Page created by Clyde Harrington
A Kid-Tested Publication of the Ludington Daily news & Oceana’s Herald-Journal

  Our handy guide tells you the difference between
  an alligator and a crocodile. But don’t get close,
  these creatures can move faster than you
  might imagine.

   Summertime is no fun if you have a sunburn.
   Discover what happens when you burn your
   skin and what you must do to avoid it.

                 How many moths
                    can you find
                  flying around in
                    this swamp?

                     AMUSEMENT PARK VACATION
                     In anticipation of a fun summer vacation, our feature is packed with “amusing”
                     games and puzzles.

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              Then take me back to the Ludington Little Caesars

                     BREAD                              ®

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                8-piece order • Crazy Sauce extra   ®

                OFFER EXPIRES 7/31/2022. Valid only at the Ludington Little Caesars location. Not good with any other offers. Void where prohibited or taxed.

                                           Ludington Ave. • (231) 845-5178
                                                         One block west of Jebavy Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                       © 2022 by Vicki Whiting
                                                                                                                                         ©2021 LCE, Inc. CR0017599

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                  News                                                                                                                                                                  © Vicki Whiting May 2022
  CR0017599_aa_Coloring_Sheet_5_06x9_7_DBagn_4C.indd 1                                                                                            10/5/21 5:15 PM

                                                                                                                                                                                        © 2022 by Vicki Whiting
news                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                           To reach Peptoc, call 707-8PEPTOC.
                                                                                                                                                             Then choose the help you want!

                                                                                                                                                           If you are feeling mad, frustrated, or
                                                                                                                                                                     nervous, press 1.

                                                                                                                                                                 If you need words of
                                                                                                                                                           encouragement or advice, press 2.

                                           P eptoc is a helpline phone number created
                                             by students in Healdsburg, Calif. set up to help
                                           people during stressful times. When people call
                                                                       they can get some
                                                                                                                                                               If you need a pep talk from
                                                                                                                                                                 kindergartners, press 3.

                                                                                                                                                            If you need to hear kids laughing
                                                                                                                                                                  with delight, press 4.
                                                                       positive advice, or just
                                                                       listen to children                                                                         For encouragement in
                                                                       laughing!                                                                                    Spanish, press 5.
                                                                      Peptoc started when                                                                    Some advice from
                                                                      Jessica Martin, the
                                                                      Lead Teaching Artist at
                                                                                                                                                             Healdsburg Students:
                                           West Side School in Healdsburg and visiting artist,                                                               • Be grateful for yourself.
                                                                                                                                                             • The world is a better place with
                                                                                                                                                               you in it.
                                           hopeful thoughts.
                                                                                                     Friendly Fliers                                         • Try it again.
                                                                                                                                                             • Feeling mad? You can always go
 Photos: Jessica Martin/West Side School

                                           “Children and adults alike are feeling a lot of stress                                                              to your bedroom, punch your
                                           these days,” said Martin. “Everyone is feeling a lot of                                                             pillow or cry on it and just go
                                           grief from the last few years.”                           moments when someone needs a little “pep talk.”           scream outside.
                                                                                                                                                             • If you are mad or frustrated you
                                           Martin and Weiss wanted to give children a chance                                                                   can do what you want to do best
                                           to use art to make people feel better. And it’s really    another idea to try—a telephone helpline.
                                           working!                                                                                                            trampoline.
                                                                                                     The helpline launched on February 26, 2022. In the
                                                                                                                                                               What advice would you give?
                                                                                                     maxxed out. On the next Wednesday, they had 800
                                                                                                     calls in one hour. It’s expensive to have a hotline
                                                                                                     that now gets almost a million calls a day, so they
                                                                                                     are now raising money to keep it going!

                                                                                                     It’s back up and at this point,
                                                                                                     thousands of callers have dialed
                                                                                                     in to be cheered up. There are
                                                                                                     tens of thousands of articles
                                                                                                     about the project online. Calls
                                                                                                     from reporters are coming in daily.

                                                                                                     And if you are feeling sad or angry or scared or
                                                                                                     frustrated, give Peptoc a call!

                                                                                                      You Can Help:
                                                                                                      messages and post them around your school
                                                                                                      and community!
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Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                                   © Vicki Whiting May 2022
4                                                                                                       sPOTLIGHT

                                             Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile?
                                                       So, smile and the whole world smiles with you!

                                                                                                                                        These jokes are from all over
       Doctors even tell us that laughter can help sick people                                                                          the world and the answer to
       heal more quickly. All in all, a smile is very powerful.                                                                          each joke is the same thing.
                                                                                                                                          Can you guess what it is?

                                                                                                                                              What is a small,
                                                                                                                                              white chest that all
                                                                                                                                              know how to open
                                                                                                                                              and nobody knows
                                                                                                                                              how to close?
               Cut out the word balloons below and paste them in the
               correct order on the comic strip above.

                                                                                                                                          What is more useful when
                                                                                                                                          it is broken?

                                                                                                               In a pot there are
       Standards Link: Health: Identify activities and actions that promote or enhance emotional health.
                                                                                                               two kinds of food.         What is an entire little
                                                                                                               What is it?                house without a door?

                                                                                                               I have built my house        In a bowl of china fixed,
       There are jokes from all over the world. What can you learn
                                                                                                               without any door.            two liquids with colors
       about people by reading their jokes? Draw your own comic
                                                                                                               What is it?                  unmixed. What is it?
       strip using this joke from Martinique.

                                                                                                                Have you figured out the answer? If not, color all
                                                                                                                the boxes with odd numbers. Read the letters that
                                                                                                                      are left and you will know the answer.

                                                                                                                 2     7    9       6     5       8       4         3       2
                                                                                                                 A     H    T       N     W       E       G         P       G
                                                                                                                                               Standards Link: Social Science:
                                                                                                                                               Compare life in different places
                                                                                                                                               and recognize that some aspects
                                                                                                                                               of cultures are similar.

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Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                      © Vicki Whiting May 2022
                                                                                      SPOTLIGHT                                                                5

                                                                                                                            How many smiles can you
                                                                                                                              find on these pages?

  How many silly
  things can you
  circle in this

 Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.

     Why does a crane raise one leg when he                                               OPEN               Find the words by looking up,
     stands in the water?                                                                                     down, backwards, forwards,
                                                                                          CRANE                 sideways and diagonally.
     Put the words in the right order to discover                                         SMILE
     the answer to this joke from Poland.                                                             W O D O O F E R A W
                                                                                                      Y C P T V L D A C V
                                                                                          JOKES        L O Q E                 I    A O E R N
                                                                                          WORLD       K R M M N U Y L A R
                                                                                          QUICKLY      C D S            P     S G L P N A
                                                                                          GUESS        I     E A S Z H L O E E
                                                                                          ORDER       U R E W C T                          I    E N L
                                                                                          PEOPLE      Q U          J    O K E S                 P U U
                                                                                                      G B F D L R O W F Q
    Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.              LEARN      Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical
                                                                                                     words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

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Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                      © Vicki Whiting May 2022
6                                                                         sTeM

       hen making a                                                                                                   Oh, man! I glued the
      gravity-powered                                       But the car doesn’t move!                               wheels to the side of my
  car that will roll                                            What happened?                                      car and they can’t move.
  quickly down                                                                                                       An axle will solve this
  a ramp, you                                                                                                              problem!
  usually add
  wheels to
  the vehicle.

  Gerry built his
  racecar, added
  wheels and put
  it on the top of
  the ramp.

       n axle is a long cylinder, or rod, that runs through the
        car to connect the wheels.

                                    skewer                                                                     Gerry used tape to attach the
                                                                                                               axle to the underside of the car.

                                                                                                     t simplifies
                                                                           h e e l: a ro und tool tha need an
    Gerry uses a straw and a skewer to make an axle for his              W                ting. They
                                                                         work by rota efficiently.

    gravity-powered racecar!                                             axle to work
                                                                                          or bar that
    The inside of the straw has low friction, so the skewer               Axle: a rod ole in a wheel.
    can spin easily as gravity pulls the car downward and                 through a h
    the tires spin.

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Ludington     please
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                  News                                                                                 © Vicki Whiting May 2022
                                                                                                  sTeM                                                            7

   Long ago, people marveled at a light in the sky that was different
   from the others. It glowed reddish orange. The ancient Romans
   named this light Mars, their god of war.                                                                Amaze your friends! Stump your teachers!
   Standards Link: Earth Science: Students know there are planets that orbit the sun.

                                                                                                           Use the code to find out amazing facts
                                                                                                                       about Mars!

   The time it takes a planet to orbit the sun
   is called a year. The Earth takes 365 days                                                              How Big Is Mars?                  Why Is
   to orbit the sun, making our year 365                                                                   If Earth was the size of         Mars Red?
   days long.                                                                                              a baseball, Mars would            It is covered
                                                                                                            be about the size of a           with reddish
   Mars is farther away from the sun and it                                                                      4873 2977.                   1 56 and
   takes longer to orbit. A Martian year is                                                                                                       rock.
   687 days long.

   Here’s how to figure out how                                                                              9 =A      3=F            8=O     =U
   old you would be on Mars:                                                                                 2 =B      4=G            5=S     =V
       Multiply your age in years                                                                            1 =D      7=L            6=T     =Z
       by 365. This will tell you
       how many days old you are.

         Divide that number by 687
         days. That will tell you how
         many Martian years old you                          The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars.
         are!                                                It is called Olympus Mons. It rises 17 miles (27 km)
   Standards Link: Number Sense: Students solve
                                                             above the surrounding land—that’s three times higher
   problems involving mulitplication and division of         than Mt. Everest, Earth’s tallest mountain. If Olympus
   whole numbers.
                                                             Mons was on Earth, its base would cover the entire
                                                             state of Washington and nearly half of Oregon.

    An enormous canyon near Mars’ equator stretches one
    quarter of the way around the planet. Some people call it
    the Grand Canyon of Mars, after Earth’s famous canyon
    in Arizona. Its real name is Valles Marineris. If Valles
    Marineris started in Los Angeles, California, where would
    it end? To find out, follow the maze!
    Standards Link: Earth Science: Students know there
    are similarities and differences among the planets.

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           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                © Vicki Whiting May 2022
8                                                                                          sPORT

     OUCH! Hot fun in the summertime can be painful!
     Too much fun in the sun can burn your skin.
     How does the sun burn skin?
                 Normal                  Cells that get too much                    This turns the skin red
                skin cells.               sunlight swell and fill                     and makes it hurt.
                                                with blood.

                                                                  Find: • banana • watermelon • moon        • dolphin • car
                                                                        • bat    • bowling ball • crocodile • ice cream • octopus
    To burn or not to burn?
    Everybody has tiny grains of color called
    melanin in their skin.

    Melanin grains are like a screen. They                                                                           Andy
    protect the body from the burning rays                                                                 Melody
    of sunlight. Everybody’s skin makes                   Tanya
    melanin. Melanin grains are brown.
    When your skin is exposed to the sun,
    it makes more melanin. That is why
    your skin gets darker when you play
    in the sunshine.

    Different skin types
    Tanya has a lot of melanin
    in her skin. Andy and
    Melody have a little. Amy
    has very little. Some parts of Amy’s
    body make more melanin than others.
    These dark spots are called freckles.
                                                                Lifesaver Letters
                                                              What should you look for                                                Amy
                                                              when you are getting too
    Everybody needs to protect their                      much sun? Cross out every
    skin from the sun. Even people                     letter that is printed twice on
    with lots of melanin will burn.                           the innertube. The five
    Their skin won’t burn as fast                      letters left spell your answer!
    as Amy’s, but it will burn.                       Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow
                                                         simple directions; identify common sight words.

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           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                        © Vicki Whiting May 2022
PUZZLES                                                                    9

      Lupé DeLoops is flying her plane
      through this cloud. Can you help
          her find her way without
           making yourself dizzy?

      Draw lines to connect pairs of
    blimps to form compound words.                                       Circle every third letter. Then write the circled letters on
         (We did one for you.)                                              these spaces to reveal the punchline to this riddle.

   Grab a red crayon and give a blue
 crayon to a friend. Take turns drawing
  a line between two dots. If you draw
  the line that encloses a box, you get
  ONE POINT. If there’s a star in the
    box, you get THREE POINTS.
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           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                   © Vicki Whiting May 2022
10                                                                                                                     AnIMAL

      lligators and crocodiles
        look a lot alike. They
  are both reptiles                                                                                                                They’re potentially dangerous animals to
  from the order                                                                                                                   humans. And they’re carnivores so they
  of animals                                                                                                                       will catch and eat almost any creature.
  named                                                                                                                            They don’t chew and swallow, they just
  Crocodylia.                                                                                                                      tear off chunks and swallow whole.
  But there
  are ways                                                                                                                         But humans are also dangerous to these
  to tell                                                                                                                                                    creatures.
  them                                                                                                                                                       Habitat
  apart—                                                                                                                                                     destruction
  from a                                                                                                                                                     and over-
  safe distance,                                                                                                                                             hunting have
  of course!                                                                                                                                                 made these
                                                              The top row of                                                                                 ancient
                                                            teeth on alligators                                                                              reptiles
                                                             are visible when                                                                                endangered
                                                             their mouths are                                   On crocodiles,                               species.
                                                                  closed.                                        some of the
                                                                                                              bottom teeth stick
                                                                                                                up when their
                                                                                                              mouths are closed,                            Crocodiles
                                                                                                               as shown here.                             swallow stones
       From above, an                                                         A crocodile’s                                                                to help them
      alligator’s snout is                                                      snout is                                                                    digest their
           U-shaped.                                                           V-shaped.                                                                       food.

                                          Don’t bother                                                                                                         That rocks!
                                        trying to outrun
                                          a crocodile or
                                           an alligator.
                                           They have a
                                           speed of 20
                                         miles per hour                                                                How do alligators and
                                         and a running
                                           speed of 11                                                                    crocodiles sweat?
                                         miles per hour
                                             for short                                                                T S H N E RYP S D W M E J                Circle every
                                                                                                                                                               other letter
                                            distances.                                                                A DT H T V H F R G O H U S               for the
                                                                                                                      GQHPTSHBEMIKRS                           surprising
                                                                                                                        M TO P U LT W H V S C                  answer!

  Standards Link: Life Science: Animals have different features that help them survive in different environments.

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                  News                                                                                                         © Vicki Whiting May 2022
AnIMAL                                                                  11

                                                  Use the secret code!
                                                The largest recorded alligator:
                                                        feet long.

                     The largest recorded crocodile:                            feet long.

        Alligators have           to     teeth. They grow new
  ones to replace broken teeth. One alligator can have as many
  as                teeth in a lifetime!

  Crocs can stay underwater for         to
  minutes. They close their nostrils when they
  swim underwater.

          SECRET CODE
        = 0               = 4              = 7
                                                     Standards Link: Life Science: Animals
        = 1               = 5              = 8       have different features that help them
                                                     survive in different environments.                                                                 An investigator!
        = 2               = 6              = 9                                                                                                            ANSWER:

     Have YOU filled out                                                                          CROCODILE
                                                                                                                      Find the words by looking up,
                                                                                                                       down, backwards, forwards,
                                                                                                                         sideways and diagonally.

     the FAFSA yet?
        The American alligator is the largest reptile in North America
         and has been here since the time of the dinosaurs—over 80
                million years ago and it still looks the same.
                                                                                                                S L
                                                                                                                W A C R O C
                                                                                                                            I    R T         S O N D R
                                                                                                                                                   S      E O T
      Unscramble the letters to reveal the names of the two U.S. states
                  where most American alligators live.                                            DIGEST        A E F O T E                        E      T H S
                                                     The first step to qualify for State
                                                                                    L V Dand
                                                                                          E M P   REVEAL                                           A A W E
                                                                                    L E I Y S G   RHYMES                                            I     E    L G
                                                     Federal funding and the Mason     County     SWEAT
                                                                                    O R H E I K                                                    H W S                I
                                                     Promise is completing the FAFSA.
                                                                                    W R R L U C   SPEED                                            C S O D
                                                                                                  HAIKU         C E L             I    D O C O R C
                                                     Scan the QR Code                             CHEW
                                                                                                                K A N C                 I    E N T R                    S

                                                     to visit our website
    Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.                      SAFE        Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical
                                                                                                              words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

                                                     for more information.
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           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                             © Vicki Whiting May 2022
12                                                                        MONEY MATTERS
 The picture book One Hen: How One                   It is the story of a boy named Kojo,        The first week, Kojo’s hen lays five eggs.
 Small Loan Made a Big Difference,                   who lives in Ghana, Africa. Kojo is very    Kojo and his mother eat two and sell the
 written by Kate Smith Milway, tells the             poor and cannot afford to go to school.     other three.
 story of how a very small loan, called a            One day he gets a micro-loan of just a      Kojo saves his egg money and pays back the
 micro-loan, helped a                                                 few coins, enough to buy   loan after two months. In four months he has
 young boy work his                                                   one hen.                   enough to buy another hen. In six months he
 way out of poverty.                                                                             buys a third hen.

                                                                                                 How many eggs can Kojo eat or sell with
                                                                                                 more hens?
                                                                                                 Color the number of
                                                                                                 eggs Kojo and his
        A                                                                                        mother can eat in
                                                                                                 yellow. Color the ones
                                                                                                 he can sell green.

                                     For more about this topic,


            C                                                      E
     Find the two
    identical hens.


                                          Standards Link:
                G                       Economics: Students
                                      understand characteristics
                                        of different economic          J
                                       systems and incentives.

 Kojo learns that chicken manure helps his           Eventually he creates jobs for other
 family’s garden grow more vegetables.               people in his village and the entire
                                                     community becomes richer.
 Kojo saves his money until he is able to
 afford to go to school. He goes on to
 college and studies how to run a                    This is based upon a true story. Today,
 chicken business.                                   Kojo loans money to other people so
                                                     they can start businesses and the cycle
 After college he gets a larger loan and             of economic growth continues.               ONE     TWO     THREE    FOUR        TEN
 expands his chicken business.                                                                   HEN     HENS    HENS     HENS        HENS

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                  News                                                                           © Vicki Whiting May 2022
survive in different environments.
        = 2               = 6              = 9                                                                                                                           ANSWER:


                                                                                                     CROCODILE                       Find the words by looking up,
                                                                                                                                      down, backwards, forwards,
                                                                                                     ALLIGATOR                          sideways and diagonally.
        The American alligator is the largest reptile in North America                               NOSTRILS
         and has been here since the time of the dinosaurs—over 80                                                             S L I R T S O N D R
                million years ago and it still looks the same.                                       SWALLOW
                                                                                                     ANCIENT                   W A C R O C S E O T
      Unscramble the letters to reveal the names of the two U.S. states
                  where most American alligators live.                                               DIGEST                    A E F O T E E T H S
                                                                                                     REVEAL                    L V D E M P A A W E
                                                                                                     RHYMES                    L E I Y S G I                            E L G
                                                                                                                               O R H E                 I K H W S                       I
                                                                                                     SPEED                     W R R L U C C S O D
                                                                                                     HAIKU                     C E L             I D O C O R C
                                                                                                     TEETH                     K A N C I                    E N T R S
    Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions.                         SAFE                    Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical
                                                                                                                             words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

                                                                                                                            Ludington Area Schools
                                                                                                                          Ludington Area Schools
                                                                                                                  New in 2022 ~ Ludington Elementary School
                                                                                                                     Preschool – 5th Grade under one roof.
                                                                                                             New in 2022 ~ Ludington Elementary School
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                                                                                                                   • Visit    Work-Based Learning Academy
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                                                                                                         •       Co-curricular club opportunities for every interest

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                  News                                                                     Visit for more information.
                                                                                                                                                   © Vicki Whiting May 2022
14                                                                                                                          ENVIRONMENT

                                              B                                                                            D                                                 F

              A                                                            C                                                                        E                                                 G

    Mason County
                                                                                                    Small Enough to Care

                                                                                                                                                                                                Special Orders
    Central            Schools
     Using 12 toothpicks, try this puzzle. Lay out the toothpicks as
      shown below. Can you make four squares by moving only
                            three toothpicks?
                                                                                                                                                                  Find the words by looking up,
                                                                                                                                                                   down, backwards, forwards,
                                                                                                                                                                     sideways and diagonally.
                                                                               Large Enough to Compete                                  anything is possible
  “OUR ACTIONS WILL INSPIRE AND EQUIP STUDENTS TO EXCEL”                                                                         SKIN
                                                                                                                                    Ask About Our L S U R A Y S C D N
                 Serving the educational needs of Mason County                                                                   MELANIN
                                                                                                                                  Teacher Discount                                               201 S. Rath Ave.
 In-person K-12 classes · Spartan Connected K-12 online learning • Spartan Academy Alternative Education
                                                                                                                                 SUNSHINE108 S. Rath    B I C N D B U Downtown                  O A LudingtonR
                  Victory Early Childhood Center Preschool • Mason-Lake Adult Education
                                                                                                                               Nautical                   Ave.                                  231-843-2537
                                   SPARTAN PRIDE!                                                                                DARKER                 R N F O Y O U O
                                                                                                                                                  Ludington                                           R M
                                                                                                                                                                                                 SHOP ON LINE AT
  300 W. BROADWAY AVE. | SCOTTVILLE, MI 49454 | 231-757-3713 |                                               Yarn
                                                                                                                                                       O R B E A C H L K E

                                                                                                                                                       W S U N S H I N E L
    Every Learner. Every Path. Every Future.                                                                                     COOL
                                                                                                                                 SPOTS                 N P S K K A I N R A

                                 West Shore
                                 Educational Service District
                                                                                                                                                       H O T I I E V T H N
                                                                                                                                                       U T T I N Y R E T I
                                                                                                                                                        S S H U R T B U R N
                             Proud to Partner
                                                                                                                                                     Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical
      Standards Link: Math: Problem Solving; make a model to solve a puzzle.                                                                         words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

    with area school districts in Lake, Mason, & Oceana Counties

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Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                                                       © Vicki Whiting May 2022
                                                                              biography                                                                    15

                                  Written in 1876, this book about a young boy growing up along the
                                   Mississippi River if full of adventure, mischief, wit and wisdom.
                                                                                                         In the book, Tom fa
                                                                                                                               lls for the new
                                                                                                         girl in town, Becky
                                                                                                                               Thatcher. He
                                                                                                        talks her into getti
                                                                                                        him. At first she lik “engaged” to
                                                                                                        agrees. But then, so the idea and
                                                                                                        happens to change
                                                                                                                             her mind.
                                                                                                          Replace the missi
                                                                                                          find out why Beckng vowels to
                                                                                                                            y en
                                                                                                              “engagement” to ded her
                                                                Tom is full of fun, adventure                                  Tom.
                                                              and imagination. Sometimes these
                                                                   ___________ are useful
                                                                                                           T_m h_s b_ _n
              Whoops! Tom’s friends
                                                                 and sometimes they get him             “_ng_g_d” t_ _n
               whitewashed over
               some of the words.                                    in _____________.                                  _th_r
                Find where each                                 One day, he plays hooky from
                                                                                                          g_rl n_m_d Amy.
                 word belongs.                                school and gets his clothes dirty in
                                                                a __________. As punishment,              Unscramble th
                                                                Tom has to whitewash a fence.          discover what To e letters to
                                                                                                                       m ga
                                                              Tom soon ____________ out how                as an engagemen ve Becky
                                                                                                                            t gift.
                                                                    to trick his friends into
                                                              whitewashing the fence for him by
                                                                making the ____________ job
                                                                     seem like a lot of fun!

                                                                          Design a priate flag
                                                                           for Tom Sawyer.
             Schoolmaster Dobbins challenged
            Tom to spell every state in the union.
                 What was Tom’s answer?

         To find out, write the letter of the alphabet
            that comes before each letter below.

        F   W     F       S       Z       T       U   B   U   F

                      J   O           U       I   F                                                    Tom and his friend Huck and Joe run
                                                                                                       away to an island to become pirates. They
                                                                                                       stay away so long that the townspeople
                      V       O       J   P       O                                                    think they have drowned in the river.
                                                                                                       Imagine the surprise and joy when the
                                                                                                       boys show up at their own funerals!
                                                                                                       Standards Link: Visual Arts: Know how subject matter,
                                                                                                       symbols and ideas are used to communicate meaning.

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           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                   © Vicki Whiting May 2022
16                                                                                           biography

                          Tom and Becky
        go on a picnic to McDougal’s
        Cave with their classmates. Tom
        and Becky get lost in the cave.
        They run out of food and candles
        and, if that is not bad enough, they
        run into a murderer who is using
        the cave as a hideout.

                                                 Can you escape
                                                 from the cave?

                       Tom witnesses a horrible crime one night in                                                      Find the words by looking up,
                       a graveyard. Read The Adventures of Tom
                                                                                                                         down, backwards, forwards,
                             Sawyer to find out what he saw.                                       THATCHER                sideways and diagonally.
                                                                                                                  S E S            S E N T                 I W H
                                                                                                   HOOKY          E R E A E M I                            R C S
                                                                                                   PIRATE         S E R U T N E V D A
          A                      B                C
                                                                                                   ESCAPE         C Y N O D H E S O W
             Find each                                                         D
          tombstone’s twin.                                                                                       A K M G C T C K B E
                                                                                                                  P O T T A H A                            I    B T
                                                                                                   BECKY          E O A R                 I    G V P             I        I
                                                                                           H       TOM            S H I            Y K C E B N H
                                                              G                                    DOBBINS        T P N O                 I    N U D S W
              E                                                                                    UNION
  Standards Link: Investigation: Find similarities and differences in common objects.
                                                                                                   SKIP         Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical
                                                                                                                words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns.

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Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                © Vicki Whiting May 2022

                                                                     M AY                           2022
        Celebrated              Tell your sibling       Take time today                             Make red, white
    around the world,         how much you care           to honor your                              and green paper
     this day marks a        for them. If you don’t    teacher and show                            chains and decorate
                                have a brother or        how much you         Children’s Book          your room.           Clean your bicycle
      celebration of                                                                                                          today and make         Visit a pet shelter
      spring and the          sister, choose some-        appreciate all      Week Celebrate
                               one who could be         their hard work.     the joy of reading.                             sure it is in good    this week and spread
        coming of                                                                                                            condition. Check         a little kindness.
         summer.              your pretend sibling.
                                Brothers and              National           Children’s Book                                 your helmet, too.           Be Kind to
         May Day                 Sisters Day            Teachers Day              Week              Cinco de Mayo               Bike Month            Animals Week

                                 Write a poem                                                           Compose a          Can you draw a cross
      Make a special           about lost socks.            The first                                                                                Put your thumbs
      homemade gift                                                              Thank your          limerick today.        section of a tulip?
                                Where do they              newspaper                                                        Label the different      in your armpits
     for your mom or                                      cartoon was           school nurse        Five lines, the last                              and “flap your
                                 go? How will                                  today and give        words of the 1st,       parts of a tulip.
      another special            they ever find           published in                                                                                   wings.”
      lady. Draw her                                    1754. See if you        her a token of      2nd and 5th lines           Tulip Day
                                their way back                                 your gratitude.     rhyme, and the 3rd
     portrait and give          to their match?        can make a copy
    her this perfect gift.                              of a newspaper                                 and 4th are a
                                  Lost Sock            cartoon character.    National School         separate rhyme.
      Mother’s Day             Memorial Day                                    Nurse Day

                                                          Take a jump
    Go for a hike today            Using a black        rope outside and      Museums are                                     On this day in          The American
     in the countryside.            marker, draw       skip as fast as you      important                                     1927, Charles           Red Cross was
     Wear good, sturdy              an alien. Now      can for ten minutes    places. Gather                                 Lindbergh flew          founded on this
   shoes and make sure                                and then slowly for                          Celebrate by finding
                                        exchange                               your family          a good photograph        alone across the          day in 1881.
    to take some water.             your drawing      another ten minutes.      and visit a                                 Atlantic to Paris.       Check your first
                                                                                                     and describe why
                                     with a friend                            museum today.            you chose it.        Find out the name        aid supplies and
                                   to color in the                                                                           of his plane and        make sure they
                                         drawing.                             International          National Photo           quiz a friend.          are up to date.
                                                                              Museum Day                  Month

         Play a musical                                                                                                     Ask your parents if     Start a science
      instrument today.         Start to collect         Invent a code          Put on some         List three reasons      you can take over a   experiment today
            If you don’t         loose change          and use it for the      music and get        why a good nights      section of the garden. such as growing a
               own one,          today in a jar.       answer to a joke.     everyone dancing.      sleep is important.    Dig it over and plant crystal. Follow the
                  invent      It’s amazing how          Give your code        Dancing is great                                 some flowers,      scientific method:
                              much you’ll save         to a friend to see    exercise so keep it      Better Sleep
              your own.                                                                                  Month              vegetables or seeds. question, hypothesis,
                              if you add a little      if they can figure    up for 20 minutes                                                      method, data,
                                   each day.                 it out.              at least.                                                        observation and

                                                                             Tick the box
     Invent a dessert                                     Get a large
                                                                             on each day
   using fresh fruit and         This is the day         sheet of paper
                                                                             when you
   a little ice cream or                                                     have completed
                              to remember those        and a crayon and      20 minutes of
     frozen yoghurt.             who gave their         make a rubbing       reading. Children                                     How many flowers can
    Share it with your         lives for freedom        today—from a         who develop a                                        you count on this page?
     family at dinner             and country.            coin, or any       love of reading                                         Have a friend try.
           tonight.                                    indented surface      will become better                                      Who found more?
                                                         you can find.       students and build
                               Memorial Day                                  a better future.

To advertise,
Ludington     please
           Daily     call & Oceana’s Herald-Journal
                  News                                                                                                  © Vicki Whiting May 2022

    Can’t make it to a real amusement park this summer? Kid Scoop News brings the amusement park to YOU.

Amusing Photos
Luna de Loop has enjoyed herself
at the amusement park and has
taken lots of photos! Look at each
photo below. Can you draw a
square on the big picture at right
where each photo was taken?

     What is a
This is the name of the world’s first
 and oldest operating amusement
     park. It opened in 1583 in
  Denmark. But just what does           Find your way to the ticket booth.                      How many tickets
      Dyrehavsbakken mean?                                                                      can you find on
   Hold this page up to a mirror                                                                these pages in
       to discover the answer.                                                                  two minutes?
Celebrate Memorial Day
                                                         Memorial Day is about remembering those who gave their lives defending
                                                                democracy, America, and other free nations in wartime.
                                                  Create A Sign of Respect
Grow       a   Citizen
                                                  Make a large sign saying, “WE ARE THANKFUL” and display it in a window facing the street
                                                  where passersby will see it.
                                                  Perhaps some of those people who pass by and see the sign will be people who have served
 5 Ways to Teach Your Child                       in the Armed Forces and fought to protect democracy.

           About Democracy                        Let them know you appreciate their service and dedication to keep our way of life safe and secure.

A democracy is a government run by the
people. Each citizen has a say (or vote) in how

monarchy or dictatorship where one person
(the king or dictator) has all the power.

Start early talking to your children about
democracy and the importance of

1. Take your child with you when you vote
   and talk about why you’ve chosen to vote
   for particular candidates.
                                                    EDITOR’S PICK                            by Vicki Whiting, Kid Scoop News

                                                    What Can a Citizen Do?
2. As a family, write a letter to an elected

  cares about and let your elected
  representative know. Explain that elected         By Dave Eggers Illustrated by Shawn Harris
          represent the people.

3. Explain to your child what it means to be
                                                    W     ith beautiful illustrations and
                                                            rhyming text, this is
                                                    a book about what
                                                                                                     “[This] charming book provides examples
                                                                                                                    and sends the message
                                                                                                                    that citizens aren’t born
                                                    citizenship — good                                              but are made by actions
                                                    citizenship — means.                                            taken to help others and
4. Encourage children to ask questions and          Across the course of                                            the world they live in.”
   share their views even when they might           several seemingly                                               —The Washington Post
   disagree with yours.                             unrelated but ultimately
                                                    connected actions by                                               “Obligatory reading for
                                                                                                                       future informed citizens.”
5. Talk about examples of democracy in              watch how kids turn a                                              —The New York Times
   action.                                          lonely island into a
                                                    community — and watch
6. Read and discuss books about voting,             a journey from what the
                                                    world should be to what
   democracy, freedom of speech and                 the world could be.
You can also read