St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021

St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
The St. Lucy “Music Fest” : Friday, July 9th 5pm—11pm, Saturday, July 10th 2pm-11pm, Sunday, July 11th, Noon-9pm.
    Altar Society Crafts/Basket Raffle Friday and Saturday.• Bingo and Famous Meat Sweepstakes all Weekend.
          All Weekend-Delicious Grilled Sandwiches, Snacks, Beer, Wine, Hard Lemonade, Soda, and Water.
                                           Virtual Silent Auction with All new items.
        Being held at St. Sebastian, 3126 95th St., Sturtevant, WI-Details on St. Lucy ‘s Website:
          Still Looking to fill the rest of the slots with volunteers! There is designated parking for volunteers!

     St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI ~ July 4th, 2021
                                       Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Mass & Prayer Schedule
                                                                                  St. Lucy Weekend Masses:
                                                                                     Saturday - 4:00pm
                                                                                     Sunday –8:00am & 10:30am, & 5:00pm*
                                                                                     *Some changes: The 5pm Mass will not be held
                                                                                     on July 4th. 5pm Mass will be held on July 11th.
                                                                                  St. Lucy Weekday Masses:
                                                                                     Monday through Saturday - 8:15am
                                                                                   St. Sebastian Masses:
                                                                                     Saturday-4:30pm, Sunday-9:15am
                                                                                     Weekday Mass, Thursday Morning:8am
                                                                                         (3126 95th St, Sturtevant)
                                                                                     Saturday - 3:00pm-3:30pm
                                                                                     Friday - following 8:15am Mass
                                                                                  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                                     Tuesday 9am-3pm
                         Psalm 123
                                                                                     Wednesday 9am-3pm
                                                                                     Thursday 9am-3pm
ST. LUCY PARISH                                                                   Holy Hour
          3 1 0 1 D r e x e l A v e . , R ac in e , W I 5 34 0 3                   Holy Hour will resume on the First Monday of the Month
                                                                                                     at 6pm in September.
E-Mail Address:
Web Site:
Facebook: : St. Lucy’s Catholic Parish
Parish Office: Phone: 262-554-1801, Fax: 262-554-2009
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am - 4pm and Fridays-8am to noon
Fr. Thomas Vathappallil, MCBS – Pastor

Deacon Eric Sewell, email:, 886-6057
Pat McLeod, Business Manager
554-1801, x201, email:
Ann Wehnert, Bookkeeper: 554-1801, x202
Laurie Feiler, Administrative Coordinator: 554-1801, x601
Eric Antrim, Director of Youth Ministry and Adult Formation
email:, 554-1801, x205 or 262-498-
9028                                                                             WEDDINGS - Should be arranged at least 6 months before
Terri Seitz, Director of Liturgy and Music: 554-1801                             wedding date and couples should be registered and practicing
email:                                                   members of the parish. Call the Parish Office.
                                                                                 BAPTISM - Arrangements for registered & practicing members
Kathleen Bialecki - Food Pantry Contact: 262-939-6485                            of the parish can be made after attending the Baptism Prep
Bring your Food Donations anytime. If food is needed, call no later              Classes. 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month (Classes on
than the Monday before the 1st Wednesday of the month which is
                                                                                 hold at this time.) at 6pm.Parents must attend both sessions.
the regular food distribution day at St Sebastian’s.
                                                                                 Call 554-1801, x205 to sign up. Baptisms take place on
Knights of Columbus St. Lucy Council:
                                                                                 Sundays at 11:30am.
Clem Bauer: (262) 554-7202, Members Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of
                                                                                 BULLETIN REQUESTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS - Must be dropped off at
the month, 6:30pm in St. Lucy’s Parish Hall.
                                                                                 the Parish Office in writing or emailed to:
Matthew Sepanski-St. Lucy Athletic Director: 262-554-7478
                                                                        by Monday, 9am for the next ●
                                                                                 week’s bulletin.
Catholic Cemeteries of Racine: 262-639-1071
                                                                                 MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS - Must received by 9:00am on the
                        St. Lucy Pastoral Council                                Wednesday before the weekend in legible print. All
Fr. Thomas Vathappallil-Pastor, Angela Lefeber-Chair, Bill Roszkowski-Vice       announcements will need to be approved by Fr. Thomas.
Chair, Bill Wehnert-Secretary, At-Large-Members: Max Feiler, Helen May, Greg     BECOMING A MEMBER OF ST. LUCY PARISH - If you would like to
Pitts, Diane Tenuta, Stacey Walsh, Larry Jansen-Trustee, John Csepella-Trustee   become a member of St. Lucy Parish, there are registration
                                                                                 cards in the back of church at the kiosk. Registration cards
   St. Lucy Parish School - A Siena School-262-554-1801, x212                    may be mailed in, dropped in the collection basket, or brought
Sarah Thostenson, Principal,                to the Parish Office during the week, 8am to 4pm, Monday-
Peggy Ross, Administrative Assistant,             Thursday, or Friday from 8am until Noon.

                            Welcome to St. Lucy’s Catholic Church • July 4, 2021
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Altar Society Craft Booth and
                                                            Basket Raffle Information

We can use more Gallon Milk/                                We Are Looking for
Water Jugs!
Rinsed out, no caps please!
                                                            Theme Baskets and
Gallon jugs can be brought in on the weekends
  before or after Mass or Dropped off Monday
                                                            Hand-Made Items .
                                                          As usual, we are asking for Theme Basket donations.
 through Thursday -8am until 4pm, Fridays-8am to
             Noon at the Parish Office.                   Examples of baskets that we have had in the past: Ital-
                                                          ian Dinner, Summer Fun, For Cat or Dog Lovers, Book
                                                          Club, For Baby, Game Night, Griller’s Delight, Movie

"Silent Auction"-                                         Night, Spa/Pamper, Sports, For the Golfer, Baking, Fi-
                                                          esta, etc. These baskets will be raffled off! Tickets are
                                                          $1 apiece or 6 for $5. The Altar Society would be glad
WE NEED ITEMS!                                            to help in putting them together. Please label baskets,
                                                          “Altar Society” to keep separate from Silent Auction
We are accepting donations of any new items, as well
as large baskets for our virtual silent auction. If you   basket donations. Drawing will be Saturday evening.
have small, new items, we can combine them with oth-      We are also asking for Handmade Items at our Craft
er items to make a large basket, so no donation is too    Booth. All items need to be handmade. So, if you
small. Some items that do very well are: golf packages,   have a talent for woodworking, pottery, garden orna-
sporting event tickets, vacation packages, laptops/       ments, bird feeders, etc., please consider donating
tablets, FitBits, Echo Dots, Xbox console with games,     one of your creations! Also, we welcome hand sewn or
or any new electronic items. Don’t want to shop? Visit    knitted doll clothes, embroidered kitchen towels, (flour
our Scrip area and buy a Scrip card to donate. Items      sack type), crocheted dish clothes, handmade jewelry,
can be dropped off at either parish of-                   handmade knitted items, cross stitched items, etc.
fice during business hours. If you have                   Again, all items need to be handmade and new.
any questions, please contact Ann                         We appreciate all your donations and creativity.
Wehnert by email at:                                      Thanks so very much! Baskets and items can be or call her at                       dropped off at the parish office during regular hours
262-598-7642. Thank you in advance                        by July 6th.
for your support.
                                                          Questions? Please call Connie Hansche at 262-994-
                                                          0101 or Fran Kuehnl at 262-554-5169.

                                  Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Dear Parishioners,
                                                                                     Happy Independence Day to all
                                                                                     of you. I hope you are enjoying
Sunday, July 4th                                                                     the beautiful days and pray
7am-10:15am Music Warm-up for Mass-Hall                                              that we all have a great July 4th
8am Mass & 10:30am                                 celebration. Let us remember all the great men and women who
NO 5PM MASS                                        have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Let us be responsible
Monday, July 5th-Parish Office Closed              in using our freedom as the freedom to do the right things.
8:15am Mass                                        I am so happy to share with you the updates of our new staff po-
Tuesday, July 6th                                  sitions due to the resignation of Michelle Heeren. We have made
8:15am Mass                                        some changes in the job descriptions.
9am-3pm Adoration
                                                   Terri Seitz needs no introduction to the parish. She has been di-
Wednesday, July 7th
                                                   recting music at St. Lucy for over 20 years. She is adding a bit
7am-Men’s Study Group - Hall
                                                   more responsibility. In addition to what she has already been
8:15am Mass
                                                   doing, her new responsibility is Director of Liturgy and Music.
9am-3pm Adoration                                  That simply means that she will coordinate all the liturgical
Thursday, July 8th                                 events at St. Lucy and support St. Sebastian on special occasions
8:15am Mass                                        as per the need. Congratulations Terri as you continue to make
9am-3pm Adoration                                  our liturgies more heavenly with your God given talents and
Friday, July 9th-St. Lucy Music Fest               gifts.
at St. Sebastian’s
                                                   As you know it’s going to be a bit challenging to revive the for-
8:15am Mass
                                                   mation programs from COVID challenges. We are in the process
9:00am - Confessions                               of hiring the new Director of Children’s Formation. Please let
Saturday, July 10th, St. Lucy Music Fest           me know if you know someone eligible and interested for this
at St. Sebastian’s                                 position. Meanwhile Eric Antrim will start the process of regis-
7:00am-Men’s Bible Study-Hall                      tration for CCD. Parents, please help Eric Antrim and the new
8:15am Mass                                        person to be hired to make our formation programs a great suc-
9am Women’s Bible Study-Hall                       cess. Always remember, our children are the future of our
3pm – Confessions                                  church.
3pm-4pm Music Warm-up for Mass-Hall
                                                   Finally, I would like you to know that my status from Parish
4:00pm Mass                                        Administrator changed to Pastor of St. Lucy and St. Sebastian
Sunday, July 11th, St. Lucy Music Fest             as of July 1st 2021. That means you are ‘stuck’ with me for six
 at St. Sebastian’s                                years. As you know, moving to the new parishes with masks on
7am-10:15am Music Warm-up for Mass-Hall            was most challenging. You have been so nice to me in the midst of
Mass– 8am & 10:30am                                all the challenges we have had. I am happy to be your pastor.
Mass - 5pm                                         Please pray for me. I do trust in your support. Let’s continue our
                                                   spiritual journey holding HIS hands.
~Reminder: There is No                             I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who
5:00pm Mass On July 4th.
                                                   is working so hard behind the scenes and willing to volunteer for
~There will be a 5:00pm
Mass on July 11th                                  our festival. Without you it cannot happen. I appreciate your
~There will be morning Mass at                     dedication. Let’s celebrate and make it successful.
8:15am on Monday, July 5th.
~The Parish Offices will be closed                 Fr. Thomas Vathappallil MCBS
on Monday, July 5th in observance                  Pastor: St. Lucy and St. Sebastian
of the July 4th Holiday.

                                 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Vacation Bible School is Back                                       We Are Collecting Travel-Sized
                        VBS is rolling into St. Sebastian Parish    Toiletries again!
                        July 20th through July 23rd from 5:00pm     We are collecting travel size toiletries again. Please make sure
                        till 7:00pm each evening. (3126 95th St,    these are unopened and unused trial size toiletries. They will
                               Sturtevant) All K-6 grades, come     be donated to facilities for the homeless and nursing homes.
                               jump on the Rocky Railway where      There will be a basket in the narthex for collection. Please
                                will have fun learning how Jesus’   make sure they are in a plastic bag when donating. Thank you
                              power pulls                           for your support.
                 us through. Registra-
tion is just $10 for 1 child or $20 for                             Scrip Sales Information
a family. So bring your family and                                  Orders will be available for pick-up after Mass-
friends for this action packed adven-                               es or from the school or parish offices. We will
ture. Registrations can be found                                    still fill orders that are submitted ahead of a
online at https://                                                  scheduled order date and time, via shop- or in the                        or by emailing to: stlu-
back of Church. Please make checks                         with an order. Payment must be made
payable to St. Lucy Church.                                         through the website or brought when the cards are picked up.
                                                                    (cash or check) If you order via email, you will receive an email
                                                                    from Meg, stating that your order was received. If you order
Vacation Bible Volunteers                                           through the website, you will receive a confirmation email from
We are looking for volunteers to help make this
                                                                    Great Lakes Scrip. Please make sure to enter your order in the
                   year’s VBS a special time for our
                                                                    system or email Meg at by 11:59pm on
                   young ones. If you’re in middle
                                                                    Sunday, July 11th. Orders will be available for pick up in the
                   school, high school, or older we
                                                                    church kiosk after Mass. Contact Meg Leonard at:
                   could use your help. Contact
                                                            with any questions. Thanks for your
                   Eric Antrim at
                                                                    continued support of our Scrip program!
          to help.

                                                                     Helping Hands Catholic Food Pantry
                      High School Open                                                             ~Food Pantry Needs: We continue
                      Gym Night!                                                                   to collect regular items: Canned
                      We are excited to announce that St.                                          fruit, fruit juices, jams, jellies,
                      Lucy and St. Sebastian will be hosting                                       canned stew, canned chili, pork
                      High School Night for all 9th through                                        and beans, baked beans (28oz),
                      12th graders at St. Sebastian on                                             soups, macaroni and cheese, pea-
                                                                    nut butter, spaghetti & spaghetti sauce, Spaghetti-O’s, cereal,
Wednesday, July 7th. Come and have some fun with
                                                                    instant oatmeal variety box, pancake mixes, pancake syrup,
friends as we open up our Teen Room and Gym for some
                                                                    cake frosting, cake mixes, Jell-O and pudding mixes, dish soap,
basketball, foosball, pool, darts and more.                         bar soap, toilet paper, and Kleenex. Please check expiration
                                                                    dates prior to donating and, please, no perishable food items
                                                                    such as fresh vegetables, bread, rolls, etc. All your donations
 Readings for the                                                   are very much appreciated and we thank for your continued
     week of                                                        support.
                                                                    ~If Food Needed: Anyone who is in need of food and is a mem-
   July 4, 2021                                                     ber of either St Lucy’s or St Sebastian’s parish or has been rec-
Sunday: Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3                                   ommended by someone from either parish should call Kathleen
-4 [2cd]/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a                                    at 262-939-6485 no later than the Monday prior to the first
Monday: Gn 28:10-22a/Ps 91:1-                                       Wednesday of the month distribution. For July please call by
2, 3-4, 14-15 ab [cf. 2b]/Mt 9:18-26                                Monday, July 5th. The distribution will be on Wednesday, July
Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b and 15                7th at St Sebastian’s
[15a]/Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a/Ps 33:2-3, 10-
11, 18-19 [22]/Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5/Ps 105:16-17, 18-
19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 10:7-15
Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40
[39a]/Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7 [cf.
Ps 69:33]/Mt 10:24-33
Next Sunday: Am 7:12-15/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 [8]/Eph                         Precision Machined Components and Assemblies
1:3-14 or 1:3-10/Mk 6:7-13                                           5100 - 21st Street, Racine            www.marinimfg. com

                        Welcome to St. Lucy’s Catholic Church • July 4, 2021
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
            ONS                                                                             Church Support
Monday, July 5th, St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest; USA, St.                                     For Weekend of June 27th
               Elizabeth of Portugal                                                         Actual                   Budget                  Difference
    8:15am †Rosemary Bouwma by John and Clara Csepella                 Adult Envelopes       $12,420.20               $15,000.00              -$2579.80
Tuesday, July 6th, St. Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr                                           7/5/20 thru 6/27/21
    8:15am †Cindy Organ by Steve Svec                                                        Actual             Budget                        Difference
Wednesday, July 7th                                                    Adult Envelopes       $736,940.74        $765,000.00                   -$43,059.26
    8:15am †Annrose Jerry by Kate O’Brien                                                       (Totals include average ACH.)
Thursday, July 8th                                                                                        June 27, 2021
    8:15am †Renee Chapman by The Schnepf/Visor Family                     Offertory........................................................ $919.75
Friday, July 9th, St. Augustine Zhao Rong. Priest and                     Children’s Offering ......................................... $16.00
                   Companions, Martyrs                                    Community Needs ...................................... $244.00
    8:15am †Rosemary Jansen by Larry Jansen                               Parish School Assistance Fund ....................... $5.00
               †Brian Gehrke by Dolores Woods                             Capital Improvement Fund ............................ $70.00
               †Kathy Kis by Friends                                      Debt Reduction Fund ..................................... $10.00
Saturday, July 10th                                                       Emergency Fund .......................................... $155.00
    8:15am †Betty Canfield by Mike and Colleen Benner                     Community of St. Paul ................................. $100.00
   The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy
    4:00pm †Jerry Scholzen by Family
Sunday, July 11th, The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                           Jazz in July!
    8:00am †Silvio & Frances Bosco by Vanda Santelli,                    Sunday, July 18th, 2021 1pm-4pm
                Stephanie Arinta, and Alma Williams                                     A Fundraiser in support of
   10:30am †Rosemary Bouwma by John and Clara Csepella                              ~Senior Companion Program, Inc.~
                †Nancy Oakes by Patrick and Peggy Metzker                     This event will be held outdoors on the grounds of
                †Mary Radewan by Husband, Richard                           St. Sebastian Parish. (3126 95th St., Sturtevant, WI)
    5:00pm For Our Living and †Deceased Parishioners                     Indoor restrooms will be available and, in case of inclement
                                                                                  weather, this event will be moved indoors.
Thank You For Your Generosity!                                          $25 per person includes pizza, dessert, and one beverage of
Thank you from the Knights of Columbus to St                              your choirs. Additional beer, wine, soda, and water will be
Lucy and St Sebastian parishes for your gener-                                              available for purchase.
ous donations in Helping People With Disabilities                        Enjoy Live Big Band, Jazz, and Swing music featuring local
(Tootsie Roll Donations). We collected $1,095.08                          musicians with the with the James Yorgan Sextet! Bring
on Father's Day Weekend. Be assured that your                            your own chairs, sun hats, sunscreen, and dancing shoes!
donations will help support many people with                                               Tickets sold in advance.
Disabilities.   GOD BLESS!!!                                                       Reservations due by Monday, July 12th.
                                                                         Cash, Check, or Credit Cards accepted. Call us at 262-898-
                                                                        1941 or email us at today!
                          Daniel Arredondo, Christine Beyer, Paul
                          Bialecki, Bill Binetti, Diane Boyle, Kevin
                          Boyle, Mary Boyle, Ashley Marie Burdick,
                          Paul Castaneda, Joey Chambers, Ann
                          Clarke, Loren Drissel, Hannah Duppler,
                          Mitzi Erickson, Bonnie Ernst, Robert Gal-
                          van, Jean Federico, Angie and Jon Fiore,
                          Encarnacion Flores, Sue Foss, Annella
Gedemer, Eivea Gums, Dottie Highman, Jeff, Cristal Jaimes, Ty
Jensen, Grace Katherine Jones, Jim Johnson, Addison Kavanaugh,
Joyce Kucharski, Sandi Kucharski, Linda Landon, Jeanette Lasso,
Nelly Leonard, Dave Lockrem, Karen Luba, Barb Magnusson, Lin-
da Majewski, Julie Masters, Veronica Mauer, Jamie Michel, Ann
Miller, Linda Miller, Carol Navin, Dixie Niedfeldt, Connie Olsen,
Irene Parent, Diane Parenteau, Marlene Pias, Sarah Radandt, Julie       Blood Drive - Red Cross at
Redmon, Carol Reed, Bill Rice, Joseph R. Rodriguez, Crescencio          The Lanes on Hwy 20
Reyes Sanchez, III, Jerry Scholzen, Sandy Scholzen, Jr., Carolyn
Schwartz, Beverly Stulac, David Sturino, Marilynn Thielen, Leo                                           Thursday, July 8th, Noon to 5pm,
Tutak, Maribel Utenzen, Elaine Verhegge Carol West, Gordon                                               6501 Washington Ave, Mt. Pleasant,
White, David Wright, Pete Yoghourtjian, Phyllis Zelenski~ To put                                         WI 53406. Please sign up by contact-
someone on the prayer list, call the Parish Office at 262-554-                                           ing Louisa Pichelman either at
1801, x601. Names are kept on for at least 4-6 months. If a                                     or tex-
name is taken off and more prayers are needed, just call and we                                          ting 262-902-8630
will put them back on.

                        Welcome to St. Lucy’s Catholic Church • July 4, 2021
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Two Sunday Masses at the Cathedral will be broad-
                                                                                               The 9am Mass is available on Radio 920am, and the
                                                                                               11am Mass is live-streamed on the Cathedral web-
                                                                                               Other TV Masses are available on WVTV, My24 at
                                                                                               7am and 9am and on WITI Fox 6, at 5:30am./5:30pm
                                                                                               or watch online:
                                                                                               Heart of the Nation Online Mass https://

                                                                                               St. Lucy Website:
                                               HOW TO SIGN UP FOR
                                                                                                       Updates, Links, Bulletin online
                                               There are 3 easy steps                          Facebook: St. Lucy’s Catholic Parish and
                                               for new parishioners to                                     St. Sebastian Parish
                                               Sign Up on FORMED:                              Archdiocese of Milwaukee:
                                               Visit http://                                           Information from our Archdiocese and
                                                                           from Archbishop Listecki
                                               Enter our parish zip                            United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
                                               code:53403. St. Lucy’s                                  www., Daily Readings and More
                                               in Racine will pop up.
                                               Click on that and follow                                                   Prepare yourself for this week's Gospel with
                                               the directions to create                                                   Fr. Phillip Bogacki and Fr. Ricardo Martín as
                                               an account.                                                                they brainstorm about their homilies and
                                                                                                                          reflect on the Gospel reading.https://

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 Heating | Cooling | Air Quality | Commercial                                                                                                                                                          &
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             Thomas J. Sorensen, Owner                                                                           Tom Phalen, Scoutmaster
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                                                                                                                                                                           Septic Tank Cleaning
                  Parish Member                                                                                      (262) 554-1702
                                                                                                                                                                         Radio Dispatched Service

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                                                                 See Dealer for specific details that apply.            (262) 930-9157
                                                                                                                 Windows & Siding Showplace                              Mueller’s Tree and
                                                                                                                  WINDOWS • SIDING • SOFFIT • FASCIA
                                                                                                                  GUTTERS • DOORS • GUTTER GUARDS                       Sawmill Service LLC
                                                                                                                                       262-637-7221                                     Tree Removal • Firewood
                                                                                                                                      Joe Griger, President                                  Custom Sawing
                                                                                                                                     2923 Taylor Ave., Racine                             Woodworker’s Stock
CH03   Expires: 3-31-2022                                                                                                           250 Old Green Bay Rd. • Kenosha, WI 53144
                                                                                                                    Free Estimates/References/Full Insured           Mark Mueller • 262.552.7671 • Cell: 262.818.6499

			                                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                    St. Lucy, Racine, WI                                                 B 4C 01-1051
St. Lucy Catholic Church, Racine WI July 4th, 2021
Maresh-Meredith & Acklam                                                                                         DYNASTY
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                                                             PARISH MEMBER
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              James A. Pitts and Gregory A. Pitts                                                                                                                      Busy Bee
                               Civil Trial Lawyers                                                                                                                      Carpet Cleaning
              Accidents of All Types; Disability Claims                                                                            Lisa Theama           Carpet, Water Extraction, & Upholstery Cleaning
             Schoone, Leuck, Kelly, Pitts & Pitts, S.C.                                                                             Sales Executive
           6800 Washinton Avenue • Racine, WI 53406
                                                                                                                                       Parish Member
                                                                                                                                (262) 989-4571                      Racine, Kenosha                              Custom & Captive
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Plastic Injection Molders
                                                                                                                  Phone: (262) 886-8240 • Fax (262) 886-5562                                                         John Anderson             | 262-884-3537               Contract Manufacturers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                & Custom Assembly

 Faith. Knowledge. Innovation. Excellence.                                                                                                                                                                    Product Design & Tooling

 That’s what St. Lucy’s students are made of.                                                                                                                                                                 Phone: (262) 639-3941
                                                                                                                                                                                                                5102 Douglas Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Racine, WI 53402
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Parish Member

                                                                                                                                                        EHO & MLS

                                                                                                                  Phone 262-632-8888                                          262.412.0652
Tour today: (262) 554-1801 •                                                              1524 Layard Ave • Racine, WI 53402

                                                                                                                                                                                      ROMAN ELECTRIC
                                                                                                                                                                                           Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
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 Chicago Style Hot Dogs • Sandwiches
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