Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG

Page created by Shirley Berry
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Staying safe and
       well this winter

Advice for winter (2021/22)
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
We all know the mental and physical benefits we can get from
 being active, but it can sometimes be difficult to motivate
 ourselves. Here’s 5 top tips to help keep you moving this winter:

  1     MAKE A PLAN
        Planning when and how you will be active can really help you to stick to it.
        You could start by selecting one day a week to walk to where you need
        to go rather than taking the bus or car.

        There are lots of groups across Doncaster who get together to enjoy activities
        such as exercise classes, organised walks and community litter picks – many
        people get involved for the social side as well as an opportunity to stay active.

        Dress suitably in warm clothes, a waterproof jacket and shoes with a good grip.

        It might also be a good idea for you to let a friend or family member
        know where you’re going and when you’ll be home.

        There’s lots you can do to stay active at home too.
        Visit our website for some ideas.

                                    To find out more about Get Doncaster Moving,
                                    visit: or email us at:

Living alongside covid means...
                                                     Advice for those who are
       doing the right thing                         Clinically Extremely        Vulnerable
                                                                 make safer choices

             Get vaccinated.                         The Department of Health and
                                                     Social Care (DHSC) has made
                                                     the decision to end the national
             Test for coronavirus.                   shielding programme.
                                                     Many people who are Clinically
                                                     Extremely Vulnerable may be
             Stay home when                          looking for advice and guidance
             you feel unwell.                        this winter. For the latest FAQs
                                                     and information   you can visit:
             Help contact tracing          
             teams when asked.
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Hi, my name is Dr Rupert
Suckling and I am the Director
of Public Health in Doncaster.
You may have read or seen in the news over      illnesses together with pent-up demand
the last few months that we’re expecting        on the health and care service are the big
a tough winter ahead – but what does that       challenge. With this in mind, I’d encourage
really mean?                                    everyone to get the flu jab. This not only
                                                helps to protect ourselves but also helps to
This time last year we were preparing
                                                protect vulnerable people and our NHS.
ourselves for a winter largely focused on
managing the threat of Coronavirus within       Of course there are other incidents that
our community. Due to the incredible            may need responding to – the flooding
vaccination development and roll-out, we’re     in Doncaster, which affected so many
in a much better situation than we were         residents last January, and two years ago,
12 months ago, but our rates of COVID-19        for instance – but as a council we’re well
remain high both locally and nationally.        prepared to support communities through
                                                any eventuality.
The vaccines continue to take the strain
and are allowing us to return to normal life,   Winter can be a difficult time for many.
but as the weather gets colder and we mix       We are here to support you through the
indoors more, we need to do all we can to       coming months, whether that is with
contain the spread of the virus as much as      healthcare advice, financial support or
possible. That includes:                        gritting the roads so we can get to work and
                                                education safely. This booklet should help
• Getting the vaccine                           you find information on support networks,
  (or booster jab if you’ve been invited)       wellbeing and remaining safe and
• Wearing face coverings in                     well this winter.
  busy indoors locations
                                                Hopefully this winter will be a lot more
• Trying to ventilate rooms as much             ‘normal’ than the last one, but we can
  as possible when mixing with others           only be sure of that by continuing to make
• Maintain personal hygiene                     the right choices and keeping the whole
  such as regular hand washing                  community safe.
• Self-isolating when ill                       Let’s keep going and together,
                                                we can do it for Doncaster.
Whilst Coronavirus is of course a key area of
focus in the coming months, it’s important to
                                                Thank you.
say that we will be supporting Doncaster and
our residents through winter as a whole and
not just COVID. We know that other seasonal

                                                 Dr Rupert Suckling
                                                 Director of Public Health
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
This winter it’s never                       Flu - not to be sniffed at!
been more important to                       In a normal winter flu causes around
                                             11,000 deaths across England. If you are
look after your health                       eligible for a flu jab, please get one as
                                             soon as you can. To reduce the risk of
Because of the restrictions under the        spreading flu, wash your hands regularly,
coronavirus pandemic last winter there       use tissues to sneeze and cough into and
wasn’t much flu circulating, but we’re       then bin them immediately.
expecting high levels this year as more
people return to their places of work        This year, vaccinations are being offered
and they mix more in social groups.          to everyone over the age of 50, along with:

Together with rising cases of COVID-19,      • All children aged two and three and all
we could see higher levels of flu in the       primary and secondary school children up
coming months which is why it’s vital for      to Year 11 - with a free painless nasal spray
eligible people to get vaccinated.           • Those aged six months to under 50 years in
                                               clinical risk groups
Spending more time indoors over the cold
winter months means it’s easier to pass      • Pregnant women
the flu and Coronavirus on from person to    • People in residential care
person when they are released into the air   • Paid or unpaid carers
on the breath of someone who’s infected,
and especially if they sing,                 • Close contacts of people with weakened
shout or sneeze.                               immune systems
                                             • Health and care staff
                                             The flu vaccination is free from your GP,
  Have a well winter!                        midwife or school. Pharmacies can also book
                                             you in. If you’re not in any of the groups listed
  Lots of tips and advice to help you,       but you want the flu jab, you can usually get
  your family and your friends choose        one at a pharmacy for a small charge.
  the right services and stay well this
  winter can be found at:                    Boost your Coronavirus protection
                                             Everyone over the age of 50 and younger
                                             adults with health conditions are also being
                                             invited for a COVID booster jab. This is a third
  Medication                                 dose of the vaccine which is given no sooner
                                             than six months after the second and helps to
  If you take regular medication, it’s       further top-up immunity for more vulnerable
  important to ensure you have enough        people. Unfortunately, Coronavirus is still
  in case you can’t leave the house for      with us, so we urge you to get this extra
  whatever reason in the winter. Make        protection from serious illness.
  sure you order enough medication           It’s perfectly safe to have the COVID booster
  to last, especially this year when         jab and flu vaccine at the same time.
  the Christmas and New Year bank            In Doncaster there are still lots of people
  holiday periods are longer than            who’ve not yet come forward for a first
  usual. In the event that you do run        COVID vaccine and others who’ve not
  out of prescribed medication, please       returned for their second. The offer remains
  contact your local pharmacist or           on the table, so please take the opportunity
  NHS 111 who should be able to              to help defend yourself and those around
  assist with an emergency supply.           you against this deadly virus.
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Managing your illness at home.                   Supporting vulnerable people
                                                 Every winter there’s an increase in
If you start to feel unwell during the winter
                                                 people needing hospital treatment. The
months, don’t wait until it gets more serious.
                                                 cold weather coupled with respiratory
Think carefully about the help you might
                                                 illness, from the common cold to chronic
need and choose the right service.
                                                 conditions like asthma or COPD, can prompt
Pharmacies offer a wide range of services        care needs that impact on the frailty of
and expert advice as well as over-the-           older people.
counter medicines such as paracetamol
                                                 If you know someone who is frail or elderly
or ibuprofen which you may find useful
                                                 or has an existing health problem and they
to manage your illness at home and avoid
                                                 are feeling unwell, encourage them to
contacting your local practice.
                                                 seek early advice, go to their local pharmacy
Find information about pharmacy services
                                                 or phone their local practice before the
on our website:
                                                 issue escalates.
You can talk to NHS 111, use the NHS 111
                                                 Please keep an eye on your elderly friends
online symptom checker:
                                                 and relatives even if they remain well during
Urgent care and hospitals                        the winter months, they may welcome other
                                                 support to help keep their independence and
Think carefully about the service you            prevent social isolation. Visit:
choose. Don’t use the Emergency        
Department for minor conditions that             We are seeing an increase in the number
could be treated elsewhere. You should           of children under two being admitted to
only call 999 for an ambulance or go to          hospital with a contagious respiratory virus
the Emergency Department in the case of          that infects the lungs and affects breathing.
a serious life-threatening illness or injury.    You can contact any of the services
If you need urgent healthcare in Doncaster,      described above if you’re worried and
there are lots of options, 24 hours a day,       need urgent attention.
seven days a week, even over Christmas           You can also find clear information
and New Year.                                    and expert advice through the
For less urgent situations, your surgery may     Healthier Together website, where
offer a phone or video consultation which        health professionals from across
can prevent an unnecessary visit in bad          South Yorkshire help pregnant women
weather or if you’re not feeling well enough     and parents understand the risks of
to travel. You may be offered an appointment     winter respiratory illnesses, recognise
or consultation in the evening or at the         the signs and symptoms, and seek
weekend but if you’re assessed as needing a      the right support. Visit:
face-to-face appointment you will get one.
If you think you need a doctor or nurse and
can’t get an urgent appointment, call the
Same Day Health Centre: 0300 123 3103
If you need an urgent appointment during
the night, call: 0300 123 9990
The Minor Injuries Unit at Montagu Hospital
in Mexborough is also open 9am to 9pm
daily except 25 December.
If you’re not sure what to do, call 111
or visit: at any time of the
day or night for the right advice.
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Energy Advice                                  Grants and Financial
     If you are worried about paying your fuel      Help Available
     bills, you are not alone. Millions of people
     in England live in cold homes and this         Boiler on Prescription Grant
     is something we are trying to tackle in        As a homeowner, if your boiler does
     Doncaster.                                     not work properly or is broken and you
                                                    experience ill health, you might be able
     Find out if you can get a discount on your     to get central heating installed.
     energy bill - if you are on a low income or
                                                    The following are a list of the conditions
     on benefits you might be able to get extra
                                                    that apply: Chronic heart condition,
     support. For more information visit:
                                                    stroke, cancer and complex conditions
                                                    who don’t have the finances to replace/
     If you are worried about paying your next      repair a faulty central heating system
     energy bill, visit:                            or install it for the first time.
                                                    Each case must be assessed by
                                                    the council’s Energy Team.
                                                    Call: 01302 737053, or email:
     Spotting the signs of a cold home    
     The signs of a cold home are not always easy
     to see. If you are concerned about yourself    Affordable Warmth (ECO Scheme)
     or someone you know, here are some of the      Partially funded insulation and heating
     signs of a cold home:                          upgrades may be available under the
     • It feels cold inside - do you keep a coat    Energy Company Obligation (ECO)
       on when you are in this house?               scheme. A free survey is required first,
                                                    to understand what is required and to
     • Damp patches on walls
                                                    confirm eligibility. For more information,
     • Condensation on the windows/windowsills      please visit:
     • Draughts through windows/doors/floors
     • Blocked vents – to stop cold getting in      /environmental-programmes/eco/
     • No (or not using) central heating
     • Safety issues – overloaded sockets,
       exposed wires, clothes and furnishings
       too close to fires/heaters                   Heat your home
     • Heating just one room in the house           If you’re not very mobile, are 65 or over,
                                                    or have a health condition, such as
     • Struggling to keep warm - are there          heart or lung disease, heat your home
       blankets or hot water bottles by the         to at least 18C. The recommended
       chair they sit in?                           temperature in your living room is 21C.
     • Eating habits – wrappers and empty cans
       and no evidence of proper hot meals          Try and keep warm
                                                    Use a hot water bottle or electric

                                                    blanket to keep warm in bed – but do
                                                    not use both at the same time. You can

                                                    also use blankets and wear appropriate
                                                    layers of clothing.

                                           ­      Keep out draughts
                                                    Draw curtains at dusk and keep doors
                                                    closed to block out draughts.

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Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Live Inclusive                                          Local Authority Delivery Scheme (LAD)
A scheme called Recharge is available from              Local Authorities are able to improve the
Live Inclusive which could help you make                energy of homes that are on a low household
different choices when it comes to your bills           income. Measures include, external, internal,
and in time, save you money. Anyone with                cavity wall and loft insulation.
a disability or long term health condition              For more information, please contact
can apply. You do not need to be registered             the councils Energy Team:
disabled and it can be a self-diagnosed                 01302 737053
condition which could be physical or hidden.  
Some of the benefits are:
• You can receive 8 free LED energy                     Warm Home Discount
  saving bulbs (potential saving of                     You could get £140 off your electricity bill for
  £108.84 per year).                                    winter 2021 to 2022 under the Warm Home
• Help you find the most appropriate                    Discount Scheme. The money is not directly
  method of bill payment.                               paid to you - it’s a one-off discount on your
• Help you budget your finances                         electricity bill, between October and March.
  so you can pay your bills.                  
                                                        0800 731 0214
• Carry out small draught proofing
  measures where appropriate.                                 Winter Fuel Payments
01302 592400                                            If you were born on or before 26 September
email                     1955 you could get between £100 and £300
                                                        to help you pay your heating bills. This is
Help to Heat Scheme                                     known as a ‘Winter Fuel Payment’. You will
This grant is available to those not on a               get your Winter Fuel Payment automatically
means tested benefit. As part of the current            (you do not need to claim) if you’re eligible
Energy Company Obligation (ECO), the                    and get either the state pension or another
council is able to set a local criteria for             social security benefit (not including
homeowners and private rented tenants                   Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction,
who would be classed as living in fuel                  Child Benefit or Universal Credit) Visit:
poverty/ on low income:                       
                                                        0800 731 0160
• Less than £1484 per month household
  income once the mortgage or rent has
  been paid                                             Cold Weather Payment
• Vulnerable to the effects of living in a              You may get a Cold Weather Payment if you
  cold home.                                            are getting certain benefits or support for
                                                        mortgage interest. You will get a payment
Under this scheme both insulation and                   if the average temperature in your area is
heating can be partially funded, but first              recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees
requires a free survey to establish what is             Celsius or below for 7 days in a row. You’ll
required and to confirm eligibility. Visit:             get £25 for each 7 day period of very cold                                    weather between 1 November and 31 March.
/services/housing/local-authority-flexible-             Find out more information at:


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Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing
If you’re feeling low or depressed due to the dark nights and cold wet weather, or
stressed and anxious, help is at hand! The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
(IAPT) team in Doncaster is encouraging people 18 and over to get in touch.

The IAPT service is run by Rotherham Doncaster
and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust –
known as RDaSH for short – provides a range         The Health Bus is back
of ‘talking’ therapy support to help people         If you have a minor ailment or illness
manage their mental health and improve              that’s been troubling you and the
their wellbeing.                                    Health Bus is your neighbourhood,
The team offer free NHS counselling and             come and drop-in to see a GP.
cognitive behaviour therapies to help people        No appointment needed.
cope with and manage a range of mental health       The Health Bus service makes stops
problems including depression, anxiety, low         in communities so that everyone,
mood, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress        regardless of whether you’re registered
disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder.         with a local GP practice or not, can
Services are delivered in a range of ways to suit   access high quality healthcare.
the patient, from face to face to telephone and
video calls. To get help residents can either       NEW locations for the Health Bus:
refer themselves by visiting:     • Doncaster Market
or call: 01302 565556
                                                    • King Chambers
RDaSH has a Crisis Team for anyone really ill       • Rossington Miners Welfare
with their mental health who can be contacted
                                                    • Asda Carcroft
24/7 on Freephone 0800 804 8999
                                                    • Morrisons York Rd
RDaSH also works with Doncaster’s People
Focussed Group to deliver a Safe Space, for         • Lakeside Shopping Outlet Village
people needing other types of support to            The team are continuously seeking
help with their mental health.                      alternative approaches for residents
There’s also services for children and young        across Doncaster and will post any new
people who are struggling with their mental         or additional services along with regular
health. More information is on a dedicated          updates on the dates and times for each
website for children, young people and              Health Bus location via our website and
their parents at:                social media channels:
or they can call: 01302 796191                      Facebook (@Primary Care Doncaster)
                                                    and Twitter (@GPFedDoncaster) or visit:
Remember help is always available to support
residents at their time of mental health need.
If you are suffering with your mental health,
you are not alone. Call the experts for help
and support. They are there and waiting to help.
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Social isolation
Social isolation and loneliness can affect people of all ages, at any point in their lives,
and it can bring with it a range of challenges that can be difficult to overcome.

However, as the winter months draw nearer,            Through our range of partners,
the adverse weather conditions                        the SIA can offer access to:
and shorter days can often exacerbate
                                                      • Support packages to combat poor mental
and compound these feelings.
                                                        and physical health and wellbeing.
In 2020/21, over 7% of the adult                      • Befriending sessions online and
population in Great Britain                             face-to-face.
(almost 3.7 million people) stated
that they felt lonely ‘often’ or ‘always’.1           • Substance misuse advice and
                                                        rehabilitation programmes.
Loneliness is different from being alone;
                                                      • Social welfare advice, and support.
someone can be surrounded by people,
they can even be an outgoing person, yet              • A range of engaging physical activities,
feel lonely and not fully connected to the              social, recreational, cultural, and creative
people they are with.                                   programmes.
For those that are socially isolated, the             • Local food and hygiene banks
withdrawal from society is not usually                  to tackle food and hygiene poverty.
something they have chosen – several                  • Social prescribing programmes.
factors may have resulted in it, including            • Community-led and peer support
bereavement, unemployment, domestic                     programmes.
violence, or physically not being able to
                                                      • Volunteering opportunities.
leave the house.
                                                      • Access to other agencies to support
As being socially isolated and experiencing             complex needs.
loneliness can negatively impact both our
mental and physical health and wellbeing,             For further information, please contact the
it is important to keep an eye on our loved           Social Isolation and Loneliness Alliance on:
ones and neighbours, especially during the            01302 430322
winter months.

If you, or someone you know,
is experiencing social isolation
and loneliness and would like
to connect with people in your
community, Doncaster’s Social
Isolation and Loneliness Alliance
(SIA) may be able to assist.
The SIA is a group of voluntary,
community and faith sector (VCFS)
organisations that are working
together, throughout Doncaster,
to help anyone who is experiencing
social isolation and loneliness.

 Office for National Statistics, Mapping loneliness

 during the coronavirus pandemic, (ONS, 2021):
Staying safe and well this winter - Advice for winter (2021/22) - Doncaster CCG
Doncaster Domestic Abuse Hub
The domestic abuse hub is a collection of
domestic abuse services working across          What is domestic abuse?
Doncaster supporting ALL victims of
domestic abuse.                                 Domestic abuse isn’t always a physical act,
                                                it includes a range of abusive behaviour
The support is available for people in          between people 16 years or older and
heterosexual relationships, for lesbian, gay,   can affect both men and women, who
bi and trans people. Support is available for   are or were intimate partners or family
people being abused by a partner or an ex-      members, regardless of gender:
partner or for people who are being abused
                                                • Physical
by a family member e.g. son, daughter,
sibling, grandchild. Multiple agencies work     • Sexual
together in the Domestic Abuse Hub which        • Economic or financial
makes it simple and easy to get the help        • Psychological or emotional
you need, when you need it.
                                                Children and young people can also be
Domestic abuse workers can support
                                                affected by the abuse that they see and
people aged 16 years or older. The
                                                hear, and they can be harmed as part of
specialist workers can provide practical and
                                                domestic abuse between adults. Young
emotional support to you, family members
                                                people may also experience abuse from
and also signpost on to services for those
                                                their own boyfriend/girlfriend.
that commit domestic abuse.
For more information visit our website          Remember, abuse is never your
and complete the online self-referral form      fault. You have the right to be safe.
The Domestic Abuse Hub is open from
9am - 4.30pm, Monday – Friday.
call: 01302 737080 or email:                          HOME ISN'T
For out of hours support contact                ALWAYS
                                                THE SAFEST
the national 24 hour domestic
violence helpline: 0808 2000 247
Always dial 999 in an emergency.
If you are unable to speak, wait for            PLACE TO BE.
the operator to answer, then press ‘55’.        There's never an excuse for abuse.
                                                If you or someone you know needs
If you are under 16 years of age and            support, we are here with our
worried about domestic abuse you can:           helplines open and refuges running.
• Call ChildLine: 0800 1111                     Please contact us.
                                                We will listen and we can help you.
  or call the NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000
  You can also text the NSPCC: 88858
• Call Doncaster Children’s Services Trust:
  01302 734100 between 8:30am and 5pm,
  Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours
  please call: 01302 796000
• Tell an adult you trust, such as a teacher,
  and keep telling people until you get the                                      CALL:
  help you need.                                                                 01302 737080

                 SU RV I
                         VAL                               Guide           !

Support for Parents and Carers               Family Hubs and Services
The winter season can be full of             Doncaster Family Hubs are the ‘place
excitement for children with Bonfire         to go’. We work with other providers
Night, Christmas and other festivities       to offer a range of activities, services
taking place. However, it can also be        and information for you and your
a quite stressful time for parents who       family. Families are welcome with
may be juggling childcare and trying to      children of all ages from conception,
entertain their little ones.                 through childhood to adolescence
                                             and even older if your child has a
The Families Information Service web
                                             special need.
pages have so much support, guidance
and information about a wide range           Think of any service you may need
of services and activities available in      from day care and early learning to
Doncaster and beyond.                        schools and education; from midwives
                                             to health visitors and mental health;
From information about helping to keep
                                             from advice on parenting to family
your child safe online to accessing your
                                             support and adult learning to
local family hub and the support on offer,
                                             employment opportunities.
                                             For more information visit:
Funded Childcare                   
If you’ve been juggling work and looking     /services/schools/family-
after your little one this summer, did you   hubs-and-services
know that you could get a helping hand
with childcare costs? Apply now to see if    Local Offer
you can access up to 30 hours of funded      The Local Offer provides information
child care for your 2, 3 or 4 year old at:   for children and young people with         special educational needs (SEND)
If you’re struggling to find the right       and their parents or carers in a single
childcare in your area, a full list with     place. It shows families what they can
information is available at our              expect from a range of local agencies
Families Information Services page:          including education, health and social                     care. Information is available via:
Staying Safe Online                          /services/schools/local-offer-send
Worried about how much time your
child is spending online? You’re not on      Free School Meals
your own. It can be hard to limit screen     Check if you qualify for free school
time and always checking that it’s age       meals, apply and find out more at:
appropriate. But support is available!
There’s lots of info at:
about online safety and our FIS Staying
Safe web page has useful guidance too.



Gritting and clearing snow                       Snow wardens required
Doncaster Council’s highways team is             We are always on the lookout for
responsible for keeping the major traffic        volunteer snow wardens to help
routes in the area clear. Full details of the    communities during any harsh
roads and routes that are gritted can be         weather conditions throughout winter.
found on the winter gritting page of our
                                                 As a council, we keep around 350 miles
                                                 of roads and routes across the borough
Teams from the council will also assist in       gritted when the temperatures
clearing snow and access routes within           inevitably plummet to zero and below.
communities if resources are available.
                                                 A lot of time and effort goes into
There’s no law stopping you from clearing        ensuring that people can travel in
snow and ice on the pavement outside your        and around the area as smoothly as
home or from public spaces. It’s unlikely        possible despite the weather but our
you’ll be sued or held legally responsible for   highways teams can only do so much.
any injuries on the path if you have cleared
                                                 If you’d like to help out in those harder-
it carefully. Follow the snow code when
                                                 to-reach areas and to keep an eye on
clearing snow and ice:
                                                 neighbours, then please volunteer as a         snow warden by calling: 01302 736000.
Bin collection information                                                                        Driving in severe weather
Your bin collection calendar for                                                                  • Don’t travel unless absolutely necessary
2021/22 will be posted by the end
                                                                                                  • Allow plenty of time for your journey and at
of November 2021. If you have not
                                                                                                    least 10 minutes to defrost your car
received it, please call: 01302 736000
or you can find your collection day                                                               • Clear all windows and the roof of snow and
online at:                                                                ice using a scraper and de-icer
The calendar will advise you that                                                                 • For a frozen lock, use some form of heat to
green bin collections cease until                                                                   warm the key - don’t breathe on the lock
the spring and that your collections
                                                                                                  • Drive to the conditions and don’t assume
days which may be affected by the
                                                                                                    that every road is treated. Drive carefully,
Christmas period.
                                                                                                    even on treated roads
If your bin has not been collected –
                                                                                                  • Make sure your phone is fully charged
due to inclement weather – please
                                                                                                    and carry a torch, first-aid kit, tow rope,
leave it by the kerbside until it is
                                                                                                    blankets, warm coat and boots, jump leads,
collected. This will usually be the
                                                                                                    snow shovel, warning triangle, an old sack
next day.
                                                                                                    or rug (to put under wheels if you do get
                                                                                                    stuck) as well as water repellent spray
                                                                                                  • Put safety before punctuality when bad
                                                                                                    weather closes in











Useful Contacts                                     Food Banks in Doncaster
                                                    If you are in need of extra support to provide
                                                    food for yourself or your family, Doncaster
Self-Isolation Support Payment                      Council has a full list of foodbanks around
If you have been told to stay home and self-        the area. You should check in with each
isolate you may be entitled to a self-isolation     foodbank to understand their process.
support payment of £500 which will be     
available for residents on low incomes, who
will lose earnings as a result of self-isolating.   Social Isolation Alliance (SIA)                     SIA is a collaboration of partners from the                 public, voluntary, community and faith
01302 735336                                        sectors in Doncaster for anyone who needs
                                                    help or advice or has no other support
Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough                   8am - 8pm (Monday to Friday)
Call for advice and support on any issue such       8am - 6pm (Saturday and Sunday)
as debt housing, employment and benefit             01302 430322
entitlement, or chat online:                        B-Friend
Web Chat:                     Telephone service to those that feel isolated.
01302 243057                              
St Leger Homes                                      07523 698 530
If you are living in a council house and
need a repair or are struggling to pay              CAMHS
rent, please contact St Leger Homes on:             Doncaster Child and Adolescent Mental
01302 862 862                                       Health Service (CAMHS) provides                             mental health assessments, therapy and                              interventions for children, young people up
You can report emergency repairs 24 hours           to the age of 18 years and their families.
a day, 7 days a week, via this phone number.
                                                    01302 304070
Employment and Support Allowance
You can apply for Employment and Support            Age UK Doncaster
Allowance (ESA) if you’re under State Pension       Help people that are 65+ with: finances,
age and you have a disability or health             support in the home, shopping service and
condition that affects how much you can             help with mental and physical health.
work. You can also claim ESA if you cannot
claim Statutory Sick Pay and you or your  
child are self-isolating or have COVID-19.          01302 812345
0800 328 5644                                       Alzheimer’s Society
                                                    The National Dementia Helpline has
Local Assistance Scheme                             information and advice about dementia.
Our Local Assistance Scheme is designed   
to help the most vulnerable residents in            0300 222 1122
meeting an immediate short-term need
or maintaining their independence in the            Doncaster Mind
community. Help can be given with daily             Providing a range of services for positive
living expenses and/or furniture items              wellbeing, stress and anxiety, such as
and white goods. Find out more at:                  emotional support, phone counselling and                            online personal development courses.    
Changing Lives                                 Advance
Offering services to those who have faced      Is a Doncaster Council service providing
challenging situations whether that be         people with tailored employment support,
housing, drugs and alcohol.                    call 01302 735554 and select option 2 to                      speak to the Advance team and option 3 for           support in becoming self-employed.
0191 273 8891                        

Doncaster Council’s Wellbeing Service          Business Doncaster
Is a free service for any person over 18       Contact Business Doncaster for all your
years old who needs extra help to stay well,   business needs; call 01302 735555 or visit:
healthy and independent. The team can
support with a range of issues: finance,
home, physical health, mental health.          Making Space                     Is a local service which understands that
01302 735553                                   caring for a family member or loved one is a
                                               very generous and selfless thing to do, but it
Healthwatch Doncaster                          can also take its toll on your own health and
Have launched a “Reaching Out”                 wellbeing. The service can support you in
service where the staff team and local         your caring role and help you stay connected
volunteers will connect and contact            in your community.
members of the public who may be               01302 986900
finding the current situation with the
pandemic difficult or challenging.                Carers Trust
/reachingout                                   Guidance and help on coping as a carer.
01302 965450                         

Voluntary Action Doncaster                     Young Carers
Provides advice, support and training to       Being a young carer can be a lot to deal with
charities and community groups across          on your own. Talk to the local Young Carer’s
Doncaster. We champion volunteering            team for information, advice and support.
as a force for positive action. We also        01302 736099
help registered charities and grassroots
community organisations across the
borough to deliver vital services within
local communities. If you are an               Homelessness
individual thinking about volunteering
                                               If you know someone who is homeless
or a community group needing help
                                               or think that they are going to become
please contact us at:
                                               homeless, contact us in the following ways:            Call Home Options Team: 01302 736000
01302 965459                                   (outside office hours: 01302 323444)
Doncaster Council                              Doncaster Homelessness Outreach
The customer services team can be              Service: 01302 558014
reached by calling: 01302 736000     
For more helpful contacts, websites and        Or use the Streetlink app:
information on support that is available
throughout this winter. Please visit:              If you see someone who is sleeping
                                               rough who is in distress or unwell, call 999.
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