBY       592552    $61.25     S
                                                                                                               9   10   11   12   13
           3-5yrs   WeeVentures PM                     2 hrs    5     WBY       592540    $61.25     S
            K-1     Camp Blair                         6 hrs    5     WCB       584976    $162.00             16   17   18   19   20
            K-1     Camp Grove Junior                  6 hrs    5     WGC       588139    $162.00    S BA     23   24   25   26   27
            K-2     Camp Alder Junior                  6 hrs    1     ACC       585469    $162.00             30   31
            K-4     Sportsmania Junior                 6 hrs    5     WBY       589368    $162.00    S BA
            K-5     Jo Jo Dance                        3 hrs    5     WBK       588175    $90.00
            K-7     Camp George                        6 hrs    5     GPC       586818    $162.00
            K-7     Camp George Skating                6 hrs    5     GPC       585684    $175.00
March       K-7     Magical Worlds                     6 hrs    5     LCM       589073    $183.00
23 - 27
            K-8     English Horseback Riding           3 hrs    3      WE       588095    $270.00
            1-7     Jedi Training                      6 hrs    5     WBY       584640    $183.00      BA
            2-7     A Splash of Creativity             6 hrs    5     WGC       588153    $183.00      BA
            2-7     A Splash of Sports & Games         6 hrs    5     WGC       588151    $162.00      BA
            2-7     Aqua Action                        6 hrs    5     WGC       588155    $165.00      BA
            2-7     Camp Alder Senior                  6 hrs    5     ACC       585457    $162.00      BA
            2-7     Camp Blair                         6 hrs    5     WCB       584987    $162.00    S BA
            2-7     Camp Grove Senior                  6 hrs    5     WGC       588132    $162.00    S BA
            4-7     Sportsmania Senior                 6 hrs    5     WBY       589370    $162.00    S BA
            6-10    City Adventure                     6 hrs    5     WGC       589325    $215.00
            6-10    Jettin’ Senior                     6 hrs    3     WBY       584622    $143.00        BA
            8-12    Bronze Cross                      4.5 hrs   5     ACC       587170    $174.00
            8-12    Bronze Cross                      4.5 hrs   5     WGC       589574    $174.00

Looking for a stress-free
      way to celebrate a birthday?

         Celebrate your child’s birthday with
      a unique, themed party. Create memories,
        have fun, and leave the cleanup to us.
      We’ve got options for all interests and ages.

      Visit tol.ca/birthdayparties for information
         or call your local community, cultural,
            or recreation centre (see page 6).

Children & Preteens

    The activity options are endless!                         Drawing & Cartooning
    View the most up-to-date schedules                        Do you love to sketch and draw? If so, this is the course
                                                              for you! Learn the basics of capturing expressions, posing,
    for your kids online, all the time.                       and panel composition, then learn to draw your favourite
                                                              cartoon characters. Gain the skills to bring your drawings
    tol.ca/events                                             to life!
    tol.ca/skate                                              Grades 1-4
    tol.ca/sports                                             Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                              Tu       4:30-5:30pm    Jan 14-Mar 10      9/$81.75    588727
                                                              Grades 1-7
    View drop-in schedules for all                            Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
                                                              Tu       6:50-7:50pm      Jan 14-Feb 11 5/$47.25        587152
    activities in one place at
                                                              Tu       6:50-7:50pm      Feb 18-Mar 10 4/$33.25        587153
                                                              Willoughby Community Centre
                                                              Th      6:15-7:15pm     Jan 16-Mar 5       8/$72.75    586720
                                                              Grades 5-8
Arts & Crafts                                                 Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                              Tu       5:45-6:45pm    Jan 14-Mar 10      9/$81.75    588728

Art Mix
Learn a new art technique every week with a specialist!       Draw & Paint
Styles could include printmaking, fabric arts, painting,      Creating art is fun! This course introduces kids to a variety
cartooning, and more.                                         of materials, and explores different ways of making art!
Grades K-2
                                                              Participants will learn basic foundations by experimenting
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                 with line and colour theory.
Th       3:30-4:30pm    Jan 16-Mar 12    9/$81.75    588822   Grades 3-7
                                                              Langley Centennial Museum
Grades 2-4
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                 Mo       3:15-4:45pm     Jan 13-Feb 10     5/$63.25     589145
Th       4:45-5:45pm    Jan 16-Mar 12    9/$81.75    588823
                                                              Fashion Design Sketching
                                                              Fashion is all around us! This course introduces participants
                                                              to basic and intermediate techniques for illustrating fashion
                                                              designs, exploring textiles and fabrics, and basic sewing
                                                              and pattern-making. Children are encouraged to get
                                                              creative and create their own mini fashion designs out
                                                              of fabric!
                                                              Grades 3-7
                                                              Langley Centennial Museum
                                                              We       3:15-4:45pm     Jan 8-Feb 5       5/$63.25     589143
                                                              We       3:15-4:45pm     Feb 12-Mar 11     5/$63.25     589144

Children & Preteens                                                                                           tol.ca/guides

     Arts & Crafts continued                                         Kids Cooking
                                                                     Cook up a storm! We’ll learn a variety of ways to cook
     Painting Made Easy                                              and prepare food while being safe in the kitchen. After
     Have you always wanted to paint but did not know where          tasting your yummy creations, you’ll go home with a recipe
     to start? Come have fun and make great pictures with easy       book and inspiration to cook!
     painting methods. Each class will have a demonstration          West Langley Hall
     to show you something new, and then you’ll have an              Grades K-3
                                                                     Mo       3:15-4:30pm         Feb 10-Mar 9    4/$55.75   589318
     opportunity to try out what you’ve learned.
     Grades 1-5                                                      Grades 4-7
     Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                        We       3:15-4:30pm         Feb 12-Mar 11   5/$69.75   589319
     Tu       5:45-6:45pm      Jan 14-Feb 11 5/$42          587143
     Tu       5:45-6:45pm      Feb 18-Mar 10 4/$33.75       587154   Dance, Music & Theatre
     Willoughby Community Centre
     Th      5:00-6:00pm     Jan 16-Mar 5        8/$72.75   586718   Ballet
                                                                     Express the emotion of music through lines that are
     Reckless Painting Together                                      traditional and based in technique.
     Join the fun as parent and child pair up for unexpected         Grades K-5
     creativity! Using fingers, knuckles, and paintbrushes, we       Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     will create shared and individual paintings - sometimes with    Mo       5:35-6:35pm      Jan 13-Feb 10 5/$40.75        585658
     blindfolds! All materials included. Registration fee includes   Mo       5:35-6:35pm      Feb 24-Mar 16 4/$32.75        587150
     one parent and one child.                                       W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Grades 4-7                                                      Mo       4:30-5:30pm        Jan 20-Mar 2     6/$48.75   587902
     Walnut Grove Community Centre
                                                                     Willowbrook Recreation Centre
     Su       4:00-6:00pm    Feb 9-Mar 8         5/$84.25   588699
                                                                     We      4:40-5:25pm      Jan 15-Mar 4        8/$48.75   586706

     Upcycling Crafts for Kids
     Get crafty while also discovering the importance of
                                                                     Bhangra Dance
     reducing, reusing, and recycling! Discover how to               Come learn the basic introductory steps of this popular
     repurpose unwanted products such as pop bottles, cereal         traditional Punjabi folk dance.
     boxes, and egg cartons, and turn them into something fun!       Grades 1-7
                                                                     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Grades 3-7                                                      We       5:00-6:00pm        Jan 15-Feb 19    6/$48.75   588218
     W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
     Mo       4:45-5:45pm        Jan 20-Feb 10   4/$33.75   584944   We       5:00-6:00pm        Feb 26-Apr 1     6/$48.75   588219
     Mo       4:45-5:45pm        Feb 24-Mar 16   4/$33.75   584945
                                                                     Break Dance
                                                                     An athletic style of street dance. We’ll learn the basics of
     Cooking                                                         top rock, power moves, footwork, freezes, and tricks.
                                                                     Grades K-5
     Baking                                                          Willowbrook Recreation Centre
     Laugh with friends while you learn to bake - it’s easier than   Tu       5:10-5:55pm     Jan 14-Mar 3        8/$48.75   586739
     you think!
     Grades K-3
     West Langley Hall
     We       3:15-4:30pm        Jan 8-Feb 5     5/$69.75   588795
     Grades K-5
     Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
     We       6:45-7:45pm      Jan 15-Feb 12 5/$55.75       585661                    Children’s programs are listed by
     We       6:45-7:45pm      Feb 19-Mar 11 4/$40.75       587911                   grade in this guide. Programs are
                                                                                       listed by age in our registration
     Grades 4-7
     West Langley Hall                                                                system. Children must be the age
     Mo       3:15-4:30pm        Jan 13-Feb 3    4/$55.75   588718                   indicated in the registration system
                                                                                           as of December 31, 2019.

RecExpress.ca                                                             Children & Preteens

                                                                Musical Theatre
                                                                Get creative! This fun course introduces children to musical
                                                                theatre through singing, dancing, and acting. Create skits
                                                                of your own and work toward a final performance.
                                                                Grades K-5
                                                                Willowbrook Recreation Centre
                                                                Tu       4:20-5:05pm     Jan 14-Mar 3       8/$43      586675
                                                                Grades 2-7
                                                                W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
                                                                Su       11:00am-12:00pm    Jan 12-Feb 9    5/$36      589378
                                                                Su       11:00am-12:00pm    Feb 23-Mar 15   4/$27.75   589379

                                                                Day Camps
Dance Sampler                                                   School’s Out Day Camp
Join us for this fun way to try multiple forms of dance         Spend your day away from school participating in a
in one place. Each week we’ll showcase a new style.             variety of activities including arts & crafts, games, and
No previous dance experience required.                          sports! Camps at Aldergrove Credit Union Community
                                                                Centre, W.C. Blair Recreation Centre, and Walnut
Grades 1-7
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                        Grove Community Centre include swimming for children
Th       6:45-7:15pm      Jan 16-Feb 13 5/$30.50       587147   in grades 2-7. Before & After Camp is available.
Th       6:45-7:15pm      Feb 20-Mar 12 4/$25          587148   Grades K-7
                                                                Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
Walnut Grove Community Centre                                   Fr       9:00am-3:00pm    Feb 14       1/$32.50        580060
Th      3:15-4:10pm     Jan 16-Mar 12       9/$67      588819
                                                                Mo       9:00am-3:00pm    Feb 24       1/$32.50        580061
                                                                George Preston Recreation Centre
Hip Hop/Funk                                                    Fr      9:00am-3:00pm     Feb 14            1/$32.50   583543
Move and groove in this fun class and work on a
                                                                W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
choreographed routine that you can share with your
                                                                Fr       9:00am-3:00pm      Feb 14          1/$32.50   582423
friends and family.
                                                                Mo       9:00am-3:00pm      Feb 24          1/$32.50   582424
Grades K-3
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre                        Walnut Grove Community Centre
Mo       6:45-7:45pm      Jan 13-Feb 10 5/$40.75       585659   Fr      9:00am-3:00pm   Feb 14              1/$32.50   581581
Mo       6:45-7:45pm      Feb 24-Mar 16 4/$32.75       587151   Mo      9:00am-3:00pm   Feb 24              1/$32.50   581582
Grades 1-4                                                      Willoughby Community Centre
George Preston Recreation Centre                                Fr      9:00am-3:00pm   Feb 14              1/$32.50   581345
Th       5:00-6:00pm      Jan 30-Mar 12     7/$56.75   586471   Mo      9:00am-3:00pm   Feb 24              1/$32.50   581346
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
Fr       5:15-6:15pm
Willoughby Community Centre
                            Jan 17-Feb 21   6/$48.75   584948
                                                                General Interest
Th      7:00-8:00pm     Jan 16-Mar 5        8/$65      586722
                                                                Braids & Basic Hairstyles
                                                                Step up your hair game with these fancy, but easy, braids
Young Vocalists                                                 and basic hair styles.
Singing makes you happy! Learn to sing with a balanced
                                                                Grades 3-9
voice. Build confidence in a variety of musical styles. All     Willoughby Community Centre
levels welcome.                                                 Tu       6:00-6:45pm    Feb 25-Mar 3        2/$16.50   584655
Grades 3-7
W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
Th       5:00-6:00pm        Jan 16-Feb 6    4/$33.75   584938
Th       5:00-6:00pm        Feb 13-Mar 5    4/$33.75   584939

Children & Preteens                                                                                        tol.ca/guides

     General Interest continued                                      Tae Kwon Do Intermediate
                                                                     Tae Kwon Do is a fun and safe Korean martial art carefully
     LEGO®     Adventures                                            designed to inspire personal excellence through physical
     Create, design, share, and build teamwork skills with this      fitness, self-defence, and mind-body control. Join Woo
     interactive class.                                              Kim Langley for classes that promise to get you sweating,
                                                                     smiling, and learning!
     Grades K-3
     Walnut Grove Community Centre                                   Grades K-7
     We       5:00-5:55pm    Jan 15-Mar 11     9/$71        588764   George Preston Recreation Centre
                                                                     Mo, We 6:00-7:00pm        Jan 6-29        $115/month   585753
                                                                     Mo, We 6:00-7:00pm        Feb 3-26        $115/month   585755
     Make-up Basics
                                                                     Mo, We 6:00-7:00pm        Mar 2-25        $115/month   585754
     Learn basic application techniques, how to keep tools
     clean, different looks, and more.                               Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                     Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm      Jan 6-29          $115/month   586623
     Grades 5-10
     Willoughby Community Centre                                     Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm      Feb 3-26          $115/month   586624
     Tu       6:00-6:45pm    Jan 21-Feb 11     4/$25.75     584649   Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm      Mar 2-30          $115/month   586625

     Martial Arts                                                    One Day Wonders
     Shito-Ryu Karate                                                Creature Creations
     Learn basic techniques and progress to spar and compete         This one-day wonder takes kids through the process
     in tournaments. Improve through traditional methods and         of using their imagination to build a creature sculpture!
     game play that helps build agility, speed, and coordination.    A local artist will guide students to get creative and to make
     Offered in partnership with Fraser Valley Shito-Ryu.            a unique sculpture.
     Grades K-7                                                      Grades 3-7
     Willoughby Community Centre                                     Langley Centennial Museum
     Tu, Th   6:00-6:45pm    Jan 7-30          $60/month    584641   Sa       1:00-4:00pm     Jan 25           1/$24        589147
     Tu, Th   6:00-6:45pm    Feb 4-27          $60/month    584642
     Tu, Th   6:00-6:45pm    Mar 3-31          $60/month    584643   DIY Wearables
                                                                     Create your own bags, jewelry, hats, and more in this DIY
     Tae Kwon Do Beginner                                            class for aspiring fashion icons! This program will include
     Tae Kwon Do is a fun and safe Korean martial art carefully      a tour of The Sporting Life: A Century of Athletic Fashions
     designed to inspire personal excellence through physical        with Ivan Sayers exhibition. It will be sure to inspire your
     fitness, self-defence, and mind-body control. Join Woo          creative ideas!
     Kim Langley for classes that promise to get you sweating,       Grades K-7
     smiling, and learning!                                          Langley Centennial Museum
                                                                     Sa       1:00-4:00pm     Feb 22           1/$24        589146
     Grades K-7
     George Preston Recreation Centre
     Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm        Jan 6-29        $115/month   585759   Kid Inventors
     Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm        Feb 3-26        $115/month   585758   Get hands-on with construction and sculpture activities.
     Mo, We 5:00-6:00pm        Mar 2-25        $115/month   585757   From bridges to automobiles, no invention is too big for kids
     Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                     with creative minds!
     Mo, We 4:00-5:00pm      Jan 6-29          $115/month   585834   Grades K-2
                                                                     Walnut Grove Community Centre
     Mo, We 4:00-5:00pm      Feb 3-26          $115/month   585837
                                                                     Sa       10:00am-12:00pm Feb 8            1/$17.75     588116
     Mo, We 4:00-5:00pm      Mar 2-30          $115/month   585835

RecExpress.ca                                                                 Children & Preteens

Pirates Treasure Hunt
Ahoy matey, it’s a pirate’s life for me! Enter the world of
seaweed, and scallywags. Walk through the door and be
transported into the world of a pirate!
Grades K-2
Walnut Grove Community Centre
Sa       10:00am-12:00pm Feb 22             1/$17.75      588118

Superhero for a Day
Calling all superheroes... jump, dip, and dive your way
through our action-packed obstacle course, make your own
super shield, and much more!
Grades K-2
Walnut Grove Community Centre
Sa       10:00am-12:00pm Mar 7              1/$17.75     588120

Outdoor Pursuits
English Horseback Riding Lessons
Gain a solid foundation and progressively develop horse
and rider skills in the English discipline. Learn with us in a
safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Offered in partnership
with Westcott Equestrian.
Grades 1-7
Westcott Equestrian
                             Jan 11-Feb 1
                             Feb 8-29
                                                                   Science & Technology
Sa       2:30-4:00pm         Mar 7-28       4/$192       584953
                                                                   This program will introduce children to animation and
Yoga                                                               storytelling by way of comprehensive Scratch lessons!
                                                                   Youngsters will learn the basics of coding via simple
Yoga for Kids                                                      animations using events, coordinates, angles and
                                                                   movement. Offered in partnership with Langley Robokids®.
Fun is the name of the game in this class that uses
                                                                   W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
traditional and easy yoga techniques to help kids learn
to focus and balance while developing strong, flexible,            Grades 1-3
                                                                   Sa       10:15-11:15am      Jan 18-Feb 22    6/$215     589912
and healthy bodies.
Grades 2-6                                                         Grades 4-7
                                                                   Sa       12:45-1:45pm        Jan 18-Feb 22   6/$215     589913
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
Tu       4:30-5:15pm      Jan 7-Feb 4   5/$32.25         587565    Willoughby Recreation Centre
Tu       4:30-5:15pm      Feb 11-Mar 10 5/$32.25         587566    Grades 2-7
                                                                   Tu       5:00-6:00pm      Jan 21-Feb 25      6/$215     590022
Walnut Grove Community Centre
Fr      3:15-4:00pm     Jan 10-Feb 7        5/$32.25     589120
Fr      3:15-4:00pm     Feb 14-Mar 13       5/$32.25     589121    Explore Science
                                                                   Take on science and explore different experiments and
Willoughby Community Centre
                                                                   theories. We’ll create our own projects and learn how
We      4:15-5:00pm     Jan 8-Feb 5         5/$32.25     589168
                                                                   the world works!
Sa      9:15-10:00am    Jan 11-Feb 1        4/$26        589172
                                                                   Grades K-4
Sa      9:15-10:00am    Feb 8-Mar 7         4/$26        589174    W.C. Blair Recreation Centre
We      4:15-5:00pm     Feb 12-Mar 11       5/$32.25     589169    Mo       3:30-4:30pm        Jan 13-Feb 10    5/$48.25   585303
Willowbrook Recreation Centre                                      Mo       3:30-4:30pm        Feb 24-Mar 16    4/$38.75   585304
Th      6:15-7:00pm      Jan 16-Feb 13      5/$32.25     589034    Walnut Grove Community Centre
Th      6:15-7:00pm      Feb 20-Mar 12      4/$26        589035    Tu      4:00-5:00pm     Jan 14-Mar 10        9/$87      588722

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