Éy Saint Francis Assisi - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis | Our parish exists to give Glory to God 4556 Telegraph Road, St. Louis, MO ...
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Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis | Our parish exists to give Glory to God 4556 Telegraph Road, St. Louis, MO 63129 | sfastl.org | 314-487-5736 Saint FrancisÉy Assisi
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MASS 4556 Telegraph Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129 Saturdays 7:45 a.m. / 4:00 p.m. Phone: 314-487-5736 | Fax: 314-487-3701 Sundays 7:00 a.m. / 9:00 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. www.sfastl.org | parishoffice@sfastl.org Facebook: stfrancisstl | Twitter: @stfrancisstl Weekdays Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. / 12:00 p.m. Rectory Office Hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Rectory Office closed everyday: 12 noon—1:00 p.m. Wednesday: 11:15-11:45 a.m. CLERGY Saturday: 2:45-3:45 p.m. Sunday: 8:15-9:00 a.m. Reverend Paul Hamilton phamilton28@gmail.com Parochial Administrator St. Anthony Devotions Tuesday after the 7:45 a.m. Mass. Reverend George Staley georgestaley@archstl.org Associate Pastor Eucharistic Adoration Monday—Thursday: 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Deacon John DuFaux johndufaux@archstl.org Permanent Deacon Ext 133 Friday: 8:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Attendance at a Baptismal Preparation Class is required prior to Baptism. Classes PASTORAL STAFF are held the 1st Thursday of the month in the Rectory Meeting Room. Please call Tammy Chumley tchumley@sfastl.org the rectory or visit our website to register. Director of Evangelization & Faith Ext 104 Sacrament of the Eucharist and Confirmation Formation For those who have been baptized Catholic or wish to enter the Catholic Church, Jeremy Boyer jboyer@sfastl.org sessions in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is required. For more Director of Liturgy & Sacred Music Ext 107 information contact Linda Pudlowski (314) 799 9744. Alex Stenberg astenberg@sfastl.org Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Youth Minister Ext 109 If you or a loved one is seriously sick and would like a visit from one of the parish priests, please call the rectory to request a visit. Due to privacy laws, hospitals no longer call to notify churches of parishioners who are ill so we need PARISH STAFF to be notified by a family member. Karen Higgins khiggins@sfastl.org Sacrament of Marriage Business Manager Ext 142 The Archdiocesan Preparation Program requires a minimum of six months before your expected wedding date for spiritual study, instruction and discussion. Jo Hufker jhufker@sfastl.org Contact the rectory office to begin your preparation. Administrative Coordinator Ext. 101 Sacrament of Holy Orders and Vowed Religious Life Lisa Wood lisawood@sfastl.org If you are interested in learning more about a vocation to the priesthood or Parish Office Receptionist bulletineditor@sfastl.org consecrated life, please contact one of the parish priests or the Archdiocesan Bulletin Editor Ext 150 Vocations Office at stlvocations.org. Holy Communion for the Homebound Angel Bush abush@sfastl.org Anyone in our parish who is homebound who would like to receive Holy Administrative Assistant Ext 147 Communion please contact Deacon DuFaux to make arrangements. Rich Hespen maintenance@sfastl.org St. Vincent de Paul Society Helpline Facilities & Maintenance Coord. Ext 131 314-289-6101 Ext 2232 FORMED – The Catholic Faith. On Demand. Visit https://sfastl.formed.org and search “63129” to find our church. PARISH SCHOOL | PRESCHOOL | PSR 4550 Telegraph Road, St. Louis, MO 63129 Parish Library The Parish Library is closed at this time. Keep an eye on the bulletin for when Phone: 314-487-5736, Ext 121 | Fax: 314-416-7118 reopening is announced. schooloffice@sfastl.org Jean Ameduri | parishlibrary@sfastl.org Beth Bartolotta beth.bartolotta@sfaschoolstl.org Principal Ext 121 Sarah Bundren sarah.bundren@sfaschoolstl.org WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS School Secretary Ext 121 If you are new to the area, we look forward to meeting you personally. Kelly Cox kelly.cox@sfaschoolstl.org We pray that through our worship, you may experience the depth of Pre-school Secretary Ext 132 God’s love for us. To become a member, please e-mail the rectory office at parishoffice@sfastl.org or register online at www.sfastl.org Beth Bartolotta bbartolotta@sfastl.org (click on the Contact tab and select Register With Us). We hope that PSR Coordinator Ext 121 you find a home here among friends who pray together, work together and play together. Facility requests: par ishoffice@sfastl.or g Announcements for bulletin & pulpit are due by Monday at 12 noon. If you have not been active in the practice of the Catholic Faith, we Bulletin announcements: bulletineditor @sfastl.or g encourage you to return. If you would like to speak with someone on Pulpit announcements: pa@sfastl.or g the parish staff, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us. If a previous marriage has kept you from receiving the Sacraments, we Our parish purpose is to use our enthusiasm for our Catholic faith and compassion for others to nurture personal, spiritual growth and promote invite you to contact one of the priests. In many cases we can work with fellowship within and beyond our parish so that every parishioner may become you toward a favorable solution so you can again receive the holy. - Enhance the Sunday experience - Embrace with a welcoming spirit Sacraments in the Catholic Church. - Engage everyone in parish life 2 MARCH 27, 2022
From the Pastor May we always keep in mind that this parish exists to give glory to God in all we do and for each one of us to be sanctified in our lives. St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us. Love is the Primary Virtue I know today’s Gospel is about the Parable of the Prodigal Son, and I promise that I will eventually get around to writing about it. But in order to make my point, I want to draw your attention to a seemingly unrelated parable. In Matthew 20:1- 16 Jesus tells the parable of an employer who brings in four sets of workers, each at different times of the day: some in the morning, some at midday, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening. At the end of the day he pays all of them the same wage. The workers who had labored all day complained because they had worked harder, yet received the same amount as those who only worked for about an hour. It is a difficult parable because we can feel the unfairness of the situation, of not getting our fair share. When I read that parable I cannot help but think of the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal Son. This older brother does exactly what he is supposed to do, never sinning against his father. And when his younger brother returns after wasting his inheritance, he feels the unfairness of the situation, not feeling like he is receiving everything he deserves. I find the parallel between these two passages fascinating: in the Matthew 20 parable we, the readers, are meant to wrestle with the unfairness of the situation; yet in the Parable of the Prodigal Son the older son who is wrestling with the unfairness of the situation is “the bad guy”. In both parables the person representing God—the employer and the father—act with generosity toward people who were undeserving, so the portrayal of God is rather consistent. Yet the shift in perspective is jarring because the workers in the first parable seem to be so justified in being angry about getting paid the same…but the whole point of the Parable of the Prodigal Son is to show how unjustified the older brother’s anger is. Here’s the point I’m trying to make by comparing these parables: God’s actions don’t make a whole lot of sense if we see him as our employer. If our life of faith is a contract with God—if we expect earthly prosperity in exchange for praying every day; if we see heaven as what is promised to us if we keep God’s law; or some other transactional approach to our relationship with him—then God doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, and the world seems like a very unfair place where God bestows his blessings liberally among saints and sinners. But when we view God first and foremost not as an employer who fulfills contracts, but rather as a Father who loves his children, the unfairness of God makes a whole lot more sense. Parents do try to be fair with their children; but justice is not the primary virtue of family life. Love is the primary virtue. So when one child is “the good child” and the other one is the trouble-maker at school, the primary concern of the parents is not to make sure each child “gets what they deserve”. It is to show them unconditional love: to worry about them when they begin walking down the wrong path; to pray for them when they stray; to rejoice when they return after their mistakes. When we begin looking at God primarily as a Father and not as an employer, we begin to make sense of why God doesn’t strike more wicked people with lightning bolts: God loves even the sinners as his beloved sons and daughters. Notice the difference between these two sentences: “God gives good things to the undeserving”…”God gives good things to his undeserving children”. The fact that God has adopted us as his sons and daughters is the key to understanding why God treats us the way he does. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 3
Being Generous with Treasure. Contributors Online Envelopes Total Recap for week of 3/13/22 102 167 269 Collection vs Parish Budget The Francis Fund - Keeping Catholic Education Affordable Actual Budget over/(under) Weekly Total $442.00 Weekly Total $20,562.51 $19,807.69 $754.82 Year-to-Date Total $35,949.00 Year-To- $743,514.51 $732,884.62 $10,629.89 Fund Goal $60,000.00 Date Total Collection Variance Parish Investment in the School 2021 General 2022 General Fund $18,739.01 Fund $20,562.51 This year, amount the parish $219,525.18 $ Variance $1,823.50 % Variance 10% plans to invest in school: Contact the Roman Catholic Foundation today to discuss your planned giving options! Fas t . Sec u re. Easy . Grateful & Generous Stewards: If you are an existing online giver and have made an offertory commitment to increase your recurring giving, you must log into your existing account to change your gift amount. Switching from paper envelopes to online giving helps our parish plan and budget, while ensuring continued support when parishioners travel. It also benefits you, no more worrying about bringing your envelope or check to Mass. And your offertory is given electronically whether or not you are able to attend Mass at St. Francis because of vacation or bad weather. Visit sfastl.org and click on Online Giving at the top of the page. Thank you! 4 MARCH 27, 2022
Respect Life News: Save the Date: Saturday April 2, 2022 The 40 Days for Life Lenten Campaign kicks off March 30, a special time to offer a Lenten sacrifice to prayerfully witness for the unborn. Our parish has adopted Saturday April 2 from 7am-7pm at Planned Parenthood on Forest Park Blvd. Please consider standing up for the largest marginalized group in the country, the unborn. A 40 Days for Life poster and witnessing sign up schedule will be in the church foyer. If you have never given a prayerful witness for 40 Days and have any questions, need a ride, or want to sign up on the phone, call Debbie Zobrist 314-892-1214. THE SACRAMENT OF Congratulations and welcome to Caroline Frejik. God bless you and your family! PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF: Judith Wiesehan Early Bulletin Deadlines April 10 bulletin Article due 3/30 Two weekends only! Visit this Lenten April 17 bulletin Article due 4/6 Relic Display The Association of the Miraculous Medal invites you to a very special Lenten experience in Perryville, Missouri, to venerate sacred relics that include: a piece of the True Cross, a fragment of the table at which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, and particles from Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa, and Calvary. Meeting April 5 — 6:30 PM — RMR Come welcome in spring. Please bring toilet paper for St. The relics will be on display at the historic National Vincent de Paul. We will be having an Easter/Opening Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Day Cardinals celebration. We will be having hotdogs, Perryville, Missouri, from 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. on April nachos, and peanuts to eat instead of cakes and brownies. 2, 3, 9, and 10. Join fellow pilgrims in prayerful reflection to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s Keep your baked goods coming for the fish fries during Resurrection. Questions? Call the Association of the Lent. St. Anne’s Mass is April 3 at 9am. Miraculous Medal at 1-800-264-6279. First Friday Devotion Reminder Last call for the All Things New First Friday Devotion this Friday, April 1st: survey! Surveys are due back next How to complete the First Friday Devotion: Sunday, April 3rd. Please make sure Receive Holy Communion on each First Friday The nine Fridays must be consecutive (you can begin you bring yours with you to Mass to this Friday!) ensure your voice is heard as the Say a prayer in honor and in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Archdiocese undertakes this project. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 5
Upcoming Fish Fry Dates: April 01, 08, 15. Drive-thru available on North Lot We will be using the same online volunteer sign up system we used in the past to make it easier for you to volunteer and to https://tinyurl.com/HWA2022 decrease the work load of filling around 650 slots needed to run the fish fries. The site will be live beginning February 5, 2022. Go online at, https://tinyurl.com/fishfry2022. If you do not have access to the online system call or email Sandy Suter 314- 701-6659 or email sandysuter47@gmail.com FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 7
Mark your calendar for the celebration of the Ordination of Fr. Donald Morris All parishioners are invited to the Ordination on Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 10:00 am at the Cathedral Basilica on 4431 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, Missouri 63108. Fr. Morris will celebrate his first Mass on Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 2:00 pm followed by a reception in the Parish Center. Watch the bulletin for more details. Volunteer to Help Want to volunteer to help with the reception? We need help with food preparation prior to the event, setup and cleanup, and assistance during Mass and the reception. Beth Stolarski is coordinating the catering effort and is hosting an open house on Thursday, April 21, from 5:00-8:00 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. Drop by to find out how you can help with the joyous event! Have questions, contact Beth at relativity14@sbcglobal.net or for general questions, contact Therese Kaag at tkaag@att.net Please join us this weekend in church immediately following the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses to pray for peace in Ukraine. 8 MARCH 27, 2022
THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH 8-11 a.m. RCIA RMR SUN 5-7 p.m. The Search PC 3/27 7-9 p.m. Youth Group YR 6:30-7 p.m. Stretch-Fit PC MON 6:30-8 p.m. Middle School Ministry YR 3/28 7-8:30 p.m. Martial Arts PC TUES 3/29 9-10 a.m. Moms in Prayer RCR WED 7-9 p.m. Youth Group YR 3/30 8-10 p.m. Men’s Group Learning Commons THUR 8:30-10:30 Athletic Association Meeting RMR 3/31 4-7 p.m. Fish Fry PC FRI 6-8 p.m. Reconciliation Weekend Church 4/1 7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross Church SAT 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Reconciliation Weekend Church 4/2 8-11 a.m. RCIA RMR SUN 10-11 a.m. Faith-Filled Coffee PC 4/3 5-7 p.m. The Search PC 7-9 p.m. Youth Group YR YR-Youth Room | PC-Parish Center RCR-Rectory Conference Rm | RMR-Rectory Meeting Rm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI E-NEWS SIGN UP TODAY Sign up to receive the weekly SFA E-News. Go to https://goo.gl/dq28VD or visit the parish website sign on the Bulletin webpage. Don’t miss out on the latest OUR LADY OF FATIMA STATUE parish news and events. Please consider honoring the Blessed Mother by having the Lady of Fatima Statue in your home for one week. For more “Could you not information or to schedule a week call Chris Cuneo, 846-4439. keep watch for one hour?” Mark 14:37 Adorers Needed Eucharistic Adorers are needed throughout the week to sit with Jesus in our chapel. Feel free to stop in any time the church is open for prayer, but if you’re able to commit to an hour each week, please contact Therese at (314) 307-3571 or at tkaag@att.net Adorers are needed on Mondays from 2-3, 3-4, and Friday from 2-3 and at other times thr oughout the week.. Please contact Therese if you can commit to an hour each week. FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 9
MASS INTENTIONS Monday March 28, 2022 Please Pray 7:45 a.m. Roxanne Holdegraver Pray for the Sick 12 p.m. Lloyd Ehrhard Joe Adams Gene Jaggie Glenna Schindler Tuesday March 29, 2022 Dolline Bender Radina Jost Pat Siemer Claude Boul Ruth Kargus Nicole Shaffner 7:45 a.m. Patrick Henneman | Special Intention Rita Boul Marie Kellner Ann Thebeau 12 p.m. Don Rotty Betty Bradley Ray Kellner Russ Thebeau Bob Bradley Emily Klein Sue Trokey Wednesday March 30, 2022 Jennifer Braun Linda Kohnen William Vonder Haar 7:45 a.m. Roxanne Holdegraver Judy Burnett Honorine Mbombo 12 p.m. Ellen Vlastelin Steve Cauley Marge Martens Nancy Colletta Tom Mattingly Thursday March 31, 2022 Everleigh Durham Diane Meyer 7:45 a.m. Rosemary Lane | Special Intention Sophia Evans Gerry Miller Edward Hausner Jane Miller 12 p.m. Claire Lane | Special Intention Linda Hoefl Kathy Richter Friday April 1, 2022 Anthony Indelicato Steve Schicker 7:45 a.m. Jenn Marr Family Military Prayers 12 p.m. Karl Bielik Saturday April 2, 2022 Isaiah Angeli Paul Drago Mike Herbst Jake Augustine Riley D’Ornellas Todd Ochs 7:45 a.m. Richard and Fran Frierdich Devin Blackwelder Jake Dorsey Elijah Parsons 4 p.m. For the Parish Bryce Blackwelder Nick Gastreich Matthew Salvaggio Dominic J. Bono Ben Goedeker Andrew Stough Sunday April 3, 2022 7:00 a.m. Claire Lane | Special Intention Please pray for the sick and military men and women. If you or 9:00 a.m. St. Anne Sodality a loved one would like to be added to either list, please call the Parish Office. Also, please let the rectory office know if you or 11:00 a.m. Tina Stevens your loved one is no longer sick or active in the military and can be removed from the prayer lists. Thank you. BULLETIN & PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements can now be submitted via the parish website. Just go to www.sfastl.org, click on Contact and A nnouncement Request. There are also new SFA parish Pulpit Announcement Guidelines that can be found at on the submission page and at https://goo.gl/HQSsMf. We now have a direct URL for FORMED.org: PLEASE NOTE: Both Pulpit Announcements https://sfastl.formed.org and Bulletin Submissions are due by Monday at Noon in order to be included in the following Sunday's announcements or bulletin! Prayer Shawls Blessed prayer shawls and blankets are available in the Rectory office during regular office hours. If you know someone who is sick or in need of comfort, stop by and pick one up. There is no charge for the shawls and blankets. 10 MARCH 27, 2022
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