Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...

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Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church….Thank you for worshipping with us.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 2                                                                                                          November 13, 2016

Mass Intentions Sick List
                                           Please remember in your       Fran Measel        Pat Reinhard           Lori Haussy
Monday, Nov. 14, 2016                      prayers all of our parish
                                                                         Pam Coburn         Jennifer Johnston      Marion Mesick
                                           family and friends who
8:30 am - † Thomas Kollar                  suffer physically,            Barbara Coxe       Jay Fuhs               Mike Ostrowski
              by Jeannette Kollar          emotionally or spiritually,   Sean Halloren      Ed Doyle               Melinda Quinn
                                           especially:                   Bill Petruska      Deniece Gatz           Tom Oldeck
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016                                                   Joan Cohey         Elena Pettito          Jacob Cantrell
                                           Mim Sullivan
8:30 am - † Gaythee                        Lorenzo Ravenna               Kevin Rzeppa       William King           Linda Plache
            Lumapas                        Jim Guinn                     Carole Kroeck      Andrea Britton         Greg Ryan
                                           Herbert Walter                John Birmingham    Agnes Zelinski         Stella Rogal
              By Fabian Lumapas
                                           Mary Ann Walter               Genevieve Davis    Susan McElheny         Melda LaVertu
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016                   Donald Finlayson              John Cornforth     Diane Churchill        Elizabeth McQueen
                                                                         Joyce Miller
8:30 am - † Mary Bisceglia                 Will Carpenter                                   Alice Longwell         Robert Kirsch
                                           Miriam Skiba                  Ann Crane          David McBride          Joan Dalmanieras
               by CCW
                                           Tom Measel                    Bernadette         Irma Randall           Lauren Shotca
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016                    Richard Martinez              Passalacqua        Dick Harper            Millie Baron
                                           Catherine Gimont              Margie Harper
8:30 am - † Audrey                                                                          Barbara Stier          Samantha Balda
                                           Dennis Torregrossa            George Randall     Carolyn Cooley         Skip Eisner
            Lacorazza                      Paul Hemsing                  Thomas Griffin
               by Connie Taylor
                                                                                            Richard Patterson      John Cadagan

Friday, Nov. 18, 2016
8:30 am - † Isabelle McKee
              by Downes Family             Prayers for the Safety of our Military
Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016                    David Keith                          Travis Wiemann             Joey Carosella
4:00 pm - † Kathleen                       Ken Yates                            Jeremy Boucher             Colby Dawson
            Sadowski                       Martin Reinhard                      James Britton, Jr.         Eric Smith
               by Dolores McLaughlin
                                           David Bareither                      Joseph R. Tress            Don Ohlemacher
6:00 pm - † Sebastian Anene
                by John Anene              Michael McNulty                      Dorothy Goebel             Chris K. Stimpfl
                                           Chad Stratton                        Keith Fitzsimmons
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016
                                           Kevin F. Hayes                       Matthew Ratcliff
 9:00 am - ♥ For The People
                                           Thomas McConnell                     Robert Deyeso
11:30 am - † Dr. Amado
                                           Grant Rosen                          Noah Barden
                by Dr. Lydia Gervacio
                                           Joseph Frantz                        Ryan Nalepa
                                           Peter Whitney                        Luke Blanchette
   ♥ For Intentions • † Deceased
                                           Anthony Haros                        Sean Grant
Please remember in
your prayers those
who’ve entered into
                                           Catholic Campaign for Human Development
eternal life, especially:

Wilburn Carpenter                                  Next week’s collection for the Catholic
                                           Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)
Thirty-third Sunday in                     needs your help. CCHD was founded to break
Ordinary Time                              the cycle of poverty in the United States by
                                           funding organizations that help individuals help
November 13, 2016
                                           themselves. With the tradition of improving
Sing praise to the L                with   education, housing situations, and community
the harp,
                                           economic development, CCHD continues to
   with the harp and                       make a positive impact in communities
melodious song.                            nationwide. Your contribution will defend human
— Psalm 98:5                               dignity and reach out to those living on the
                                           margins. Please give to the CCHD Collection.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 3                                                                                              Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings for the Week                                                                                                     Jubilee Year
                                                                                                                          of Mercy
Monday:                  Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43
Tuesday:                 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10                                                           November 13, 2016
                                                                                                                          Thirty-third Sunday in
Wednesday:               Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28
                                                                                                                          Ordinary Time
Thursday:                Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44                                                                   As this Jubilee Year of
Friday:                  Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;                                                    Mercy comes to an end, Jesus’
                         Lk 19:45-48 or (for the memorial of the                                                          first disciples ask what every
                         Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31;                                                                age seems to wonder about
                         Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33                                                                           the end of the world: “Teacher,
Saturday:                Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40                                                      when will this happen? What
Sunday:                  2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122:1-5; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43                                                 sign will there be?” (Luke
                                                                                                                          21:7). But instead of what we’d
                                                                                                                          like to know, Jesus tells us
                                                                                                                          what we need to know. Don’t
                                                                                                                          be terrified by natural
                                                                                                                          disasters, human violence,
                                                                                                                          personal sufferings. Because
Today’s Readings                                                                                                          God’s mercy abounds, all is
                                                                                                                          grace. “It will lead to your
First Reading — There will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays                                                 giving testimony” (21:13). So
(Malachi 3:19-20a).                                                                                                       Malachi promises “the sun of
Psalm — The Lord comes to rule the earth with justice (Psalm 98).                                                         justice with its healing
Second Reading — Paul speaks of his hard work among the Thessa-                                                           rays” (Malachi 3:20a); and
                                                                                                                          Jesus describes how we
lonians (2 Thessalonians 3:7-12).
                                                                                                                          should welcome
Gospel — Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem, the persecution
                                                                                                                          the end: “Stand
of his followers. But their perseverance will be their salvation (Luke 21:5                                               erect and raise
-19).                                                                                                                     your heads,
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on
English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                  because your
                                                                                                                          redemption is at
                                                                                                                          hand” (Gospel
                                                                                                                          Luke 21:28). Rather than
Saints and Special Observances                                                                                            worrying about ourselves and
                                                                                                                          the future’s perils, both Jesus’
                                                                                                                          gospel and Pope Francis’
Sunday:                   Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                                                                          Jubilee Year of Mercy bid us
Tuesday:                  St. Albert the Great                                                                            go forth to spend our lives
Wednesday:                St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude                                                          proclaiming God’s promise of
Thursday:                 St. Elizabeth of Hungary                                                                        boundless mercy, but also
Friday:                   The Dedication of the Basilicas of                                                              translating God’s mercy into
                          Ss. Peter and Paul in Rome;                                                                     living deeds of unfailing
                          St. Rose Philippine Duchesne                                                                    compassion and enduring
Saturday:                 Blessed Virgin Mary                                                                             comfort.
                                                                                                                          —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch
                                                                                                                          Co., Inc.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 4                                                                                 November 13, 2016

P     arish Calendar

Monday, Nov. 14, 2016
                                   APA 2016
                                  Goal - $108,180.00                    Balance to Goal - $28,132.59
Bulletin Inserts Due for          Pledged - $85,600.26                  % of Goal Pledged - 79.13%
December 4, 2016
                                  Total Paid - $80,047.41               % of Goal Paid - 73.99%
1:00 pm - Body of Christ Prayer
                                  Pledge Balance - $5,552.85
3:00 pm - Ministry Heads Mtg.     Family Pledges - 430
5:30 pm - Hand Bell Choir         Pledges fully paid: 386
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016            Pledges outstanding: 44
10:15 am - Rosary Makers          # of Families - 1,103
1:00 pm - Ministry Heads Mtg.     Average Pledge - $199.07
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016
11:00 am - 33 Days of Merciful
           Love Retreat
5:30 pm - Adult Choir
7:00 pm - Contemporary Choir
7:00 pm - K of C 1st Degree        Stewardship Reflections
          Mtg.                    November 13, 2016
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016
5:00 pm - RCIA                    33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 pm - K of C Officers’ Mtg.
                                  “…Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you
Friday, Nov. 18, 2016             might imitate us.” 2 THESSALONIANS 3:9
9:00 am - Adoration
9:45 am - Legion Of Mary          Most people who live a grateful and generous lifestyle don’t go around
5:00 pm - Benediction             bragging about it. But through their actions and words, others do take
Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016           notice. They notice because of the joy and peace that results and other
No Scheduled Meetings             people desire this in their own life. Know that the way
                                  you live your life may be the only interaction others have
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016
                                  with the Catholic faith.
8:00 am - K of C Pancake
10:15 am - No Faith Formation
 5:00 pm - CRHP Meeting            Pancake Breakfast
                                   The Knights of Columbus will be serving their fabulous monthly
  Catholic Campaign for
                                   breakfast on November 20. The breakfasts include Sausage, Eggs,
   Human Development
                                   Hashed Browned Potatoes, Pancakes, French toast, Breakfast Cake,
 Collection this weekend -
                                   Cereal, Fruit Bowl, Orange Juice, Regular and Decaf Coffee for a small
   November 19th/20th
                                   donation of $6. The Parish nurse is available on site each month to take
                                   Blood Pressures and keep track of the monthly readings. The breakfast
   Diaper Collection this
                                   is served from 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. Any month that the Blood Mobile is
        weekend -
                                   at this location during the breakfasts, the Knights will provide donors with
    November 19th/20th
                                   a free meal. Breakfast is served in the Parish Hall.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 5                                                        Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Evening Bible Study                                                                        Donald and
                                                                                           Eileen Gaertner
The Gospel of John isn’t read as often as the other three Gospels, but
when it is read, the message is very special with layers of meaning that                  We are delighted
are not always readily apparent. Come join us as we start our study of                    that you’ve joined
the Gospel of John, and learn more about this beautiful and inspiring                     us for worship
book of the Bible.                                                                        and we hope that
        We will begin on November 28, and finish before Easter. We                        you’ll return to
meet Monday evenings, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. All are             pray with us often.
welcome, no matter how unfamiliar with Scripture you feel you may be.
                                                                             As a church community, we
For more information, call Sherri Turner, 352-746-2148.
                                                                             offer lots of services to our
        We are considering an afternoon session of the same study, for
                                                                             members in addition to our
those who dislike driving at night. If interested, please call Evelyn
                                                                             weekly worship If you have
Jones, 352-419-7560.
                                                                             moved into the area, we invite
                                                                             you to become a member.
                                                                             Feel free to call the parish
Bike Walk                                                                    office at 352-746-9422 or email
                                                                             us at:
BIKE/WALK for Human Life: Please join the Citrus County Right-to-  
Life Annual Bike/Walk for Human Life on Saturday, November 19,               You may also fill out a new
2016, 9:00 a.m. at The Inverness Trail Head of Withlacoochee State           parishioner registration form
Trail, 286 North Apopka Ave., Inverness.                                     which are located on the table
St. Scholastica Parish is participating and Sign-up and Pledge sheets        in the Church narthex and on
are available to be a participant or a sponsor. Registration is $20 or $20   the St. Scholastica website:
in pledges.                                                        
You may sign up after the weekend masses on Nov. 5th and 12th.               Even if you are here
Contact, Rosalie Matt, 746-7143.                                             infrequently, we welcome you
                                                                             to join our Parish Family.

Volunteers Needed
                            We will be changing our yearly missals
                            on Monday, November 21st following
                            the 8:30 am Mass.                                The Parish is looking for a Part-
                                                                             time Maintenance worker for
                            Anyone able to help is asked to meet in          approximately 3 hours a day,
                            the back of the Church at 9:15 am.               four days a week includes
                                                                             indoor and outdoor work.
                                                                             If interested, please call the
                                                                             Parish Office at 746-9422.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 6                                                                                 November 13, 2016

                                    Help for the Divorced and Separated During the Holidays
 BECOME A KNIGHT                                                           If you are going through a divorce
                                                                          or separation, the holiday season
                                                                          can be a lonely, stressful, and de-
                                    pressing time. But there is hope. Join us for an encouraging seminar
                                    to learn what to expect, how to prepare, and how you may experience
                                    healing this holiday season. A Surviving the Holidays seminar will be
                                    held at St. Frances Cabrini Parish, 5030 Mariner Blvd., in Spring Hill,
                                    on Thursday, November 17th at 7 p.m. in classroom three in Cabrini
                                    Center. There is no cost to attend. Refreshments will be provided. For
                                    additional information please call Linda Spenceley, LMHC at (352) 686
 MATTHEW 23:11 THE                  -9954 ext. 409 or email her at
 BECOMING A KNIGHT                  Married Couples
                                    The car gets a tune up, The house gets a painting, The job gets our
                                    every effort. But when is there time to “brush up” on us? Carve out the
 (352) 503-2653 or email:
                                    time you so richly deserve for yourselves and attend a Worldwide
                                    Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next Worldwide Marriage
                                    Encounter weekends in this diocese are December 2-4 and January 13-
                                    15 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Tampa. Space at the Franciscan
                                    Center IS limited so please apply early! The next weekend in SPANISH
Volunteers Needed                   will be Nov. 26-27 at OLPH Center in Venice. For more information
                                    about taking a private time away, check out or 813-270-
Citrus County AARP Tax Aide-        7832.
is looking for volunteers for the
upcoming tax season. Tax
Aide volunteers prepare tax
returns for senior citizens and
low income residents of Citrus
County for free. Volunteers         Help Needed
are fully trained and certified
by the IRS. Training will take 5    We are in the process of trying to solicit ministries, organizations,
days in January. If you would       families and/or individuals within the parish to help spruce up the
like to volunteer or have           outside shrubs and beds. Though we
questions, please contact           spray for weeds continually, it is almost
Linda or Paul Abels at (352)        impossible to keep up with all the areas
746-6383. Thank you.                needing weeding, etc.
                                    If you would like to "adopt" a bed or an
                                    area to proudly maintain please call
                                    Anne or Louise at the parish office at
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
First Fruits
                                                                 St. Scholastica Catholic Church
                                                                         Lecanto, Florida
                                                                  July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
The St. Scholas ca parish community is abundantly blessed each week as families and friends come together to celebrate the Mass and through the Eucha‐
rist offer thanksgiving and praise to our Almighty Father. It is through each and every one of us that the gi s of me, talent and treasure are offered and
come to frui on. It is through these gi s that we give God the best in each of us.
The following is St. Scholas ca’s Annual Report. It is a snapshot of our parish life for 2015‐2016. As good stewards, especially in difficult economic mes,
our parish is very grateful for every dollar that is given to us while we try to exercise the greatest prudence in every dollar that we spend.
Many thanks to all of you for your prayerful support!

   How We Serve…
   Faith Forma on, Educa on and Evangeliza on               Groups and Organiza ons             Liturgy                  Liturgy (cont.)
      Parish School of Faith Forma on                        Community of Catholic Women       Deacon                 Ushers
      Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA)             Knights of Columbus 14485         Sacristans             Musicians, Choir, Cantors
      Scripture Study                                        Legion of Mary                    Altar Servers          Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Com‐
                                                                                                   Readers                Greeters
   Human Concerns                                           Administra on                       Service Ministries       Sacramental Prepara on
      Pastoral Care to the Homebound &                       Finance Council                   Altar Linens           Bap sm of Infants
      Nursing Home Residents
      Parish Nurse Ministry                                  Parish Staff                       Art & Environment      First Penance
      Outreach to Those in Need (Food Pantry, Christmas      Parish Advisory Council           Cleaning of the        First Holy Communion
        Giving Tree & Thanksgiving Assistance)                                                       Church
      Ministry to Citrus County Deten on Center                                                  Money Counters         Confirma on
      Culture of Life Ministry                                                                   Rosary Makers          Marriage
   Prayer and Devo on                                       Prayer and Devo on (cont.)
      Body of Christ Prayer Group                            Voca on Awareness
      Eucharis c Adora on                                    Christ Renews His Parish for
      Prayer Line
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
                                            For the Fiscal Year July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
REVENUE                                                                                                INCOME *

                                                        7/1/13-6/30/14          7/1/14-6/30/15                                              7/1/15-6/30/16
Offertory/Parish Collections                                     706,635                 686,153                                                $666,365.00
Diocesan & Apa Collections                                       117,318                  91,584       APA                                       $88,607.00
Religious Education/Youth Ministry                                12,853                  14,109       Catholic Education                        $13,195.00
                                                                                                       Diocesan Refund
Donations/Bequests                                                 10,500                      90      Distribution                              $29,343.00
Fundraising/Stewardship                                             3,986                   1,580      Debt Reduction                            $63,725.00
Votive, Flowers                                                     8,794                  11,473      Bequests                                 $117,055.00
Interest Income                                                       545                     797      Miscellaneous                             $25,718.00
Other (Retreats, Rent, Etc)                                         6,677                   2,726
                                                                                                       Total Income

Total Revenues                                                   867,308                 808,512                                             $1,004,008.00

EXPENDITURES                                                                                           EXPENSE *
Church Expenditures                                                45,301                $35,694
                                                                                                        Operating Expenses
Rectory Expenditures                                               38,850                  28,497                                               $476,452.00
Parish Expenditures                                                86,281                  70,302       APA                                     $112,745.00
                                                                                                        Saint John Paul II
Diocesan & Apa Expense                                           118,396                 119,821                                                  $66,037.00
Debt Curtailment                                                  65,691                  66,334        Loan Expense                              $80,691.00
Transfer to School                                                56,037                  66,037

Salaries/Related Benefits                                        335,466                 306,525
Payroll Taxes/Liability Insurance                                 39,513                  36,226
Capital Expense                                                   22,127                   3,995
 TOTAL EXPENDITURES:                                                                                   Total Expenses
                                                                 807,662                 733,431                                                $735,925.00

NET REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES:                                                                         Net Gain/Loss
                                                                   59,646                 75,081                                                $268,083.00

Outstanding Debt                                                 891,048                 842,528                                                      701,623

The People That We Serve….

Parish Population
Registered Families                                                 1,113                   1,145                                                           1102
Registered Individuals                                              2,443                   2,206                                                           2021

New Families Registered                                                 19                    106                                                            73

Sacraments Celebrated
Infant/Child/Adult Baptism                                              11                      15                                                             8

Adults Received into Full Communion                                      3                       0                                                             0
First Holy Communion                                                    14                       9                                                            14
Confirmation                                                            17                      20                                                            14
Marriages/Convalidations                                                 5                       1                                                             2
Funerals                                                                27                      31                                                            35

Faith Formation Statistics
                                                             70 includes
Elementary grades (1-8)                                           (SJPII)          47 + 9 SJPII)                                              36 +12 (SJPII)
       * Please Note: Due to a "Mandated Diocesan change in the Chart of Accounts" we will be utilizing the following new format to report the SUMMARY of
                                           REVENUE and EXPENSE for 7/1/15 - 6/30/16 and every year thereafter.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 9                                                        Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

        An old expression holds that the sun-warmed stone heals. Perhaps. But Malachi explains that only
dark, sunless days are in store for those who do not find a place for God in their lives. Conversely, he tells
us that the warmth and light of God’s healing justice await those who fear the Lord. That’s a pretty comfort-
ing notion—especially now in the already short and growing even shorter days of November. It’s the sun-
warmed stone, and then some.
        Paul speaks to us of justice as well, but points out that it is not a passive thing. To be treated justly,
we need to do our fair share. If we are diligent and persevere we will be rewarded with and by the fruits of
our labor. Lastly, Luke, too, tells us to persevere—in faith, this time—and our lives will be secure in God
regardless of how we are treated by our enemies.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saint Scholastica Catholic Church .Thank you for worshipping with us - St. Scholastica Catholic ...
Page 10                                                                                    November 13, 2016

                                 Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday:        8:30 am                          Reconciliation
Saturday Vigil:       4:00 pm &                        Saturday:      2:45 - 3:30 pm or by appointment
                      6:00 pm (Nov. to Apr.)           Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday:               9:00 am & 11:30 am               Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Holy Days:            Vigil: 4:00 pm;                  on Fridays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with Benediction
                             8:30 am & 7:00 pm         at 5:00 pm.
First Saturday:       8:30 am

                        Clergy                                                  Parish Information
Rev. James B. Johnson                Pastor
                                                                  Address: 4301 W Homosassa Trail
                                                                           Lecanto, FL 34461
Rev. Jojo Tejada                     Parochial Vicar
                                                                  Phone: (352)746-9422
                                                                  Fax: (352) 746-2335
Deacon Robert Smith                  Deacon
                   Administration                                 Bulletin Announcements:
Louise Boyer                         Office Staff                 Parish Office Hours:
                                                                  Mon - Thurs:
Anne Griffith                        Office Staff                 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                                                                  Friday - Closed
Pat Brockmann                        Office Staff

                                                                           Parish Ministries &
John Edel                            Music Ministry
Donna Davis                          Music Ministry                Community of Catholic Women
                                                                   Jeannine Davis - 527-2209

Theresa Holland                      Faith Formation               Knights of Columbus
                                                                   Les McGlothlin - 503-2653

Bo Bolinsky/Jimmy Moore              Maintenance                   Legion of Mary
                                                                   Lois Tate - 527-2671
                                                                   Carolyn Geiger - 746-5169
                                                                   For information on any of our Liturgical Ministries,
                                                                   please call the parish office at
Please remember our parish in your will.                           746-9422 for ministry contact numbers.

                                                                   Diocesan School
QR Code to St. Scholastica Website                                 Saint John Paul II Catholic School
                                                                   Phone: 352-746-2020
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   Raymond Townsend, President / Parishioner
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017533 St Scholastica Church (A)                                                                          For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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