WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood

Page created by Jeffrey Sanders
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
    WINTER            RE C
           OD PARKS &
  LIN              Y 2021          A
                            ARY - M

WHAT’S INSIDE Winter Virtual & In-Person | Spring Youth | Adult
  6900 Lincoln Ave. Lincolnwood, IL 60712 | 847.677.9740 |
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
general info
    Administrative staff
    6900 N. Lincoln Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60712
    Phone: (847)677-9740 | Fax: (847)673-4413

    Melissa Rimdzius-Marsh, CPRP, CPO, CPSI
    Director of Parks and Recreation

    Anna Koperski-Walsh, CPO
    Superintendent of Parks and Recreation
                                                                             Daughter Dance
    Katie Lazzara, CPO                                                       more details to come
    Recreation Supervisor
                                                                                   April 2021

    Olivia Zdeb, CPRP
    Recreation Supervisor

    Julie Glowacki

    The Parks and Recreation Board reviews and
    recommends policies, fees, administrative and
    budgetary matters. Parks and Recreation Board
    meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the                              stay tuned for more details
    month in the Village Hall Chambers and virtually.
    Meetings begin promptly at 7:00pm. The public is                                     May 2021
    encouraged to attend.

1      Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department          LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
VIRTUAL youth Winter
All virtual classes will be held on Zoom. A link to the class will be emailed out prior to the start of
the class. Links to the class will never be shared publicly and everyone will be put in a ‘waiting
room’ prior to the start of the class. Only registered participants will be granted access to the class.
Participants will need to provide their own computer or tablet to participate in the class.

Kid Stem Studio: minecraft redstone
Using Minecraft's Redstone blocks, participants learn and build electronic circuits to act in
response to player activation or autonomously. Participants create devices with simple to
complex mechanisms such as light switches, traps, elevators and automatic farms to take
Minecraft to a next level.
  AGES: 8-12 | Monday 3:30-4:30PM
  Winter January 11-February 15 | $150R/$188NR | 101254.A

Kid Stem Studio: coding & game design
Learn to code using Tynker's own visual programming language, featuring visual drag-n-drop
logic blocks that eliminate the need to understand programming syntax. Participants learn to
design and code their own games and apps using an extensive media gallery and physics
engine. While developing games and apps, participants also learn programming concepts like
variables, loops, conditional statements, and event handling.

  AGES: 8-12 | Wednesday 3:15-4:15PM
  Winter January 13-February 17 | $150R/$188NR | 101252.A

Kid Stem Studio: coding & game design 2
Participants learn to create and publish their own 2D games and apps using Construct 3's
powerful visual system. Construct 3 is a powerful, event-based software that allows students to
learn the principles of programming such as input/output, variables, loops, conditional
statements, data structures and much more in an accessible and easy to understand way.
Participants will gain confidence and a one-of-a-kind learning experience as they develop fun,
interactive animations and games that will not only teach them to develop games but also how
to think like a programmer.

  AGES: 11-14 | Wednesday 4:30-5:30PM
  Winter January 13-February 17 | $150R/$188NR | 101253.A

                                                      register online at      2
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
VIRTUAL youth Winter
 CIAO bella sewing: pillow Making
 Dive into the world of hand sewing during this fun & creative four week virtual class. Participants
 will spend the first week learning about & reviewing hand sewing. Then, they will start sewing
 Valentine’s Day pillows. This is the perfect class for new or returning sewers. All supplies are
 included and will be mailed to your home or available for pick up at Village Hall.

    AGES: 7-10 | Monday 4:15-5PM
    Valentine Pillow | Winter January 11-February 1 | $103R/$129NR | 101303.A
    Penguin Pillow | Winter February 8-March 1 | $103R/$129NR | 101303.B

Harmonious horizons: music together
This is the essential Music Together class, one that a child can attend from birth through age five.
Based on the recommendations of child development researchers, this class groups children of a
variety of ages, which fosters natural, family-style learning. Younger children enjoy watching and
imitating the older ones; older children learn by leading younger ones; and adults enjoy having their
whole family in class together. Each child participates at his or her own level in singing, moving,
chanting, listening, watching and exploring musical instruments.

   AGES: 0-6 | Monday 9:30-9:55AM
   Winter January 11-February 15 | $130R/$162.50NR | 101350.A

Chicago Loves Dance: Adult & Child yoga
This class is run by professional yoga instructors from Chicago Loves Dance. Children and caregivers
will learn together in this fun, family-oriented class! Yoga is wonderful for improving listening skills,
building self-esteem, and supporting social and emotional learning as well as manging stress and
relaxation in adolescence. Equipment needed: Yoga mat or towel.

  AGES: 3-6 | Tuesday 5-5:30PM
  Winter January 12-February 9 | $90R/$112NR | 101240.A

Chicago Loves Dance: BITTY BALLET
Get your little one dancing with Chicago Loves Dance, Bitty Ballet. Participants will learn the basic
positions of ballet, all while they dance and sing along. This is a beginner level class with no
experience necessary.
  AGES: 2-5 | Wednesday 10-10:45AM
  Winter January 13-February 17 | $78R/$97NR | 101401.A

3     Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
VIRTUAL youth Winter
Under the creative direction of skilled Chicago Loves Dance instructors, participants will learn
choreography to newest pop/dance songs, show off their creativity in free-style choreography
sessions, and more. Chicago Loves Dance runs on the philosophy that dance should open your
child’s creative abilities and have fun!

   GRADES: 2-6 | Saturday 10-11AM
   Winter January 16-February 20 | $90R/$112NR | 101403.A

Chicago Loves Dance: CHeerleading
Under the direction of Chicago Loves Dance Instructors, participants will learn cheers and poms
choreography in this upbeat class. They will learn a handful of new cheers weekly, work on form,
and add on to their poms dance routine.

  GRADE: 1-8 | Friday 3:30-4:30PM
  Winter January 15-February 19 | $90R/$112NR | 101402.A

Next Level Martial Arts offers a safe, supportive environment where participants will receive
professional coaching and feel great about themselves along the way. Participants will have a chance
to combine, fitness, confidence and character development. Each class will cover warm up agility drills,
stretching and Taekwondo basics. Next Level Martial Arts will challenge students to focus, persevere,
and work well with others.

  AGES: 6-12 | Saturday 11:30-12:30PM
  Winter January 16-February 20 | $120R/$150NR | 101200.A

 Hot Shots: Pee Wee Soccer
 This class is designed to increase balance, body awareness, motor skills, and make soccer fun.
 Participants will work on ball touches and controlling the ball. Throughout the class, participants
 will work on balance and movements through games and challenges. Equipment needed: soccer
 ball and 4-6 place markers.
   AGES: 3-6 | Thursday 3-3:45PM
   Winter January 7-January 28 | $36R/$43NR | 102404.A

                                                          register online at        4
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
VIRTUAL youth Winter
Hot Shots: Lil ‘Dribblers
The Lil’ Dribblers Basketball program will focus on training balance, body awareness, motor skills,
hand eye coordination, and the ability to follow directions. Dribbling skills will be developed as
well as body positioning on offense and defense. Equipment needed: basketball, 4-6 place
markers, and a cone or something to simulate one.

    AGES: 3-6| Monday 4-4:45PM                                AGES: 3-6| Friday 10:15-11AM
    Winter January 4-January 25                               Winter January 8-January 29
     $24R/$29NR | 101227.A                                    $36R/$43NR | 101227.B
    * No programs on January 18th

Hot Shots: Sports & More
Participants in this class will be introduced to the fundamentals of sports including basketball,
soccer and t-ball. Classes will keep participants active while playing games, participating in
challenges and work on balance, jumping and movement. Equipment needed: An assortment
of balls and 4-6 place markers.
    AGES: 3-6 | Thursday 4-4:45PM
    Winter January 7-January 28 | $36R/$43NR | 101229.A

Hot Shots: Fitness & Fun!
Stay active and have fun! This class is a great way to keep your young ones busy while
incorporating stretches, balancing, and jumping through games and challenges. Equipment
needed: yoga mat or towel, 4-6 place markers, ball (any kind).

 AGES: 2-6 | Friday 9:15-10AM                                     NEW

 Winter January 8-January 29 | $36R/$43NR | 101239.A

Hot Shots: Basketball 101
This class is designed to improve overall coordination and athleticism. Drills and activities are aimed
to improve speed, endurance, explosive power and reaction time. Equipment needed: 6-8 floor
markers and a basketball.

    AGES: 5-8 | Wednesday 4-4:45PM
    Winter January 6-January 27 | $36R/$43NR | 101226.A

5     Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks      @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
WINTER & SPRING - Village of Lincolnwood
VIRTUAL youth Winter
Hot Shots: Basketball 201
Work on individual skills and improve on ball handling, footwork and conditioning. This class is for
the more advanced participants that have already developed some fundamental skills. Equipment
needed: two basketballs and 4-6 place markers.

 AGES: 9-12 | Wednesday 5-5:45PM
 Winter January 6-January 27 | $36R/$43NR | 101228.A

Hot Shots: Soccer skills clinic 101
Participants are introduced to the fundamentals of soccer such as foot skills, offensive moves,
defensive moves, and keeping/controlling the ball. Fun games will be played to reinforce these
skills and keep the participants active! Equipment needed: soccer ball and 4-6 place markers.

  AGES: 5-8 | Tuesday 4-4:45PM
  Winter January 5-January 26 | $36R/$43NR | 101409.A

Hot Shots: Soccer skills clinic 201
Work on individual skills and improve on ball handling, footwork and conditioning. This class is
for the more advanced participants that have already developed some fundamental skills.
Equipment needed: a soccerball and 4-6 place markers.

   AGES: 9-12 | Tuesday 5-5:45PM
   Winter January 5-January 26 | $36R/$43NR | 101410.A

Hot Shots: Fitness, Speed, & Agilty
This class is designed to improve overall coordination and athleticism. Drills and activities are
aimed to improve speed, endurance, explosive power and reaction time. Equipment needed:
6-8 floor markers and a ball (any kind).
  AGES: 7-14 | Thursday 5-5:45PM
 Winter January 7- January 28 | $36R/$43NR | 101238.C

 All virtual classes will be held on Zoom. A link to the class will be emailed out prior to the start
 of the class. Links to the class will never be shared publicly and everyone will be put in a
 ‘waiting room’ prior to the start of the class. Only registered participants will be granted
 access to the class. Participants will need to provide their own computer or tablet to
 participate in the class.

                                                        register online at   6
VIRTUAL youth Winter
 Hot Shots: Total Sports
 Participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of sports including basketball, soccer, and
 t-ball. Class will be active and fun, with games and challenges working on balancing, jumping, and
 movement. Equipment needed: basketball, soccer ball, baseball, multi-purpose ball, and 4-6 place
    AGES: 7-14 | Monday 5-5:45PM
    Winter January 4-January 25 | $24R/$29NR | 101407.A
    * No programs on January 18th

 in-person youth winter
Crafty Kids is here to bring all of your favorite crafts to life. Instructors will guide the students
through the projects while allowing them to add their own creative touch to each masterpiece. Craft
projects are themed each week and change each session. This class will be held outdoors with
heater & access to indoor bathrooms. Indoor heated spaces will be available if participants need to
warm up. Class will be canceled if the temperature is "feel like" 20 degrees or lower & participants
can pick up their supplies to complete the craft at home.

  Location: Community Center Patio
  AGES: 5-11| Thursday 4:30-5:30PM
  Winter January 28-February 18 | $100R/$125NR | 101301.A

studio 219
Is your teenager looking for a craft program that isn’t just popsicle sticks & slime? Well look no
further, Studio 219 is the program for you! Participants will explore new art techniques, create
multi-week projects & take those boring old projects to the next level worth! Large crafts, detail
orientated & participant feedback is the core of this art and craft teen class. All equipment and
supplies will be provided. This class will be held outdoors with heater & access to indoor bath-
rooms. Indoor heated spaces will be available if participants need to warm up. Class will be can-
celed if the temperature is "feel like" 20 degrees or lower & participants can pick up their sup-
plies to complete the craft at home.
  Location: Community Center Patio
  AGES: 12-17 | Thursday 6-7PM
  Winter January 14-February 18 | $150R/$188NR | 101302.A

7    Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks    @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
Get net ready with Hot Shots Net Sports. Each week participants will play a different net sport.
Sports include: tennis, badminton, pickle ball, and volleyball. Participants will have the opportunity to
develop skills associated with each sport. The program emphasis is placed on skill development,
teamwork and sportsmanship.

 Location: Community Center
 AGES: 7-10 | Monday 4:30-5:30PM
 Spring 1 March 1-April 12 | $90R/$112NR | 101235.A
 * No programs on March 29th

HOT SHOTS: NERF Elite Battle
Each week we will play many different Nerf Elite battle games, including an all-out battler. Come
experience this classic basement activity in an arena style team environment. All equipment will be
provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment and eye wear. This program
features a different theme each week.

 Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center
 AGES: 7-13 | Monday 5:45-6:45PM
 Spring 1 March 1-April 12 | $90R/$112NR | 101232.B
 * No programs on March 29th

 Location: Proesel Park Shelter
 AGES: 7-13 | Monday 5:45-6:45PM
 Spring 2 April 26 - May 24 | $75R/$94NR | 101232.C

Dip, dodge and duck your way through Hot Shots Dodgeball. The youth dodgeball class gives
participants an opportunity to play the popular game in a safe and supervised environment.
The program uses soft balls and puts an emphasis on game play safety. Each week, different
teams are formed, and a different style of dodge ball is played.

 Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center
 AGES: 9-15 | Thursday 3:15-4:15PM
 Spring 1 March 4-April 15 | $90R/$112NR | 101236.A
 * No programs on April 1

                                                        register online at     8
HOT Shots: Mini Ninja Warriors
Mini Ninja Warriors will leap, hop, skip, run your way through obstacles and put your Ninja
skills to the test. This fun movement-based class will challenge your ninja to maneuver over
and under objects. No equipment needed, all supplies will be provided.

    Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center                           NEW
    AGES: 4-7 | Saturday 1-1:45PM
    Spring 1 March 6 - April 17 | $90R/$112NR | 101237.A
    * No programs on April 3

    Location: Proesel Park Shelter
    AGES 4-7 | Saturday 1-1:45PM
    Spring 2 May 1 - June 5 | $75R/$94NR | 101237.B
    * No programs on May 29

HOT SHOTS: speed & agility
The speed & agility class aims to improve overall coordination and athleticism. Each class will
focus on introducing and developing basic and advanced kinetic movements. This progression
program includes drills and activities aimed to improve; agility, speed, endurance and explosive
power. This is the perfect program to supplement your child’s other sport participation.

    Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center
    AGES: 8-15 | Saturday 2-3PM
    Spring 1 March 6 - April 17 | $90R/$112NR | 101238.A
    * No programs on April 3
    Spring 2 May 1 - June 5 | $75R/$94NR | 101238.B
    * No programs on May 29

 Learn the basic form and techniques in this fun and
 introductory class to archery. Equipment will be
 provided and each participant will learn in a safe,
                                                                       In affiliation with the Lincolnwood Parks and Recreation
 and well supervised environment.                                         Department, the Lincolnwood Baseball and Softball
                                                                          Association is proudly offering youth baseball and
                                                                           girls; softball programs this Spring. We welcome
    Location: Proesel Park Shelter                                      residents and non-residents from Pre-K through the 8th
    AGES: 7-10 | Monday 4:45-5:45PM                                        Join before February 21st to avoid late fees.
                                                                                 Registration at
    Spring 2 April 26 - May 24 | $90R/$112NR | 101233.A
                                                                               E-mail questions to
                                                                                     Follow us on Facebook at
                                                                         Join our mailing list at

9     Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks              @LincolnwoodPks
HOT SHOTS: Volleyball SKills Clinic 1
This clinic includes instruction on all major volleyball skills; serving, passing, setting and attacking.
Players receive a solid foundation of these fundamental skills through fun and active drills, building
up to team play. This class is for the volleyball beginner looking to understand the game and learn
new skills. Kneepads are recommended.

 Location: Proesel Park Sand Volleyball Courts | AGES: 7-10 | Saturday 1-1:45PM
 Spring 2 May 1-June 5 | $75R/$94NR | 101230.B
 * No programs on May 29th

HOT SHOTS: Volleyball SKills Clinic 2
This clinic will focus on progressing all skills including, transitioning from free ball, offense,
defense, and developing specific positions. This is a great opportunity for players to progress
their skill level and knowledge of the game. Kneepads are recommended.

 Location: Proesel Park Sand Volleyball Courts | AGES: 11-13 | Saturday 2-3PM
 Spring 2 May 1-June 5 | $75R/$94NR | 101231.A
 * No programs on May 29th

HOT SHOTS: advanced volleyball training
This small group skills clinic includes advanced instruction on all major volleyball skills: serving,
passing, setting and attacking. This class is for the advanced volleyball player that has a strong
foundation of these skills and is looking for a more intensive focus. Kneepads are recommended.

 Location: Proesel Park Volleyball Sand Courts | AGES: 12-15 | Thursday 3:15-4:15PM
 Spring 2 April 29-June 3 | $75R/$94NR | 102230.A

Next Level Martial Arts offers a safe, supportive environment where participants will receive
professional coaching and feel great about themselves along the way. Participants will have a chance
to combine, fitness, confidence and character development. Each class will cover warm up agility drills,
stretching and Taekwondo basics. Next Level Martial Arts will challenge students to focus, persevere,
and work well with others.

 Location: Community Center                          Location: Proesel Park Shelter
 AGES: 6-12 | Saturday 11:30-12:30PM                 AGES: 6-12 | Saturday 11:30-12:30PM
 Spring 1 March 6-April 17 | $100R/$102NR | 101200.B Spring 2 May 1-June 5 | $120R/$150NR | 101200.C
 * No programs on April 3

                                                            register online at       10
  E-Town Tennis                                  Location: Proesel Park Tennis Courts
                                                 AGES: 4-6 | Saturday 9-10AM
  Quick start tennis is the United States        Spring 1 March 6-April 17 | $102R/$128NR | 101400.B
  Tennis Association’s (USTA) fun way to         Spring 2 April May 1-June 5 | $102R/$128NR | 101400.D
  help develop tennis skills in players of
  all ages and be successful from your           Location: Proesel Park Tennis Courts
  very first swing.                              AGES 7-11 | Tuesday 5-6PM
  * No programs on March 30th and                Spring 1 March 2-April 13 | $102R/$128NR | 101400.A
  April 3rd                                      Spring 2 April 27-June 1 | $102R/$128NR | 101400.C


                                             RUN | WALK | BIKE CHALLENGE
                                               JANUARY 2021- MARCH 2021
 Stay motivated and stretch your limits in this local, virtual challenge!

 Lincolnwood Limits is designed to be a community-based challenge that encourages participants to
 commit to running, walking, biking, or otherwise completing the equivalent of the distance of
 Lincolnwood's boundaries (7.7 miles) a certain times each month.

 This virtual event will begin in January 2021 and run through March 2021, to help us stay motivated
 during our region's coldest months. You will receive a race shirt and medal, and will have the opportunity
 to earn custom, Lincolnwood-themed pins to add to your medal’s lanyard each month.

                                         Register online today


                                             SPONSORED BY:

11   Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department     LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks

Keep your kids busy with our School’s Out! program, which operates on half and full days off of school.
Students will spend their days off playing games, creating crafty masterpieces, and taking on fun
challenges with friends. Each day features a variety of fun-filled, themed activities. Advanced registration
is required for each half and full day off of school. A Minimum of ten participants is needed to run each

Half Day Programs
Participants will be walked to the Community Center (6900 N. Lincoln Avenue) after school dismisses.
Date                       Theme                    Fee                 Code
Friday, April 30           Spring Fling             $30R/$38NR          501000.D
Friday, May 28             Rockets                  $30R/$38NR          501000.E

Full Day Programs
Students meet at the Community Center (6900 N. Lincoln Avenue) for a fun-filled day.

Date                       Theme                       Fee                 Code
Monday, January 18         Snowflake Science           $50R/$63NR          501100.F
Tuesday, January 19        Drive-In Movie Theatre      $50R/$63NR          501100.G
Monday, February 15        Superhero Surprise          $50R/$63NR          501100.H
Friday, February 26        Make a Movie                $50R/$63NR          501100.I
Monday, March 1            Spring into Fitness         $50R/$63NR          501100.J
Monday, March 22           Spring Break Camp           $60R/$75NR          501100.K
Tuesday, March 23          Spring Break Camp           $60R/$75NR          501100.L
Wednesday, March 24        Spring Break Camp           $60R/$75NR          501100.M
Thursday March 25          Spring Break Camp           $60R/$75NR          501100.N
Friday March 26            Spring Break Camp           $60R/$75NR          501100.O
M-F March 22-26            Spring Break Camp           $250R/$315NR        501100.P

                                                       register online at        12
Youth S.t.e.a.m.
Kid Stem Studio: minecraft redstone
Using Minecraft's Redstone blocks, participants learn and build electronic circuits to act in response
to player activation or autonomously. Participants create devices with simple to complex
mechanisms such as light switches, traps, elevators and automatic farms to take Minecraft to a next
 Location: Community Center or Virtual
 AGES: 8-12 | Monday 3:30-4:30PM
 Spring 1 March 1-April 12 | $150R/$188NR | 101254.B
 Spring 2 April 26-May 31| $150R/$188NR | 101254.C

Kid Stem Studio: coding & game design
Learn to code using Tynker's own visual programming language, featuring visual drag-n-drop logic
blocks that eliminate the need to understand programming syntax. Participants learn to design and
code their own games and apps using an extensive media gallery and physics engine. While
developing games and apps, participants also learn programming concepts like variables, loops,
conditional statements, and event handling.

 Location: Community Center or Virtual
 AGES: 8-12 | Wednesday 3:15-4:15PM
 Spring 1 March 3-April 14 | $150R/$188NR | 101252.B
 Spring 2 April 28-June 2 | $150R/$188NR | 101252.C

Kid Stem Studio: coding & game design 2
Participants learn to create and publish their own 2D games and apps using Construct 3's powerful
visual system. Construct 3 is a powerful, event-based software that allows students to learn the
principles of programming such as input/output, variables, loops, conditional statements, data
structures and much more in an accessible and easy to understand way. Participants will gain
confidence and a one-of-a-kind learning experience as they develop fun, interactive animations and
games that will not only teach them to develop games but also how to think like a programmer.

 Location: Community Center or Virtual
 AGES: 11-14 | Wednesday 4:30-5:30PM
 Spring 1 March 3-April 14 | $150R/$188NR | 101253.B
 Spring 2 April 28-June 2 | $150R/$188NR | 101253.C

13      Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
Youth S.t.e.a.m.
All-Stars classes focus on learning the fundamentals of acting, communicating and working
together as an ensemble, and empowering participants to find their own voices and ways to
express themselves onstage and off. The session will end with a showcase performance to
show off the student’s skills.

  Location: Proesel Park Shelter
  AGES: 5-12 |Tuesday 3:15-4:15PM
  Spring 1 March 2-April 13 | $96R/$120NR | 101360.A
  Spring 2 April 27-June 1 | $96R/$120NR | 101360.B

Crafty Kids is here to bring all of your favorite crafts to life. Instructors will guide the students
through the projects while allowing them to add their own creative touch to each masterpiece.
Craft projects are themed each week and change each session. All supplies and materials will be
   Location: Community Center or Community Center Patio
   AGES: 5-11| Thursday 4:30-5:30PM
   Spring 1 March 4-April 15 | $175R/$219NR | 101301.B
   Spring 2 April 29-June 3 | $150R/$188NR | 101301.C

 studio 219
 Is your teenager looking for a craft program that isn’t just popsicle sticks & slime? Well look no
 further, Studio 219 is the program for you! Participants will explore new art techniques, create
 multi-week projects & take those boring old projects to the next level! Large crafts, detail
 orientated & participant feedback is the core of this art and craft teen class. All equipment and
 supplies will be provided.
   Location: Community Center or Community Center Patio
   AGES: 12-17 | Thursday 6-7PM
   Spring 1 March 4-April 15 | $150R/$188NR | 101302.B     NEW
   Spring 2 April 29-June 3 | $150R/$188NR | 101302.C

                                                       register online at    14
dance & music
Chicago Loves Dance: CHeerleading
Under the direction of Chicago Loves Dance Instructors, participants will learn cheers and
poms choreography in this upbeat class. They will learn a handful of new cheers weekly, work
on form, and add on to their poms dance routine. No equipment is needed.
  Location: Community Center or Outside Community Center
  GRADES: 1-8 | Friday 3:30-4:30PM
  Spring 1 March 4-April 16 | $75R/$94NR | 101402.B
  Spring 2 April 30-June 4 | $90R/$112NR | 101402.C
  * No programs on April 2nd

 CHICAGO LOVES DANCE: Tumbling & Gymnastics
 Introduce your child to tumbling and gymnastics with instructors from Chicago Loves Dance!
 Participants move, stretch, jump, and tumble! Watch your active youngster progress from
 somersault to cartwheel in this fun class.

 Location: Community Center or Outside Community Center
 GRADES: K-2 | Thursday 4:30-4:30PM
 Spring 1 March 4-April 15 | $75R/$94NR | 101404.B
 Spring 2 April 29-June 3 | $90R/$120NR | 101404.C
 * No programs on April 1st

Under the creative direction of skilled Chicago Loves Dance instructors, participants will learn
choreography to newest pop/dance songs, show off their creativity in free-style choreography
sessions, and more. Chicago Loves Dance runs on the philosophy that dance should open your
child’s creative abilities and be FUN! They pride themselves on teaching the self-esteem and
socialization needed in everyday life through the activity of dance and performance. The last day
of the class will be a parent showcase where dancers will do a short performance to show off their
new talents.

  Location: Community Center
  GRADES: 2-6 | Saturday 10-11AM
  Spring 1 March 6-April 17 | $75R/$94NR | 101403.B
  Spring 2 May 1-June 5 | $90R/$120NR | 101403.C
  * No programs on April 3rd

15    Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks
dance & music
Harmonious horizons: music together
This is the essential Music Together class, one that a child can attend from birth through age five.
Based on the recommendations of child development researchers, this class groups children of a
variety of ages, which fosters natural, family-style learning. Younger children enjoy watching and
imitating the older ones; older children learn by leading younger ones; and adults enjoy having their
whole family in class together. Each child participates at his or her own level in singing, moving,
chanting, listening, watching and exploring musical instruments.

   Location: Proesel Park Shelter
   AGES: 0-6 | Tuesday 9:30-10:15AM
   Spring March 30-June 1 | $215R/$269NR | 101350.B

Chicago Loves Dance: BITTY BALLET
Get your little one dancing with Chicago Loves Dance, Bitty Ballet. Participants will learn the
basic positions of ballet, all while they dance and sing along. This is a beginner level class with
no experience necessary. No equipment is needed.
  Location: Community Center
  AGES: 2-5 | Wednesday 10-10:45AM
  Spring 1 March 3-April 14 | $65R/$81NR | 101401.B
  Spring 2 April 28-June 2 | $78R/$97NR | 101401.C
  * No programs on March 31st

Chicago Loves Dance: Adult & Child yoga
This class is run by professional yoga instructors from Chicago Loves Dance. Children and
caregivers will learn together in this fun, family-oriented class! Yoga is wonderful for improving
listening skills, building self-esteem, and supporting social and emotional learning as well as
manging stress and relaxation in adolescence.

 Location: Community Center or Outside
 AGES: 3-6 | Tuesday 5-5:30PM
 Spring 1 March 2-April 13 | $100R/$125NR | 101240.B
 Spring 2 April 27-June 1 | $120R/$150NR | 101240.C
 * No programs on March 30th

                                                       register online at      16
     Shake, shake and shrink in this one hour class that features both Zumba and Zumba Toning
     Dance to world rhythms to burn calories, boost energy, and set your body free. Then pick up
     your toning sticks or light hand weights for some serious body-sculpting to rhythms. Light
     hand weights are available and cleaned before and after each class, however participants are
     encouraged to bring their own light hand weights when possible.

     Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center
     AGES: 16+ | Wednesday 7-8PM
     Spring 1 March 3-April 14 | $48R/$60NR | 103201.A
     Spring 2 April 28-June 2 | $48R/$60NR | 103201.B
     *Drop in $10R/$13NR per class

     Peace Yoga is the perfect combination of basic stretches, yoga postures, breath work,
     meditation and relaxation all geared to create harmony within the mind, body and spirit. It
     promotes healthy internal organ functions and smooth energy circulation within all systems of
     the body. Peace Yoga movements are designed to stretch and tone muscles, loosen stiff joints,
     help correct poor posture, improve balance and leave you feeling agile and refreshed.
     Location: Proesel Park Shelter or Community Center
     AGES: 16+ | Monday 6:45-7:45PM
     Spring 1 March 1-April 12 | $72R/$90NR | 103202.A
     Spring 2 April 26-May 24 | $72R/$90NR | 103202.B

     Forever FItness
     For older adults and seniors who want to stay healthy and independent, the National Institutes
     of Health (NIH) recommends four types of exercise. Strength exercises build muscle and
     increase metabolism which helps keep weight and blood sugar in check. Balance exercises
     build leg muscles which help prevent falls. Stretching gives you more freedom of movements
     and en durance exercises (walking, jogging, swimming biking etc.) increase heart rate and
     breathing. This class will cover all four elements. Participants are encouraged to bring a water
     bottle and wear sun protection. The maximum number of participants may change at anytime
     due to COVID-19 restrictions. You may need to call 847.677.9740 to reserve a spot.
     Location: Proesel Park Shelter
     AGES 55+ | Tuesday & Thursday | 9-9:50AM | $2 per person

17     Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department   LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodParks   @LincolnwoodPks


 1   Arthur M. Goebelt Park            9 Kenneth Park
 2   Central Park                      10 Kildare Park
 3   Centennial Park                   11 M. Lester Flowers Park
 4   Charles L. O’Brien Park           12 Richard R. Rossi Park

 5   Columbia Park                     13 Springfield Park

 6   Drake Park                        14 Valley Line Trail

 7   G.G. Rowell Park                  15 Union Pacific Trail

 8   Henry A. Proesel Park

                               register online at   18
Parks & Path Directory

                                                                                                                                                                                            Outdoor Exercise Equipment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Outdoor Ice Skating (Winter)
                                   Baseball/Softball Diamonds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Shelter with Restrooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Playground Equipment
                                                                                                                                                                     Outdoor Amphitheater
                                                                                                                       Half Basketball Court
                                                                                               Full Basketball Court

                                                                                                                                               Inline Skating Rink

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pickleball Courts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Volleyball Courts
                                                                            Fishing Platform

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Swimming Pool

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Walk/Bike Path
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tennis Courts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Picnic Tables

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Skate Spot
                                                                Disc Golf
 Arthur M. Goebelt Park
                                      •    ••
                                      •    •• •
 6621 Kilbourn Ave.
 Central Park

                                    •• •             •
 6451 Central Park Ave.
 Centennial Park

                                      •    ••
 6801 McCormick Blvd.
 Charles L. O’Brien Park

                                      •    ••
 7260 East Prairie Rd.
 Columbia Park

                                      •    ••
 3745 Columbia Ave.
 Drake Park

                                      •    ••
 6750 Drake Ave.
 G.G. Rowell Park

                                   • • • •••• • ••••
 6555 Albion Ave.
 Henry A. Proesel Park

                                      •    ••
 7030 N. Lincoln Ave.
 Kenneth Park

                                      •    ••
 7255 Kenneth Ave.
 Kildare Park

                                      •    •• •
 7245 Kildare Ave.
 M. Lester Flowers Park

                                      •    ••
 4520 W. Pratt Ave.
 Richard R. Rossi Park

                                      •    •• •
 7025 Keystone Ave.
 Springfield Park

 3901 Arthur Ave.
 Valley Line Trail

 Devon Ave. & Jarvis Ave.
 Union Pacific Trail Corridor
 between Devon & Touhy Ave.

 Park Rules & Regulations
 •     All park hours are 6 am - 9 pm (except for Proesel Park, which is open from 6 am - 11 pm).
 •     Smoking, Alcoholic beverages, smoking, and illegal drugs are prohibited
 •     Overnight parking is not allowed at Centennial Park or Proesel Park.
 •     Pets are not allowed in the parks (except for Centennial Park and walking paths). Dogs must be kept on leash at all
 •     Bicycles must remain on a paved vehicular road or path designated for this purpose.
 •     Proesel Park Shelter, soccer areas, and ball field permits are available through the Parks and Recreation Department.
 •     To report suspicious activity or vandalism in the park, please dial 911.

19     Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department                                                                                LincolnwoodParks                                                                                                        @LincolnwoodParks                                                                            @LincolnwoodPks
Available through our website at
                                                                  WALK-IN REGISTRATION
                                                                  Monday-Friday 9-5PM
Registration forms can be printed out and faxed to                Cash, check, or credit card accepted (Visa or
(847)-673-4413 or emailed to                   MasterCard).

MAIL-IN REGISTRATION                                              AFTER-HOURS DROP OFF REGISTRATION
The Village of Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Dept.               Place your completed registration form in a sealed
6900 Lincoln Ave. Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712                     envelope in the 24-hour brown drop box located in the
Checks and credit cards preferred. Make checks payable            front of the Municipal Complex in the circular drive.
to the Village of Lincolnwood.                                    Checks and credit cards only. Make checks payable to
                                                                  the Village of Lincolnwood.
You can register for programs at, it’s fast and easy! Simply enter your username, password, and follow
the user-friendly directions. Not sure of your login information? Contact the Parks & Recreation Department at
(847)-677-9740. We accept payments online using a Visa or MasterCard. We hope you enjoy the convenience of
registering for our programs online.

Registration forms are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. To register for a class you must complete a registration
form including participant(s) name(s) and program code number(s). One family per registration form. All of our classes
have minimums and maximums. Please sign up for a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the class to avoid class

The Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department is committed to providing high quality recreation programs and
services. We want everyone to be satisfied with their recreation experiences. If you are not completely satisfied with our
programs or services, please contact us as soon as possible.

General refunds will be granted when requested five full working days before the start of a program. All refunds are
subject to a 10% administrative fee and will be mailed in the form of a check within 4-6 weeks of your request.

We do understand that there may be a time when the program you registered for didn’t match your needs. If that is the
case, we encourage you to share your feedback, ideas and suggestions for improvement as soon as possible. If we are
unable to work through it together we will refund you for all the classes not attended less a 10% administrative fee.

Should you need to discontinue in the program due to an illness, emergency, or relocation, we ask that you submit proof
of relocation or a written medical explanation from a physician. Upon receipt we will refund for all the classes not
attended less a 10% administrative fee.

In the event a program does not meet minimum registration, the class may be canceled with full refunds issued

At this time, only field rentals are permitted. This may change at any time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If a rental is
canceled 3 weeks before the scheduled date, a full refund less a 10% administrative fee is issued. If a rental is canceled 20
days or less before the scheduled date, a 50% refund less a 10% administrative refund will be issued.

Due the large amount of information included in each season brochure, errors may occur. There may be last minute
changes in days and times of classes, registration requirements, and fees once the brochure has gone to print. You will be
advised in a timely manner of any changes. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Photographs and videos are periodically taken of participants while they are engaging in programs, special events, or
enjoying the parks. Please be aware that these photos and videos may appear in local newspapers, Village publications,
cable access program or on the Village website.
                                                                   register online at            20
Self-Check: How do you feel? If you are experiencing any illness symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of
breath, do not enter the area and do not participate in play.

Waiver/Daily Pre-Screen All Lincolnwood program participants are required to have signed waiver and daily health
pre-screen. Field and facility renters are required to have a signed Rental Release and Waiver Regarding COVID-19.

Cleaning Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Sanitize any equipment you that you will bring
with you to play.

Considerations Consider taking extra precautions such as wearing gloves, bringing disposable water bottles, using
disposable bags, etc.

Social Distancing Participants should maintain 6 feet of distance and minimize interaction with groups at all times
unless otherwise stated. Refrain from any physical contact such as handshakes, fist bumps and high fives.

Drop Off/Pick-Up All participants will be provided guidelines specific to their program areas in regards to drop off and
pick up. In general, participants will arrive and go directly to their personal designated space. The instructor will take
attendance from those locations. At pick up, parents and guardians may arrive at the designated spectator location and
wait until their child has been called.

Avoid Shared Touch Points All shared touch points will be cleaned at the beginning of the program and immediately
following. When possible, refrain from handling any equipment other than your own personal items. Shared equipment
will be cleaned between usage.

Bathrooms and Water Fountains Water fountains will remain turned off at this time. In order to avoid having to leave
program, we encourage you to use the bathroom prior to the start of the program and bring a bottle of water.

Hand Sanitizer We recommend that you bring your hand sanitizer and use it frequently during play especially after you
touch your face, nose or mouth. The Village of Lincolnwood will provide hand sanitizer during programs.

Personal Items Keep all personal items at least 6 feet away from other participants. Each person will have a dedicated
space to keep their personal items.

Face Masks Face masks must be worn in accordance with the State Executive Order when 6 feet of distance cannot be
maintained before and after play. Face masks are not required during active play outdoors if social distancing is being

Spectators It is encouraged that parents and guardians drop off their children at the beginning of the program and
return at the end of the program. If parents and guardians choose to stay, they are only permitted in the designated
spectator location and must maintain 6 feet of distance between all non-household members.

Departure Leave your program area as soon as possible. No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. Please
do not congregating after programs.

Cleaning Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer and programming.

21    Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation Department       LincolnwoodParks       @LincolnwoodParks      @LincolnwoodPks
Village Hall is Closed on January 1st
Winter programs begin the weeks of January 4th & 11th
Lincolnwood Limits Challenge

Village Hall is closed on February 17th
Winter programs end February 20th
Lincolnwood Limits Challenge

Spring 1 programs begin March 1st
Spring break camp runs March 22nd-26th
Lincolnwood Limits Challenge

Spring 1 programs end april 17th
Spring 2 programs begin april 26th
Egg Hunt
Daughter Dance

Spring 2 programs end
Son Bingo
Pool opens

Camp begins
Summer programs begin
                                          register online at   22
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