Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...

Page created by Janice Barton
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
SPRING                    2022

  explore. gather. grow.
     Explore. Gather. Grow.
                              Library Link
   Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington Public Library

                         Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks.

                                                                                                           SPRING 2022 Library Link   1
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...

UA Library on May 3 Ballot                                                                            Library Link
                                                                                                  A publication of the
The Library will be on the May 3, 2022 ballot to seek a renewal of our existing 2-mill
                                                                                              Upper Arlington Public Library
levy plus a 1-mill increase. This is the first increase to operating funds we’ve requested
                                                                                                 Editor: Christine Minx
since 2007.
                                                                                             Graphic Designer: Alex Doherty
Local community support is critical to the operation of the Library: it supplies 53% of
our income. The additional funds are needed to operate and maintain our buildings,                    Main Library
sustain our collection of materials and electronic resources, and fund crucial building             2800 Tremont Road
repairs like a new roof for the Main Library.                                                         (614) 486-9621

Even with an increase, the Library will remain an incredible value. The cost to the
taxpayer will increase by less than $3 per month per $100,000 of home value.                       Lane Road Library
Importantly, by asking for a 10-year levy, we won’t need to return to the voters for a                1945 Lane Road
decade.                                                                                               (614) 459-0273

If the Library does not secure a stable increase in revenue, we will need to drastically           Miller Park Library
cut hours, materials, programs and specialized services, and we’ll be unable to fund              1901 Arlington Avenue
critical capital projects.                                                                           (614) 488-5710
You can find more information at
Did You Know?                                                                                Registration: Please register
                                                                                             through our online program
                                   Our users save                                            calendar at

                                   $38,000,000                                               COVID-19: Masks are required
                                                                                             for program attendance. All
                                   each year by using the library                            programs are subject to change or
                                                                                             cancellation based on guidelines
                                                                                             from health authorities.
                                    Our patrons borrowed

                                   1,200,000                                                 Photography: Video and photos
                                                                                             may be taken of library activities
                                    physical and digital items last year                     for use in future online and print
                                                                                             promotions. If you prefer that you

                                                                                             or your child not be photographed,
                                                                                             please notify the photographer.

                                    people visit our                                         More info: Find more information
                                    buildings each month                                     from the Library in the quarterly UA
                                                                                             Insight publication.

                                    We’ve distributed                                        On the cover: Emma and Maria

                                                                                             prepare for Lane Road Library’s Pet
                                                                                             Rock event on March 24. See pg. 10.
                                   free COVID test kits

                                   cars use curbside
                                   pickup each month

2   SPRING 2022 Library Link                                                                            
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
MAIN LIBRARY PROGRAMS                                                                  2800 Tremont Road (614) 486-9621

Booked on Tuesday                          Film: Lady Wrestler                         the breakthroughs that resulted from
Tues., March 1 at 7 p.m.                   Wed., March 2 at 6:30 p.m.                  the civil rights movement. While many
Tues., April 5 at 7 p.m.                   Friends Theater; 90 min.                    of their white peers have been inducted
Tues., May 3 at 7 p.m.                     Registration now open                       into wrestling halls of fame, these
UA Library Facebook page; 60 min.                                                      women have been largely forgotten.
No registration                            Join us for a screening of Lady Wrestler:
                                           The Amazing Untold Story of African-        A Celebration of Women
Our Booked on Tuesday chat group           American Women in the Ring, the
                                                                                       Thurs., March 3 at 6:30 p.m.
“meets” on the first Tuesday of            documentary that tells the story of
                                                                                       Friends Theater; 60 min.
each month at 7:30 p.m. on our             women who achieved international
                                                                                       No registration
Facebook page at             success as professional wrestlers in
UAPublicLibrary. Look for the thread       Columbus, Ohio during the 1950s-1970s.      Kick off Women’s History Month with
started by the UA Library account          It chronicles the stories of Babs Wingo,    award-winning local author Trudy
with #BookedOnTuesday, and join the        Ethel Johnson, Marva Scott, Ramona          Krisher. She’ll introduce her new novel
conversation! Add your comment to tell     Isbell and dozens of other women            On the March: A Novel of the Women’s
our adult librarians and other book fans   who braved racism and sexism to             March on Washington. She’ll share her
about the latest book you loved, what      succeed in the male-dominated world         her experiences as a participant in the
you’re reading now, or what kind of        of professional wrestling during the        original March on January 17, 2017,
recommendations you’d like. Discover       sport’s golden age. These courageous        detailing how those experiences found
other readers’ suggestions and make        women raised families while blazing a       their way into her book. Plan to be
one of your own.                           trail for female athletes before many of    engaged as she offers some quizzes,
                                                                                       timelines, and even an “art” project.

 Spring Gardening Series
  Presented by Tisa Watts — gardening educator, landscape consultant and founder of the Columbus Garden School

 Secrets of the Garden Center                Growing to                                 Growing Culinary Herbs
 Thurs., March 24 at 6:30 p.m.               Attract Pollinators                        Thurs., May 5 at 6:30 p.m.
 Friends Theater; 60 min.                    Thurs., April 14 at 6:30 p.m.              Friends Theater; 60 min.
 No registration                             Friends Theater; 60 min.                   No registration
 Who decides what plants you can             No registration                            Learn about the rich history
 buy in a nursery? Where are these           Attracting native birds, bees, and         of herbs, which have been
 plants grown, and how does that             other pollinators to your suburban         strong members of both
 affect their price, health, and the         yard is pretty easy if you follow a        medical and culinary toolboxes.
 environment? How is horticulture            few basic guidelines! Learn how            Then stay for tips on how to
 different from agriculture, and             to provide habitat and sustenance          grow healthy, abundant herbs
 what special role does Columbus,            for our wildlife friends using smart       in your garden to please your
 Ohio play in this history? And most         plant choices and taking other             palate and support pollinators.
 importantly, what secrets can               simple steps.
 you learn from a former nursery
 employee about how to obtain the
 best plants at a good price?

                            Masks are required for those attending in-person programs.                                                                                  SPRING 2022 Library Link      3
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
    Bike School                           Introduction to Northstar
                                          Digital Literacy
                                                                                         UA Commission on
                                                                                         Aging Help Desk
    with Franklinton Cycleworks
                                          Wed., March 9 at 6:30 p.m.                     Wed., March 23 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                          Online via Google Meet; 60 min.                Wed., April 27 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
    Spring Tune Up
                                          Registration opens February 23                 Wed., May 25 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
    Sat., March 26 at 1 p.m.                                                             Meeting Room C; 2 hrs.
    Friends Theater; 90 min.              Join the staff of the Reference and Media
                                          Departments to learn about our newest          No registration
    Registration opens March 12
                                          technology training resource: Northstar        Have questions about resources for aging
    Jonathan Youngman, executive          Digital Literacy. Discover how to use          in Upper Arlington? Stop by the Help
    director for Franklinton              its self-directed online learning and          Desk and a staff member from the Upper
    Cycleworks, will show us how to       assessments, and gain essential computer       Arlington Commission on Aging will help
    assess a bicycle for safety and how   and software skills. This program is held      you find answers.
    to perform basic bike maintenance     online through Google Meet. Registered
    in preparation for spring riding.     participants will receive an emailed link to   UA Commission on Aging
    Learn how to check your tires for     join the meeting the day of the program.       Caregiver Support Group
    wear, inflate to proper PSI, check
    brakes, chains, and wheels, and oil                                                  Wed., March 23 from 1-2:30 p.m.
                                          Navigating Vital Records and                   Wed., April 27 from 1-2:30 p.m.
    moving parts.
                                          the Federal Census                             Wed., May 25 from 1-2:30 p.m.
    Tire Repair                           Tues., March 15 at 6:30 p.m.                   Meeting Room B; 2 hrs.
                                          Friends Theater; 60 min.                       Registration now open
    Sat., April 30 at 1 p.m.
                                          Registration onow open                         Are you a family or volunteer
    Friends Theater; 90 min.
    Registration opens April 16           Vital Records and the Federal Census are       caregiver? Connect with others in
                                          the backbone of family research. Learn to      your community to learn and share
    Jonathan Youngman returns to
                                          locate your family history through birth,      experiences. This group will be led by
    show us how to assess and fix
                                          death, and marriage in Vital Records.          a clinician with years of experience in
    a flat tire. This class will teach
                                          The Federal Census will provide you with       supporting caregivers, courtesy of the
    you about the proper tools and
                                          addresses, ages, occupations and more.         Upper Arlington Commission on Aging.
    techniques needed to fix a flat.
                                                                                         Please note there are no respite services
    You’re encouraged to bring
                                          Book Circle: A Brilliant Death                 at this time.
    your bike and lock it up outside
    at our bike racks. Weather and        Wed., March 16 at 1:30 p.m.
                                          Meeting Room B; 60 min.                        Tech Talk: Basics of
    time permitting, the instructor
    will guide you with a hands-on        No registration                                Video Conferencing
    experience.                           Join us for an informal discussion of this     Thurs., March 24 at 2 p.m.
                                          month’s title, A Brilliant Death by Robin      Meeting Room B; 60 min.
                                          Yocum.                                         Registration opens March 10
                                                                                         Whether you’re planning to join online
                                          Tech Talk: Online Shopping                     meetings, telehealth appointments,
                                          Thurs., March 17 at 2 p.m.                     or even library programs, video
                                          Meeting Room B; 60 min.                        conferencing has become an essential
                                          Registration opens March 3                     tool in today’s world. If you’re new to
                                          Learn how to shop online and have items        software like Zoom or Google Meet, this
                                          delivered to your home or made available       is the program for you! Attendees who
                                          for curbside pickup. In this program           want to practice on their own device
                                          for beginners, we’ll discuss shopping,         are encouraged to bring their laptop,
                                          grocery, and meal delivery websites            smartphone, or tablet. Devices will also
                                          and apps, and how to create accounts,          be available at this program.
                                          search for products, and feel confident
                                          that you are shopping safely. Attendees
                                          who want to practice on their own device        Masks are required for those
                                          are encouraged to bring their laptop,          attending in-person programs.
                                          smartphone, or tablet. Devices will also be
                                          available at the program.

4     SPRING 2022 Library Link                                                                          
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
2800 Tremont Road (614) 486-9621

UA Library Tax Levy: The Facts                  Learn the Basics of                         Learn the Basics of
with Director Beth Hatch                        Google Drive                                Google Docs
Tue., March 29 at 10:30 a.m.                    Tues., March 29 at 2 p.m.                   Tues., April 5 at 2 p.m.
Tue., March 29 at 6:30 p.m.                     Meeting Room B; 60 min.                     Meeting Room B; 60 min.
Sat., April 2 at 10:30 a.m.                     Registration opens March 15                 Registration opens March 22
Friends Theater; 60 min.                        Discover how Google Drive lets your         Google Docs makes it easy to collaborate
No registration                                 share files while keeping them safe and     with others. Create your first Google
On May 3, the Library will be on the ballot     secure. Set up and practice using your      Doc, share it, learn to use editing and
for a local property tax levy, as our current   Drive, and get helpful tips about how       suggestion mode, and leave comments.
levy will expire this year. Beth Hatch, the     to keep it organized. This workshop is      This workshop is designed for learners
Director of the Upper Arlington Public          designed for learners who are new to        who are new to Google Docs. A Google
Library, will explain how the library is        Google Drive. If you don’t have a Google    account is required for this program. If
funded and will provide information             account, please arrive 15 minutes early     you don’t have a Google account, please
about the upcoming operating levy.              for help with creating one. Presented in    arrive 15 minutes early for help with
                                                partnership with Grow with Google.          creating one. Presented in partnership
                                                                                            with Grow with Google.

     Senior Movie Series
     Presented with the UA Commission on Aging

     Fast Forward                                Calendar Girls                            Secondhand Lions
     Tues., March 22 at 6 p.m.                   Tues., April 26 at 6 p.m.                 Tues., May 31 at 6 p.m.
     Friends Theater; 90 min.                    Friends Theater; 90 min.                  Friends Theater; 90 min.
     No registration                             No registration                           No registration
     Join us for a screening of the PBS          Based on a true story, Calendar Girls     Secondhand Lions is a comedy-
     documentary Fast Forward. This              tells the tale of a group of society      drama that tells the story of a shy
     60-minute film is narrated by               women who become a media                  young boy sent to live with his
     Rosario Dawson and follows four             sensation when they create a risque       eccentric uncles, who are rumored to
     baby boomer parents and their kids          calendar to raise money for a cancer      possess a great fortune. Sir Michael
     as they travel through time to meet         center. The film stars stars Dame         Caine and Robert Duvall star.
     their future selves with the help of a      Helen Mirren and Dame Julie Walters.
     MIT-produced “aging empathy suit”.                                                                                        SPRING 2022 Library Link   5
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
Red Cross Blood Drive                         Book Circle: The Planter                     humans began to be active agents in
Fri., April 8; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.                 of Modern Life                               changing the very climate of the Earth in
Meeting Room B & Friends Theater                                                           ways that could prove to be disastrous.
                                              Wed., April 20 at 1:30 p.m.
                                                                                           Can we find ways to adapt to these
Make an appointment at www.                   Meeting Room B; 60 min.
                                                                                           profound changes or possibly even undo with sponsor code           No registration
                                                                                           the damage we have caused?
“UAPL”.                                       Join us for an informal discussion of this
                                              month’s title, The Planter of Modern Life:   Sustainability Fair
Learn the Basics                              Louis Bromfield and the Seeds of a Food      Sat., April 23; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
of Google Sheets                              Revolution by Stephen Heyman.                Atrium
Tues., April 12 at 2 p.m.                                                                  No registration
Meeting Room B; 60 min.                       Designing with Canva:
                                                                                           Talk to organizations that support
Registration opens March 29                   Social Media                                 green initiatives and find out how you
Design a spreadsheet, task list, calendar,    Wed., April 20 at 6:30 p.m.                  can make your home and yard greener
and more with Google Sheets. Create           Online via Google Meet; 60 min.              and more sustainable. Learn what’s
your first Google Sheet, learn to use         Registration opens April 6                   being done in this community to move
its formatting features, and share with       Learn how to use Canva’s free graphic        to greener practices and lower waste.
others for online collaboration. This         design templates to create engaging          We’ll also have recycling drops for
workshop is designed for learners who         social media content for your personal       some of those harder-to-recycle items
are comfortable using spreadsheets            or business accounts. Whether you’re         such as electronics, bicycles, and paper
and/or cloud-based documents. Arrive          planning a media campaign or just            shredding.
15 minutes early for help in creating a       exploring templates, learn how to
Google account if needed. Presented in        incorporate animations, color palettes,      Organize Digital Files
partnership with Grow with Google.            and more into your Stories, Reels, and       and Photos
                                              other content. This program is held          Tues., April 26 at 2 p.m.
Author Visit: Doug Tallamy                    online using Google Meet. Registered         Online via Google Meet; 60 min.
Mon., April 18 at 7 p.m.                      participants will receive an emailed link    Registration opens April 12
Online via Zoom; 90 min.                      to join on the day of the program.
Registration opens March 1                                                                 Your digital files need spring cleaning,
                                              The First Ohioans                            too! Get in the decluttering spirit and
Join author and professor Doug                                                             learn how to store your files and photos
Tallamy as he speaks about his book           and Climate Change                           so they’re easier to find and share.
Nature’s Best Hope and the critical role of   Thurs., April 21 at 6:30 p.m.                This program is held online through
planting native landscapes. Presented in      Friends Theater; 75 min.                     Google Meet. Registered participants
partnership with Sustainable UA.              No registration                              will receive an emailed link to join the
                                              Dr. Brad Lepper, Curator of Archaeology      meeting the day of the program.
Presentations                                 for the Ohio History Connection, will
Beyond PowerPoint                             present on Ohio history and climate          Remembering the Holocaust
Tues., April 19 at 2 p.m.                     change. Humans first entered the Ohio        Through the Generations
Online via Google Meet; 60 min.               Valley sometime after 20,000 years           Thurs., April 28 at 6:30 p.m.
Registration opens April 5                    ago. These hardy American Indian             Friends Theater; 90 min.
You can create dynamic presentations          pioneers adapted to the New World            No registration
using three cloud-based programs —            they found and, over the succeeding
                                              millennia, shaped many aspects of their      Join us on Holocaust Remembrance
Prezi, Canva, and Google Slides — that                                                     Day for a discussion about the legacy
will help you design, share, and present      environment. Europeans arrived in the
                                              18th and 19th centuries and rapidly          of trauma. Panelists will address the
with ease. An account with these                                                           concept of intergenerational trauma
services is not required for this program,    accelerated environmental change.
                                              With the Industrial Revolution and           in the wake of the Holocaust. Our
which will be held online through                                                          panel includes history scholars, a
Google Meet. Registrants will receive an      the intensive burning of fossil fuels,
                                              including Ohio’s rich coal deposits,         psychologist, and the daughter of a
emailed link to join the meeting.                                                          Holocaust survivor.

                              Masks are required for those attending in-person programs.

6   SPRING 2022 Library Link                                                                              
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
2800 Tremont Road (614) 486-9621

DIY Digital Photo Albums                   Creating Mood Boards                      Book Circle: The Dutch House
Tues., May 3 at 2 p.m.                     in Canva                                  Wed., May 18 at 1:30 p.m.
Online via Google Meet; 60 min.            Wed., May 4 at 6:30 p.m.                  Meeting Room B; 60 min.
Registration opens April 19                Online via Google Meet; 60 min.           No registration
Turn your photos into a digital            Registration opens April 20               Join us for an informal discussion of
scrapbook! In this program, we’ll          You don’t need graphic design             this month’s title, The Dutch House:
explore how to customize the               experience to gather ideas and            A Novel by Ann Patchett.
templates and graphics in two free         inspiration for yourself and for
online design resources, Google Slides     collaborating with others. In this        Make Your Website
and Canva, so that you can easily          workshop, we’ll discuss how to start a    Work for You
design and share your memories with        mood board with Canva templates, and      Wed., May 18 at 6:30 p.m.
family and friends.                        how to use personal photos and the        Online via Google Meet; 60 min.
This program is held online through        Canva library of graphics and images      Registration opens May 4
Google Meet. Registered participants       to enhance your design. This program
will receive an emailed link to join the                                             Whether you’re launching a new
                                           is held online through Google Meet.
meeting the day of the program.                                                      website or sprucing up an old one,
                                           Registered participants will receive an
                                                                                     this workshop will help you discover
                                           emailed link to join the meeting.
                                                                                     how to create a search-friendly
                                                                                     website that drives user action and
                                           Memorial Day: Using Grief
                                                                                     supports your goals. This program is
                                           to Find Common Ground                     held online through Google Meet.
                                           Thurs., May 12 at 6:30 p.m.               Registered participants will receive an
                                           Friends Theater; 60 min.                  emailed link to join the meeting the
                                           No registration                           day of the program.
                                           Join Rob Williams, veteran and
                                           Ph.D. student in Military History
                                           at The Ohio State University, for a
                                           discussion on Memorial Day as a day of
                                           remembrance, celebration, and finding
                                           common ground.                                                                                 SPRING 2022 Library Link     7
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
2800 Tremont Road (614) 486-9621

Drop-In Make It                              50 Things to Do                                Sensory Friendly Storytime
and Take It Tuesdays                         Before You’re 11¾                              Wed., March 30 at 9 a.m.
Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.              Thursdays from 3-5 p.m.                        Wed., April 27 at 9 a.m.
Youth Department                             Youth Department; 2 hrs.                       Youth Department; 60 min.
All ages                                     Ages 6-11                                      Registration opens two weeks prior
No registration                              No registration                                Enjoy storytime designed exclusively for
Tap into your artistic expression! Stop      Explore and inquire about the world            young children with autism or sensory
by the library to complete an art activity   around you with new activities each week.      processing challenges. Your favorite
perfect for kids. We like to focus on the    Code a robot, learn to juggle, dissect an      librarians will greet you at the door before
process, not the results! Make it here and   owl pellet, play a record, fold a paper        the building opens to the public. Join us
take it home when you’re done.               airplane, and more. Stop by anytime to         for storytime, then enjoy exclusive quiet
                                             pick up a 50 Things to Do workbook. Miss       time in our Early Learning Play Area.
Video Game Creator                           a week? Try an activity at home or check
                                                                                            Poetry in the Stacks
Wed., March 2 at 4 p.m.                      our event calendar for 50 Things catch
Meeting Room B; 45 min.                      up events. Did you do an activity in the       April 1-30
Grades 3-6                                   library or at home? Visit the youth desk for   Kids
Registration opens February 16               a sticker to mark your accomplishment.         No registration
                                             Complete the program and attend the 50         April is National Poetry Month! Stop by
All video games start with an idea and
                                             Things celebration on May 26.                  any of the three library locations for a fun
some doodles. Draw your own video
game world with illustrator Steve                                                           activity and find the poet within.
Harpster in this fun, fast-paced class.
                                             Stories & More
                                             Saturdays from March 5-May 28 at               Celebrate The Bad Guys
                                             10:30 a.m.                                     April 18-29
                                             Youth Department; 30 min.                      Youth Department
                                             All ages                                       All ages
                                             No registration                                No registration
                                             Visit the library on Saturdays for fun for     The Bad Guys aren’t bad – just
                                             the whole family. Each week brings a new       misunderstood! Celebrate the popular
                                             surprise: you could discover a storytime,      book series by Aaron Blabey by tracking
                                             some great new toys, or a fantastic guest      down The Bad Guys team, making your
                                             presenter waiting for you.                     own Bad Guy tie, and completing more
                                                                                            Bad Guy challenges. Stop by anytime
                                                                                            from April 18-29.

                             Masks are required for those attending in-person programs.

8   SPRING 2022 Library Link                                                                                
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
2800 Tremont Road (614) 486-9621

Daniel Tiger Storytime                       creator of the best-selling Vanderbeekers       served basis. We’ll be outside if weather
Sat., April 30 at 10:30 a.m.                 series, is excited to share her newest          permits. Please wear old clothing as we
Atrium; 90 min.                              book, A Duet for Home. This stand-alone         may get messy.
All ages                                     book shares the story of June and Tyrell,
No registration                              two children living in a homeless shelter       Spring StoryWalk Storytime:
                                             who explore the power of friendship,            How to Find a Fox
Won’t you be my neighbor? Read stories       healing, believing in ourselves, and
about Daniel Tiger’s adventures, visit                                                       Sat., May 21 at 10:30 a.m.
                                             classical music. This event is presented in     Fancyburg Park; 30 min.
with friends from the Neighborhood of        partnership with Cover to Cover Books
Make-Believe, and share stories about                                                        No registration
                                             for Young Readers, which will be on site
friendship and kindness. Stay after          to sell copies of Ms. Glaser’s books.           Join us at the playground at Fancyburg
storytime for crafts, games, and a special                                                   Park as we read this season’s StoryWalk
photo op with Daniel Tiger.                  Pint-Sized Prom                                 book, How to Find a Fox by Nilah
                                                                                             Magruder. Stay after the story for a related
                                             Sat., May 14 at 10:30 a.m.
Use the Force                                Youth Department; 60 min.
Wed., May 4 at 4 p.m.                        Ages 0-6
Friends Theater; 60 min.                     No registration
                                                                                             50 Things to Do Before
Grades 3-8                                                                                   You’re 11¾ Celebration
Registration opens April 20                  Put on your fanciest clothes and your
                                                                                             Thur., May 26 from 3-5 p.m.
                                             dancing shoes! Our youngest patrons
Ancient and modern stories tie into          and their families are invited to join us for   Youth Department; 2 hrs.
real-life science as representatives from    music, photo opportunities, and crafts.         Ages 6-11
the Armstrong Air and Space Museum                                                           No registration
show how you can make your very own          Planting Program                                Join 50 Things to Do Before You’re
hand-held light-sword.
                                             Sat., May 14 at 2 p.m.                          11 ¾ participants to celebrate your
                                             Youth Department; 45 min.                       accomplishment! Receive a certificate,
Author Visit: Karina Yan Glaser              Ages 4-7                                        make some cool crafts to keep, and
Sat., May 7 at 11 a.m.
                                             No registration                                 revisit some of your favorite 50 Things
Atrium; 60 min.
                                             It’s planting time! Listen to stories, learn    activities.
All ages
Registration opens April 23                  how plants grow, and plant some seeds
                                             for your garden. Supplies are limited
Join us for a visit with children’s author
                                             and available on a first-come, first-
Karina Yan Glaser. Ms. Glaser, the

Teen Service Club
Mon., March 21 from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Tues., April 12 from 4-5 p.m.
Meeting Room B
Grades 6-12
No registration
Need volunteer hours for school?
Want to give back to the community?
Attend a Teen Service Club meeting to
volunteer your time and earn an hour
of service credit.                                                                                         SPRING 2022 Library Link     9
Library Link - Visit the Lane Road Library to create a pet that really rocks - Programs for Children, Teens & Adults at the Upper Arlington ...
LANE ROAD LIBRARY PROGRAMS                                                                        1945 Lane Road (614) 459-0273

ADULT                                        YOUTH
ESOL for Everyone - English                  Pet Rock Fun                                   Peeps Science
Conversation Practice                        Thurs., March 24 at 3:30 p.m.                  Thurs., April 7 at 3:30 p.m.
Wednesdays from March 2-May 18 at            2 hrs.                                         2 hrs.
1 p.m.                                       Kids                                           Grades K+
90 min.                                      No registration                                No registration
Registration now open                        The best kind of carefree pet is a pet rock!   Complete STEAM activities using
From beginning level to advanced, this       Come to the library and decorate your          colorful, squishy peeps, including
weekly class is a great opportunity for      own pet rock and even make a small             creating a peep catapult!
adults to practice English conversation      house for it.
skills with ESOL-trained volunteers.                                                        Block Play in the Library
                                             The Very Hungry Caterpillar                    Thurs., April 28 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
The Free-Form No-Homework                    Scavenger Hunt                                 Thurs., April 28 from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Book Club                                    April 1-30                                     2 hrs.
                                             Kids                                           Kids
Thurs., March 3 at 7 p.m.
                                             No registration                                No registration
Thurs., April 7 at 7 p.m.
Thurs., May 5 at 7 p.m.                      Drop by the Lane Road Library youth            Drop in and build, build, build in this
45 min.                                      department anytime during the month            open play time. From large cardboard
Registration opens two weeks prior           of April to search for The Very Hungry         blocks for younger kids to LEGOS for
                                             Caterpillar and the foods the caterpillar      older kids, we’ll provide the blocks, you
No assignments, no deconstruction. Just
                                             eats in the story.                             provide the imagination.
a group of book lovers talking about their
latest reads and discovering their next
ones, trading tips for using Goodreads &     Poetry in the Stacks
Novelist, and exploring new genres.          April 1-30
Book Circle: A Brilliant Death               No registration
Tues., March 15 at 6:30 p.m.                 April is National Poetry Month! Stop by
60 min.                                      any of the three library locations for a fun
No registration                              activity and find the poet within.
Join us for an informal discussion of this
month’s title, A Brilliant Death by Robin

Book Circle: The Planter of
Modern Life
Tues., April 19 at 6:30 p.m.
60 min.
No registration
Join us for an informal discussion of this
month’s title, The Planter of Modern Life:
Louis Bromfield and the Seeds of a Food
Revolution by Stephen Heyman.

Book Circle: The Dutch House
Tues., May 17 at 6:30 p.m.
60 min.
No registration
Join us for an informal discussion of
this month’s title, The Dutch House by
Ann Patchett.

10 SPRING 2022 Library Link                                                                                
MILLER PARK LIBRARY PROGRAMS                                                            1901 Arlington Avenue (614) 488-5710

ADULTS                                     YOUTH
Book Chats                                 Play and Learn                                Poetry in the Stacks
Tues., March 1 at 1 p.m.                   Fri., March 4 at 10 a.m.                      April 1-30
Tues., April 5 at 1 p.m.                   Fri., April 1 at 10 a.m.                      Kids
Tues., May 3 at 1 p.m.                     Fri., April 29 at 10 a.m.                     No registration
60 min.                                    2 hrs.
Registration now open                      Ages 2-5                                      April is National Poetry Month! Stop by
                                           No registration                               any of the three library locations for a fun
Don’t miss this opportunity to join                                                      activity and find the poet within.
an informal group of book lovers to        Enjoy play-based learning activities that
exchange titles and share reading          vary each month, such as games, play          Fairy House Building
recommendations.                           dough, cars, blocks, and more.
                                                                                         Sat., April 23 at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                         60 min.
                                           Collaborative Art Stations
TEENS                                      March 7-20
                                           All ages
                                                                                         Families with ages 3+
                                                                                         Registration opens April 9
Teen Service Club                          No registration                               Use your imagination to build a house
                                                                                         fit for a fairy in the little woods of Miller
Sun., April 10 at 2:30 p.m.                Stop in to take part in group art projects    Park. Materials will be provided, and
Sun., May 8 at 2:30 p.m.                   around the library. Decorate parts to add     you may also bring natural materials
60 min.                                    to large artworks. Featuring coloring,        from home. Registration as a family is
Grades 6-12                                tissue paper, and other materials, this       required. Houses will be left in the woods
Registration opens two weeks prior         program is for everyone from young            for the fairies. Weather permitting.
Come to the Miller Park Library to help    children through adults.
with volunteer projects and earn an hour                                                 Hip-Hop-Ademics: Rapping
of service credit.                         Reading to Rover
                                                                                         Kids into Learning
                                           Tues., March 8 at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                         Sat., May 7 at 10:30 a.m.
                                           Tues., April 12 at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                         45 min.
                                           Tues., May 10 at 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                         Ages 3-8
                                           60 min.
                                                                                         No registration
                                           Grades K-5
                                           No registration                               Brian Holland is back for a show
                                                                                         that includes original songs, games,
                                           Meet therapy dogs from Therapy Dogs
                                                                                         and prizes. This program entertains
                                           International and improve your reading
                                                                                         while teaching reading, math, and
                                           skills by sharing stories with them.
                                                                                         character using hip hop music. Weather
                                                                                         permitting, as this will be held outdoors.

                           Masks are required for those attending in-person programs.                                                                                     SPRING 2022 Library Link 11
MAIN                       LANE ROAD         MILLER PARK
   LIBRARY                    LIBRARY           LIBRARY
   Mar. 21-Apr. 28            Mar. 22-Apr. 27   Mar. 21-Apr. 27

   Babytime                   Babytime          Babytime
   (0-24 months)              (0-24 months)     (0-24 months)
   Mon @ 10:30                Wed @ 11:15       Wed @ 10:15
   Tales for Twos             Tales for Twos    Tales for Twos &
   & Threes                   & Threes          Threes
   (2-3 years)                (2-3 years)       (2-3 years)
   Wed @ 10:30                Tue @ 10:15       Mon @ 10:15
   Preschool                  Preschool         Miller Park’s storytimes
                                                will be held outdoors,
   (3-5 years)                (3-5 years)       weather permitting.
   Thurs @ 10:30              Tues @ 1:00

   Masks required for
   those ages 2 and up.

12 SPRING 2022 Library Link                             
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