GIS DATA DICTIONNARY Level of information: Layer and attribute table - VERSION 5.0 - Cirad
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Paracou Forest Research Station French Guiana GIS DATA DICTIONNARY VERSION 5.0 Level of information: Layer and attribute table A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Geographic platform of Paracou Summary Paracou research station is a large scale forest disturbance experiment set up by Cirad in 1984 that has become over time a unique research site for the international scientific community in tropical forest ecology. This geographical online portal provides access to a broad collection of environmental and biodiversity datasets on Paracou. This data dictionary covers all information in our possession. Here you will find an overview of metadata on spatial data related to: - data sources and contacts (see Appendix 4); - access rights; - data description; - geometric accuracy; Some spatial layers are downloadable online (GeoJson format) and can be used with QuantumGIS1; Paracou is part of Guyafor network: permanent plots dedicated to long term studies about forest dynamics and biodiversity. Scientific coordinator: Dr Géraldine Derroire Cirad – Unité Mixte de Recherche Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane Technical coordinator, project manager and GIS specialist: Aurélie Dourdain Cirad – Unité Mixte de Recherche Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane Data manager: Dr Gaëlle Jaouen AgroParisTech - Unité Mixte de Recherche Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane Web developer: Elie guedj Cirad – Unité Mixte de Recherche Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane Paracou research station: Unité Mixte de Recherche Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane: Cirad: Projection: EPSG: 3857 Spatial extent: -5900718.8495098, 584319.5880102, -5883349.0348307, 593614.25165248 1 A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: GEO units Source: CIRAD, team “Forest” - Dourdain, A., 2017 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Reference contact: Dourdain, A. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Quantity format This spatial layer shows the boundaries of the CIRAD concession on Guyanese Space Center land in Sinnamary. The station is located in the coastal part of French Guiana, approximately 50 km NW of the taCIRADConcession.shp European Space Center of Kourou. POLYGON 1 The site is part of a private domain of about 40,000ha, owned by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, granted to Cirad. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idConc Integer Unique identifier object 1 NameConc Varchar Name of the concession CIRADConcession Geom Geometry Geometry of the object POLYGON A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: INRA Monpied, P., 1992- Jounieaux, M., 2016 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Under conditions Referent contact: Traissac, S. – AgroParisTech, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Quantity format This spatial layer shows the natural regeneration plots for trees < 10cm DBH2 at Paracou experimental station. Inside each of the 12 plots of 6.25ha, 64 circular plots of 4m radius were delineated. Distance between circular plots is 20 m, and there is a distance of 55m between outer circular plots and the edges of the 6.25ha. Eight censuses of 25 tree species have been carried out in these circular plots since 1992: 1992, 1993, 1995, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2013 and 2016. The 25 selected species correspond to a set of tropical tree species of interest for both potential exploitation and impact on overall ecosystem taRegenerationPlots.shp dynamics: Dicorynia guianensis (Fabaceae), POINT 1535 Bocoa prouacensis (Fabaceae), Carapa surinamensis (Meliaceae), Tachigali melinonii (Fabaceae), Eperua falcata (Fabaceae), Eperua grandiflora (Fabaceae), Goupia glabra (Goupiaceae), Qualea rosea (Vochysiaceae), Sextonia rubra (Lauraceae), Jacaranda copaia (Bignoniaceae), Pradosia cochlearia (Sapotaceae), Sterculia pruriens (Malvaceae), Sterculia multiovula (Malvaceae), Moronobea coccinea (Clusiaceae), Platonia insignis (Clusiaceae), Schefflera decaphylla (Araliaceae), Symphonia globulifera (Clusiaceae), Andira coriacea (Fabaceae), 2 DBH= Diameter at Breast Height, 1.30m A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Symphonia sp. 1 (Clusiaceae), Iryanthera hostmannii (Myristicaceae), Iryanthera sagotiana (Myristicaceae), Vouacapoua americana (Fabaceae), Recordoxylon speciosum (Fabaceae), Virola michelii (Myristicaceae), Virola surinamensis (Myristicaceae). This spatial layer gives the choice between the representation of absolute coordinates (taken using GIS software) and relative coordinates (taken using GPS) of the center of the plots. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idReg Integer Unique identifier object 1-1535 absolute coordinates and TypeReg Varchar Type of visualization relative coordinates Plot Integer Number or name of plot - idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Column Integer Plot column number 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Line Integer Plot line number 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Geom Geometry Geometry object POINT A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: CIRAD, team “Forest” - Petronelli, P., 19XX Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This spatial layer shows the boundaries of the plots, subplots and buffer zones (25m) at Paracou research station. The boundaries of plots have been positioned with topographical survey instruments (compass, clinometer, measuring tape). There are different experiments/plots: Disturbance experiment: In 1984, the Cirad team set up 12 square 9ha plots, among which 9 were subjected to logging induced disturbances in 1986-1988. Guyaflux plots: Guyaflux tower and plots have been generating data since 2003 to determine the ecosystem CO2 source or sink strengths. taOverallPlots.shp The eddy covariance system is used to POLYGON 122 measure gas fluxes in real time in situ. Continuing monitoring has been carried out since 2003 to analyze the impact of changing climate to ecosystem carbon balance. Guyaflux is managed by INRA. Biodiversity plots: In 1990-1992, four new plots (3 * 6.25ha + 1 * 25ha) were set up for biodiversity monitoring. No destructive samplings have been authorized at all in these plots. Fertilization plots: In 2015, 12 new 50*50m plots were set up to test the effect of nutrient enrichment on ecosystem processes. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idAllPlot Integer Unique identifier object 1-122 Plot varchar Number or name of plot 1 - 16 ImbXX, GfxX idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - BiodiversityPlots, DisturbancesPlots, TypePlot varchar Type of plot (4 attributes) FertilizationPlots, Guyaflux Bottom, Slope, Top, T0: control, T1: selective Applied silvicultural treatment or type of topography (7 modalities) logging, T2: selective logging + Timber Stand Treatment varchar See Appendix 2 Improvement (TSI), T3: selective logging + TSI + fuelwood Subplot Integer Subplot number or name - idSubplot Integer Unique subplot identifier (Guyafor network) - SubplotsP16, Subplots, PlotsImbP, TypeSub varchar Type of polygon (5 attributes) PlotsGuyaflux, Buffer25m Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGONE A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: INFRASTRUCTURES Source: CIRAD forest team - Dourdain, A., 2016 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Dourdain, A. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the points locating the infrastructure (open taFacilities.shp shelter, Guyaflux tower, POINT 3 weather station) at Paracou. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idFacility Integer Unique identifier object 3 NameFacility varchar Name object (3 attributes) BaseCamp, GuyafluxTower, Agroclim Geom Geometry Geometry object POINT A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: CIRAD forest team - Petronelli, P., 19XX Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer illustrates the main access road to the station, and the tracks around the entire perimeters of the plots. The tracks around plots taRoadPaths.shp were positioned with LINESTRING 49 topographical survey instruments (compass, clinometer, measuring tape) in 1996 by a surveyor. Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idRoad Integer Unique identifier object 49 TypeRoad varchar Name object Main road, Plot Path, Forest path Geom Geometry Geometry object LINESTRING A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: Inventory All publications using Paracou tree census data must cite the database as follow: “Guyafor, DataBase of the French Guyana Permanent Plot Network, Cirad-CNRS-ONF,” Source: UMR EcoFog, 2017 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Under Conditions Referent contact: Jaouen, G. – AgroParisTech, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the latest tree circumference inventory talastinventory.shp conducted at Paracou in POINT 84 199 2018. Either relative or absolute coordinates can be selected. ➢ Attribute Table Variable Name on the Variable Name (in Attributes of the Type Description Website the exported file) variable Forest Forest Text Forest name Paracou Plot Plot Numeric Plot number (see Appendix 1) 1 to 16 1 to 4 (except plot 16: 1 Subplot Subplot Numeric Subplot number (see Appendix 1) to 25) Tree Field number TreeFieldNum Numeric Tree number within the subplot (matching the tag number in the field). NB: - A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Several trees from different plots can have the same TreeFieldNum. Plot area PlotArea Numeric Plot area (hectare) - Tree id idTree Numeric Unique tree identifier from the database - Euclidean position (X in m) of the tree relative to the Southwestern corner of the 0 to 250m (except in plot X field Xfield Numeric subplot 16, 0 to 100m) Euclidean position (Y in m) of the tree relative to the Southwestern corner of the 0 to 250m (except in plot Y field Yfield Numeric subplot 16, 0 to 100m) X UTM (Zone 22) Xutm Numeric Coordinate X for the tree in UTM 22 N (EPSG : 32 622) - Y UTM (Zone 22) Yutm Numeric Coordinate Y for the tree in UTM 22 N (EPSG : 32 622) - Latitude Lat Numeric Tree latitude (WGS 84, EPSG : 4326) - Longitude Lon Numeric Tree longitude (WGS 84, EPSG : 4326) - Vern id idVern Numeric Unique vernacular identifier from the database - Text Vern name VernName Vernacular name - Circumference (cm) of the tree at 1.30m above ground (DBH3 level) Circumference Circ Numeric - Corrected Corrected circumference (cm) CircCorr Numeric See table 2 Circumference (mathematical correction of abnormal circumferences) Information on the reason why and how the circumference has been corrected, Corrected Code CorrCode Text 0 to 6 (see Table 2) multiple values are possible Status CodeAlive Logical Is the tree alive (1) or dead (0)? 1/0 Information on the method for measuring the circumference or on the state of Measure code MeasCode Numeric 0 to 12 (see Table 1) the tree Year of census CensusYear Numeric Census year 1984 to last census Census date CensusDate Date Census Day (when available) - Is the CensusDate precise (1) or not (0)? If 0, this information must not be Census date certainty CensusDateCertainty Logical 1/0 considered for calculation Text Family Family Botanical family - Text Genus Genus Botanical genus - Text Species Species Botanical species - Botanical source BotaSource Text Source of botanical name Vern / Bota (see table 3) 3 DBH= Diameter at Breast Height, 1.30m A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Safety index BotaCertainty Numeric Level of certainty for the botanical identification 1 to 4 (see table 3) Is the tree considered as a commercial species according to the list of species Commercial Species CommercialSp Logical 1/0 that were logged during the sylvicultural treatment in Paracou (1) or not (0) ? Inventory – Table 1 - Tree Status CodeAlive MeasCode Description 1 (alive) 0 Circumference (cm) of the tree measured at 1.30m (DBH) or above buttresses 1 (alive) 1 Height of circumference measurement elevated by 0.5m from the last measurement 1 (alive) 2 Height of circumference measurement elevated by 1m from the last measurement 1 (alive) 3 Height of circumference measurement elevated by 1.5m or more from the last measurement 1 (alive) 4 Tree with irregular trunk for which the circumference is estimated 1 (alive) 7 Tree damaged by logging (see Appendix 1) 1 (alive) 9 Poisoned tree as part of the stand improvement treatment (see Appendix 1) 1 (alive) 10 Circumference measured with a ladder 1 (alive) 11 Natural damage 1 (alive) 12 Tree lying but alive CodeAlive MeasCode Description 0 (dead) 0 Standing dead tree (natural death) 0 (dead) 1 Standing dead tree following forest treatment (see Appendix 1) 0 (dead) 4 Tree logged and commercially exploited (see Appendix 1) 0 (dead) 5 Destroyed tree by forest work (forest tracks, skidding…) 0 (dead) 6 Natural death: fallen (primary treefall) 0 (dead) 7 Natural death: fallen because of another tree (secondary treefall) 0 (dead) 8 Destroyed tree by logging, breakage or poisoning but not commercially exploited 0 (dead) 9 Death following poisoning (see Appendix 1) 0 (dead) 11 Death following natural damage A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Inventory – Table 2 – Corrected circumferences CorrCode Description 0 No correction (Circ=CircCorr) Annual growth (in diameter) > 5cm, anomaly observed for only one or a few censuses, followed to the normal 1 growth trajectory: circumference realigned by linear regression Annual growth (in diameter) > 5cm, abrupt change in the growth trajectories without return to the previous 2 trajectory: the shortest (or more recent if equal length) serie is realigned with the longest Annual decrease in diamater > 2cm, anomaly observed for only one or a few censuses, followed to the 3 normal growth trajectory: circumference realigned by linear regression Annual decrease > 2cm, , abrupt change in the growth trajectories without return to the previous trajectory: 4 the shortest (or more recent if equal length) serie is realigned with the longest Correction of Nogueira for Cathedral wood (Fabaceae swartzia polyphylla) : dbh x 0.53. Correction applied on 5 the already corrected circumference (CodeCorr is then x + 5, where x is the CodeCorr corresponding to the first correction) (Nogueira (2005) 4) Very large trees that have not been measured: the empirical maximum circumference is used: 80 * pi() : for kimboto, maho cigare, diagidia, buguni, yayamadou marécage, supun udu ; 6 50 * pi() : for weti udu, lebi koko, yayamadou montagne, wapa rivière, weti koko, ; 55 * pi() : for patawa ; Inventory – Table 3 – Botanical determination Code Attributes Description BotaSource Bota Tree identified by a botanist BotaSource Vern Botanical name of tree obtained from the vernacular name5 BotaCertainty -1 No attempt of determination by a botanist BotaCertainty 0 Indeterminate botanical family (after attempt of determination by a botanist) BotaCertainty 1 Indeterminate botanical genus (after attempt of determination by a botanist) BotaCertainty 2 Indeterminate botanical species (after attempt of determination by a botanist) BotaCertainty 3 Temporary identification (the botanist is waiting for a confirmation of the name) BotaCertainty 4 Confirmed identification 4 Nogueira, E.M., Nelson, B.W., Fearnside, P.M., 2005, «Wood density in dense forest in Central Amazonia, Brazil », For. Ecol. Manag. 208, 261–286. 5 A matrix of correspondences has been established between vernacular names and the most likely scientific names, according to different studies and sources. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: Hydrography / Topography Source: Unknown, 1983-1984 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the taCreek.shp various creeks for plot 1 to 12 LINESTRING 46 in Paracou. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idCreek Integer A unique identifier object 1 - 46 idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object LINESTRING A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: F.Morneau (2007) + Ferry, B., Morneau, F., Bontemps, J.D., Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Blanc, L. & Freycon, V., 2010. “Higher treefall rates on slopes and waterlogged soils. Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Ferry, B. - AgroParisTech Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Number Illustration format This spatial layer shows a topographic survey of Paracou that was carried out at its inception. Three general terrain types were established according to altitude and slope. taTopographicLevels.shp Plateau: highest relative altitude and POLYGON 52 low to 0 incline. Slope: medium to strong incline. Low zone: low altitude, generally less than 10m, and low to zero slope. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idTopo Integer Unique identifier object 1 - 52 Plot Integer Number or name of plot - idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - TypeTopo Varchar Topographic type in french (3 attributes) Bas-fond, Pente, Plateau TypeTopoEN Varchar Topographic type in english (3 attributes) Bottomland, Slope, Plateau Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGONE A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: CIRAD team “Forest” - Petronelli, P., 1983-84 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This cartographic layer includes curves of levels, equidistant of 2,5 m, which have been calculated from sides points at 1 per are. Each curve is characterized by its relative altitude with respect to the lowest point of the plot. The topographical survey was made to install the device and was based on: a survey of the perimeter taAltitude.shp of the plots; installing strips of 10 m wide, limited to the POINT 1026 cords and oriented NS. The strips were subdivided into squares every 10 m, which create a mesh of 10*10 m; readings at clinometer, measure stalled in the NE corner of each mesh. The cartographic support used is the GIS base map of Paracou (CIRAD -Forest) at a scale of about 1/500. ➢ Attribute Table Attributes of the Variable name Type Description variable idAltitude Integer A unique identifier object 1 - 1026 Xutm Double Longitude: geographic and projected coordinates (in meters) ( projection : WGS84, UTM22N ) 28 5015 - 28 7606 Yutm Double Latitude: geographic and projected coordinates (in meters) ( projection : WGS84, UTM22N ) 581 174 – 584 074 Altitude Double Elevation 2.60 – 39 m Geom Geometry Geometry object POINT A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: Pedology Since the creation of Paracou, ecologists have regularly expressed the need for a soil map of the site. Soils are known to have a role in forest dynamics and / or species distribution (Paoli et al., 2006, Baribault et al., 2012). The soil map was begun in 1991 and completed in 2012 (Appendix 3). However, to date, no synthesis or reference article has been written on this soil mapping, unlike other tropical forest systems of French Guiana (the Piste de St Elie (Sabatier et al., 1997)). There were several internships about the creation of the Paracou soil map: (i) soil mapping in the field to delineate soil units according to the type of drainage; (ii) soil sampling for physio-chemical analysis; (iii) digitization of this soil mapping within the Paracou Geographic Information System (GIS). Source: Soucemarianadin, L., 2004, Weigel, J., 2006, Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N 2009, Roelens, J.B., 2007 Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Freycon, V. - CIRAD Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This spatial layer shows the different types of drainage according to IRD taDrainages.shp classification (Sabatier et al. POLYGON 195 1997) for plots 1 to 15. This map is the third version. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
➢ Attribute Table Attributes of the Variable name Type Description variable idDrainage Integer Unique identifier object 1 - 195 Type of drainage : 6 attributes Alt, DhS, DVD, TypeDrainage Varchar Alt : Slow vertical drainage ; SH, SLD, UhS SLD: Superficial Lateral Drainage ; DVD: Deep Vertical drainage ; TypeDrainageEN Varchar UhS: Uphill System ; DhS: Downhill System ; SH: hydromorph soil idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGON Alt: Slow vertical drainage: the appearance of this soil is characterized by a silty red alloterite to a depth greater than 1.2m. This is a transitional soil between DVD and SLD soil types. Water circulation is slow and always vertical. It can be found at the top of low slopes. DLS or SLD: Superficial Lateral Drainage: the appearance of this soil is characterized by silty alloterite to a depth of less than 1.2m. The alloterite characteristically seems ‘dry to the touch’. Water circulation is lateral. DVL or DVD: Deep Vertical Drainage: This soil is characterized by a thick horizon (greater than 2 m) by red clay, with microaggregated structure, ensuring good infiltration and water retention. Rainwater seeps vertically and deeply; This soil corresponds to the initial ferralitic cover. SAm or UhS: Uphill hydromorphic system: in these soils, the dark red horizon of the alloterite becomes pale red. This system has a perched water table that generally corresponds to a top layer that promotes the accumulation of water, inducing hydromorphic conditions. SAv or DhS: Downhill hydromorphic system: this soil is characterized by the appearance of a mottled horizon less than 1.2 m deep. It is a ‘à battement’ water table system found at the bases of slopes, near the permanent water table of lowlands. SH or HS: Lowland Hydromorphic Soils: this soil is characterized by a gray and often sandy surface horizon. It corresponds more or less to lowlands. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: Soucemarianadin, L., 2004, Weigel, J., 2006, Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N 2009, Roelens, J.B., 2007 Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Freycon, V. - CIRAD Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This spatial layer shows the spatial distribution of coarse taCoarseElements material (duricrust, remnant POLYGON 59 .shp of rock,pegmatite) and saprolite. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idElement Integer A unique identifier object 1-59 Lithorelique TypeElement varchar Type of coarse elements in French: 3 attributes Pegmatite Saprolite duricrust / Remnant of rock TypeElementEN varchar Type of coarse elements in English: 3 attributes Pegmatite Saprolite idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGONE A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: Soucemarianadin, L., 2004, Weigel, J., 2006, 2009, Roelens, J.B., 2007 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Freycon, V. - CIRAD Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This spatial layer shows thalwegs and Djougoungs-Pétés (Extension of small circular taThalwegs.shp depressions and temporarily POLYGONE 18 waterlogged), (Blancaneaux 1973). ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idThalweg Integer Unique identifier object 1-18 varchar Topographic type (2 attributes and no English translation for Djougoung Pété Thalweg TypeThalweg (Saramaka language) Djougoung Pété idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGONE A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: Soucemarianadin, L., 2004, Weigel, J., 2006, Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N 2009, Roelens, J.B., 2007 Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Freycon, V. - CIRAD Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer represents specific soils: taSpecificSoils.shp Colluviosol orSoil with POLYGON 18 quartz ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idSpecSoil Integer Unique identifier object 1-18 Soil contribution, TypeSpecSoil varchar Type of specific soil in French: 2 attributes Soil quartz Colluviosol, TypeSpecSoilEN varchar Type of specific soil in English: 2 attributes Soil with quartz idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGON A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: Soucemarianadin, L., 2004, Weigel, J., 2006, Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N 2009, Roelens, J.B., 2007 Right to use: Under conditions Referent contact: Freycon, V. - CIRAD Geographical Entity Name Summary Spatial Illustration Number format This spatial layer shows the auger survey, which taSoilSurvey.shp identified soils, their POINT 1094 position,and their characteristics ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idSoilSurvey Integer A unique identifier object 1 - 419 idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - 0-10 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 0-100 cm 0=absence ; 1=presence 10-20 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 10-20 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence 20-40 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 20-40 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence 40-60 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 40-60 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence 60-80 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 60-80 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence 80-100 Integer Charcoal, Depth = 80-100 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence Coal Integer Charcoal, Depth = 0-100 cm 0=no presence ; 1=presence A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
NumSurvey Varchar Number of the auger survey as: PLOT-N° auger survey Ex. 8-28 Unique sampling identifier from fieldwork. This variable matches NUM_SONDAG - idFieldWk Varchar NumSurvey? in order to understand the link between the spatial data and the attribute table of the chemical analyses. Refus Float Coarse element (%) 0 – 9.54 MO Float Organic matter (%) 0.62 – 7.84 C Float Organic Carbon (%) 0.36 – 4.55 N Float Nitrogen (‰) 0.24 – 3.22 C_N Float C/N ratio 12.02 – 20.44 Polsen Float Phosphorus (mg/kg) extracted using Olsen method 1.06 – 11.4 PBray2 Float Phosphorus (mg/kg) extracted using Bray2 method 0.66 – 25.78 Al_KCl Float Al exchangeable in KCl (cmol+/kg) 0.04 - 2.79 H_KCl Float H exchangeable in KCl (cmol+/kg) 0 Ca_ech Float Ca exchangeable by Metson method (cmol+/kg) 0.03 - 4.66 Mg_ech Float Mg exchangeable by Metson method (cmol+ / kg) 0.04 – 0.89 K_ech Float K exchangeable by Metson method (cmol+/ kg) 0.02 - 0.37 Na_ech Float Na exchangeable by Metson method (cmol+ / kg) 0.01 – 0.18 S Float Sum of exchangeable bases by Metson method (cmol+/ kg) 0.14 - 5 CEC Float cation exchange capacity by method Metson (cmol+/ kg) 1.52 – 12.65 TS Float Saturation rate (%) 2.16 – 93.4 Geom Geometry Geometry object POINT A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: Logging Source: Forest CIRAD team - Petronelli, P., 1987 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the 1987 disturbed areas taDisturbedAreas.shp (logging) at Paracou. POLYGON 405 ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idDist integer Unique identifier object 1-405 TypeDist varchar Type of object DisturbedAreas idPlot integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) plot Integer Number or name of plot Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGON A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: : CIRAD team “Forest” - Petronelli, P., 1987 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the logging direction on taLoggingDirection.shp plot 9 during the 1987 LINESTRING 59 logging operation at Paracou. ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idDirection Integer Unique direction identifier 1 - 59 idTree Integer Unique tree identifier - Tree Integer Number of the fallen tree 0 - 2004 idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) 99 plot Integer Number or name of plot 9 Geom Geometry Geometry object LINESTRING A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: Forest CIRAD team - Petronelli, P., 1987 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the skid trails created during taSkidTrails.shp the 1987 logging operation POLYGON 42 at Paracou ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idSkid Integer Unique identifier object 1-42 type varchar Type of object SkidTrails idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGONE A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Source: CIRAD forest Team - Petronelli, P., 1987 Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Right to use: Open data Referent contact: Petronelli, P. – CIRAD, UMR EcoFoG Geographical Entity Name Summary Illustration Spatial format Number This spatial layer shows the gaps created during the taGaps.shp 1987 logging operation at POLYGON 412 Paracou ➢ Attribute Table Variable name Type Description Attributes of the variable idGap Integer Unique identifier object 1-42 TypeGap varchar Type of object Gaps idPlot Integer Unique plot identifier (Guyafor network) - Plot Integer Number or name of plot - Geom Geometry Geometry object POLYGON A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
TOPIC: LIDAR (Raster) Projection: EPSG: 32622 – WGS 1984 UTM 22N Referent Name Summary Provider Date Right of use Miscellaneous contact Pixel size: 1 -1 m Dimension X: 2339, Y: 2809 DEM, DSM and DCM of Paracou in 2004 Vincent, G. - DEM2004.tif Sabatier, D. 2005 Open data Band: 1 The aerial laser scanning (ALS) dataset, acquired in IRD Min value: 6.25 October 2004, covers the Paracou experimental station Max value: 39.7 in French Guiana. More precisely, the dataset covers all Pixel size: 1-1 m the whole Paracou plots, except plot 15 that is only Dimension: X: 2339;Y: 2809 covered partially. The area includes logged and Vincent, G. - DSM2004.tif Sabatier, D. 2005 Open data Band: 1 unlogged forest and Pinot palm. Ground echoes are IRD Min value: 19.16 available as well as a digital terrain model (DTM), a Max value: 66.80 digital surface model (DSM), and a digital canopy model Pixel size: 1-1 m (DCM) with a 1 meter resolution. These lidar data were Dimension: X: 2339;Y: 2809 acquired as part of the program CAREFOR (ERDF) under Vincent, G. - DCM2004.tif Sabatier, D. 2005 Open data Band: 1 the aegis of Daniel Sabatier. IRD Min value : 3.45 Max value: 36.4 Pixel size: 5-5 m Dimension: X: 591 ; Y: 875 Vincent, G. - DEM2009.tif Altoa 2009 Open data Band: 1 IRD Min value: 0 DEM, DSM and DCM of Paracou in 2009 Max value: 36.56 The aerial laser scanning (ALS) dataset, acquired on Pixel size: 1 -1 m September 11th, 2009, covers the Paracou experimental Dimension: X: 2996; Y:4384 station in French Guiana. The area includes logged-over Vincent, G. - DSM2009.tif Altoa 2009 Open data Band: 1 and unlogged forest, various forest heights and Pinot IRD Min value: 0 palm swamp forest. Max value: 69.06 Pixel size: 1 -1 m Vincent, G. - DCM2009.tif Altoa 2009 Open data Dimension: X: 2996; Y:4384 IRD Band: 1 A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Min value: 0.057 Max value: 40.52 Pixel size: 1-1 m Dimension: X: 4313; Y:4577 Vincent, G. - DEM2013.tif Altoa 2013 Open data Band: 1 IRD Valeur min : 2.42 DEM, DSM and DCM of Paracou in 2013 Valeur max : 36.77 The aerial laser scanning (ALS) dataset acquired on Pixel size: 1-1 m September 23rd 2013 covers the Paracou experimental Dimension: X: 4313; Y:4577 Vincent, G. - DSM2013.tif station in French Guiana. The coverage includes all Altoa 2013 Open data Band: 1 IRD Guyafor and Guyaflux plots completely with logged- Min value: 20.73 over, unlogged and swamp forests ("Pinot" or "Açai"). Max value: 69.84 Pixel size: 1 -1 m Dimension: X: 4313; Y:4577 Vincent, G. - DCM2013.tif Altoa 2013 Open data Band: 1 IRD Min value: 3.59 Max value : 40.77 Pixel size: 1-1 m Dimension:X:3008;Y:3499 Vincent, G. - DEM2015.tif Altoa 2015 Open data Band: 1 IRD Min value: 2.68 DEM, DSM and DCM of Paracou in 2015 Max value: 37.01 The aerial laser scanning (ALS) dataset acquired on Pixel size: 1-1 m October 20th 2015 covers the Paracou experimental Dimension: X:3008 ; Y:3499 station in French Guiana. The coverage includes all Vincent, G. - DSM2015.tif Altoa 2015 Open data Band: 1 Guyafor and Guyaflux plots completely with logged- IRD Min value: 21.32 over, unlogged and swamp forests ("Pinot" or "Açai"). Max value : 69.54 Pixel size: 1-1 m Dimension: X:3008 ; Y:3499 Vincent, G. - DCM2015.tif Altoa 2015 Open data Band: 1 IRD Min value: 2.93 Max value: 40.37 LIDAR: Remote sensing by laser or LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging or Laser Detection And Ranging) is a long distance, active remote sensing technique based on the analysis of a coherent laser beam reflected back towards its emittor. Lidar has applications in topography (geomorphology, altimetry and bathymetry), geosciences (seismic risk, meteorology, atmospheric physics) and environmental sciences (atmospheric pollution studies, agronomy and forestry), not to mention in archaeology, meteorology, air traffic control, automatic guidance of terrestrial or aerial vehicles, road safety, or defense. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Digital Terrain Model (DTM): A DTM is a 3D representation of the topography of a terrain, not including surface objects such as plants and buildings, created using altitude data. Uses of DTMs: Topography: A 3D layout of the ground surface, without construction or vegetation, is a very precise topographic reference tool. Hydrology : DTMs are a reliable tool for understanding hydrological forms and movements. They can be used to identify watercourses, wetlands,... They can also be used to create Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP), by identifying watersheds, the direction of water flows, hydraulic modeling, and flood simulations. Geology : DTMs can be used to characterize open-pit geological zones such as quarries, mining and gold-bearing areas, etc. Topographic data analysis allows operators to calculate extraction volumes and create development strategies for these areas. Archeology: DTMs can highlight microreliefs related to ancient human activities (old roads, walls, remains of buildings ...) Digital Surface Model (DSM): A DSM is a 3D representation of a terrain and its supersurface, namely vegetation and buildings. Uses of DSM: Forest management: DSMs enable precise characterization of the surface of canopies. Using both DTM and DSM a digital canopy model (DCM) can be created (DCM = DSM-DTM). DCMs allow calculations of forest populations and biomass volumes. These tools are becoming more and more central for the work of environmental and agroforestry professionals. Urban planning: DSMs can equally be used to identify anthropogenic features of a landscape. The creation of models of urban landscapes and their surrounding environments can be useful to urban planners for analyzing the existing urban fabric and planning future developments (e.g. road building, town planning). Telecommunications: DSMs are used in the management of aerial networks (electric pylons, antennas ...). By identifying physical or aesthetic obstacles, DSMs are a suitable tool in the planning and development of networks. Formats and resolution: DTMs and DSMs can have many file extensions. Vectorial, e.g. .xyz, .dwg, .dxf, .shp, .las. Or raster, e.g. ASCII Grid, Mapinfo Grid, .tif, .kmz, .png. DSM 2004 DCM 2009 DEM 2013 DEM 2015 A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Right of Referent Miscellaneou Name Summary Provider Date use contact s Maps_of_topography.tif Raster maps of topography are stored in a multi-layers raster that contains: (i) a raster layer of absolute elevation corresponding to the Digital terrain model (DTM) derived from LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging : data acquired across the Paracou site in October 2009 from the provider Altoa) data (in m); Pixel size: 5-5 (ii) a raster layer of relative elevation corresponding to the relative altitude m above the nearest stream (in m); Open Dimension X: (iii) a raster layer of local slope angle corresponding to the estimation of slope Allié, E. 2015 Allié, E. data 576, Y: 873 angle deviation from the horizontal plane (in degrees). Band: 3 To download the raster and for detailed methods: To download the scientific article : #sec016 Raster maps of soil hydrology are stored in a multi-layers raster that contains: Maps_soil_hydrology.tif (i) a layer of wetness index corresponding to the estimation of soil moisture; (ii) a layer of flow accumulation corresponding to the estimation of surface runoff. Pixel size: 5-5 This raster derived from LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging : data acquired m across the Paracou site in October 2009 from the provider Altoa) data (in m). Open Dimension: X: Allié, E. 2015 Allié, E. data 576, Y: 873 To download the raster and for detailed methods: Band: 2 To download the scientific article : #sec016 A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Raster maps of soil fertility are stored in a multi-layers raster that contains: (i) a layer of total C content (in; (ii) a layer of available P content (in; Maps_soil_fertility.tif (iii) a layer of Al exchangeable (in; (iv) a layer of H exchangeable (in; (v) a layer of exchange bases soil-saturation (BS in %). Pixel size: 5-5 m This raster derived from LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging : data acquired Open Allié, E. 2015 Allié, E. Dimension: X: across the Paracou site in October 2009 from the provider Altoa) data (in m) data 592, Y: 876 Band: 5 To download the raster and for detailed methods: To download the scientific article : #sec016 A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
APPENDICES Appendix 1: Organization of the database A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Appendix 2: Forest treatments in Paracou A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Appendix 3: Inventory of soil mapping studies in Paracou and related studies (geomorphology ...) (adapted from Weigel 2006, simplified and completed) Study Referent Plot Comments Boulet & Brunet 1983 Soil sampling to implement the site map Barthes 1991 P1, P6, P11 Soils mapping Lhériteau 1994 B. Ferry P16 Soils mapping Ferry 1998 à 2001 All Map of bottomlands according to water table depth Le Fol 2002 V. Freycon All Geomorphological survey Malherbe 2002 V. Freycon Geomorphological survey (toposequences) Soucémarianadin 20046 V. Freycon Description of 15 reference profiles Soucémarianadin 2004 V. Freycon P1, P6 Soils mapping Control plots Cantet 2004 B. Ferry Map of water logging, based on color (P1, P6, P11 à P15) Weigel 2005-2006 V. Freycon P11, P13, P14, P15 Soils mapping Roelens 2006-2007 V. Freycon P4, P5, P7, P9, P10, P12 Soils mapping Weigel 2009 V. Freycon P2, P3, P8 Soils mapping Weigel & Freycon 2010 All A printed synthesis report on soil mapping 6 Pers. comm. A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
Appendix 4: List of contacts Firstname Name Institute eMail Elodie Allié - Aurélie Dourdain CIRAD – UMR EcoFoG Bruno Ferry AgroParisTech – UFR FAM CIRAD - UPR Forêts et Vincent Freycon Sociétés AgroParisTech – UMR Gaëlle Jaouen EcoFoG Pascal Petronelli CIRAD – UMR EcoFoG AgroParisTech – UMR Stéphane Traissac EcoFoG Grégoire Vincent IRD-UMR AMAP A.Dourdain (UMR EcoFoG - CIRAD) March 2020
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