Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News

Page created by Tracy Mejia
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
Trading Post                                                                            April 1, 2022   |      1

       Trading Post
                                                 April 1, 2022

   Digital Production Ink—11161 Anderson St. Suite 105   Website:   Phone (909) 558-4526

      PETS             ble bedroom sets,      (5) Treadmill          McCleary to Dr.        tion, see 
                       blue, blue reclin-     new, selling for       line (253) 215-        Apr8
sweet, loving
                       er, entertainment      $1,200.00 OBO.         8782 or join us
and calm fe-                                                                                     MUSIC
                       center, large office   (6) Wine cellar        on ZOOM meet-
male-spayed vac-
                       desk workspace         with wine en-          ing ID: 834 0704       PRIVATE VIO-
cinated trained.
                       with bookshelves,      closed $10,000.00      9452 passcode:         LIN OR VIOLA
Homeless, owners
                       office chairs,         combined value,        618234. Aug19          LESSONS avail-
are ill and in long-
                       lamps, fans, round     sell for $4,000.00                            able from local
term facility. Five                                                  I WILL GO
                       card table, small      OBO. (7) Nama                                 Doctor of Musical
years old, text                                                      SPRING CON-
                       copier, microwave      5800 juicer new                               Arts. I grew up in
(909) 363-6310.                                                      VOCATION:
                       ovens, small fridge    in box, $450.00                               Loma Linda, stud-
Apr1                                                                 Join Dr. John
                       34’ tall. Email:       new, selling for                              ied violin at La
                                                                     Shin, Pastor
    LOST and            Apr1        Call Glenn at                                 earned a Master’s
                                                                     be, Pastor John
LOST TAN,                                     (909) 649-2670.                               degree at Juilliard
                       THINNING                                      Lomacang, and
TERRIER DOG                                   Apr28                                         and my DMA at
                       THINGS OUT                                    Pastor John An-
at Hulda Crooks        for possible future                           derson in a power      USC. Beginners
park mountain          move. Items on                                packed weekend         are welcome at
hiking trail on        sale: (1) Thera-       THE REM-               at the Mentone         $50.00 per 30
Sunday March           sauna Sauna            NANT MES-              Seventh-day Ad-        min lesson. One-
20th 2022. Last        three to four peo-     SAGE PRAY              ventist church         hour sessions are
seen with green        ple, $8,000.00         LINE is inviting       beginning April        available for $90.
plaid harness,         new, selling for       you every Friday       8th at 6:00pm.         Prices negotiable
leash. contact         $3300.00 OBO.          at 5:00 p.m. PST       For more informa-      in special cases. I
(909) 833-9031.        (2) Two special-       to the most uplift-                           can either travel
Cash reward for        ized hybrid bikes      ing prayer line of
safe return.           his, hers, $500.00     all time. We fea-
                       new, selling for       ture heartwarm-
   FREEBIES            $100.00 each.          ing testimonies,
  YARD SALE            (3) Pullup work        prayer requests,
                       out station, cost      and a Three An-
                       $400.00 new, sell-     gels Message food
                       ing for $150.00        for thought, de-
HOUSE FULL                                    livered by world
                       OBO. (4) B&W
OF FURNITURE                                  renowned pastors
                       Surround speak-
and household                                 from around the
                       ers $5,500.00
items in excellent                            world. Ranging
                       new, selling for
condition for sale,                           from Forerun-
                       $595.00 OBO.
queen and dou-                                ner to Dr. Mark
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
2          |        April 1, 2022                                                                                                   Trading Post

to you or teach at                          are all areas of ex-   versity Depart-       $18.00 per hour.               sistance, transfers,
my home studio in                           pertise. One-time      ment of Psychol-      A live-in arrange-             range of motion
Loma Linda. Ac-                             consultations also     ogy, is studying      ment is also possi-            exercises. Spanish
cepting ages 5 and                          available for audi-    social cognition in   ble under the right            speaking ok, but
older. Classical,                           tions or other pur-    youth with au-        circumstances.                 not required. Se-
orchestra, church                           poses. (909) 747-      tism, psychosis,      References re-                 rious and respon-
and fiddle music                            2372 or  Apr1              ages 12 to 21. Par-    or call
    Digital Production Ink                    MISCELLA-                                                                 KENNEL HELP
    11161 Anderson St. Suite 105,                                  a no-cost 16-week     (626) 321-3905.
    Loma Linda, CA 92354.
                                               NEOUS                                                                    NEEDED Loma
    Office hours:
                                                                   parent or caregiv-    Apr15
      Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                        Linda. Beautiful
      Fri: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                                              MISCELLA-            er-assisted social
    DEADLINE for all ads —                                                               LOOKING TO                     dogs and puppies
    Wednesdays 2:00 p.m.                       NEOUS               skills group inter-
    Upcoming Holiday deadlines:
                                              FOR SALE                                   HIRE an indi-                  feed, clean, and
    RATES — per week, per ad:
                                                                   vention, PEERS, a
    Classified Ads:
       $8 ad up to 25 words
                                                                                         vidual to assist in            play with. Part-
       $12 ad up to 50 words                CEMETERY               non-invasive brain
       $16 ad up to 100 words                                                            shop. Energetic,               time, text (909)
    Lost and Found classified ads are       PLOT at Mon-           scan, and mone-
    free for one week.                                                                   fast learner. Part             363-6310. Apr8
    Display ads:                            tecito Memo-           tary compensa-
    $6 per column inch for black-&-                                                      time, full time.
    white ads
                                            rial, valued at        tion, if eligible.                                   EXPERIENCED
    $10 per column inch ads in color                                                     Spanish speaking
    *Column inch = 2”wide x 1” high         $10,000.00. Plot       Interested in this                                   DRIVER NEED-
                                                                                         a plus, but not
    *Ads to be submitted cam-
    era-ready in PDF / JPG format.          owner will pay         study?! Contact us                                   ED to drive car
    The Trading Post does not accept                                                     required. Seri-
    responsibility for ads having poor
                                            transfer fees.         at  or                                     tion close to Ashe-
    cancelled ads.
                                                                   494-2495. Apr8                                       . Tell
    - Any changes or edits to exist-
    ing ads must be in writing and          RIGHT PIA-             MY BRIGHT,
    emailed to                                                       GIVER, $21.00                  me about yourself.
    - It is against policy for LLUH
                                            NO, 100 years          ENGAGING,
    work phone numbers to be includ-
    ed in personal ads. If no telephone                                                  per hour. Must be              Apr1
    area code is included with the ad       plus. Works very       INTEREST-
    “(909)” will be added. For ads                                                       responsible and
    submitted online, if no contact
                                            well. Valued at        ING, spiritually                                         VACATION
    information is included within                                                       energetic to assist
    the ad, management reserves the
                                            $30,000.00 asking      strong 87-year-                                          RENTALS/
    right to include the phone number
    submitted under “Personal Infor-                                                     an active male
    mation”.                                $12,000.00 OBO.        old mom, is in                                             SALES
    -NCFNS: No calls Friday night or                                                     quadriplegic. 5:00
                                            (951) 833-8400.        need of someone                                       CAMERAS, TV,
    -“< >” will be placed before and
    after e-mails and websites.
                                                                                         a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
    -New and renewed classified ads         Apr1                   to help her at her                                    COMPUTERS,
    will be placed at the end of each                                                    Assistance needed
    section.                                                       home as she re-                                       ELECTRONICS
    -The Trading Post is not respon-        LADIES PANTS,                                with ADLS, meal
    sible for phone or webpage down-
                                                                   covers from back
    -Freebie and Lost and Found classi-     medium, used                                 prep, exercises as-
    fied ads are free for one week only.                           issues, and likely
    -It is prohibited to advertise Pets     only once, great
    using the freebie Category, these                              some assistance
    ads are not allowed are are subject     condition $10.00
    to rejection.
                                                                   beyond her recov-
    ERRORS: In case of an error on          each. (951) 833-
    the part of the Trading Post, the                              ery. The desired
    ad will be extended for one issue
    if notification of error is made
                                            8400. Apr1
    during the first week ad runs. The                             candidate will
    Trading Post does not accept re-
    sponsibility for errors due to illeg-
    ible handwriting.
                                               WANTED              be English-pro-               We are Open,
                                                                                                        Open and ready to serve you.
    Advertising accepted for publi-                                ficient, reliable,     Monday - Thursday 9 am – 6 pm | Friday 9 am – 4 pm
    cation is intended to be a service      SEEKING! Do                                       Many budget and designer frames including
    to students, staff, employees, and                             friendly and able
    faculty of Loma Linda University
                                            you have a child                                       Gwen Stefani, Guess, Kate Spade
    Health. The management, at its
    sole discretion, reserves the right                            to listen. For very          Mens − Ted Baker, Penguin, Flexon, etc.
    to refuse, without explanation, any     between the ages                                Use your 2021 optical benefits and Flex Spending
    advertisement, as well as make any                             light duties and
    edits or deletions to the submitted     of 12 to 21? The                                     Serving the Loma Linda Area for 41 years
                                                                   an additional task
    The acceptance of advertising in        NAIIR Lab in the
    no way represents endorsement or                               or two the pay is
    guarantee of any kind by LLUH.
                                            Loma Linda Uni-
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
Trading Post                                                                        April 1, 2022   |    3

                                            Flooring; Painting
                                            and much more!
                                            Free estimates!
                                            (909) 213-2203
                                            ALL IN ONE Air
                                            Conditioning and
                                            heating. Save big!
                                            Contact Reyes for
                                            HVACR solu-
  BOATS FOR           dentistry services.   tions and new
    SALE              We are a family       installations. Li-
RVs FOR SALE          focused office and    cense 915508.
                      welcome new pa-       (909) 709-6675.
                      tients three years    Apr29
   FOR SALE           and older. We are
                                            PEREZ LAWN           to hear from you       Airports: LAX
                      contracted pro-
BMW 2004, 325                               and landscaping.     soon. May20            $110.00, Ontario
                      viders with Loma
CI, good shape,                             Weekly service,                             $45.00. Also, we
                      Linda University                           JOIN THE UNI-
good engine                                 cleanups, tree                              can drive your car
                      and Medical Cen-                           VERSITY RE-
40,000 miles.                               trimming, weed                              or U-Haul truck
                      ter PPO Dental                             ALTY TEAM!
Fender bend-                                abatements, hill-                           anywhere, any-
                      Plan, Delta, Aet-                          Brand-new agent
er front right                              sides, slopes,                              time. Call (909)
                      na, Cigna, and                             or professional,
side. Good tires                            sprinkler repair,                           796-8886. Apr29
                      Guardian. Locat-                           consider an in-
$3,000.00 OBO.        ed in the Loma        sod and seed in-     dependent bro-         EDMAN’S
New battery.          Linda Health          stallation, roto-    kerage. We train       QUALITY
(909) 328-2393        Center, 11346         tilling, planting,   new agents in-         PAINT (951)
or (909) 665-         Mountain View         junk removal, new    house with a cus-      505-8955, Li-
3187. Mar25           Ave, Suite D.         fences, concrete,    tom program. If        cense# 88206,
1986 TOYOTA           Dr Lillian John-      artificial grass     you’re interested      bonded and in-
seven-passenger       ston, Loma Linda      and more. Call       in learning more,      sured. Take ad-
Van, low mileage,     Family Dentistry.     anytime. Adolfo      call Brad at (909)     vantage of the sea-
factory air-con-      Currently accept-     Perez (909) 528-     705-6797. Apr1         sonal prices and
ditioner, auto-       ing new patients      0831. Apr8                                  senior discount.
                                                                 NEED AN
matic, runs great     and available 9:00    HANDYMAN.                                   Interior and exte-
plus extra parts.     a.m.-6:00 p.m.,       It’s time to March                          rior paint, drywall
                                                                 Service and repair,
$4,500.00 ca-         Monday-Wednes-        towards conquer-                            repair. References.
                                                                 120 and 240 volt-
shier’s check only.   day. (909) 796-       ing your challeng-                          Find us on Yelp.
                                                                 age. New wiring
Call, Stan (909)      0099. Jan28’23        es around your                              Dec2’22
                                                                 plugs, switches,
793-6233 in Red-      A1 ROOFING            home big or small    and breakers.          LOMA LINDA
lands. Apr8           AND HANDY-            we can do it all.    Kitchen and bath-      MINI MAIDS II.
                      MAN: Roofing          The best way to      room led lights        We clean weekly,
                      repair; Tree trim-    get things done is   remolding. Free        biweekly, month-
                      ming, removal;        to simply begin.     estimates, call        ly, and one-time
BRIGHTEN              Plumbing; Dry-        SOS Handiwork        Ruben (909) 363-       cleaning. We also
YOUR SMILE!           wall; Fencing;        by Matt (916)        6061. May27            do move in and
Cosmetic bonding,     Welding; Win-         708-8103 text or                            move out cleaning.
crowns, bridges,                                                 DARWIN’S
                      dows; Concrete        call. At your ser-                          Senior discounts
and most general                                                 DRIVE 4-U.
                      Work; Electrical;     vice 24/7. I hope                           $20.00 dollars off
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
4    |       April 1, 2022                                                                                                      Trading Post

your third clean.                Redlands, Grand                      FURNISHED                    FEMALE                FOR RENT!
Call us at (909)                 Terrace, Colton,                     BEDROOM,                     ROOMMATE              Loma Linda room
796-9355 or                      San Bernardino,                      in Loma Lin-                 to share small        for rent, for male.
(909) 792-5942.                  Loma Linda and                       da house. Five               two-bedroom           Excellent location,
May6                             surrounding areas.                   minutes to LLU.              house. $750.00        walking distance
                                 Call (951) 206-                      Looking for fe-              includes utilities,   to just about ev-
                                 8649 or (909)                        male only, LLU               within walking        erywhere, in Loma
Ground Trans-
                                 693-6593. Free                       student or pro-              distance LLU,         Linda. Furnished.
portation to all
                                 estimates. May13                     fessional. Clean,            shared bathroom.      Please email
Southern Califor-
                                                                      quit, safe neigh-            LLU student pre-       Apr1
years’ experience!!              CLEANING.
                                                                      bathroom with                Call (909) 328-
Call Jay (909) 725               Need help clean-                                                                        FOR RENT!
                                                                      one female.                  0722. Apr1
1903. Apr15                      ing? We take care                                                                       Loma Linda bed
                                 of it! FREE ESTI-                    AVAILABLE                    TWO-BED-              space for female.
LAWN SER-                                                             APRIL 1ST.
                                 MATES! Offering                                                   ROOMS for rent,       Excellent location,
VICE. Sprinklers,                                                     $600.00 month-
                                 one-time, weekly,                                                 as one-unit, single   walking distance
sod installation,                                                     ly plus deposit.
                                 bi-weekly, month-                                                 occupant, in Red-     to just about ev-
tree service, haul-                                                   Kitchen privilege.
                                 ly home, com-                                                     lands. 10 minutes     erything, in Loma
ing, general clean                                                    Beautiful yard
                                 mercial services.                                                 from LLU. Util-       Linda. Furnished.
ups. Expert in all                                                    access. No pets,
                                 English, Español.                                                 ities, included.      Please email
your yard needs.                                                      drugs or alcohol.
                                 Patricia (909)                                                    Private bathroom       Apr1
of fruit trees with                                                   quest (909) 522-             er. Female, no
30-years’ expe-                        ROOMS                          6803. Mar25                                        ROOM FOR
                                                                                                   pets. (909) 602-
rience. Serving,                      FOR RENT                                                                           RENT single stu-
                                                                                                   9879 Apr1
                                                                                                                         dent. Quite house
                                                                                                   MASTER BED-           good neighbor-
                                                                                                   ROOM, FOR             hood. Two miles
                                                                                                   RENT in spa-          to LLU, South
                                                                                                   cious custom-built    Waterman Ave,
                                                                                                   house in Loma         near Barton Road.
                                                                                                   Linda, South of       No pets, private
                                                                                                   Barton Rd. Only       bathroom, fur-
    LET US HANDLE YOUR EMBROIDERY NEEDS WITH OUR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES!                            half a mile, walk-    nished. $600.00
                                                                                                   ing distance to       monthly, in-
         •   POLOS / SHIRTS                           •   APRONS
                                                                                                   LLU. Quiet, safe,     cludes utilities,
         •   MEDICAL UNIFORMS                         •   HATS / BEANIES
         •   JACKETS                                  •   BLANKETS                                 neighborhood.         Wi-Fi, deposit is
         •   SWEATERS / HOODIES                       •   TOWELS                                   Private bath-         $300.00. Text,
         •   VESTS                                    •   DUFFEL / GYM BAGS
                                                                                                   room, furnished       Tonny (909) 499-
                                                                                                   utilities includ-     9839. Apr8
                                                                                                   ed. $1,050.00 a
                                                                                                   month. Available      FEMALE ONLY.
                                                                                                   April 10th, 2022.     Perfect for stu-
                                                                                                   Female student        dent or single
                                                                                                   or professional       professional.
                                                                                                   only. No pets,        Beautiful home
                                                                                                   no smoking, no        in quiet, safe Yu-
                                                                                                   drugs. Text or call   caipa community.
    11161 Anderson St. Suite 105 | Loma Linda, CA 92354 | phone: 909-558-5192 |   (951) 204-4284.       Easy freeway ac-
                                                                                                   NCFNS. Apr1           cess. One down-
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
Trading Post                                                                                     April 1, 2022   |       5

                                                      Please call Mi-       ical professionals       REDLANDS
                 Scott Stockdale                      chael at (909)        welcome. No pets,        HOUSE FOR
                                                      212-3808. Apr8                                 RENT. Amazing
               University Realty                                            smoking, alco-
                                                      LOMA LINDA,           hol or overnight
                                                      TWO-BED-              guests. For pic-
                            4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths                                                     two and half
                              Spacious Floorplan      ROOMS FOR             tures, please text
                         Incredible Master Bathroom
                                                                                                     bathrooms with
                                                      RENT, with            (909) 360-3050.
                                Salt Water Pool                                                      two-car garage.
                               Three-Car Garage
                                                      shared bathroom       Apr8                     Open floorplan,

                           3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths
                                                      and kitchen. Pri-     FULL FUR-                cathedral ceil-
                           Conveniently Located       vate entrance         NISHED BED-              ings. All new
                         Remodeled Kitchen & Baths
                            Dual-Pane Windows         through garage.       ROOM for rent,           windows, blinds.
                          Fully Landscaped • Patio
                                                      Rent is $750.00       five minutes to          Large, low-main-
                                                      each room, plus                                tenance backyard.
                                                                            LLU. Student or
           909-796-0156                               $500.00 security      professional, clean
                                                                                                     1,444 square feet.
        Scott Stockdale, Owner/Broker
           DRE# 794147 DRE# 1045439                                                                  Prime location, off
                                                      deposit. Utilities,   and quiet, safe
                                                                                                     I-10! Short com-
                                                      Wi-Fi, washer and     neighborhood.
stairs bedroom           FURNISHED                                                                   mute to LLU. 12
                                                      dryer, and parking    Shared bathroom.
and bathroom. All        BEDROOM in                                                                  months minimum.
                                                      space included.       $700.00 monthly,         $3,100.00 month-
utilities included.      Loma Linda, five
                                                      Very clean and        includes utilities,      ly. Also available
Kitchen and laun-        minutes to LLU.
                                                      quiet. One and        Wi-Fi, washer and        furnished. Move-
dry also available.      Female, LLU stu-
                                                      half miles from       dryer, plus one-         in June or July.
No pets, smok-           dent or medical
                                                      LLU hospitals,        month deposit.           (949) 922-2804.
ing, drinking, or        professional only.
                                                      close to Hulda        Available May 1st.       Apr1
overnight guests.        Quiet, clean, safe
                                                      Crooks Park.          (515) 829-7765.          THREE-BED-
Month to month           neighborhood.
                                                      Ideal for LLU         Apr8                     ROOM, two and
for $800.00. Text        Utilities included.
                                                      students, working                              half bathroom,
(951) 315-3000.          No pets, smoking.                                      HOUSES
                                                      professionals. No                              two-story home
Have photos.             Shared bathroom,                                      FOR RENT
                                                      alcohol, drugs, no                             on Merrill Pl.
Apr8                     kitchen with
                                                      pets, or overnight    LOMA LINDA               in Loma Linda.
FEMALE PRO-              one female only.                                   PROPERTY                 Freshly painted
                                                      guests. For pic-
FESSION-                 Available April                                    MANAGE-                  interior, central
                                                      tures please text
AL OR STU-               1st, at least six-                                 MENT Please              air condition-
                                                      Daniela (909)
DENTS ONLY.              months contract.                                   visit our website        er, includes re-
                                                      360-3050. Apr8
Three-bedrooms           $600.00 monthly,                                   at          frigerator and
available for rent.      plus deposit. Pic-           LARGE FUR-            to view our cur-         dryer. Rent
One $750.00, two                                      NISHED STU-           rent list of rent-       $2,995.00. De-
                         tures available.
$800.00 per room,                                     DIO for rent.         als and find your
                         Must see to appre-                                                          posit $3,000.00.
per month. East                                                             next home! Loma
                         ciate. (909) 522-            $1,250.00 plus                                 Mary Beth (909)
Highland large                                                              Linda Proper-
                         6803. Apr22                  $1,150.00 secu-                                956-2192. Uni-
single house, qui-                                                          ty Management
                                                      rity deposit. One                              versity Realty
et, safe neighbor-       BEAUTIFUL                                          DRE#2000211
hood. Full house                                      and half miles        (909) 815-8123.          DRE#794147.
                         AND CLEAN                                                                   Apr1
privileges. Rent                                      from LLU hospi-       Apr1
includes Wi-Fi,          ROOMS for
                                                      tals, close to Hul-
electric, gas, wa-       Females in a
                                                      da Crooks Park.
ter, trash. Drive-       five-bedroom,
                                                      Utilities, Wi-Fi,
way parking. No          home in Redlands.
                                                      washer and dryer
smoking, drugs, or       Rent $550.00
pets. Call or text                                    included. Clean
                         to $750.00 with
(909) 649-1810.                                       and Quiet. LLU
                         shared utilities.
Apr8                                                  students or med-
                         Deposit required.
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
6   |   April 1, 2022                                                                             Trading Post

JUST LISTED!            $2,500.00, call       ly painted and
11416 Benton            (909) 443-0747        new flooring,
St. Loma Lin-           or leave message.     new kitchen with
da! Top condo,          Apr1                  quartz counters
three-bedroom,                                and back splash.
two-bathroom.                                 Indoor laundry
                        FUL HOME
1,583 square feet.                            stackable wash-
                        four-bedrooms,                              $2,900.00. Beau-      rooms, two-car
Totally upgrad-                               er, dryer ready.
                        three-bathrooms                             tiful home, single    attached garage.
ed two story with                             New custom full
                        3,150 square                                story in turn-        Swimming pool,
double garage, ap-                            bathroom with
                        feet. Two bed-                              key condition.        fitness gym, tennis
pliances included.                            tile back splash.
                        rooms and office                            Four-bedrooms,        court, $2,000.00,
Vacant just paint-                            Central air, stor-
                        on main floors                              two-bathrooms,        available June 1st.
ed, granite coun-                             age area and
                        with master bed-                            formal living room    Contact
tertops, fireplace,                           designated park-
                        room. Two-bed-                              with gas fireplace,    Apr8
Fast possession.                              month. (909) 841-
                        per loft. Located                           Separate family
Dale Lopez, Man-                              7501Apr8                                    NEWLY RE-
                        in Loma Linda                               room, with French
ager (909) 708-                                                                           MODELED
                        near Bryn Mawr        $2,750.00 RED-        doors leading to
9384, $2,700.00                                                                           independent
                        school. Comes         LANDS HOME            the back yard.
a month, plus                                                                             one-bedroom
                        fully finished.       AVAILABLE             Kitchen open and
$2,700.00 security                                                                        unit. On Van
                        Two miles away        mid-April,            spacious, new
deposit. Apr15                                                                            Leuven St. Close
                        from LLUMC.           three-bedroom,        stainless oven,
BEAUTIFUL               Great for stu-        two-bathroom.                               to LLUMC and
                                                                    stainless steel
HOUSE, South            dents or residents.   Single story, two                           essential shopping
                                                                    refrigerator is
of Barton Road.         $2,995.00 plus        car garage close to                         area. Quiet envi-
                                                                    included. Kitchen
Three-bedroom,          utilities. Call or    town. Alan Forbes                           ronment. Great
                                                                    has a counter for
two-bathroom            text Kelly (909)      Re/Max Advan-                               for students.
                                                                    bar stools. Wood
spacious, centrally     217-2681. Apr22       tage                            ly. All utilities in-
                        DUPLEX, de-                                 throughout the
                                              Dre00912862.                                cluded except for
Linda. Tennis           tached back unit                            home, tile in the
                                              Apr8                                        internet and cable
court, swimming         for rent. House                             wet areas, kitchen
                                                                                          services. Street
pool, with jacuzzi.     features two          FOR RENT,             and bathrooms.
                                                                                          parking. Text
Monthly payment         bedrooms new-         LOMA LINDA,           Ceiling fans in all
                                                                                          (972) 898-1384.
                                                                    four bedrooms, in-
                                                                    door laundry area
                                                                    washer, gas dryer     APARTMENT /
                                                                    hook-ups, two-          CONDO
                                                                    car garage with        FOR RENT
                                                                    direct entry into     $1,395.00
                                                                    the home. Call
                                                                                          LARGE STU-
                                                                    Dina (909) 215-
                                                                                          DIO, new con-
                                                                    7855. No pet’s, no
                                                                                          struction, walking
                                                                    smoking. Apr1
                                                                                          distance to LLU
                                                                    TOWNHOUSE,            and LLUMC.
                                                                    South Red-            Internet and all
                                                                    lands, near LLU,
                                                                                          utilities included.
                                                                                          Washer and dry-
                                                                    two and half bath-
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
Trading Post                                                                      April 1, 2022   |   7

                                          REDLANDS,              BEAUTIFUL            
                                          APARTMENT.             two-bathroom         DRE01891904.
                                          One bedroom,           Condo available,     Apr1
                                          plus office or sec-    Loma Linda,
                                          ond bedroom and        $2,000.00 month.     INCOME
                                          living area. Down-     Call or text Sarah   UNITS YU-
                                          town location. Up-     (817) 680-1829.      CAIPA! Four,
                                          stairs unit. Pris-     Located by LLU       one-bed-
                                          tine condition and     and LLUMC.           room. One,
                                          very clean. In-unit    Apr15                two-bedroom.
                                          stacked washer,                             $1,200,000.00.
                                          dryer, apartment       COMMERCIAL
                                                                                      Alan Forbes Re/
                                                                 REAL ESTATE
                                          sized kitchen, one                          Max Advantage
                     TWO-BED-             assigned parking       REAL ESTATE
                     one-bathroom         cluded. $2,450.00      WHAT’S YOUR          Dre00912862.
                     duplex on Alami-     monthly, plus          PROPERTY             Apr8
                     tos Dr, across the   security deposit,      WORTH? Get a
                     street from the      plus credit check      free market anal-
                     Centennial Com-      and personal ref-      ysis of your prop-
                     plex. Completely     erences needed.        erty today. Homes
                     remodeled! New       C21 Lois Lauer         Values are going
                     air conditioner      Susan Rosenblum        up! Brandon Ri-
                     mini-split, mod-     00913888 (909)         vinius, Reliable
                     ern kitchen with     214-5371. By Ap-       Realty Group.
er. Available now.   white cabinets and   pointment Only.        (909) 800-6755.
Call Peter (909)     granite counter-     Unfurnished. Ap-       
913-3847. Apr8
                     plank flooring       feet, 800. No          DRE01891904.
TWO-BED-             throughout. Rent     yard. No patio.        Apr1
ROOM,                $1,900.00 De-        No balcony. Apr8
                                                                 WHY RENT
one-bathroom up-     posit $1,800.00      SMALL DE-              WHEN YOU
stairs apartment     Loma Linda Prop-     TACHED STU-            CAN OWN?
in a four-plex on    erty Management      DIO guest house
                     DRE#200211                                  Email me today
Tennessee St in                           in East Highland
                     Scott (909) 815-                            for a free list of
Redlands. Balco-                          for a quiet student
                     8123. Apr1                                  homes! Brandon
ny, newer carpet                          or working pro-
                                                                 Rivinius, Reliable
and countertops.     ONE-BED-             fessional. $750.00
                                          monthly. Utilities     Realty Group.
Includes refrig-     ROOM, CONDO
                     for rent, bottom     included. Electric     (909) 800-6755.
erator, washer
and dryer. Rent      floor, super large   stovetop, fridge,
$1,800.00. De-       closet. Close to     microwave and
posit $1,700.00      Loma Linda.          driveway parking.
                     Available 1st of     6-month lease. No
University Realty
                     May. $1,500.00       pets, no smoking,
DRE# 794147
                     monthly, contact     no guests. Please
Scott (909) 815-
                     Joye Lyon (909)      text (909) 553-
8123. Apr1           772-8034. Apr1       6423. Apr1
Trading Post April 1, 2022 - News
8   |   April 1, 2022                                                                         Trading Post

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